TANK TALK Cubs of the 13th Oshawa Group was held at the King Street United Church Hall Father And At King Street United The 13th Oshawa Father and Son Banquet was held in Cen tennial Hall of Street Unit. ed Church. Foll served by the Mothers' Aux iliary, the chairman of the Group Committee, Mr. Lloyd Weiderick, introduced the head table. Brief reports were given by Ken Suddard, Robert Single- ton and Harold Pascoe. Mr. Stanley Richardson, exec- utive commissioner of the Osh- awa Scout Executive Council, spoke on the rewards of Scout- g a dinner recently. Shown, seated left to right, are Harold Barker and Dan Charuk; back row, left to right, are Scout Brian Barker, Son Banquet gave a short history of the 13th. A highlight of the evening was the presentation of Queen Scout badges to Brian Barker and/Dan Charuk by their fathers, Mr. Harold Barker and Mr. D. Charuk. Scouts Alan Hare and Ronald Rollo were honored by the presentation of their Ist class Scout Badges by Scout Leader Larry Gauer. Cub-master Steve Hawkey 13th Cub Pack. Emmanuel Baptist Holds First Annual Emmanuel Baptist Church held its first annual business meeting since becoming a duly) organized and constituted New Testament Church and a part of the Fellowship of Evan- gelical Baptist Churches in Canada. The officers appointed were as follows: church clerk, Mel- vin Peel; church treasurer, Mrs. Fred Perkins; envelope secretary, Fred Lesage; dea- cons, Fred Perkins, Austin Hooper and Harry Seeley; stewards, Fred Lesage, Fred Perkins and Melvin Peel; ush- Lesag and Harry Seeley; church ist, Mrs. H. rae oS oni peed vener, Mrs. F. Perkins and flower conveners, Mrs. R, Cook' and Mrs. H. Seeley. TOTAL ATTENDANCE The Sun School reported a total a ce of 5,998 with an average of 115 each Sunday in 1964. Daily Vacation Bible School held in July 1964 reported a total attendance of 1,080 with a daily attendance of 120 chil- sengers representing the re- gional Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada sat in coun- cil to consider the recognition of Emmanuel Church as a New Testament Baptist Church. After a report of the history and statement of faith of Em- manuel Council voted in favor of recog- nizing Emmanuel as a duly organized and constituted New Testament Church. The Recog- nition sermon was given by Dr. Morley Hall, secretary-treas- urer of the Fellowship. At the last October, Emmanuel Bap- tist Church was officially wel-|} Meeting Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada was reviewed and passed upon point by point. Rev. E. Winter received a call to become the ful] time pastor of Emmanuel, On May 28, 1964, a recogni- tion Council of 11 Fellowship Baptist ministers and 20 mes- Baptist Church, the ing both for father and son and gave a report on activities of the I quet chairman, introduced the MacLean, district commission- er; Mrs. W. L. Hayball, Guide Captain; Mrs. G. J. Dulyea, Guide Lieutenant; Mrs. W. H. slg Brown Owl, and daugh- T, Packie, and Mrs. Evans; Mrs. Fred Shewring and daughter, Edith; and Mrs, H. H. Nugent, president of the 29th Oshawa group daughters, Gail and Diane, CAPT. IAN McNAB The Ontario. Regiment evenings are I) are Captéit -N. M. (Battle Capt., "A" Sqn.), Staff Course. Regiment. He is Major T. C. (Clive) Thompson, Officer Com- manding "A" Sqn. Thompson came to the Regi- ment in 1956 after attending Royal' Military College, King- Lawrence Gauer and Scout Dan Charu&; The two Scouts |tied and lives in Ajax, Ontario. intone of de daar. -- Watch for the Recruiting vans, --Oshawa Times Photo {Major William Clarke (OU Training Squadron) is spear- heading a mammoth recruiting drive which will c Local Officers Take Courses Burning-the midnight oil these|miles to do their duties. Lieuten- several Regi-jant Baird will drive from Flint, mental officers undergoing|Michigan and Lieutenant Ander- courses