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Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Feb 1965, p. 18

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MR. AND MRS, R. 8. CUTHBERTSON Grierson Street On Golden Wedding Anniversary | Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Cuth- Osh- awa, formerly of Cardinal, On- tario, were recently honored on bertson, Grierson street, the occasion of their 50th wed- ding anniversary, at the home of their son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. James Cuth- bertson, Buchan street. Mr. and Mrs. Cuthbertson were married in Greenock, Scot- land on January 4, 1915 and came to Canada in 1924. Mr. Cuthbertson was employ- ed as a stationary engineer with the Canada Starch Company of Cardinal for 34 years. When he retired in 1958 Mr. and Mrs, Couple Feted Cuthbertson moved to Oshawa. They have three sons, Robert, London, Ont.; Alex, Port Ar- thur and James, Oshawa; also six grandchildren. Mr. Cuthbertson is a Past Master of Cardinal Lodge No. 491 AF and AM and is also a life member. Out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Cuthbertson and family, London, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Cuthbertson and family, Port Arthur, Mrs. William Do- binson, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wilson, Brockville; Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Brennan and Miss Madeline Feeney, Car- dinal. Spring Flowers Tender Valentine Greetings Spring blossoms, tulips, daf- fodils, hyacinths and iris -- are truly Valentine messengers of love, so say Canada's florists. In days of old, Victorian gen- tlemen used the special lan- guage of flowers to send "'love letters" to their sweethearts. Called '"'tussie-mussies", these "letters" were nosegays of flow- ers and herbs grouped around one symbolic blossom and set in @ filigree holder or framed in a lace paper doily. Typical "tussie-mussie" con- tents -- and some of their mean- ings are: a red tulip -- a de- claration of love; a yellow hya- cinth, the heart demands other incense than flattery; a pearl, fairest of the young; a clove, I have long loved you; a daffo- dil, please return my affection; Carry a crocus, happiness; a match, my flame consumes me; a but- tercup, wealth. Lovers can carry on an en- tire conyersation with flowers, if they follow the ancient rules. Touching a bloom to the lips means "yes", while pinching off a petal and tossing it away replies "'no", Bending a flower to the left implies "I or me", and tilting it to the right means "thou or thee'. Touching a leaf indicates '"'hope". Lush bouquets of rainbow col- ored Spring flowers are now available for Valentine's Day greetings. Florists throughout Oshawa can prepare special messages with satiny tulips, fragrant hyacinths, sunny daf- fodils and regal iris. An ar- rangement of fresh spring blos- soms will continue to say 'I cinnamon, my fortune is yours; love you" for days. Sparkling, Crisp White Shirt Challenge To Homemakers Most husbands are notorious- ly finicky about the way their shirts look. There must be just the right amount of starch in the collars and cuffs, and if shirts are meant to be white, that's what they've got to be, not grey. To most homemakers, therefore, shirts are the bane of wash and iron day. To alle- viate your suffering somewhat, here are a few practical tips. Those rings of soil around collars and cuffs that, always seem invincible can be banish- ed if you'll pretreat them be- fore tossing them into the washer. Just dampen the area slightly, sprinkle with dry sal soda concentrated and brush with an old toothbrush or nail- brush. Then if you'll add sal soda concentrated to your wash water, about three tablespoons, not only: will those rings which have been loosened up by the pretreatment retreat, but the whole shirt will come out brighter. The sal does two SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT The engagement is an- nounced of Shirley-Ann Hughes, eldest daughter of Mr. and} Mrs. Russell C. Hughes, Osh- awa, to Leslie David Shaw, son of Mr, and Mrs, Cecil 0. Shaw, Whitby. The date of the mar- riage will be announced later. RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs, Fred Cameron, RR 1, Hampton, will be pleased to receive their friends and relatives in the Darlington Township Hall at Hampton, on Saturday, February 13, 1965, afternoon and evening, on the occasion of their 40th wedding anniversary. The University Women's Club of soa and District PoNnsor "MEDITERRANEAN HOLIDAY" REGENT THEATRE The Evening of Feb. 25th 8:30 P.M. ALL PROCEEDS FOR SCHOLARSHIP FUND All Seats $1.75 things; it softens the water, and for this reason be sure to use less detergent than you normal- ly use or you'll have more suds | than you bargained for; and it emulsifies that fine, invisible film of oil to which soil clings. slips its moorings. As to starching, that's a prob- lem you have to: solve your- self. To do a