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Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Feb 1965, p. 17

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i endorsed RA BREESE I SATIRE 'New Court Structure, Image' HAMILTON (CP) -- A senior lamilton magistrate strongly Monday a proposal by a Hamilton lawyer to elevate city magistrates to judges of the court and present a new court structure and "image" to the public. , Lawyer John D. Bowlby made the suggestions to the provin- cial royal commission inquiry into civil rights during a hear- ee. lagistrate Walter Tuchtie, speaking as the vice-president of the Ontario Magistrates' As- sociation; said the brief ex- presses not only the feelings of the magistrates but of the On- 'tario bar." Mr. Tuchtie said magistrates were preparing a brief along similar lines to present to At- torney-General, Arthur Wishart. Mr. Bowlby called magis- trates court "a forgotten seg- ment of our judicial system" and told Commissioner James C. McRuer, former chief justice of the Ontario Supreme Court, that legislation should be passed setting up a court that een noe Lawyer, Magistrate Concur: would be known as a court of criminal jurisdiction. WOULD TRY CRIMINALS He suggested the court would try virtually all criminal cases and magistrates with proper qualifications would become judges of the court. "T would certainly say there are certain people who try to belittle our magistrates' courts," Mr. Tuchtie said. "If magistrates were made judges of criminal court it would im- prove their image." A brief by a Hamilton house- wife claiming that parents should have complete access to board of education records on their children was rejected by the commission. However, Commissioner Mc- Ruer said it was "a very good subject for investigation," al- though not within the commis- sion's terms of reference. Mr. McRuer said he thought Mary Van Neste had a point about school officials releasing confidential information to in- dustry and other groups but not to parents. Judge Censured, . In her rejected brief, Mrs. Van Neste claimed the personal background listed on a school board card could leave the child open to possible prejudicial ac- tions. This information includes race, creed, nationality and an- cestry or place of origin of the child and his parents the brief said. The brief added that intelli- gence or personality tests are given to children without their parents' permission and then the results of the tests are not disclosed to the parents. Crown Attorney Peter McWil- liams of Halton County told the commission that drinking driv- ers shou'ld be forced to take blood-alcohol tests. He said that Halton County had 22 traffic fatalities in 1964, eight of whom were drinking drivers. Another fatality in- volved a drunk pedestrian. He said that last year ,an in- creasing number of persons re- fused to take a test to determine their sobriety. i) n J d al 'Officer's MD Supply In Canada medical manpower prepared for the royal commission on health services found that the supply be inadequate." was prepared for the royal com- mission by Stanislaw Judek, professor in the social science faculty of the University of Ot- tawa. The study notes that it may reach conclusions that do ance by the royal commission- ers, to have been a "shortage of world's seems to be inadequate and its WAS ONE FOR 866 'Inadequate' OTTAWA (CP)--A study of f doctors in Canada "'seems to The study, released Monday, ot necessarily involve accept- LONDON (AP) -- Britain's three political parties appear in general agreement that the na- tion's destiny lies with the Eu- ropean Common Market. In varying degrees during the past week, leaders of the La- bor, Conservative and Liberal parties urged redoubled efforts to tighten relations with the six- nation economic community. None had any illusion that re- cent friendly gestures by Pres- ident Charles de France meant any easing pf his opposition to "letting a poten- Gaulle of Using figures for 1961, Mr. udek said there would appear bout 1,400 doctors