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Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Mar 1965, p. 5

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att eee th ae ee ~ vous gS pos at ve tenn Ad WHITBY LIONS CLUB DISPLAYS NEW FLAG Marking a 'first' in regard to local service clubs, the Whitby Lion's Club had Canada's New Dominion flag on display at its meet- ing, Tuesday evening. The flag was displayed at the club meeting in the Royal Hotel, shown in the. process of being set in place by two Lion's Club officia!s. On the left, is Hank Tamblyn, Dis- trict A-3.Chairman, who was in attendance as_ guest speaker, and on the right is the Whitby club president, Norman O'Leary. --Oshawa Times Photo . needed to make a complete suc- |Clinic Seeks 300 Donors WHITBY (Staff) -- Ten min- utes of your tim: could mean a lifetime for some person, it was stated recently by an offi- cial of the Whitny Branch of the Canadian Red Cross So- ciety. The speaker was refer- ting to the branch's Blood Donor Clinic being held today at St. Mark's United Church, Whitby. Three hundred donors are Area Planning Details Cited WHITBY (Staff; -- Steppingjarrived at by the town coun- forward to the 'firing line', Des- a Mr, mens Sx ; was further sta at a mond Newman, chairman of the mammoth master plan for the Joint Area Board, was in atten- 4 entire area is extremely unlike- dance at Monday evening's town)1y in view. of the high cost of council meeting. For the pur-jimplementation of such a proj- pose of answering questions per- - ect. tinent fo the incorporation of| Should the municipality wish Regional Planning, the town's a to drop out of the area planning representative to the Area Plan-/hoard they need only decline to ning Association, was invited to|appropriate funds for the the meeting. board's operation. No one can Questioned on what bearing make any municipality join the regional planning would have on|jarea board it was suggested. the town's official plan, the rep-|However, it was felt it would resentative was more than will-|be in the interest of all munici- ing to supply information. "The| palities. official plan would be integrated| 'The object is to bring the in Ontario planning for the|municipalities closer together in area's officis! plan," he stated. ch cess of the tlinic's operation. This will provide an ample sup- ply of blood for almost any emergency that may arise. Donors will be well received by the large number of volun- teers in attendance. The volun- teers assure each donor no lengthy period will elapse be- fore they are processed through THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, March 3, 1968 § knows where it will come from. Warden Darling was elected chairman of the committee and Mr. Weldon is secretary. -- --------$<---- Jail Plan Hits Snag council would not be quite so resolute in its demand for the site. as for the $50,000 compen- sation. i A previous meeting of inter- _ h BP et hg! Mor ola ested municipalities decided to Whitt jand and Durham will not enter|!eave selection of the site up Automatic Transmission the proposed regional jail plan to the <a i win Rebuilde mnless. t;.reveiven, RA,E90 come in aitprook Bewdley A . " eye gee pei al ate Although the United Counties|| 405 Mery St. &., Whitby F is demanding $50,000 to partici- 668-4932 The newly-formed regional jail committee meeting _ this week at the Peterborough Coun- ty building, voted te request a meeting' with reforms institu- tions minister Alan Grossman to discuss the United Counties' claim. : Flex McMillan, one of the United Counties' representatives on the committee, said nis coun- cil also wanted the proposed $1,295,100 jail built in Durham County. Mr. McMillan indicated, how- pate in the scheme, no one WE LIKE TO SAY YES the way of planning throughout "This would provide a solid the entire area," Mr. Desmond the administration. naan 4s wikk from. Designed to fit the busy WHEN YOU WANT ever, that the United Counties explained, The area's official plan will keep the perspective of local planning within the realm of reasonabilitv. it was stated. The