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Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Feb 1965, p. 5

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SENIOR CITIZENS ENJOY Having the time of their lives, members of the Sen- or Citizens' Club of Whitby enjoy good-fellowship amid a pleasing atmosphere at All Saints' Anglican Church Whitby Red Cross Has Busy Year WHITBY (Staff) -- Nearly 50 members of the Whitby Red Cross Society heard glowing re- ports of Red Cross work done in 1964, and enthusiastic plans for work in 1965, at the annual meeting oi the association Mon- day night, The Red Cross in Whitby is an organization seldom seen where all is well, but can be counted on when the going gets) rough, and someone needs help. The reports of the many com- mittees of the society brought to light «activities of the group} of Fairview Lodge and the pa- tients at the Ontario Hospital. Numbers of local citizens associate the local Red Cross a ey SOCIAL GATHERINGS Parish Hall every Friday Branch of the Canadian Red afternoon. The organization Cross Society. is sponsored by the Whitby --Oshawa Times Photo ERSONALS T L r eam Loses daughter and son-in-law, Mr. Other guests were: Mr. Cas- Whitby entry in the Ontario On Sunday, Valentine's Day, First Game and Mrs. Reginald McGahey san's other daughter and her|M inor Hockey Association play- J. E. Cassan celebrated his 91st birthday at the home of his and their daughter, Miss Joanne| WHITBY (Staff) -- Bowman- McGahey, 805 Beech street.|ville Pee Wees dropped the family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Robertson, Toronto and his son with one thing -- the pint of |downs Monday night at the |Whitby Arena, The home town WHITBY (Staff) -- Wasting no further time on idle discus- sion the town council unani- mously endorsed a motion, at their meeting Monday night, authorizing the clerk to file an application for 'low cost rental housing'. Under the terms of the motion, the council will apply for development of 50 housing units including 42 for family dwellings and eight units de- signed for senior citizens. Such an agreement will start an in- vestigation of exactly how many units are required, the final decision resting on the findings determined by a joint meeting of Ontario Housing Corporation and town council members. DETAILS GIVEN Representing the Department of Housing, S. Bourns appear- ed before the council with a de- tailed explanation of what the program entails. Cost of the project will be borne by the federal and provincial govern- ments Who will split the sub- sidy on a 50-50 basis. The town of Whitby will be required to subsidize the program in part, absorbing seven and one-half per cent of the province's share. Using a similar housing pro- ject in Toronto as a measure, the OHC representative suggest- ed a figure of $42 per unit could be estimated as an annual loss per unit. This figure would be divided equally by the major governments. The muni two}; ~--Encouragement of tenants to improve their economic con- ditions. --Assist in the improvement of older downtown areas. Making it possible. for pri- vate owners of existing older homes to carry out essential improvements. --Seeing that. every commu- nity, regardless of its size, re- ceives equal attention. There are four forms of accommodation which can be provided, any or all of which may fit into the pattern of Whitby Community planning. Developments can include or consist exclusively of: --Family accommodation; senior citizens' accommodation; hostel accommodation for single persons or, accommodation for other special groups. ASSEMBLY METHODS: Accommodation can be as- sembled in a variety of ways, any of which may be suitable in Whitby, depending on exist- ing factors in the community. Builders may be invited to sub- mit prices based upon dwell- ings of their own design and in certain instances, upon their own land. When inviting such proposals of course, the OHC, will indicate where units are required; their size; the stan- dard to which they must be built and any additional work Whitby Council To Ask Low Cost Rental Housing new housing already planned in subdivisions under develop- ment. Purchases would be handled 'directly through the builder, or where applicable, through licensed real. estate