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Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Mar 1965, p. 24

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22 THE OSHAWA TIMBS, Wednesday, Merch 3, "Spring May Be Around The Corner . Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 . But Bargains Are Here Now' BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK Accountants yA te PRISDLANOER AND €O., fants, Licensed bige~J rg (onkrupiey, 6 64 King Street East, 728- 7371. HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO. Char- tered Dg eel Financial Trade Build- ' ero, MaS5808) 87 Hopkins, CA; H. i gE. Beadle, CA; E. Lukow, © pe aah A cn ga ae ITMANN, Chartered Accoun- JOSEPH GUTMANN, ie nl gar acti et, Licensed Trustee, T 723-4833. King Street East, Oshawa, On- Building Trades -- TV--Radio Repairs s Mortgages MORTGAGE LOANS Quality Curneriey and General Repairs Alterations, rec, rooms, cup- boards, floor, ceiling and wall tiles, arborite etc. Satis- faction guaranteed, H. McKOY 725-8576 East. eae CEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Chartered Accountan' Suite 205W, Oshawa Shop- ping Centre. 725-9953. WILSON countants, 114 ated Street East, Osh- awa; Ronald F. Be a CA; G. Ed- mond rows a MONTEITH, RIEHL, - Co., harterad Accountants, . 728-7527; Oshawa Shopping Centre ae 215E, Ajax, 942- 0890; Whitby 668-41. K'N eee co., i) Chartered Ac-| Li countants. Mn" King St. E. re 725-6539 David G. Perkin C. A; St Neweast'e, 987-4340, William C. Han B Comm. C. ROB CLANTY'S Accounting Service. Comopiete bookkeeping service, 184 Bond Street , 725-0397, Res. 123-7605. ALBERT HOSMAR, R, Chartered Accoun- tant, 47 Prince Street, Suite 4, Ontario. Telephone 723-122) wit 01 t= Antiques bought and sold, glass, china, lamps, small fur- niture. Ashburn. Ontario. Barriste KELLY, Barristers, Solici- tors. etc. | King Street East, Dial 723-2278. Resioence Phones: J, M. Greer, QC, 725-2368; Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL, 728 5832. HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, N, and HILL- MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36/2 King Street East Oshawa; R. D. Humphreys, QC., G. S$. Boychyn, QC, W. A. Hillman, BA, LLB; J D Humphreys, BA, LLB. Office: 725-1177; Residence: 723-4326; 725-4606; Whitby 668-1761. NHA and other fir' gage funds in MACDONALD, BA, LLB, Bar- rister and Solicitor and Notary Public, The Commercia! Building, 286 King West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking avail- abie. 725-47\6 or 725-4717. EREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, and| VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Bank of Commerce Building, 5 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Achar 9g age. K, reighton, QC; or residences: bith 728-8554; G. L. Murdoch, ae 723-4768; ©. Victor, 985-7115. Mortgates | and. Agreements of Sale bought and sold, | and arranged. JOSEPH P. . MANGAN, @C, Solicitor. Money fo loan. Office, 14' King Street East, Oshawa 728-8232. McG! 'and BASTE Barristers, Solicitors. --_Cllents' tinds available, mortgage, 37 King Street East, (third floor), 728-7336, Charles C. MecGibbon QC; Edgar F, Bastedo, QC Building Trades NEW PLASTERING and re-| ling, Rec yg Free estimates. » C Woods, 728-34; Classified Rates WORD AD> Ma insertion of 24 he ia $1.08 additional words 4c each; con secutive insertions of 24 etl $2.88 additional words 12¢ each, 6 consecu- tive insertions of 24 words $4.32, addi- tional words 18c each Charae 1 per cent additional charge If not paid within 8 days Method of counting -- Less than 24 words counts as 24 words, each word, initial, figure or abbreviation counts as one word? phone number counts two words BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- SOCIAL NOTICES $2.00 per insertion with 25 cents ad- Giional charge ff not paid within 7 days IN iMEMOR IAMS * $2.00 for the first 35 words and Se each thereafter, plus 12c per line of verse 25 additional charge M not paid within 7 days, each thereafter, with 25¢ oe daitionel charge if not coe within 7 days COMING EVEN $2.10 per inch Display) $1.50 for the first 2 words and S¢ each thereafter (Word Ads) AUCTION SALES $2.10 per inch per Insertion DEADLINES WORD ADS 5 p.m. day previous LOST AND FOUND 9 a.m. day of publication BIRTHS AND DEATHS 9 a.m, day of publication CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 1 column -- 4 p.m. day previous 2 column or lafger -- 0 a.m, day Previous CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 9 a.m. day of publication BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- 