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Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Mar 1965, p. 3

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pie -- sg rit inte ng ee sem enna intel fae ap et oS Ot inal oes Ree migion Pd eibies: ' on ' OP y ee see FSIS CoN Pre Tea C aie os ti Aa = Se : ava pero sith ; z 4 COE BO POE gyi PROS ee RE 8 es ee o ee wii ia ee ah ariemncerel id 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Merch 2, 1965 3 "MAJOR CHANGE' THEORIES Ideas Deluge Bi-Bi Hearing OTTAWA (CP) -- The royal,Canadians survive and grow as commission on bilingualism andja distinct cultural group. biculturalism was swamped] The society, limited to Roman with recommen dations for|Catholic French-speaking mem- sweeping reforms as it opened|bers, said it would drop its em- its formal public hearings. here|phasis on CathoJ1e separate Monday. |schools if this made it easier to Several influential national or-jobtain French schools. Reli- ganizations were ready withigious instruction could be given answers to the commission's|on an unofficial basis before or preliminary report issuedjafter regular school hours. Thursday, which called for| In all, nine groups made eub- "major changes" to bring about|missions Monday Another 22) a true partnership between the|briefs are expected to be re- English and French-speaking|ceived today and Wednesday. societies. The 10-member commission The United Church of Canada|will hold similar hearings in all advocated a distinct and public|10 provinces to discuss a total system of French-language pri-|of more than 300 briefs from mary and dary schools for|organizations and' individuals. all areas across the country} The hearing opened with a where French - Canadians are|personal statement by Dr. A. concentrated in sufficient num-/W. Trueman, director of the' bers Canada Council, congratulating The largest Protestant denom-|the commission for its frank' ination said French schools for|and informative preliminary re- the French - speaking minori-|port made public Thursday. outside Quebec would) He said critics of the report strengthen rather than weakenjare misguided. It was "prepos- national unity. Such schools|terous" to suggest that the re- need not be Roman Catholic|port had played up the French separate schools. side of the English-French "dia- Spokesmen appearing for the|iogue." St. Jean Baptiste Society of| The ninth brief submitted Eastview, adjacent to Ottawa,|Monday came from MacLean- said they believe' most French-|Hunter Publishing Com- Canadians in Ontario would ac-|pany Limited. It did not make cept the United Church's propo-|recommendations but described sal. The main thing was to ob-|the company's experience in tain instruction in French to|publishing French versions of help Ontario's 425,000 French-lits magazines. BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Blacked Wife's Eyes, Saas Placed On Probation Windfall Probe Informed slid metagenome meee em OF JX "Secret Partnership : her nose, was placed on preba-| For his second conviction of By GORDON GRANT |Toronto Stock brok Kh; whe oak enlanaas high| tract dispute tion for one year yesterday by|driving under age, Desmond y G sRAL 'oronto Stock brokerage of 1. e stock climbed {to a hig) Z trad . TIMMINS (CP)--The story of|A. Richardson and Company--|of $5.60 from 56 cents on rumors rete agracenee Se ee eee Magistrate Ha Jermyn. Lindo, 19, of 408 Fairlawn ave- Pickets were limited to two <n no jentoer in your hat|nue was fined $50 and costs or|a secret partnership involving a made a financial killing by stak-|of a rich base metal find in the |at the downtown warehouse and Mead Pag Me Ml, pace to beat up your wife," Magis-|seven days. geologist for Texas Gulf Sul-|ing claims in the gencral area|general area of Texas Gulf's|four at each of the three main!' fay Brownridge of Brampton trate Jermyn told Brunton. "It's} He pleaded guilty to the count phur Company and two other/of Texas Gulf's drilling opera- $2,000,000,000 copper - silver -|plant gates by a court injunction described the agreement as disgraceful." but denied a charge by Crown|Timmins men was related Mon-|tions and then selling them to|zinc discovery. When Windfall|last Friday. The injunction is more of a "buffer against infla- Mrs. Brunton said her hus-|Attorney Affleck that he was/day as public hearings opened/Ontario mining compan ies|President George MacMillan|temporary, effective until 4 tion." band was drunk when he hit her|"cocky toward the desk ser-|before the royal commission on which wanted to share in Texas| announced that no ore had been|).m. Tuesday when a Toronto "rt in i i with his fist and knocked her|geant" when he was brought to