THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdoy, Februory 13, 1965 Z OLD COUNTRY Baseball Leats i SPORT FROM BRITAIN TV Racing Coverage Boon To Racing Fan Until now the networks have; signed separate contracts with|tend each of the 14 tracks involved --paying out a total of about £170,000 a year for the right to broadcast meetings. But the Racecourse Associa- tion, representing all the track owners, wants to negotiate cen- trally for increased fees. The extra money would be spread around all the tracks in Brit- ain. AFFECTS GATE So far the televison author- ities have refused to negotiate with the association at all, let alone agree to increased fees. The racecourse owners admit Every '65 'Opening Day' Has A Saturday Date boundary of Muskoka County to Georgian Bay. As in the past, there will be an even earlier pickerel start in the Bay of Quinte area--from May 1 to March 31. There is no closed season on the Great Lakes. LONDON (CP) -- Ask any British punter what he thinks is the greatest boon of the electronic age and he'll prob- ably answer '"'television." With the BBC and. independ- ent networks sometimes devot- ing more than 10 hours a week to live coverage of horse races, the lazy gambler who wants to watch his horses lose by a short head can do so in the comfort of his own home. Attracted by sophisticated production techniques, includ- ing slow + motion repeats of photo-finishes and full details of the odds, a hard core of 12 per cent of all TV viewers watch race meetings. Only wrestling opening date for trout is May 1. The closing varies from Sept. 15 to Nov. 30. The pickerel season generally will start May 8 and end March 31, 1966, to permit spawning. However, it will open May 15, a week later than last year, in an area south of a line starting} Dates for bass fishing are at Pembroke through Algonquin|generally from June 26 to Nov. Park and across the north!30. SPORTS OUTDOORS _By Bill Bero U.S. SCHOOL WINS Aan the 'he ae a 24. with! OTTAWA (CP) -- Leafs and Atlante follow up vg a doubleheader the next "The annual All-Star e, toltion basketball be played at Atte Sy" 2h, Bil Clark 'ft 29 will put Milwackee Braves|for Ottawa. "TORONTO (CP) -- Anglers|been extended slightly into the in' Kawarthas and Haliburton dis- tricts north and east of Peter- borough. The trout season in this area opens Feb. 27 and closes Oct. 4. Last year it ran generally from March 1 to Sept. 15 for speckles, browns and rainbows. The earlier opening coincides with the opening for lake trout in some of these waters. Parts of northwestern On- taiio -- all territorial districts west to the Manitoba border-- will be open to speckled trout between Feb. 27 and Sept. 15. open can't get away from the job, need worry no longer in On- tario. Seasons for all species open this year on a Saturday. This delightful news for angl- ing addicts comes from the Ontario department of lands in its 1965 fishing dates. The Saturday openings gener- ally will mean a couple of days' earlier fishing than last year but anglers should be prepared teievision networks the new terms when the pre- _ individual contracts run be omen the best in the class AAA| "ta the first place the demand|"ircuit. i for TV racing is so great that| This ts the International the networks will be glad to|Leasue's 82nd season. League provide it at almost any price.