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Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Mar 1965, p. 13

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SN ------ Ser = 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, March 12, 1965 Nurses Take On RN Association TORONTO (CP) -- A reform|the Ontario Hospital Services group of 20 nurses is pollingj}Commission would have to in- all of Ontario's 47,000 reg-jcrease its payments to the hos- istered nurses in an attempt tojpital involved. Strikes and lock- discover what kind of collective|}outs would be banned. bargaining they want. One critic of the act is John Behind the move of the Com-/H. G. Crispo, associate profes- mittee for the Advancement of|sor of industrial relations at Professional Nurses, formed ajthe University of Toronto's year and a half ago, is a chal-|School of Business. lenge to the authority of the wn Registered Nurses Association|GAVE WARNING of Ontario, which says it rep-| Hired by the association in resents 58 per cent of the prov-/1963 to advise it on collective ince's nurses. bargaining, Prof. Crispo said The association would be-jrecently he had warned that come the bargaining agent for|the health minister, as an em- all nurses under an act that/ployer of nurses in his depart- will be coming before the legis-|ment, could not claim impar- lature this session _|tiality in administering the act. But the CAPN, through its) 'The responsibility should be chairman Ruth Le: Roux, said) yjaced with the chairman of the this week that the proposed) ntario Labor Relations Board, Nurses' Collective Bargaining) he said. STRIPPER SLAPS STARLETS Jail Drama SUBBING AS SKIN-SHOWERS By EDDY GILMORE LONDON. (AP)--"Any girl can take her clothes off. It's how she does it that counts." The speaker, Sheila Sands, 25, a member of the strip- tease dancers' union, de- manded Thursday that a movie studio fire three ac- tresses hired to impersonate strippers. The blonde stripper and red-haired Rhoda Rogers, 23, said they plan to take their case to American film pro- ducer Stanley Rubin. He hired the actresses for the movie Promise Her Anything "These actresses may. be able to act," Sheila contin- ued. 'But striptease requires great skill and a definite art." Actresses asked to portray strippers are Vivienne Ven- tura, 19, Asa Maynor, 25, and Margaret Nolan, 21. Speaking for them, Vivienne Said: "We are not playing pro- fessional strippers in the film. We are playing girls who are just getting started in the business. The scenes we're in also require acting ability. That's why we were chosen." The strippers are members of the British Association of Strip Tease. Artists. "We shall be calling on the producer," szid Rhoda. | Said producer Rubin: "If this delegation arrives, T'll have to give an audience. TOWSON, Md. at play writing, but jrience, Lester Franklin can \life behind bars--first jas a burglar and most I can't fire the actresses, though. That would not be fair." jman. Rubin said he would try to lb - ; work out a compromise by |Degun in prison. It wring in parts for one or two girls from the strippers' Snen . PP |at Towson State Colleg "My problem is--do I want | The stocky, full - stripping or acting?" Rubin |Franklin said that i added "As I need the acting, | there is constan I had hoped to get acting and, among the inmates. 'Written On The Inside' (AP)--Lots of college freshmen try their hand write a one-act drama about |prison life from personal expe- jant sent to reform school, then His play, The Promise, was} jsented for the first time Thurs-| iday night by his fellow students| is unbelievable. PUT ON ACT "Inmates don't honest feelings eve sate for it. what it is. recently|the penitentiary last Jas a parole violator and holdup|and started school in them are wrapped up in their' own petty concerns. The tension} Programs on own buddies because most of them have a tremendous sense of inadequacy and put on an act of some kind to compen- "But it's the tension--and the waiting--that I try to show in few caniThe Promise, Everyone in prison is waiting for something, and they're not always sure just : "We are all bored to death At 29, he has spent half his, and everything we do is a reac- as a tru-/tion to this boredom." . Franklin was released from He says the old life has gone. FILM'S PLACE ON TV to theiriu.s, TV networks, film occupy leight out of every 10 hours in the weekly total of 150 prime- reveal their\time half-hours on the three December February. STUDENTS End of Exams DANCE FRI., MARCH 12th at the SLOVAK HALL Ritson Road S. TO THE MUSIC OF THE "Condors" was pre-| ec. bearded| n_ prison t conflict Many of} stripping." ics dteaucetrcananen 2 Act, 1965, approved by Health 'Dr Dy mond replied that several weaknesses. . h