he ag Oils and Mines Lim-|Gulf's ergo =) rich discove- ag ga stock dropped more gern Sh -- whether wae vill peg wetinge aca y ot id bh e poli tation Feb. 26. ted. ries north of here. an overnight to less tl should con : " -- ae a Kenneth Darke, a 31-year-old i icra: have been," he said in an in- European Car Sales Up 27.8% Stockpiling, Imports Up As Steel Deadline Nears PITTSBURGH (CP) -- Union,in a telegram to industry nego-jfor the American steelworker, pOTAWA (CP)Sales of Dewlisiiers still are tabulating re-tiator R. Conrad Cooper. [employment irretrievably lost." 8 of the Feb. 9 vote' for] Cooper called Monday for an Steel users, including the auto- 1964 increased by 10.4 per cent/nresident of the United Steel-lextension of the May 1 strike|mobile manufacturers, are in volume from ihe Previous| workers of America, while steelldeadline, renewing a proposal|stockpiling steel in the, event Ycoring a percentage gain three|cosumers continue to build up|the union rejected in January. the union does strike, Workers firms are times greater than that recorded|stockpiles, foreign stee! imports) In a letter to McDonald, he pee tein 4 by automobiles manufactured injimcrease and the deadline for Aicalied for "prompt amendment Lafidig nigh cndhaoplen ny Canada and the United 'States.|ReW industry-wide contract "2s'\of the termination provisions of : The bureau of statistics re- pete on cute ot ex.|the current labor agreement so ported Monday that sales ad-| Tne, (ecu mee otie at least|@®, 10 fe-institute the 120-days' vanced to 615,541 units from|Pected te be Kiown oft union|20tice Provision." 587,787 in 1963, ro, weeks, will EW' secrctary.|..The union was expected to European makes jumped 7.8 > sedan W. Abel or to pst discuss the proposal at a meet- per cent to 65,801 units from 51,-|oumbent David J. McDonald.|*28 Thursday with representa- 476 while sales of North Amer-ltyofticial rssults hh 'Abel in| tives of the 11 basic steel com- wg bed pega = per cent the cae sitnasaie ty ib panies. 740 from 506,311. ' Cooper pointed out that in Sales of commercial vehicles ine tit f+ a crm includ- 1964 about 8,400,000 tons of for- increased 12.1 per cent to 108,- ligible t rn Th ? othe eign steel were imported to the 953 units from 97,202. North -- 6 29 districts ure in Can |U:S: while it now appears that American types were up 13 per Se. Th i ws dc be ee re 4,500,000 tons will be imported cent to 106,599 from 94,323 but/cdgne, NS. er av op res lin the first half of this year overseas. makes dipped, 18.2 per aa salt ddr asiiscsteegaet ay sot Ce cent to rom 2,879. y " y ' If the official election results|'. -.. The increased importa- Senay vader 2k aon _ lare close, protests may throw|tion of steel," he said, "means, OPEN TONIGHT a HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 _ SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS 4 1 the contest into the courts. How- mercial vehicles of all makes climbed 13.2 per cent to $2,333,-/ever US. _-- department - 546,000 from $2,062,039,000: the|"cials have indicated that who- previous year. ever is declared winner by the Of this, car sales accounted tellers will take office June 1. for $1,982,745,000, up 12.6 per|ane tellers must report by cent from $1,716,121,000 in 1963,|" 29 * North American cars captured| May 1 is also the date on $1,793,521,000, up 11.8 ben cent| Which the union can strike if no from $1,604,675,000, while sales|mew contract dispute with the of overseas cars increased 24.9|Steel industry is agreed on. per cent to $139,224,000 from|gyepEND TALKS $11,446,000. Talks between the union and All Qui On be Toate the bitter po . et 'an. 7 during the election DuPont Front campaign for union president. They apparently will resume March 8. This was the date sug- gested by McDonald last week KINGSTON (CP) -- All was quiet Monday as members of Local 13160, District 50 of the United Mine Workers of Amer- No Reductions ica Ind.) continued, to nicket! From Car Pact plant here. The 1,700-member union went| WINNIPEG (CP)--The presi- on strike against the Du Pont|dent of American Motors of nylon plant Feb. 24 over a con- Canada said Monday the United States-Canada automobile free EVERYTHING'S FIESTA BEFORE THE FAST The ball is the highlight of the four-day carnival that ends on Ash Wednesday. into full swing at the Copa- cabana Palace ball in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, last night. Costumed -- what there are of them -- celebrants INCOME TAX # TOOK ff TO BLOCK! It's on Ws way . . . accurate, We guarantee eccurate properotion of every tex return, If, we make any errors thet cost you e@ny penalty er interest, we will the or interest. "TE WOCK NORTH AMERICA'S LARGEST TAX SERVICE 