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Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Feb 1965, p. 19

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The new 1965 executive of the Navy. Veterans' Aux- iliary is not wasting any time getting down to work. Seated around the table from the left are: Mrs. P. C. Chappell, vice-presi- Navy Veterans' Auxiliary Elects Mrs. P. G. Tullock As President Mrs. P. G. Tullock took/ office as president of the Naval Veterans' Auxiliary at its re- cent meeting at the Oshawa! Naval Club. | Other members of the execu-| tive taking office at the same time were: vice-president, Mrs. P, C. Chappel; secretary, Mrs. H. A. Maynard; tresurer, Mrs.) Earl Myers; 'ways and means} committee, Mrs. George Pres-| ton, Mrs. Leslie Green, and| Mrs. Charles Fudger; press re-| porter, Mrs. H. A. Maynard, | Mrs. George Preston, past president, opened the meeting and congratulated Mrs. Tullock on her election to office and jgiven, her in the past year. expressed her best wishes to the new executive. Mrs. Pres- ton thanked the executive and the members for the assistance ree | nee rea dent; Mrs, P. G. Tullock, president; and Mrs. H. A. Maynard, secretary. Stand- ing behind are Mrs. E. S. By IDA JEAN KAIN In this age of abundant food in convenient form, it is easy Mrs. Earl Myers pr Mrs. Preston with a pearl broach as a token of .apprecia- tion for her work as president. Mrs. Tullock welcomed two new members, Mrs. John Manning and Mrs. Joseph J. Bryan. A discussion was held on the spring bazaar and the mem- bers were asked to give all the help they could. Tea was served by Mrs, Earl Myers and Mrs. Tullock. Prints and Pleats Bright and Brash Herald Spring By JORIE LUELOFF NEW YORK (AP) -- Prints and pleats of all sizes were in the spotlight at Monday's show- ing of Galanos' spring and summer collection for 1965. Bright, brash, blocky silk prints--a Jot of them in shades of red and pink--were cut into suits for afternoon and evening. Jackets were generously acooped out in back and gently nipped in just under the bust before flaring softly to the hip- line. The full feeling was continued in; the softly pleated skirts. Sometimes the pleats were on the sides, sometimes only in the front, but they were always there. Pleats appeared, too, in the simple princess-style coats that flared out at the hemline. The ensembles were gener- topped by matching broad- L) ed hats of straw that, in some cases, were two-toned. For example, a straw sailor hat-- red on one side, navy on the other--appeared with a red, white and navy blue plaid suit. RECOMMENDS SWIRLS For cocktails and evening wear, Galanos recommends swirls and swirls of full-skirted, billowing chiffon. The drifty ef- fect often was enhanced by long trailing sashes, wide sleeves on loose, filmy overblouses, or pan- els that floated with each step. The chiffon was printed in everything from dainty floral patterns to splashy blocks to tiger- and leopard-skin designs. Necklines tended to be high and modest in front, but low and tricky in back. Squares and Vs plummeted down to the high waistlines. A triangular neck- line with the apex held together by a dainty bow at the nape of Deluge of Cards Expected Saturday In this year of the "big show" the Canada Post Office is all set for one of the biggest annual biizzards. This one will cause an avalanche to sweep through the nation's post offices. On Saturday, February 13, a heavy fall of cards is expected. 'The next day is Valentine's Day. According to the nation's larg- est greeting card manufacturer, over 30 million affirmations of love wili bend the backs of "Posties" this year. Spending anywhere from five cents to two dollars, Canadians with either a spark or flame of romance in the r souls will di- rect gaiiy colored cards to re- latives, friends and business as- sociates. In 1820, it was considered ill- mannered to send a Valentine to more than one lady. It's no- thing for today's young lovers to participate in a mass mail- ing of love declarations to as many women as a young man's allowance can afford. This year the average person will send not one, but 10 Valen- tines. According to a_ study made, more than three times as many Vaientines are sent to mothers as to sweethearts. But whether it's to a sweet- heart or a mother, this year the seniiments and language cover the wide spectrum from! pure sentimentalist to the mod- ern teenager. | the neck was greeted with ap- plause. A low, scooped neckline draped down the back was em- phasized by a border of deep ruffle A change from fullness was provided by chiffon with a ver- tical look, accentuated by soft, vertica!' pleats falling from a high, high waistline. Long filmy sleeves cascading over wide tight cuffs at the wrist com- pleted the long, slender look, to overeat. And, since exercise is not a built-in factor in our way of life, far too many Amer- icans have to cope with a grow- ing stockpile of pounds. Quite naturally the search for a magic diet goes merrily along. A reader, intrigued by a novel diet plan, writes: "Have you heard about the new diet that counts carbohy- drate grams instead of calor- ies? Since it is high in fat, would it hurt a person to stay on it for two or three months, and does it really work? Please