|cities in addition to Toronto, In the second place the associa- Toledo and Atlanta are Buffalo, tion is threa' to make an|Syracuse and Rochester, N.Y., exclusive deal with some of the|COlumbus, Ohio and Jackson- Last year the season ran from REMEMBER, if you're going ice fishing... wi ey / to chop holes on ice - covered lakes to seek their quarry. Another notable change in the 1965 regulations is an ex- tended season and boundary in southeastern Ontario where brown, speckled and rainbow trout fishing is permitted earlier than in most other parts of the province An earlier speckled trout sea- son has also been declared for northwestern Ontario. BOUNDARY EXTENDED The southeastern Ontario arca embraces the Ottawa Val- ley counties of Carleton, Dun-|i das, Frontenac, Glen garry,|! Grenville, Hastings, Lanark, Leeds, Lennox and Addington, |t Prescott, Renfrew, Russell and/t Stormont. The boundary has May 1 to Sept. 15. ment has been experimenting for three years with an ex- tended trout season. said there had been fears that a longer season would severely deplete the trout population "but this has not been the case. Be- sides, the speckled trout is the easiest fish to produce in a hatchery." AIM AT RELIEF Made to relieve pressure from The lands and forests depart- A department spokesman The decision to open up areas n northwestern Ontario to ear- ier speckled trout fishing was he popular waters where lake rout are taken in abundance. In other areas this year the OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS POST OFFICE LEAGUE Si Over 200 -- Ann Goreski 229, Lioyd|¥' Schram 226, 227, Andy Czerwaty 218,|®! 246, Nancy Schram 209, Al Ash 272, Betty Blake 215, 9. Kossatz 230, Joyce)' Ash 205, 238, Jack Kirkbride 212, Ray Whittaker 240, Dave Kyle 235, 202 and Rudd: jin 205, ly Lemon League -- Ethel Henry 85, 83,/2) Molly Sweet 93, 89 and Pat Kunkel 97. High singles -- Al Ash 272 and Joyce High Triples -- Ann Goreski 561, Dave A gl ot pedo Ash 572, Kirkbride 566, Joyce peo 550, S. Kos- sen 555 and R. Longin Team Standings -- Untouchables 4 gg 3, Most 3, Half Decents 1, and Sizziers 0. UAWA LADIES AUX. ag 27 gall -- Joey Braiden 479 (227, 252); Whiting 437 (282); Joan Sie- ter ay Mon, 200); Hazel Farrow 422 (233) end Ellen Burrus 413. (234). ae singles -- Ruby Rockbrune 250, rong 240, Joan McGillis 210, Pio Fi Panter 210 and ae Hall 205, There were 17 lemons Points Taken -- ers a, Hawkeyes Oe Try Hards 3, Go-Getters 0; June ns dy ore © and Gutter Snipes 2, Beaties janding -- Gutter Snipes vy Stars 16, GoGetters 14, Try Hards 13, June tg 13, Hawkeyes 10, Beatles 7 and Misfits 6. ORANGE Pm geo os "0" Bowlers -- Telbot 228, AMG Louise Porter 207; Fait Wood 205; Don winners over Fernhill while 209,| No. 215,|Match ina ft (303-248), (288-201, Bea Child 633 (275), Rus Sargant 631 (274), George Taylor 625 (255) and Pat Belmonte 611 (235-209). Good les ring 254-202, Wilf Guindon Hughes 238, Orve Dingman nh age 228, Elinore _ Alege ow i Titling 206, George Reid 206, Reg Cooksey 202 anc Mid Clark 201. Bernice Yuilil of Fernhill. for rolling @ 336 game to take over the week with the. Pepsies, Die Hards, Aces and Moonspinners winning six points each and and Aces 23, Moonspinners Boobs 21, Ladybugs 18, Die Hards 16 and Beetles 4. unnyside, Radio and Glen Stewart, the ictims beging Eastview, Kingside No. 3 ind Thorntons. Kingside No. 2 were 31 Valleyview plit points with Rundie No. 2 and Rundie 1 and a eid No. 1 also ended their Kelth Smith led the list with 785 (270- 68-247) followed by Marg Hobbs 737 . Taylor 697 (275-227), 4 (340), Bert Alex- ander 670 (261 00). Chuck Grimbleby 652 LINES ARE Bi rer abt re THE NEW SOFT PLASTIC LIKE THE Feat tH PLASTIC BAITS DGES Bu WONT LO ICE LK OR Ze isis WHER PULLIT OR COTTON SNe AITS. THEY LOOK AND FEEL THING. THE USE AN OLD AUTO TIRE TO FOR FISHING ARE? MINNOWS, RASPBERRIES TADPOLES AND CORNBORER WORMS. MAARK HOLES CUT IN THE ICE. were rolled by Fred Shew- 244, Dennis 236. Donne Davey err tg 212, 208, Ise- 5, Don Patterson 2 echier 08", Tom Hobbs Lemon awards--that gai from Radio again, Nancy Robison, by LAKEVIEW LADIES' LEAGUE | Congratulations to Bonnie McDermaid, igh single! The points were all split 6end-2 this the Boobs, Beetles, Blowhards Ladybugs managing only. two points each. Fagg age 5 -- Pepsies 