5S0c While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertisers as soon as possible we accept no Ilability in respect of loss or damage alleged to arise through either failure or delay In for- warding such replies, however caused whether by negligence or otherwise. The Times will not be responsible for replies uncalled for in 20 days REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times wil) not be re sponsible . for errors, in advertise- ments submitted otherwise than in writing, not for more than one inser- tion of any advertisement, nor beyond the price charge for a sing.e inser- tion of the advertisement in which error occurs The Oshawa Times reserves. the right to classify advertising according to 'ts proper classification In the case of display advertisements The Times will-not be held pon. sible for more space tha in which the actual error occupies. The publishRs endeavor to reproduce alt advertising matter correctly, but as- sume no liability of advertisment if any inaccuracies in any form are con- tained therin Any advertisement cancelled beture publication will be charged one day's insertion than 1T'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Classified Direct 723-3492 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS 1~--Women's Column 2--Personal Sportsman's Column Hunting 5--Trailers 6--Marine Equipment 7--Swop and -- 8--Articles for 9--Market Basket 10--Farmer's Column 11--Pets and Livestock 12--Articles Wanted 13--Articies for Rent 14----Business Opportunities 15--Employment Wonted 16--Agents Wonted 17--Femaole Help Wonted 18---Male Help Wanted 19---Male of Female Help 20--Reoi Estate for Sale 21--Farms for Sale 22----Lots for Sale 23--Reol Estate Wanted 24---Stores, Offices ond. Storage 25--Houses for Rent 26--Apariments for 27--Rooms for Rent 28--Room and Board 29---Woanted to Rent 30--Automobiles for 31---Compact Cors for 32--Trucks for Sale 33----Automobiles Wonted 34--_-Automobile Repair 35--Lost ond Found 36----Lego! 37--~Auctions. | 38--Coming Events Wanted Rent Sole Sale and BURROWS, Chartered Ac- Oshawa,| | 728-1823 «|Gardening and 'Supp ies Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation INSTITUTIONAL FIRSTS and PRIME SECONDS MORTGAGES and AGREEMENTS Purchased LOANS ON MORTGAGES Immediate Service. From Our Head Office 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa PLASTERING New and Repairs. Ceramic tiles, D. & R, ROBINSON 725-0330 | ROOFING, concrete floors, flat roofing, jour specialty. New work and repairs. arge and small jobs. L. and H, Roofing and Construction, 3, 725-6937, |ALL TYPES build fepairs and re- el'ing, chimneys, new and repaired, _| sidewalk anc -concrete repairs, Whitby | 668. 2774. Goro May. HOME IMPROVEMENTS, roofing, and |eavestroughirg, carpentry work, painting AERIALS @ ROTORS @ REPAIRS JF Sere was AX EXPLOSION. HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED TV TOWERS ARE THE BEST ! Why Settle for Less ! SEE THEM AT OX THE SUN LOUD ENOUGH 40 BE HEARD OX EARTH Hf WOULD REQUIRE ABOUT 15 YEARS fo FOR. THE SOUND 10 TRAVEL, 40 OUR EARS SCRAPS. T.R.I.O. TELEVISION Corner Bond & Division 728-5143 MAHER CELI A FREXCKMA, OF MILL, SEINE Ef ONE, FELL UPSIDE DOWN 10 A Woe WHILE TRYING To CATCH' A FERRES | AND REMAINED WHat Position FOR ZB HOURS WH). RESCUED, * -s WHAT GIVES GOLF 2 BALLS LONGER DRIVING DISTANCES AND TOUGHER Coven TN, TOWERS | ; AL RON'S T.YV, 12 years experience. All work guaranteed, (Free tower survey), RON BRIGHTLING TREATMENT With GAMMA RAYS, Ts Tome trea ees By R. J. SCOTT a5 WERE THE SPECIAL PETS oF THe PIM" KAMAKA WoMEX OF YAP, Céfe SIZED RATS HUGE BATS AND ROBBER CRABS WK CLAWS MORE THAX A FOOT LONG, ARE AMONG Mt FEW AWMALS On THE T6LAND, Wet phe mare 723-7521 | Phone 723-5221 MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys for first mortgages Interest ot 7% Open Mortgages No Bonus No charge for valuations Mortgages and Agreements and genera! repairs Ali Work guaranteed. P Nellis, 33¢ Bruce Street, 728-2061. GENERA' repairs "and remodelling, ¢ car- |pentry painting tiles, linoleum, rec. | Free estimates, Satisfaction guar- anteed Call 723-604: ROOFING, pi painting, lathing, insulating, Specializing in re-roofing, floors and criling tile 'ane a kinds of repairs. J. C. Dingivr, 723-660 Cartage JOHN'S MOVING, Storage and Cariage. Reasonable rates, fully insured. Day or night, Call 728-366) R R years N O W |8--Articles for Sale Service Calls Till 9 P.M. T.R.1.0. TELEVISION 728-5143 aeriais, towers, repairs, WV experience, all work guaranteed. om Brightling Phone 723-7521, SPRING WILL COME AGAIN! Are you plonning, o new home, going to re-model? Call 668-3524 SAWDONS' WHITBY: LIMITED 224 Brock S, Whitby 'On's TV FURNITURE MOVING, Basement Clean- ing, any Trucking responsibilities. Open/ for contracts, Call 725-9843 or 725-6880. | purchased Moneys for second mortgages Fast service, M. F. SWARTZ 262 King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723- 4697 Caterers PONTIAC INN, unde Will cater for wedding», banquets, etc. Can accommodate 150. Also rooms and meals, 728-1297 or 723-5521. | Dentistry new management. 