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Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Mar 1965, p. 20

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wnt on ep aspen Y ~*~ Maeditteadttertdin theater ccteuie re oe meee 2a_e cup ra teen et __| Smoking Parents |Qshawa Sports Champion | ia Malic | Blast Brought Unity Back|:22"ss : 'Morally Derelict' DISTRICT NEWS orally Vere. s TORONTO (CP) -- Municipal : J 5 worthy of praise, he also found TORONTO (CP) -- Parents) LJJQS y t Affairs Minister Wilfrid Spooner| | Q eop e, est others at the disaster scene Kedron Scouts =e" ant | Ei Spat w om "SiR oma ' of their children are "morally ; : 4 lormer Ontario Singles} He is survived by his par-itrafic in shoppin Jazas| MONTREAL (CP)--"It takes)bright o raincoat worn by|thrill-seekers. They're the other derelict in thelr, responsibilty Pi 'Tennis champion died islents, Mr. and Mr. Thoma sliemcnent Orcas." ® "92*| something lke this to add Ut-|rescve 'workers, 'dashing fromlexireme, There's been looting, * of the Canadian Cancer Society|Toronto over the weekend. Fita, Bloor street Oshawa, tw0| He agreed before the legisla-|tle unity to the people. Some- one trouble scene to the other.|too, at the site." A ards said Monday night. Wacek (Walter) Fita, 28, RRibrothers, Stanley of Oshaw8lture's private bills committee to| times God has to kick us in the! He helped drag bodies of the ecelve Ww Dr. Norman Delarue of Tor-|4, Oshawa, champion from 1961-jand Roman of Poland, -- support in the meantime a City|Dackside. dead from the apartment ruins. CHRISTMAS SPIRIT onto, a member of the Cana-|62, died in Scarborough General) High Requiem Mass will be|or Hamilton bill that would pro-| The scene was the make-|He offered comfort to the half-| EDMONTON ( KEDRON (TC) -- The Fatherjsitting service in the Lower! ion' committee of the Ameri-|Hospital after suf'ering a brainjsung Thursday in St. Hedwig's|ninit racing and speeding over|Shift morgue set up for victims|dead. And he gave su; tolance and Son Banquet of the 21st/Hall for pre-school age chil-\.2, College of Surgeons, said|haemorthage. by Rev. A. Bagsik with inter-/15 miles an hour on plaza park-|f the LaSalle apartment explo-|the dazed relatives of . |Doon school h Scouts and Cubs was held Sat-|dren. that the parents pass to their} Mr. Fita was taking part injment at Resurrection Ceme-|ing tots, 4 sion and the speaker = 2 He moved quickly among the|started a' student-tutor urday night 'at Samac.| The Hi-C Group was entertain-|youngsters a habit that willla Table Tennis tournament injtery. Mr, Spooner said the" general|'rew-cut young Roman Catholic/stretchers laid out on the ice|under which students Wilfred Pascoe, chairman of/.4 Friday evening at the home|slowly kill them. Scarborough at the time of| Prayers will be said in Arm-ijegisiation planned by his de-| Priest. of the arena-turned-morgue. He|Christmas honor roll the group committee, was mas-|o¢ mr. and Mrs. R. S. Bishop. | He was speaking in a lecture|the seizure. strong Funeral Home, Wednes-Inartment would be essentially] It was one of the few times|had a soft-spoken word for the|others having trouble w ter of ceremonies. ' se De Workers' : born in Poland July|4ay, at 8 p.m. the same as the Hamilton bili.|Rev. Allan Cox stopped Monday|bereaved and the injured, but|studies. H, G. Ward, Mrs. William Werry and Mrs.|series, of the Workers' Educa-| He was born y fore th ai tart wh the donty-llitle time fet eocepting pcnine. let tee gulional cmt cele roposed by Bob Dale and re-Ofval Jackson attended theltional Atsoiation of Canada st|s, 1887, and orga de ong ANCIENT LAWS wateo of the whole hoeee for|slan' ta Eptaot ap awl well "Tike i tay We Tee 4m an Me Win Len plied to by Rev. Winnifred|CGIT ts "4 ago eh i Pry PoP omar He "He oP agg hago ote "ot St.| Britain's legal system con-|approval at the same time, then|happening around him. more than anyone else. If you| "nothing seems to clarify a sub- aoe, See See ee of the C adian Girls in Train- past any shadow of a doubt,|Hedwig's Church, and employ-|tains more than 4,000 laws dat-/the committee could kill the) Most of the time he could be|want to praise someone, try|ject as much as it clear srg Phe ce | Dr. Delarue said. ed by Fittings Limited. ing back to 1235. Hamilton legislation. seen, decked out in the same'that cop over there. Try any ofito someone else. i ist = Sazs: che The cup presented by Bob Corneil for the winning patrol at the Adventure Base was ~ awarded to Donald Werry's patrol. Bob Dale's patrol won the shield for scout work dur- ; the year. Mrs. Bob Dale, who started the first Cub Pack' was presented with a bouquet of 4 flowers. ' Bert Smith showed a film of @ Stanley Cup playoff game. The scouts presented a skit and the A and B Cub Packs sang several songs. BADGES PRESENTED During the evening badges were presented to the following Cubs: Team Pl-yer -- Dennis Werry, Jeff Thomas, Philip Densham, Jeffery Densham, Pat Atkinson, Wayne Wavson, Jerry Ring, Robert Chatten and Douglas Morrison; Toy- makers -- Dennis Werry 'and Brian Elliott; artist, Neil Mahaffey and Joe Wright; col- lector -- Brian Mahaffey and