| jand children, /\north, were Sunday visitors at 'ithe home of Mrs, Women 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, March 5, 1965 ii ie Sapa ORT CROSIOES DOGEG IE: BI PREG A SOCIAL & Jo Aldwinckle, Mr, and Mrs, Irvine Harrell, Harmony road Clarence | | 'fink, Hampton. ANNUAL ST. PATRICK'S BRIDGE PRIZES ARE WRAPPED The Oshawa General Hos- pital's Women's Auxiliary aré hard at work making Plans for the Auvxiliaries' dist annual St. Patrick's Bridge party. Seen here wrapping prizes are from the left: Mrs. James Mc- Cansh, president of the Auxiliary; Mrs, W, F. Mar- shall, rs. I. K, Mae Donald and Mrs, J, G, McIntosh, prize convener. WEDDING ALBUM A record for your Wedding Album is provided by The Oshawa Times Woman's Page. Early publication of this wedding Oshawa Times office. Forms are available at The record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as possible after the ceremony. You are asked to submit the names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the social editor either before or Mr. Gordon Gay, Oshawa, took as his bride, Inge Sieg- linde Ganz, Mount British Columbia, formerly of Oshawa, in a ceremony in the Seventh-Day Adventist Church Lehman, | the day after the wedding. Gay-Ganz cM ge' iff Mission City, B.C. The bride ~ groom is a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Gay of Osh- awa and his. bride is a daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs, John Ganz of Mount Lehman. The Reverend G. 0, Adams, President of the British Colum- bia Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists; officiated, The organist was Mrs. Nicholas Tkachuk, Sidney, B.C., a cousin @ the bride and Mrs. W. E. Kuester played a violin solo, "Adoration by Boroski, just jor to the entrance of the party, Mr. Peter Gay | ig Malotte's yer" during the ceremony, : Coming down the aisle on the arm of her father, the bride wore a traditional 'white satin gown which featured a long train, and had tiny buttons the back of the fitted bod- 4 / |time these cords had been earn- "The Lord's | ee » @ round neckline and lily- |, point sleeves. Large roses, fash- » of lace, graced the sweep- ing skirt, which was enhanced bd a large bow on the back of e skirt just above the hem- line. Her headdress was a small crown of seed pearls holding her veil of illusion, which was edged with a wide band of embroidery, and she carried a bouquet of red roses and fern with bows and stream- ers of red ribbon. Her only attendant was her aster, Mrs. Wyn Pauly, Seattle, wearing a red peau de soie ate rg satin gown with a skirt and elbow-length fitted sleeves. Her headdress was a red bow and she carried a bouquet of white carnations on a red background with red streamers. The best man was Mr. Larry Tichuk and the ushers were Mr. Peter Gay, Oshawa, brother of the bridegroom, and Mr. Wyn Pauly, Seattle. The reception was held at the Elk's Hall, where the bride's mother received, wearing a brown double knit dress with brown accessories, a hat of petals and a corsage of white baby rosebuds. The master of ceremonies was Mr. Wyn Pauly, who told af incidents in the lives of the bridal couple, Highlighting the program was the reading of a telegram sent by the bride's SOCIAL NOTICE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Theodore G. McArthur, Havelock, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Lorraine Faye, to William John Human, son of . and Mrs. William M. Hu- , Oshawa. The wedding is to take place on Saturday, April 10, 1965, at 3.30 p.m. in Have- leck Pentecostal Church, Have- lock, Ontario. = < MRS, GORDON GAY brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Ganz, now serv- ing as missionaries in Tangan- yika, Miss Dorothy Gay, Osh- awa, sister of the bridegroom, kept the guest book. Before the couple left on a honeymoon trip to Toronto and Northern Ontario, the bride donned a costume of winter white wool, with brown acces- sories and a corsage of red roses, for travelling. Mr. and Mrs. Gay will make their home in South