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Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Feb 1965, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, February. 5, 1965 | Powers Of Ministers | Undergo Examination # sien Mr. Sedgwick was given four crs' International Union and next. TORONTO (CP) --- Ontario's three redistribution commission- ers completed one job, had their 'ears burned by unhappy politi- OTTAWA (CP)--The federal) Ired Politicians Slap Distribution Commission now a tugitive, was permitted by ministerial discretion to re- main in this country although his deportation had been rec- ommended by 'the department. Banks later was convicted of conspiracy to commit bodily harm and fled to the United States Jast. year while out on bail appealing a five - year government shows signs of| basic questions: planning curbs for ministerial | 1. {s the present degree of discretion. the polite phrase) ministeria] power necessary? -- used here for powers of a cabi-| 2. Is the exercise of that dis- net minister, jeretion subject to pressures? In theory, the cabinet minis-| Is il practical and reason- ter wields power and Parlia- able to change the degree of ment approves or disapproves|Power and the way it is exer- after he has acted. |cised? But, in the.case of the power) 4: exercised by successive minis-|tony Wé ching ters of citizenship and immi-|0n difficult immigration c gration, Parliament rarely has) yusTRATE PROBLEM lwith a criminal record, tried to had a ciear idea of how and' Three celebrated cases illus-\get permanent residence in when the minister makes use Of|{rate the problem Mr. Pearson|Canada and was Charged with his power. lhas tossed to Mr. Sedgwick,|perjury for failure to state his Prime Minister Pearson has|who already is examining ep ne record. He -- subse- set Toronto lawyer Joseph Sedg-|aspects of immigration proce- quently left -- the department wick to work on this thorny|dure. |says he was expelled and his problem of ministerial power in} In 1954, Hal C. Banks, later| lawyers say he left voluntarily. immigration. Canadian head of the Seafar-| While the perjury charges ---- : se ; --|was pending, application was made through Liberal MP Guy Rouleau to Mr. Tremblay to ex- jercise his ministe fo permit Bonanno freedom 0: bail. It was rejected. : In another case last Harry §$. Stonehill,' an Ameri- Jury Finds Boy Insane. Not Guilty Of Murder can multimillionaire, was re COBOURG (CP)--A 16-year-|suffering from a severe case of|Canada but only after efforts old boy who claimed to see schizophrenia were made to have Mr. Trem- dead persons walking on the, Dr. Harry L. Hutchison, chief|play exercise "ministerial dis- street was found not guilty by |psychologist at the TorontO/oretion" in his favor. reason of insanity Thursday of|Psychiatric Hospital, said that) Raymond Denis, the ministe- the capital murder of his fam-|the Freeman boy, while not)pja) aide handling the Stonehill ily's 56-year-old housekeeper. | mentally defic ient, suffered! ynplicacion, was reported to Mr, Justice P. E. F. Smily or-|from a dual personality. |have asked what's in it "for me 7 Dr. Hutchison said Freeman) jo, ys?" dered that John Ryan Freeman : leviai : ? heduld in lady at the believed that television pro-| 'phe remark was taken as a e ci in close custo fa grams were eto - com-|ioke in poor taste but the dan- county jail at the pleasure of ee ar are bide im | ger of such a situation devel- the Lieutenant-Governor ae : a oping into something more se- l* Ts there a more satisfac- , of reaching decisions|D™ison sentence. is ie 8 aaea? | More recently Joseph (Ba- jnanas) Bonanno, a Mafia boss n year, rial discretion, a This week the commissioners recommended that the 108 seats jin the Ontario legislature be ex- |paned to 117. Almost every elec- \toral boundary in the province |was redrawn The next day--Thursday--the commissioners met to begin in earnest their redrawing of On- tario's 85 federal ridings, which they propose to expand to 88. In the meantime, the ruling Conservatives, opposition Liber- lals, and the New Democrats complained that redistribution would make a crazy quilt of On- \tario ridings. The non-partisan commission-| ers are independent of the On-|man, minister of reform insti- | |tario legislature and need not! answer the criticisms. | Chairman of the commission) is Mr. Justice E. A. Richard-| son of the Supreme Court of On-) tario. The two other members| are Roderick Lewis, clerk of| the Ontario legislature and