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Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Feb 1965, p. 14

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SO ak pee ere titi piel noeerre =o 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Februcry 19, 1968 a } ® e on | " ¢ ae an Ss Dail V Re ng Habit" | la e Times assi ie i 1 bo : . : i : Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 | 17----Female Help Wanted |18--Male Help Wanted |20--Real Estate for Sale SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J. SCOTT EXPERIENCED D W McQUAY ; 4 * . BUSINESS : SERV @: DIRE CLERK-TYPIST SALESMAN REALTOR * i Experienced. typist required irri strana | FO,"9% and corns Anni | 519 Brock St. South | ' Y . ; : } i AME MEDICINE i 20-30, cont should be able to mea- Whitby, Ontario i | ts Building Trades © Mortgages TV--Readio Repairs AEMSELYES. ee ee ee EY A | | oy elk wien iat ot " ] Accountan writing, stating age, qualifi i { | WILSON and BUR Chartered Pan cations and experience to: area size rugs and wall-to- Whitby 668-5868 i } 114. King Street. East, ; : 8 se Romi. -8. Wine, cas @. te] Quality Car po nae. MORTGAGE IV TOWERS BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR | ol! installations; and discuss «| Toronto 925-2965 On mond Burrows ,CA, 728-7554. and General Repairs : BOARD OF EDUCATION the merits of various types of H ONTEITH, RIEHL, WATERS and Co.) Alterations, rec rooms; cup- and Antenna Repair 555 Rossland Rd. W. floor covering, Salary plus | Claremont 649-2109 od ants, kinc'guz| boards, floor, ceiling ond LOANS 1 \ : ; rds, ry commission, f or eee. tie fis ge wall tiles, sai onan etc, Sotis- t TRIO Oshawa Raion eg gn prc og HUNTERS AND CLUBS H faction guaranteed. Q " Six hundred acre hunti Soran, 6 sant DLE AND CO., Char- | ' partment tan rea acre ing Financial Trade Bulld- 'é @) ee ; i tered, A ie Eat Ganawe, Or H. McKOY 725-8576 entra! Ontario property with half a lake ond CA EATON'S a mile or more of stream, i king Hopkins, CA; H. E. MEDICAL SECRETARY ith el -tele- | Beadle, CA; e Linew, CA. i House wi electricty-tele i YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO.) =p 1, caer fete) Trust pelibagrs ge ota Reaioroyy enarreverit OF CANADA hy oe ba Chartered Accountants, Licensed 7 pus » i 728- 5143 Required immediately. Quali- ; On pressure, inc sighed i ; ing Street E i ge i ' A implement shed, in Bankruptcy. 64 King Street Ea 182 THICKSON RD. N. & Savings Corporation wast ieee fied, several yeors of exper- | Oo Va Shopping C lean Weis aha pert ot ALBERT HOEMAR, Chartered Accoun: 728-0232 INSTITUTIONAL FIRSTS ' ANGIE CAIMESE A lence, Must be able to trons- | VSaWa SOBpING VONKt® | ond Mviond. Dew heer - 4 5 ; i 2 ' , eee prince street suite 4, Oshawa, Kitchen. 'sabinels.. Venities, ond PRIME SECONDS "TV SERVICE WERE MINED" 1x EAIMENT FOR ARE cribe Medical' terms from wolves and beaver, One and a Ontario. Telephone 723-1221. : iri MOLLAND AS AWAR MEASURE. | THE RELIEF oF Dictophone. halt hours by car f it. Furniture repairing DAY ENING M 5 $ oF f 's by car from Whit SOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service. Phesainad ce MORTGAGES and aa DURING WORLD WAR I, PAIN IN SPRAINS | 4oBAacco FROM Salary range - $265.00 to by or Oshawa, just off paved _ Complete bookkeeping service. 184 Bond) ayy Types building repairs and re- AGREEMENTS Purchased Ye d AX ISLAND OFF $300.00 month. ; : ; Srey West 725-0397, Res. 723-7605. new ond repaired, re MORTGAGES 728-5286 Peal oF ten WERE ATLACHED KE CHILEAN Apply in Writi highway. Only $10,500 with JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Accoun- sioewekk ans, cere repairs. Whitby LOANS ON G ' ctaisy Bde HEY COULD BE BLOWN HEEDLING SPOf%S | COAST Grows pet in on to- $4,0 down payment, For fant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street Moc y: Immediate Service. OSHAWA DOWN 10 IMPEDE. THE PROGRESS OF AN WHHIN THE IJURED | MORE THAN ersonne ice, more information .or inspec- Co ee Fe eecniacal Seren NTE me Bg| _'FPOM Our Head Oi wud VAUD Ha asus) ae Belleville SALESMEN | "Rh Tay MES BROOKS, Chertered|e 5 . i pecoeeelar 'Sie 2050, Oshawa Shop- i genera! repairs. All eight oh pic 19: Simcoe St. N., Crhawa li _ELECTRONICS - el © he Pacem Rete tom 1 General Hospital WHITBY ping Centre, 725-9953. Nellis, 334 ee ee -- ic city wv TOWERS, f tite, Te) Belleville, Ontario Older. blk: tusccléln sass 1" a if z r_ brie' Smee VoUESSICE Rn FelsaMees, eae Wer ce ceaie| Phone 723-5221 (tt, at eae 8--Articles for Sale 12--Articles Wanted =| We have openings in our | {Ning occ, bungalow eth Times clasifieg Section. ial 723242|Laroe ant amar lobe |. and. Rooting ee ---- office for two energetic | kitchen, two bedrooms and now and a friendly ad-writer will help|and Construction, y See Mortgage Money Well roan sede CLD RICE, egy oe Bel. Ale SALESLADY h nae tiled bathroom on first floor you. NEW PLASTERING and repairs, re Wei ° ri 4 jlephon: : salesmen who wan oO PY . red Ac-|rrmxielling Rec. rooms, Free estimates. i ' WANTED -- Quebec heat trade for arge rec-room ond three oe a ata dla Available SnaeitnNts oe Ge] «=< GOING OUT «(airs aus" "™™ For make more than average | pct baih"n "boxenen 725-6539, Dav' \. oh painting, g, insu 7 : : ' ISCO! lot and private oF Newcast'e, 987-4340, William C, Hall Specializing ir. re-roofing, fleors and Low Interest 1--Women's Column OF BUSINESS 13--Articles for Rent Dress Goods Department | e2'nings. Previous selling | Giveway, in immaculate cone i zie Dingler, 725-6603. ne Member Ontario PERMANENTS on special. Page Hair- eae F : experience helpful, but dition and in a good location. ' Antiques testa tE PLASTERING and REI AIRS, Ornar 'Srnamenia Mortgage Brokers Association |dvessing, 39 Pine Avenue, Telephone ee a, RENTALS Paved epee not easential: Must Kove erat eid inspect : _ 'emod s ml, nny ° on oe. pote Pocagele fur See: George Abramoff 723-4871 or SUMMERLAND 2--Personal * Also small Hardware stock, 1 late model car. For a ele WHITBY i niture. Ashourn Ontario. CENENAT vopsltv ane Tena. SECURITIES All selling at cost price. OF ALL KINDS WALKER'S sonal interview call Corl |. WHITE : * ew i Barristers iat POY tan etindel "katortttial beer 112 Simeoe St. North ae es de Wee ae age it Je 2st EDWARD'S SANDING MACHINES Oshawa Shopping Centre Olsen, Realtor 723-1133, west piers: gone hey ay pte? el cM Se. Kine eee ee Oshawa, Ontario - 725-3568 _ Are You Satisfied With Your HARDWARE Oscillating sanders, disc sand- | evenings 725-3412. living room with marble fire- Street East, Oshawa; R. D. Humphreys, Cartage . Present Coffee Truck Service? ers, belt sanders, floor sond- |------____-- ca cteecilie Vo place. Dining room with slid- a" Cie: Ser i Oe tie ke Lek JOHN'S Moving, Storage and Cartage. | a iF NOT CALL 13 Garrard Road #3 a. Te ope een i 7 i ye x } Th t of thi te ' inci - ae: | Ors, Gini, aeiTal NHA and oir |emtenett Fan Iaured. Dey o, ally for one . PLUMBER'S TOOLS GIRL SALES Seat eden med wate | first mortgage funds available. FURNITURE Movi Basement FURKITURE MOVING, Basement Cleon year. Too small GORD S Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise For invoice typing, invoice bathrooms, Large unfinished JAMES MACDONALD, BA, LLB) Bar-|ing any Trucking responsibilities. to be noticed? FOOD SERVICE SPRING WILL COME AGAIN! tripod, pipe wrenches, pipe accounting and general of- OPPORTUNITY recreation room with unfinish- rister and ee abe Ss inde West, for contracts. Call 725-9843. You're reading it 'Ate vod. BIaRAINA enews cutters, pipe threading dies, fice work. Apply in own : ed fireplace, Two panel elec- 5 The homigge on i Client) Sale avall- now. Owned & Operated by Envoy you Pp 9, ' toilet auger. ae Well established | Oshawa tric service. Two car under- pcongg Miho 795-4717. Caterers | Ie ana corporate monies for ali| Restaurant. home, ihe i ane PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT ll writiig, pet. ry Branch Office for a large house garage and paved 4 asagy AND KaLLY, "aerate ; Soliei-| PONTIAC INN, under new meng mortgages. Mortgates and agreements F a % es qualifications and when avail- National Firm desires to driveway, Many other ext ¥ Be ego Oa galerie cee eae, ta eae te, seine tga Phone 728-7321 SAWDONS' fersion ladders, fodder jacks, | obl€ for work to: contact a local man 25 to | Immediaie possesion, Asking =| Bn he ence We Kelly, BA, BCL, | meals. 