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Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Jan 1965, p. 29

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ALLTHAT EXPENSIVE. \ STUFF IS BEING SENT TO UNDERPRIVILEGED iy PRIVILEGED ne, AMERICANS! --_ OH, HAPPY DAY!! Us MERE US, i are 1S NEXT, TWINK 15 GONNA GIVE US AN OUTST; EXAMPLE OF PHYSICAL AN! MENTAL THIS 16 GONNA BE REAL DIFFICULT FOR AN! (TILL BE A REAL TREAT FOR US ALL? A GIRL © Rg '6 NOT GONNA GAY SENoLe WORD FOR FIVE WHOLE MINUTES? 4 -- » h Fw ( UZ DESPERATELY LOOKS AROUND THE ROOM... SILKS, JADE, MOUNTED BUTTERFLIES, CANARIES SINGING HAPPILY. CerrLees ATTACK THE CPR PROTESTING HIGH FREIGHT THE LONE RANGER SOON THE GREAT SPIRIT WILL HUNTING WOLF WHEN THE REST OF THE BRIDGE WILL FALL/ D ALL THE MORE REASON 70 SEE IF THAT BRIDGE FELL BY ACCIDENT / TRAIN'S JUST PULLING IN' STAND BACK, AVA / SECRET AGENT X9 2--Butfalo 3--Barrie 4--Buftalo 6--Toronto 7--Buffalo., 8--Rochester Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel 9--Toronto Channel 11--Hamilton rence ne WEDNESDAY EVE. P. Weather, W318 9--Metro Fi 6--Viewpoint 6--Night M 5:00 P.M, V1330 Family Theatre -- ~ 8-2--Tonight 6--Nightcap 2--Peter Potamus §:30 P.M. S--Leave it To Beaver 63--Music Hop 3--National Velvet 8:00 11--Schnitzel 9--News: M H--Wrestling 9--Pierre Berton Naked City THURSDAY TELEVISION LOG 11:00 P.M, 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News 7--Afternoon Show 4--Meet the Millers 6-3--Movie 2--Mike Douglas Show Sports P.M. nal 1:30 P.M. it ll--Mid Day Matinee 9--Millionaire 4-As The World Turns etro 2:00 P.M. P.M, 9--Abracadabra 4--Password 2--Loretta: Young Show 2:30 P.M. 9--Four of a Kind 8-2---The Doctors 7--Day in Court 6--Loretta Young 4--House Party 3--Super Bingo 3:00 P.M. A.M. House iss Helen 2--Tales of Wells Fargo 6:00 P.M. 7--News Central é--Live and Learn 3--Provincial Affairs ,4--Captain Kangaroo 8:30 A.M, $--Romper Room 9:00 A.M. 9--Playtime With Uncle 9--People in Conflict 8-2--Another . World 7--General Hospital |63--The Moment of Truth 4--To Tell The Truth JOE / YOU- SHOULDN'T) HAD TO SEE BE HERE/ you! I KNOW..... 'DUT I JUST MICKEY MOUSE 2--Today, 1965 Bob! 6:15 P.M, 4~--Headline News 3-T.V. Derby | Girl Talk 6:30 P.M. aN 11-9-4-3--News; Weather ried and Sports &-2--Huntley-Brinkley | Musical | News | 10:00 7--Cheyenne uration | 4--News | 10:30 |ll--Father Ki 9--Bingo 8-2--What's |7--Trailmaste 6:45 P.M. i--Family Theatre-- 7:00 P.M. Ni--Gilligans Island 9--The Farmers Daughter 6--Richard Diamond 7-6--News, Weather. Honeymooners 3-12 O'Clock High 2--Death Valley Days 7:30 P.M. 9--Sports Hot Seat 8-2--The Virginian 7--Ozzie and Harriet 63--Nations Business 4--Mr. Ed 7:45 P.M. 6--Mr. Fix-lt 7--James 8-2--Concent 6-3--Friendly 4--Andy of W:15 63--Chez He 11:30 N--Albert J. 8:00 P.M. W--Special Movie 9--My Favorite Martian 8--Movie 7--Patty Duke 6-3--Red River Jamboree | 4--My Living Doll 7--Price 1s 12:00 8:30 P.M. 9--NHL Chicago at Montreal 7--Shindig 63--Perry Mason 4--Beverly Hilibililes 9:00 P.M. 7--Mickey 4--Dick Van Dyke Show 2--Movie 9:30 P.M, 7--Burke's Law 63--Magnificent Yankee 4--Cara Williams 6-Elwood Gi 3--Popeye ai 12:15 12:30 8-2--Truth o |7--Father Kn 3--Noonday 10:00PM. ley 1--That Regis Philbin 4--Danny Kaye Show 1:00 10:30 P.M. 9--Country Music Hall 7--M-Squad 9--December @--Matinee by |7--Dialing For Dollars | 4--Mikes Carnival \11--Ed Allen /11~Super Bingo $-3--U.S. President Inaug-| &2--Make Room For | Dada addy 6-3--School Telecasts « | &3~Across Canada 4--I Love Lucy 1}--Searlet Hill Beard Show 9--Toronto Today 8-2--Jeopardy 6-3--Butternut Square 4--The McCoys 8-2--Say When 7--Donna Reed 4--Noon News 4--Speaker of the House 9--! Love Lucy Consequences 4--Search for Tomorrow 1 4--Gulding. Light l--Lucky Score 3:30 P.M. 1i--Funny Company 9--Its Your Move 8-2--You Don't Say 7--The Young Marrieds 6-3--Take Thirty 4---Edge of Night 4:00 P.M. 11--Dennis