30, Blow- Campbell, president of the Na- tional Hockey League, said Fri- day hé is awaiting a report from referée-in-chief Carl Voss before déciding on fines, as a result of Wednesday's donny- brook in Toronto, Fines Hinge On Report From Voss MONTREAL 'CP) -- Clarence He said he already has talked Remember When? ... By THE CANADIAN PRESS Danny Pau, the Al- berta heavyweight who had knocked out Johnny Fitz- ning, stepped into the ring at the National! Sporting Club in London 26 years ago tonight -- in 1939 -- and out- pointed Dan McCorkindale of South Africa in 12 rounds. Paul took the engagement after McCorkindale's opp- onent, Bill Mainwright, backed out of the contest with influenza. patrick the previous eve- , has a higher constant audience. Now a dispute over fees has developed between racecourse owners and TV officials and there is a threat that racing may disappear from the tele- vision channels. that television has probably helped to create a wider audi- ence for the sport. But they also believe TV is robbing the hard-pressed tracks of sizable gate receipts. Research by the association By THE CANADIAN PRESS Kitchener Rangers took possession of the sixth and last play-off spot in the Ontario Hockey Association Junior A series Friday night. The Rangers defeated Mont- real Junior Canadiens 4-2 to move out of their sixth-place tie with St; Catharines Black Hawks. St. Catharines lost 4-0 to sec- ond - place Toronto Marlboros. The Black Hawks have two games in hand over the Rang- ers. Niagara Falls Flyers, who lead the league, stayed two games ahead of Toronto by de- feating last - place Hamilton Red Wings 7-5. In Kitchener, John Beechey, Bob Jones, Peter Brennan and Bill Hway scored for the Rang- ers. Lucien Grenier and Chris- tian Bordeleau scored for Mont- real. The Canadiens, who outshot Kitchener 37-29 in the game, remain in fifth place, five points ahead of the Rangers. GETS FIRST SHUTOUT In Toronto, Marlboro goalie Gerry Desjardins gained his first shutout of the season, turning back Black Hav shots. Mike Corrigan, Jerry Mehan, Marlies Blank Hawks, private pay - TV Barber Shop companies: granted broadcasting licences for a three-year trial period. the press is behind the course Association's bid. The Evening Standard's Jack Wat- should pay up and look pleas- ant. And finally the majority of the Race. Now Has Available 3 BARBERS No Weiting -- Expert Service FREE MASSAGE Simcoe South Pleze 723-6641 Flyers Defeat Wings Lack Of Funds Hurts Ski Team VANCOUVER (CP) -- The coach of Canada's national ski team, Dave Jacobs, says the team is nearly "'washed up" due to lack of funds. Jacobs said in a telephone in- terview from the team's training site at Nelson, B.C., "we're all washed up if we don't raise a few more thousand dollars," He said it is costing each of the 20 skiers $1,800 to train and study at Nelson's Notre Dame SERVICE SPECIALS amen | oma QUALITY ARMSTRONG SHOCK ABSORBERS GERRY DESJARDINS Al Osborne and Doug Dunville were the scorers. Rookies John Pronovost and Don Marcotte scored twice for the Flyers. Andre Lajeunesse, Ted Snell and Derek Sanderson scored the others. "red Speck paced Hamilton with two goals. Nick Libett, ete Mahovlich and Bart Crashley also scored. University this winter. The ski- ers pay the whole sum except for $250 each granted by the jfederal government, the first time a Canadian con- ONLY Installation FREE The experiment at Nelson is ent has trained together. .00 All oe & Compact Cors ORVILLE RAHME'S B-A GARAGE Installee Softglide Sh ee nome 1 0, No. 2 Highway et Soline Rd. COURTICE @ TUNE-UPS @ GENERAL REPAIRS © BRAKE & MUFFLER auume §=Phone ous 723-6551 534 Ritson Rd. South a Ge ot HAVE YOUR CAR SAFETY CHECKED FREE NERAL TIRE OF OSHAWA 728-6221 Fisher. 229, 218; Elsie Cox.227; Yvonne Marshall 216, Marg 202, rew 202, Bob . 