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Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Mar 1965, p. 5

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AT WHITBY Council Challenged To Do Better Job -- WHITBY (Staff) -- Throwing a challenge to town council, Dr. K. C. Hobbs, chairman of the Whitby Public School Board, defended the board's position at the regular meet- ing, Wednesday evening, stat- ing the 1965 budget was quite in order. The chairman invited any member of to run for the school board at the next election if he felt a better job could be done. Stepping down from the chairmanship momentarily to speak as a member of the board, Dr. Hobbs stated he was very annoyed with t made by members of the coun- cil following a recent meeting. "It would appear as « though these councillors felt they could do a better job and if so, I invite them to take a run at it," he said. "From the way Councillor George Bevan attacked this board it would appear the com- munity would do better if he was on the board," Dr. Hobbs stated, He suggested the teach- ers were not being overpaid and that the average salary for pub- s lic school teachers in Whitby was approximately $5,800. The chairman suggested that town councillors, Harry Ink- pen, Vernon McCarl, Harold Slichter and George Bevan should run for the school board. "Perhaps we would have a bet- ter educational system next year," Dr. Hobbs said. NOT OVER-PAID Board Member Leslie Mc- Farlane agreed with the chair- man, stating the teachers were definitely not over-paid. "The costs of education are constant- ly going up and there is little we can do about it," he said. "The Whitby School Board is attempting to provide an edu- cational standard equal to that of other communities," Leslie McFarlane continued. "We can- not begin to cut back on this program. Mr. McFarlane sug- gested the council should have more respect for the excellent job that has been completed by the board. Commenting further in regard to the budget, Mr. McFarlane stated the council has no alter- native but to collect taxes which will provide the board School Boards Work Closely WHITBY (Staff) -- A spirit of co-operation exists between the Whitby High School Board and Public School Board, it was reported at the regular meeting of the Public School Board Wed- nesday. night. Both boards recently held a meeting to discuss the possibil- ity of joining forces in the es- tablishment of one main build- ing for the storing of supplies and equipment. The topic was suggested b y the town council with the Public School Board advised to contact the High School Trustees at the earliest possible moment. Following the meeting, which delved into the subject, the question was thoroughly exam- Parish Guild Holds Pot Luck Supper WHITBY -- The Afternoon Branch of Ail Saints' Parish Guild held a pot luck luncheon, March 9 in the Sunday School Hall, followed by their regular business meeting. Thirty-six members and friends sat down to a delicious buffet style pot luck luncheon. At 2.30 p.m. the r busi- ined with the result a spirit of co-operation is said to exist. A further meeting is to be held, after which the Public School Trustees will meet with the town council's finance committee for information on what the next step should be. During last night' meeting the board approved a motion to fence any school property which borders on private property pro- the fencing cost. The motion was implemented after it was revealed a resident had com- plained school children had in- fringed on his property. Also during the meeting the board approved a motion to pay tuition fees for teachers who were attending a "reading sem- inar'"' being held at Oshawa this weekend. The board ruled the advan- tages to be derived from the seminar outweighed the ex- pense, PENNY SEEDLINGS About 10 million forest tree seedlings are supplied to pri- vate landowners in Ontario each year, most of them at a cost of a penny each, by the Depart- ment of Lands and Forests. viding the land owners pay half} with money to operate. He re- ferred to the legality of the question by reading a_para- graph from an address by Dr. F. Ennis, University of Alber- ta, who spoke at a conference in Banff, May 28, 1963. NOT INFERIOR "Apparently because the mu- nicipal corporation has wider powers than 'does the school corporation, it is popularly thought of as the senior local government. The school board is thought by some to be some sort of an inferior body which should defer to the municipal council. In legal theory, how- ever, this is not so. "The courts have made it very clear that school and Club Plans Carnival WHITBY (Staff) -- Fairy tales on ice, portrayed by a cast of 300 children, will be the theme of the Whitby Figure Skating Club's annual carnivai. The show will be iced March 27, at 8.00 p.m. vith a cast of hundreds