107 - QUITS CIGARS Born a slave on a Ten- nessee plantation before the United States Civil War, Mrs. Mathilda Boynton of Vancouver finds "'life's al- right" at 107 She _ tastes cake on a knife with Mrs. Gail Orr of the Victoria Order of Nurses prior to birthday celebrations Satur- day. The only change from her 106th -- "I've given up cigars"'. --CP Wirephoto BOB THOMAS IN HOLLYWOOD By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD (AP)--Actress Kim Novak is worried about her image. Is it too sexy? Not that Kim has anything against sex appeal. Her career has blossomed on it, so much|® so that her more visible asseis). have perhaps obscured her act- ing 'talent. The trouble is that some fac- ters have combined to spotlight her as a super-sex image. Item 1--Kiss Me, Stupid, in which she played Polly the Pistol, a B-girl who can't say no. The film was condemned by the National Legion of Decency as unfit for Roman Catholic audiences--and Kim is a Catholic. Item 2--A Playboy mag: azine layout in which Kim is nuder than she could ever be on the screen. Item 3--A national mag- Kim Novak Worries That She's Too Sexy Kim believed marriage was obsolete. The wivude star brewed a pol of tea one morning at her Bel- and sat down to fvet about the public's concept Air hideawa: of Kim Novak. "I'm afraid the. whole thing is getting out of hand," she eaid. What happened to Kiss Me, Stupid? She's not sure, excep that it apparently wasn't funny enough to get by with its sex- I thought maybe something was iness. 'When I read the script, "But lacking," she admitted. thought iue necessary elements, would be added during the shooting by Billy Wilder, and I was very anxious to work with him. "T"m a questioner, you know; I'm_ always things in a_ scene. azine story which intimidated Stupid asking directors why I should be doing certain Kiss Me, wag the first time that I didn't ask questions. 1. told myself, 'When. you're working with a great director like Wilder, you'd just better do what he says and keep your mouth shut.' Maybe I should have opened it." SHE'S INCENSED t she thinks about the Playboy spread. She explained that Paramount suggested some sexy photos to help promote her new film, The Amorous Adven- tures of Moll Flanders. She had an old Chicago pal shoot the layout, which turned out to be more bare than she had been led to believe. "I wouldn't have minded quite so much if the shots were good but they werent," she complained. "And I also didn't know that they would end up in Playboy. I detest everything the magazine stands for." Concerning the other mag- t I DISTRICT NEWS COURTICE -- Mrs. Earl Mc- 'Reveal Phony-Letter Author BC Attorney-General Told VICTORIA (CP)--A Liberal member of the British Colum- bia legislature has given Attor- ney-General Robert Bonner un- til next Tuesday to name the author of a letter on Premier Bennett's office stationery which the premier has termed "phoney." Alan Macfarlane, member for Oak Bay, told. the British Columbia legislature Thursday night that if Mr. Bonner hasn't disclosed the name by then it will be revealed in the House by Harry McKay (L--Fernie). In a speech alluding to the case of Robert Sommers, a cabinet minister jailed in 1958 on bribery charges, Mr. Mac- farlane said it is the attorney- general's duty to launch a prosecution regarding the letter so as to clear the names of innocent people. He said the attorney-general has said there is an RCMP re- port on the matter and recalled an RCMP report on the Som- mers case had been kept secret until the attorney-general "'was smoked out, and then he had to prosecute a fellow cabinet min- ister."' CALLS IT PHONEY Mr. Macfarlane was refer- ring to a letter sent last May to Hal Dornan, an aide in Prime Minister Pearson's office in Ottawa, It was sent:over the signature of "'W. A. C. Ben- nett," and was subsequently called "phoney" by the prem- fer. was ment House but later said "'my de- partment - will pursue tended course in this matter and developments will proceed Mr. Bonner has said the letter written on behalf of American millionaire Harry Stonehill who had sought landed Canada. Rumors