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Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Jan 1965, p. 2

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U.N. SECRETARY - GEN- ERAL U THANT signs book condolences UN Hc death of Sir Winston Church- il. Thant signed the book during a visit to the British except for two statements in mission to the United Na- tions yesterday. (AP Wirephoto) Honors Churchill, Puts Off Debt Clash NATIONS (CP) -- The United Nations paused to tribute to a founding father , putting off for the mo- ment a threatened clash over peace-keeping debts. The General Assembly sched- right of reply. ments. Adiai Stevenson of the United States made the final speech, calling on the assembly to pro- tect its powers to levy assess- bers of the Security Council." larly to the permanent mem- "We support the primacy of Coenen a peace tad = ships textile firm and en MP curity and would support an in- since 1957, was named parlia- crease in its role," he said. 3 "But we seek to maintain the fenbaker as prime minister in PORT ELGIN, Ont. (CP)--An Ontario Police Commission hearing was told Tuesday that former constable George Ar- mour Taggart was threatened with violence to himself and his family during the four months he was on the town's police force. A letter written by Mr. Tag- gart to Chief Const. Charles Ri- ley last September was read by Mr. Taggart's lawyer, Richard Winter of Walkerton. It said: "T have received un- signed communications contain- ing threats from citizens from this community. . . . I have had threats of violence against. my- vo and against my three chil- en. "I have been accused and threatened and intimidated by Councillor R. J, Bell, Council- lor (Dean) Thede and Justice of the Peace Charles Drummond." HEARING RESUMES The police commission hear- ing began last month and re- sumed Monday in this Lake Hu- ron resort town 25 miles west of Owen Sound. It is investigating mainly the firing of former chief Riley, who refused to quit, | tied. the firing of Const. Taggart and the suspension of Const. Karl MacNaughton. Chief Riley later was demoted to corporal Naughton left the three - man lifted. and Const. Mac- to obey the law." Was Threatened With Violence: Policeman force afier his suspension was Mr. Taggart, called to testify in after his letter was read at Tuesday's session, Sewioendland MPP's Prepare By THE CANADIAN PRESS While three of Canada's pro- vincial legislatures--British Co- lumbia, Quebec and Ontario-- settled dow day, Newfoundland was prepar- to open a new session. lewfoundiand's second ses- said _therelsion of the 33 : was undue interference with po-|ply was b cecgunt Tueciey th lice | work is of lastlpreparation for the new session year's councillors. _|that today. The session A minority group, estimatedjpad not been prorogued last at 80 persons, have caused p0-| June because of emergency leg- lice the most difficulty by re-lislation which Premier Small- peatedly disturbing the peace,|wood felt might be necessary in being drunk and violating the Highway Traffic Act, he testi- "T had the feeling," he said,|disclosed the text of a Telegram "that the lack of respect for the|which he had sent to Prime law and for the law enforcement|Minister Pearson Dec. 2, seek- officers stemmed from the factiing implementation of a na- that they felt they did not havejtional health plan in time for British Columbia's share of the cost to be included in the prov- OTTAWA (CP) -- Opposition Leader Diefenbaker returns to Ottawa today from a 10 - day visit to his home province of Saskatchewan with obviously no thought of giving in to any pressures for. his early retire- ment. Instead, Conservative party sources indicated Tuesday, he is only beginning to fight. He has selected Theogene Ricard, as his right - hand man in Que- bec and speaking engagements in the province are being con- sidered. Mr. goo personnel man- ager of a Quebec Eastern Town- mentary secretary to Mr. Die- MP for St. Hyacinthe -- Bagot, |di now leader of the Quebec cau) cus, While in Saskatchewan, Mr. Diefenbaker made it clear he has no intention of quitting. At a testimonial dinner in Prince Albert, he urged his townsmen to join him in battle, and at a Conservative rally in Moose Jaw he pointed to a "Carry On, John" banner and said that's what he intends to 0. PRINCE ALBERT, Sask. (CP) -- Opposition Leader John Diefenbaker said Tuesday the Liberal party is in grave diffi- culty. Events in the past few weeks indicated political