i, } | EN Sn - to anthropometric measure- a ta ete es nike Re Se a ae 9 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, January 27, 1963. "IMPORTER" WITNESS ly Lechasseur, 33, self. syed "importer" testified! t. the Dorion 'inquiry. Phe. said an extradition specizil- ist in Ottawa studied the case of bail jumper Flal Banks in efforts to halt ex- tradition to Texas of sjus- pected smuggler Lucien Rivard. --CP Pinoto $5,200 Fine, , Tax Evasion OWEN SOUND (CP)-~-Hilton Charles Lang, 33, of nearby Besboro, was fined $5,250 and costs or up to 10 months in jail Tuesday after he was found guilty of income tax ewasion. Magistrate Alan S. Stewart also ordered Lang to pay $5,000 back taxes. Lang said he had $5/000 in a bank account, but Magistrate Stewart gave him two weeks to y. gh who. pleaded not guilty, operated a dead and) disabled animal disposal business in 1959 and 1060. Peter Sims of Kitchener, in- tome tax department lawyer, testified Lang did not declare at least $14,265 income in 1960 or $4,600 in 1959. Vitamin Warming Issued By Doctor NEW YORK (CP}--Dr. C. A. Morrell, head of thie Food and Drug Directorate of the Cana- dian natidna] health and wel- fare department, warned Tues- day of "'an increasing trend to- wards the additiow of vitamins to foods for promotional pur- poses, without regard for nutri- tional need."' "The addition of vitaming to} soft drinks and candy Unterferes with proper nu tional education," he told the 'annual meeting of the New York State Bar Association's food, drug and cosmetic law section. The meeting was a preliminary to the annual meeting of the as- sociation later this week. Hospital Tactic, Dymond Blocked, TORONTO (CP) -- Health Minister Matthew Dymond indi- cated Tuesday the has reached an impasse in an attempt to re- solve the blackfisting of Wood- stock General Hospital by the Canadian Association of Radio- logists. Dr. Dymond said he sought help from the college of physi- cians and surgeons, the Ontario Hospital Services Commission, and from his own departmental] counsel ,but no solution was of- fered, The association of radiologists apparently became angered at the hospital for failing to pro- vide it with information regard- ing a breach of ethics by two association members, according to correspondence read by Dr, Dymond. Canucks Welcome Says Isle 'King' MONTREAL (CP)--The man who has been called the un- crowned king of Easter Island said Toesday that Canadian medical scientists, are welcome any time in his domain. "The Canadian medical ex- pedition has made an excellent reputation on the island," said Rev, Sebastian Englert, the no- nonsense, missionary heart-and-' soul of Chile's Polynesian pos- session in the South Pacific. His voice carrying 5,800 miles in robust, German - accented English, Father Sebastian spoke in a radio interview between Easter Island and Montreal. The 76-year-old missionary of the Roman Catholic Capuchin Order, who has been on the is- land 30 years and left it only three times, said the Canadian visitors "have dedicated them- selves to a most beneficial work." "We of the island shall all feel sad when the day of their departure arrives," he said. The Canadian-led task force is carrying out comprehensive} examination of a people unique because of their isolation, cov- ering the spectrum of medical research from bacteriology ments. HONORARY GOLFER 2 Comedian Jackie Gleason; whose TV show originates in Miami, has been granted honor- ary membership to the city's municipal golf courses. AP SUN CORN ya OZ TINS 3 9: CASE of 24 tins $4.68 -- SAVE 36 1ONA KEIFFER CASE OF 2% TINS $4.20 PEARS 2-35: STOKELY, NEW ORLEANS STYLE, RED KIDNEY Reg. price 2 tins 41e -- SAVE 6e BEANS 2-*35:. CASE OF 24 TINS $4.20 -- SAVE 720 SPECIAL! A&P CHOICE QUALITY ? 