135 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck} Mr, Affleck said Lindo was n 2 Mr. Darke resigned last sum-| $1. Company Qficial\ had said) +o view said Mrs. Brunton called him|with another youth in the door-|geologist, said he made more|mer as chief resident geologist) The questioning in the morn-|Friday all essential styvices to ae earlier about withdrawing the|way of a downtown Oshawa res-|than $300,000 in cash profit)for Texas Gulf. : ing session concentrated on how|avoid costly po he plant Reduction in Canadian auto- PHONE 725-6322 charge because "a jail term/taurant when police heard ajfrom the partnership--although| He was the first witness called|Mr. Darke, as chief resident|/machinery during the'st! are|mobile -prices to the current WEEKDAYS 9 A.M. - 9 P.M.--SATURDAYS 9 A.M.-5 P.M. Wouldn't do the family any|loud commotion and went to in-|he later dropped nearly half|before the royal commission) geologist for Texas Gulf, formed| being maintained by office and paler Be "a long, long way ood", that amount in trading on|/headed by Mr. Justice Arthur/the partnership with Mr. Brag-|superviso' svdéanel. tn the ' 'A bottle smashed against the|shares of Windfall. Kelly of the Ontario Court of|agnolo and Mr. Angus. 8 Slant. fe Melville Ferguson of Oshawa|cement but both youths denied; Mr. Darke gave the inquiry|Appeal. The commission was) The three staked property in| Most of the 300 such non-union yelled to his wife as he stomped|it was theirs. details about how he and his|formed last August to investi-/an area which Texas Gulf con- wimeeteu wis wack 'btnyitie At from the Oshawa court room partners -- real estate broker|gate the roller-coaster action Of|sidered valueless. After staking|the plant, went home on the 'That's six monthss-of peace| Probation for two years was|Neq Bragagnola and John An-|Windfall on the Toronto Stock/ the properties, they sold them tol weekend without incid you have". : the suspended sentence meted/cys, resident manager of the'Exchange in July. mining companies at prices ed th He had just been sentenced to|ut to Dennis Edward Stanton, ranging up to $100,000, plus free| Union merabers rulecte je six months in jail on a charge of|28, of 300 Albert street, when stock. company's latest contract offer at a meeting last Wednesday. vii senate evi ekoaeaee were "| Extra Salary Sought For |, oppart ning unter ed 5 , testifying under tract ired ike Gatatis 'end ro ine ned e previous contract exp' theft, fongery and uttering. apartment on Rossland road in October. dence acts so his evidence vestigate. NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY FURNITURE WORLD scene was a Car investigated an accident|bonus or higher salary classifi- ports of the country. Feb. 7 at the intersection of|cation should be attached to bi- Simcoe and Bagot streets, He/lingual posts, rather than indi- said the only vehicle at the|vduals. Applicants would have owned by/|to pass a proficiency test in both At. the same time, the group|by Texas Gulf in 1963. said it strongly opposes a French-Bnglish quota system) drill He personally hole which -- up demands for a new con- ee 0 theltract. An' additional 162 office for filling posts in upper eche-|Texas Gulf bonanza. But while coans also are affected by Chrysler plants Jan. 8 to back English and French. lons. The bilingual program|he entered the secret agree-|the strike. The officer said Bonner hand licence number of the car in: volved in the accident. Tota |damage was estimated at $210 -| The Civil Service Federation, ed him a slip of paper with aja rival group representing 75,- -|000 federal employees, recom- 1| mended a bilingual "allowance" .jin its brief to the royal com- mission, made public a month should not curtail the promotion| ment, he said that one stipula- opportunities of civil servants/tion was that the partnership would not stake land he wanted who speak English only. The group called for changes|fo in primary and secondary schools across Canada to pro-|couynsel, r Texas Gulf. Patrich Hartt, commission that Mr. suggested Steelworkers WAREHOUSE Close Plants Boris Fomenko, of 243 Ed-\ago. vide better opportunities foriparke told Mr. Bragagnolo ward avenue, charged with drunk driving, testified in court tyesterday he was refused a bloodtest while locked up in the State Secretary Lamontagne Canadians to become bilingual. which properties to stake. Mr. Darke replied: "No, I told him what not to stake." NEW YORK (AP)--A United CLEAROUT Steelworkers strike involving some 36,000 employees against "Isn't that playing with|two of the biggest U.S. can com- words?" asked Mr. Hartt. panies began at 12:01 a.m. Mon- s French-Canadian Club fe Hs | paying replied: "No, there| day. is a big difference." i -mi Raps CP Wire Service | Mr, Saks said he staked all ae wh pa mgesil sig \the property Texas Gulf wanted|other contract issues, the USW | i OTTAWA (CP)--An Ottawa,in a veiled manner, those un- and Dr. Walter Holyk, of Oak-jannounced that the strike was you taking me here? Take melrecreational and cultural club|fortunates who do not think like|ville, Texas Gulf's exploration) officially on against Continental nit c tee he to the hospital. : of 700 members, \'Institut Ca-|the English-speaking majority.