as to who is respon- sible for the letter '"'have gone far enough," said Thursday. ple are having their reputations besmirched because of the strange and evasive attitude" of the provincial government. Bonner made no com- the "supposedly" immigrant status Mr. Mr. on the speech in its accordingly." in Macfarlane "Innocent peo- in- LBJ SHAKES UP STATE DEPARTMENT Bank Of Canada Warns: Look For 'Holey' Bills OTTAWA (CP)--The Bank of Canada warned the public today to be on the lookout for any worthless bank notes _ stolen Thursday from an express of- fice in Vancouver. The bills of all denominations --cancelled by being punched with three half-inch holes--had a value of $1,200,000 before can- cellation. "The public is warned to be on the lookout for these can- celled notes," the bank said in a statement. 'Anyone who is offered a note punched in this manner or hears anything about notes of ths description is urged to in- form the police immediately." The three circular half-in holes. are punched in a line horizontally along the _ notes. The outside holes are approxi- mately one inch from either end, and the third hole is in the approximate. centre of the notes. The bank said all notes being| returned to the Bank of Canada in Ottawa are cancelled in this manner before shipment. Armed robbers stole the Bank of Canada bills---ranging from $1 to $1,000 in denomination-- from the Canadian Pacific Ex- press office in the Vancouver railway station. yoy O'KEEFE CENTRE Opens Monday! Thru, March 6 DIRECT FROM SMASH YEAR ON BROADWAY EVES. 8:30, MATS. WED. & SAT. 2 P.M. $1.75 TO $6.50 | President Johnson an- nounced a State Department shakeup Friday that puts his old friend, Thomas C., Mann (left), in the No, 3 spot now held by Averell Harriman (right) as Under- secretary for Economic Af- fairs. Mann, now Assistant Secretary for Inter-Ameri- can Affairs, will be. suc- ceeded by Jack Hood Vaughan (center), now Am- bassador to Panama. Harri- man will become ambassa- dor-at-large. --AP Wirephoto Lean was presented with a life membership in the United Church Women recently. Mrs. Simon Penfound, a co- worker with Mrs. McLean, read a fitting address touching on er achievements and of her faithful work as a member of the Women's Association and the UCW. Mrs. Donald Cowle presented the life membership pin. During the social hour, Mrs. McLean enjoyed a_ visit with friends and relatives. The tea table was centred by a suitably decorated cake, flowers and candles. The cake was cut by the guest of honor, who voiced appreciation of the honor con- ferred on her. The Friendship Group was in charge of the refreshments. Serving were Mrs. Kenneth Ellis, Mrs. Daniel Black, Mrs. William McKnight, Mrs. C. G. Goodwin and Mrs. John Osborne. Mrs. Norman Adair conduct- ed the devotional period. She was assisted by Mrs. Frank Chumbley, Mrs. Percy Dalby and Mrs. Clifford Ryan. TALK ON PROGRAMS The speaker was Mrs. W. C. Ives, of Bowmanville, who gave an interesting talk on 'Pro- grams", citing programs which could be used at unit and larger meetings. She displayed ma- terial and pointed out the value of a well-planned program. She emphasized the importance of goals and high ideals. She said that if each member contributed according to their talents all meetings would be successful. It was announced the World Day of Prayer will be held in Myrtle Church Reviews Year MYRTLE (TC) -- Oliver Lane was elected an honorary elder at the recent annual meeting of Myrtle United Church. Rev. John Porter conducted the meeting. Albert Eyers and Albert Tim- mis were elected as elders to assist Allan Downey. Several new stewards were also elected. All reports showed a good bal- ance and encouraging progress during the year. Mrs, Albert Eyers was host- ess for the meeting of the Unit- ed Church Women. The new president, Mrs. Rodd, conduct- ed the meeting. Mrs. Lane gave the scripture reading and Mrs. Oliver Harrison took the devo- tional. During the meeting Miss Linda Eyers contributed a solo. A pot luck supper will be held Feb. 20 for all members of the congregation. Rev. John Porter will show slides of the United Kingdom. Life