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Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Jan 1965, p. 17

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, January 26,1965 17 » EJECTED FROM STATE CAPITOL Barry Walley, a Chester, Pa., civil, rights demonstra- tor, reads a Bible as he is lifted out of his seat by plain - clothes Pennsylvania State troopers after staging a sit-in in the Governor's reception room at the State Capitol in Harrisburg. Wal- ley, along with eight other demonstrators, was arrest- ed. The others were arrest- ed peacefully. The negroes were protesting what they called police brutality in quelling last April's Chester demonstrations. (AP Wirephoto) AO More Cadets Quit In Wake Cheat Scandal COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) -- Forty more cadets, bringing the total to 69, were reported to have left the U.S. Air Force Academy Monday in the wake of a cheating scandal triggered by an organized ring that stole and sold examination} papers to fellow students. At the same time, details of| the ring's operations were made public unofficially although not confirmed by academy admin- istrators. From cadets and others it was} learned that a third-year cadet) This cadet, the unofficial re-| port said, then recruited 10 other cadets, some of them football players, to sell the pap- ers to other students. The pap- ers apparently were copied and returned to the file before the) theft could be discovered imme-| diately. On Friday, Jan. 15, two fresh- men cadets, learned of the op- eration. They carried the infor- mation to faculty members. The current scandal and its investi- gation ensued. The figure of 40 additional stole a key and broke into alresignations to keep from fac- locker containing test papers|ing court martial was given by just prior to the Christmas mid-|a source in the information of- Some of these cadets were taken to the airport in academy) buses, the informant said. Oth- ers took bus, train and private | automobile trans portation to their homes. | No names were disclosed. The scandal is similar to that which struck the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y., in August, 1951, which saw 90 cadets, including 43 varsity football players, dropping from school. In both instances the honor code played a major role. This is the code which says that a cadet "must not lie, steal or cheat or tolerage among us any- term examinations. fice. one who does." Private Union Trusteeship, Urges Union Trustee TORONTO (CP) -- Charlesjlegal control of the maritime|to duly-elected and responsible Millard, one of two remaining/unions after an inquiry intojofficers of such unions at the) trustees governing five mari-|Great Lakes union troubles. earliest date consistent with the time unions, has suggested that) {ts chairman, Mr. Justice Vic-/national and public interest of the government trusteeship be tor Dryer of Vancouver, rey Canada." replaced by a private union'cigned recently and has not! Mr. Millard said: 'I think to) . trusteeship. been replaced. The other mem-/Some extent that date has ar- In a letter written in his pri-/per is Judge Rene Lippe, a/Tived." vate capacity to the Canadian| Montreal magistrate. | 'Unfinished business, such as Labor Congress, Mr. Millard amendments to the constitution proposes a trusteeship arranged|IS CONSISTENT of the Seafarers' International) between the CLC and the Amer-| Mr. Millard said that remo-|Union of Canada (Ind.) and in-| iean Federation of Labor-Cong-|val of the government trustee-| tegration of maritime unions, ress of Industrial Organizations.|ship would be. consistent with/could probably be handled best) Mr. Millard said in an inter-|the terms of the legislation that|under private union trusteeship, view Monday night that he be-/created the board. he said. | lieves the two labor bodies now) The act, which expires Dec.) The government trustees have) might agree on a trusteeship in}31, 1966, gives the trustees the achieved their major objectives, which Canadians would have a'responsibility "of doing alljhe said, including the bringing majority. things necessary for the return|of peace to the lakes, a collec- The board of maritime trus-of the management and control|tive agreement between the SIU tees was created in 1963 to take'of each of the maritime unions)and lake carriers and a spirit of! labor - management co ~ Opeia-| ition in the industry, Ruling Releases etre in ae tion mandate received by Leon- e ° ard McLaughlin--former vice- P l Off president of the SIU, who suc-) (o} 1Cceé 1cer ceeded the deposed Hal Banks] las president--as an indication) TORONTO (CP) -- Former|cinspiring to obtain information|that the present trusteeship's| provincial police constable Rob-|illegally from Const. George! job has ended. ert Wright, 33, was released|Scott of the OPP anti-gambling The federal government took from Don Jail Monday follow-!squad. over the maritime unions after ing a ruling by the Ontario| Mr. Justice. Moorhouse in-|violence erupted on the Cana-) Court of Appeal that he had/creased the length of the sen-|dian waterfront, centring on been wrongfully convicted last/tence for Wright because he al-|Hal Banks and his union's bat- June on three counts of brib- legedly, gave $1,000 five years/tles to control the country's sea- ry. ago to' Scott with intent to in-|men. The Appeal Court overruled a terfere with the administration, The other unions under the decision by Mr. Justice Eric/of justice trusteeship are the Canadian Moorhouse who had added 4%4| The three - member Appeal|Merchant Service Guild, . the) years to Wright's earlier sen-|Court ruled 'unanimously that|maritime locals of the Canadian tence of 18 months definite and because the offences were sub-|Brotherhood of Railway, Trans- six months indefinite stantially identical and