of local children who have attended the club's prac- tice sessions over the past years, Children from tot to teens will don their costumes and skate out fairy tales ranging from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to the Pied Piper. The children's many varied costumes are made or purchas- ad by the mothers. Mel Mathews, a gold medal professional, and Mrs. Gloria Taylor act as instructors for the large group, which meets at the arena every Saturday morning. The show has been a great success in past years, and prom- uchre: Mrs, Francis Spellen, Mrs. John St. John the Evangelist CWL; Travelling Bridge and Euchre hostesses for the month of March are: Bridge, Mrs. T. P. Finnegan, Mrs. Wilfred McAu- ley, Mrs. 2d Finan, Mrs. John McCormack, Mrs. Peter Otten- rite, Mrs. Jim Giroux, Mrs. James Ledden, Mrs. Robert Mackey, Mrs. William Gray, 'Mrs. Robert Taylor, Mrs. George Newton, Mrs. Patrick eitzner, Mrs. J. W. Lailey; Mrs. Hope Kotyluk, WHITBY PERSONALS Park Vista Ratepayers Asso- ciation is holding a St. Pat- rick's dance at Royal Canadian Legion Hall, Mar. 13. Guests will dance to the music of Ber- nard Tierney and his orches- tra. A buffet lunch will served, Taking an active part will be: Mr, and Mrs, Raymond Macintosh, Mr. and Mrs. Law- beter and his aunt, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Merch 11, 1965 § be door prize and spot dance prizes, Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carter, 929 Crocus crescent, are Mr. Car- ter's mother, Mrs. Marion Car- Gary 'Dudley, son of Mr. and] Mrs, Kenneth Dudley, is in the} Oshawa General Hospital under] observation. Miss Bess Kennedy, of Kirkland Lake and Allen Moore of Thessalon. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Chau- rence Treagus, Mr, and Mrs. Len: Pridie, Mr. Frank McNeil and Mrs, Mal Femia. There will mont recently attended the fu- nera. of Roland Chaumont of| Earlton, father of Wilfred. Vanderpluym, Mrs. Dan Bath- erson and Mrs. Rose Jones. Mrs. Maude Kendrick left for Orillia where she will be visit- ing her sister and _brother-in- jaw, Mr. and Mrs. William Kay. FROZEN GLANCE T.ONDON (CP) -- Research- ers at two London hospitals have discovered a way of deep- freezing eyes to be used for cor- neal grafting operations so that they will keep almost indefini- ises to be entertaining this year. municipal jurisdiction are quite separate and independent of each other. Within its own juris- diction the board or council is supreme, and neither is sub- ject to the other. Neither has the right to interfere in the af- fairs of the other regardless of how firmly convinced it is that the other is operating unwise- ly, or using inadequate judg- ment," Al) other members of the board were unanimous in their agreement the council had been unfair with their comments and should examine the subject more closely before criticizing the situation. Main Laid Across Park WHITBY (Staff) -- Designed to improve the water service in the western portion of town, a new eight-inch w>termain cross- ing Centennial Park, was re- cently completed by the Public Utilities Commission, The main runs from a main line on Brock street, across the park, and is connected to an- other main on Centre street. The service, which cost the PUC $7,000, will provide water for the town's outside skating rink located in the park. The trench will be resodded and season. Members of the PUC will meet next week to discuss the advisability of underground wir- ing for any new subdivisions to be located in town. The commission is seeking a man to fill the position of pump house operator at the town water plant. They have received 24 appli- cations for the job which pays a maximum of $4,854.80 per year. regula ness meeting was held with the ready in time for the baseball! tely O.H.A. METRO JUNIOR "B" Hockey Playoffs FOURTH GAME... . Best of 7 Semi-Finals ETOBICOK i E INDIANS WHITBY DUNLOPS WHITBY COMMUNITY ARENA Game Time -- 8:30 p.m. ADMISSION: --REGULAR SEASON PRICES | Now Open For Retail Sales.. | | RED WING | ORCHARDS Monday to Saturday--8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ENJOY THEY'RE GO APPLES OD FOR YOU 22 Miles West of At The BIG Whitby on Hwy. No. 2 RED APPLES BEAVER LUMBER| MAHOGANY BI-FOLD DOORS Save space in bedrooms and hallways with these low priced 15" Mahogany Slab Bifolds. NEW LOW PRICING . .. GOOD VALUE!! COMPLETE WITH HARDWARE Opening Size P Pour... $11.90 yy eed than... 1 linn... =e president, Mrs. Charles Daly, presiding. One item of business was to make plans for the 'Dessert Game. Party" to be held April 28 at 1 p.m. in the Sunday School. Anyone wishing to re- serve a table is asked to phone Mrs. Edith Watts or contact any member of the Afternoon Guild for tickets. A choice of delicious desserts will be served followed by cards and lucky draw for. prizes. There will also be a special