72 Well Drilling--Digging in Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 or 668: 3809, PERMANENTS on specia dressing, 2--Personal _ | FREE 24 Hr, Burner Service Fuel and bldg. supplies |BNDERWOOD 20" carriage Perfect condition, (Large lTelephene Whitby 668-2427, | KITCHEN cupboard, two kitchen tables, six chairs, two rangettes, Frigidaire re- hone frigeraior, radio (cabinet), chest of drawers, bed (single, metal), Suitable for | cottage 728-837), DRAPES, triple width, turquoise with | DIGGING by machine specializing 30-inch tile, W. Ward, 204 Chestnut We 4 pewriter type.) $47.95. --Women' s Column Page Hair- 394 Pine Ave T 5-5363 | BIALEK, oc. ae Dental Surgeon, | 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. For| appointment. 728-5842 or Res, 728-6441, fe} Dressmaking DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses, alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting a Specialty, Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372, | DRESSMAKING -- All kinds of ladies' wear. High quality work. Call Agnes Dressmaking, 668-8463, Whitby, DRESSMAKING -- Dresses, sui High quality work guaranteed. experience, Telephone 723- 5700. 112 Simeoe St, North LADIES, THINK THRIFTY! Alterations, Oshawa, Ontorio - 725-3568 mending and style changing. Reasonable rates. For appointment, teephone| FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, Sale | agreements Purchased and sold. Hennick ard 'Hennicx, Barristers, 31 King Street East 723-7237 Mbredae Meicoy Available Low Interest Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association SUMMERLAND SECURITIES -- Dre coats, years' ~|Musical Services lEXPERT piano tuning ane repairs, rea- lsonable rates, recommended by iocal| ~ tenchers Call collect Toronto 694-7567. Optometrist F RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simeoe| Street North, Suite 6, Oshawa. Tele- phore 723-4191 "SPRING THOUGHTS" Potting Soil Rooting Compound No-Damp Gladiola Dust Vermiculite Peat Moss Garden Seeds Flower Seeds Lopping Shears Face Dressing Rabbit Repel Plant Boxes COOPER-SMITH | CO. 16 CELINA ST, 723-1139 1909 'Slim." Or cut | Painting and Decorating PAINTING and DECORATING INTERIOR and EXTERIOR FREE ESTIMATES DODD & SOUTER 668-5862 Plumbing and Heating |ALL TYPES of repairs and "remodelling, | jnew and used materials. rates, Estimates tree. 723-1191, ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies. | Telephone 725-3521, Haroid H. Stark, Ltd.,| 7 Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, 225) Simcoe Street South, EST, TREE to trim? Call ' down. Free estimate: " Instruction: TUTORING Classes now in' session at Academic: Tutoring College. All ages, grades, subjects. Reading, Math, English Science, etc. From student's textbooks, private or su er: group ACADEMIC TUTORING COLLEGE | CALL 723-6701 __ rials Workmanship guaranteed five years Free estimates. Credit terms. Mattresses , 725-5118 oF 728-0610 Rug- Upholstery S: Service re-built, Furniture re-finished. Oshawa| Uphe'stering Company, 287 Dean Avenue, Rug and Upholstery Clean- ing. At our plont or in your | home, | 94 BRUCE STREET | ne UPHOLSTERING by experts. Estab- | 725-0311. | | CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and a styled Sree estimate. See our material) |for -e-covering. Dalton Uphoistering, 75) Charies Street, 723-7212. CHESTERFIELDS « and old chairs, re-| , | covereo like-new Get the best for less at Modern Upheisterers, 142 Simcoe Street hed 17 yea s, Complete range of mate- South Cait 728-645) Free estimates. LEARN TO DRIVE at the Oshawa Driving School reasonable rates, standard and automatic cars Professional instructors 728-009 | OSHAWA and WHITBY |RELIABLE male tutor perienced public school Whitby 668-5498. \Sales and Service |GUARANTEED repairs to all "wringer | all grades, ex-| washers ano ranges, Free estimates, Call teacher, Call | 728-1742. |Septic Service SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompt service on calis. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street) Wes!, Whitby, 668-2563 Money To Loan HOW TO RENT MONEY write or walk inte Finance office and manager want to @ money $50 (23¢ for one week or any amount up to $3,000 or more. Because we respec our customers and their reasons for renting money, there's no red tape, just a simple credit requirement EXAMPLE AMOUNTS MONTHLY PAYMENT Surveyors H. FLIM and TROLLOPE, Oniario Land Surveyors, 113 Elgin Street East. Phone 725-688), DONEVAN a Lend Surveyor 1) wtario St "FLEISCHMANN, Ontario Commercial bive prints, 725-5632, lu ore Asc ' the any tell 1 rent som Rent TV--Radio 'Repairs TV TOWERS -- ECONOMY AND DELUXE Priced to suit your budget TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV |: SUPPLY LIMITED 361 GIBBONS ST. /28-8180 TV SERVICE DAY OR EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS lcit¥ TV TOWERS, antennas, Mortgages pats Av work guaranteed PRIVATE onc corporate moniea ter ~pii| Averwie Tevephone 725-0500 mortgages Mortaages . and of sa purchased Nton, Drynan, [Murdoch and baer (See "Barristers.") AMOUNT $ TERM (months) 2 Pi 105,75 395,42 710.65 014,07 2 016.00 Larger am also 20 24 30 36 lable 'Crescent Finance Most Cor e Cc arrel to $3,000 unts avo (or "Canoda siderate F a mpany Manager. ,aF ' ot, Sy w 728-7311 tu PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? if you have good credit 1'! lend you up to $5,000 to Payments in half or less for consol dation of any worthwhile purposes. Tele phone Toronto 481-5289. |! WILL loan you up to $5,000 at a re j2onable rateot interest to consolidat: |Your bills or for any other worthwhile| Purpose providing you are steadily e ployed and have good credit. Telephone! 24-463) leur As also re- 51) Dean 4? Whitby 668-5481, es WEEKLY CLASSES and model training, Moderate fee Reasonable Clark Studio, daytimes 728-0432, evenings THREE ROOMS of furniture, $298.50, No| J .Foley,| |and week- "ends 668-4497, BENDIX, like able television or? Caesarea, 986. 'ot. TOASTERS. sinks, funs. | Park South |8--Ar icles 'for Sale _0F 723-6942. ADDING machines, typewrilers, <elhiers, | iis 389-C-65 cuplicators, ne yearn paca chairs, trade with buaget terms. Low, ;FURNITURE--three rooms. + | bedroom, tiving 'room, kitchen Pay only $3 weekly, Barons' South. SEWING machine | electric. 9676 alter 6 p.m, VACUUM brusnes, Fleming Vacuum Service, REFRIGERATOR, chestertield and chair, tage 723-6008 FURNITURE furniture, bedroom, Pay only $3 Barons South. Trading cst Store, South TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL! structure installed, years Cal 728-Si4y. BAUER SKATES Good prices Terms. Bominion Tire Store,| Ace TELEVISIONS and sewing machines rent HIGH" CHAIR, agreements) GOOLD'S TV lowers and aerial service,|massage cushion Free estimates. 215 Dundas [Stress East,|aiso doll house, $2) all 'n good condition Telephone 723-484), |gold thread; natural bamboo dra triple width; accordion 120 bass, lent condition Telephone 728-8107, CUSTOM push button car radio for Cor- vair. Make offer, 728-0036, AUTOMATIC sud-saver washers, $95, in- stalled in your home, Fully automatic dryers, late models, $60 up and wringer- washers, $25.,. three months fully guar- anteed, Fully re-built, like new. Deliver- led. Telephone anytime, 9B6- 4926, RANGE, Pie PRP FP ? Are You Satisfied With Your Present Coffee Truck Service? IF NOT CALL .... GORD"S FOOD SERVICE Owned & Operated by Envoy Restaurant, Phone 728-7321 Specializing in Fresh Hot Cof- fee, Fish & Chips, Chicken, Hot Plates eS, Caesarea ~H-inch, automatic New condition, $75. Frigidaire electric, white enamel, four-burner timer. Indirect tight. Phone 725-2713 TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL! structure including all-channel Installed, guaranteed, by years experience, $50, Trio Call 728-5143. HOUSE to be torn down, Part could be moved 'for cottage. Telephone Hampton 263-2521 CLEARANCE OF 40-ft, antenna experts, 10 Television Pep 29 28 Pee 1964 model -- chester- field and bedroom suites! All - prices slashed, from $99.00 Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street, | BIGGEST DISCOUNTS! Furniture and| | appliance, nothing down, nothing for two months. Special, new apartment = size Stove, $98, Honest Cal's Lid., 424 King West TYPEWRITER, standard, |$30; electric, $35; cash register, $40;! adding machine $25; comptometer, $25; | four total cash registers, 723-4434, | NEW AND USED TV's and appliances, |Gerera' Electric and Phillip's, Wayne' |78 Simcoe North, Telephone | | TELEVISION General Electric, 2i- jinch, walnut, very good condition, Tele- | Phone after 6 Pm, - |ONE snap-on "tune-up kit, |wheel balancer and spinner, One cham: Invisible Mending 10 PRINCE ST. 728-531] Peon plug cleaner One bench grinder. and Aro greaging equipment. Also other gar-| ES in self- improvement age tools, Dial 655-4965, " Removal of superfluous hoir Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, Mar. 22, 23 and 24, Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment. ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 LEN PULLAN English Tailér) CUSTOM TAILORING Suit and Dress Alterations | $30; porfabie, down payment, $15 month |Cal's, 424 King West, 728- GUNS --. Bought, "sold, traded, ri =r at Art's Gun Shop 18 Hone Street West. Febbe sien 728-973) r Seg Pt! HONEST CAL'S appli }ances. Name brands at biggest discounts price, | anywhere, We carry Restonic and Bev- $2; / erly mattress furniture lines, Your author- pumps, pres-| ized GE dealer. Contact Honest Cal's at boats, trail. | 424 King Street West, 728-9191. Hillside and] | | SPECIAL - Typewriters, portable, » stand- --|ards and electric, Suitable for students Jand businesses. All makes. available |arge stock to choose from, $40 and up. One year guarantee, Jenkins Business |Machines. (Sales and Service), 728-7788, | Open evenings |BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture | @nd appliances. One location only, Pretty | Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271, | ScRAP: 'HARDWOOD, on one = foot lengths | Excellent sor fireplace, 7.75 single cord | Gia! 723-22€1 after 4 p.m. . |35 HP JOHNSON outboard motor, Exeai-| lent condition, $275. 7252890 between 12| noon and 5 p.m. | FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator and Acme| | Stove. Telephone 728-7640 atter 7 p.m, |BUY AND SELL -- God used furniture and. appliances. Goold's Furniture, 215 Dundas East, Whitby, 648-548). FREEZER, Supreme 21 cubic fl. new, $200, Telephone 728-0673, DRYER, Westinghouse Never been used, dad Telephone 728-6487 at Howat --Swap and Barter 'washer swap for dryer new, Hi-Fi ~ furniture and steam irons, $4 tol'ets, $29.95; $20: laundry tubs, re systems. pipes, fittings, 3. cars Chinn's, corner 723-7088, half vanities, JUICE EXTRACTORS ALL MAKES -- BEST PRICES THE SUNSHINE SHOP 725-2241 24 Prince St., Oshawa Completely Reconditioned TELEVISIONS $35.00 and up -- | month worranty. All makes and types, Apply 131 Cabot St., like | 9--Market Basket P.E.J. POTATOES -- 75-lb. bag, $3.50 | delivered, Call evenings, Brooklin 655- 498 SMILE You're in Valley Creek Furni- ture where they pay the most, sell the cheapest. When sell- ing or buying used furniture and appliances phone 728- 4401 or come to the store 162 Bond W, | 10--Farmer's Column |DEAD and crippled farm stock picked ie prompt'y Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. ephone Collect' Hampton, 263-2721; chequewriters, we bu», sell, rent, files, desks, Service and New and used,! Bill Hamilton, Raglan \1 1--Pets and Livestock TOY POM -- Female, beautiful" "honey color. Very affectionate; with papers. new quality| © includes complete! $40, Telephone 725-2577. ensembles.| CHIHAUHUA, female, black and white, Unbeatable value!! six weeks old, paper trained, Very affec- Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe|tionate nature, $50, 114 Grenfell street | Telephone 728-2065, "American Home" | NEWFOUNDLAND ~ Pups, Excellent condition. Phone 725-| weeks old, $95. low prices rniture, only $299, Purebred, 12 [13--Artieh | SOUND EQUIPMENT -- s for Rent RENTALS -- OF ALL KINDS SANDING MACHINES Oscillating sanders, disc sand- ers, belt sanders, floor sand- ers, PLUMBER'S TOOLS Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise tripod, pipe wrenches, pipe cutters, pipe threading dies, toilet auger PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT Stepladders, aluminum ex- tension ladders, ladder jacks, steel scaffolding, compres- sors, spray guns, wallpaper steamers, tarpaulins, blow torches, propane torches, WELDING EQUIPMENT Acetylene welding outfits, 200 amp. electric welders. BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT Cement = mixers, _ finishing trowels, wheel barrows, elec- tric vibrator, air compressor, jack hammers, hand trowels, water pumps, portable heat- ers, steel scaffolding, electric generator, ramset, power rol- lers, electric hammers, mas- onry sow, building jacks, mortar mixers, mortar boxes, chain hoist, miter saws, elec- tric plane, tarpaulins, 14' bandsaw, 4" joiner, sand blaster, power tamper, power post hole auger. STAN'S Sharpening & Rentals Ltd. 223 King St. West., Oshawa PHONE 723-3224 | Taping, Weddings recorded, tope recorders, record