Lancaster, Massa- chusetts, where Mr. Gay will continue his theological training at Atlantic Union College, and the bride will be nursing at a hospital there. The bride was a student at Kingsway College in Oshawa and for the past three years has been a student at the Bran- son School of Nursing, Willow- dale, where she received her Reg.N. degree this past fall, Annual Open House At Albert St. H&S Open house, marking educa- tion week was held at the March meeting of Albert Street Home and School Association. Mrs. Lloyd Harlow, the president, welcomed everyone and held a brief business meeting. Mrs, Hayden Kemp read a let- ter of interest to everyone, con- cerning the influence of the home, the school and the par- ents in helping the child to be a good citizen. Mr. W. J. MacDonald, Inspec- tor of Schools and Dr. C. M. Elliott, superintendent of schools, were special guests for the evening. The parents visited the class- rooms to have a word with their child's teacher and to view the child's work. A candy and bake sale was held. Coffee and doughnuts were served. WIFE PRESERVER Lifesaver for a pot lid without : push a sharp, pointed ecrew up through the hole and| twist a cork on it, The cork's| i |were presented with their all- This yéar's bridge is being held St, Patrick's day, Mar. 17, in the afternoon in Me- Laughlin Hall at the hos- pital and in the evening in the cafeteria and lecture hall. --Oshawa T es Photo Courtice Guides Annual Banquet The Courtice Girl Guides and} Brownies held their annual! mother and daughter banquet on Thinking Day in Ebenezer) United Chufch Hall. The tables were beautifully decorated with runners depict- ing Girl Guides of other coun- tries, which were drawn and colored by Guide Captain, Inge Ormstrup of the 2nd Courtice Guide. Company. The cut flow- ers decorating the head table were later distributed to shut- ins in thé area, | Mrs, Charles Elliott acted as master of ceremonies and in- troduced the head table. Guide Margaret Goyne presented a toast to the mothers which was responded to by Mrs. Raymond Wiggans. Mrs. Donald Thomp- son thanked the members of the Ebenezer United Church Women for the delicious meal served, Highlight of the evening came when Guide Gall Walter and Guide Vicky. Ormstrup round cords, This. was the first ed in the Courtice Company. Brownies flying up into Guides were: Wendy McGhee,| > Lorraine Elliott, Sandra Bis- hop, Jennifer James, Debbie Rucksthul, Carol Livingston and Laurel Sherry. Brownle Cindy Siblock walked up into Guides, Service stars and badges were presented to girls who had earned them, Curling Clothes Must Be Versatile Curling is a sport that re- quires co-ordination, skill, ac- tive participation and warm clothes, Many rinks wear identical bulky knit sweaters or jackets over stretch pants when they are on the ice, not only for identification, but. for smart- ness, too. Heavy bulky knits are colorful and warm, but not very glamor- ous for wear in.the club lounge, and most women choose a pretty shirt to wear under the bulky. These shirts have lace insets or panels on the bodice and lace edging on the collars and cuffs, In sparkling white, or om Mr, and Mrs. Harry Palmer, Hampton, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Wil- bur, Shelley avenue, Mr, and Mrs, John Huband, Grierson avenue, spent the weekend with Mrs, L. C. Snow- den, Maple Grove, and attend- ed the 94h birthday party for Mrs, L. B. Williams on Sun- day. Mrs, William Reed, Lioyd av- enue, spent a few days Jast week with Mrs, Frank Bough- ton, Weston and a day in Is- lington with her daughter, Mrs. PERSONAL Women's Editor Telephone 723 - $474 for Women's Department Mr, and Mrs, William UH, Trim, and daughter, College avenue, weré Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs, Herbert Trim, Newtonville, Mr, and Mrs. John Borrow- dale, Jones evenie, had as thetr guests last Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, Harvey McGill and Mr, and Mr, Ralph Virtue and Judy of Enniskillen, Mr, and Mrs. Vernon Peri- goe and family, Drew street, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs, Ted Werry, Enniskillen. Mr, and Mrs, Percy Dewell, Carolyn and David and Mr, and Mrs, Harold Salter, Hampton, were. guests of Mr, and Mrs, Henry Goschl, Nonquon road and attended the christening of their daughter in St. Stephen's John Fisher and family, Dr. T. J. Enright, Director of the Mental Health Clinic at the Ontario Hospital in Whitby, ad- dressed the Adelaide MeLaugh- \lin Home and School Associa- \tion's 'annual fathers' night, recently. Dr, Enright, an authority on Child Psychology, discussed three major topics -- the stages in a child's personality de- velopment; the child and his family; and the child and school, He concluded his talk by having a question period dis- cussing such problems as the talkative child; over-organiza- tion of the child's spare time; and the working mother, Dr. Enright was introduced by Mr, Bransby Cook and thanked by Mr. Lloyd Pigden, | The annual fathers' night was) presided over by Mr, vue Seeley, assisted by the hus bands of the Home and School) Association executive. | Mr. Robert Booth presented Mr, Harold Pascoe, principal of the school, with a cheque for $100, to be used at Mr. -Pas- coe's discretion for the educa- tion of the pupils, Mr. Pasc 08 thanked the Asso- Enjoys Annual The members of St. David's Welsh Society held their annual dance on Saturday last when more than 300 members and friends met in the UAW Hall, to enjoy a pleasant evening, Councillor Thomas Edwards, from Whitby, acted as master of ceremonies. The president, Mr. David Andrews, made a short speech, suitable for the oc- casion, in which he expressed the hope that more young people would come into the organiza- tion. Many of the ladies wore a cor- sage of daffodils, the gentlemen wore the leek, the national em- blem of Wales and cousin to the daffodil. The .company opened the party by singing "O Canada", Child Psychologist Discusses Stages in Personality Growth United Chureh, Sunday, clation for the cheque and for their annual donations of other years. He indicated that over $800 worth of books at various grade levels had been pur- chased with this money and he hoped to have a_ centralized library in the school for the pupils' use, He mentioned that report cards would be going out March 9, and that he hoped the auditorium for the school would be ready for September, The teachers who were pres-| ent held a short and impromptu question and answer period with the parents on a variety of sub- jects. This session was eagerly |participated in and was most interesting. | Mr. Secley announced that the) April meeting would include presentation of the slate o officers for 1965-66 and that the guest speaker would be Mr. R, H. D, Heard, whose topic |would be a_ sequel to Dr, Enright's talk; Mrs, Heard is the Guidance Teacher for MCVI and the parent education chair- man of the Home and School Council, Refreshments were served by. the fathers of Mrs.| Lynch' 8 s clas St. Davids Welsh Society' | Dance "Rachie" and many more, ac- companied by Mr. Stanley Locke at the piano. About nine o'clock, Bernard Tierney. and his band struck up the music, and the company en- joyed many modern dances, also| -- Paul Jones, Hokey Pokey, the twist, and many more, old and new, Several lucky ladies and their partners won. the spotlight prizes. Congratulations were received from the Welsh Societies of To- ronto, Galt and Niagara Falls, Many of the guests expressed their pleasure for such a de- lightful evening, and hoped it would be repeated in the near future. The evening closed by singing "God Save the Queen". followed by the old Welsh songs and hymns, so dear to the hearts of all good Welsh men and women -- "Land of Our Fathers", "C. W, M. Rhonnda"' A pastels, shirts are availabl cotton batiste, Dacron and oy ton blends and a_ variety of other easy care fabrics that create a feminine and pretty appearance, But as. every woman knows, a tucked-in shirt requires a smooth, smooth midriff or the whole illusion is one of unsight- ly