brokers. Existing structures. could be purchased and where neces- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, February 16,1968 § made when a certain income is reached. In practice, a ten- ant's rent would progressively increase as his earnings rise, with the ratio of rent-to-income becoming increasingly greater. Bearing the above facts in mind, it was stated, when a family finds it had reached a level of income which might be applied to better housing for jess money, it need only move on to something better on a pri- vate or separate venture out- side of the OHC program. Now application for this form of housing development has been initially approved: by the council, the next step is the investigation into which form is most suitable. Recommenda- tions in regard to the next step could be brought forward with- » a matter of weeks or months ling on how' soon the Onc and local council reach an equitable and satisfactory arrangement. sary, their conversion or re- habilitation would be made. This course of action might take the form of rehabilitation of older homes or apartments, the conversion of apartments or residential hotels for senior citizens or, the conversion of older homes. Any action in this regard would be carried out in conformity with existing local bylaws, the purchases being handled primarily through licensed real estate brokers. In further describing the pro- gram, the OHC representative suggested rentals would be on a progressive scale geared to the income of the tenant fam- ily, All tenants would pay a rental within their economic means without regard to size, age or cost of the dwelling. This fact would apply to fami- lies, senior citizens and single persons. In answer to questions from the councillors, it was stated every effort would be made to encourage tenants to improve their economic circumstances required. Another alternative is that! OHC may purchase existing! There would be no income 'ceil- ing' for continuéd occupancy and no surcharge would be | | ADJUSTMENT ANNUAL Director Community Time: 8:00 p.m. Oshawa Ontario County Branch __ Canadian Mental Health Association Cordially invites you to attend the Adelaide House (YWCA) 199 Centre Street, Oshawa Thursday, February 18th, 1965 Speaker: Dr. Donald J. McCulloch Ontario Hospital, Toronto MEETING Mental Heolth Clinic Refreshments ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY | 9 to 12 catty and, abort gsc'! ~HEADLIGHT In the Beweiifal blood given them at the hospi- tal. The members met to discuss the business of last year and lay the ground work for this year's campaign and work. | Guest speaker of the evening,| Mrs. Betty Dugan, Director of| Public Relations, Ontario Divi-| sion of the Red Cross, spoke on| the methods of improving pub-} which are seldom aired and lic relations in the area. lauded. Fresh milk to needy children, through blood services, and water safety programs the re- ports showed 1964 was a year of mach hard work and accom- plishment. 600 LEARN SWIMMING More than 600 local children were taught to swim and given instruction in life saving and water safety. More than 800 pints of blood were collected to ensure the smooth operations of our hospi- tals. OFFICERS ELECTED Dr. John H. Wall was return- led as president and will act in |that capacity in 1965. | | Mrs. R, H. Beddell was ee ed immediate past president,| and Dr. George Lindsay, Dun-| can B. McIntyre and Dr. M. W. presidents. The 1965 treasurer will be Karel Schaaf. The post of sec-| retary will be filled by Mrs. K.) land daughter-in-law, Mr, and|squad lost the first of a two- Mrs. §. E. Cassan and their son,|game, total goal series, 7-3. John, Port Credit. Randy Rogers opened the ' scoring for the visitors at 2.32 Best wishes are extended to/of the first period on a beautiful Christopher Staples, 601 Harriett/pattern play, teaming up with street, on the occasion of his|Tom Simpson. Whitby's Dennis birthday celebrated today. |Towarnick tied the game at 110.34 on a pass from Larry Park Vista Ratepayers Asso-|Moore. ciation held a most successful | Bowmanville Valentine dance last Friday at} took the lead was decorated in Valtntine mo-|a pass from Tom Simpson and tifs. Winners of the twist con-|beat the local. goalie all the test were Marie. Rassler and|way. Rising to the threat, Mike Paul Hay, other prizes were dis-|Faibes answered for Whitby at tributed for spot dance. In|3.40 with a pass from Larry charge of the event were: Mr.