play- ers, projectors, M.C, work, P.A. systems, Mobile, P.A, broadcasting, background music, dances, Hi-Fi Equip- ment GUDGEON ASSOCIATES 72 Dish- Coffee Bridal White Tables, Chairs, Linens, es, Cutlery, Glasses, Urns, Punch: Bowls, Wear, Men"s Formals, Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd, S, 725-3338 --Business Opportunities W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 177 Church Street, Bowmanville 623-3393 Member Oshawa and District Real Estate Board Service Station, Snack Bar, Garage on busy highway near Oshawa. Good business, $25,- 000----$10,000 down, Valuable Commercial. site with brick building on King Street, Bowmanville, Act fast on this one at only $10,500 $2,000 down Brick factory bailding in Bowmanville, Valuable corner location, Zoned for light in- dustry, $35,000---terms, Call 623-3393 After 9 p.m-- Ken Hockin Pat Yeo J. Whiteman Joe Barnoski Howard Forder Herb Cooper 623-5055 623-3077 623-3818 786-2202 655-3853 623-3393 For further information, | write Keith's Restaurant, Marmora, On- hoses, tario. 942-0213, | THREE MONTHS oid white toy | poodles Main. St phat Bk sale or will exchange for used piano. Telephone 725-6826. also PALOMINO gelding (gentle), "eight years Suitable for cot- old, also standard bred filly, two years room, Telephone old. Both broken to ride. Western saddle and bridle. Whitby 668-2241. ap-| COZY-J-RANCH Kennels, horses, goats, Hampton 263-2294 or| Kids, registered German Shepherds, .pup- pies champion bloodlines. Stud services, eS tee Qualily|®@rding, training. Classes. Ashburn, ay tai wien aaron Brooklin' 655-4662, evenings. livingroom, .«itchen ensembles, | BEAUTIFUL, baby budgies, ready for weekly. Unbeatable value! | training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. T. Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe| Broad, 114 Elgin East iM repairs, all makes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, ickering Westinghouse, or recreation NG OR SELLING furniture or ances, Cali Elmer, 35-2695. © GUY sei aad exchange vied tornc|12--Articles Wanted reo. anything you have. The. City. 446 Simcoe Street | WANTED used | Telephone| piano. 723-16 an OLD RIFLE. including ali-channei AM ats jola cartridges, Telephone 725-618: Quaranteed, by 'experts, 10) $50. Trio Television, | 13--Articles for Rent _| WHEEL CHAIRS, hospiial bed , walkers, reducing machines, sick room supplies Rentals, 05 Beatrice, 725-1644, | ENTERTAINING -- Fifty Yo one hundred | Wel propie? shawa Tennis Club. tor. ban- Honest Cal's. | quers parties weddings, anniversaries. Facilities bar kitchen, parking. Rea . 783-2140. lewaines card and banquet tables, church aisle runners. Cleve Fox Réntals, [Simcoe Street North, Call 723-2414, Oa shot gun, or pistel. Also| | experience, ~ New and used-- Bond Street West, Oshawa 725-6511. at King Wes reasonable rates 728-919) chrome and sonable rates, | | 412] $10 hand "Niagara unit, $50; | ATTENTION $15,000.00 DOWN 11 Suite Apartments Park Rd. North Seven Buildings to choose from, Priced at $95,000, to $105,000 Contact Bill Millar for information 725-1186 or 725-2557, W. T, LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD, __S7_KING ST. E INVESTORS Funds wanted for fully se- cured investment. Will pay 8% interest plus 10% profit bonus yearly Minimum amount considered $1,000 For 'details write oh 904 OSMaAW A TIMES 14--Business Opportunities FOR SALE 17--Female Help Wanted or first class searmairess TAILORESS class seamstress, Must speak English, Apoly after 12 p.m, 18--Male Help Wanted own cars nights per week. Telephone 728-6481. - Len Pullan, Tailor, \ Prince Street, TB-53), Smoke, gift ond variety busl- | feo sessan wih licence ness, in prosperous commu 19---Male or Female Help Wanted at Teast three to five years 'experience in tint ing, sty! Tite Hahn, Wande's Beauly ville, 623-3801 MIDOLE-AGED Women Fe saat five oe ate toe cee over household set eee coment 786-2246, HouseKE derly couple, Live in, - porns "hires cores Yolonane 725-3003, BECIASEE girl ys babysit three or = eekly in exchange for room and hi also small remuneration, Cell ly | 728-9102 or 728-7478, CABY to mind i4-month-old child, t , In child's home, from 8:30 a.m, to 5 p.m. five-day week, Live out, T 1% 008 or oe Lakemount Street, LADY to babysit while mother works, Two children, one schoo! age. Light house-' work, 7.30 to 5. Whitby 668-5259 after 5. 