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Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Feb 1965, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, February 10, 1965 "he, THE GENERAL MOTORS Trophy, premier award of the OGC two-day bonspiel, 2 ae was won by this rink from Scarborough Golf and Coun- try Club. Seated is Mrs. A. are Mrs. THE DONALD - TRAVEL Trophy, top award in the (front)--Mrs. A. G. Vance, skip and Mrs. §S. C. Smith; OUT-OF-TOWN ENTRIES WIN THREE OF FOUR EVENTS AT GOLF CLUB N. Burns, skip of the win- ning rink and left-to-right W. C. Atkinson, ANOTHER RINK from the Scarborough GCC made it ONTARIO MOTOR Sales Trophy was won by a rink from Oshawa Golf Club. Shown here are the mem- bers, left-to-right, Mrs. Fl- gin Munday, skip, and Mrs. Doug Calhoun; (standing) Mrs. Gordon Lofthouse and Mrs. Lee Rolson. They won out over a rink of clubmates, in their final game. --Photos by Oshawa Times Mrs. J. E. Millen and Mrs. A. R. Hibben. PORT ARTHUR (CP) -- A round-robin tournament to de- clare a 1965 Ontario women's curling champion ended Tues- day in a two-way tie for first, forcing a sudden-death playoff. Vivian McDougall of Sudbury and Fern Irwin of Toronto. will meet today to decide the pro- vincial representative at the Canadian final in Halifax start- ing Feb, 22. Each finished with 4-1 records. It was a three-way tie for first going into the fifth and final round of the six-rink tour- nament Tuesday with Aileen Kelsall of Niagara Falls in contention along with the Sud- bury and Toronto Rinks, all with 3-1 records. Mrs. McDougall came through with a 12 - 10 victory over Jennie Walsh of Kingston and Mrs. Irwin, the 1962 pro- vincial champion, knocked Mrs. Kelsall out of contention with Sudden-Dea For Silver D' Title * a In the other fifth-round game, Effie Hezzlewood of Oshawa defeated Elsie Forsyth of Port Arthur 10-8. Mrs. Kelsall finished with a 3 - 2 won - lost record. Mrs. Hezzlewood was next with 2-3. Mrs: Walsh and Mrs, Forsyth the 1960 champion, were last with 1-4, In the fourth round Tuesday morning, Mrs. Forsyth got her only victory, an 11-5 triumph over Mrs. Walsh. Mrs. Kelsall stayed in contention with a 10-5 victory over Mrs. Hezzlewood. Mrs. Irwin was alone in top spot with a 3-0 record going into the fourth round, but lost to Mrs. McDougall 9-4. An Ir- win win there combined with a Kelsall loss would have given the Toronto rink the title. Mrs. Walsh gave Mrs. Mc- Dougall a scare in a fifth-round game scoring a ninth-end triple to be down 11-10 coming home. an 8-5 win. With her final rock, Mrs. Walsh NEW YORK (AP) -- This will come as a great shock to Al Lopez. Whitey Ford is worried about his left hand being too dry. When Ford pitches against SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' DID YOU SEE IT? That was the question on the lips of nearly a thousand local hockey fans, after they finally got home from the Civic Auditorium last night, where Oshawa Generals eventually defeated Hamilton Red Wings 9-3 and thereby hightened their chances of finishing in a playoff posi- tion. When the question was asked -- Did You See It? -- there was a variety of answers, ranging from Do You Mean The Hockey Game? -- to -- Do You Mean The Fight? It took 'em over three hours instead of the usual two, to play last night's schedule fixture, due to the interruptions and these were certainly varied. They had what is believed a record in penal- ties, in minutes, over 200 minutes of sin-bin time in the first two periods. They had one of the longest free-for-all donny- brooks in many a day and