|manager, giving evidence later,|Can Company and American - rrison, 21, of] Fomenko was the driver of alnadien-Francais a'Ottawa, told|How this agency has abused|agreed that Mr. Darke had done|Can Company plants across the gin street west, pleaded guilty|car that was involved in a colli-lthe royal commission on bilin-|us!" a good job for the company. United States. to charges of supplying liquor) sion at 1.20 a.m., Feb. 7 at the|uatism and biculturalism Mon-| Andre Laurendeau, co-chair-| to a minor and having beer in Alintersection of Ritson road and|qay that no organ of communi-|__ 4 : ~g- or ahen Gs wud cals @ Edward street. cation in Canada gives French-|™2" of the royal pice: A N e was 5 and costs on) He testified his car was turn-|-,eaning Canadians "{mpartial|@sked whether the group ha n each charge or five days conse-jed around twice by the impact recent except the cae. studied Canadian Press copy nounce ew cutive. and his wife thrown to the . ' i ® i In its brief to the royal com-|systematically before making alata Po Pi gp mission, the group was criticallits criticism, or whether its Healing Substance... . 6 e Shrinks Piles, Checks Itch Garrison gave a 16-year-old girl) F s it was i ; ; Exclusive healing substance proven to shrink hemorrhoids... and repair damaged tissue. Oshawa police station cells Feb. x east and one month concurrent Ps vg oe oy ov drunk in a public|'neque with the name Lloyd Bili ] Ci il Se t could net be used in eny ensu- Stiece coved tht Pena tends mare) DULINGUAL GIVI HervantS je saci coap'ca| UAW, Chrysler guson, who recently was boun 7 formed in January, 1964 aver for a year to keep the|at a service station tn Taunon| By RONALD LEBEL _|said in a 1963 speech the g0v-/he was el Mg i 19 Talks Conti peace with his wife and told to| 74. "for some period of time,| OTTAWA (CP) -- The Civiljernment was considering a bi-|Bragagnolo and Mr. Angus. a ks ontinue stay away from her, went 0) 1 16 was a civil debt-between|Service Association of Canada, lingual bonus, but the idea was) 'phe two men, he said, wanted . her apartment Feb. 26 and push-|/°°' 20a Stanton felt he had|tepresenting 33,000 federal gov-|shelved. ation (t0 form a staking group and|,, WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Nego- ed in the door. gece CaN tear ' The Civil Service Association, fing group and). oti i day be: 5 some justification in 'cashingjernment employees, came out : n:/felt he could give them advice) ations continued Monday Mrs. Miriam Ferguson told)/, cheque. today in favor of a salary bonus|headed by Calvin Best, said|-iout which properties were|tWeen Chrysler Canada Limited Magistrate Jermyn that Mel- Restitution of $33.40 was or-|for bilingual civil servants. second-language training in the), ane. and Local 444 of the United ville also damaged a kitchen dered to be paid to the city of| In a brief to the royal com- public service is too limited at Auto Workers (CLC) represent- door 'and kicked the bathroom | (awa mission on bilingualism and bi-|Present. (There are three/EXCLUDE PARTNERS ing more than 7,000 hourly- door. She said damage was in) ""," harge of failing to remainjculturalism, the associa- schools in Ottawa-Hull with a] His partners were excluded|rated workers on strike at three excess of $50. lat the scene of an accident|tion called for a review of all total enrolment of about 700 atifrom the hearing chamber/|Chrysler plants and a subsid- . It was Ferguson's fifth drunk|acainst Garfield Thomas Jes-|300,000 jobs in the federal pub-|Ppresent.) oa oes while he was giving evidence. jiary plant. conviction. He sald he is "alssme of Oshawa was dismissed|lic service to establish which] The association said similar) Mr. Darke was in charge of} A Chrysler spokesman said chronic alcoholic" and had\ yesterday by Magistrate|ones require bilingual qualifica- language schools should be/electromagnetic surveys done by|Monday night that main table drank "a couple of bottles of| Jermyn. tions and which ones don't, [opened by the government as|Texas Gulf in 1959. Asa result|negotiations will probably con- wine" before going to his wife's|' Constable Carmen-White said| The group said a fixed