question of whether the area planning board could over- rule the local planning board or the town council, was dealt with schedule of each and every citizen in the community, the clinic will function at two given times. The afternoon session begins at 2.00 p.m, continuing until 4.30 p.m. Donors wishing to give blood during the even- ing will be accommodated be- Speaker Is Critical Of US. Strategy WHITBY (Staff) -- Startling and at the same time enlighten- ing his audience, Rev. Philip Romeril, pastor of the United Church, Blackstock, addressed the Whitby Rotarian Club Tues- day. Subject of his address was 'The Problem of United States Involvement'. The speaker. caught the Rotar- fans 'off-guard' with his frank approach to the international topic. Suggesting Canada's southern neighbor was ap- proaching the world's problems from the wrong angle, he paid tribute to the Peace Corps which he said was achieving more suc- cess than all of America's armed forces in foreign jands. NO DISTINCTION "These dedicated young peo- ple are approaching the problem from the missionary view," he said. "They make no distinction between one race and another. Racial discrimination is one struggle the United States is battling with at the moment which they will have to over- come. Competition with the Communist world depends on the success of this struggle," the speaker continued. The world has been swamped with all sorts of United States missionaries but they are the wrong kind, it was stated. "Sol- diers, sailors, professional ad- visors and such people will never do much to win over the to class himself as an expert, his background fits this cate- gory. Mr. Romeril has been a minister since 1922, having stud- ied at London University, En- gland; represented the Home Office of Great Britain on the Channel Islands during the Ger- many Occupation; and was a member and speaker of the for- mer League of Nations. While in Jamaica and the West Indies, the speaker asked prominent citizens what they would do if Great Britain should sever connections with the Island group. "I asked them which country they would pre- fer to associate themselves with, questioning them on the poss!- bility of United States filling this gap. Heavens no, "they told me," he said, 'Canada yes, but never United States." The speaker suggested this Is the feeling around the world, despite the fact some circles feel America is bent on de- veloping an empire. Mr. Rom- eril took his remarks further when he stated in his opinion America never wanted world leadership. World leadership came about without America's wish when the United States refused to join the League of Nations. The speaker suggested this tionist attitude' may well have caused the Second World War. "Hitler would have been a 'world for America," Mr. Rom- eril stated. Referring to the Communist methods of building an empire, the speaker suggested the Rus- tians in particular work on the game level as the weaker and) more backward nations. "The) Communists live with these peo- ple, learn their problems and adjust their program to cope with it," he said. HARD TO WIN FRIENDS Describing himself as far from ing a war with the League of Nations if United States had been a member with all 'her' power," he said. past years," Rev. against ada," how these ta 'isola-|their Empire Communist speaking out against complete domination " little more careful about start-|stated. Comparing these } TERRITORIALLY AMBITIOUS "The United States' is not ter- ritorially ambitious in the same sense as other world powers in Romeril stated. "World domination is not always achieved by force, but can be done through much the same manner as the old Roman following the same pattern around the world. The United States has strate- gic bases around the world in areas which border the Com- munist Empire. are said to provide a barrier Communism encroach- ing on the Western World," he said. He said this was regard- ed as a guard against annihila- tion by the Communists. cour strategic bases could er also be prime targets for the . . Communists," Mr, 1 Whitby Lions Club stated. Various countries of the world are viewing these bases with alarm, he suggested. "We should think over carefully the Bomarc Missile bases in Can- continued, "viewing them possibly in the same light." Years ago the war between United States and Great Brit- ain was started over taxes and es. would be used. 