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Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Mar 1965, p. 15

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I NOU REMEVEEE "ANY MONEY You FIND IN THAT CHAIR BELONGS 'To ME ALLOWED "TO KEEP Al LL UTHE CHANGE THEY 7" sap 7 FIND LYING ye AROUND "THE ) a) Ir Sar? PEVEVBER THE |PREACHER SAYING ANYTHING | | LIKE THAT DURING gua. Es | WEDDING CEREMONY 1 } a car a "| ee ' tr S&S SU WH] THE SMALL PRINT ON THE BACK OF OUR MAPRIAGE CENSE 4 tl | YZ a rg > ene F JULIET JONES = 4 Zen Aa 1-SNoRT?-pANT!-THINK OF YOU AS "MY DEAR'SINCE, } REUNITED YOU WITH LOVED SNORT-GiGGLE + THINK OF ME? ines atts rl i THE OSHAWA TIMES, 15 Tuesdey, Merch 9, 1968 - By 8. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder im Masters' Individual Championship Play) | 7 South dealer, L Neither side vulnerable, NORTH > la 9 LIKKY BREAK FOR THE YOUNG CANADIA VOWNBON GETS THE LEAD TENOR ROLE IN "THE WALTZ DREAM" THRILLS AT HIB NAME IN LIGHTS ON \Y' ar TTOHNGON THE GIANTS SMAI SMaK, WHRIBD,9! NUT] Las 1S A PORTRAIT OF LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY- YES, 4 AND ZBRO TOO- OR MY NAME IGNT JK, FLING-- 7 LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY BUT HOW COULD IT BE --UNLBGS IT'S THE PICTURE at (BUT NOT AS THRILLED AS WHEN A FRIEND | | JOHNSON BINGE FOR CARUSO, AND HE'S TOLD. +» SURPRIGES HIM WITH +. EDDIE, IVE ASKED ENRICO TO LIBTEN TO YOU GING... AND HE' AGREED £ CARUSO Aes Sikes 3hF KT 'The bidding: fo" he ig" Bee 2 HY Pass 13 Pass 6y Opening lead -- ten of dia- monds, This hand occurred In @ team LYMAN AND TONTO RUSH UP TO THE NEWLY COMPLETED TRESTLE-- AS THE TIES BEGIN TO FLARE, begga | ROUGH THE RISING FLAMES - «> THE LONE RANGER LEAPS of four match, At both tables the contract was ix hearts, but 7ME TRESTLES BURNING, TOVTO! /TLL BE A BLAZING PUNERAL PYRE FOR BOTH OF THEM JE WE DONT THE LONE RANGER B00 > mt if fas Ser SS pee Wr S in Sh OPW Ba Hf /&X- > "A 0 Ws a2, %, a DO I GET NOW: WHEN ) ANTINGUISH 17 PAST! at one table the slam was made while at the other it was de- feated. West led the ten of diamonds at each table. The first declar- er pinned all his hopes on the Success of a club finesse. He won the diamond, three three round of trumps, and then play- ed the king and another club, finesing the nine, Had the finesse succeeded, South would have made the hand. But East took the club with the queen and the defence later scored two spades to set | SECRET AGENT X93 HENRY the contract two tricks, The second declarer also took a club finesse, but, peculiarly enough, managed to make the slam, due to a slight variation in the play. He won the diamond lead and drew three rounds of trumps, just as at the first table, but he then played the secen of clubs and finessed the nine. hoping that the finesse would lose to the queen. Had this hap- pened, South would easily have made the hand by later overtak- ing the king of clubs with the ace. But East made the clever WHAT ABOUT MY MODATIONS F TELEVISION LOG Channel 2--Buftalo 7--The Fugitive Consequences Channel 3--Barrie 5-3--News Magazine J--Father Knows Best Channel 4--Buffato Doctors and Nurses | 4--Search for fomorrow Channel 6--Toronte 10:20 P.M, | 3--Noon-day Report Channel 7--Buffalo 6-3--Eye Opener | 12:45 P.M, Channel &--Rochester | 4--Guiding Light Channel %--Toronto 1:00 P.M, | Channel 1)--Hamitton 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News 1:00 PLM, poe abla Weather and Sports | 11~-Lucky Score 9--Decernper Bride 11:18 P.M, TUESVAY €VR. 9--Metro |"gmatines Hardie nist vagnleiod 6-3--Movie Matinee N---Family. Theatre 11:20 P.M, | 4--Meet The Millers 9--Five O'Clock Matinee! 