se Among the group's charges: | "cs with semantics. ad The association doesn't repre-| The latest group to criticize sent a unanimous front; the act|the act is the Canadian Union) was prepared in a devious|of Public Employees, whose| manner; the average nurse national executive went on rec-) doesn't really understand its|ord as being opposed on the) provisions; and it can't bejground that the legislation properly administered until the| would give a monopoly to the association becomes more dem-| association Minister Mathew Dymond, 5p Cro was "paving «| BOB THOMAS IN HOLLYWOOD Audrey's Losing | May Fel HOLLYWOOD (AP)--This is borrowed voices. ocratic. Wednesday, the rebel group GIVEN TO MINISTER of nurses said it has met Dr.|perhaps the last year that movie The act was given to Dr.|Dymond, Premier Robarts andistars will burst into song with Dymond Feb. 12 before being/at least two Liberal members shown to the prdvince's nurses./of the legislature, and has sent It now is under study by the lett health and labor departments | ie and by the nurses themselves.| Under its terms, the associ- atio! by a majority of full - nurses under one employer. i ; settlement were not reached/sentation by the association. through negotiation, the issues ~~~ ae would go to arbitration, with the health minister empowered to appoint the arbitration board if the disputants failed to If a salary ward were made, members time|mine their views on collective Papers Expan World Chess NEW YORK (CP) -- newspapers in Canada and the United States spent more than 4 /$108,000,000 on expanding and amp its improving their plants in 1964,! the American Newspaper Pub- MOSCOW (Reuters) -- Mik-jlishers Association reported hail Botvinnik, Russia's chess)Wednesday. wizard and three times world) The association's annual sur- champion, has retired ae competition for the world|Y° crown, the Soviet news agency daily newspapers showed that 31)| Tass said Thursday It said that the 53-year-old ex-| of $10,059,658 for these purposes| champion had given up the|in 1964 while 739 U.S. dailies| t Cc And it said it is canvassing cal n would act when requestedjevery nurse by mail to deter-jrey |Brothers isinger she was a fine actress f ;|Marni Nixon stood by to toss in . . it $108 Million | When My Fair Lady was re-/8etting wiser ., Viewed, some critics gave Marni| Daily|hetter notices than Audrey she sing her : -|doubtedly a factor in the voting, | of capital investment by)ajthough there was no doubt a Canadian dailies spent a total|Some . gressed by passing up Julie An- drews for the role Let me underline "perhaps."' It seems that a studio will ers protesting the act to all think twice about hiring tone- deaf stars to appear in a musi- decided that as a he arias from the wings. Academy voters denied Aud-| rey a nomination for best ac-| might ress of the year, even though starred in the most ac- 'laimed film of 1964 The fact that Audrey did not own songs was un-| 1 'Ghosts' jthey again demonstrated their) glorious inconsistency. They} gave Deborah Kerr a nomina-| jtion for The King and I, al.| TO-NIGHT PHIL WRIGHT And the Sensational COUNT DOWNS Dancing 9 p.m. 'til 1. Admission 1.75 "GET" THIS WEEK - AS USUAL Featuring THE CONDORS . 50c Members @ 75¢ Non-Members DRESS:--Shirt and Tie though her singing was per-| formed by Marni. Susan Hayward got one for} With A Song in My Heart al-| The reason: |'Affaire Aud-|though she lip-synched Jane Froman's mellow songs Ditto} DAN Ee Hepburn the younger gave|Eleanor Parker for Interrupted! If|bargaining and on their repre-/her enchanting all for My Fair/Melody, in which she mouthed OLD TIME Lady--all but her singing voice.|the words of the voice of Eileen : She tried to do the songs, but/Farrell, who was impersonating MODERN 'the production minds at Warner! Marjorie Lawrence Dance to The practice of dubbing songs or stars may be more hazar- future. Audiences are RUDY VELTR and his dous in It's possible that even. such a mellow blending as Al Jolson's | SATURDAY NIGHT NEW TORNADOS | nd Hampshire voice and Larry Parks' figure} draw snickers today, | Toronto's hast even though it drew millions | Most Versatile Group ot from less aware audiences 20) years ago } Will success spoil Marni 1 CONTINUOUS FROM 2:25 - 4:45 - 7:05 FEATURE DAILY AT... - 9:35 [> SINGIN' SWINGIN' © LIVIN'and DANCIN' 2 P.M. SURFING AS YOU LIKE IT! IN COLOR Nixon? I'm afraid so NN ag ge Na i NE ae gg oa at THE MOST REVEALING Fil ') FIRST SEE DOLPHINS JUMP! SEE TONY THE WONDER HORSE! THE CHIMP! AND RETRIEVER TRIALS IN THE ARENA and hundreds of exciting attractions in the exhibit areas at The Canadian National SPORTSMEN'S SHOW MARGH 12-20 (except Sunday) Street cars to the door « Parking for 8,000 cars « Good Food Exhibition open 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. (except Sunday)-- Admission to buildings, Adults $1.00, Children 25¢, Students 50¢--Arena performances 2:15 p.m. & 8:15 p.m.