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Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Feb 1965, p. 18

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ies and retail and service com- services except panies, paid for by the developer--|in Apartment Trade Z.neecet eS Ses THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, February 26, 1965 ities, notes Mr. Williams, and Oohawa's growth rate was sec-/and street lighting. tag last year in Ontario's top| 5) Large factory worker and uilding Bris aon al go Home waning as suite town symbol, The theory is that {arin case of layoff. Mr. Apartment living is becoming Before the planning board, Mr. Wandless expands on ae qn ny boven Pie with little on no seniority choose to four separate front doors a way of life in Oshawa. Longinow os several multi-building| ome of the above reasons: ines .. Sorgen jer ais on 4 apartment living until they . a city of homes, the Motorjapartment projects. One pro- 1) Demand has risen sharply|home. Then, th children. i wong Be Bige way Me - Be ive' abou' y' WINNERS psoas day an unprecedent-|posal envisages 472 units in ed apartment building boom. eight buildings. Another sees|0ver the last few years with eoek ee sane Pag Barone home, Since its establishment While home building starts|652 units, also in eight build-|the population jump. The in- pre anagi .|1950, The National ig ear peenrelien engat' andl Wi erease was more than 4000 Inland yo 'maintenance to worry torted at any time tend to favor has "produced tsoee than tb wendy eradgeonad oy te Why the boom? ~ 11964, ones single year in-|ahout, apartments. para gh dag ey gpk = passed home s Expanding businesses with|crease in the city's history out- 6) Apartments are better|™°S us horse to come the first time ever. cant,|the attendant demand for em-|side of the 1951 annexation. 'The eee y ant re lilt fedey, with more amet play Monee Beso Sg Paani Director G. A,|Ployees, the resultant popula- influex since 1951 has aver-ji.44 in Oshawa today for less|ties offered to the tenant. Spaci- Queen's Plate, The Kentucky Wandles We expect the trend|'io, incrcase and the waning|aged 2200 persons a year. +45 s409 an acre," says Mr.|0US foyers. broadloomed hall-/So')) "and the Preakness an cra This "is about the|°! the home as a status symbol) 2) Business boom here with] Wandless. Cost of building mate-|Wa@ys, soundproof walls, swim- ¥ ; Bae cs elie Toronto -- and|ave all played a part in the/the resultant demand for work-|riais, labor and servicing sub-|Ming pools and underground cities all across Canada are|itcreased demand, Mr. Wand-jers, division lots have all gone up.|@rea are becoming common- RE-ASSESSMENT experiencing the same thing." jless believes. Plant expansion was close to|One result is down payments|Place. Re-assessment of Oshawa This continued emphasis on Added to these are increased 1,000,000 square feet last year.|are up and homes are harder; Apartments wil] change Osh-|properties in 1961 raised the apartment construction --(an|°osts of servicing land coupled|According to Industrial Com-|to sell. awa's skyline, Tallest build-\a.sesseq value to approximate- apartment unit is defined as with boosts in building mate-jmissioner J. P. Williams,) Mr. Wandless said in 1951 ajings here now are the General}, bb gee. cask OL Cal es one in a building with three or|tials and labor costs, which, he|"numerous new commercial/developer had only to grade|Hospital and Hotel Genosha, Ahab tt sh more units; that is, triplexes|$4ys, have helped push develop-|businesses were established --jand gravel roads in his sub-jeach six storeys. In the plan-/@8e value, this increased city and up) was the most signifi-|¢ts into apartment construction.'including banks, trust compan-'division. Tocay, all municipal|ning stage here are one 10- assessment by $129 million. cant news in a record residen- + TOWN PLANNING IS BIG BUSINESS IN OSHAWA |i star" % The trend established in which created six new par- _ above picture, G. A. "Bert" | nits either built or under way Oshawa during 1964 was ~ cels of residential land, 574 Wandless, the planning di- at the end of last year, as op- f toward apartments and mul- acres, around the boundar- rector, consults with assist: | ocoq to 690 single family tiple-dwelling units, but sin- ' 4 ant planner William "Bill" : © gle homes built here also ies of the city. The plan- power and secretary Mrs. homes. | showed an