annual rapidly as possible in other) of these surveys, he took charge|tinue today. apartment. he of an extensive staking program) pion members struck the Charles Patterson, 35, of To- ronto was fined $10 and costs yesterday when he pleaded pi to being drunk in a public| James Bonner of Oshawa. Constable Reginald McIntyre found Patterson Feb. 28 stagger- ing along King street west with a bleeding nose. Magistrate Jermyn found yes-| terday that Wayne Douglas Wel- ler, 20, of Columbus committed a breach of his probation fol- lowing a conviction Jan. 29 of drinking under age. Weller was convicted Aug. 14/7, of contributing to juvenile de-| He rg org _ ge on probation|from both knees, his arm was a ime for two years. sore and when he saw the The magistrate remanded the) police officer was taking him to po: b ng taagey Bd poser he bony week|the station he asked: '"'Why are said he was _ bleeding CONTINUES ALL THIS WEEK Three more bottles of beer were|cern was for his wife. it said is directed by English-|impressions in reading newspa- found on the floor of Garrison's| Mrs. Fomenko was severely speaking fersonnel "who ~~ pers. | car. injured in the accident and|¥ally protect the interest of] Raphael Pilon, literary di-| Defence counsel Joseph Victor|taken to hospital by ambulance. fhe majority. rector of the institute, said he! said that whatever beer was| Constable James Baker said| "It wopld be advisable, we supplied to the girl was not/he had to put Fo believew4o show the personnel|¥#S once @ Newspaper man) A renowned research institute has | many months: ' pen her will. & DE aes bal sg Fg in the of The Canadian Press how. it|himself and had 'been studying) found a unique healing substance This was accomplished with a { | Fomenko said he told the|could promote the concept of|the question for 20 years. with the ability to shrink hemor- | new healing substance (Bio-Dyne) Robert Jules Lortie, 20, of Osh- officer: "Never mind the meas-|equality and awaceness of our] 'The "errors" of The Cana-| Thoids painlessly. It relieves itch- | which quickly helps heal injured : awa was sentenced to 12 months|urements, take me to the hospi-|cultural heritage by spreading|dian Press were not intentional] ins and discomfort in minutes and | cells and stimulates growth of new me on each of two charges of bréeak-|tal too." fewer errors and prejudices. or committed in a systematic] Speeds up healing of the injured, | tissue. Bio-Dyne is offered in oint- Sno-use"' talking to the weather man! As soon as you get ing and entering to run concur-| The accused said he had not} "Too many of its reporters|manner he said. inflamed tissues. - : ment and suppository form called : rent with a 1%-year sentence he|had anything to drink since 3|. + . castigate without pity, but One hemorrhoidal case history ion H. shovelled out, hurry in! Warehouse clearout prices will be in Re Bi Many improvements had been is now serving in Brampton Re-'p.m. the day before | made in the last two years, and formatory. | Crown Attorney Affleck said/street, said she was besidejespecially in the last six He admitted breaking into Mc-|"it is a physical impossibility}Fomenko and his wife and did|months. Keen's used furniture store and|for a strong smell of alcohol to|not smell any alcoholic bever- Lise ps Recent _ = 26\come from your. mouth somejage on his breath. and stealing a sewing machine,|/10 hours*after you"were drink-| Mr. Affleck was granted a adding machine, drill, fourféleing."' two-week adjournment to give vision sets and a razor after another reported "very strik- ing improvement." Pain was promptly and gently relieved . . . actual reduction or retraction (shrinking) took place. Among these case histories were a variety of hemorrhoidal condi- tions. Relief even occurred in cases In addition to actually shrink- ing hemorrhoids, Preparation H lubricates and makes elimination less painful. It helps prevent in- fection which is.a principal cause of hemorrhoids. Just ask your druggist for Pre- paration H Suppositories or Pre- effect until Saturday March 6th, 6 P.M. Come in, use your credit. On the "spot" budget terms, can be quickly arranged. NEED... FUEL OIL ? Const. Baker had testified|the crown an opportunity of of | standin; id t i tion H Ointment (with a - sed) Ce long ig, and most im- paration intmen' tnt we were vad atk 8 OME AM I Meoe, aa] PERRY || Sctnaatatusccec: | "Sutteetnaecvoe | FWERVTHING IN THE STORE REDUCED If PRICE Pickwick $1,200 and from 1 Cleaners at $332. was maintained over a period of Day or Night 723-3443 money refunded, A witness to the accident,|give expert evidence in rebut- Vivian Howard, 21, of Conant! tal

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