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Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Mar 1965, p. 6

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6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, March 3, 1968 Investigation Unprecedented Action "OTTAWA (CP) -- Under cir- he has described as ted" in the force's ,. RCMP Commissioner|ce e B. McClellan testifies before the Dorion inquiry. it may be the first the national police force's actions have been investi- in such a manner, it is *the latest in an unending of tests since the "'origi- ** sent out in search of the Whoop-Up whisky traders years ago. ~Since then the name of the has changed twice and business suits--at least ong senior personnel--have laced the loose-fitting Nor- nd-|have their own forces, it per- jackets worn by the hand- of men under the force's chief, Commissioner G. A. ch of the North - West lounted Police. 'Formed by act of Parliament lay 23, 1873, the force's job @as to maintain calm in the Ca- n West, Specific duties in- uded suppression of the sky trade, collection of du- les and keeping peace among Me Indians. 4 As it turned out, the first as- Bignment was a 2,000-mile wild chase that lasted four athe. Commissioner hepa get out from Dufferin, Man., July, 1874 to destroy at oop-Up, the headquarters for issouri whisky traders, at the Mork of the Bow and Belly Riv- vers. He didn't find it. "ORGIES A AT FORT © The fort, reportedly the scene "of "the most diabolical orgies," was found abandoned by a later s@xpedition. "Production Here *Stops Importing ~ LONDON (CP) -- The subsid- lary of a long-established Cana- 'dian firm announced Tuesday it "will stop importing its products Yrom Canada and instead will start producing them here, em: whe British labor and using 'British materials. ~ General Steel Wares (U.K.) 'Limited said its new factory at Fi one just north of London, open this month to produce durnaces, commercial clothes "driers and eventually coin-oper- "ated and domestic washers and ers. 4 "The purpose of our setting mp this manufacturing unit right "here in the U.K. is to replace "imports from Canada to become "m self-contained unit where we wa employ all British labor and British materials," said R. . Williams, the firm's manag- director who came here Canada five years ago. -|curity and undercover roles. Of RCMP From an original force of 300, grew to 1,000 by the turn of the century. Its rT tian expanded with Western development and the name was changed to Royal North-West' Mounted Police in 1904 by King Edward VII. In 1920 the force's jurisdiction was broadened to all of Can- ada, its headquarters changed to Ottawa from Regina and the name changed to Royal Cana- dian Mounted Police. In that function, the RCMP has countrywide jurisdiction in the enforcement of fed- eral laws. In the provinces, ex- cept Ontario and Quebec, who forms the duties of provincial police, enforcing the provincial statutes and the Criminal Code. By special agreement it also polices a number of towns and municipalities. IS THE ONLY FORCE In the vast regions of the Yu- kon and Northwest Territories the RCMP is the only police force and also performs various administrative duties on behalf of government departments. Regular and civilian members of the RCMP number more njthan 10,000. In a normal year, more than 2,000,000 investiga- tions are conducted and about 400,000 charges laid. The criminal investiga- tion branch is responsible for di- recting enforcement of federa statutes such as the Narcotics Control Act. Through liaison officers in Washington and London and membership in the Interna- tional Criminal Police Organiza- tion, the RCMP co-operates in the international control of nar- cotics traffic. Commissioner McClellan, 56, is the force's 12th commis- sioner. A native of Moose Jaw, Sask., he has been 33 years with the force and has been on every assignment from chasing back- woods moonshiners to top se- The Dorion inquiry's terms of reference include orders from the government for Chief Jus- tice Frederic Dorion of the Que- bec Superior Court to look into the manner in which the force carried out its duties in the in- vestigation of allegations by a Montreal lawyer, Pierre La- montagne, that he was offered a bribe and pressured by aides to federal cabinet ministers. Le Canadien Part Indian OTTAWA (CP)--There's a lot of Indian blood in French-Cana- dians, a French immigrant told '|\the royal. commission on biling- ualism and biculturalism Tues- Michel Dreyfus said he stadiod the growth