in Toronto to qualifyjson from London them for higher ranks.. Taking|Meaford. the Field Officer's Course (Part : M. Hali| A large number of Regiment) Capt. R. R. Cziranka. (adjutant), and' Capt. S. J. Skea ("A"' Sqn., Sec- ond in Command). Major T. C. Thompson (OC "A" Sqn.), is undergoing Part I of the Militia . Congratulations go out to the newest major in the Ontario Major ston. Major Thompson is mar- MONTREAL (CP) -- Justice Minister Favreau says the pro- posed formula to amend the Canadian constitution is "only a preliminary step to a formal revision of the constitution." "But it guarantees that this revision will be made by Cana- dians and in a Canadian clim- ate," he told the French-lan- guage Greater Montreal Junior Chamber of Commerce Satur- day. Mr. Favreau said the amend- ing formula will make it easier to adjust long-term federal and provincial interests in every field. It was a successful com- promise between federal cen- tralization and excessive provin- cial autonomy. This was confirmed by the fact that the formula "has the curi- ous merit of attracting the fury of extremists on both sides" (centralizers and excessive au- tonomists). Mr. Favreau did not identify the "extremists" but apparently was referring to Conservative ahd New Democratic MPs, who have criticized the formula for giving too much power to the are there. Some members of the Regiment will drive hundreds of Ontario to rsonnel are interested in a giment Pistol Club and plans are underway to re-activate the very excel'ent small-bore pistol club. we had going a few years lags. Local range facilities, both in and out of the Armoury, are available, Interested people should contact Lance Corporal William Jeffery, president of the Men's Canteen. A pat on the back should most certainly go out to Lance Cor- poral Jeffery for the excellent job he has done over the past few months as President of the Mén's Canteen. Not only has his staff succeeded in getting the Canteen out of the "red" finan- cially, but 'considerable work has been done in decorating the Canteen, and in the organizing of functions which nave been of Thinking Day For Guides Girl Guides the world over were united this week -- in thought. It was "Thinking Day" Feb. 22, Lord Baden-Powell's birth- day "founded to unite in some way, if only by thought, girl guides the world over," Mrs. D. E. Fox, division commission- er, told @ mother and daughter banquet of the 29th Oshawa company. She spoke of the founding of the Girl Guides movement by March 1. Now that the Regi- ment has authority to get more people, Major Clarke and his staff, made up of Lieutenants Dooley, Paddags, Baird and Captain Reg. Gutsole, will be visiting a number 0: local areas to sign up prospective recruits. Anyone interested should con- tact an officer or NCO of the recruiting team or come to the Armoury any Monday or Thurs- day evening before 8 p.m. As mentioned previously, an interesting weekend for all crew members is planned for Mea- ford AFV Ranges on April 2, 3, provinces, and to Quebec sep- aratists and ultra-nationalists, who want to do away entirely with the British North America Act of 1867. The minister gave no indica- great enjoyment to all members part. Plan to attend the Military Ball, May 7. It promises to be Preliminary Step Seen ("formal revision of the consti- tution" would entail. HOLD TWO 'MYTHS' He added, however, that Que- bec French-Canadians "remain the prisoners of two "myths" about the constitution. They held the mistaken belief that government powers to con- trol the economy stil! are heav- ily centralized in Ottawa, and that the transfer of constitu- tional powers from Ottawa to the provinces would act as an "economic cure-all." Mr. Favreau said the sharing of tax fields has "'shifted clearly in favor of the provinces" since the Liberals assumed office in Ottawa two