18--Male Help Wanted HOW INTEGRATION PROMISES YOU A BETTER CAREER IN THE ARMY A nity, | di APPLY BOX 107 Oshawa Times RESTAURANT FOR RENT, fully equip- except for dishes and oiery New enant must purchase these plus stock from present tenant, Call Whitby (668-2056 evenings. MOTEL, restaurant, SHE SOO ae gift shop, 20 minutes from year around business. Owner will aoe Cail Harry D, Perry, McGill Real Estate Broker, 728-4285, 15----Employment W: RELIABLE Whitby woman would like to give day care in her own home to baby 01 pre-school child, Phone 666-8717, EXPERIENCED jady wants to do iron- ing at her own hi Phone 725-7755, HOUSE cleaning | by married 3 va Thursdays and Fridays, Phone 72B-' 17--Female Help Wonted | Dependable Mature FULL TIME RESTAURANT WORKER Doys --- Interested in ad- vancement =~ capable of , All replies conti- 728-1655 After 11 A.M, BUR To INCREASING BUSINESS, we jadies, olay will train on ae see we at Sh better jan average wages ai dealing with » Ha tr) ype met J tial seg, a u inarien » Tele phone marin Guide 1 Real ER WELP for estaurani, Experi enced preferred. Apply in person to 14 Prince Street, Oshawa, K MART. Requires Female Applicants For Our Food Department For Canada's regular Army this is a new, exciting era of change and challengé, Inte- gration is fashioning a highly organized, more flexible, more efficient armed forces, It is creating a real need for new men to fill new careers, Canada is the first nation in the world to adopt o one-com- mond system for its armed forces. You con be part of this forward-looking defence force. There's a promising career awoiting you in the Canadion Army, If you like it, you can stoy on for a useful ond satisfying career. Good pay, free medi- cal ond dental care, a cloth- ing allowance, 30 days' paid holidays every year ond an early pension are all includ- ed, Many sports ond hobbies ore available to fill in your spore time, Any way you look at it, it is hard to beat, If you are single, between 17 and 23, and physically fit, mail the coupon below for detoils on your furture in the Modern' Canadian Army, Experience essential, Excellent opportunity for right appli- cant, also Applicants Wanted for Specialized Job Must be neat, courteous and willing to meet the public, Telephone experience helpful, but not essential Apply or Telephone Personnel Manager _ 728-7331 or 2 KEY PUNCH OPERATOR Dunlop Canada Ltd., In Whitby Requires key punch operator, with a minimum of one yeor's experience on Machines 024, 026, ond 056 Alpha Nume- ric, complete company paid ben- efit program, PLEASE CONTACT MRS. KEIP WHITBY 668-3361 EXPERIENCED WOMAN Canadion Armed Forces Recruiting Centre 25 St. Clair Avenue, East, 10th Floor TORONTO 7, Ontario, Excellent salary range, ond Coupon Please provide me with de- toils of Career openings in the Canadian Army, Nome Address Age Pee e ee nerereeee TOO e teeter ene Peer reeenrereeee Las e Complete: SALES OPPORTUNITY For light in small plant in Ajax. Pleasant working conditions, Give full assembly work details of experience in reply to Well established Oshawa Branch Office for a large National Firm. desires to contact a local mon 25 to 40 yeors old for sales posi- tion, Soles experience desir- able, but not necessary. Good starting salary with on- nual bonus and opportunity for advancement. BOX 17 Oshawa Times DICTAPHONE 20--Real Estate for Sale GORDON OSBORNE REAL ESTATE 218 Dundas St E., Whitby 668-8826 60 FT, KEEWATIN ST. LOTS --- OSHAWA Near King St. E. ond High- way 2. These desirable resi- dential lots ore waiting for o good builder to build prestige homes. Your home will be worth more on these 60' x 159' lots, Act quickly here. DESIRABLE BURNS ST. W, WHITBY Location with 3 bedroom split level home in immaculate condition, A real pleasure to show this well arranged good housekeeping home in. this popular south west residential! location. Payment $101.92 monthly looks after principal, interest and toxes. Enquire further about this beauty, HOPKINS ST. BUILDING INDUSTRIAL Area of Whitby with lot size 70' x 537'. Large office, 5 room apartment all contained in brick and block 3 year old building with stone front, Full price $18,500 with good terms to reliable buyer, AJAX 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW. With additional office or bed- room spoce in basement, Former doctor's home and of- fice on Roosevelt St. would be just right for the large family wishing to have that additions al space in a reasonably pric- ed home plus an additional 2 piece bathroom, Clean decor- ation, stove, refrigerator, all for $14,500 make offer for $3,000 down or cash, 6 -- % ACRES TYPIST RECEPTIONIST Required by company located in Whitby area, Good appear- ance essential, For oppoint- ment, Group benefits include hos- pitalization, life insurance, loss of work benefit, and pension plan, All