in Canada s of June, 1961.' He continued: "For a nation with one of the highest living stand- rds, our medical manpower istribution is far from equit- ble." In 1962 in Canada, there was Conviction one doctor for every 866 Cana- dians, his report showed. This compared with one for every 736 Americans in 1962, one for Retrial Ordered TORONTO (CP)--An Ontario Appeal Court for his of a murder trial at Sudbury and for his charge to the trial jury. Porter Justice Dana Reginald Dilabbio, 27, on a charge of manslaughter. Bishop For Payment Of RE Teachers SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont (CP)--The paying of religious education instructors in schools was likened to the paying of chaplains in the army in a let- ter from Most Rev, Alexander last September to seven years originally been charged with| non-capital murder in the shot-| apartment. Restored : "pial TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario Supreme Court justice was cen-j|imprisonment after the jury|Court of Appeal Monday re- sured Monday by the Ontario/found him guilty of a reduced|<toreq a Police Act convic- conduct|charge of manslaughter. He had|tion of discreditable conduct against a Peterborough police- r é man who illegally parked his The Appeal Court under Chief|gun slaying of Joseph Renaud,|truck over two years ago. unani-| 36-year-old hotel waiter, during} The Appeal Court decision mously ordered a 'new trial for|a party last March in Dilabbio's|,aiq there had been no denial of normal justice to Constable q 0 Mr. Justice Edson L. Haines,|Robert V. Lewis, who was tried Dilabbio had been sentenced)|who presided at Dilabbio's trial,|by both Peterborough Police was criticized by the Appeal|Chief W. J. Shrubb and later Court for directing a witness to|by the city's board of police every 608 Italians in 1960, one for every 715 West Germans in 1960, one for every 1,003 French- men in 1959 and one for every 932 Britons in 1960, Another study questions whether it is necessary for a high school graduate to spend up to seven years before be- coming a doctor. The six doctors who made the study suggested that per- 'GO FIND SOME LAWBREAKING' TORONTO (CP) -- Council in suburban New Toronto or- dered town emp.oyees. Mon- day to get busy and discover more law infractions. Mayor Donald Russell com- plained at a council meeting that the seven council mem- bers are the only ones who discover parking infractions and building violations. "The people think we are deadbeats or something the way we're always looking around for something wrong," he said. He also wondered aloud why municipal employees never notice any wrongdoing. The employees were ordered specifically to crack down on industries that had taken over public property for private parking. "And see if you can't find something else while you're out there," the mayor said. haps two years could be shaved off the education of a doctor at the high school level, The study said if there was to be an acceleration in Can- ada "it must take place 'in show the jury Renaud's blood - stained gar- exhibits, CRITICIZE ACTOR He was further criticized for allowing a witness, with no per- sonal knowledge of the incident, to re-enact the actions of Re- naud as described earlier by another witness. bers each of|commi ments. Chief Justice Porter, in|quct likely to bring discredit his written judgment also criti-| ypon the reputation of the Pet- cized.Mr. Justice Haines for al-|erhorough force and was pun- lowing a number of photographs|jshed by. cancellation of five of Renaud's body to be filed as/days' leave. either the primary or secondary school programs." "It is unlikely that the basic studies of medicine, with an ever - increasing body of know- ledge in medicine, can be ac- complished in less than four Lewis was found guilty of con- The constable appealed this calendar years." verdict to Mr. Justice Edson Haines of the Ontario Supreme Court, who quashed the convic- tion last June. The case began Dec. 28, 1962, when Chief Shrubb noticed Lewis' truck illegally parked in