728-1297 or 723-882) FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, Sele| SPecializing in Fresh Hot Cof- WHITBY steal acottoiding, colores: 40 years old for sales posi- $20,000. To inepect call i 728-8832. Dentistry ee Purchased and, sold. Hennick fee, Fish & Chips, Chicken, LIMITED sos; Gorey: oune., wollbaper BOX 744 tere Seias experience desir- Keith Lunney. & ¥ ick, Barristers, 31 King Stree : ; ' ie ; } : b Sectors Cents Mronds. avaliable for iALEIS ORE By Dental Soren [eatt 7 mates ea Meuaite 224 Brock S. Whitby steamers, sareniings blow Oshawa Times ec pestites iahaae oe: An DUNLOP ST. E. rst mortot 37_King Street East, (3r imcoe North, Osha' For lis Eos oat ke heh See Bh Maia 'orches, propane torches. ae sag ' floor), 7ae-7336. Charles c. MeGidbon, | 112, Simcoe, Sree Noe me aait, Musical | Services | FREE 24 Hr. Burner Service WELDING EQUIPMENT Hedgdlees Fiore, Day work Appiy| nual bonus and opportunity This 3-bedroom home Is ideal QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, Qc. a |D re ica Se ree LEN PULLAN Fuel and bldg. supplies. hacel sidirig:. ouhite Smiih's - Coffee Bar, 317 Simcoe Street} for advancement. for Ms en family or retired JOSEPH P MANGAN @QC., Soll ressmaking | CING = cetylene = weldi UTTITS, | South or phone 725-3932. Group benefits include hos. couple. Easy to hedt and car- Money to loan. ice 144 King street | INTRODU 200 amp. electric welders. MIDOLE-AGED lady to a Tonal yOMP...2 + ' = ries for east, Oshawa 728-8232. DRESSMAKING, alterations. Women's! Qo aWa's DISC JOCKEY (English Tailor) "JUICE EXTRACTORS BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT |P#evsitting for six-year-old child and do pneaen. Mae ners, rif gp he nn EREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, end 57), £7 ' ' ALL MAKES -- BEST PRICES Tite: Oe ian ee ak Mote Garam bane ee ce looking for real econ VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, MRE Teraiors| CUSTOM TAILORING Cement mixers, finishing Orchard View district. Cail 723-1624. pension plan, eicely «e sone, you Commi ing, imcoe ; ' ions-- > : . i : Af s Era, ge Soe ary |narang om te mace, Magan] sag, receptions aP*, | Sut ond Dress Ateratios | THE SUNSHINE SHOP | "ove, wheel barows, ele: |RAIRDRREEER it a-ha las | All inguires im stctestcon- | mould itt (hs ome, ond ran ae? Tae a Gk Murdoch, Ge, 728-1823. Clubs etc. wiaee oe gaat sas) 725-224) jock hammers, hand trowels, | Louns® Le ee he HN or idence. oi home ask for Ivan Kelles- and Rationiarts 'of Sale bought and sold, soe peg og cavirt: Grapes. Pittng 4 FOR pase Na o : ~ 24 Prince St., Oshawa pati ar isis cane dre 323 WEEKLY for wearing lovely dresses Box 840 G . PS: MOOT Wr pe area as rs, , iven as bonus. Just show Nort . -------- ORETEMAKING -- A Kind aia | EXPERT plano tuning and repairs > Removal of superfluous hair generator, ramset, power rol- American Bashlon, Frsdia to irisads. No Oshawa Times WHITBY NORTH Classified Rates wear. High quailty work. Call Agnes|sonable rates, recommended by 'tocal| Marie Murduff | will' be in Completely Reconditioned lers, electric hammers, mas- |<avassing, investment, experience nec: Six year old brick bungalow, Or 668-8463, Whitby. |tenchers Call collect Toronto 694-7567. Oshawa, Feb, 22, 23, 24. TELEVISIONS onry sow, building jacks, |ttd., 4425 industrial Bivd., Dept. T-4619, REAL ESTATE well decorated and well land- Ciehol Insertion of 24 words, $1.00 Gardening ond Supplies \Optom otrist -- siete Hotel on these mortar mixers, mortar boxes, |Montreal 39. Que. popet: A completely finished additional words 4'¢ 13 ia lates for appointment. $35.00 and up -- 1 month chain hoist, miter saws, elec- CLEANING LADY for Fridays only, sement you have to see walters newen't ema |, Gieal"haty sates Oinnme. Te] ELECTROLYSIS warns al kat ond | plow force 1 ae |S works "in. Toronto" ends tive Insertions of 24 words $4.32, addl- SPRING phore 723-4191. 