door prize. Only a limited number of tables will be available. In charge of prizes will be Mrs, A. B. Conrad. Mrs. T. E. Henstock will be responsible for table favors. Final palns will be made at the April 6 meeting, a week earlier than usual so as not to conflict with Holy Week. Ai BROCK Evening Shows Start at 7 & 9 p.m. Whitby SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 The tmnortal Hank Willams | hives again, Sings. again... aconee ' SUSAN --* HAMILTON OLIVER: BUTTONS - O'CONNELL omawmens in PANAVISION® {pleart ARTHUR and ADVENTURE IN NEWFOUNDLAND RIVIERA REVELRIES--CARTOON f SPECIAL This Week's SPECIALS Effective Thurs. to Sat. rom... ALDER FARM MARKET BONELESS POT ROAST 29: LEAN SHOULDER VEAL STEAK LB. 39° Fronts u. 39° SLICED BACON Cut uw. of With of BEEF FREEZER ORDER Hindquarters of BEEF lb. 49: b. BY and Wrapped FREE 4 Ibs, of Butter FREE Each Freezer Order ALDER FARM WHITBY PLAZA MARKET FREE PARKING -..acollecti sively for Tip Top distinction: rich tle Glen plaids, ele fabrics, Tip Top CUSTOM Just Arrived... for Spring '65 Pure wools--every one an import; 'and ag 4, Pome them created exclu- i many fabrics, and each has a special stripes, multi-colour birdseyes, sub- and more. To these hand-chosen custom detailing--tailoring touches that associate Fleet Street suits with others costing much more, $85.00 on of suitings Tailors. There are iridescents, neat gant reverse twists adds a wealth of CLOTHES Tie TOP ae 129 Brock St. South Phone 668-2091 -- Whitby TAILORS -- NEW LOW PRICES!! FREE DELIVERY "SEALMASTER" ALUMINUM COMBINATION DOORS EXTRA STRENGTH 114" FRAME .. . SELF STORING SCREEN . . . SEALMASTER QUALITY. Pre-hung, ready to install on the door frame, all hardware, daeialty door closer and check. The guaranteed al- uminum door, Sealmaster, is well built for years of ser- TOP VALUE NOW ONLY DELIVERED 20.88 INSTALLATION EXTRA PHONE TODAY Best Low Priced GARAGE DOORS "ROYAL" ROLY DOOR Factory Assembled Ready To Instoll!! Sturdy, rugged and rigid one- piece construction bondarized, oven baked prime coat, nylon rollers, safety lock track, paint- ed both sides, 9.9 ORT sues, SSS : DELIVERED xT weeny 58.95 DELIVERED WITH WINDOWS $5.00 EXTRA NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT TO FIX-UP AND SAVE HARDBOARD BI-FOLD PANELS Ideal for closets... All 1%" Thickness, Shop Early! MAHOGANY BI-FOLD PANELS Manufacturer's clearance of nuine ma: panels seconds . . . ge hogany 15%" 'slab mixed sizes. LOUVRED BI-FOLDS CLEAR PINE OR MAHOGANY Space Saving . . . Decorati fesy to Po ROR ry with herd @ CLEAR PINE OPENING SIZE -0 x 6-6 2 Panels $17.20 2-6 x 6-6 2 Panels 17.95 3-0 x 6-6 2 Panels 18.25 4-0 x 6-6 4 Panels 34.75 MAHOGANY OPENING SIZE 2-0 x 6-6 2 Panels $19.35 2-6 x 6-6 2 Panels 21.90 3-0 x 6-6 2 Panels 23.95 4-0 x 6-6 4 Panels 38.95 COMPLETE WITH HARDWARE REE DELIVERY shelving or manufactur- er's clearance of seconds 99: MAHOGANY SLAB DOORS Buy now and Save on these top grade mahogany 1%" doors. LOWER PRICES IN QUANTITY ON HOUSE LOTS PAINT GRADE 2-0 x 6-6 NOW $5.69 2-4 x 6-6 NOW ~ 6.29 2-6 x 6-6 NOW . 6.69 VARNISH GRADE 2-0 x 6-6 NOW 5.98 2-4 x 6:6 NOW 6.59 2-6 x 6-6 NOW 6.88 PHONE FOR DELIVERY MODERNFOLD FOLDING DOORS White embossed vinyl fabric both sides of easy moving steel folding frame. Complete with hardware ready to install, only... 5.95 For 2-6 x 6-6 Door Opening TAHITIAN Select your new front door from over 150 designs and styles at Bea- ver Lumber. Pric- ed from... and up SIDE ENTRANCE DOORS i: "es | al slab, 1 on | .95 ed. Special Pur- chase only... SPRING! MAHOGANY PLYWOOD WALL PANELS SAVE 1.00 A PANEL Genuine maho: iny. sanded smooth, stai ished, uantity .. . Reguler $6.49, PREFINISHED satin and furniture fin- ® Free Estimates @ Planning Help ®@ Personal Service "JOE BEAVER" WHITBY 419 Dundes Street ® Delivery Service A GOOD JOE TO KNOW" 668-5818 96 King Street BEAVER LUMBER BOWMANVILLE East 623-3388 Sale Continues: 103 Byron St. S. Whitby IMPERIAL "SHOT GUN SHELLS 12 gouge Reg. 9.95 NOW 6.97 DOLL STROLLERS Strotig meal comaieeniiad tat 4.77 a SLECTRIC 3 switch and heed fully seat queranteed. cy" 9.97 T.V. TABLE SETS satis sf, CS celta m2" 11.87 PUSH BROOMS perfect fer drive wey er besement. ei 87e ALUMINUM STEP LADDERS up to 8' in height. 25% OFF GUARANTEED SINGING CANARIES ig" 9.97 ALL GLASS AQUARIUM 15 gol., complete with canopy "dt" 22.97 PUMP AND FILTER SETS AQUARIUM BACKGROUNDS in 3-D ight" 1.97 NOW TROPICAL FISH SPECIALS Neons, Zebras, Guppies 3 ron 97¢ Bumble Bee Fish Reg. 1.49 97< NOW ONLY Male Bettas Rep 249 1 SPECIAL Red Tail Shark me SALE ONLY 2.95 HAMPSTERS The Perfeet Household Pet Reg. 125 97 TO CLEAR NEW-AMAZING BAIT CANTEEN Stee! Frame, Double Lock Top. Beit Keeper included. ist 225, 1,97 FREE loon of spreader with eny purchase of Gress Seed or Fertilizer wet a Ny

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