Garth Pascoe; first alder -- Frank Bathe and Randy Wat- son. House Orderly -- Roger Han- cock; Harold Mountjoy, Neil Love, Dennis Werry, Jeff Thomas, Jeffery Densham and Robert MacDonald; athlete -- Reggie Davis, Garth Pascoe, Gary Snowden, Neil Love, Roger Hancock, David Snow- den, Philip Densham, Billy Arsenault and Pat Atkinson; a ed $100.000 CASH PRIZES -- Atkinson, Jeff Thomas, Dale PICK UP YOUR FREE 'MAKE MONEY' ENVELOPE AT YOUR Maschke on feos go d el MORE OF HE MAJOR PRIZE WINNERS LOBLAW STORE TODAY. NO ae bing rg Dl - =. ey. IN EACH SEALED 'MAKE MONEY' ENVELOP! Remenak --Bruce Annand; "MAKE MONEY' BILL-EITHER $500-$200-$100-$10 OR $1.00, eub instructor -- Billy Elliott SAVE YOUR % BILLS. WHEN YOU COLLECT BOTH THE LEFT <n Paul Knog Leaping pa AND THE worn f RAF Ag ANY ONE OF THESE BILLS, YOU ge -- Allan Bathe, Brian THAT AM CASH. -- EMPLOYEES AND THEIR FAMILIES ARE ROT ELIGIBLE 10 ENTER y [Ee ae Starkoski, Paul Walker and Pat Woodcock; second year pins -- Brian Watson, Terry Souch and Donald Tregunna; service stars (second year)--Mrs. June Wat- son; service stars (first year)-- Mrs. Carol Thomas and Mrs. Velma Mahaffey. SPECIAL GUESTS the guests were: Mrs. Nelson Wright, president of the }sarergpel be ange ge Bert secretany i group committee; Rev. Winnifred M. Bridges, minister of Kedron United Church; Harry S. Palm- er, chairman of the camp com- mittee; Bill Corneil, Clayton Corneil, Scoutmaster Bil] Werry, Akelas' Mrs. William Elliott, Mrs. Bruce MacDonald and John K. Glover, Assistant Leaders Ross Pettes, Mrs. Charles Thomas, Mrs. Allan Mahaffey, Mrs. Donald Ring end Mrs, William Watson. Bob Hutchinson, who assisted with the leadership at the sum- mer camp; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dale, former leaders of the A Cub Pack, were also guests. The Scouts and Cubs con- tinued gt observance of Thinking Day by turning out with their leaders for the morn-| i Ge service at Kedron United jurch. The A Cub Pack held its fifth birthday party recently. Their first leader, Mrs. Bob Dale, attended and brought a birthday cake, Mrs. Dale was bonored by the boys who for- PRESIDENTS e LOW PRICES Plus STAMPS « PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! ALL 13c VARIETIES , : 7 GERBER'S BABY FOODS ..0 --. PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL!--Assorted Colours--VANITY 2 45 PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! HOSTESS BLANCHED | TOILET TISSUE... SALTED PEANUTS ~~. «2 39° 2-ROLL PKGS. pong --_ gd as '"Rack- PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! HOSTESS BISCUITS PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! te pe mania 3° FIVE ROSES FLOUR : OF i L PKG. Nine babies received the SQUARES """"""""" Sacrament of baptism at the! % morning service in Kedron| 4 United Church, Rev. Winnifred M. Bridges officiated. The chil- dren were: S SPECIAL! P PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! | 2 63 1, 104-02. 6 . weve i' OTEX 32... ce CHEERIOS CEREAL -.. 2% PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! WILLARD'S CANDIES PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! AYLMER is .§3 " 4 WILL-0-PAK...... 2-59: TOMATO SOUP... PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! LOBLAWS PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! 15-02. c MADEIRA CAKE... «30° ay A PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! FANCY ASSORTED PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! LIBBY'S CHOICE RED 20-FL, DEL MONTE PEAS...4.:557: SLICED BEETS... 22%2/s PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! LCBLAWS KITCHEN PRIDE PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! LOBLAWS KITCHEN PRIDE PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! Frozen---Available In Most Markete LEMON MERINGUE PIE...» 49 BLUEBERRY PIE............... x2 49¢ fa 0°" GREEN BEANS .2 2%. 390 a) Collings; David Albert Ran- dolph, son of Mr, and Mrs. G, F. \ Corby; Tammy Lee, daughter} 7 ! of Mr. and Mrs. D. D. le; Blaine Warren, son of Mr. and i Mrs. G. D. Selleck; John } Knowles, son of Mr. and: Mrs, Bill Snow Yam Raderford. ; DAY OF PRAYER The World's Day of Prayer will be observed at Kedron | United Church on Friday after- } t i ; noon, March 5, Ladies of Colum- bus, Raglan and St. Stephen's ehurches are invited to attend. The special. speaker will be Miss Annie B. Bishop; of To- ronto. There will be a baby- | Nurse Backs Medicare Plan KINGSTON (CP) -- The fed- eral government should provide | "a minimum. health coverage for all," Jennie Weir, past pres- '| ident of the Registered Nurses | Association of Ontario, said t| Monday night. '| Addressing the annual meet- i] ing of the Kingston branch of | the Victorian Order of Nurses, Miss Weir said a recent royal commission on hepith services provided a health charter for ? . ln pee : F | ' fe Canadians based on what the om Bs i tl lle. : M ublic wants and what the med- gts Th Te SHOPPING CENTRE STORE OPEN WED., THURS., AND FRI, TILL 9:30 P.M. - DOWNTOWN STORES OPEN THURS. AND FRI. TILL 9 P.M. eosseary. a | Jremncennnenmpnesetamaninnmaitetgn tats Attn

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