723-4641 types. Apply 131 Cabot St., Blacter pews cane, eoner RELIABLE lady wanted to mind four-|] Wonted for Bowmanville- anxious to move, Asking ae, G ect pid witrin 6 cave 11 [Painting and Decorating [iar ~stupewrsr attention! Classes in| 723-6942. post hole auger. weeks in' March while "mother in hos-| Biackstock reo, prefer | $14,500. Call Ivan Kelles: irge jt ig pit Dial 662-8357. selling experience, peri- ti of counting -- Less then 34 THOUGHTS GOOD BARGAIN mation Call Clerk shoo," 35" Brock SMI STAN"S oneant -- Grandmother who works preg ha te ton, com "com LAUNDRY initial, figure or abbreviation counts e OO reel lest, 'Y, , Monday ings, need: we i N ort. rogressive firm, On- @s one word; phone number counts Potting Soil Will peint whole house, Three Friday afte- 6 p.m.; Saturday, 1-6 p.m. _ sae LE Sh 2 RR Is Ltd hone, avlematic igen Al : Sever Help tact Lloyd G. Lee, Manager, Unlik laundri thi re esis Rooting Compound . WEEKLY CLASSES In self improvement; You're in Valley Creek Furni- arpening entals - [care act house, six-year-old grandson.) 14 Keith Ltd. Realtor, 181 ke some laundries, is SOCIAL NOTICES No-Damp coats, Any color.) No Job: «|e memes ieee Mate, Mey cegl" ture where they. pay the most, 223 King St. West., Oshawa _| pawy-rime-cochh rg eng) Eglinton Avenue East, Tor- etic " ag eng oe $2.00 per insertion with 25 cents ad- Gladiola Dust higher than $200. Flat paint m,, Sat. 1 - 6 p.m. a sell the cheapest. When sell- cashier required. Apply Mrs. t ; return. Keep your job a -- Vermiculite te Glee Soma 7--Swap end Barter | 103% buvina used furiture | PHONE 723-3224 |wantas ears ame m ail |r money. $10,000. down, F mes 4 = r to all Ivan Kellestine. bf coagem ag ec = vam | 725-5922 Anytime plete: canal a oe San ani oe geet to a 7 aie CONSTRUCTION NO. 12 HIGHWAY poorly oh lo LE. +4 "pe Flower Seeds Plumbi d Hesti or will exchange for used piano. Tele! 1612 Bond W. Taping, Weddings recorded, |intimiren Sonortunity tor fires women OFFICE : Said within 7 dove. Lopping Shears umbing and reating phone tope recorders, record play- "|as Beauty Counsellors, flexible hours, fulll -- Requires Young Man Just south of Myrtle -- 391% CARDS OF THANKS Face Dressing ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling, arr arn irons, half stg oeltide eatery lhagetcelgah motor) ers, projectors, M.C. work, |fraining program. Telephone mornings 9 acres choice leve| land. 1045" Se Ue cee ee ae Rabbit Repel rates. 'Eatimnaion trea, realli, 3; Petey.liven Siti undry Wes, punee." previa 722m." | PA. systems, Mobile PA. © {7am Age 20 - 25 knowledge of | of highway frontage, ideal for charge if not pald within 7 days Plant Boxes ALU PLUMBING and heating ety Sure systems, pipes, fittings, boats, trall-|Fwo box springs and mattresses, maich-| Proadcasting, background | 18 Male Help Wanted house construction and draft- nursery or possible commer- COMING EVENTS ALL PLUMBING 6 Harold H. stark. Lid.,/er%, cars. Chinn's, corner Hillside and|ing sets, 3 #t., 2 In very good condition,| music, dances, Hi-Fi Equip- ing an asset. cial or 10 acre lots. Our sign feet t words en cen accher COOPER-SMITH Piumbing Heating and ing, 225 Park South. 723-7088. 1 ; ihilech lamps. Apply 485 Simcoe ment. HELP! HELP! AJAX 942-2401 is on the Property, take a Simeoe stree! south. . reet Nor' w look, th Il Ivan Kellesti (Were _ Ads) 8--Articles for Sale GUDGEON ASSOCIATES ! en call Ivan Kellestine AUCTION SALES A VIBRATOR, reducing | "and exercise bed. SOUND EQUIPMENT---723.5121 bd pay Reonerariyes required to sell to for more particulars. he. Ei : \-! ---723- j ions, : ¥ : @ caisson 16 CELINA ST i Beni Thy ag Ag Ragga M2 | need help to meet the de- |msane NiNim™ OS AY, ten "HENRY.ST." = DEADLINES : condition "also sun temp, $5. Telephone! tric DC: on trailer. Priced for quick sale.| 'Tables Chairs, Linens, Dish- mand for Ontario Automobile {WANTED Toolmaker for fast growing : yorp AD OSHAWA bth. __|Also_ two useo bench grinders. Gordon u " Association memberships. | |!0bing shop. Good Wages. Excellent op-| Five room. brick bungalow dey evieds 723-1 139 CARRIAGE -- Brown "Thistle", new|Becshaw 44R2, Sunderiand, es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee . ° j . portunity for right person. Apply L. and! (v9. nice). Fireploe ond 4 Ler Atay. of publication CLEANERS hood and apron, Telephone Whitby] 29" TELEVISION, Coronel, ai. Tel Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal will had ay up ag fash eel L Tools, Simpson Ave., South, Bowmen Bortvinete il eal biced ; fs +5403 hone 725-2664. 