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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Feb 1965, p. 26

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Cee rey oF eee ee eee ee i trian ping: Bid Sith Beaty Susy 29 THE OSHAWA TIMES, 2} Wednesday, February 24, 1 help they resent it and on pressure worsens the relation- ship. Dear Ann Landers: My mother holds you up as an au- thority on everything. Your word is what counts in our house, so please settle this. ar- gument, I am almost 18 years old & CHILD GUIDANCE Stress Strong Points In Lessons At Home By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD. |the gga learn from ie t th arent may 4ojor any other source, your mor: niyg ca ne icine the|Dligation to him is so to dis- gyal Pp di \cipline yourself as not to show school child while he studies his)nor feel anger over his mis- lessons at home. How prone the ANN LANDERS Knuckle Cracking A Horrible Habit Dear Ann Landers: Whoever wrote those immortal words cracking your . knuckles they takes, pfs will get so big no young man but to set the stage parent has been to disapprove Hithis child for his wrongs or mis- takes in conduct or lea.airg or to celebrate his successes, will bé betrayed when this child is being helped with his learning at reading, spell, or arithmetic. ciations more frequently. will build all your efforts in celebrating his successes, PRAISES GOOD WORKS he will make them less often and will acquire correct rn ou helping him succeed and then You will apply the same prin- at "Heaven will protect the work- ing the working girls this side girl," might have known what he was talking about, but heaven are the ones who need the help today and you, Ann Landers, are our Patron Saint. Your column has dealt with will be able to slip'a ring on the appropriate finger. Dear Ann Landers: I married a girl my mother did not ap- prove of. I thought she'd change her mind after we gave her some cighiaatns= but I was of I love to listen to Byes like a certain record very "dics I play it over and over--maybe four or five times in a row te mother says it is abnormal. play the same record over and over and anyone who does it is over the edge of the roof, the catty office manager, the|wrong. Normally, the parent grows =|vexed at the youngster who lags or makes and repeats mistakes as he tries to learn, Indeed, this parent may grow violently angry and soon act like a ma- niac, charging the child with indifference, laziness, or down- right meanness, cursing him with no less vehement names than "dumbbell." ADD INSULTS Perhaps there is no fault of the average parent which comes out so strongly and so hampers the child's jearning as the one just described. Think how harm- ful it can be. If the child has lagged or made mistakes in his lessons, he already is disgusted with himself. To have his parent add insult to injury must make this. par- ent seem to him a bully who would kick him in the stomach or face when he is down. From such emotional situations the child may not only grow dis- heartened and hopeless over the present lesson, but, may also tend to hate all learning, not to mention hating .the parent who is trying to help. NEEDS SYMPATHY That child needs a parent with a sympathetic imagination who feels himself in the child's place and sees and understands about as the child does. This parent will discipline himself neither to show nor even feel any irritation over the young \learner's difficulties and mis- ltakes. He will do more. He will \beost the youngster's learning lmorale. He will play up his successes, Of course, all this is more easily said than done, as any parent knows; yet some parents do achieve it, and the reward is truly wonderful, Be it ob- served that the good results reach far beyond the lesson or the whole school program. They carry over to all other parent- child relationships. Treated thus, a child has a favorable jopportunity to grow in all sorts INFLUENCE ENERGY jof ways. Many factors influence the} When you are trying to help amount of energy used in ac- tivities--weight, age, rate, tem- 1 perature, etc. Our homemaker KNITTERS!! r is in her mid-forties and weighs Biggest Selection of Quality dancing use many calories? _|169 pounds. Thus in walking up|] Nemer'-vir, "Pett Brend "My strategy is this: Instead/a flight of stairs she would use of eating a piece of pie or cake|less than three calories. WOOL QU EEN | 205 Simcoe St. $. 