Membership Given At Courtice church basement. OFFICERS ELECTED Lloyd Courtice; ing secretary, Mrs. Orm. Rob: ertson; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Reginald Stephens; treas- urer, Mrs. Cecil Simmons. Edward Warburton; neth Fllis; William McKnight; Penfound; social, Mrs. Dunham and Mrs. Alex Garden; press, Mrs. Donald Thompson; nominations, Mrs. Charle: Archer; flowers, Mrs. Herron. Ebenezer Church at 2.30 p.m. March 5. An evening of games Wwiii te hold Feb, 19 by the Joy Unit and the CGIT will hold a Family Night Feb. 13 in the Officers elected for the en- suing year are: president, Mrs. vice-president, Mrs. Frank Chumbley; record- Committee chairmen are: sup- ply and social assistance, Mrs. steward- ship and recruiting, Mrs. Ken- membership, Mrs. literature and communications, Mrs. Nor- man Adair; manse, Mrs. Simon Eric Harry azine story, she said: "It made me sound as if I were advocat- ing free love. ulous."" Beautiful, . Thespian, ? ? MILAN, Italy (AP)--Critics agreed today that Princess So- raya is a royal beauty, but they disagreed over the acting abil- ity she displayed in her first movie. The movie, three episodes called The Three Faces of a Woman, was given a lavish world premiere Thursday night in the orchid-decked Teatro Nu- ovo in Milan. Soraya, former empress of Iran, arrived in triumph wear- ing green silk to match her eyes and an array of diamonds. But after the movie most of the applause from the audience of 2,000 was for Italian come- dian Alberto Sordi, and the prin- cess slipped quietly out of the theatre. Beautiful as Soraya is, "she is still far from being an ac- tress,' wrote Corriere d'Infor- mazione. But Cecil Wilson of the Lon- don Daily Mail said the 35-year- old princess "can call herself an actress from now on with- out blushing." 'S Kim grows incensed when) That's ridic- lish. Sees Indications | Republic Trend the most efficient, democratic form of government yet evoly- ed Durham MPP Alex Carruth- ers stressed Tuesday in the Legislature. In an interview Wednesday he said: 'There are signs Canada|' is on the way toward becom- ing a republic, MANY ADVANTAGES "Ours ment that enjoys many advan- tages over the most aber systems this country enjoys constitutional monarchy are be- ing removed. Titles, Dominion status, royal mail, flag crests and many other symbols are disappearing." NOTES TREND an institution whose uniqu fortunate people, not be long before the Queen dis left 'round which appears as our head of state," he said. This is his fear now, he said,| .y pointing to the recent resolution passed by young Liberals, call- ing for dissolution of the mon- * times of stress?" he asked. eeks statements made dication. He said he sees no reason for a division of thinking about the monarchy between Canada's two main cultures, French and Eng- of people." As he stated in the legislature, Weakening the _ structure both French and English Cana-|C@nadian government, SEES BIG KICK ; ti CHICAGO (AP)--George| nopeatian, Se eee and field goal specialist Of! mm Houston Oilers of the 'American| = Football League, hopes. to' get a big kick out of Houston's new domed stadium. Blanda told a service club meeting Thurs- day: "Getting out of that: hot Texas sun will mean a lot to us old guys. And with no wind, maybe I'll be able to kick a 60-yard field goal. STEEL RECORDS British exports of steel reached an all-time high of 26,- 200,000 ingot tons in 1964, while domestic consumption soared 13 oat cent above the previous rec- ord. ent." SATURDAY'S THE PERFECT DANCE DATE Jerry: Reidt and rs Orchestra COUPLES ONLY Doncing 9 till 12, |_-_ RESERVATIONS = "723-2143 -- 725-1348 , PORT HOPE -- A constitu-jdians have fought together in} tional monarchy is not some|wars to protect a common sys- outdated relic of the past but/tem of government and country. is a system of govern- in the eS act og of an istton pela to the of commonwe; nations; anjth One by one the symbols of; stitution which has evolved over a periéd of 1,000 years; |en's e ---- are the envy of in| it' "When these are gone, what bonds of unity remain? What If this trend continues "It