'The States felt they should have a say in the manner this money was used. "A similar situation now arises with weaker nations of the world not wishing to be annihilated because of these strategic bases," Mr. Romeril stated. BUFLDING AN EMPIRE are building small are now "These base Romeri the speaker "The Russians although Nations the speake chasing her Empire. This is an important point and should not be treated lightly,' he said. Russia at first, plundered weaker countries to build their Empire but lately have chang- ed this approach, realizing the United States is combating this program with support and as- sistance to these. backward peo- Em- pire building actions with those of the Communists, the speak- er said, "United States is pur- tween 6.30 p.m. and 9.30 p.m. It is most imporiant the clinic experience a successful opera- tion. Evidence of this fact is the large quantitv of blood re- quired during emergencies that crop up with each passing day. One excellent example of this fact is the tragedy in Montreal where an apartment building collapsed. Another near trag- edy, which could easily have placed a strain on blood sup- plies was the accident in Ayl- mer recently when.a tank truck exploded. An explosion at Port S|Whitby is another example. The Whitby branch looks. for- ward to seeing both old friends as well as many new volunteer donors. There is no definite limit on how many can be ac- commodated. briefly. "The area planning board or no other planning group can supersede the rulings Bake Sale Plans Are Discussed WHITBY -- The CP and T Committee met Mar. 1 at the Odd Fellows Hall with the pres- ident, Albert Carr, in the chair. The secretary, Martha Ward, read the minutes of the last meeting and correspondence. Further plans were made for the afternoon tea and bake sale to be held Mar. 5 in the Odd Fellows Hall. Proceeds will go to help the sick and distressed. A discussion regarding needy cases was left to be investigated and further plans to give assis- tance will be decided at future meetings. The meeiing will be held April 5 at the Odd Fellows Hall. Dance Will Aid Lake Joseph Camp ish hall, Mar, 1, sponsored by Shop. serts served at made miniature hat. President of the Guild, Mrs, G, tor, Mrs. Seeks Used Glasses WHITBY (Staff) -- Anyone have spectacles to spare? This is the question currently being circulated by the Whitby Lion's Club, it was explained Tuesday evening at the club's regular adding to crowns. tute for the Blind's Rehabilita- Spring Hat Show Largely Attended WHITBY --A capacity audi-)played appropriate music at the ence viewed the most success-|piano while the models per- ful Spring Hat Show, held at|formed. Make-up by Mrs. Her- All Saints' Anglican Church par-|bert Wright. All Saints' Evening Guild. The) Johnson numerous and varied hatsjand patterns. Sandra. Rycroft shown were from Anne's Fabricjand Sarah Inkpen acted as Preceding the showing guests made their selection from a wide variety of tempting des- individual tables, decorated with a hand- Evening A. Scott wel- comed all present and introduc- ed the most able commenta- R. G. Conant who gave detailed descriptions of the hats shown, bringing to the attention of the viewers details such as the off tones on flower hats, materials used, combina- tions of straw and velvet, beads the completion of very chic creations, interesting to notice this year many flower The following models appear- ed on the scene surrounded by large baskets of spring flowers meeting. 