no - parking zone opposite Lewis and the other policeman. wrote: actions referred to were un- likely to reflect upon the force Mr. Justice McGillivray "T am unable to say that the Cy OA AC II ii Three Parties Agree On Common Market tial competitor in on his Euro- pean club in the foreseeable fu- ture," as The Economist, the influential weekly, put it. Relations have been cool be- tween the two governments since de Gaulle blocked Brit- ain's entry into the Common Market in January, 1963. How- ever, since Prime Minister Wil- son's Labor party took power last October, there have been signs pointing toward closer re- lations. "We are prepared to take any measures that are open to us to end the costly economic di- vision of Europe," Wilson told a political meeting Saturday. HAS RESERVATIONS However, Wilson hedged with Labor's usual reservations that ties with the Commonwealth and the European Free Trade Association must be preserved. Sir Alec Douglas-Home, for- mer Conservative prime minis- ter, told a party rally that, while awaiting a change of heart. by de Gaulle, '"'we should exploit every chance of co-op- eration with the countries of Eu- rove," Lord Gladwyn, a member of the Liberal party, introduced a THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, February 23, 1965 17 Late in' 1063 cartographers noted a new island, See hae one square-mile in area, from the sea bed following canic activity off Iceland. motion in the House of Lords ap- pealing to the government to BOTH vs FIRST SHOWINGS take the lead in building '"al§ western European political and defence community." The Economist commented: "There is beginning to be alg purposeful continuity in the re- luctant British crawl toward Europe, which should not be underestimated, especially on the European continent. It is becoming, as indeed it ought to be, the major fact of British politics." There is a growing realization that the British market is too smali to support British indus- try, which also is running into increasingly strong competition EMOTIONS ! "THIS SPORTIN LIFE" ----with-- RICHARD HARRIS Q Se WCAR 10 PeRaCnes (18 Pinas © 208 C8 Oven PLUNDER WAS THE LAW... LOVE WAS BOOTY ! THE "FURY AT SMUGGLER'S BAY" --with-- PETER CUSHING MICHELLE MERCIER JOHN FRASER in the world market. DOORS » OPEN 6:30 P.M. CLINIC NORTH'S FIRST SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont. (CP) -- The first veterinary TRS SAT. aS SUNDAY 1:30 P.M, clinic in Northern Ontario has opened near Desbarats, 22 miles east of here. Dr. Maurice Fos- ter who runs the clinic says he has previously travelled up to 50,000 miles a year in his vet- erinary practice in the area. Now farmers will be able to bring their ailing livestock to him. ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY 7 to 12 In the Beautiful MELODY ROOM (Whitby Hotel) featuring Johnnie McMann on the Console Organ ENTERTAINMENT Each Week 12 People Receive Passes Free in the opinions of many in the city where they occurred. : a Chief Justice Porter described|tewis' apartment. It had a the procedure as "improper" parking ticket on it Carter, Roman Catholic Bishop of Sault Ste. Marie, made public Monday. Bishop Carter said he re- leased the letter--written Dec. 21 to Rev. Neil Price, presi- dent of the North Bay and Dis- trict Ministerial Association, and added: "It might well be portrayed by the actor, this. par- a Protestant inter denomina- tional group--to make clear his position in a dispute concerning payment of persons teaching re-|, ligion at Sturgeon Falls High School. The controversy began last Sept. 3 after a statement to the Sturgeon Falls high school board by Msgr. Adolphe Proulx, chancellor of the Sault Ste. Marie diocese, that the diocese would build a separate school if the board did not hire a teacher of religion. The board then voted 41 Sept. 23 to "adopt a policy of paying for the teaching of re- ligion" in Grades 9 to 12. Last Friday, Mr. Price said that the board's proposal would be tested in the courts if car- ried out. OPPOSES PAYMENT Mr. Price's remark