7-4--Late Show | 7--Atternoon Show 2--Mike Douglas Show f- BUZ SAWYER E ane _ ne. * ' nA lade "Woo BACK INTO THE CRACK, AND MYSELF WILL WATCH, Au! NOW TO SLIP THE MESSAGE } 8--Superman 6--Night Metre 1:30 P.M $-3--Fireball XL--5 | S } 11:30 P.M, 11--Mid-Day Matinee 2--Woody Woodpecker == | 11__Wrestling 9--Millionaire 5:30 FM. | 9--Pierre Berton | 4--As The World Turns i TLL LEAVE MY HORSE HER INUJUN UP ON THE BIC JANE ARDEN ANYONE BLT A MAXROY, THATS I WOULDN'T INTERFERE....IF IT WERE se ne wo RAY Needs IT AIN'T SO MUCH MUR EARDRUMS! ese IT'S WHAT THOSE SON' ARE DOIN' TO MOH NEW Cc BOOMS st ash is ie Wok Disney Productions 1) 1 World Rights Reserved s_' | ~» oes | OF YOUR FIREPL. ig IT ? G! SAY, GRANDMA, THAT IGN'/T A RUG IN FRONT BLANKST... 1 PUT IT THERE TO KEEP THE KIDG FROM GETTING CHILLED... AcE, NO, IT'S AN SLECTRIC oes 6nd NS hag oe token bas OS Wedd gee mo WHEN THEY LIE ON THE FLOOR TO READ THE FUNNIES ." fo Wl iG fo | Lf WY UNCLE JACK INSISTS THAT ALL THE GROWNUPS AT HIS HOUSE GET TWO CUPS OF TEA OUT oe /"... COURSE EV: YRODY BuT UNCLE JACK THINKS THIS 1968. Weld sales semervnd. | --_-- ee MUGGS AND SKEETER ... THEY DONT WANT To WIND UP THIRD MAN ON THe TEA BAG! 1 &-Leave !! To "Beaver|s-2--Tonight Show 100 PLM. $--Music Hop é--International Cinem® | 9 anracadabra 3--Aquanauts 3--Man of the World l dopannera a--Tales of Wells nore) WEDNESDAY 2 Moment Of Truth 4:00 P.M. i | 2:0 PLM, qo-News Conirn) | feel yo 9--Four of A Kind 6~--Generation |}1--Schnitzel _ House | NM 4--News, Sports with | 4--Ceptain Kangaroo rie hg Say: rhe Chuck Healy 4:30 AM. | aclebeie Yaune 2- Ne » _, da | j--House Party ba om : -M, 3--Super Bingo 11-4-4-3---News \9----Romper Room Weather; Sports | 7--Dlaling for Dollars: 3:00 P.M, 8-2--Huntley-Brinkley | Girl Talk %--People in Contlict News | 4--Mikes Carnival | @-2--Another World 7--Maverick | 2--Movie | 7=--General Hospital 6--Across Canada } 9:30 A.M, 63--Moment of Truth 6:43 PM. l\1--8¢@ Allen , { 4--To Tell The Truth Ni--Family Theatre 6--Musical Interiude 3:30 P.M. 7:00 P.M. }4--Leave It To Beaver |11--Funny Company 9--The Littlest Hobe 'sean eal Dei Ply eet igi E lial I ga make Room For | 7---The Young Marrieds | | Thirt 4--Car 54, Where Are Daddy 6-3-Take M You? 6-3--Sehool Telecasts 4--Edge of Night 3--Candid Camera | 4--News 4:00 P.M, 11--Lloyd Thaxton 2--The Detectives | 9--Mickey Mouse Club | 10:30 A.M, ll--Father Knows Best 30 PLM, ' | &--The Match Game 8-2--What's This Song | 1 ae awe 7--Trailmaster 7--Fiame in The Wind 2. hy fel ; | 6-3--Across Canada 63--As The World Turns > faa Re j 4-Presidential Parade | 4 3 yeh aye ai | i 6--On The Scene | 11:00 A.M. ried 4--Many Happy Returns|!!--Alber! J. Steed 4:30 PLM. 3--Wendy end Me | 9--James Beard Show obo Mont | §-2--Concentration | &3--Friendly Giant 4--Andy of Mayberry 7--Early Show | &3--Razzle Dazzle | 4--The 4-Thirty Show 4:00 P.M. 11--Special Movie 9--Petticoat Junction 11:15 A.M, | i j gue) isnen Pohl $-3--Chez Helene | WEDNESDAY EVE. 6:20 P.M 11:30 A.M. | 5:00 P.M : ge | 9--Toronta Today |Family Theatre -- 9--Red Skelton 8-2--Hullabaloo 7--McHale's Navy 6-3---Danny Kaye Show 4--Red. Skelton Hour 9--Five O'Clock Movie 8--Superman 6-3.