will| symbols of our.past: heritage are we can rally More and more groups are clamoring to. eliminate the present oe said Mr. Car- ruthers. "I think that in recent archy. This was not the only in- oitlous groups indicate that Pod is the trend for a large group, In the legislature he appealed for a halt to this trend which he believes can only lead poi "There is no lack of evidence to prove that Ontario has ae Blanda, veteran quarterback|ang with the Dominion govern- OSHAWA TIMES, 13 gat February 13, 1965 PQ Women Not Free Club Told MONTREAL (CP) -- ng aes ot Gaaeis still co. m gt Mrs. Casgrain, a women's rights cena has told a of ty Property rights which are pin M alien to our North American context." She asked why Quebec should necessarily copy France. Mrs. Casgrain, chairman of public affairs for the Voice of Women, said that in spite of improvements of late " women still have the burden of the proof when stating their marital status," and: most often find themselves at the losing end in matter of Lage og "4 Mrs. Casgrain also voiced her Motor City Car Club The Joquers SUNDAY, FEB. 14%: 8:30 p.m. till 11:30 p.m. 'Valentine's DANCE Oshawa and District Old Country Club ST. VALENTINE'S DANCE @ THE NEW KINSMEN HALL @ MacMillan Drive -- Oshowe _SAT., FEB. 13, 1965 8 P.M. TILL 12, SPECIAL MATINEE: (3) "SONGS and DANC Sunday: Evening UKRAINIAN ALL COLOR SHOW "OLESKA DOUBUSH" ALSO. "CARAPTHIAN" CONCERT et 6:30 p.m.end ot 8:30 p.m. MARKS osiawa SUN., FEB. 14 3 POLISH FILMS "Poclag" (2) "WESELE BIALORUSKIE"' DANCE TO GERALDO its and Li d Bor Door Prize -- $1.50 per person -- Spot Prizes ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION HALL FEBRUARY 13 9 P.M. $2.00 Per- Couple SATURDAY NIGHT CANCE ES of POLAND" !N COLOR AT 1:30 & 3:30 P.M. Join usin Istanbul --we'll cut you in on the theft of the century! THE MIISCH conronation rer ARTISTS Adult Setectalainees Now Peavine|\)\\" , NOW THE SCREEN - EXPLODES COSENS & MARTIN Insurance 67 King St. E., Oshawa All lines of 728-7515 Insurance Res: 725-2802 or 725-7413 Canadian Diabetic Association Oshawa & District Branch Presents THE SUGAR BOWL BALL SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27th, 1965 Kinsmen Community Centre 109 Colborne St. West - Dancing 8 p.m. till 11:30 p.m. Music by TONY RUSSELL Refreshments . . ADMISSION $3.00 COUPLE Proceeds... Children's Camps -- Research -- Education Tickets Availoble ot . Jury & Lovell, 8 King fost Nu-Wey Photo, 251 King East LOTS OF PRIZES | Central Presents TWO...ONE-ACT COMEDIES anda PLAY WITH MUSIC FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19th, 1965 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20th, 1965 CENTRAL COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM ADMISSION 50¢ -- AT 8 P.M. "GET" THIS WEEK - AS USUAL Fe aturing THE COACHMEN 50c Members @ 75¢ Non-Members' DRESS:--Shirt and Tie BIG HITS! heZhsning GREAT FAMILY SHOW ! FUN AND SONG FILLED STORY YOU'LL LOVE! "The Unsinkable MOLLY BROWN" in COLCR with DEBBIE REYNOLDS HARVE PRESNELL DOORS > OPEN 2 6:30 P.M. Iq BILT MORE . PHONE 725-5833 CRAZIEST TROOP OF CALVARY THAT EVER FELL OFF A HORSE! "ADVANCE TO THE REAR" --with-- GLENN FORD STELLA STEVENS MELVYN DOUGLAS SATURDAY & SUNDAY 1:30 P.M. ¢ |The New Interns" WLWMMReoun!PETERUSTHOY MAXIMWAK SHEL Great Jewel Robbery [COLOR] ~#=" UNITED ARTISTS PHONE 723-2843 il (where the jewels ref iS Sewildayung SHOW TIMES--1:30--3:25-----5:20 7:20--9:20, LAST COMPLETE SHOW 9:15 | OLD TIME and MODERN Dance to RUDY VELTRI NEW TORNADOS and his Most Ce cin RED BARN ARTS her ! NOW - 2 ACTION HITS... DON'T CALL HIM NO-DAMN-GOOD «MOT IN FRONT OF HER! "STEVE eee presents Naa Reick Mit PAKULA- MULLIGAN'S *Love With The Proper Strenger %@ end' To Kill 4 Mockingbird RECOMMENDED AS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ALSO coroe ax Lge Bet KIRSTEN: NOVOTNA sancrt THEBOM and Their New Loves with MICHAEL CALLAN and DEAN JONES 'HONE ~ TORONTO -- 282-3960 -- WHITBY 666-2602 BOX OFFICE OPENS 7:00 P,M. @ INCLUDING SU DAYS FREE ELECTRIC IN CAR HEATERS e LAST TIMES TODAY 'OF HUMAN BONDAGE' (RESTRICTED) Regaces NHL HOCKEY SUNDAY Leafs vs Boston 7:30 p.m.