4 £ Wear, Men"s Formals, White in is pleasan ignified, hand der Py hd 7 i dey of pubiction BT, 1909 pig Fly Mga Fogel STORE COUNTERS. Suilable for ber_In|warten Sisal. Fox Fuls' Mink Stoles. good paying work. Experience |PRESSMAN, Heidelberg, experienced; !00m In living and dining Bs CLASSIFIED. DISP ' TREE to trim? Cail "Slim". Or cut them recreation room. Apply Pattenick's De- only Apply after 10 a.m. fo Arjay} rooms, Ranch plank fence wn it ' Hy not necessary, car required. 1 column -- 4 p.m. day previous, |down. Free entimates, 7255118 or 720-0610. home. partment Store 5 Simcoe South. seerme, NarTenity. Reasonable, Calli "SARGEANT'S RENTALS No age limit. Full or part |Brinters Sas bose. 182 Simcoe Street South, around back yard. Nice gard- -- 10 am. Bie cscs i : ' 2, column er larger yg [mn He CALL 725-9961 AIRMASTER -- Sorteany snllave, eit, GAS STOVE, | four-burner, "apariment| 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 time. EXPERIENCED shor} order cook Apply) f" he PM $15,500. Call : '4 size, in gi condition. Priced $45, Tele-| -- incense nonncirenrnantntns seas van Kellestine, CORRECTIONS = gf BRUCE: STREET. Seen Tutors Wier seen, | piione 725-778, ENTERTAINING -- Fifly To one hundred Contact Supervisor cante a ae bali -- F aan | Meaeanintne b = people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban- jation a jant wanted. Ex-) 4 id sc itacR RENT -- me TUTORING. (SEP Ae, toe. [Froctre cchemel snionne sc, [suet aries weddings anniversris = cellent, pperunity fer srerowic yours| FINISHED REC ROOM While every endeavor will be made Closses now in session at |Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe Street/21-INCH eevee, Very 900d condition. $50. Oshawa chee ning ia 361 Facilities, ber, kitchen, parking. Rea- CARMEL ATTAID pedal on Fhsk oi Prelrallaghi Apply pag This 3-bedraom, 5-yr. old ihe cavectiong "ai tose. pegeokl Academic Tutoring College ssi Le icivtedl Main. ee re en e a ah cakes haa Gibbons Street, 728-R180. awe RT RE Femail er yy 477 Phillip Murray Ave. Or Waverly Road' Boman oe "| brick burigolow nestled in a ' . | repairs, m 7 ' a " a a we eccomt no Wlebility la respect of | All ages, grades, subjects. nog verre. comoltle Conor ob tote: [Drushes att. Pickin, delivery, 9ezeris. srCU, Th ete! pransformer, hand wired) reducing machines, sick room. supplies. Oshawa 19--Mal F I Pleasant Whitby residential sheen BR ay acl pi 'oouy ine Redding,- Math, English _| rials. Workmanship guaranteed five years. |Fleming Vacuum 'Service, Main Street,|C7°).0, i", suoning of plioryys) W Gal|A'o Rentars, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, ----Matle or Female grea, features a completely warding 'uch replies, however caved Science, etc. From student's | Free estimates. Credit terms. Mattresses | Pickering with controls $75.00 Lloyd Baby carriage,|HALL AVAILABLE for private parties, PHONE 723-3247 Help Wanted finished L-shaped rec room whether by negligence wise. own textbooks, private or |{e-dullt. Furniture re-tinished. Oshawa|@UY AND SELL -- Good used furniture|$20.00. Apply 317 Powell Rd. Entrance|dances, banquets, etc., seating capacity |-- te --| with panelled walls, tiled The Times will not be responsible for group. é Ypnastering Company, 267 Dean-Avenues| ang appliances, One location only. Pretty|opposite Mount Lawn Cemetery. oe Nerere nee et Oey Oe ae A weekiy. Colvect echive' monthly "ecbonie floors and ceiling, plus a repiles uncalled for in 20 days nfo Furniture, 444 Simcoe South 7273271.__|SEDDING BARGAINS! Smooth top mat: | cet_cittle Buckaroo P.. 1chs 725-27, The General Tire and Experience not needed. Cer essential. For| lovely curved built-in bor, ' REGULATIONS ACADEMIC syle. Cths STON tae oor materiel Se pool Pha yn tresses, $22; bunk beds, $57; continentals CHAIRS, arg ond banquet be Rubber Co. of Canada Ltd. |interview write giving phone number to! Fully landscaped lot (72 x es + cash register, #|from $24; spring filled mattresses from|aisie runners ve FOX " ' * |Post. Office Box 86, Postal Station N. FY The. <Qshowa "Times will Rot be, re TUTORING COLLEGE {or ieceayer nd-_ Dalton Upholstering, 75) adding machine, $25; comptometer,..$25;|§12. Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street.