of French- Canadians to 5,125,000 in the|o; 1961 census from 70,000 at the time of the 1760 conquest, birth and death rates and immigra- tion to the United States and the North-West Mounted Police day Recommendations on parking problems in several areas of the city, contained in the report of the traffic committee, were approved by council this week. St. Hedwig's Church request- ed permission for parking on Sundays and holidays on the south side of Olive avenue from Verdun road to La Salle ave- nue. Council approved parking on Sundays on the south side of Olive avenue from Central Park boulevard south to La- Salle avenue for one year. The pee was told it should make reached one in conclu- sion "We must acknowledge the participation of Indians in the growth of the French-speaking population of Canada." The Ottawa pediatrician, who came here from France in 1963, said his demographic -research indicated there would be only about 3,500,000 French - Cana- dians today had it net been for inter-marriage between Indians and French-Canadians. In a personal brief to the royal commission, he said French- Canadians have characteristics found infrequently in France which can be traced to Indian blood--"pride, cunning, hand- some features and _ introver- sion." Bravery Medal For Dead Girl HAMILTON. (CP)--A. switch- board operator whe died in a hotel blaze was awarded the gold medal for bravery the Royal Canadian Humane Asso- ciation said today in announcing its annual awards. Anna 'McCormick, 64, of Ot- tawa was awarded the gold medal, the association's highest recognition. She died in a fire last July that swept the Beacon Arms Hotel in Ottawa while she stayed at her post warning guests of the blaze. More than 130 persons escaped from the 300-room building. Three persons died. Firemen said more could have been killed but for telephone calls placed by Mrs. McCor- mick, Her body was found be- side the switchboard. The gold medal was presented to her family by Mayor Char- ar ts.during the year for additional off-street parking. United Council of Polish Or- ganizations requested the re- moval of "no parking" signs on Olive avenue between Ritson road and Drew street. Council approved parking on the north side of Olive avenue between Ritson road and Drew street on Saturdays and Sundays only for one year. The organization was told it should make arrangements during the year for off-street parking facilities. Albert Street United Church will be advised that the Sunday parking on the south side of Olive avenue from Simcoe street to Albert street will only be permitted for one year and in the meantime the church should make arrangements for off-street parking facilities. The Presbyterian Church in Canada, St. Paul's congrega- tion, requested that parking be permitted on Sundays only on CITY COUNCIL BRIEFS the west side of Wilson road between Bond street east and Rogers street. The request was not granted because parking is permitted on Rogers street and there is a large parking lot on | the east side of Wilson road, opposite the church. | Dr. S. J. Phillips Home and |} investigation of the intersection. of Rossland road and Simcoe street and the safety of school children crossing at this loca- tion. The committee recommended that the police department be requested to "rigidly enforce" the right-hand turn section of the Highway Traffic Act and if the department feels it cannot provide a safe crossing by en- forcement, they consider post- ing an adult crossing guard. A "yield" sign will be erect- ed at the intersection of Wood- lea avenue and Glengrove street such that traffic on Glen- grove will have the right-of- over traffic on Woodlea nue, A "yield" sign will be erect- ed at the intersections of Gib- bon street and Glendale ave- nue with traffic on Gibbon street having the right-of-way. Oshawa. Police Commission will be requested to post an adult crossing guard at the school crossing on Rossland road east at Masson street and at the school crossing on Ritson road north at- Oshawa boule- vard north, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, "BOAC lotte Whitton last December. Two Ontario youths received bronze medals. BO-AC WITH AIR CANADA 'Name.. we ACE Send me free Perret itt Perera Address... Tour Europe Each country for $6 down! This Spring, see England, Belgium, Germany, Austria, witzerland and France. Eight countries for $45 down--hotels, meals, even jet fare included--all for only $446.50* from Toronto. See your BOAC Travel Agent ...or send coupon for free Tour Booklet. *For