'12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, January 27, 1965 DISTRICT NEWS Mt. Zion Reviews ¥ BALSAM AND MOUNT ZION (TC) -- Rev. T. Fleetham con- ducted the congregational meet- in Mount Zion United Church. The business meeting was preceded by a pot luck supper. : . Officers elected were: Burnett 'Jamieson and Cecil Jones, eld- ers; Grant Carson, Lorne Jones, Reg. Hoskins, Percy Jones, Irving McAvoy, Frank McAvoy, Lloyd Wilson and Allen Car- son, trustees; Donald Jamieson, 'Cecil Disney, Earl Disney, Don- ald Jamieson, Jack Empring- ham, Ralph Jones, Elmer Wil- son, Walter Pascoe, Percy cng and Les. Harbron, stew- Cecil Disney, parsonage com- mittee; Mrs. Allen Carson, pianist; Sharyn Jones: and Mrs. 'Grant Carson, assistant pian- ists; Mrs. Elmer Wilson, senior choir leader; Mrs. Reg. Hoskins, junior choir leader; Gordon Wil- on and Reg, Hoskins, auditors; Ralph Jones and Lorne Jones, nominating committee. Sunday School officers are: Allan Jones, superintendent; George Empringham, assistant superintendent; John Wilson, secretary, Ken Stickwood, assis- tant secretary; Lloyd Harbron, treasurer; Lynda Graham, pian- ist; Mary Jean Jamieson and Doreen Jones, assistant pian- ists; Mrs. Frank Coultis, cradle roll superintendent; Sheila Dis- ney, primary teacher; Doreen Jones, assistant; Mrs. Allan Carson and Mary. Jean Jamie- son, junior teachers; Janetta Hoskins, assistant; Mrs. Cecil Disney, junior intermediate; Mrs. Lorne Jones, assistant; Mrs. M. Allbright, senior inter- mediate teacher; Mrs. Elmer Wilson, young people's class; rear Burnett Jamieson, assis- int. BALSAM AND MOUNT ZION (TC) -- An interesting paper on "Women Workers of _ the Church" was given by Mrs. Jack Empringham at the meet- ing of the United Church Wom- en at the home of Mrs. Errol List Duplicate Bridge Scores Following are scores released today from the Oshawa Golf Club Duplicate Bridge Club: High Scores, north and south: Mrs. F. J. Rundle, Mrs. H. Hart, 122%; Mr. and Mrs. D. Mackinnon, 119; A. Little, R. Garrett, 177%; Mrs. R.Ruddy, J. R. Prest, 11244; Mr. and Mrs. W. B. White, 104. A. Vaillancourt, R. Davis, 140; J. Patterson, J. Miller, 136; G. Adams, K. Adams, 121; M. R. Clarke, W. Cox, 118%; Mr. and Mrs. W. Baker, 10914; Mrs. C. Wadsworth, Mrs. W. Medland, 10914. High scores, east and west: J. Bird, W. Graper, 13244; Mrs. K. Marden, D. McQuaig, 132; F. Zarowny, W. Clarke, 128; Mrs. C. Bowra, Mrs. H. Flem- ing, 122; Mrs. C. Davies, Mrs. W. Heron, 119; Miss G. Bovay, R. Morris, 110%. Mr. and Mrs. V. Saunders, 107; Mrs. A. Armstrong, Mrs. ©. Mills, 99144; Mrs. Phillips, Dr. J. R. Bayne, 99; Mrs. H. Bull, Mrs. R. Graham, 97; Mr. and Mrs. F. Burrows, 95. -|Mrs. William 'celebrate the 20th anniversary "4 Church Year (Carson. Mrs. Lorne Jones con- ducted the meeting. The World Day of Prayer will be held Mar. 5 in Mount Zion United Church. A letter from the minister at La Suez, an Indian mission, thanking the community for the donation of 20 boxes of used clothing was read. He said it was the first help the mission had received in two years. Rate Scale 'Approved By Hospital Port Perry Community Memor- ial Hospital Board, held its Jan- uary meeting at the hospital with five members present. the Ontario Services Commis- sion with respect to the approval of the 1965 budget, advisin; board that rates approve the hospital, effective Jan. 1, 1965, are: rate, $24.70; Pit at ee et oe 6 EOP ats hv NO TRUCK WITH BUS CHESHAM, England (CP)--A beer truck and a bus met travel- ling in opposition directions in a narrow lane. Each refused to back up to allow the other to pass. The truck driver made himself comfortable -- arms folded and feet on the steering wheel. The impasse