dietitian, write a column ex- plaining this diet." Gladly. The diet, which was recently written up in a na- tional magazine, is based on the restriction of carbohydrate to 60 grams a day. On the diet you are allowed unlimited amounts of fat and protein-rich foods. In the article describing the diet, it was reported that one woman, doubting the diet, ate liberally KEEP IN TRIM New Diet Plan Allows Unlimited Fats, Proteins of fat so as purposely to in- Myers, left, treasurer, and Mrs. G. W. Preston, past president. --Oshawa Times Photo crease the calories. Even so, she lost five pounds the first two weeks. How is this possible? To be- gin with, a high fat diet tends to dehydrate the tissues, and the initial weight loss is there- fore greater than can be ac- counted for on the calorie score. If the dieter continues to lose, it is because she is surfeited with fatty foods before she overeats. Hunger is appeased, for fat stays in the stomach sevr eral hours longer than carbo- hydrate or even protein. Further to explain the weigiit loss: When you limit carbohy- drate to 60 grams a day, you automatically cut calories. In this particular diet you must forego all pastries, cake, candy, sweet fruits, cereals, potato and starchy vegetables. You go ex- tremely light on bread. You can eat liberally of meat, fish, chicken, eggs, seafoods, cheese and non - starchy vegetables, with fat-rich sauces added. HIGH IN PROTEIN The diet is high in protein, the nutrient that builds and re- THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW For the third day in a row, planetary influences promise no more than average in the way of accomplishment. In fact, you may even experience some de- lays and disappointments in putting over ideas and plans. But do not be disheartened. Keep on trying, with the know- ledge that, within 24 hours, stellar restrictions will lift and you can go full speed ahead. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that this new year in your life will be fairly satisfactory in both job and monetary affairs, but only if you operate conserva- tively. In the former connec- tion, some nice rewards for your efforts should be forth- coming in early May and (or) mid-September, but the real turning point in all business matters will not be evident until the end of November or the beginning of December, when you will enter an excel- lent planetary cycle on all counts--including the financial. Do not expect much fiscal gain in the interim, except for some, comparatively minor, in late April, mid-May and mid-Au- gust, It will be important, how- ever, not to be extravagant during the latter month and to 'eansolidate any monetary gains ;you do make before then, in | October. For most of the 12 months |ahead, personal affairs will be highlighted--with emphasis on romance in late April, late June interesting social experiences in late April, June and mid-Au- jgust; also next December and January. If you are careful to avoid friction in June and mid- November, matters on the do- mestic front should run excep- tionally smoothly. Creative workers will find May, June and September highly inspiring periods. A child born on this day will be imaginative, original and ex- tremely gregarious. | |pairs body tissue. Bear in mind that a high protein diet is mod- erately high in fat--without the addition of rich sauces. For ex- ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landers: I'm a 19- year-old girl who is in perfect health. I had a good figure until I was 16, suddenly I started to put on weight and before I knew it I was 40 pounds too heavy. It was determined to lose those extra. pounds, and in three months I took off every bit of it. Now I'm worse off than ever. I let myself go again and at present I am 50 pounds over- weight and just plain disgusted with myself. I don't like going to doctors, and managed to lose those 40 pounds without any medical advice or reducing pills. I hope you won't tell me to go to a doctor this time be- cause, frankly, I am ashamed to get on the scale in front of lanyone. I guess I am writing to you because I need your encourage- ment. Can you help? -- HOPE LESS OR NOT? Dear Or Not: A girl who, in three years, gains and loses 40 pounds then gains another 50 needs outside help Go to' your physician and d6n't worry about shocking him. He knows you are fat without looking at the scale. Along with the diet, ask him to direct you to a counselor, The wild fluctu- ation of weight is a symptom of an emotional problem. Dear Ann Landers: I want to say bully for you for the way you replied to Corky's letter. She was the farm wife who HOUSEWORK COURSE EDMONTON (CP) -- The Northern Alberta Institute of Technology has begun a 72-hour course to provide trained home- makers to fill job vacancies of- fered by public agencies and in- dividuals The woman are needed in homes where the mother is ill or at work or in case a family has suffered a death or desertion. ample, in most meat consi able fat is inextricably bound in with the lean. In a 100 - gram portion of meat, (3% oz.), at least half-the calories will be in fat. This is also true of cheese and eggs. To answer the question on the safety of this diet: While there is controversy regarding diet- ary fats, there is much reason to