there|port and General Workers, the) Wright had been in jail since|was only one conspiracy, he|Canadian Maritime Union and} June 24, 1963, when the Su-|could only be convicted and sen-|the National Association of Ma-| preme Court of Canada rejected|tenced once. rine Engineers. All are CLC af-) his appeal and appeals by gam-| Wright was eligible for re-/filiates. The SIU was tossed out} blers Joseph McDermott, 43,jlease from his 18-month sen-lof the CLC for raiding other| and Vincent Feeley, 38, on their|tence Jan. 1, but was detained|unions for members. conviction in March, 1962. The|pending the outcome of his ap- three had been charged with|peal. BUILD OWN HALL ial | NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP) Ps * A new fire hall, built by 7,000 Cons rac Char e A ainst: of firemen's labor, has been opened here to replace a | building in use since 1910. Three E Ar B R members from ag original 1910 jvolunteer brigade were present X- my Tass emanded: the ceremony. The tradi- jtional shiny pole -- no longer OTTAWA. (CP)--Brig. John| The case has been postponed|used--for shinnying from duty| Baxter Allan, 50, retired vice-|several times because of alareas to waiting trucks, has} quartermaster - general of the|shortage of courtrooms and be-|been incorporated into the $35,- Canadian Army, was remanded|cause lawyers sought more time|900 building's stair rail. to March 1 for preliminary|to study documents. Sor | hearing in magistrate's court; Brig. Allan is charged with, PARK ESTABLISHED } Monday on charges of conspir-jaccepting, without permission off VICTORIA (CP) -- A game] ing to accept and of accepting|his superiors, "an advantage or|preserve is to be established in a benefit of more than $8,000.)/benefit to a value in excess of|the Duck Lake area near Cres- Magistrate Glenn Strike set/$8,000 arising from payment of|ton, 350 miles east of Vancou- the hearing date. The officer, ajhotel bills and transfer of pre,ver, B.C. Conservation minister , nafive of Lancaster, N.B., is free|ferred and common shares. ofKiernan said the park will on $4,000 bail. Levy Industries Limited. . . ."!cover 11,000 acres. *T. BATON Coe 7 Smart Ways to Decorate At Sale-Low Prices ! MILIUM LINED AND READY TO HANG Damask Draw Draperies Their charm is obvious but these draves have much more to offer... they're milium lined. Milium insulates, acts as a room darkener, helps to prevent fading ond gives the drapes a graceful 'hang', at the same time. The drapery fabric is viscose and acetate with a traditional damask pattern, gold colour on beige. Finishings include pleated headings and slip-in hooks. Approx, 95" WN LENGTH SALE, PAIR For windows up to 48" wide ..cccessesessesevece 18.89 For windows up to 96" wide ..ssesessescsesecess 37.89 For windows up to 144" wide ...sccseccseseseces 56.89 FIBERGLAS DRAW DRAPES Carlotta by nome these drapes are a practical and lovely addition to any window. Made of Fiberglos, they're washable, never need ironing and ere long-wearing, too. The headings ore pinch pleated, and the hooks slip-in style. Choose white, gold colour, beige or turquoise in 63" and 90" lengths. Sizes approx. 63" LENGTH SALE, PAIR For windows up to 48" wide .. Seine 66s Gale ves 7.89 For windows up to 96" 90" LENGTH For windows up to 48" wide ..sesescessvcccseces & BS For windows up to 72" wide ..ssesseseesseseeees 15.49 For windows up to 96" wide ..ssesceseseseeesees 19.89 For windows up to 144" wide ..ccccescesseesence 39.89 SHORTIE DRAW DRAPES Room brightening provincial type print on cotton fabric. The colours are brown and nutmeg, green tones, gold and nutmeg or blue with green on notural ground. The curtains are unlined but finished with pleated heodings and slip-in hooks all ready to hang. Sizes approx. SALE: PAIR 45" long 63" long For windows up to 42" wide ...... 5.69 7.29 For windows up io 63" wide wee. ses 19 For windows up to 84" wide ......+5 9. 14.49 WASHABLE SENECLAS DRAPES Semi-sheer, light-filtering curtains in off white or beige. Styled with pleated headings and slip-in hooks. Sizes opprox. 43" LENGTH SALE, PAIR For windows up to 48' wide ..seccesserecseseses 4.99 For windows up to 96" wide .... eoeessesne 9.99 63" LENGTH For windows up to 48" wide ..cccserscessscesees 5.99 For windows up to 96" wide ..seserscesceeceeres 11.99 95" LENGTH For windows up to 48" wide ..sssceceecsesvevese 8.49 For windows up to 96" wide ..sccceeveesrevevecs 16.99 For windows up to 144" wide ..cssceescesseosecs 24.99 45" DRAPERY FABRIC It's easy and inexpensive to make your own draperies with our special- ly priced fabric. This is heavy acetate and spun viscose, solution dyed for colour fastness ond dry cleanable. Available in nutmeg, gold colour, turquoise or linen beige, SALE, yor! . . cesemiecnnceinnosete lg eae Suggested Yardage for Drapes 1 poir, 1 width x 95" length ,534 yards poir, 2 widths x 95" length, 11% yards pair, 3 widths x 95" length, 17% yards poir, 4 widths x 95" length, 23 yards 48" DRAPERY LINING Finish your dropes professionally , . . line them with this heavy quality cotton sateen fabric, It's sale priced in beige or white. i owner 25% OFF! EASY-CARE COTTON CONTOUR COVERS @ Washable covers in nutmeg, green, gold colour, brown, turquoise or tangerine. © Bed cover finished with piped seams, flat valance ond inverted pleats at corners. Reg. 19.95! 14.95 30 x 74", SALE, each . ; . 39 x 74", SALE, each @ Wedge-shape zippered bolster covers. 36' long. Reg. 5.95! SALE, each 3.45 © Zippered Pillow Shams Reg. 3.95! SALE, each ..cccicecccccseseneccs 2.95 @ Foamed plastic bolsters. 36" wedge shape. Reg. 4.50! SALE, each EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 267 -- ee EATON'S Telephone Order Service Open Monday to Saturday 9:30 a.m. fo 6 p.m. Thursday and Friday 8:30 a.m, to 9 p.m...

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