the} province's chief election officer, | and' Prof. ,K. Grant Crawford, | municipal expert from) Queen's University, Kingston. | Appointed in April, 1962, the) commissioners felt urban elec-) toral districts 'should be - no} smaller than 60,000 persons, but} no larger than 75,000. The range} for rural districts should be |from Urban-rural districts from 000 to 60,000, STARTED WITH 98 Based on the 1961 census, this | 50,-| would result in no more than} 120 seats in the legislature,| --avsorbed part of its westerly neighbor, Woodbine, a New Democratic seat, and became Beachwood. Nb? LOST SEAT The remainder of Woodbine was swallowed up by Riverdale, also an NDP seat. Thus an NDP seat was dropped by the way- side. Continuing west the ridings are St. David, St. George, St. Patrick «and St. Andrew, all Conservative. At this point two ridings vanish completely--Bell- woods (Conservative) and Bra- condale (Liberal). | And the ridings assume their former names Dovercourt (Liberal), Parkdale (Liberal), High Park (Conservative), and) Relinton (Conservative). | Kelso Roberts, minister of} lands and forests, Allan Gross- tutions, and John Yaremko,| provincial secretary, held the) St. Patrick, St. Andrew and Bellwoods ridings respectively. | With the disappearance of the Bellwoods name, only two rid- ings are left for the three min- | isters. t The task of the redistribution | | commission was less ticklish in the rest of the province, where it caused only one riding to dis- appear and created 13 new ones, for a net gain of nine to the province. As it turned out; the commis- sion was able to hold the maxi- mum size of the ridings to 66,- 653 in the extreme case, and to 25,000 to 50,000, and for a minimum of 32,728 at the|bomb-test fallout. extreme. | What happens now is up to|increases might the legislature's committee on} privileges and elections, which |will begain considering the re-jecutive director of the federal|sorbed by caribou-eating Cana- distribution as soon as Premier| Nameless Graves In Bladon | Causing An English Mystery BLADON, England 'CP)--A small mystery has been brew- ing over the mention in some British newspapers of two "un- Randolph Churchill, Sir Win- The double grave, marked by stons' father, who died in 1895.) Charles Ashley Born 25 November 1856 Died 11 March 1858 Augustus Robert The youth was charged with the Oct. 18 shooting of Mildred|4"4 could hear and see. things that did not exist Crocker, a ward of the mental hospital at Cobourg who was working at the Freeman home 4 psychiatrist testified that Miss Crocker had a mental age of eight or nine. Defence counsel asked the 12-¢ man Ontario Supreme jury to deliver a verdict of not , guilty by reason of insanity.|, it Crown Attorney Geoffrey Bon-| wood or nycastle told the jury that, in| machete. view of the dence, he would support the re-| quest. p Four psychiatrists and a psy-\d chologist from Toronto testified sons w Thursday that Freeman was'ing on the street Freeman, the Alexander mother, Earlier, Mrs. youth's estified that her "As a small boy Jolin kept oy guns beside his bed to pro- Court/tect him from the vampires," he told the court. 'Now, eeps a heavy piece of drift- a BB gun or a There is always psychiatric evi- collection beside his bed." ; : dit She said her son believed that! With undetermined head injur-juntouched, but the|ies Thursday night ersons came back from ead and claimed to see per- LAOS STRONGMAN AGAIN VIENTIANE Prince Souvanna emerged today as Laos' strong- man but once powerful Deputy|chief Premier. Gen. Phoumi Nosavan|R: (AP)--Premier;coul Phoumaipolice in Vientiane commander of Siho was of athikoune accused by staff, Gen of having Ouane} com- is described as a fugitive in the|mitted his three special combat} jungle with a handful of police-|battalions and city police to} men . A sharp turn of events after|2, the week's fighting in the tiny southeast Asian fi role he held as right - wing} poet the shaky neutralist- rightist\ coalition government headed 'by neutralist Souvanna "The government declared) Ib h Premier|the city's |Wednesday's battle -- about! 