The Menace 9--Mickey Mouse Club &--The Match Game A.M. nteriude, A.M. 7--Flame In The Wind 6-3--As The World Turns 4--Secret Storm 2--Captain Bob 4:30 P.M. 11--Woody Woodpecker This Song 9--Sea Hunt i 7--Early Show 63--Razzle Dazzle 4--Leave it To Beaver THURSDAY EVE. 5:00 P.M. AM. nows Best A.M. --Family Theatre ration 9--Five O'clock Matinee Giant 8--Superman Mayberry | &--Magilla The Gorilla A.M, 4--Five O'Clock Show lene 3--Yogi Bear A.M. 2--Huckleberry Hound Steed 5:30 P. 8--Leave It To Beaver 6--Music Hop 3--Maverick 2--Tales of Wells Fargo 6:00 P.M. 7--News Central 6--Donna Reed 2--Today, 1965 6:15 P.M. 4--Headline News 6:30 P.M. 11-9-4-3--News; Weather Right NOON jover nd Pals P.M. a rts P.M. 8-2--Huntley-Brinkley ws 7--Maverick 6--Across Canada ows Best 6:45 P.M. 11--Family Theatre Report 7:00 P.M. 9--The Munsters 8--Littlest_ Hobo 6--News, Weather Sports 4--Ba! Masterson 3--Mr. Novak 2--Bishop Sheen PLM, P.M. Bride YOUR HEALTH ROY JUST BUILT THAT IN THE BASEMENT, GRANDMA HE'S TRYING TO FIND A WAY TO FEED LITTLE LEROY MUGGS AND SKEETER Oe Fe en Ren 1065. Weld Sighs coopera, HOLD STILL, | JUNIOR ! Lf wart, BUBBA! You've GOT JUNIOR'S BLANKET GOES OUT IN THE SNOW WITH HIS SHORT LEGS... wITS HIS STOMACH THAT GETS COLD! By JOSEPH MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: What about an aortic aneurysm? Has this anything to do with heart at- tacks, or stomach trouble? -- H. G. B. An aneurysm is a_ weak place, or bulge, in an artery, and it can occur. anywhere in the body. (Strokes sometimes are the result of aneurysms in the brain.) | An aortic aneurysm is one! in the large artery leading! from the heart, | Many such aneurysms (or) aorta or other blood -vessels)| are smal] enough to require no) freatment, except to watch,/ lest they begin to grow bigger.| Many of them, in fact, are| discovered quite. incidentally, } when X-rays have been taken for other purposes. The problem is not related to heart disease. To take the, gloomiest possible view, if the! Aortic Aneurysm Needs Attention 3 rt aneurysm is large and bursts, death can be very sudden. But more realistically, many aneurysms never burst, and some of them never even cause trouble. The problem depends, of course, on how' large is the bulged, weak place, as well as its exact location. This may be in the chest or abdomen, Pres- sure from the bulge may cause pain-in the chest, arms, abdo- men or legs. Or it may cause shortness of breath, not uncom- mon,: or a cough. Remember that the aorta is a lange vessel which loops up over the heart, and then sends one big branch downward to serve the lower part of the body. DID WHAT COULD In the past, physicians did what they could to prevent rup- ture. of such an aneurysm, and otherwise took various steps to ease the discomforts, whether 60! SENT HOME FROM SAM'S BIRTHDAY PARTY HUH? Distrjpoted by King Features Synfleate, CROSSWORD AOROSS 1, Seize and hold 5.Exclama-_ 52, Journey tion 53. Tear 9.Uncommon 54. Bodies 10. German of water composer DOWN 11.Sendforth, 1.A lubricant as rays 2. Male sheep 12. Chills and 3. Dry fever 4. Species of 13. Syllable pepper of scale plant 14. Ten: prefix 6. Sleeveless 16. Spigot 18. Burned portion of acigar 20. Light cavalry soldiers 23. A garden invader 51, Kind of by boys 13, Legal science 15. Head covering jacket worn p nea NS BIL IASI IRIE MERE OME AIRIAIR INNER AMIE} (AIOT TT MEGIAISIPIETD) NIGTTIHIY] al. ; 28.Gun:sl, Yesterday's Answer 30. Minced oath 81. Astern 32, Device for causing air currents 84. Precious stone 36. Embraces 37. Diminutive of Katherine 39. Join 40. Corrodes, as metal 44, To. bog down in wet earth VAI |2 i friend 26, Chinese ay river 27. Drinking essel Y Y ve 20. Kind of joke 81, J 13 Z er Y month 83. Loose- 19 hanging point 35, A measure [THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, January 27, 1965 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individuel