bulges. The answer is, of course, a long line bra, This type of brassiere should fit perfectly to ensure complete comfort. The underbust band must be long enough to cover or meet the waist of the girdle, and it must allow for easy ex- pansion of the diaphram. Worn with a light-weight long legged panty girdle, these gar- ments will give the curler a smooth sleek line from bust to thigh while allowing for ease of 'movement and comfort. TECHNIQUE AS REWARD VANCOUVER (CP) -- John Polson has recovered his lost falcon and as a reward to the finder, 18-year-old Jan Negri- gan, will teach him how to fly the bird. Negrigan was able to recover the speedy bird when it fell exhausted in front of his car. SAFETY CHECK SHREWSBURY, England (CP) -- Dorothy Mitford, 82, volunteered for a driving test although she has held a licence for 35 years--before the test- system was first introduced. She wanted to prove that she could pass--and did, the first time, |Mrs, Variety Night At Oshawa Airport Sponsored By Old Country Club The Oshawa and District Old Country Club held another stic- cessful variety night at the Osh- awa Airport, Saturday evening, In spite of inclement weather and poor driving conditions due to the recent storm a capacity crowd of 400 members and their friends attended this event wheih was a repeat of an ear- lier performance, which many members were unable to see because of limited space, Mr, George Day was master of ceremonies as well as ap- pearing in some of the num- bers throughout the show, cast were congratulated on the lavish display of color and fabrics used in the many various costumes' which were made by the members them- selves, also the entertainment committee, who spared no ef- fort to see that the show was successful, The show, in order of appear: ance, included Mrs, George Day, Mrs, George Holtom, Mrs, Brenda Woward, Mrs, Arthur Watts, Mrs. Lionel Riley, Mrs. Anthony Haylock, Mrs, Jack Howard, Mrs. Flossie Reid and Mrs, Brian Whitmarsh as "Tonies Ponies", in the "Char: leston", a well known dance of an earlier era, Next the "Old Country Club Singers", Mrs, Ernest Mcll- wraith, Mrs, Joseph Finch, Mrs, David O'Flynn, Mrs, Pat- ricia Smith, Mrs, Norman Me- Gregor, Mr, Leonard Riley, Mr. Arthur Watts, Mr, Joseph Finch and Mr. Robert Fenton with Mrs, Enid Speight at the piano, sang the '"Whiffenpoof Song" and "Love Walked In', A trumpet quartetie, from the "Pickering Blue Notes" con- sisting of high school students Suzanne McGregor, Peter Hubbard, Michael Parr and Ronald Hopkins gave a rousing display of percussion in 'Cherry Pink and AppleBlossom White", "When the Saints Go Marching In', "I Believe' and 'Put An- other Nickel In", Mr. George Day was next as "The Comedian" a comedy skit which was well received, Mr. Leonard Riley, a vocalist of rare ability sang "More" and "Dear Heart', The 'Bed Bugs', Mr. An- thony Haylock, Mr. Harry Da- vey, Mr. George Day and Mr, and Mrs, George Holtom gave a wonderful imitation of four fa- mous entertainers from Liver- pool, This skit always brings the house down and this was no ex- ception. Songs heard included 'T saw her Standing There" and "T Want to Hold Your Hand'. The "Gaylords',from Toron- to gave a fine display of barber- shop singing. A short interval followed when }members of the Ladies Group; Garnett Wiggam, Mrs. Karl Kolbeck, Mrs, David Boakes and Mrs. Eugene Hack- ett served light refreshments. The show continued with "Bye Bye Blues" Precision tap danc- cooly at its best, by "Tonies Pon- es Next the "Calorie Cuties", Mrs, James Gibb and Mrs, Wil- ry Berning sang 'Nothing like a Guy", "Come Round Any Old Time" and "I do like to be Beside the Seaside', "Old Renee Ty REED'S WEEK-END CASH, CARRY Flower Special ROSES QTc a vnce REED'S Florisis Downtown Drive-in Simeoe & Bond 163 Bloor W, OSHAWA R.C.A. LUCIT WALL PAINT CANADA SOON AVAILABLE AT PATTE'S PAINT AND WALLPAPER _ 85 Simeoe St. N, -- 725-3529 Model GF631 COLOR T.V. SEE IT NOW AT... STARR FURNITURE & APPLIANCES 723-3343 491 Ritson Rd, S. Oskowa Players' Mr, William