this was only the '"'main event" -- they had a flock of other preliminary fights on this card, both before and after the "feecha". In all, they had 232 minutes of penalties and on top of thai there was the odd time -- out for injuries. Blood flowed on several occasions. xX xX x x RON BUCHANAN'S return to action was the spark the ;Generals needed. He scored three goals and set up a couple |more, as Generals Snapped their five-game losing © string. | Bobby Orr scored his 29th and 30th goals. The current issue skip, is seated in centre and behind are, I-to-r, Mrs. Don third event of the bonspiel, (back)--Mrs. R. D. _ Rich- to the prize table, for top Scott, Mrs. Edward Darl- f Macl ec aceine a! te eae as f h was won by this rink from ards and Mrs. John Mathi- prizes in the Consolation ington and Mrs. Thomas |° Maclean's carries a front cover in color, showing Bobby Richmond Hill. Left-to-right, son. Event. Mrs. Arthur Severs, Desson. |Orr scoring against Hamilton -- but that was taken some weeks ago. It could have been snapped again last night. In- GENERAL MOTORS TROPHY |side, the magazine carries a full-page picture of the Oshawa star, a dressing-room shot and alongside is Trent Frayne's story, telling about "hockey's best bet for NHL future star- dom', They were selling the "mags" like hot cakes, last I e e Scarboro 'eo | 1eS lI } | night at Civic Auditorium and Bobby responded by making \both the writer look good and the magazine happy, as well as | pleasing his large contingent of hometown rooters. O.G.C. Two-Day Bonspiel | rvs: :vies isd oc a the dismal outlook today, this doesn't seem much like the time to talk softball-- but then if an Association wants to get The Oshawa Golf Club's; Another Scarborough rink, UAW A ole Fined | ONTARIO were are TROPHY | oady for the big annual OASA convention, which is in Pe- @Ladies' Section) annual Two prio any Se Des-| srs. Syd Hopkins, Mrs. L. Elson, " |pprs. A. Severs 10: Mee, A. Vance. 7, terborough this year, on April 2-3, then they must first elect j . i F : ; : | ee ee ee Slee, Bis. Basa Decngion, Me ee sbins, Min BL Roel! |Mrs. A: Morison 7; Mrs. M. Murray 3:/their officers and name their delegates to the convention. last night in a blaze of color,)Mrs. Don Scott and Mrs. Arthur) M's ae ' Mrs. Fordham 13; Mrs. G. Lyon' 2.1 6 : j i A h vent finals|Sev ki t the Con-| **i? 9% Snip Mrs. Robinson 10; Mrs. A. Charr 2.|That's exactly what the Oshawa City and District Softball As- with four trophy event finals|Severs, skip, captured the Con j | linn te i i SCARBOROUGH THORNHILL = Mrs. Holland 7; Mrs. W. Wilson 5. sociation wants to do and President Charlie Russell has called occupying the four centre sheets|solation Event finai, with a 14-3) Mrs A. Hibben, Mrs. J. Barnes, |Mrs. B. Root 12; Mrs, E. Reed 11 s 10 t and a huge gallery of avid spec-|win over Miss Doreen Dobbie's| Mrs. J. Millen ie > mute: Second Round a meeting for tonight, 7:30 o'clock, at the Oshawa Children's j | ; 5? r . Atkinsor 3 tators, keenly watching the re-| Whitby fee ge Miss Dobbie's|Mrs. C- stk Hagia eg 1g LCE Le RR Nclag MN eeR a 8 2Arena. All teams interested are urged to have a representa- sults of every shot. rink included Mrs. B. Mewett,' skip 6; skip 5.\Mrs. Munday 8(W); Mrs. Fordham. 8(L).| tive on hand Top honors, The General/Mrs. L. MacFarlane and Mrs UNIONVILLE AVONLEA Mrs, Goulding 7; Mrs. Morison 6 7 irs izes,|H. t Mra R. McTavish, Mrs. W. Constable sei x x x x Motors ye ~~ sgl 4 peane: aa Mrs. Wm Fleming, Mrs. T. Sellers, Mrs. Munday " snes Goulding 5. . 1. ] ; : et 4 e +p Been e€ ante Bonspiel convener, Mrs.