-- Arena Prices, Eve. and Sat. Afternoons advance sale, reserved Box Seats, including admission to buildings $1.75--all other arena seats rush, Adults 50¢, Children 25¢. COOOCOSOOSOHOHSHOEEHOOHSEOOSOOEEHOSOOES Get your Arena Reserved Box Seat Tickets at the Box Office The Canadian National Sportsmen's Show, Exhibition Park, Teromte of =" gHOWINGS' BILTMORERZY PHONE 725-5833 SEE GREYHOUND RACES sipcsicetiitiiiniely SEE ZIPPY vote. trans-| Warner arge anti-J. L feel he voters right to try once fear '° CAP" had a total outlay of $98,558,928. ARE NOT CONSISTENT ture the world title Botvinnik's decision became Investment was expected to If the academicians did indeed |fall for the dubbing' argument known when he failed by Wed-|be higher in 1965, The associa- nesday, the closing date, to reg-|tion said 31 Canadian dailies ex-| ister with the World Chess Fed- pect to spend $12,965,324 and 677) eration for a series of eliminat-|U.S. dailies expect to spend) ing contests for the world title. | $105,623,641 Botvinnik, nicknamed The Stanford Smith, general man- ge he Seg first Sigg Boece ad of the publishers associa- 0 bec wor champion ' ! when he captured the crown in tion, said the results of the sur 1948. He won it again in 1958 Vey demonstrate '"'publisher con- and 1961. fidence in the future growth po- ns er bears he , Sur- tential of the daily newspaper rendere: e right to challenge ; ' Tigran Petrosian, 35, of Soviet|** * mediim tor tha: mass com Armenia, who took the world ti-| munication of news and adver- tle from him in 1963 tising"' The right to challenge now At the same time, publishers passes to Yefim Geller, 39, also| were "keenly aware of the need a Russian. Botvinnik will still to take advantage of new tech- take part in "interesting tour- nological developments to pro- naments" outside the world ti-'vide the best service to readers ENTERTAINMENT . NIGHTLY 9-12. In The Beautiful MELODY ROOM (Whitby Hotel) Featuring... JOHNNIE McMANN on the Console Organ tle, Tass said and advertisers." Excellent Dance Band Ist BIRTHD . TONIGHT -- SPRUCE VILLA At the NORTH OSH Friday & Sat. Night Be sure To Be there @ One. lucky Girl will win a PHONE 668-3386 Woodlyn Beauty Salon WHITBY / The Fabulous SILVERTONES CENTRE FUN and GIFTS @ Free gift of Hand Lotion to Every Girl ADMISSION 7 5c AY DANCE 8:30 to 12 AWA COMMUNITY shampoo and set from / THE THREE STOOGES © Mie % COMING! Til Sat Mon. FREE! Delivery and Home Service FAMOUS - COMPACT LOWBOY NEW VI PICTURE STABILITY cna ead CIRCUITS LOCKS PICTURE On The SCREEN NUVISTOR TUBE fer INCREASED PICTURE PULLING POWER NEW ALUMINIZED 23" DEEP FOCUS PICTURE hea ree FULL cru IDE FADEOUTS " NO SHIMMERING, ELECTRONIC BARRIER AGAINST INTERFERENCE VICTORCRAFT CABINETRY CONTROLS AN controts out trent OPEN TONIGHT 5.00 9:30 P.M. » to 6 p.m, to 9:30 p.m. AUTOMATIC GAIN CONTROL- # BLACK LOVEt Circuitry. te EXCLUSIVE SAFE GUARD SYSTEM- *SWIVEL CONSOLE wee , MULTIPLE bal a 4a \\ ~~. Volts PICTURE POWER SPEAKERS i MODERN ENGRAVED COPPER CIRCUITRY. so ADVANCED AUTOMATIC PICTURE PILOT- He ULTRA RELIABLE SILICON RECTIFIER, DOWN DELIVERS No Payments 'Til May, 1965 KING ST. E. OSHAWA 728-4658 or 728-4659 u WITH TRADE PHILCO "IMPERIAL" ITE SION PHILCO COOL CHASSIS .. beats the heat, major cause of TV breakdowns Golden'ULTRASPEC' Tuner BRAND NEW 1964 HELD OVER aruroay It happened in Climax, Nevada... ™ Beethoven- he cooked up the THE MIRISCH = Billy Vidor OPEN DAILY 1 P.M. SUNDAY 1:30 P.M. PLATA fan AN ODEON THEATRE RA > CORPO! AS DEAN MARTIN NOVAK _ RAY WALSTON cemrtected by LOPERT PICTURES CORPORATION apmrrta Q 10 moe, ms | om eee PHONE 723-2843 TIMES: 2:05-4:25-6:45-9:10----LAST COMPLETE SHOW 8:40 PS SOSSSSSCCSSZESE Block East of Liverpool Road Ph. 668-2692 also NOW! First Time Together... LANA TURNER, HOPE LANGE, in "PEYTON PLACE" JEFF CHANDLER, TUESDAY WELD in "RETURN TO PEYTON PLACE" RECOMMENDED AS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Ade Ade Dede dedade de Dddrdedrndndordndradaderdadaudanderdn YOU ARE ASSURED A WARM WELCOME AT THE ODEON DRIVE-INS Each Evening from 7:30 (Including Sunday) ] H | | OSHAWA FIGURE SKATING CLUB presents OSHAWA'S OWN DON JACKSON ELAINE RICH WITH CHRIS AND ALEXIS SHIELDS Top Canadian Pair at Colorade Springs. LYNN MATHEWS AND BRIAN TOPPING Runners-up in Canadian Senior Dance Title. THE "CLUB PAREE"' World Figure Skaters Tour of 1965 SATURDAY, MARCH 13th 8:00 p.m. Direct from World Championship in Colorado Springs, See The World's Best In Solo, Pairs and Dence Teams per person SORRY! STANDING ROOM ONLY H ' 4 i i E i

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