Smith accordian; Mrs, William Smith, Mrs, Flossie Reid, Mrs, Anthony Haylock, Mr. Haylock, Mr, Harry Davey and Mr, George Day were next in "Saturday night at the Rose and Crown', Mrs, Reid sang "Its eit Great Big Shame", Mr, and Mrs, Hay: lock sang "My Old Duteéh", Mr. Davey sang "Burlington Bertie', and Mr. Day sang, "Sons of the Sea', hese songs delighted the audience, mainly as to accent and cos. tume authenticity, Miss nid Spieght, pianist, rs from Story" including the popular ally MEM ME Mae ge ave a fine rendition of num- The West side| 70m Medical Sect'ys Elect Executive The annual meeting afd elée- tion of officers of the Ontario "County Medical Secretaries' As- sociation was held at the Osh awa Golf Club the last Wednes- day in February, Mrs. Douglas, Pearse presided during the elections and those accepting office for the pooner year were: pres elected, Mrs. Douglas Pearse; vice-president, ts, Everett Wilson; secretary, is, | | awe treasurer, oe i Joyston; program Mrs, Sylvia Zedick and M' mk D. Hitehine; telephone c bebe tee, Mrs, Robert Payne; representative, Mrs June pson. Maria" and "Fly me to the Moon", Mrs, Ernest Meliwraith, vo- calist, sang "How Are Things in Glocea Morra"", from "'Yin- nians Rainbow' and "I Enjoy Being a Girl', From the reac: tion of the audience May 1s cer- tainly one of the best. The 'Anxious Sisters', Harry Davey, Mr, George Day and Mr, Anthony Haylock san, "Pennsylvania Polka' an "Down in the Valley', Next "Tonies Ponies" did a dance version of the famous "Can Can" which was to many the highlight of the show. The grand finale brought this wonderful show to a close with the entire cast singing 'There's No Business Like Show Busi- ness", Director and Choreographer -~ Mrs, Amy Van den Heuvel; Musical director and accompan- ist -- Miss Enid Spieght; Com- eres -- Mr, George Day and Mr. Leonard Riley; Audio Mr. Arthur Watts; Props -- Mr. Joseph Finch and Mr, George Holtom, An overnight Flight bag was won as a lucky prize by Mr, Jerry McDonald. A short period of dancing to the music of Geraldo" brought this highly successful evening to a close, The next attraction of the Osh- awa and District Old Country Club will be a 'St, Patrick's" dance which will be open to the public, This dance will be held Saturday evening, March 13, 1965 at the New 1 Kinsmen Hall. CALLS MORE PRIVATE LONDON (CP) -- Telephone "scrambler units costing £80 now are available to anyone wishing to have private con- versations, The system, used in government offices since the war, makes it impossible for an eavesdropper to understand the Mr, | Fabulous Reauly Exciting Value REGISTERED FLAWLESS THE PAIR 437% 43.75 Down 11,00 Weekly conversation. ACE TAXI 723-5241 OSHAWA'S Newest Texi Offering Sate, Courteous Service 46 King. St. W. Oshawa Cc lub| BLAC Mngshepitinny= po peg = pg Wag tery Let the matchless beauty of Bluebird diemende tell the story of your love, asadrapthagl be Pioed oi OI I a ON A TER! Miss Mary Zanuchki asked for help with her art classes at the Whité Croés Centre on Wednes- day evenings from 7-9 p.m, A lively discussion on "Hats" was given by the guest speaker f the evening, Miss Viola Me- ugall, Milliner, The meeting closed with a so- cial hour and refreshments in- cluding a birthday cake to cele+ brate the club's fifth anniver- sary, FIEL RUN DOWN? Staal a RE Ng, Nel nesta cette eae ' THE PAIR 242" tat den, THE PAIR 150" ase weeny 19 Bivebird i wetan n+ Gy me de BURNS = EWELLERS n to 9 p.m, Friday rained K'S Ladies' Wear es you'll remember ! The largest, newest, 'most complete selection of Bridal Ensembles as seen in Canadian and American fashion magazines --- PRICED TO SUIT EVERY BUDGET! Le Private Bridal Salon, All bridal are rongements carried out in complete privoey, Immaculate fitting by experienced personnel, for your entire bridal party, Complete Bridal service from Crino- lines outfits, to headdresses to going-oway For An Appointment LACK 72 Simcoe Coll 725-1912 LADIES WEAR LTD. North Open Friday till 9 p.m, potcpenn, . eee ener Soe ae a a