-Forest Rangers 2--Peter Potamus 5:30 P.M, 8-2---Jeopardy | 7--Price Is Right | $-3----Butternut Square | | 4--The McCoys | | 12:00 NOON | 9:00 P.M. @--Leave It To Beaver 7--Ty coon oa aby en | 6-3--Music Hop | 7--Donna Reed | f 9:30 PLM. 4--Etweed Glover | National Velvet The Virginian 'News and Weather | Tales of Wells Fargo $-2--TW--3 3--Popeye and Pals 6:00 PLM. 7--Peyton Place | 7--News. Central 6-3--Front Page Chalienge 12:18 PLM. | $6--Live and Learn 4--Petticoat Junction | 4--Speaker of the House |4 news, Sports With 10:00 P.M. | 12:30 P.M, | Chuck Healy 1)--That Regis Philbin [9-1 Love Lucy | 3--Provincial Aftairs #-2--Truth or 2--Today, 1965 8-2--Bell Telephone Hour YOUR HEALTH Phobias Are Varied; Hard To Explain By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Moljner: | am a girl! There's even auroraphobia, jof 14 and my problem is faint-|meaning fear of the northern ing... lights. And phobophobia which Is this common among teen-jis fear of one's own fears. agers? I have had this trouble] So, my 14-year-old friend, you for about two years and wouldlaren't alone. There's hygropho- give anything to know how to/bia, which means a fear of stop it.--A.H {moisture, but I can't find a There is no physical explana-|term for small boys who are tion for this. It 1s psychologi-|afraid of taking baths. Or may- cal, It is 'claustrophobia, orj/be that isn't a phobia, Maybe morbid fear of enclosed places.|they just don't like them. How phobias develop is not easy to explain, Some people DON'T BELITTLE PHOBIA are afraid of open spaces, of} 'I don't belittle phobias. We water, of germs, of all sorts ofjmay:be astonished, or amused things. There are more than 250\at some of them, but they are identified phobias. As examples,|real, and few are common, like some people are afraid of be-|fear of lightning, and some are ing afraid. Or afraid of cold,jyncommon_ like levophobia, a or cats, or choking Theophobia/fear of things on one's left side is being afraid of God, if you Clgustrophobia is uncommon can conceive of such a thingeawith teen-agers, but it' can oc- But it@bccurs. There's a condi-jcur at any age. Here's my ad- tion called hydrophobophobia,|vice. meaning a fear of hydrophobia,, Analyze your thoughts or and hallistophobia, which is|fears when in a small. or en fear of missiles. There are pho-lclosed Space. Talk this- over hias involving snakes sleep, | with your parents, because just colors, fire, heights, ideas.}alking it over can give vou re- | crowds, thunder, trains, bees.|assurance Who's closer to you |dogs, devils, odors. who cares more about you and play of allowing the nine to win the trick. East realized that winning the club with the queen would hand South the contract, so he played low on the nine. However, as the cards pened to be divided, South not be denied his victory. He led the jack of spades from dummy and finessed when East followed low. The to the king, but later overtook the king of clubs with the ace and tried a second spade finesse, it succeeded and he made his twelve trick. Declarer's