years ago. As for constitutional changes, they could not in themselves Begone 367,000 in the first .wo years of "1 will never vote for a re-|367, R pattiation formula which makes|the al Rehabilitation French-Canadians without a fatherland," he Mr. Johnson renewed his out assault on the proposed to be amended out reference to the British Par- liament, in a speech to the newly - formed "Jeune Societe Nationale" (National Youth So- ciety). The provincial opposi- tion leader said the amendment, page be ome. before the Quebec legis-jis not on the route. It isn't even ature French - speaking Canadians nothing '"'and takes everything, even hope." Mr. Johnson said that, while French-speaking Canadians de- sire to remain within Confeder- ation and to contribute to it, they must above all else have their own special homeland. i: Agency, it was announced Wednesday. all /i33.191. 000. Ontatio projects ap, . g P ap- proved to the end of 1964 to- talled 37, valued at $4,568,000, OFF THE RAILS LONDON (CP)--British Rail- ways have had to scrap 200,000 brochures worth £900 advertis- a nationjand said. photographed for the front this session, givesja car ferry. 1626 Simcoe St. N. Steaks - Spare Ribs - Chicken ate. Open Daily 11:30-10 p.m. give the provinces more control over the economy. Quebec's eco- nomic problems were being at- tacked by both the federal and provincial governments and the present constitution was not an obstacle. Mr. Favreau said Quebec resi- dents are better off because of the close integration of their economy with the rest of Can- ada. The secession of Quebec would bring economic hardship to all concerned. SHERBROOKE, Que. (CP)-- the most colorful and exciting Ball yet. Details on the Ball tion as to what the predicted Daniel Johnson, leader of Que- featuring such time-honored cus- toms as the Leek-Eating Cere- mony and the Grand March will be made known soon. FEATURE SHOWN Coney ree pee 5:35-7:35-9:40 Band Staff Sergeant Reg. Mar- tyn reports a brisk sale of tickets for the upcoming pop concerts to be held in the Mc- Laughlin Collegiate auditorium on March 12 and April 23. [ley Mekay Fn and 4. One of the highlights of the weekend will be a tank- infantry exercise to be conduct- ed with a company group of the Royal Regiment of Canada. Gunners and crew commanders will fire a qualifyirg .hoot with the 76 mm. guns and .30 calibre Browning machine guns. Trans- port for Meaford (DND Buses) will leave Regimental Head- quarters at 7.30 p.m., Friday, April 2. Rear Party transport for night shift workers will leave the Armoury at 7:00 a.m., Sat- urday, April 3. Make sure you ty and Lady Baden-Powell in Before the serving of a spe- cial cake donated by the Brown- jes, Janie Cincurak and Linda West of the Brownie pack and Guides Kathy Seely and Kathy gs yaa lighted the four candles on it. The candles represented the four points of a compass--rep- resenting guides and brownies in all parts of the world. Guide Karen Magill thanked Mrs. Fox for her address and Guide Charlene Shewring, ban- head table -- Rey. and Mrs, A. was the presentation of all- Woolcock, Mrs. Fox, Mrs. J. W. round blue and white cords by Mrs. MacLean to the mothers of Guides Ronalee Waller and Deborah Wray, who proudly placed them on their daughters' uniforms. Mrs, Nugent briefly outlined the function of the committee and her daughter, Gail, who was presented with her blue and white all-round cord by Karen; Diane Evans, NEED FLOOR PRICE WINNIPEG (CP)--The pres- ident of the Dairy Farmers of Canada said Wednesday a na- tional minimum pace of $3.50 a undred pounds on all milk is needed to better the economic position of dairy producers. G. M. Strudwick of Balgonie, Sask., told the aniual meeting of the Dairy Farmers of Man- itoba that dairy farmers are in an income-cost squeeze. > Deily ef: 1:30-3:30 Daw Manone Fria Going - Going - Gone! ae