4 and other floral arrangements: Citizens. having spectacles) WHITBY (Staff) -- In_ fulljvrs, Ralph Stratford, Mrs. they are not using, or ones|support of the Canadian Insti-|Charles Rycroft, Mrs. Arthur TO BORROW TO BUILD OR BUY A HOME During intermission, Miss spoke on materials models. Lots of frills and bows this coming season, with all shades of green and yellow as domin- ating colors, followed by pink and then blue. Miss Johnsen gave useful hints on sewing stretchy fabrics. The kitchen convener, Mrs. Fred Read, was assisted by members of her committee. Dessert conveners were Mrs. Stanley Armstrong, Mrs. Harry Town and Mrs. Frank Sugden. Winners of the door prizes were: Mrs. Jean Stachow and Mrs. Barbara Tutton. We have been loaning on First Mortgages for over 75 years and can help you choose the best plan of financing. BUSY PORT VANCOUVER (CP) -- The port of Vancouver set a record in 1964 by handling almost 19,- 794,000 tons of cargo, compared with 16,923,000 the previous year. The cargo was loaded on-| to 21,552 vessels. | Robertson, Mrs. Frank Sugd Mrs, William McKnight, they have discarded, their sight having improved slightly; are invited to contact any member of the local Lion's Club at the earliest possible moment, Spec- tacles. can be picked up at no charge to the donor by phoning tion Camp, at Lake Joseph, the Whitby Lion's Club is currently planning a St. Patrick's dance. All proceeds will go towards the worthwhile »project which will be located in the Parry Sound Mrs. Edward erett, Mrs. Ryzek. Mrs. Vincent Graham, Mrs. John Ev- Jack Wilson and Mrs. Charles Rycroft was in charge of decorations. Robin Nicholson 728-0613. area, Designed as a_ charitable drive, 'Operation Spectacles' features an objective typically described as a goodwill gesture. All spectacles collected will be forwarded by the local Lion's r/Club to India where this vital commodity is in short supply. at a may Although tickets are 'premium' some ducats still be obtained from local Lion's club members it was stated at the regular meeting Tuesday evening. Local citizens and others desirious of procur- ing a pass into the dance which will be held at Club Bayview, March 12, are urged to contact Family Monuments oF \ Created To Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS. AERIAL ROBOTS feet, without human guidance. jlocal club, is a gigantic fund- raising drive being conducted foremost. He said further that at a Rotary meeting he attended) ----------___ ics some time ago, a colored man was the president, "Many other colored men were in attendance as members along with white by Lion's International, it was gg ° ee br a Lion immediatery. LTD craft now can land in ick fog BS le with a cloud ceiling of only 100 The project, supperted by the MONUMENTS | 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 further stated. | ] JURY & LOVELL LTD. REXALL DRUG STORES BOWMANVILLE--WHITBY--OSHAWA WHITBY CLOTHING Alberto V.0.5 HAIR SPRAY Richard Hudnut LAVORIS = | Reade le. "The one good aspect " an expert on international af-|Empire. P s ectimen," Mr, Romeril said, The 125 B MOUTH WASH 00 fairs, the speaker stated Amer-| "The Romans took weaker na- ee ea fe eages speaker suggested there was no SU PPLI ES es nee | with Free "All Nations Doll" SHAMP fea is finding it increasingly|tions under their wing, offering|5+oach to weaker nations 2 ne apparent feeling of discord. ; Whitby - 668-5295 3.97 Val 17-02. Reg. 2.00... Spec. 1.29 difficult to win friends and in-|them protection of their force of|Romerii said. "They are d o "The greatest concern of Ro- "SPECIAL" MEN'S BROADCLOTH 3 , sda 2 38 Reg. 1.25 t 6 | OUR r) fluence people of the world.larms," the speaker said. Heltriputing wealth among the | 's,|tarians lies in the Rotary motto, ONLY ....... L UY eet. PRICE 97 Although the speaker declined|suggested America is currently|rortunat 8 eSS!Service before oneself", Mr. CHILDREN'S BULKY KNIT bye Bee fortunate and poorer. people," |Romeril stated in ending his SWEATERS SPORT SHIRTS ; "Goodwill cannot. be purchas- . i q LADY DAINTY " 99 att " Compare at 4.95 CONTAC C. d, it must be obtained 'through Sizes 7 to 14 H BLE BATH : . : 'brotherhood of man', a reach- NOW OPEN 4 i AN ey eh St ae Thirty-six members of §t.by Mrs, Milburn G. McCarty,jing out to touch man," the Compare at This ' Le Congr tp amt toe Cleans out dentures. John's congregation gathered at|Whitby, Mrs. Robert Brown,|cneaker said. He said this is hs C is aaa us y" 2 snty | Reg. 59¢ 6 the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry|Betty Moffat and Mae Storie,|where Russia is shining by go-] Lumb nd Supply Ltd. || This Sale Sale . ¢ G on. SPECIAL. 