| Moore. and Mrs. Raymond Macintosh,| The visitors were up for the Master of Ceremonies, Ronj|game. They refused to quit and Ricard, in charge of records,|at 13.22 Tom Simpson, who |Butts were selected as vice-/jen Pridie, in charge of booth,|drew.a goal and three assists Mrs, Len Pridie and Mrs. Law-|for the visitors during the even- rence Treagus, receiving admis-|ing, sank' a terrific shot un- sion at the door, Mrs. John Ross |assisted. Randy Rogers dupli- and Mrs. Don Clarke, Lawrence|cated the effort for Bowman- again early in the second period} R. A. Hutchsion School. The hall) when Steve Reynolds picked off} ine 4a ; \families into the main stream | instance, it was suggested, | SIX MAIN OBJECTIVES In describing the entire pro- gram, the representative stated] the project was designed to pro-| duce six main objectives: --The provision in reasonable time of sufficient housing -- to meet the needs of low and,mod- | erate income families, senior) citizens and other groups. --The assimilation of tenant for easier, safer night driving SPECIAL: ATTERSLEY TIR of the. community. 49°. E SERVICE LTD. | 227 Toronto Ave., Oshawa -- 728-9432 401 Dundas St. E., Whitby -- 668-3356 MELODY ROOM (Whitby Hotel) featuring Johnnie McMann on the Console Organ T. Lunney : |Treagus acted as supervisor. Directors for 1965 will be: W. B. King, T. R. Scott, J. J. Chila-} Mr, and Mrs. J. T. Woodward beck, D. Catherwood, Mrs. Nora) returned last Saturday, from a | ville after he received a com- bination pass from Simpson and Steve Fossey. Whitby's Dave Heron assisted Hundreds of dollars were spent on fresh milk for needy children and crutches and hos- pital equipment were loaned to} Jordan ana Mrs, Vernon Harris.| three-week holiday at Fort Lau-|by Larry Moore opened the scores of sick persons. | j\derdale, Florida, where the y/scoring in the third frame but Whitb A | were guests at the Holiday Isle.|the effort wa% in vain. Keith CLOTHING PRODUCED | . Dozens of handmade sets of| Bowling Score |Mountjay, Doug Crough and ren' thi w ro- STS eS uinens Coe| WHITBY AND DISTRICT Belated happy birthday goes|Steve Reynolds poured shots into to Jim Brooks, Jr., son of Mr. |the Whitby net to wind up the duced and senior citizens were) x ! i heir meetings. | MEN'S LEAGUE helped at their. m 4 | (Thursday) S and Mrs, James (Jim) Brooks, |first. game for Bowmanville. Sr., who celebrated his -birth-| Trailing by only four goals \da Many visits were made to} ' bee 2s Wiel cheer the lives of the residents|, Ttiples, 700 and over -- Dick| NEW STAMPS FROM U.K. (AP) Post- y, Feb. 15. Whitby will meet Bowmanville Ajax Ousts | | |Adams 829 (316, 265, 251), Bill] LONDON Jordan 775 (267, 254, 254), Bill Collins 771 (326, 260), Doug Row- den 755 (266, 253), Gord Deeth 727 (258, 253), Dave Walker 716 (260), Red Mustard 714. Singles, 250 and Over -- Joe oug Allen 295, Rod | master-General Anthony Wedg- wrod Benn announces a stamp jhonoring the 25th anniversary jof the Battle of Britain will be issued in September. Others \this year include one for the LIT TO SAFETY BRISTOL, England (CP)--A box of matches helped save three students who were trapped on the face of a 250- foot cliff in the Avon Gorge in Gloucestershire. Night overtook \Friday in their opponents back | yard to decide which team will move onto the next round. WHITBY (Staff) -- The Ajax\Reg Norris 259, Doug Grylls 257,| Bantam Hockey Club defeated/pes Denyer 256, Pete Frank 255,| the Whitby team 5-2 in Ontario) Glen Doaks 253. | Minor Hockey Association ac-} Games Won Citizens Fi- tion at the Whitby Arena, Sat-/nance 3, Legionnaires 3, ed| ag! <~4 both games in thel pane * og ug te :, eri x won : elbrites 3, Gou rnitu | total point, two-game series, and| Firemen . County Bowl 1,| will now advance to the next) Abner's Ramblers 1, Legion Old) round. |Sweats 1, Lucky Strikes 0, Post) In the am eal a ino' | Office 0, Whitby Tile Centre 0, game series, playe ursday,/ Jets 0. og apathy paged Pig on top| | EGION SUNDAY NITERS w score u | AUN JEAGUE Bill McBride, and John Moon) PE dag nge Bg Thi i 5 both scored -- Saturday) (93), Stinkers 2 (26), Snatchers| eo ag home we FM wale ae): Demons} a0). Piper) 3 ps ' 7 (28), Headpins 0 (21), Dog- meas rth ARE: paces #8, Rianne #6) re? ; Ladies' High Singles R tallied singles to give their club) ying 283. S. Hicks 236, 237, H. pg egn the round (9te 4 Hayes 224, C. Mirowski 201, C. 4 wy 9 im Bos Wee playotts the Whit-| Tego itch Triple --J. King by team dug in the spurs, hand-\g59 5 Hicks 629. fg Bawls ang Club a sound 13 to) Mon's High Singles -- K. King| ' 5 ; f 4 .