inquiries in strictest con- fidence, Box 840 Cehewg, Tee SALES OPPORTUNITY Expansion programme Oshawa..means we will re- quire two executive type salesmen age 25 to 45 years. Established = prefer red. Starting sdlary open, Full welfare plans provided. When requesting _ interview please include brief personal history. All replies will be oc- knowledged ond treated in confidence. Write Box 801 Oshawa Times CALL MR. NINABER at WHITBY 668-3315 CLERK-TYPIST 5 p.m, mn 5 day week 8 a.m. - Experienced, single, or mar- ried with no children 12. All fringe benefits avail- able. under APPLY P.O, BOX 488 Oshawa, Ontario 20 to 45 required for Typing, some shorthand, -filing, telephone duties, Hours nine. to five, five day week, Top salary to "tight applicant. Reply in writ- ing stating age ond experi- ence to Box 702 Oshawa Times. Mature years of age small office. woman, "SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT No age requirement, WRITE P, O, BOX 544 TELEPHONE 668-3341 DRIVER For Coffee Truck Apply in person ENVOY RESTAURANT on \ Road, Soi South _ RELIABLE DRIVER For fuel oi! route: over. 25 years of age, Married. Mech- anically inclined to learn furnace work, Steady employ- ment. Experience preferred, WAITRESSES Full or part time APPLY ENVOY RESTAURANT 522 Ritson Road, South RELIABLE WOMAN for kitchen heip, also waitress, Apply South End Res taurant, Bloor and Simcoe Streets. HAIR STYLIST with experience and cli- entele required. in downtown shop. Good wages and working hours. Telephone 728-9651, Riviera Hair Styting. RELIABLE lady to care for three chit-| dren, while mother works. !ive in, home! - privileges. Telephone 723-1977. RECEPTIONIST, secretary with a high degree of accuracy in typing to work) from 5 p.m. to % p.m. Monday through} Friday and 9 a.m, to 5 p.m. Saturdays. | Also occasional relief for other girls in case of vacation or sickness. Apply| Guide Realty Ltd, 16 Simcoe Street) South, 723-1121 | RELIABLE lady to mind two pre-school! APPLY children. for or two weeks while) 5 mother In hospital Live" in or out, 723-5014 238 KAISER CRESCENT A GOOD MAN over 4 for short trips sur- PIN-UP MODELS Part-time basis. Must be attractive and photogenic, "For "ounding Oshawa, Man we want is werth appointment. call Clark Studio, daytime, UP_t0 $12,000 in year the ma 4 728-0432; evenings and weekends, 668-4497 Dickerson, Pres. Southwestern Patro- teum Corp., 534 No, Main $t., Fort Worth $23 WEEKLY for. wearing lovely dresses Texas. given you es bonus. Just show Nor' eg ee pee American Fashion Frocks to friends. No WANTED SINGLE man, stable hand and maintenance. Must drive ow live-in, canvassing, investment, experience nec- essary. North American Fashion Frocks|t'ttle Buckaroo Ranch. Lid., 3425 Industrial Blvd, Dept. 1-4513, SINGLE MAN wanted for a farm in TOWN LINE AT NASH RD, On edge of Oshawa. This pro- perty has possibilities for fu- ture development or would make good market garden land to retire on, Build your home here and wait for the City to grow. Full price $9,- 600. DRUG STORE IN BUSINESS SECTION Of growing town near Tor- onto, Attractive store with reasonable rent, long estab- lished in present location: Full price $15,000 plus stock at o special discount off list price. A real opportunity for © young druggist wishing to expand the volume, ATTENTION BUILDERS We have 36 lots registered and serviced under plan No, M77, ready to build on now for Winter Works Bonus' in the City of Oshawa Zone RIB $4,900 per lot, CALL NOW FOR TERMS 725-3568 Evenings Brooklin 655-4575 CLOVER GLADE SUBDIVISION LTD. 112 SIMCOE NORTH SEVEN BUNGALOWS $500 BONUS Montcalm and Waverly Ready to move into by March 30, 1965, Mony extras. Prie- ed from $15,500 up Phone 725-1186 W. T. LAMSON Real Estate Ltd., | Montr: 39, Que. Blackwater area, Top wages for good |GIRL required to train as perforalor| 2": Port Perry, 985-7582 operator. Mus' be good typist. Telephone) YOUNG MAN | required to work in drive- genery! Printers, Limite 723-2233 loca.|in restavran!. Apply Manager, 1349 Sim- coe Street North. WOMAN TO to do general 'olfice work MAN for delivery witha small ca car , tor Apply 29' Simcoe street, south or tele-'avenings Married, over 25, reliable, Tele- phone 725-1543, shone 728-0192 between 7 and # a.m, THREE bedroom, solld brick, ranch style bungalow, six years old. Full price $12,800, Private sale in Whitby. 468.5708 after 4 or weekends, NORTH GM large six-room bungalow. rooms in basement, garage, expertly landscaped Builders' own ee eal home. $16,300. Don Stradesk! Estate, 728-4423

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