48 Perry Friday evening for a pro-|OShawa. Lunch and prograMling into backwaid countrues peercudle piggy '| ONLY 89 CONTAC 1 1 We gressive croquinole party spon-|Convener for the evening waSland promoting the 'brotherhood YOURCRA DIAL 1) er ee Ol meiniemanen re 3 sored by Parish helpers follow-/M's. Hary Taylor assisted bylof man'. 10) CEPR ATM. Gee-48) MEN'S KIDDIES' COTTON = 3; ed by an enjoyable social even-|Miss Storie, both of Oshawa-| Paying tribute to the Inter-| VICKS TRI SPAR TRIM COOL BLUE DRISTAN ing. Rev. John McKibbin pre-|!he March meeting will be heldinational Rotarian Clubs, the Tl ES DRESSES R CREAM sented prizes to the following|@t the Ontarim Ladies' College,|speaker said this organization by TW DECONGESTANT TABLETS HAI MEDICATED poy es. Melvis Perry, Mrs.|Whitby. puts such 'brotherhood of man' One-Stop si Sabu bad 5 16 Tablets "For Men Only" ROOM VAPORIZER in Weatherall, Miss Alberta| pest yishes are extended | -------------- C bogs $i Reg. 1.35 GIANT SIZE Vipond, Mrs. Ida Sheedy, Mrs. ; ma pete ompare 3 to 6x ny feels 99° Reg. 1.39, 99° Gaisie Poreeds, Mars, iitberi Orval Barkwell, 717. Dundas Odd Fellows : Reb k h DECORATING at 1.50 C Compore ry fi] SAVE 36c ..... Reg. 79c 6 ONLY °-2.4.. Dent, Miss Susan: Perry. Gen- rig? a who is celebrating! e a SHOP ot 2.98 ea. Look for on: Robert Bent, Ernest). aire ag etre BARG 1 f EX-LAX i) g. Elwood Pritchard) Mrs. Arthur Volker, 1104 TEA & BAKE Wall; ¥ I AIN TABLE of MANY ITEMS 1 MACLEAN'S . and Seymour Whitney. Green street, recently returned " elnan ties asa AT LOW, LOW PRICES ; Checole DEEP MAGIC | iiintvetint 'Rebekah Lise ss -- a flying trip to Germany SALE eae ben ca Verntebal [ q ane FACIAL CLEANSING TOOTHPASTE sponsoring a homebake sale|\;) Bhp avenged. We {Unere © Broadi dR A A 2 v LOTION Economy Size 'and tea Mar. § at the Odd Fel of her mother, Mrs Julias Tro- | eet = ~ ¥ Reg. 55 Rea. 1.25 Reg. 1:09 * tne el-lesch, of West Ge,many. @ Flo-Glaze 'Colorizer Points y Bs SeG> § pe 6 ani Bg 6 ows Hall from 130 till 5 p.m. FRI., MARCH 5th | ONLY 3. ONLY... 2345 SPECIAL ...... Proceeds will be used to help the sick and distressed. The Ontario Ladies' College Castle Chapter Alumnae enjoy- ed a change of pace for its February meeting held at the college. The girls played Court Whist after a brief business ses- sion. The prizes of decorator plates and hasti notes were won Wisnes for a prompt recovery are extended to Noel (Butch) Trottier, 148 Lupin drive, who underwent surgery at the Osh- awa General Hospital. 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. PROCEEDS TO: CANCER, POLIO and T.B. FUNDS DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD, PHONE 668-5862 107 Byron St. S., Whitby TROUGHTON MEATS 104 LUPIN DRIVE BLAIR PARK PLAZA Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robson, 204 Lupin drive, are celebrating their 14th wedding anniversary today. Their friends wish them every happiness. WHITBY "What A i Recommended As Adult Entertoinment BROCK One Complete Program Each Evening Starting at 7:30 y, Hells! United St. Mark's Centre St. S. WED., MARCH 3 2 to 4:30 p.m. afternoon 6:30 to 9 p.m. evening GET THE BEST FOR LESS RED & BLUE BRAND HINDS OF BEEF CUT AND WRAPPED FREE PEAMEAL BACON Centre Cuts .:... 89¢ End Cuts ....... 59¢ PHONE 668-4633 Church This Week Only !! "ASPIRIN WEEK" Feb. to March 6 ' ASPIRIN OVER 25% BONUS REXALL SUPER PLENAMINS Canada's Favorite Multi-Vitamins 36 TABLETS ... EXTRA _ 7.98 A 100 TABLETS with 144.000... idaaubas BAYER Reg. 99¢ po ramere EXTRA i 3.98 E SPECIAL | sewed * and for Children 66¢ SUPER PLENAMINS JUNIOR .. 5.79 PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS CITY WIDE FREE - DELIVERY 8 KING ST. E. 530 SIMCOE ST.S. PHONE 723-2245 OSHAWA PHONE 725-3546 [ROSSLYN PLAZA - 728-4668 | ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA sta

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