To Britain for only $34 down! That's the low down payment on a BOAC 21-Day Economy Excursion Fare from Toronto to London this Spring-- only $34! With up to 24 months to pay the balance of the $339.50 air fare! Other 21-Day BOAC bargains: Zurich $43 down, Rome $50 down. See your BOAC Travel Agent. ALL OVER THE WORLD are B-O-A-( SMELT BRITISH OVERSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION WITH AIR CANADA B.0.A.6. Agent call 728-6203 AIR CANADA Agent <<: 728-6202 Four Seasons Travel <a 728-6201 Travel now on $5.00 a day in Europe, including hotel, breakfast and UNLIMITED. sightseeing. In 14 major European Cities. BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY |Building Trades committee and her|Mrs. B. Camp, District Guider, last December, delivered a speech on Denmark. A highlight of the evening Annual Fellowship Convention comed into the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada. The church records show an increase in. each department with a Sunday School and two services each Sunday also a mid-week Prayer Meeting each Wednesday night. 2 dren. On May 2, 1964, 22 people met to organize Emmanuel Baptist Church. Rev. Robert B. Lytle, pastor of Calvary Bap- FLYERS EAT The annual '"'fly-in" break- fast at the Oshawa Airport plays host to more than 1,200 tist Church, was appointed to act as chairman. The doctrinal statement of the Fellowship of flyers from as far away as Detroit, Pittsburgh, Quebec City and Sault Ste. Marie. Genosha Hotel (NOW UNDER THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT) PROUDLY PRESENTS during the week of March 1 Harry Homcaway BROUGHT BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND Mertgeges _ PAT BRADY «: PLAYBOYS | 723-2843 TIMES--1:45--3:35--5:25----7:20--9:20 LAST COMPLETE SHOW 9 P.M. ACROSS A ROOM! ALL THE BLISTER-HEAT OF R- HERMAN WOUK'S BEST-SELLING NOVEL YOUNGBLOOD HAWK Adult Entertainment) BIG : _@ DON'T MISS HITS! THESE! A WOMAN HIP-SWINGIEST COULD FEEL HIM MUSICAL OF THEM ALL! "3 SAILORS " GIRL" In Technicolor with : ; ee 'ee JANE POWELL J GORDON MacRAE ZANNE PLESHETTE SUCENEVIEVE PAGE GENE NELSON ences oy SATURDAY BILTMORE, Pun 6:30 P.M. PHONE 725-5833 1:30 P.M. 4 in the STARLIGHT ROOM also back by popular demand The JEAN DOWELL DUO | Entertainment MONDAY THRU FRIDAY SATURDAY EVENING 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. Accountants fee Ze jose MANN, Chartered Accoun:| ee ceed 'Trustee, 17 Bond Street) The -- MORTG. AGE East. Telephone 723-4833. . cuartarea| R. H. CABIN 4 ANS $ BROOKS, On SeOnaer Buite 205W, Oshawa S| 182 THICKSON RD. N. iM ping Centre. 725-9953. canara ie | 928.0222 ms ter ft sto . Cha , : Mo og unten wrecking. street East, Os! Kitchen cabinets. Vanities, Interest ot 7% pmo Wilson, CA; G. Ed iri ee areage away Ronald F. D. "i Furniture repairing. mond Burrows CA, 726-7554. Ope . _ MONTEITH, RIEHL, WATERS end Co. i -- ae rterad Accountants, 728-7527; Oshavs Quality Co ntry No charge for xe Shepp x Centre, Suite 215E, Alex, aad | og webied erga gee torts whitey 8-13) othe. and General Repa sy purenase Sores INS, BEADLE a ancial Trade sii Misco gag: Wit oe cup- } para joe A ggg mortgages treet East, Oshawa, On- rds, ttle 753508 3°, Hoping CAV H.E) wail tiles, ee Satis- M. F, S ARTZ CA) faction guoranteed. : VV Te FRIEDLANDER AND Ov Y 595-8576 26s King St Ghariered Accountants, Lloensed. Te fees| PY. McKO Pc i owt setoissilid oe uaa ALL TYPES building repairs and re Ost ? 