believe that excessive fat, particularly of a saturated var- iety, tends to promote the de- velopment of coronary heart disease. In the light of this re- search, it would not seem wise to shift to a high fat diet. The scientifically planned pro- tective reducing diet which is made up of a variety of food is, in the opinion of most nu- tritionists, still the best diet. Analyzed, the protective varied diet is high in protein, moder- ate in fat and low in carbohy- drate. You can't get something for nothing--and there is nothing in fat to make you thin. Overeating Sign Of Emotional Upset paints the house, putties win- dows, builds fireplaces, puts up 200 bushels of tomatoes, runs the tractor with the baby on her lap, sews her own clothes, and| heaven knows what else. I'm a 33-year-old farm wife who used to be a Corky, too. When I married at 20 I had wonderful health and tremen- dous energy. I worked right alongside my husband and helped build our home. I laid hardwood floors, carried ce- ment in pails for the 'septic tank, trucked grain, husked corn and took off a few days now and then to have babi THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, February 10, 1965 19 because I expect you down the big dance, : "There are some great look- ing chicks here and you don't have to worry about mothers because these girls don't have any. Well, I've got to go now because it's my turn to drink one straight down. I have a hunch I won't feel so hot in the morning but it's worth it." . Ann, what do you think? This boy's mother went back to work to help put him through college. I think perhaps. we'll send our son to a trade school. Do you care to commentB -- A MOTHER, TOO Dear Mother: I hope you won't deprive your son of a college education on the strength of that letter. It's phony. Do you believe a college boy 'or anyone else for that matter) would sit down and write a letter in the middle of a drink- ing party? Get with it. iy Salon of Distinction % Cal! 723-5201 151 King St. Eost SAVE $ $ ON Besides depriving a horse of a job, I also sewed my own clothes, baked bread, canned laundry and housework. I thought I was smart but.I was the biggest fool who ever lived. My back is ruined and I sleep in traction every night. If I knew then what I know now, I the girls, Ann, please. Thanks. --EX-HORSE Dear Friend: Thanks for the confessions of an Ex-Horse. Consider yourselves tipped, girls. Dear Ann Landers: Our son is 18, a high school senior. While cleaning his room this morning I ran across this letter from a friend of nis who is 19 and in college: "We just got back from the laundromat where we took turns riding in the dryer. It's 1:30 A.M, and my room is jump- ing with guys. -Right now we are drinking gin highballs and eating popcorn. It's too bad you aren't here. This is the greatest blast ever.. Don't make any plans for the 12th of next month NOW AVAILABLE Save Money - Buy Direct IMPORTED FRENCH PERFUME 4-02. 10.00 Send your order now--poy AFTER receiving your perfume! REPLY TO: International Trade Corp. of Canada Oshewa, Ontario, Canade 30 Bloor St. East TM MK MH OH HH HH + A Honey of a Buy in Famous Trendsetter PHILCO TV TELLS LLLLLeSS: last of the Factory stock . . The powerful MARK VI Power transformer set Up-Front Tone Control Full Power Transformer Chassis Finish Twin Speakers for Full Sound Lighted Channel Selector @ Real Walnut Wood Cabinet with Lustrous Walnut These are the last sets in stock, Starr Furniture and Appliances Bought the . You cannot get a similar deal anywhere . . . this: Outstanding Value is impossible to compare until you come in to Starr's Showroom and see it! Admire it! ..... end Try It! © Other Models te choose from BEFORE YOU BUY GIVE STARR A TRY Regular NOW! With ANY TRADE MODEL 5559 23" C 22,000 VOLT PO PICTURE TUB STARR 369.00 WER E 9 THURSDAY TIL P.M. everything we grew and did the|V wouldn't be in this shape. Tip off AUTO INSURANCE $18.00 on your auto See... DIAL 668-8831 If you are an Abstainer you save up to JOHN RIEGER 218 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY 1. SHOP-EASY LABEL Variety names are right at the top of the label to speed selection .. «fave precious shopping time. ~ TWIST-POP CAP /**" A quick % turn and the jar is open. Another % turn recaps the jar to refrigerate any unused portion. WIDE-TOP JAR Makes it extra-easy to spoon out baby's food. +. right down to the last bit in the bottom of the jar. 8 touch to give them the eater. FURNITURE and APPLIANCES 491 Ritson Road S outh 723-3343 KK KK KK KKK KKK KKK e* ago an § BEEF convenience plus...flavour Gerber container conveniences for you--a big bonus in flavour for your toddler. Gerber Junior Foods are processed to preserve nature's own luscious flavours, and the utmost in nutritive values, too. Seasoning is added with a knowing "semi-grown-up" taste that toddlers like. Good examples of exceptional Gerber flavour: Gerber Spaghetti, Tomato Sauce and Beef and Gerber Meat Dinners... so delightful they'll tempt even a "disinterested" Gerber Baby Foods are prepared by special- ists who devote all their efforts to making flavourful, nourishing foods for your baby. Babies are our business ...our only business! Gerber 233 NIAGARA FALLS, CANADA

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