229, 252, 730; Bob Ellis 245, Bill 728-1601 WILL GREASE ALL MAKES AND MODELS Over 600 -- Jeanette Reid 713 (315, 223)7/to all three game officials and) @ sicoaches Toe Blake of Montreal and Toronto's Punch Imlach. 7 2 8-] 6071 ther Holtfoster ride | Seorgine Herding 602 a, a 4s, 205;\Films of the game also have MINOR AND MAJOR REPAIRS joreen 255, Vere vent cl US, 224; Theses Regimbal 206, jr Parry 228; Joyce Davidson 222; ACADIAN | SUDDARD'S CLE ANERS CLE SHOP TOYS HOCKEY IPMENT SHIRT LAUNDERERS Yh type yet STORAGE BICYCLES 299 BLOOR ST. W. Keys Made PHONE 497 Simcoe St. S. 728-5141 WILSON ELECTRIC MOTORS Motor Repeir Overhauling--Rewinding te ell types of Electric Motors New and Used Motors 395 Oshawa Blvd. S, PHONE 723-4362 been examined, 'although they didn't show much." The NHL president is bound , by league rules to impose an automatic $25 fine on all play- ers iy left ed pers "fl vay eee part in the second-period brawl, gga er past jut which tied up action for more than 20 minutes. It is within his Goch jurisdiction to fine the coaches on. Mery sian 112), Noran| Should he decide, they did not Berron 632 (264, 188), Hazel Weddup 626\take adequate steps to restrain Burden |their players. | The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Lid. (2332, 200), Lois 45 (232, GUARDIAN MAINTENANCE You Like It... .. ft Likes You Distributor 156 GIBB STREET PHONE 723-3042 High single -- Bonnie McDermeid 336 ittigh triple -- Del Tomine 774; high av- erage -- Del Tomine 188. JOHN T. MARKOVICH, Proprietor Oshawa Esso Service Centre KING ST. WEST at PARK RD. * * PHONE 725-3979 '", Sandy Ferguson' Ten -- Knight Lewis Coe's "Alley Cats". ; wal I" 20, Via cr wasn 24, a With ly eight ints sepera' it a upn Dorothy | one _ ig ley 236, Nency Brisebois 235, Fran Alex- ander 233, Helen Trott 232 and Alberta -- Thel Candy 75, Doro Sa 9. es 260, Mar] Me- Bint Lee Bishop RADIATOR REPAIRS Cleanin: slcaieg snk end ee 42 Bond St. Ww. 725-1633 MOSIER HOTEL Genosha. Oshawa's Finest Hotel as = PARTIES - SALES MEETINGS BANQUETS -- CONVENTIONS Air Conditioned COFFEE SHOP © OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY e RAINBOW LEAGUE Standing: Grey 14; Black 12; Tan 11; Silver 11; Gold 10; Orange 10; Coral 10; Lime 9; 'Rose 9: White 8; Beige 7; Ma- room 6; Red 6; Green 6; Purple 5; Mauve 43 Pink 4; Yellow 3; Brown 3; Bive 2. High Doubles: V. ply 467 page J. Lawson 448 (200-248); 44g sen's 0; Saywell's 3, White's 1; Burn's 3, Mitchell's 1; Motor City 3, Nesbitt's 1; Henderson's 3 and Bint's 1. eam standing -- Saywell's 10, gard City 9, Nesbitt's 8, White's and Bint's 6, Horne's Esso and Olsen's 5, Henderson's Luke ;_ J. Finbow 425 (noes) and Marg . Iison a4. Nie Pape 213; Stead 213; ©. Shortt 213; G. Luke . Micklosh 208 and C. ieauchiie LADIES MAJOR "A" er 800 -- Marion Dingman 818 (269, 66, 3). tags tg -- Josie er RE 797 (286, 2), Rogers 788 ', 280), Mavis Favor 75 159 (251, 261), mis a ken 751 (260), Lorraine Murphy 723 (267), Bev Gutsole 715 (300), Maude Cockerton 710 (257), Helen Pinch 710 (273), Ev. Harding 709) Hi (283). 548 (273), (284) and Merle Poch 707 Over 650 -- Nancy McKey 696 Ey. Redpath 693 (291), Isabelle King 689 end Norma Norris 671 (254). Points -- Crawford Insurance 11, ei Wey Rug % Horwich Jewellers 3 and Acadian Clean- ers 1. NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS LEAGUE Final standing (ist section) -- Sunny: side 72, Valleyview 66, Fernhill 57, Run- dle No. 1 51, Radio 48, Kingside No. 2 48, Glen Stewart 46, Kingside No. 1 26, Thorn- aoe 25, Kingside No. 3 23 and Eastview There were three shutouts this week byl lor 212); Harry Keys .