| Mrs, M. Roberts, | Mrs.'R. Staughton,/ars. A. Robins 9. Mrs. Holland" 8 BRIGHT BITS: -- Oshawa Ukrainians are going to enter orou, olf and Country Club,| ! G Mrs. K. Jewitt, Mrs. A. Charr, ' ; AGES . <a . See ot Peta Lg gl ee Pa ag ve be ahs 3 Le TROPHY: FINAL a team in the semi-pro National Soccer League this season, Mrs. J. E Millen, Mrs. W. C eae she had put -so much, RICHMOND HILL OSHAWA GOLF Mrs, Munday 12; Mrs. A. Robins 7.. They hope to have an 1l-team group, with Windsor Teutonia, 4 igh eta .. if aaa - " 3 s' ley, j fick . j aw Ikre 'Atkinson and Mrs. A. N. Burns,|njanned.effort,. since she iv alve, Mo Ras; Ma, W ect DONALD TRAVEL TROPHY Kitchener Kickers, Sudbury Italia and Oshawa Ukrainians skip. member of the Oshawa Golf|M's. A. Gibson, Mrs. C. Lancaster, First Round already definite entries while London and St. Catharines are ; Mrs. R, Austin, Mrs. E. Reed, Mrs, G. L 10; Mrs. R. Ritchie 9) ' , eh pone They defeated the "dark|Club rink, currently represent-\"Skip 9; skip 4./Mra, A. Vance 7, Mes, W. Wilson 5 Possibles. . .. GABRIAL KOROBKOV (you don't know him?) horse" Manitoba entry from/ing Southeastern Ontario in the a a Mrs Murray BE Mrs E. Reed 2 coach of the Soviet track and field team, now with his ath- Wildwood Curling Club, of Win-|All-Ontario championships atiy,, g Black 8: Mrs. Goulding 6) . ek letes on a tour of U.S., got the big blast from a Russian sports nipeg, 10-4. This bonspiel was| Port Arthur. However, two large | bars. Malcolmson 9; Mrs. E. Munday 6.\., PP aa dri Murray 3| Magazine, because of the poor show (?) his team made run on a points system and total/groups, members. of the Social|Miss 0. Cobbie 7; Mrs. Paterson 6.10 AY Vonce 9: Mrs. G, Lyon. 4 eres + Los Angeles in July and Ghen al Tokyo point results are not available.|Committee and House Commit- Mi p" Acctin 5. Ma A Rauns 3 iniae aii against U.S. teams at Los Angeles.in Jub eee na onag: : The. Winnipeg rink was com-jtee, together with the other|Mrs. A. Burns 9; Mrs. R. Ritchie 3 HOS eae a oe 4 Looks as if you have to win em all, or head for the sa prised of Mrs, L. Brown, Mrs.;members of the Bonspiel andj Third Round at dustladNe As inl ee alia mines! . . . BRUCE KIDD, having recovered from an opera- G. Styles, Mrs. D, MacLean agin tog saga Pg the mrs, K. Jewitt 8; Mrs. Malcolmson 6 CONSOLATION EVENT tion on his left heel, in early December, is now planning an- Mrs. D. McCunn, all skips injball" to make this another out-/Mrs. Maclean 7; Mrs B. Black 6 First Round sai A eer = sc ; - DM sinh: Wks act ean|standing event for the Golf Club/M's' A. Burns 15; Miss D. Dobbie 3./Mrs. A. Severs 11; Mrs. Morrison 3 other stint under the knife, to perfect the job of removing eir own club. Mrs. 3 -- " bb hee Mrs. A. Austin 8: Mrs. Paterson 4.'Miss D. Dobbie 6; Mrs. Maicolmson 5./bone and scar tissue . . . CANADA'S national hockey game and Mrs. McCunn took turns Ladies Section. oe Mrs, RRHehie 8 Mie Reed 8 ie eit Gacniah Fusisen Glib, 9:1. in thel skipping their games in this Semi-Finel Mrs. B. Black 7: Mrs. J. Paterson 6|SWamped the touring West German Fuessen Club, 9-1, in ir § a THE GENERAL MOTORS TROPHY [Mrs. A. Burns 9; Mrs. A. Austin 5.\Mrs Fordham 10; Mrs. S. Robinson 4 exhibition game ,last night in Winnipeg. spiel. First Round Mrs, MacLean 9; Mrs, K. Jewitt 6./Mrs. Wilson 12; Mrs. B. Root -- 8.| , ? ia iia eee oe TORONTO CSCC OSHAWA RINK CLICKS Mrs. J. Lanskail, Only 'first prizes'? and trophy mrs. P. Ferris, to remain in Oshawa, were Mrs. D. Malcolmson, claimed by a rink from the host'M's, 7. Malcolmson club, consisting of Mrs. L.-E.