professional look- ing job depends on so many factors that even if you follow your starch package directions carefully, you still may not succeed. Unless you use one of the spray starches currently on the market, which simplifies the problem somewhat, here's something you might try. Set up a trial and error program. At each starching make a note of the amount of starch used, the temperature of the water and your iron setting. Check your husband as to the acceptability of his shirts. When he finally proclaims that this one is perfect, you've hit on the magic formula and you have it on hand in black and lwhite to follow on subsequent starchings. And here's a last suggestion. Instead of folding shirts in com- mercial laundry style which} lisn't So easy to do, hang them up in the closet. Minus those folds and creases they'll look that much better to the critical| eyes of your husband. Once that soil is loosened it} cmon ® 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, February 10, 1965 SOCIAL & Jo Aldwinckle, Mr. and Mrs. Jan Drygala, Law street, were hosts on Sun- day to executive members of the United Council of Veterans' ; |Associations 'of Hamilton and district including the president, Mr. Walter Preston, and Mr. Zygmunt Florek, Mr. Andrew Black, Mr. John Fuller and Mr. George Winn. Mrs. W. J. Salter, King street east, has returned from Mont- real where she has been visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hall and Mr, and Mrs. Ewart Evez- son. e Mrs. E. F. Cuthbertson and Mrs. W. S. C. Larmer were host for the social hour fol- lowing the meeting of the Lyceum Club on Monday. Mrs. '\Larmer created the red and white hearts and cupids for the --Oshawa Times Photo edged hearts for the executive.| Prior to their departure for Windsor, Ontario, last week,| Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Brain, Masson street, were entertain- ed at various dinner parties| and presentations given by the} following friends and rela- tives: Miss V. Wilkinson, Park| Lane Apts., ,a party and presen-| Valentine Theme Makes Gay Setting «: For OES Card Party' Sunbeam Chapter Order of the Eastern Star held a successful] card party in the Masonic Tem- ple last week. The room was} beautifully decorated for Valen- tine theme with red hearts and cupids and the prizes were wrapped in red and white. The following won prize Mrs. Sadie Kelly, Mrs. Bernice} Wilson, Mrs..C, Williams, Mrs. Alice Drew, Mrs. Annie Mitch- ell, Mrs. Velma Sutton, Mrs. Harold Stark, Mrs. N. Dunford, Mrs. Grace Cryderman, Mrs.| Carl Bradley, Mrs. W. B. Miller,| Mrs. A. Howard, Mrs. F. Wills,| Mrs. M. Gourley, Mrs. John Borrowdale, Mrs, Gilbert Free- man, Mrs. D. Wilson, Mrs. A Purdy. Mrs. Philip Conlin, Mrs. W. J.) Clark, Mrs. W. Currie, Mrs.} William Selby, Mrs. Ray Way, Mrs. R. W. Bassett, Mrs, Jan- ice Stelma, Mrs. C. Souch, Mrs. Gertrude Butt, Mrs. Boyd Ayre, Mrs. A. S. McLeese, Mr. R. S. McLaughlin, Miss Elsie Dyer, Mrs. Harvey Crossman, GUEST SPEAKER Mrs. Arthur D. Margison, above, will address the an- nual dinner. meeting tomor- row night of the Oshawa Young Women's Christian Association, at the YWCA. Following graduation from University College, Univer- sity of Toronto, Mrs. Marg- ison was engaged in per- sonnel work. After her mar- riage she began her volun- teer work with the Toronto YWCA and was chairman of their Personnel Commit- tee and President of the Metropolitan Board. Since 1961 Mrs. Margison has been a member of the National Board and chair- man of the Headquarters Staff Committee and also chaired the World Council Committee. In 1963 Mrs. Margison became a Vice- President of the YWCA of Canada and is currently chairing the Annual Meet- ing and Convention Commit- tee. Besides her many activities in the. YWCA, Mrs. Margison for the past three years has been a member of the Board of the Social Planning Council of Mrs. Ron Tripp, Mrs. Morley Johnson, Mrs. David Kemlo, Mrs, Florence Simons, Mrs. Laurence McGovern, Mrs. Jes- sie Goyne, Mrs. Dora Miller, Mrs. Borden Slack, Mrs. L. Locke, Mrs. Norman Hodgson, Mrs. Pat Coulter. table decorations and Mrs. Dor-; othy Bentley poured tea, Mrs.!| Larmer also made little lace-', ; Mrs. | -- Cyril Morley, Mrs. David Jobb, | PERSONAL Women's Editor Telephone 723 - 3474 for Women's Department tation; the Ladies' Section of the Oshawa Golf Club, a party and presentation; Mr. 