morality in Canada is certainly not above reproach, Mr. Diefenbaker told a press conference here. Diefenbaker's Only Beginning To Fight The fact that the prime min- ister had sent his ministers ajfor three sessions last June, directive on cast aspersions on the entire cabinet, The opposition leader asked 2 fellow|that Prime Minister Pearson|to leave the assembly, a deci- "reveal the facts about former|Sion upheld by a 54 to 24 vote. cabinet minister Yvon Dupuis' resignation from the cabinet .be- for he -- Mr. Pearson -- for- gets."" he said. ethics ince's 1965-66 a He said outside the legislature later that he had received no reply from Mr. Pearson. In the Quebec legislature, a debate on a motion to expel Yves Gabias (UN -- Trois-Riv- ieres) from the legislature was to resume today. Mr. Gabias, ordered expelled recently|obeyed the order at the time There should be a commission appointed to look fully into the department of immigration re- garding "the loose manner in which undesirables were find- ing refuge in Canada" he said. In a speech later in Saskatoon, Mr. Diefenbaker threatened to unveil charges that American money helped Liberal political campaigns in 1962 and 1963. but took his seat when the new session opened last Thursday. He was ordered by the Speaker Glesses made to £ Specielist's ain eee g. D. Fait 06 rsa se N m to business Tues-| MONTREAL (CP)--A Cana- the extradition case of Lucien) Rivard, who has been. sitting cellbound in Montreal while try- ing to avoid a transfer to a Texas jail. Efforts on Rivard's behalf to get him bail led to appointment of the Dorion judicial inquiry now investigating allegations of} a bribery attempt involving a ministerial aide of a Liberal cabinet member in Ottawa. Rivard, 49, a Montrealer, is accused in a U.S. federal grand Court Decision Near On Rivard Arrest of Rivard and three dian court decision is near injother Montrealers was made at the request of U.S. authorities following up the seizure in Oc- tober, 1963, at the Texas-Mex- jury indictment of being a king- in conspirator in the smuggling of narcotics in multi - million dollar amounts. Though postponement has fol- lowed postponement in the le- gal infighting, final arguments are scheduled to be heard Thursday on Rivard's attempt to block extradition by obtain- ing a writ of habeas corpus, which would free him from jail. Presiding Judge Francois) Caron of Superior Court says he hopes to hand down his judg- ment the same day. HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS VISIT braemor gardens Annapolis Ave.) Community For Young Moderns and So-0-0-0 Convenient -- * . ; 3 1962. He was a minister with- residual right of the assembly). 'portfolio when the Diefen- to deal with such questions if|,,:er government was defeated sessment," and added: pong Se eee ON iin 3008. cil fails to do so. th . member of Parliament for Tor- 'It is your power of assess-| 4 variety of formulas con- Pio Dh Race gla 28 onto Parkdale ment which is being challenged| tinued to circulate, meanwhile,|eartier this month called for a : ; .., and make no mistake about|:, negotiations to head off alevac., month ca 3 Churchill's death delayed for|it it is to k 4) negotiations ead off Alleadership and policy conven- 'at least a few days the e: BT al a ep OF!showdown over the debtors'|tion of Canadian Conservatives, crisis stage of the peace-keep- rei voting rights. __- |Mr. Ricard has constantly ig iseoe Russia argues that only the} Externai Affairs Minister] pjedged his loyalty to Mr. Dief- : Security Council, not the assem-|Martin, after two days of meet-|enbaker as national Conserva- Diplomats said that umless|ply, has the right to levy as-|ings here, said he planned to g0|tive leader. something unexpected develops|sessments for peace forces. back to Ottawa. "temporarily" Thursday, no showdown is} Stevenson reiterated that the|today and was taking with him GOING TO going . likely until next week. United States is ready 'to nego-|"a plan that might be of some a. rape pod wil Pg _ The crisis stage had been ex-|tiate "alternative and flexible| value." = fe "ag . 