| zor Granite. Rolson, Mrs. Gordon Lofthouse, |Miss M. Denby, Mrs. S. Doug Calhoun and Mrs. Mrs. V. Kershaw, Elgin R. Munday, skip. Mrs. Ey Bichords, TAM-HEATHER Mrs. W. Wallace, Mrs, R, Holl, Mrs. G, Trent, Mrs. M. Murray, | skip $.} SCARBOROUGH | Ars. Wm. Derry, | Mrs. E. Darlington | Mrs. 5. J. Cooper, Mrs, A. Burn Mrs. J. Paterson, Mrs. G, Lyon, Mrs. Munday skipped her rink) skip 8; «kip to victory in the final match of WHITBY OSHAWA GOLF Mrs. J. Grewar, the second event, for The On-| M's. 'g Beja ee ON Mie a eee Over 600 -- Jack Laverty 804 (315, 251,|Watson 247, Roy Mann 241, John William. tario Motor Sales Trophy, de-|Mrs. H. Bonneta,, Mrs. M. Jenkin, 238); Bill Keenan: 783 (306, 291); Rick|%0" 236 227, Sadie James 229, Archie feating a rink of Golf Club/Miss D. Dobbie Mrs. F. Fordham, wilson 703 (301, 210); Tom Barclay|Bruce 220, Pat Weggler 215, Olga Mc- mates, Mrs. Erle Anderson, -- '*i? 12; + skip Sea. St, Terean Mee CO ee ee ae Rely Mrs. Syd Hopkins Mrs. Frank|,, OSHAWA €.C. SCARBOROUGH 21, 295), Tamara Collins 678 (281, 271);| ea 2 Gent Curl 205, Eve Clark T RIFIC i] 's. Sy pkins Mrs. lites, Gann Mrs. C. Bulmer, * 5 * 3 1203 and Helen Anderson 203 a Black. and Mrs. "Ab" Robins,/Mrs. G. Tresise, Mrs. T. Desson skip, by a score of 12-7 ee Can Mes. D. R. Scotty 'iris Fowler 487. (267, 216); Bob Clarke|Beatles 4, Spitfires 0; Hi Jinks 3, Hi Both Golf Club rinks qualified)™',,> 90!7'"9, . PvETS, 450 (258, 205); Bill Smith 645 (245, 201);/Balls 1; Atoms 1, Twisters 3; Rol'ing pend : wiped Cyril Weeks 615 (253, 216); Cassie Morri-/Stones 4, Swingers 0 | for the finals in this event by osnawa cc. TROPHY FINAL 10; Mrs. MacLean, 4, OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS -- WIRE AND HARNESS LEAGUE Team standings -- Gay Six 2 and Head Pins 2 Bob Strutt 672 (336); Henry Lee 670 (269, 211); Harvey Singular 663 (228, 224, 211); RICHMOND HILL |son 603 (239) and Maurie Shorten 604 - Audrey Burrill 263, C. Dub-i Acres 253, B E. Atkinson (249, 217), liffe 246, S. Bill 236, B, Myers 225, E. Rob- inson 222, T. Mclvor 219, Bruce |Harding defeating friendly rivals from|Mrs, D. McMillan, Miss K. Matheson, | (234, 203) ' s . . Mrs. R. Kinton, Mrs, D. Richards, the Oshawa Curling Club, ince Oke, Mes emien A Se de , semi-final play, Mrs. Robins|Mrs 6. Black, Mis A. Vance, IMA. 281. over Mrs. Wm. Holland and) skip 12; skip Mrs. Munday over Mrs. "'Gi"| OSHAWA GOLF WHITBY 'Go ldin i Mrs. L. Rolson, Mrs. J. Ledden, 218, G. Keenan (218, 208), uding. Mrs. G. Lofthouse, Mrs. W. O'Donnell, K. Solomon 213, L In the third event, for The|Mrs. D, Cathoun, Mrs. G. Lindsay, ve r y, Mrs. Mrs. €&. Munday, Mrs. A. Morison, 'ers, Rolling Stones, High Jinks. and Avert G. Vance of Richmond) =? % sin 6| MOTOR CITY Min LaABUE |Setrerew 16 HI SalN # | visit th Hill skipped her rink to a 15-6 11:00 O'CLOCK DRAW Minne rene Ueaee THE triumph over Mrs. A. Cherry eter ece. | PEG. resento CSCC | ro0's were: Bud Morey 736 (305, 216, Piaf > hg adi tan oly int Ge Sar ex cals 46 SEEK Fame % | s J vs. runton, (215); Doug Smith 729 (267, 212, 250); Josie 2 4 % < entry from Toronto Avonlea. |mrs. G. Styles, Mrs. R. Browne, Westlake 710. (280, 213, 717) and. LeoniDridge 221, Jen Thompson 218, Barb The winners were Mrs. JohnjMrs. D. Maclean, Mrs. J. Grant, Davey 703 (278, 254 Quensel 212, Pearl Anderson 211, Eva Clarke 215, B. Cal- der 213 and Roger Demers 204 667 (218, 236, 213); Curly Jackson 653 (257,|4nd Misfits 8. Jamieson 652 (237, Mathison, Mrs. R. D. Richards,| "5,0. McCunn, |." Mrs. S. Robinson, | son's were: Mrs. &. C. Smith and Mrs. A. G.