|Simcoe Stree' North, Call 723-2414, Requires an Toronto 14, Ontario. '| 100) with ranch plank fene- four total cash registers. 723-4434. : ing. Aluminum storms and ts submi otherwise than in heidi WE BUY sel) and exchange used turni- 4 : t+ FULLER BRUSH COMPANY requires} '9 ' i ; Wont tar tor thre thee one inser- CALL 723-6701 Sales and Service FIRE WOOD, short pieces hardwood,|ture or anything you have, The City 1 Business Opportunities ACCOUNTANT fren: 6F women th" Wodk hours. per screens included. Askin } tion of any advertisement, nor beyond sta _____jeight yards truck load, $15. Telephone|Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street CREDIT week, Average earnings $45. m6 $55. per $14,400. Carries for 98.29 | the price charge for a sing.e inser- GUARANTEED repairs to all wringer | 726-6524 Charlle. South, 723-1671 ATTENTION INVESTORS wetk. For Information, call 668-2846, including taxes. To inspect ' tion of the advertisement in which LEARN TO DRIVE palit od and ranges. Free estimates. Calll ADDING machines, typewriters, cashiers, |FURNITURE -- 3 rooms, new ; qoallty MANAGER ANY restauram -- Hotel workers interes-| cali Noel H ee f re, aur Pic a hs 'ot the 728-1742. cuplicators, criequewriters, les, | Seeks; furnitine. only $299, includes complete} Funds wanted for fully se- Fae Nb fin Och te' in belonging to the Restaurant Work- ' Y. 4 ' A . chairs, we buy, sell, rent, service room, livingroom, kitchen ensembies. i or the retail branch in Osh- ers. Un'or are invited to telephone toca! ' 4 to classify S darblv) ling to Oshawa Driving School | Septic Service trade Wik budget terms, New and used.|pay only $3 weekly. Unbeatable value! cured investment. Will poy eWa. 'The decbantantnustibe agent at 728-3996. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW i In fie case of display scvertisements reasonable rates, standard --_| septic TANKS cleaned, prompt aervice| "OM" !OW Prices. Bill Hamilton, Ragian.|Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe| 8% interest plus 10% profit able. ts conclat pertht 'A: smortly designed. 6-room : The Tinan Will OL os held. reaper: and automatic cars on calls Waite' Ward, 204 Chesinut Street|GIRL'S CLOTHES, dresses, biouses,|South, ne _| bonus yearly, Minimum fi ule te eee Y 20--Real Estate for Sale Bie b y i rE i sible for more space than than in Professional instructors 'Wes! Whitby 668-2563. |skirts, slacks, coats, size 12° to 14, in amount considered $1,000 inancia statement an rigk bungalow only one yer ' which the actual error occupies, The 91 § > ----~ ---- jexcellent | condition Apply 220 Ritson| 9--Market Basket | For dataite welts: month end schedules, Salary old, Features 3 good size bed- publishers endeavor to reproduce all he ummer Properties oad A CAPONE, 6 a nd pi f $4,800 to $5,500 de- rooms, L-shaped ivi | ; " p. Fresh killed, rom ij 'oO Ss, a ving room advertising eg Fo * glee taal and WHITBY ior kan? -- ee eimernyper ree NeW AMD USED IN 30g Sephances: oven ready Delivered, $2.50 each. BOX 904 pending on qualifications, MODEL HOMES and dining foom, a kitchen j i LILLIAN MAz MARSH, D.E.A. Danci * |Genera ric p's, yne's| phone 725-8304 : any inaccuracies In any form are con |&! Ballet, Tap, Y ecaehe MSra|housekeeping or American Plan. Satel7e Simcoe North. Telephone 723-141 hat ta OSHAWA TIMES Write Box 903 with more than ample cup- beach, fishing. A. Wright, Box 81, Ajax APPLES $1 up, pears 65c bas! sket. Fire- boards tained therin PART-TIME wholesale distributing busi- y a (custom built cup- Any advertisement cancelled beture |School, Kinderdance, Fridays, Saturdays, | 4<g.9967 BABY CRIB anc mattress; chrome high| wood f je. Algoma Orchards. Thick-| VARIETY STORE and gas station for OSHAWA TIMES publication will be charged one day's |Masonic Temple, 723-7253 chair; Lloyd baby carriage; -- (small)| son Road north, Whitby. rent. Golng business. Ideal for right| -- : boards by 'Norden' in ontique insertion Machinists Surveyors chest of drawers: child's gym set; lady's : va ar Couple I" "Interested | telephone, Toronto REAL ESTATE You will always be on vac- | white) and separate break- | i i achini ie trey te cics | POOR | e e. 422, S| 10----Farmer's 63.4601 or Hampton, dia ion when one of fast nook area, 4-piece cer- i IT'S EASY TO PLACE A WHITEY ROLLER DIE, as ary-sivent|',FLIM end TROLLOPE, Ontario Land | guy AND SELL -- Good used furniture ation when you buy one o "Pi TIMES ACTION WANT AD amic tile bathroom. Attech- 728-9731 Harlow Court BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap- Phone 668-3708 after 6.00 p.m. AN EXCELLENT German Shepherd pup, sever weeks, black, silver feet. Selection 10---Farmer's: Column li--Pets and Livestock treet! Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street East. y f HAY, very good, 50 cents a bale h i se smart hom b ' Call Classified Direct Sue Sh gale fg Bree otros | 725-6881 Dundee" East Whitby soe-satty *" *'S] malted' barley. Schelderbauer, 12. miles ee et saa wane' fee list eter SALESMAN Soo Cc al eg iy ed brick garage with cement i Whitby 668-2971. DONEVAN ane PLEISCHMANN, Ontario east of Raglan, Telephone Brooklin) hours' work. Very small investment re- be) onstructio floor, 'Well planned base- ' 723-3492 , GUITAR, 'fl handed Stratocatter fender| 455-3095, : ' as : - Prins Bree tame PM Teena sei AO and Giped Tir RI ree |Sene, Wa hae AMT ie] Wanted for Whitby and | Panoramic view of Lake | ment. Storms ond screens, | reet, « --=- = . J . , ' : y To Loan ario Stre SPECIAL -- "Tynewilers portable, sland Up promptly. wistawill or Berm, Torone,| Tines. Brooklin ares, prefer selling Ontario. 17 models to down se i Only $3, we } INDEX 1 WILL Joan You up to $5,000 at a rea-/ TV--Radio Repairs ards and electric. Suitable for studen' Collect. Hampton, 263-2721; experience. Experienced help choose from and $500 down. See this one now. Ca ; * nd businesses. All makes available. -C- saliodaa CLASSIFICATIONS sonable rate of interest foc te ee ze eer | makes, available.| icence 389-C-65. 15--Employment Wanted and every support, Progress- Winter:: Building Bonus Noel H. Edey. t 1--Women's Column purpose providing you are steadily em- One year guarantee. Jenkins Business! 1__ Bets and Livestock EXPERIENCED Dutch slay wants "dey) ive firm, Contact Lloyd G, 2.Péronel ployed and have good credit. Telephone Machines. (Sates and Service), 728-7788. oe b > work. Lee, Manager, H. Keith off the down payment. NEW BUNGALOWS 3--Sportsman's Column 713-4631. : pl i Sy gt ne % -- Job es truck Limited Realtor, 181 Eglin- | Split-levels or Ranch bun- ' 4--Hunt * One - lengths, '\driver, or similar, as ~ chauffeur's . 3 S--Tralers FAY MNS tee ee ei eae ECONOMY AND Excellent ior fireplace. 7.78 single cord./Bur-Hil_Kennels, Pickering 942-1257 canal, Contech idee Thonean " at a, a agecdioe galows, prices start at Save $500 Dollars j 6--Marine Equipment cut payments in half or less for consoli- ia! 723-228) after 4 E Pee ai white stallion, 13 hands, broken | 723-3537. A Greaves, (PER a burda R ancl Senta iew these 7--Swap and Barter dztion or any worthwhile purposes. Tele DELUXE GUNS -- Bought, sold, traded, repaired|to ride or drive, good with children.) eX¥pERIENCED lady wants housework.| WANTED -- Electric lead, rhythm, bass $14, 900. To vie Waverly And for Sal i h Foll at st Basket 2 phone Toronto 481-5289, Priced to suit. your budget at 4rt's Gun Shop, 18 Bone Street West.| Harnpton 265-2266. References. Telephone 725-0434. guitarists interested in forming band. lovely new homes. Follow H TERMS ARRANGED Park Road south to Phillip 2 inh Mortgages YOUNG MOTHER will babysit in_her 12---Articles. Wanted -- P Blioncas: Coll elmer, Rerooren ss2004 cr|thrie. weter.. one' fernnla, "$66, "Secon | own orrm, orm" Celrawa dIa{rict, "Tele:| RAUESOT™ vaaenea ven work. Local Murray Avenue and you |. Possession in 30 days, stone lowearsicwes fer Kare OSH AWA TV toc ck naa Registered) TENTION BUSINESSMENT if and other benefits. Apply Wm. J. Ander-| are there. Open all week- | fronts, clay brick, sodded 1250 unt 11,45 p.m. you MORTGAGE 14--Business Opportunities GIBSON ELECTRIC ou ad | ampi-| ' _|would like to dictate your letters by|20" Company Lid. Mr. Levi Arksey, be- lawns, custom kitchens, Pour- 1$--Employment Wanted fier with reverberation: '0 664 micro-| aor POM puppies, registered, Tiny balls have e e typed tween 8 a.m and 5 p.m. Monday to! end. ed concrete foundations. 