| See rare enced uaa ae HD of the evening with his spectacu-\¢ Skelton 210, D| Rowden 229,| lar five goals in the net action| 997 A. Mayall 214, B. Shearer! Pisoni 298, D Reeson 265, Tom Perrow 263,| 700th anniversary of the first)them while they were still on parliament,- one for the 20th|the hazardous climb. Unable to anniversary of the United Na-|see to descend, they shouted tions and a special one for Sir|and struck matches until some- Winston Churchill. one spotted them. "TREASURES" to have and to give PORTRAITS from..... DENIS Studios Call 668-3442 14-DAY CIRCLE TOU INCLUDES RETURN FARE BY BUS * HOTEL ROOM-10 NIGHTS * 7 SIGHTSEEING TRIPS | E AX THROUGH BUS FROM TORONTO TO J CRE SEASONAL RATE MIAMI VIA * ee is % % CLEVELAND 'against Ajax. 2 rae a : i Don Bradford qualified as seC-!' Men's High Triples' -- B. ond star of the evening when he|chearer 631, D. Rowden 624. fired a 'hat trick' past the AjaX/pemon Leaguers -- T. Mender- net minder, Mike Forbes landed two in| the Ajax net, singles scored by Dave Ross, Heron, and Mark Howe. Dave Singles for Ajax were scored) Bray-|ing by Paul Sheehan, Paul brook, and Glen Cheeseman. In the first game of the two-|Freek Whitby | Scouts lefeated Ajax with a score of|Troop: ame total-point series 6 to 3. were|4 Whitby now advances to the next round with Bowmanville. Stevenson /242, 233, F. Mitchell 242, 215. | A Mid-Winte | Check-up |son 94, M. Mustard 97, B. Hayes| ae i, Coulthard i, A. JME i tc ince 0 van 1. to do it. -- SIX SCOUTS INVESTED ot their Winter worst. WHITBY -- At a recent meet-! at St. Mark's. United |Church, Scoutmaster Clarence} invested the i into Jim Aikenhead, {Byrom , Charles Gordon, Philip \Harris, Fred Hiusser and Bill usually show up with the first spell. Plugged by carbon and by a run-down battery, an unable to spark itself to lite. Any automobile will stort relia mechanism in top condition. An exhaust system thet is abo BROCK WHITBY One Complete Program each Evening at 7:30 "Horizontal Lieutenant" with Paula Prentice Jim Hutton STARTS AT 7:30 P.M. r ou trouble this is usually the time of year it picks when driving conditions are A weak battery and an untuned engine really cold weokened engine is bly all through the lowest temp- eratures Winter con throw ot you if you keep the ignition ut to go usually picks this time of yeer. A faulty exhoust system is hard on gas, cuts per- formance and can 'endanger your life. Hove it checked if it is beginning to sound louder then usual, The most exciting story of our century! The most exciting man of our time! Proper headlight aiming is doubly important now 'when re- action times to avoid accidents ore more than cut in half due to poag driving conditions. Analysis of stopping distances on snow and ice show that it takes better than two to three times the distance to stop on snow and ice than on dry pavement. Snow tires reduce COLUMBIA the difference 28 percent, ti PICTURES presente effectiveness. just getting underway, to get inforced chains are almost on par with dry pa re chains 60 percent and re- in 3 Low Return Fares. . by Bus JACKSONVILLE 67.60 MIAMI 84.10 ST. PETERSBURG . 78.20 NEW ORLEANS .. 72.50 LOS ANGELES ... 119.75 EXCHANGE SURCHARGE EXTRA There was never a better time thon now, with the new yeor service work done, Our service shop is equipped to handle all of your service requirements, FINEST HOURS NORTHSIDE C 918 BROCK 8 > BE ON HRYSL big or small -- please feel free to drop in and discuss your car problems with Doug Hart our Service Manager. ER DODGE. Tickets and thfotmation at WHITBY AJAX HARRY DONALD -- Agent (South) The Coffee Cup, Ph. 942-2940 300 Dundas Street East, (North) Ajex Ooffee Shop, PH. 668-3675 Ph. 942-3390 me GRAY COACH LINES Oshawa Bus Terminal 18 Prince Street, Telephone 723-2241

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