followed a letter Feb. 4 to the board in which he contended that teach- ers should not be paid for giving religious instruction, "'especially 4 they are members of the ergy." In the letter released Monday, Bishop Carter said that if ob- jections to paying for religious instructions in schools were log- ical, a logical objection could also be made to the federal gov- ernment employing and paying chuplaius in the armed services out of public funds. There are about 1,100 students in all grades, excluding Grade 13 and those who are excused at their parents' request, who receive about 35 minutes of re- ligious education a week at the school, 22 miles east of North A priest instructs about 800 Catholics while a_ minister teaches a small group of Prot- estants. A school board spokesman said last week that the high school has been giving religious instruction for 20 years and that a poll of parents showed 94 per cent in favor of continuing The Appeal Court justices also view of the evidence and omit- An hour later, the chief saw "If it were the opinion of the prejudicial to a fair trial, in/the truck parked in a legal that even if the witness's oral/zone, but the parking meter description could be accurately|showed a violation. ticular evidence was presented|LEFT NUMBER OFF to the jury in a much more; An investigation ordered by vivid and forceful manner than|the chief showed that the police- the evidence of other witnesses}man who put the ticket on the truck had intentionally left the licence number off because he found that Mr. Justice Hainesjrecognized the vehicle as misdirected the jury in his re-|Lewis'. n ! Mr. Justice' George McGilli- ted other vital directions--in-|yray of the Appeals Court, said cluding a failure to relate theithere was no collusion between board (of police commissioners) that such actions resulted in having people say 'Police offi- cers can violate the law with- out suffering penalty, but other citizens can't,' the board might well find that such opinions would be a reflection upon the integrity of the force." The judge ruled that Chief Shrubb was required by the Po- lice Act to try to charge against Lewis even though it was the chief himself who laid the charge and was a witness. doctrine of reasonable doubt to the defences of accident and self-defence. Elmer Sopha, counsel for Dil- abbio, said in Sudbury Monday that Dilabbio's new trial will probably take place at the fall assizes this year. No date has been set for the opening of the assizes. NEWS IN BRIEF BOUNTY MONEY HALIFAX (CP) -- The fed- eral bounty payment for the de- struction of seals in the Mari- times in 1964 amounted to $3,- 175. The bounty was payable re harbor and hair seals anywhere and only on grey seals caught in the Miramichi estuary. The bounty was $10 for each adult seal and $5 for each pup killed. IN_ ADDITION TO OUR REGULAR PROGRAM TODAY CONTINUOUS DAILY LINK WITH NORTH SHERBROOKE, Que. (CP)-- Cubs and Scouts from this city are linked with one of Canada's most northerly Cub packs at Pond Inlet, Baffin Island, 1,500 miles north. The Sherbrooke boys have been providing uni- forms for their Eskimo col- leagues and gifts at Cristmas. WORM RAISER EDMONTON (CP) -- Because he found it difficult to obtain live bait here, angler Don Bo- chek decided to go into the bu- siness himself. He converted his garage into a worm nursery and now is raising earthworms, mealworms, white worms and maggots for fishermen and own- it. ers of tropical fish. PLUNGES YOU HEADLONG INTO AW EXPERIENCES YOU WILL NEVER FORGET rR ADMITTANCE 10 PERO ta rues OF Act OF Om 2nd Action Packed Hit. . . "Mermaids of Tiburon" BOX OFFICE OPENS 7:00 P.M. @ FREE IN CAR HEATERS NOTE -- No One Un der 18 Years Admitted Only! This Engagement "TERRIFIC' THE ONE AND ONLY... "GLOVES" McGINTY Recording Star and Master of the Honky-Tonk Piano With His Own Inimitable Songs an Entertainment : Pp f NIGHTLY inthe... BLUE HORSE LOUNGE © HOTEL LANCASTER King St. West Oshawa You can sell hundreds of different items through Times Classified Action Ads, They