16--Agents Wonted SUPPLY LIMITED phone, Used. two monte, Hi sell_sep-|of fluff, five pounds when, fully QrOWN. | trom your dictaphone or require. copy| day -_ oe Builder will accept trades. A i7<Femdie Help Wanted aretely ater 6 evenings call 723-7782. |Very lovable, $50-860 with papers. Tel@/1yning only, telephone 668-4502 for further | THREE TRAVEL, four days at ecept trades, As ; ] y 9 |typing only, telepho! 1S---Male Help Wanted 361 GIBBONS ST. GONRET ChLR Gare and asele | Ne TE 7?. information home Man over 40 for 'hort trips near low as $850.00 down. Ap Se ee ee ee Moneys for first mortgages TOY COLLIE puppies. Also smooth ter-|---------- shawa. Worth up to $4,000 to na F pointments made by calling 20--Real Estate for Sole y: 999) ances Name brands at biggest discounts ; Pl 7 iniature Shepherd, | | T--=Fi I Hel Wanted year, Write W_E,. Dickerson, Pres.' "inet H, B : ' 21---Farms for * Interest at 7% " anywhere, We carry Restonic and Bev-|rier, Labrador and miniature Shepherd,| 17-----Female Pp i Netra Care, larry Bates or Bill Millar ely mattress furniture lines. Your author-|$25 to $50 delivered. Call Port Perry, é CS a a pte ag vd Open Mortgages ited GE desler. Contact Honest Cal's at |985-2645, '| Youn EXPERIENCED licensed hair-|Main, Ft. Worth, Texas. ao REALTOR 725-1186. : Geena tittices ere No Bonus 424 King Streei West, 728-9191. HOR ry'|dresser by March 1. No long hours, Good! ian WANTED for parttime evening 24---Stores, ge and Storage nt % own ean breke Western. Eleven years'| king conditions. Apply Barbara's Houses for Rent No charge for valuations TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL! 40-fi,| experi Caly_ 728-1378. Beauly Salon, 75. Celina" or telephone Peon Hotes, ar th Sehawe: Sines. : W. T LAMSON 26--Apartments for Rent Mortgages and Agreements N W structure including all-channel antenna, | ¢appLe HORSE, broken to ride or drive| 725-9572. pe _ < - ay 833 Simcoe St. South . . ' 27--Rooms for Rent purchased installed, guaranteed, by experts, 19| aiso ponies. Al quiet, well. mannered.| ExpeRiENCED women for small res-|ONE CLASS, eensed «mechanic anc Real Estate Lid 28----Room and Board M fi S H C ll Till years' experience, $50. Trio Television.|coog with children. Herse collar, like Mitt No late eve.jone semi-skil'ed mechanic. Apply in per- 728-7377 ° 59--Wonted to Rent . lioneys for second mortgages ervice Calls fi Cal 728-5145, Konno! 265-2790. taurant, eee. pte ca Dhak son to Personnel Dept., McCallum Trans- 67 King St. E. Osh ruUXe or Basattnes nings. 0 a" ¢ i doe ~ in E. 30---Automobiles for Sole, " ast service. 9PM TUXEDO -- Good condition. Reasonable| cozy.j.mANCH Kennels, horses, goais,|Arrly Immediately, Carmichael's Barbe. Port. Limite JUST LISTED. Tidy four-room ome with ig snawa 32--Tr oe for Sale M fF SW. Phone 728-5003 ____.|Kids, registerec: German Shepherds, pup-|que, Park Roso South. MECHANIC'S ASSISTANT. required. Ap-|aarage. High dry basement. Taxes enly BANCROFT AREA, lake frontage, spring 33--Automobiles Wanted .F. ARTZ T.R.1.O. TELEVISION -- 'eaveR, SKATES" -- New and used--|pies champinn bloodlines, Stud services,| page-or taiitime Training now Tor a pros Fl at Canagian Tire, 3} Brock, Street/si8_ Contra: Asking, $8.90. Call Tony/feq house. "s. storey, seven Bedrcoms, 34--Automobile Repair 262 King St. East 728- -5143 Geod prices Terms. Dominion Tire Store,|bonarding, training, Classes. Ashburn, / 52.0). ng interesting position as a dance|Netth, Whitby Ontario. iW. 0. Martin, Realtor. two tivingrocms, two kitchens, 12 bath: } 35--Lost ond Found 9 : |48 Bond Street West, Oshawa 725-6511 Brooklin 655.4662, evenings. |teacher or receptionist. Aged' 18 to 30. MAN | to train as desk clerk. Must have| fooms, '*hree hallways, furnace room, | 36--Legal | Oshawa, Ontario RON'S TV aerials, towers, repairs, 11|TELEVISIONS and sewing machines. We|BEAUTIFLUL, baby budgies, ready "for | Apply in person between 1 and 4.30 and good ap pearance and personally, Apel oro Type house on malty road in | i bia oheey, Neavy Hed ion ant ! 7 : ' ; . . i ieee Siene | 723-4697 SRR acl, Seale ne eM, Gate: Mem Siem rami, Sekine ne apee, Mie, 1e 9 a Area uray ac anes ye Warn garepe' Skin" Slash eri, Wise or res, TO

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