23.4697 ee MAR, Chartered Accoun- model ing, chirroay ss em ai , ene. Bn Street, Suite 4, Oshewe, seowst * ae ¥ aa Le ad Be artered AC OME IMPROVEMENTS: rooting, and Mortgage Money a re Ces o age seventeen e. COrPentrY erentend. Available Siam € ° , t, 728-2061, Devid Goo. W Hall|P, Nellis, 33 Bruce Street, Wittiam C. iP. BC eras ROR Soon | OM ee 7 | 2 ae Larval Ce Roofing Member Onto on Ld ae ee reeong ence, ms Bond Laroe and sma' lobe. t a one Here ion et weer. 7a RA'. repeirs and jelling, car- Antiques __ eet canes | SUMMERLAND . Free HIDDEN CORNER -- Antlaves PUR) anteed. Call $a-soas. SECURITIE sire A mr Sxl eign ee reeling: leors and 312 Simcoe St. North em : Sotng tile anc_all kinds of repairs. J C-) O-howe, Ont | 725-3568 Barristers | Bingen ; oie , Barristers, page Seg) cn} Street Ae oon Cartage orm Resioence Phones: J. M. A rae ead CarTaas. Te 308s Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL, sOnn's. orth, vet ee, ee OO HUMPHREYS OO cor a King | FURNITURE MOVING, eee, pes Be cow a; R. D. Humphreys; ing any Treet yi Open Street East cyenyn "ac; w. A, Hillman, [for contracts, Call 725-98 . ean yt f , BA, é a rae Honigence: 773-4306; Caterers Fas-auies whitey, 8-176 ve, and PONTIAC INN, under new ma first mortgage funds available, MACDONALD, sae end licitor ai The Commercia! Buildings Oshawa, Ontario. Client Pp abie. 725-4716 oF cell BGON and BASTEDO, Sie lors. Clients' funds, aye first mortgage 37 King fs floor), 728-733 Charles ©. Qc; Edgar F. Basted, QC PHP MANGAN GC» JOSE! taen K! soe ing st Money cance ee east, Oshawa 726-823: GHTOM, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, end 1c, {Can accommod King West, bohm avail- patestalrterncees AEE rristers,|BIALEK, DR. C. 8., fable for|112 Simcoe Street North, East, (3rd) a) » 728-5842 McGii Dressmaking bode scecaesion SOMERS DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, alterations, Slip covers, spec! . Mrs. Toms, speciaity. Mrs. Toms, WITTY -- TADIEGS, THINK THRIFTY! meals, 726-12! or 723-5321, meals, 728-127! of 725 ad Fitti drapes. ing 8 niby, 668-2372. Alterations, TV--Radio Repairs RS, antennas, also re aranteed. S11 Deen Averwe. pity Well Drilling--Digging DIGGING by Grinch Ww. 204 Ward, tile. iy Straet West, Whitby, 668-2563 or 668-3807. 1--Women's Columa Sremings ene fee 'elephone 2--Personal prprprprper?e T°? Are You sated WE Your Ww NOT CALL... GORD'S FOOD SERVICE Owned & Operated by Envoy Restaurant. Phone 728-7321 Speciolizi in Fresh Hot Cofe fee, igh Chips, Chicken, Hot Plates. Pp PPP Perr? 'Removal of superfluous hair Marie Murduff will be in Achawa Mar, 22, 23 and 24. MERCHANT DO YOU PUTTING cReI 'Selicitors, Notar VICTOR, Barristers, Commerce Building, & Oshawa, 723-2446 Creighton, = ass a iy OE rates. For appointment, 873. SSMAKING -- AN kinds pay High quality work. ing, 668-8463, Whitby. eT Re Mn cent Agnes wan, QC; Y ; ._ Victor, Tei | © of Sole oe ares ---- Gardening and Supplies _ Building Trades ww, PLASTERING. *2 Semis] "SPRING Te Woods, TAM, Classified Rates THOUGHTS" " Potting Soi! piesa insertion of 24 woes, "2 Roctlnes Compound sdaitional wore ot af words $2.88 No-Damp ° seraltonel words 12¢ each, Glodiola tive insertions of 24 nba $4.32, rns fone were per cent additional Peat Moss charge if not paid within pie? Af Garden Method oF COUNTING ede, each word, Flower Seeds as @ , ie, Foure 'or abbreviation coun Lopping Shears as one words 'phone number cou! | Foce Dressing BIRTHS DEATHS -- | Rabbit Repel! SOCIAL WOTICES, 1 94 | Plant Boxes ; $2.00. per Insertion S contin ditional charge Hf not Pp - ITH 2, wes COOPER-SM $2.00 for the ie ee tek s CO. each thereafter, plus verse 25. additional charge 16 CELINA ST. paid wien HANKS | ag ae ds and | 4 Bo gta want | 723-1139 i not paid in Zomine EVENTS EST. 1909 br i 50 tor the 10 per inch (Display) $! Test hb words and Sc each thereafter (Word Ads) | down. Free estimates, 725-5118 or, 728-0610. AUCTION SALES jaeee. eS Z ane Soe ee Instruction =o am? Call "Sil for | FREE to trim? Call "Slim." Or cut them|c,,) CH CALL KNOW THE MOST "ECONOMICAL METHOD OF YOUR SALES MESSAGE BEFORE GOOD PROSPECTS? 04 P FOR LESS THAN ER DAY YOUR MESSAGE WILL BE WELCOMED IN 22,000 Homes DAILY FOR ONE YEAR IN THE ACTION MEDIUM Times Classified Ads 723-3482 FOR DETAILS