723-5371 | Do you believe that my mother is right about this? .I need an answer.--L. P. BUF! Dear 1. P.: No. I do not-be- lieve that a person who plays the same record over and over is wacky. I have played certain records (of which I am especially fond), four or five times in a row, I'm all right I'm all right Tm all right I'm all right, J NOW AVAILABLE Save Money - Buy Direct IMPORTED FRENCH PERFUME 4-072, 1 0.00 Send your order now--pey AFTER receiving your perfume! REPLY TO: se mseag Trade Corp. Canada ' 'lei' Ontario, Conede 30 Bloor St. East Y ungirdled sex pot who can't spell and calls herself a secre- tary, the lecherous boss, the cigarette moocher who goes from desk to desk, the coffee bum who never pays, the hum- mer, the whistler, and the gum popper. Now will you please say something about the knuckle cracker? The world's champion knuckle cracker sits behind me and she is driving me crazy. I have told her (as my mother used to tell me) that knuckle cracking is bad for the fingers and that over a period of time it will cause arthritis. My aunt got arthritis from cracking her knuckles, so please stand be- hind my story. Thank you.-- CRACKING UP Dear Cracking: Sorry, I can't stand behind a story that has no validity. Frequent knuckle crack- ing over a long period of time can irritate the margins of knuckle bones and cause the knuckles to grow larger, but this doesn't bring on arthritis. Why don't you tell the girl what my mother used to tell me -- that if you don't stop My wife is in the hospital now with our fourth child. Twice last week I asked my mother to stay with the kids so I could go to the hospital to see my wife. She said she was too tired. Tonight she said, 'All right, T'll come but just for a little while." As I was leaving the house the youngest boy climbed up on his grandmother's lap. She told him to get down because he was wrinkling her dress. Why is she like this? What can I do to get her to be more patient and loving toward il children?--DISAPPOINTED ciple regarding all his learning at school. When, for instance, he brings home a paper graded high, you will display it on the wall of the kitchen or his room. You won't insist on seeing his poorest samples of work, nor tell him that all his work should be as good as the best he has shown you. A certain mother reported that her son, 10, would bring home the returned papers which had high grades on them but failed to bring home the "bad" papers. This lad seems to have been wiser than his mother. PARENTS' QUESTIONS Q. Our daughter in the second grade makes excellent grades. But she cannot be content until she has told me the bad things she has done or thought during the day (not really bad things but she insists on telling them). A. Go on encouraging her to tell of pleasant experiences. Maybe some Sunday school teacher or over-pious person helping about the home has bur- dened her with this attitude. }Aim to have more fun and \laughter at home. If you don't see a desirable change soon, it might be well to consult a psychiatrist. FIFTEEN-MINUTE FISH DISH Serve Cod Steaks Souffle For Ash Wednesday Supper Steaks too high for your low budget? Nonsense! Just put the word "Cod" in front of the word 2 "Steaks" and your thin purse- lining problems. vanish. Takes too long at suppertime to prepare an eye-appealing dish like this? Never! Why its' fif- teen minute cooking-period will just. give hubby time to read the sports page and junior time to) scrub the good earth from his countenance. And; to set those hidden fish flavors singing, pure mono- sodium glutamate is the answer. A natural wheat or beet product, it is simply added to a recipe along with pepper and salt. So there you are, saving sil- ver, seconds, and savor with your new fish dish, Cod Steaks Souffle. COD STEAKS SOUFFLE 4 small cod steaks Salt, pepper, monosodium glutamate | KEEP IN. TRIM Homemaker Substitutes Action For Nibbling By IDA JEAN KAIN One homemaker has con- trived a novel plan of action by which she hopes to slim down on the double. She writes: "I have a plan: Instead of nibbling, which adds calories, I'll take action to use calories. I need to know how many calories I would use in various activities. For example, in climbing a flight of stairs (14 steps), does it take more cal- ories to run up than it does to walk up the steps? How many for vigorous stretching? Does PANCAKE DAY IS COMING Whether you make them from a packaged mix or from your own favorite bat- ter recipe, be ready to-serve pancakes next Tuesday. Practically any kind of pork THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA |FOR TOMORROW Thursday's planetary influ- ences promise a lively and con- structive day. Both business and domestic affairs are 'slated for gains, and most persons will prove extremely congenial and co - operative. Do avoid ex- tremes, however. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that, while the forthcoming year may not be particularly stimulating where job, business and finan- cial advancement are _ con- cerned, it would not be advis- able to let down in your efforts, since good influences off and on can help to offset intervening adverse aspects. For instance, you. will have opportunity to make some gain along occupational and (or) business, lines in late April, early May, late December and early January, to better stabil- ize monetary matters in. mid- March, early May, all of July, and latter half of September, mid-October and next January. Be conservative in intervening periods, however. In personal! matters, you meat is good with pancakes: bacon, sausages or ham. Here we have minced pork patties and pancakes served with maple syrup and apple : wedges that have been light- 4% cup mayonnaise ly fried in the pork pan. Y% cup drained pickle relish tablespoons minced parsley 2 egg whites tabi should enjoy pleasant domestic situations for most of the year --with the possible exception of brief periods in late April, early June, late August, early Sep- tember and early October. The year will be generally good for romance, with outstanding pe- riods in late June, all of July and September. Best period for travel; The first three weeks of July. Look for some stimulating social experiences between now and mid-September, in Decem- ber and January. A child born on this day will be endowed with a lovable per- sonality and "will have great confidence in himself. (-- lemon juice Y teaspoon salt Y teaspoon monosodium gluta- mate \% teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Few drops Tabasco Sprinkle cod steaks with salt, pepper, and monosodium gluta- mate. Place on foil-lined-or well- greased baking sheet. Broil with surface of fish three inches be- low source of heat until nearly cooked through, about 10 min- utes. Meanwhile combine all re- maining ingredients except egg whites; mix well. Beat egg whites stiff; fold into mayon- naise mixture; spread thickly on fish. Broil until topping is puffed and golden brown, about three to five minutes longer. Makes four servings. Dear Son: Patience and love come from within. If your mother doesn't feel warmly to- ward your youngsters (and ob- viously she doesn't) you can do nothing about it. She dislikes the children because she dis- likes their mother--which is un- fortunate. My advice is to leave her alone. Don't ask her for favors and don't impose the children on her. When people are put in a spot where they feel forced to Lee PER Mother, you have L000 chances to win a Heat Serve baby dish! running upstairs involves strain and is not worth doing. Climb- ing a flight of stairs is good exercise for hip and leg m¥s- cles, but it does not burn many calories. Why? Because it re- quires so little time to climb the stairs. In a given activity you burn only so many calories per minute. WIFE PRESERVER Put chocolate icing on a cake in a jiffy by laying bars of milk chocolate on top of the hot cake. As the chocolate melts, spread it evently. Studio ; HAIR DESIGN Salon of Distinction Call 723-5201 131 King St. Mattress BEST SELECTION AT WILSON'S MATTRESS PALACE 20 CHURCH ST. East which would furnish about 400) So what to do to burn 100 cal- calories, if I turn to exercise |ories? Take a straight - away and use up 100 calories, then I\walk. At her weight, she would will have gotten rid of 500 cal- |burn 4.4 calories per minute, ories," she concluded: |walking at the normal rate of| How's that again? This is\three miles an hour. In 20 what might be termed strictly she would burn 88 calories--and feminine logic. The idea is ged up, too. and slimming, even though the| Stretching? Excellent, for this| mathematics are juggled. Start\comes under the head of phys-| with this principle: Calories\ical activity, which uses three| used in an activity, when notito four calories per minute. A| replaced by food, are drawn|i0-minute stretch-exercise ses- from fat storage. But simply|sion is extra slimming, for it turning down 400 'cake' calories|ajso tones muscles. cannot be equated with burning} Dancing? Perfect. Here are 400 calories already stored. Still,|the calories used per minute: | on the credit side, those 400 cal-|Foxtrot, 5.2: waltz, 5.7; rumba,| ories are not added either! 