lasted ee 80 minutes. A court ju blame--a £25 fine for truck driver, £5 to the bus driver. and students are quite ibnorant of the simple underlying prin- ciples of Nkrumahism," the government's Accra Evening News says. | The regime decreed that all university students report for in- doctrination at the Kwame Nkrumah Ideological Institute in Winneba: All students going to college overseas or entering one of Ghana's three universi- ties. must receive two weeks training both before and after their studies elsewhere. Civil servants and new ambas- sadors also take such courses as "the essence of capitalist ex- ploitation" and "'Nkrumahism-- theory and practice' at Win- neba. sented, as follows:. Operating account, $5,309.25; capitol ac- count, $511.19; payroll account, $9,612.23, "Nkrumahism' Decreed Class ACCRA (AP)--Thé classroom' classics of reading, writing and arithmetic are being coupled with "Nkrumahism" in Ghana's educational system. Nkrumahism is Ghana's ver- sion of socialism as expounded by President Kwame Nkrumah. It calls for tight state control of most areas of Ghanaian life. "Too many of our teacher's was suggested that the various municipalities concerned be con- tacted relative to arranging two- year appointments to the board, rather than one-year appoint- ments as exist at the present time. ' The Townships of Cartwright and Reach are to be requested to make their appointment on a two-year basis this year: Port Perry: and Scugog to be re- quested to make their appoint- ments next year on the two year basis. A further cheque of $250 was received from the hospital auxil- iary towards the payment of the oxygen and suction equip- ment. Sincere thanks was ex- tended to this organization for their continued help to the hos- pital. - Accounts for the current) month were approved as pre- for semi-private, $2.50 and $3.00; differential rates for private rooms, $5 and $5.50. These rates are chargeable. to all pa- tients including uninsured pa- tients for care provided on and after Jan. 1, 1965. Consideration has been given for sometime regarding an im- proved light for the operating room. Several quotations had been obtained, and were dis- cussed at the meeting. It was decided to have the property committee meet with a repre- sentative from the Stevens Com- pany with regard to the quota- ton on their light, This light has already been given considera- tion by the surgical staff of the hospital, and it was felt that it was the most suitable for needs required. Authorized standard ward, With regard to the appoint- differential rates|ments to the hospital board, it 1,274 Computors Tally Defences WASHINGTON (AP) -- The U.S. defence department esti- mates that it soon' will have 1,274 electronic computers click- ing off answers on everything from its total of uniform buttons to the outcome of hypothetical attles. This doesn't include hundreds or even thousands of other large or small computers used in the field by the services as part of weapons systems, like missiles and submarine naviga- tion, or in a number of re- search and development areas.|--- The military establishment' already is the largest user] among all U.S. government de- partments, including the space agency and the census bureau.! PORT PERRY (TC) -- The Letters were received from the for BALSAM AND MOUNT ZION (TC) -- Miss Diane Granam was hostess for the meeting of the 4-H Homemakers' Club. The topic 'Planning a Wardrobe and styles to Suit a Girl's Build was presented by Mrs. Cecil Disney and Mrs. Edgar John- son. Bridge Scores From 'Special' High scores of the Oshawa Duplicate Bridge Club's Jan. 11 "grand opening" special event follow: Senior section: north, south: 1. P. Versluis, C. Nelson; 2. William Coc,' J. Brady; 3. Mrs. E. Culp, Mrs. G. A. Rundle; 4. Mrs. W. J. Tim- mons, L. Peel; 5. William Clark, R. March. East, west: 1. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Barker; 2. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Davis; 3. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Baker; 4. Mrs. H. Cruwys, Mrs. C, E. Stewart; 5. Mrs. S. Sheridan, R.. Morris. Junior section: north, south: 1. William Dalstra, P. Broers- ma; 2. D McCuaig, J. Drum- mond; 3. Mrs. Rex Harper, Mrs. 'H. Wallace; 4. B. Kelly, F. Eccles. East, west: 1. Miss A. V. Drummond, Mrs, C. Nel- son; 2. Mrs. E. Bovay, Mrs. A. Dawdle; 3. Mrs. R. G. Smyth, Miss G. Bovay; 4. Mrs. A. Neil, Mrs. J. Wild. Monthly master point night, Jan. 18, A_ section: north, south: 1. R. March, Mrs. M. Kashul; 2. Mrs. R. Heron, J. F. Patterson; 3, Dr. S. P. Kandel, Mrs. E. M. Culp; 4. and 5. tie, J. Coles, R. B. Davis, P. Ver- sluis, C. Nelson. East, west: 1. F. Zarowny, William Clark; 2. P. Francis, Mrs. H. Cook; 3. S. Willis, D. McCuaig; 4. Mrs. R. G. Smyth, Mrs. C. Nelson. B section, north, south: 1. G. Adams, K. Adams; 2. Mrs. G. A. Rundle, Mrs. S. P. Kan- del; 3. Mrs. M. R. Clarke, Mrs. W. J. Timmons; 4. L. Peel, J. Miller. East, west: 1. Mrs. C. E.: Stewart, Mrs. William Mediand; 2. and 3. tie. Mrs. Rex Harper, Mrs. R. Morris; Heron, Dr. C. Ferrier; 4. Mrs. C. Chambers, Mrs. L. R. Barrand. SEEK CREW MATES EDMONTON (CP)--Three Al- berta men from the crew of HMCS Athabascan, sunk by German gunfire in 1944, are trying to arrange a reunion to of their liberation from German prisoner-of-war camps in May, 1945. Of the 265-man crew, 144 died. More than 80 were res- "NORM FI Meat Mark VAC PAK COTTAGE ROLL ™ 49¢; cued by German ships: 4 SHER'S 3 w& Sirloin T-Bone Wing Boneless 4 Steaks Roasts STEAKS & ROASTS Rump and Round Steak Country Sausage > Sliced Side Pork Skinless Wieners Lean Minced Chuck Steaks Shoulder Pork Chops ANY ONE ITEM 5 Ibs, 2 Ibs. 3 Ibs, LEAN SLICED ». 99. FREEZER SPECIAL @ BEEF e HIND QUARTERS FRONT QUARTERS No Charge for Cutting, Wrapping and Freezing. u, Sle LB. 31 PEAMEALED End Cuts by the Piece ...- q Pies tb. BACK BACON Centre: Cuts and Sliced 89° tb. 22 Simcoe St. North Norm Fisher's Meat Market > Phone 723-3732 3 IMPALA SPORT COUPE The best buy ever built- even by Chevrolet / Chevrolet even easier to handle this year. Inside is the sort of luxury and quietness that makes higher-priced cars turn a "how-does-Chevy-do-it?" green. Finally, we'll just mention self-adjusting brakes, long-life exhaust system, Delcotron generator, new Girder-Guard frame, curved side window glass, choice of 'six engines, three transmissions and 15 Magic-Mirror colors... Hey, where are you going? To your Chevrolet dealer's ? Must be something we said! Sen the difference is dramatic! And that's saying something! Styling, for instance. There's literally nothing to touch the '65 Chevrolet. That Sweep-line roof and jet-age rear deck -- don't they say, right off, here's something very, very new? So of course you won't be at all surprised --just delighted-- when we tell you that Chevrolet's famous ride is even Jet-smoother; new front and rear coil suspensions see to that. Then there's something new and great called Wide-Stance chassis design -- helps to make CHEVROLET CHEVELLE+ CHEVY IL- CORVAIR- CORVETTE C-465-B A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DEALERS IN OSHAWA-WHITBY: ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. HARRY DONALD LIMITED 140 Bond Street West, Oshawa, Ontario 300 Dundas Street East, Whitby, Ontario Phone 725-6501 Phone 668-3304, 668-3305, '668-3306 Be Sure to see B Sa over Channel 6 at 9 O'Clock Sunday Night } / Ks ' Q