| 760 esanires, onuawa Vance, skip." Runners-up were|Mrs, h. J. Reiner, Ma Re icc, (eeenakarehuk., 670 'Mrs. W. Constable, Mrs. Ted|Mrs. F. Stoniey," Mrs. J Souch, | ' sf rs >. Weller, Mrs. EF. Rose, seg Mrs ship Staughton and) yt n° Ritchie, hin Walon. Ie Mee F . Charr, . skip 8; skip 4.\Norris 4523 (237, 256); Laure McKinlay tion, | Lucky Strikes 5,/206); Don McDonald 622 (238, 211); Marl 6 Flyers 4, Hi Balls 4, Jesters 3, Alley Cats Ford 612 (232, 212); Reg Norris 609 (246) 3, Go-Getters 3, Hi-Los 2, Pin Pickers 2,|and Flo Litster 600 (209, 243) | Consolation Final j Mrs. A. Severs 14; Miss D .Dobbie 3.| "aaa (225, 230); Ross Westlake 434 (240, 200's were: Ella Long 275, George . {Gary Mitchell and Don Craggs .». THIS SENSATIONAL LOW PRICE | Al's Chicago White Sox, Lopez | often suggests the New York Yankee lefthander has too much moisture on that left hand, In fact, Lopez comes right out and says Whitey is throwing a spitter. Ford said Tuesday, when he signed his $60,000 contract, tops in his career, that he no longer perspires -on the left side of his upper body after | WHITEY FORD IS WORRIED, HIS LEFT ARM GOING DRY undergoing surgery last No- vember. "IT have small hands, I do really have to have a little moisture on the hand." He shrugged his shoulders and smiled. "T guess I'll have to rub my hands together or some- thing." Ford went to Houston in November for an operation to remove an arterial block- age in his left forearm. The ace southpaw said he had no feeling in the arm after pitch- ing the opening game of the 1964 World Series in St. Louis. "It feels fine now," he said. Industrial Loop | Doubleheader | At Bowmanville Arena, Keith! Peters Realtors downed Inter |City Press 7-5 and Hughs' Kings edged Gus Brown Motors by ithe score of 6-5, in the Oshawa Industrial Hockey League's weekly double header. YAHN PACES PETERS "Buddy" Yahn, who came 'back in his usual form this week, 'ed Keith Peters to their win over Inter-City with two |goals andya pair of assists, one lof his goals being on a penalty |shot. | The rest of the scoring was |handled by Norm Cormier, Ernie Laundry, Junior White, Roger McKnight and Cletus |Aubie, all with singles. | For the losers, it was "Rock-| jet'? Smitn with two, Ed Archye,! 'Robbie Mason and_ Charlie /Love wit singles. | KINGS BEAT BROWNS | Brian Hall and Don Ascott led Hugh'sKings to their close win over Gus Brown Motors, iscoring two goals apiece, while |Bob Rogers and Brian Wright scored singles, For Brewns, the big gun was Eric Smith with two goals. and one assist, while Dan Price, |added singletons. This game was one of the better contests this year and featured close-checking, plus lhard hitiing, right up until the Major Track Meet | Planned For June TORONTO. 'CP)--Officials of the central Ontario branch of the Amateur Athletic Union of Canada are planning a major international track meet for Toronto in. June which will feature a half-mile race be- jtween Bill Crothers of Mark- ham, Ont., and Peter Snell, New Zealand's great runner. The meet, which will be held between June 7 and 12, was dis-| cussed Monday night 'after the! AAU's annual awards dinner at; which Crothers was honored as| Canada's top AAU athlete of! 1964 and the country's top track! and field athlete. FOR MORE SPORT TURN TO PAGE 29 The New Zealander captured, gold medals in the 800-metres| and 1,500-metres events at the) h Tilt tried for a double take-out on two Sudbury rocks, but got only one to give Mrs. McDougall one point and the game 12-10. Mr. Irwin also had trouble in her final match, finally beating Mrs. Kelsall 8-5. Two