01 "EE, CASE of 24 tins $6.60 SAVE 48c HENLEY, CHOICE QUALITY CASE OF 2% TINS $5.52 FRUIT COCKTAIL 4-89. AT that Counts! SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY--RED BRAND STEER BEEF STEAKS & ROASTS R ROAST, RTERHOUSE OR WING STEAK O an SIRLOIN STEAK 79 PORTERHOUSE ROAST (3-woy cut) Ib. 896 "i's the EAT in the ME SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY--FRESH KILLED CHICKEN CUTS THIGHS -- BREASTS AS BURNS' PURE PORK SAUSAGE LEGS -- Fresh Killed Super-Right "ft CHICKEN CHICKEN rivERS 39¢ WINGS 22: SHORT or CROSS CUT TRAY PACK 2-Ib pkg rs 9. Super-Right Brand Cooked Super-Right Brand s SEMI- BONELESS vac PAC 89. TRIMMED PICKLE & PIMENTO LOAF 2 5. SO NOKED HAM tb RIB ROAST well ai MACARONI & CHEESE Grade "A" Oven-Ready Vac Pao Super-Right Quality b 3% SKINLESS BEEF LIVER Cooked and Breaded HALIBUT STEAKS » 59 Lake Nipigon, WHITE FISH »n rev bh Swift's Premium WIENERS vac PAC hee Shopsy's Smoked, Sliced BEEF & TURKEY at oxpkos 99C 8X Brand Smoked, Rindless, sete SIDE BACON TURKEYS Maple Leaf OVER 20-lbs b43¢ BOLOGNA CHUBS 2-Ib chub 6 Ye Regular or Thick Sliced for Broiling SIDE BACON smauterninptess 1b pkg 69% FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES -- ARRIVING DAILY IF YOU'RE THINKING OF SAVING MONEY Never Discount A&P Low, Low Prices CALIFORNIA SUNKIST, NAVELS, FINEST QUALITY -- SIZE 88 Special Blend C TEA 120's 99¢ dozen Henry Country Style CUCUMBER PICKLES -- 64-07. 79¢ FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS -- NOW AT THEIR BEST -- SIZE 96 Mery Low PEPPERMINT PATTIES 9--z. 39c AaaP for C PORK AND BEANS 2 20-01. 39¢ : WAX or GREEN BEANS2 Fo 35¢ CALIFORNIA -- ICEBERG -- LARGE, FIRM HEAD -- NO, 1 GRADE TOMATO JUICE au Me LE i i UC F 2 2 9: AaP ' for APPLE SAUCE 2 20-07. 43¢ x W AX' or GREEN BEANS 915<:.1.00 TEXAS CURLY LEAF -- WASHED AND TRIMMED -- NO. 1 GRADE cre 3c} SPINACH = 2.3.9: TOMATO SOUP 2 te 23¢ was A&P, MILK 3 ee 49 New Crop, Florida, Firm, Green Head, No. 1 Grade Ontario Grown, Best for Eating or Cook! IONA Strawberry or Rospberry p CABBAGE 0.1 cm &10¢ APPLES sentosx bb elobop Qe JAM 48-Oz. 99 Bradford Marsh, Washed, Grisp & Tender,No. 1 Grade Imported, Red Spanish CARROTS Hbeellobss 29¢ PINEAPPLE warce size och Qe ft ' siti eae ciel ak lie ee cia ee a ee aRe THIS WEEK'S BAKERY FEATURES JANE PARKER RAISIN PIE 24-02 SIZE Reg. price 490 each--SAVE 100 dane Parker Reg. price 280 loaf --SAVE Te BREAD «x wou war 2 r4-cr loaves 3 Je dane Parker price 390 pkg -- SAVE 4e CINNAMON ROLLS pha 3 5c dane Parker Reg. price 290 pkg -- SAVE 4o TWIN ROLLS oko 25 dane Parker, Vanilla onch 3 3-LAYER BAR CAKE dane Parker, Cocoanut Reg. price 290 phg -- SAVE fe MACAROONS mi 25e | EXTRA SPECIALS | McCormick's Reg. price 370 pkg -- SAVE Me CRACKERS roan « sure 3 eae 1.00 Purex White or Coloured ; att rhe 27 TOILET TISSUE ~ 40 pack -- SAVE 4o Scott, White or Coloured TOILET TISSUE ny vce hots Se Detergent Reg. price 790 box =< SAVE AN BXTRA Ge CHEER Ne OF DEA alt dane Be Premiunr (7 Varleties) SPECIALI CLARK'S SOUPS _ Bor tine De deil-O Assorted Flavours -- SPECIALI JELLY POWDERS | 4 sex phos AZ Shirriff's Instant price 590 pkg -- SAVE 4e MASHED POTATOES thor pho 5 Se FROZEN FOOD FEATURES PEAS & CARROTS 262539 A&P POTATOES 2-Ib poly bag Mh Je Penny Wise Beef or eg. price 59ce pkg -- SAVE 190 VEAL STEAKETTES 2 1b phos 9 Oe SPECIAL! 2 8-02 pkgs 35 Freezer Queen MAC. & CHEESE SPECIAL! JANE PARKER LARGE ANGEL CAKE ~45: REG. PRICE 880 EACH SAVE 14c Vigorous & Winey (Custom Ground) BOKAR COFFEE +81: 2 49 AtP INSTANT COFFEE«.-1.39 Ann Page Greamy Werte 3 Ze PEANUT BUTTER MANNING'S BISCUITS -.<125 99. Week-end Assortment AP) FOOD STORES As P MEANS DEPENDABILITY ALL PRI THROUGH TURDAY, SANUARY Sh, Wes ws till ley ee ee ee ee + knee mee, e&