| Branton 214, 209; Bowler 213 nf Branton 211, 201; and Burn's 4, Mitchell's 3. PLAZA FAMILY DOUBLES Team standings -- Three E's 23, Crazy Eights 21; Wild Cots 16, Lucky 13's - 1M Creamers 15; X-Ray's 15; Jajacks 13; Sassy Six 12; de" on WG Hubbelis 11; Haley's Hounds r= " ena Ailey Cats 9. Beatles 14; a; Care icles --- Me Lente 70, Cn. 2 742 (295, 238, 208); rison 688 (251, 224, 213); bp: Oscar Mor! Tonkin 675 (246, 239); Ollve Mel 'eggy Fred McKee 214, Dave 208; WHITBY Pred A. oka Co. Ltd. Gerald Beck Ltd. 115 Simcoe St. $. 311 Brock St. N. Ph. 728-6272 Ph, 668-5828 Recommended Maintenance Services INSPECTION EACH 6,000 Lubricate Chessis MILES Replace crankeese ventiletion valve Inspect fan belt--adjust if necessary Clean battery terminels end oil felt washer Lubricate porking breke pulley, cables end linkage. Lubricete powerglide shift linkage Check olf fluid end lubricant levels including brake moster cylinder Rood test for proper operation Inspect end rotete tires Inspect cir cleener @ Check for fuel, oil or weter lecks-- test entifreeze Lubricate manifold heat velve INSPECTION EACH 12,000 MILES SAME AS 6,000 MILE INSPECTION - PLUS - @ Engine tune up @ Replace fuel filter @ Rotate distributor cam lubricator NOTE: ---- New spark plugs end distributer points ore re- -commended at this mileage. PLUS OIL AND MATERIAL PLUS OIL AND MATERIAL AS NEEDED Only G.M. Factory Approved Parts and Materials Used HEADQUARTERS FOR GM QUALITY ENGINEERED ACCESSORIES 266 KING ST. WEST -- Phone For Appointment SERVICE DEPT. 723-4634 Ask For:- @ ED. WALLACE @ JACK SAARINEN e@ CHARLIE BALL SHEET METAL WORK INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL 292 KING ST. W. PH: 668-5281 MAKE A DATE TO BOWL MOTOR CITY BOWLING 78 RICHMOND ST. W. PH: 723-3212 Open Bowling Every fF after Midnight SPECIAL RATES STEPHENSON'S GARAGE Speciclists In WHEEL ALIGNMENT Straightening General Repairs 15 CHURCH ST. Phone 725-0522 Guereanteed Used Cors ROY W. NICHOLS Courtice and Bowmanville Chevrolet, Corvelr, Oldsmobile Sales ond Service PHONE 728-6206 42 Years Serving You TONIGHT HOCKEY: -- OHA Junior "A" League: -- Niogore Falls + ype vs Oshawa Generals, at Oshowo Civic Auditorium, ot 7:15 p.m. SUNDAY HOCKEY: -- UAW League: -- Doubleheader ot Brook- lin Community Arena, sterting ot 10:00 a.m. Oshawa Senior League: -- Juveniles vs Flyers, at 7:00 p.m.; Morrison's vs Bod Boys, at 8:15 p.m. ond Spurs vs MeGreth's, ot 9:30 p.m.; All games at Civic Auditorium. MONDAY HOCKEY: -- Oshawa Senior League: -- Bad Boys vs Spurs, at 7:00 p.m.; Flyers vs Morrison's, ot 8:30 p.m, and Foley's vs McGrath's, et 10:00 Pot Alt game at Brooklin Community Arena... Oshewa Minor Assoc. Bantam Leogue: -- Five schedule gomes, starting at 5:00 p.m., at Children's Arena. TUESDAY HOCKEY: -- OHA Junior "A" League: --- Toronto ot 8:00 p.m. ... Schedule games, ot Oshawa Children's Arena. WEDNESDAY HOCKEY: -- Oshewe Minor Assoc. Juvenile League: --- Doubleheader et Oshowe Children's Arena. THURSDAY HOCKEY: -- erols vs Peterborough TPT's, et Peterborough 8:00 p.m. FRIDAY No Gomes Scheduled. SATURDAY HOCKEY: -- Oshewe 'Neighborhood Assoc. Peo Wee League: -- Nine schedule gomes, at Oshowa Children's Areno, starting ot 7:00 a.m. OHA Junior "A" Leegue: -- Oshawa Gen- Civie Arena, Let Us Handle Your Calls A NEW ANSWERING SERVICE FOR OSHAWA IS NOW AVAILABLE. e ped & Night Service @ Reasonable Monthly Rates For Information Call . FOOTE'S cnevering SERVICE Answering Telephone 728- HOUSTON'S GARAGE TEXACO PRODUCTS A COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE--B.T. "GUARANTEED" Collision, Body and Fender Work Our Price Is Right 67 King St. West Dial 723-7822 For Your Heating Needs We Carry @ FURNACES e OIL BURNERS e AIR FILTERS We Install eo Electric Water: Heoters 24 HR. SERVICE -W. Borrowdale HEATING SALES. 29 SWITZER RD. W. 'OSHAWA PHONE 728-7537 T.V. SUPPLY LTD. T.V. Towers, Aerials, Apartment Systems and Aerial Repairs 361 GIBBONS ST. Phone: 728-8180 BILENDUKE'S 1004 SIMCOE ST. $. Licenced Mechanics Complete Brake Service Phone 728-1411 ESSO SERVICE