each of two people travelling together. Based on 21-Day Economy Excursion Fare, eas ae ate olch bag dea ha mace ec heocl etchaegeneaaen | To: British Overseas Airways Corporation--Laurentien Hol, Montreal, Quebes | POCKET HOLIDAYS OF BUROPE" ne TAXI COSENS & MARTIN Insurance 67 King St. E., Oshawa atest 728.7515 728-2802 of 725-7413 723-5241 OSHAWA'S Newest Taxi Offering Safe, Courteous Service 46 King St. W. Oshawe B.0.A.C, Agent AIR CANADA Agent Four Seasons Travel Travel now on $5.00 a call 728-6203 call 728-6202 | call 728-6201 day in Europe, including hotel, breakfast and UNLIMITED sightseeing in 14 major European Cities, at 'waews 10-DAY COUNT DOWN S AL LAST 43-45 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA 3 DAYS dries then drains. SAVE 30.00 @ Lovel Wringers @ 20 Minute Timer @ Automatic Drain Pump @ Tub Mounted Filter SAVE 9.00 = ee is. 2 matched 6 x 4 ki Beautiful walnut tan . SAVE 51.07 BOLE e Skene eee Probe, Removable Oven Door o Racks, 3 yeor worranty on-e ments. SAVE 11.07 POP-INS ee ee ee ee SIMPSONS-SEARS. Sizes S, M, & variety of colors. NYLONS Tst quolity Micro Mesh For around the kitchen or ye cae It's first ot Pepe by the Doz. (PLACE YOUR 12". 7 DAY) | SIMPSONS~SEARS [ERB "AB SIMCOE ST. N. 728-9411 LESS AT SIMPSONS-SEARS AUTOMATIC WASHER Just turn the diol to Normal, Delicate, Wash and Wear. Wash- er automatically fills, rinses, spin ind le- BEACH COVER UP Lu thri haga tor 3.99 if" coi 24935 KENMORE WRINGER WASHER 109% 23" SILVERTONE T.V. Trouble-free hond-wired chassis, 19 actual 248% 30" ELECTRIC RANGE Automotic Timed Oven Meot 188-88 NEW YORK SENSATION roughout, button - free quilt top JUST SAY CHARGE AT 4 APA NO PAY- MENTS TIL MAY ON ALL NEW ACCOUNTS OPEN YOUR ACCOUNT TODAY r------= WHAT A BARGAIN ! ONLY ONE DOLLAR MORE BUYS THE BOX SPRING SAVE 67.98 xurlous . quolity makes this p_ set sil Spring best Ys p__COMEIN AND SEE THESE COUNT DOWN SPECIALS 4 REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER | Spacious 109 tb. Zero Freezer, Swing-out basket, Full width dairy bor, freezer door shelves, Egg tray, automatic defrost. SAVE 30.00 249° SILVERTONE STEREO & T.V. with AM & FM Record Player The ideal entertainment unit for opartment living. 2 only. Reg. Price 459.95 SAVE 61.07 3988 ELECTRIC DRYER Just turn the dial to any of the three settings for the faestest air flow in the in- try. SAVE 20.00 44.88 COLDSPOT 14 CU. FT. UPRIGHT FREEZER Stores 465 Ibs. of frozen food, 232 complete meals. Porcelain lined. SAVE 30.00 ""Aynsle' Reg. 5.50 for .. Galvanized GARBAGE CAN QUALITY COSTS ! 99.88 Cups cea saucers cnt' HALF PRICE PYREX CASSEROLES 2.88 Save 1.00 2. 99 Scheel Association requested an |} BANAN PRODUCE OF U.S.A. CAN. NO. 1 CRISP LETTUCE 2 CAN. NO. 1 GRADE PRODUCE OF U.S.A. NEW CABBAGE 2 PRODUCE OF U.S.A. CAN, NO, 1 GRADE ONTARIO FANCY GRADE DELICIOUS APPLES UL 'att GAO En COMBINATION OFFER FROM MANNING'S rw» MALLOWS .:'2.. SIZE 24's 3-LB, BAG SOCIAL TEA n< REGAL LUNCHEON MEAT paged | SPORK or SPAM COFFEE Moist CAKE MIXES 3 PILLSBURY -- ALL FLAVOURS ALL COLOURS BALLET TISSUE Bunce 25 FANCY HONEY POD Stokely PEAS PARAMOUNT PINK SALMON CARNATION COFFEE MATE 3% 79: ROBERTSON'S 4 VARIETIES 2 hi 5 c MARMALADE TOOTHPASTE reoon Q, DAINTY RICE +2 33° 285: Li 37 Jl: VY, SIZE TIN 11-02, SIZE 12-02. JARS 2-LB PKG. 12-02, TINS 1-LB. BAG 100 2= 39 19-02, PKGS, TWIN PACKS READY FOR THE OVEN GRADE "A" PREDRESSED URKEYS 6-10-LB. AVERAGE 39), ROYAL GUEST RINDLESS SLICED SIDE BACON a KRAFT 16-02. sar CHEEZ 40 FATHOM Frozen BEAVER wuite POPCORN 2% PKG. ALPINE OR PRIMROSE CHOPPED BEEF STEAKETTES . 7 ECONOMICAL & NUTRITIOUS 29 Ib. c SLICED PORK LIVER TS 39° DANISH PASTRIES ;.. 39 TOWN & COUNTRY BAR 49 PRICES EFFECTIVE MARCH 3, 4, 5, 6 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Hospitality APPLE PIE Hopsitality "All Butter' Neorandee Cot ine? Receive an Extre $10 Bonus Tape © passive an Extre $4 Bonus Tepe TOILET CLEANER "%,,2* or'to pace col Extra $2 Bonus Phang POLY 26" X 36" SARS AGE BAGS REG. OR SUPE KOTEX NAPKINS ots LARGE or MED, EGGS 2 bh. beg J. et. Cc IGA MEATS COURTICE, Retraer a fb. bes ARNATION FROZEN Receive an Extre $6 Bonus Tepe FRENCH H FRIES MIRACLE WHIP TABLERITE DM SALAD DRESSING". COOK "THE TEA THAT DARES" NO, 1 Pal TEA BAGS ot'%a P. El. POTATOES BILSKY IGA 120 WILSON RD. $, OSHAWA NS' NE IGA LANSDOWNE SHOPPING CENTRE MOTOR CITY IGA RD, $. OSHAWA YL's | 166 ADELAIDE ST. E, COLLEGE HILL IGA . 534 CUBERT STREET OSHAWA BECFSTEAD RITSON EMORE IGA STEVENSON RD. & ANNAPOLIS

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