work so effectively, | so quickly, because they reach so many people. The big audience for your sales message is what makes the classified | columns the market place for thousands in the Oshawa area. Sell items fast... as these people did. IHEAVY DUTY, double even range $40. vat sturdy chrome set, $35. Apply lark Rd. S. Dial--. "Sold kitcheri suite Y% hour after paper out." RENCH Provincial three end tables; chandelier fixture with two mirrors; wall clock, table lamp, trilight, electric ireplace. Good condition. Reasonable, Whitby. "Received hundreds of calls," 23" TELEVISION, 1963 Marconi, new edition. Telephone --. "First call took it." PHONE 723-3492 To Place Your TIMES Classified ACTION AD E550) "Ess0 SERVICE ATLAS TIRES - BATTERIES Specialized Lubrication And Undercoating 725-8507 King St. E. at Ritson Rd. Each week for 26 weeks there will appeer in the edvertisements on this page the names and addresses of 12 lucky people in this area. If your name should appear and you locete it, all you are asked to do is clip the ed and present it at THE OSHAWA TIMES office. You will then receive your "4" mee to Bowl et the Oshawa Bowling Lane. Pa ust be claimed by 12 noon Tuesday following publication, Harold Babbington, 337 Colborne E. Open & League 5 Pin Bowling ALDSWORTH _ CLEANERS 725-1812 36 ATHOL E. OSHAWA J. Grant Dodd, 915 Athol FISHETERIA ALWAYS FREGH Halibut FISH & CHIPS TAKE OUT OR TABLE SERVICE 231 King W. 725-5522 e@ Automotic Pinsetters @ Ample Free Floodlit Parking OSHAWA BOWLING LANES e@ Year Round Air Conditioning 723-2631 MOONLITE BOWLING Every Fri. Evening Oshawa Shopping Centre at 11 p.m. $3.00 for 24 Games Donald L. Reed, 153 Hillcrest LET SUPREME WINDOW & DOOR PRODUCTS 'LOOK AFTER YOUR NEEDS' ¢ ALUMINUM SIDING | aig. awangs @ CARPORTS, ETC. LANSDOWNE SHOPPING CENTRE = Free Estimates 723-9843 McKEEN'S USED FURNITURE "We Buy and Sell New and Used Furniture" 426 SIMCOE S. 725-5181 PEGGY'S Hair Styling © Tinting © Hair Cutting @ Permanent Waving formerly 'Gerde Beauty Selon' Call 728-2641 FOR APPOINTMENT J. V. AVIATION LTD. Private & Commercial Ross Edmunds, 521 Farewell Flying Instruction (Gov't. Approved School) @ Aircraft Rentals @ Charter Trips Piper Colt, Tri-Pacer and Cherokee Aircrafts 728-3191 Oshawa Municipal Airport KOMATZ DRAPERIES Made - to - Order "We will visit you at your convenience in your own home for demonstration of samples and free esti- Zoltan & Nick's SERVICE STATION 728-0051 B. Logeman, 260 Surrey Dr. MAJOR REPAIRS 3 Licensed Mechanics Volkswagen Service 160 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa Call 728-8522 For Appointment GILLARD- CLEANIT SERVICE LTD. 725-3555 If Busy, Call 725-3562 Ross Houghiand, 312 Chestnut W. ROUNN SERNITE 728-0344 FREE ESTIMATES Carpenter Work and All General Repairs ONTARIO CONTRACTORS MOTOR CITY CABS @ RADIO DISPATCHED CARS @ 24-HR. SERVICE DAILY Leo 725-1127 Kelly, 304 Simcoe South opposite bus termine! Too tired 2 to cook? CHICKEN in He ROUGH ve GORD'S ENVOY FOOD SERVICE HOME DELIVERY @ FISH & CHIPS @ HICKORY SMOKED RIBS -- CARPETS AND FURNITURE CLEANED in your home the "flower-fresh" way ty Duraclean® « no messy soaking i+ © no harsh scrubbing for free quotation call 728-8518 Cycle Centre * New and Used Skate Exchange Soles and Service on Bicycles and Tricycles 204 BOND E., 725-6344 C. W. Richards, 442 Bernhard Cr. GORD'S FOOD TO: -- © OFFICES @ FACTORIES @ CONSTRUCTION SITES 728-7321 WALTON'S Supertest AND Snack Bar 728-0231 DAILY SPECIALS Pies and Pastries Fresh Daily "We pay special attention to oO 24 We A bes E Da pen rs. ay Eve KING ST. E. AT PRESTONVALE OSHAWA'S MR. CLEAN (7) Janitor Service 7 Window Cleaning Employees Bonded ¥ LEO'S ITALIAN FOODMARKET IMPORTED CHEESE ALL ITALIAN FOODS GROCERIES MEATS GROCERIES (FREE DELIVERY) 502 SIMCOE S. 725-4643 pode 725-9931 SHEWRING BROS. Floor and Wall Covering © Armstrong Corlon 3 © Ceramic Tile CALL 728-3980 Harry A. Cade, 75 Avenue R. J, McKendry, 105 Hillcrest Cr. A. Aakko, 231 Huron For Free Estimates

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