'and Mrs. J. B. Toppings, a party and presentation; Mrs. Charles Roach, a coffee party for neigh- bors and presentation and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lapp, Bess- borough drive, an evening party. Dinner parties were given by Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bassett and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith, all of Bess- borough drive; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wilkinson and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brain, for mem- bers of the family, at The Fly- ing Dutchman Motor Hotel. Mr. Terry Brain hosted a breakfast party for his parents on the morning of departure and the Senior Choir of St. Gregory's Church presented Mrs. Brain with a _ souvenir gift. Mrs. H. Sheridan, King eet east, welcomed mem- bers of the Literary Group of the Lyceum Club to her home |last evening for a continuance of the study of pioneer days in Oshawa and district, | Mary Street HSS | Marks 44th Year | Mary Street Home and School |Association celebrated its 44th |birthday with a dessert supper made up of the most scrumpti- ous desserts donated by the members and shared with other parents and teachers. A short business session fol- lowed with a reminder of the |Patrol Party to be held on |February 11, with Mrs. Michael Kadoski convening it. Three skits pertaining to Par- jent- -Teacher relationship were |presented which were funny and yet conveyed a message to all. Those taking part in the skits under the capable direc- tion of Mrs. Robert Armstrong were Mrs. Keith Peer, Mrs. Wilbert, Clark, Mrs. Harold Sleeman, Mrs. Angus. Mac- |Master, Mrs. Michael Kadoski, Mrs. Robert Hall, Mrs. Arthur Ww. "an FINE Foon GLECOFF'S SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON RD. S. OSHAWA The Friendly Neighbourhood Grocery Store where you park for Free, where your pay cheques and baby bonuses can be cashed and Deliveries will be made with orders over 10.00. THIS WEEK'S MEAT SPECIALS | Kitchen and Mrs. B. A. Sonley. BOOM IN BABIES VANCOUVER (CP)--The busi~ 'ness of giving away babies is |booming in British Columbia. A |province - wide recruiting cam- paign for adoptive parents has been a success, says Mrs. Laura Fowler, placement supervisor. She said 850 more homes were found between April and De- cember last year than in the same period in 1963. en you need Call a V.0.N. Nurse 725-2211 "Home-Nursing Care for EVERYONE" Toronto and chaired its pro- ject for the adoption of colored colored youngsters. Over 300 Attend Home and School | Night of Cards Over 300 card enthusiasts at- tended the annual night of cards held by the Adelaide Mc- Laughlin Home and_ School Association recently. The general convener of the party was Mrs. John Benson,| assisted by Mrs, N, L. Vaillan-| court in charge of refresh- ments; Mrs. Robert Booth,| tickets; Mrs. Paul Wilkins and) Mrs. Raymond Branton, prizes; | Mrs. Gordon Willson, candy; | Mr. Harold Pascoe, tables and) chairs; room hostesses, Mrs. | Michael Yourkevich, Mrs. Ross Jeffrey, Mrs. Jack McCarnan, Mrs. John Babington, Mrs. D. K. Buchanan, Mrs. Richard | Doyle and Mrs. J. M. -Taylor. Mr. Frank Gazley was in charge of the progressive! euchre room. | | Over 50 prizes were eto jed making it impossible to list them. Refreshments were served by| the members of the Associa-| tion. tf Bonne Bell Ten-O-Six® | Try it once and youll use it EES A Ste SOY YOu < Twe hobos in New York were reading a newspaper left on a park bench, Glancing at one of the headlines, MAN WANTED FOR BURGLARY -- IN CALI- FORNIA, one of them sighed: "Sounds good, if it wasn't so darn far away I'd apply." You can make a real 'steal' of your own every timé you send your dry cleaning to us. By this | mean, of course, your garments will be skillfully cleaned, yet our prices low. And. for this top- notch dry cleaning work we're as -. Near as your. telephone. ore 460 Stimulate. Correct oily-or of course, Use. Ten-O-Six in the morning, last thing will be in our store . Thurs., 9 Simcoe North, Oshawa blemishes and skin irritati "MRS. BETTY MILLAR, The Bonne Bell Special Representative, 13th. She will be hoppy to discuss your beauty problems with you and demonstrate the Bonne Bell line to you". MITCHELL'S DRUGS (OSHAWA) LTD. Bonne Bell Ten-O-Six Lotion. SPECIAL COMBINATION OFFER Challenge us with the "Give-it-a-try Size" first, Lotion doesn't do exactly what it should for your face, return the large bottle unopened, for a refund. And, what exactly must it do? Clean unusually deep and thoroughly. dry skin. Help clear 0 ons. pen: g $300 PLUS TAX limited time offer first thing at night. Fri., Sat., February 11th, 12th, Phone 723-3431 | Beautiful Tender LAMB SHOULDER CHOPS 55 HAMBURG WIENERS Chicken Backs & Necks 3 .. BLADE & RIB ROAST RINDLESS BACON 1.00 1,00 1,00 u. 59 uw, 45° 3 Les. 3 ss. GROCERY SPECIALS HEINZ--REG. 27c--SPECIAL CHUP = 4...: 1.00 BTLS. e HEINZ STRAINED OR JUNIOR--Reg, 3/34¢ SPECIAL BABY FOOD 10,.. 1.00 aa Og 2 65° 31° nor Ode 2 bOzZ. 88° LB, 93° 24-0Z. 1.00 LOAVES EASY FIRST, PURE SHORTENING PLANTERS-- 'PEANUTBUTTER ' REG. 35e--SPECIAL OGLIVIE OATS NABISCO -- REG. 27< --SPECIA Shredded Wheat LARGE GRADE "A" EGGS BUTTER BREAD Va-LB. JAR 36-0Z. BAG 5 FROZEN FOODS PEPPERIDGE FARM FROZEN PARFAIT CAKES 2,..89° TOMATOES Met Be CELLO PKGS. ONTARIO CORTLAND APPLES ==» 39. DRUGS & CLOTHING Ist QUALITY SEAMLESS MESH aeNone JOHNSON'S BABY POWDER ALKA-SELTZER REG, 59% REG. 98c REG. 3% 39° 85¢ 33¢ GLECOFF'S swpcauarxet 174 RITSON RD. S. OSHAWA

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