7.0. And what fun! Now to burn 100 calories. It} Our homemaker is on_ the} is true that the speed at which|right track. A small. amount of a given amount of work is per-|regular exercise, taken in place formed affects the energy re-jof fattening nibbles, can strike) quired. Fast movements useja balance between calories con- | more calories than slow move- jsumed and calories burned. ments. However, the practice ofiHappy slimming! WARD'S OFFER ! Ge Corsetry Specials by "Gothic" AT TREMENDOUS SAVINGS LONG LEG PANTY by GOTHIC 3.99 (compare with 7.00 values) --aneanennlec einai Win one of these new General Electric Heat 'n Serve baby food warmers. One hundred will be given away each week for ten weeks. Easy! No jingles or statements to complete. Enter as often as you like. Exciting new long leg panty girdle with satin lastex front and back sections that flatten where it is needed most, yet leaves your curves in the right places, Made of strong control- ling lightweight, --e What a Prize! This beautiful $17.00-value, 3-section warmer heats baby's entire dinner in 10 minutes then keeps the food warm for half an hour or more, even after the cord is disconnected! Suction bottom prevents spills. Convenient handles make it easy to carry. Entire warmer is immersible, as easy to wash as a cup. Win one free. Kt's simple! \ HERE'S HOW TO WIN! power net. Sizes medium, large and extra large. Save 3.01 on Each Purchase LYCRA GIRDLES Choose from 2 styles fashioned in Bi-Flex Lycro . both have sotin lastex back and front panels and light weight spandex elastic power net flocked with frosty white flowers . . . designed for extra control ain beauty for you. IRDLE--sizes M-L-XL Compore with 9.00 value. .-...... 4,98 PANTIE GIRDLE--with extra long leg for thigh control and. free extra nylon shield, Sizes M-L-XL 5,98 Compere with 12.00 volue. GOTHIC BRAS A special offering of these plain and embroid- ered broadcloth bras in bondeau styles. white\only im sizes 32A to 36B 1. Just print your name and address on the entry form or a plain piece of paper, and mail with any six Heinz Baby Food labels to Heinz Baby Food Sweepstakes, P.O. Box 2128, Toronto, Ontario. 2. Enter Now! Start sending your en- tries today. The more you send in the more chances you have to win a baby food warmer. There will be 10 weekly drawings beginning January 30th, 1965. You may enter as many times as you like but each entry must be mailed separately. 3. Entries will be eligible for each week's drawing as received. Entries not selected as winners will be eligible to win in subsequent drawings. Entries for final week's drawing must be postmarked no later than March 31st, 1965. in order to win, selected entrants must first correctly answer @ skill-testing question. ' 4. Sweepstakes open to all mothers = Canada except employees (and their families) of H. J. Heinz Company or its advertising agency. Heinz Baby Foodsa | The good they do your baby now-lasts a lifetime A comfortable and very popular cotton contour style . . . stretch straps for easier wearing white only in sizes 32A to 36B Compare with 4.00 volues. EACH . . . BRAS The Bi-Flex Lycra and nylon lace in o long-line mode! . . . adjustable straps . . . low back clos ing . . . 2-inch elastic band. Sizes 32B to 40c. Compare et 9.00 value. Attractive Fitting Rooms and Expert Fitting and Advice by Graduate Corsettiers Available et No Extra Charge For Your Added Convenience: WARD'S Gob taal Eat cor a' hon 31 Simcoe St. S. Phone Jones" buckle at Athol Street 725-1151 | By TRACY ADRIAN |L= a | " LESS- POINTED PUMPS Rumors have been going around for several seasons that round toes are coming back. But frankly this is the first step we. have seen in that direction and it is a compromise. However, the shoes: shown are Herbert Levine's version of round- ed toe pumps. They are of black patent leather with an open back and a Cuban- e

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