method of play at the second table was far better than that chosen by South at (COME AND ) (GET IT! ate | the first table. It would have taken exceptionally bad Juck for ° him to have lost the hand the way he played. it Say Indonesia News Distorted JAKARTA (AP)--The official Indonesian. news agency Antara Sunday accused some foreign news agencies of distorting news about Indonesia. Among those accused were Tanjug of Yugoslavia and The Associated " CROSSWORD Press. Antara said Tanjug "claims your problems than they do? Vent your thoughts. Your mother and father will listen. I think you can overcome this: difficulty if you can "talk it out' a little, and recognize what it is and why in particu- lar it bothers you just now. As you grow older and more ma-) ture, this sort of thing tends to disappear, provided you don't make too much of it now. Dear Dr. Molner: A year ago) ! had a blood clot in my leg} and still have phlebitis. | am troubled with pain and swelling at certain times of the month I am in my early 20's and to be socialist and Communit but has exposed itself as @ lackey ofthe U.S. imperial- ACROSS 3. Actor 24, Bridge ists."' Tanjug 'reports on Indo- , 1. Splendor Ferrer term nesia have (much) in common 5, Armadillo 4, Test 27, Drop- with those of The Associated 9, slr rgd 5. Like ped Press of America." M0. Beanie SA MENG IAD! AR ee It said The AP has "untir- Ve it 7, Past. agrees . ' et vian tales 8S Halt 30. Roof. ingly playéd old songs of 'Com 12. Large cat " dlamete "ing munist - inspired, Communist. 14, Fuss 9. Bouquets dies led, Communist - dominated 15, Trans- 11. Tolerable '82, Nourish in reporting demon teen gression 13. Sailors 34. Ditch : staged to crush U.S, imperial: 16. Carting 17. Claw around Yesterday's Answer jism in various Indonesian cit- vehicle 20, Fine acastle jies,"" 18. Verb form line 85. Excessive 42. Mischievous | errant 19. Whether of 36. Parts of person | " 20. Harem a letter fishing 48. Bind SALLY 5 SALLIES 23. Ireland 21, Lawn poles 45. Letter } 25. Beget 22. Miss Horne 40, Region 47, From: Lat. ls > =f 26. Impure skin v4 a a) coating repr eile proceuraesiotin YY 28, Disembarks VA, "A $1. Feudal 9 7/40 M 'p benefice K '" ; 33. Yacht l ( 34. Shawls Til 7, . 37. Music note 5 16 ! fl 38, Ahead G 39.Sheltered 19 77720 et ee side 4, 40. Astern Wy GG 41. Mine "A | entrance 26 7 8 44. Formal 7. order GF } WY Lie 46. Bul 'A | oe tO a Gta Gu "Td like you to cover me up, aakance he - 'but I can't stand sand in 49, Fencing GY Y my shoes. sword 50, Oceans (ai y) ti aun tie ay, MILL STREET 1, Larg ocean a 7, VARIETY STORE 2, Without Y MILL & OXFORD STS. covering Fe) Open 7 Days of the Weak 10 A.M, to:10 P.M. would like anather child. What|* sresnancs?--wts. Ps. "| @OLBORNE It would be the other way GROCETERIA Colborne St. at Church St. 728-6341 DAILY 'TIL 10 P.M. Seven Days « Week around: What effect does preg- nancy have on phlebitis The answer is «that the phlebitis probably would flare up,:so dis- cuss this thoroughly with your doctor before attempting to be- come pregnant again. PARK YISIroRs Since Yellowstone National Park in the U:S, was opened in 1872, more than 32,000,000 per- sons have visited it. © Groceries © Fresh Fruits © Vegetables © Meats FREE DELIVERY

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