down coming home, Mrs. Kelsall got two rocks in scoring position, but Mrs. Irwin drew in for shot rock and the Niagara Falls skip just grazed it in her attempted take-out. Neighborhood | Dart Results The following are the re Sults of games played February 4, in the Neighborhood Dart Association: Fernhill 4, Wood- view No. 2, 1; Woodview No. 1, 4, Rundle No. 1, 1; Southmead 3 and North Oshawa 2. Doubles -- D. Taylor 2, 8. Harmon, M. Muir, L. Shortt 2, L, Rae 2, M. Rae, D. Rae 2, D. Crawford, P. Andrews, J. Houston, M. Wilson, E. Ford 2, N. Pullen, T. Emm, E. Major 2, G. Waite 3, O. Twine 2, T. Twine 3, M. Smith, 5° Smith, D. Young 3, F. Young and E. Smith. Baseball] 1. Inning -- D. Young 5 and M. Wilson 5. High 3 Darts -- T. Twine 118. BRIGHT ORANGE Field tests prove that bright orange is the safest color for hunters according to the De- partment of Lands and Forests. 1965 LICENCES For Cars Available At HARRY DONALD rp. Dundas East - Whitby OPEN DAILY UNTIL 5 P.M. SAT. TILL 12 NOON | WHEN AT THE | CANADIAN | | BOAT SHOW Visit BOOTH M-23 for all your MARINE SUPPLIES Exclusive || OSHAWA: DEALERS for @ EVINRUDE @ GREW @ CRESTLINER - OSHAWA | YACHTHAVEN LTD. 723-1901 final whistie. TOP SEVEN SCORERS Buddy Yahn (K.P.), 38; Bob) |Burke (L.C.),. 33; Dan Price] |(G.B.), 21; Robbie Mason (I.C.), 129: Gary Mitchell (G.B.), 26; | Brian Wright (H.K.), 19; Bob { Solomon (G.B.), 18. "PLAY GOLF «+ KING WEST GOLF CLUB 100 Thornton Rd. N., Oshawa 9 Holes Excellent Greens -- Well Trapped Membership Available 110% Reduction if paid by Mar. 15 lo ae LARGEST SELECTION OF The G. B. COMPANY Bus. 723-3961 FOR THE TROPHIES FOR ALL SPORTING EVENTS AND GIFTS IN EASTERN ONTARIO 256 Dean Ave., Oshawa Phone George Fuller Res, 725-2062 728-1601 HAVE GUN MINOR AND MAJOR REPAIRS 728-1601 WILL GREASE ALL MAKES AND MODELS JOHN T. MARKOVICH, Proprietor Oshawa Esso Service Centre KING ST. WEST at PARK RD. \Org Office Groups, etc., |ask about Group Membership Plan. Information--7 23-6101 Team Points Scarecorws 3, Spots 1; | Effective Thurs. Feb. 11th Only The Beatles won the second section! with 24 points i Team standings Beaties 24, Spots 23, | Gibson| atoms 1, Twisters 3; Rolling Stones 4, J. Ol-| Swingers 0. | The Beatles won the second section 24 \with 24 points. | | Team standings -- Beaties 24, Spots 23, Atoms 20, Twisters 20, Spitfires 17, Swing- 1963 B. Wilson only. McCabe 210 and Elsie Bathe 203 240); Vij Maples are winners of the second sec-/ 140 BOND WEST LIMITED 4-DOOR SEDAN This cor hos been serviced and maintained by us since new. Special low price effective Thursday $1495 Serving Oshawa and Area Over 40 Years Jack Anderson 697 (261.| poy | 4 |. Points -- Belles 2, suttons 1; Maple BAO), COCK Ford 68) Be Abeg Pid 241); | Leafs 2, Maples 1; Rosertes 2, Misfits 1 Campbell' 649 (205, 211, 253); Stella Ma-| Standings -- Maples 25, Maple Leafs karchuk 468 (206, 243, 719); Bus White|2). Belles 13, Butfons 12, Rosettes 117 é CHEVROLET 725-6501 BAD BOY DEFINITELY SELLS FOR LESS! FREEZERS - 21 CU. FT. 5S Yeor Guarantee made by Beatty. Free food plan, Free delivery, PRICED FROM 5198 R.C.A. VICTOR 3-WAY HOME FM/AM - Radio, 23" TV all 4 Speed Automatic in one Walnut THEATRE 333" Hand wired circuit, full former. Up-front Swin-out chassis, Convectaire 23" BIG SCREEN TV power tuning, AGC circuit. Fidelity tone audio system. With trade trans- 1 98.88 Cooling, WE ARE OPEN INCLUDING WEDNESDAY FOR YOUR SHOPPI 'TIL 9:30 P.M. Everybody Knows the Place--Bad Boy--kKing St. €. 728-4658--4659 EVERY NIGHT NG CONVENIENCE nthe

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