increase, One of ning board is an advisory Percy Walter over a scale |RE-ZONING REQUESTS ® the most important projects and consultant body to the model of the southeast quad- In his year-end report, Mr. begun by the planning board city council on matters of rant of the city made by |wandless said rezoning requests : in the city last year was the zoning, subdividing, and Gary Challice of the assess- [¢,, apartment buildings grant- © creation of a "Buffer zone", _land development. In the ment department. Jed and still pending involve 3150 suites and 78 acres. ceeded the number of Single} Lots registered totalled 626, Congratulations family dwellings, taking up 135 acres of un- developed land, Due Oshawa Statistics reflect the phenom-|° Teen cas of "maior" enal growth of our city, Retail apartment development were By CLIFF PILKEY sales, cheques cashed and per-|listed. In these areas 6026 units President, Oshawa and District|;onal incomes are above the|ate permissible under existing Labor Council 7 zoning, 2081 units are proposed . ™ nae rorese: subject to rezoning and 1553 The City of Oshawa is to be) The city has a high percen-|ynits are up for a total of 9660. congratulated in terms of pro-jtage of home owners. Existing units actually total gress in 1964, which saw the] These facts leave no doubt|2515. oh d= ia triplexes) ' > greatest growth in populationithat Oshaws is a sound, effi-|"? Peing counte | depends upon contributions when 4,366 people took up resi-\cient, growing community, Osh-/YEAR AVERAGE 194 dence here. This brought the)sw. and its citizens may well| In the three years 1960-62, the city's population to over 70,000), @ of th hi ts|Yeatly average for apartment ' The commercial and _ indus- Era Ory spies errr SJunits was only 194. In the. last é + t trial expansion moved ahead in|#"4 it is cur sincere wish that|two years the annual average rom every segmen the past year and kept -pace this progress continues. shot up to 602. with residential ex This places Oshawa in a very envi- t ti able position by having com- ¢ h po | mercial, industrial and residen- CUSTOM BUILT e 0 e pu qd ion tial assessment about equal. : Because of the city's increas- CLIFF PILKEY ed porwlation it is necessary that additional services be pro- MUSEUM OPENED vided such as storm sewers, = Since July of 1963 when the|Sidewalks, paved roads, bridges, _|schools and the many other ser- duiomaive hem was oer ie at ee JAMES © O'MALLEY a approximately 30,000 viaitons quired in a fast growing mu- have toured the premises with|nicipality. CONSTRUCTION LTD. t least two-thirds of them com-| It should also be noted that in g from out of town and out of |the year 1964 the number of 254 CEDAR VALLEY DR. PHONE 723-7122 covince. apartment units constructed ex- |... af DAVIDSON'S YOUR CHIL 0 a '\ -- = Is The| HEART | of Our Business Your child is the dearest little thing to your heart and we know you wouldn't intentionally do anything in this world to harm him. For instance your child sleeps on a firm mattress because you know it is necessary to develop good posture, have a tele sleep and just-be all round comfortable. You wouldn't dream of putting him to bed on just a plain, hard board, now would you? But what about your child's feet ? ? ? Do you put shoes on him that react to his tiny feet the same way a board would do to his little body? Proper fitting of shoes for growing feet-is ever so-important to. your youngster. Tiny feet grow every day and in order for his arches and toes to become straight and firm they need the proper shoes to mould them. : Our "Specialized Fitting Service' can do just that for We are all a part of this nation's progress ... your child's feet. Our experience in proper foot care has made thousands of mothers happy . . . and the kiddies Pe Ne : ie too. Why don't you take advantage of this service next if, what each of us is accomplishing now and hopes to time your child needs shoes . . . and better still, make : A sure his first little pair of shoes come from Davidson's. 4 accomplish in the future makes up the picture of progress that we present to the rest of the world. Make your part count by doing your best on the job... in the factory, the field, the office, or the home. We're prowd United Steelworkers @tyn im commuutity DAVIDSON'S SHOE STORE of Ameria = Us 31 Simeoe St. North Phone: 725-3312 115 ALBERT ST., OSHAWA 725-0612

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