000 men About 800 of these have been| i ngdom has|taken. prisoner and many have left Phoumi without the major|taken off their uniforms and) jgone into hiding All shops in Vientiane have een closed since Monday and! 80,000 population is} iding behind shuttered doors him a rebel and will arrest| him if he tries to come back,"| a cabinet minister said in an} interview The official, Ngon Sanan-} ikone, minister of transport and public works, added that the military may shoot Phoumi if he is captured. He said) Phoumi probably would be! Stripped of his cabinet post and replaced -by another right-wing politician. DOMINANT FIGURE | Phoumi, 44, had been a dom-| inant figure in the confusing struggle for power in Laos| since 1959 when he became de-| fence minister, thus controlling} the 30,000-man Royal Laotian) Army. | His rise began after he engin- eered an army coup that forced) § the resignation of Phoumi San-| anikone as prem:er Dec. 31, 1959. He also directed the mil-| itary operation in 1960 ° that) ousted the regime of Premier! ' were picked up a month ago | Souvanna. Souvanna regained the pre-) miership in June, 1962, and: made himself defence minister.| Phoumi was relegated to fi-! nance minister, losing . control) of the army Now, in a dramatic reversal! less than five years later, forces loyal to Souvanna have crushed! Phoumi's apparent bid to re gain power Government. officials claimed that Phoumi had tried six other! times to recapture contro] of! Judge Willi€ms said he was | glad it wasn'\ a jury trial EVIDENCE WAS COBRA, VIPER MIAMI, Fla. (AP) -- A 21- year-old reptile-lover and his pregnant wife pleaded guilty to snake - stealing Thursday while the fence lawyer Four boxes of. snakes, two | gila monsters, a Habu, a pit viper and a nervous cobra sat | through 'the hearing atop a | Observers | courtroom table said the proceedings moved with unusual speed Judge Gene Williams sensations that were not there} son had|'S subject to pressure. strange ideas about death andj i ('™SOC;™S was frightened of the dark a| University ho had been buried walk-|4 CO -- ia hockey game early Thursday |stoned j}peasants in Premier Prevails | General Fugitive | llice said it civilian! fell arnt evidence hissed at | the judge and rattled the de- | lrious apparently was a factor! which had 98 members at the |Robarts introduces the neces- in Mr. Pearson's decision to time redistribution was begun.|S@™Y legislation. named' babies" buried in the two flat stone' slabs within an Oxfordshire graveyard where|iron railing, lies « few yards Sir Winston Churchill lies. from Lord Randolph's grave. A review of the parish regis-|Until recently it was so over- ter shows that the children--|grown with ivy that the inscrip- whose Christian names only ap-|tion was completely obscured. pear on their grave--were in|One day a_ verger, clearing face Spencer-Churchills, They|away the undergrowth, found a were sons of the sixth duke of|metal plate between the two Marlborough and there-jheadstones which records the fore younger brothers of Lord/following: Born 4 July 1858 Died 12 May 1859 Miss Ethel Savill, who has lived for most of her 72 years in Bladon and with her sisters, Miss Mary and Miss Edith, has made a lifelong hobby of the history of Bladon and its church, told a reporter that while the grave gave no indi- cation of family relationship, "we know from an old news- paper cutting that they were) younger brothers of Lord Ran- dolph. Spencer-Churchill." The register bears this out. Rey. John Fearn. curate of St. Martin's Church, said in an in- terview that almost every page of the parish register during the 1850s and 1860s showed children dying, probably as a result of epidemics Lord _ Randolph ing caribou. Churchill, who was only 45 when Scientists have said repeat-jhe died, would have. been six edly that the reason caribou|when the elder of the two chil-) meat--and that of reindeer, too|dren was born. | --is high in bomb-test fallout! Mystery still remains as to concentration is that these an-jwhy only the first names were imals eat lichens which absorbjinscribed on the tomb. Specula- Energy Commission. They re-|fallout like blotting paper tion in the village has long re- vorted increases ranging up to! Thursday's report was made volved around the 19th-century 200 per cent above levels found|in the Technical Science Jour-|custom that if a gravestone car-| in 1962 for the average, "body-|nal, offical weekly of thejried only Christian names and burden" of Cesium-137, one' Of|American Association for the|no surname, the occupant may. the radioactive components of|Advancement of Science, by|have been illegitimate \four General Electric Company|-- said further|scientists at the AEC's Hanford occur during|Laboratories, Richland, Wash.