'sty Wit aa ogee to follow conclusion of|financing schemes" for future| He gave no details, except to bon cM! to Bt. Paul's Come assembly's general policy|operations which would belsay that it was not a Canadian aca His offic caid he may ote debate, which ended Tuesday|"generally acceptable, particu-|plan and that he wanted to dis-|) 'Tandon vor h tha aatiy. pom : a it with colleagues in Ot-| 9° next week. wa. A WEATHER FORECAST He praised Stevenson's state- oo Pog nares Pages ' ° ® Clearing Tonight . e * 'Continuing Cold ment highly, particularly the! ments in Quebec before Parlia- TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts|Earlton ..,... -20 15 references to the assembly's| ent resumes Feb. 16. peace-keeping powers, and said) This is being urged upon him issued by the weather office at/Sault Ste. Marie... 45 5:30 a.m.: Kapuskasing .,... -20 the whole statement "rep-lnv some of his supporters, but resents the point of view of Can- so engagements dei yet pid Synopsis: Snowflurries and|White River....... -30 snowsqualls will continue/Moosonee ... -20 ada fully." ade. On this point he is taki Martin held several meetings gga dy pe eur. Rican de with Stevenson during the two-|scribed by one Conservative day visit but both U.S. and Ca-|source as "Diefenbaker's new nadian spokesmen declined to/man in Quebec'. give any details. The Canadian} Mr. Ricard's rise to this un- minister also met with dele-|official and unannounced status gates from Poland and Hun-|came with the falling apart of sary, as proved vader geen a ancagg ag and the party's o! e ro-Asian an Que' leader, Leon Balcer, ie songs if Bio gern sy American groups. former transport minister and Cold air is being drawn in from 'Western Canada and temper- atures will fall during the morn- ® ing with very little of the nor- mal afternoon rise occurring. 'Then it will be cold tonight and 'Thursday. Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Niagara, Lake Ontario, Wind- sor, Toronto, Hamilton: Clear- a ae. Thursday sunny cloudy periods and contin- wing cold. Winds light tonight 'and Thursday. Lake Huron, Southern Geor- gian Bay, London: Mainly cloudy. with snowflurries and snowsqualls becoming less fre- quent tonight. Thursday varia- ble cloudiness. Much colder. Winds becoming light tonight and Thursday. Haliburton, Killaloe, Northern m Bay, Sudbury: Much colder. Clear tonight. Sunny with a few cloudy periods Thursday. Winds becoming light tonight and Thursday. Algoma: Much colder. Gen- erally clear this evening be- coming cloudy toward morn- ing. Thursday cloudy and cold 'with occasional snow. Winds becoming light tonight and 'Thursday. . Timagami, Cochrane, North Bay: Drifting ending by even- jing. Clear and cold tonight. 'Thursday sunny at first fol- Jowed by increasing cloudiness. Winds light tonight and Thurs- day. © White River: Clear and cold f Thursday mainly cloudy with occasional snow. Winds light. Forecast Temperatures led a special meeting for trib-| But he said the assembly's marking the death of Sit/most important prerogative "may weli be its power of as- Dr. Stanley Haidasz, Liberal oO y UrTr THE 3 LB. PACKAGE OF Blue Bonnet Prime Minister Hassan was 41. Mohammed Bokhar- Ali Mansour, left, of Iran aei, right, was seized by po- died yesterday ip Tehran of lice as the gunman. bullet. wounds inflicted six days ago by an assassin, He (AP Wirephoto) FREEZER SPECIAL SEASONED HINDQUARTERS of BEEF Cut and oli Ib Wrapped . FREE This Week's BLOCKBUSTER! Jitney Burgers FRESH KILLED Roasting Chickens LEAN PEAMEAL Cottage Rolls STUFFED Fresh Beef a. Hearts ~ Polish 9 Sausage hs. SIRLOIN, T-BONE & WING STEAK 79 BONELESS RUMP or ROUND STEAK ROAST 12 KING ST. E. 723-3633 Open Daily 8:30 -- 6 P.M, Fri. Night to 9 P.M. 12 King St. E. 123-3633 PRESSWOOD'S PURE PORK LINK SAUSAGE 2 Ibs. 1.00 PEAMEAL BACON 69: END CUTS BY THE PIECE 89: FRESH MADE COUNTRY SAUSAGE 4 lbs. Get 4 lbs. - FREE!! $1.00 ANY ONE ITEM 1.00 4 ths. Pork Hocks 8 lbs. Neck Bones 4 lbs: Rib Stew 3 lhs. Veal Paities Centre Cuis Buy 4 hs. SAUSAGE MEAT 1.00 FRESH KILLED FOWL 3 to 4 Ib. Avg. 19° FOR A LIMITED TIME... SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS ON THIS HANDY NEW PACKAGE! Contains 3 handy-shaped, parchment-wrapped pounds for easy storing, serving. Each golden-yellow pound fits the refrigerator compartment and your serving dish. The whole package Is over- wrapped In sparkling foll-- you know the margarine's fresh when you buy It! C lb BLUE BONNET 1 LB, PACKAGE OF QUARTERS Gives you real package-to-plate convenience. Unwrap one quarter, slice and serve! SRAISSSSRessss" i] ss MARGARINE! CANADA'S FAVORITE: MARGARINE ... SUNNY-SWEET, 100% VEGETABLE Blue Bonnet BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12 Noon to 2 P.M. DINNER 5:30 to 8 P.M, FULLY LICENSED DINING ROOM HOTEL LANCASTER 27 King St. W., Oshewe

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