Championship Play) North dealer. North-South vulnerable. @ar _ @ ACES A J EQIsé EAST sett, Sazs 75 4986 99 $ 1098658 A62 @K1032 7e0r" Opening lead -- ten of dia- monds. . Whenever Sylvia learned & new convention, it became' im- possible to stop her from making use of it at the slight- est pretext. She treated each convention added to her reper- toire in much the same way as a child who receives a brand new toy and cannot stop play- ing with it until its wonders have been fully explored and exhausted. When Sylvia was taught the Blackwood convention, for ex- ample, she became so enamor- ed by it that she would make use of it on hands where even a game was doubtful, let alone a slam. A magic gadget that could tell Sylvia how many aces and kings her partner had was more than she could resist. This hand constituted one of Sylvia's earliest experiments with Blackwood. Sylvia was North and opened the bidding with a club, When South responded with a heart, Sylvia' beamed with pleasure. She re- distinct possibility of a slam, but more than that, that here 'was a wonderful opportunity to - make use of her very newest weapon. So Sylvia bid four no-., trump. When South responded five. clubs, showing no aces, Sylvia , continued with five notrump in « order to learn how many kings" South had. This was a very" doubtful bid, to say the least," but Sylvia did not want.to de- ~ prive herself of an opportunity to make the fullest use of the convention. 4 When South responded six: spades, showing three kings, Sylvia's curiosity was momen: tarily satisfied -- until she sud- denly realized that there was no . longer any way of playing the hand at six hearts. Now utterly , confused, she passed, and six . spades became the contract. West led a diamond. Declarer took it with the king, finessed the jack of spades, cashed the ace, entered his hand with a K-10, and then conceded the ace . of clubs to make the slam for a © score of 1,630 points! Six hearts . would have gone down two! Speedometers . To Be Studied OTTAWA (CP)--The govern- ment is going to make a study of speedometers and odometers on new Canadian cars, in the wake of a U.S. report which says mileage is being over-reg- istered on new cars. Odometers record the mileage on cars. A spokesman for the trade de- _|partment's weights and meas- ure division said Monday "We'll have to move fairly quickly on this." The U.S. report said odometers on some new cars were registering mileage up to five per cent above actual miles travelled. This gives the car owner the impression of improved. gasoline mileage, it expires the warranty faster than it should, it means higher profits for car rental agencies, and it means a higher payment for employees who drive their own cars for their companies on a mileage basis. SALLY'S SALLIES $8. To make 27 nervous ee vy, Y 41. Guido's note 39 highest 42. Unit of weight 43. Silent 45, Affirma- "MILL STREET" VARIETY STORE MILL & OXFORD STS. Open 7 Days of the Week . 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. 27 actual pain or coughing or dif- ficulty in breathing, if that hap- pened to be involved. Today surgery can take posi- tive action in a good many cases.. Some sufferers don't need it. But in a certain num- ber it. is now possible to use various materials. to strengthen the weakened | place. You may have heard about "dissecting aneurysms". An ar- tery has three walls -- inner, jouter and middle. With an an. eurysm, the weakness is in thé middle wall. If blood gets be: tween the inner and outer lay- ers, it gradually works its way along the artery, separating the layers. So, of course, a docto is always on guard against tha occurrence, . COLBORNE GROCETERIA Colborne St. at Church St. 728-6341 OPEN ---- DAILY 'TIL 10 P.M. Seven Days a Week © Groceries @ Fresh Fruits © Vegetables © Meats FREE DELIVERY heart, drew trumps with the, -

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