| A similar report about a ris- Paul Tompkins, ex-|ing leve! of Cesium-137 ab- Radioactivity litrionin In Bodies Of Eskimos constitute any appreciable health hazard--or to justify any recommendation that the Eski- mos be ordered to give up eat- WASHINGTON (AP) -- New and sharp increases of radio- active fallout in the bodies of northern Alaska Eskimos were reported Thursday, They were) ascribed, as in earlier reports, to their favorite diet, Caribou! eat The report was made by four scientists working under con-| tract for the U.S. Atomic) The scientists Continental STEAM BATH and MASSAGE 16A Ontnrio St. 728-2460 725-2109 1965 But Dr told a reported ' in-jhealth department re-|dian Eskimos was made by. the in Ottawa council the radiation porter that creases are still too small t0;two weeks ago. New Low Cost Enhanced Protection offers level basic protection Adaptable for Family, Business and Estate Purposes ROGER MORRISON PLEASE CALL Bus. 728-9427 Res. 725-9103 NORTH AMERICAN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY have Mr. Sedgwick examine) The commissioners also hoped|~ |whether ministerial discretion to include the whole of any one municipality within a_ single -\electoral district. This they managed to do, although in some cases rural-urban ridings took on the appearance of half- moons surrounding municipali- ties. Hockey Player 'Still Critical' HAMILTON (CP) -- Norman The commission presented an Dabbs, a 19-year-old McMaster/interim report in December, divinity freshman, 1962, dealing mainly with subur- remained in critical condition)ban Toronto. The city was left representation in the suburbs within the boun- The Orillia youth has been injdaries of Metropolitan Toronto ma since he collided head-|was raised to 16 from six on with another player during! In the general election of Sept The other player was in- for 108 members instead of 98 jured The next year. the commis- Son of a missionary who was sion tackled the rest of the prov- to death by Bolivianjince. Perhaps its most difficult August, 1949, the|chore was dividing the city of youth was one of a group of/Toronto into 10 ridings, where residence students who rented|13 had existed previously. Dundas Arena for an hour for Critics of the redistribution an informal hockey game. Po-|report say that what the com- not 25, 1963, Ontario electors voted}, was shortly after|mission apparently decided to midnight when Dabbs crashed|do.was to take away one Tor- | heads with another player and/onto seat from each of the three unconscious and bleeding/| political parties from the mouth Beaches--a Conservative seat E REDUCTION IM OPTicq, ye gntht TOpy | sen- | tenced Joseph Littlepage to a | His « wife, and two weeks overdue. was sen- tenced to 'time already served." She has been in jail since Jan. 6 Littlepage and his 'pregnant wife in Sarasota, Fla keeping company with a skunk 2-pound rat full of turtles With a 15-year-old boy manager, they planned as to start their own serpentarium | in the Everglades "T would ask the court the evidence.' te to have to the army before his last effort Wednesday was smashed in 10)- hours of furious street fighting Military sources said at least! 60 persons were killed in the abortiye revolt and uncounted others wounded Army units combed the coun- tryside toay for some 300 men Jed by Gen. Siho Lamphouta COSENS & MARTIN Insurance 67 King St. E., Oshawa All fines of 728-7515 Insurance Res: 725-2802 of 725-7413 sev- | eral alligators, 100 snakes, a | and a hathtub | \clerk to tag all KRYPTOK ULTEX FLAT-TOP $17.50 $17.50 $17.50 COMPLETE WITH FRAMES LENSES THIS WEEK OMLY !!! To everyone and anyone whe needs or wears Bifecel Glasses: here is the most sensations! offer of all times. For THIS WEEK ONLY you can boy the finest choice at the ONE LOW PRICE of $17.50. 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM ments. Select from 2 wide assortment of frames, the one designed especially fer your taste, personality and facial contour. King offers the Lowest Prices and the ALL GLASSES ONE LOW PRICE AND BIFOCAL THE MOST OUTSTANDING OFFER IN OPTICAL HISTORY Mationel Branded first quelity | lenses complete with the frame of your Chocse the bifocats that pou want and only you need for YOUR special require- Highest Quality at one low price, Won't yeu compare... . comparison proves. SALE POSITIVELY ENDS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1965. | GLASSES WITH SINGLE VISION LENSES. ...sriLL omy 911.95 | |. MO APPOINTMENT MECESSARY Pm 4 ELECTRICAL Sub-trade prices required benks and manheles et W. ity Institution. R. C. Eagleson in T G..M. 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