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Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Mar 1965, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Merch 12, 1965 VOTE COMING, BUT: Robarts Agrees To Amending Plans TORONTO (CP) -- The On- tario legislature is heading to- wards a vote on the proposed formula for amending the Canadian constitution, although Premier Robarts has already assured the federal government the province will accept the plan. Debate on the formula started Thursday and was to continue today. Although a gov- ernment resolutio. asking members to approve the legis- lation has been assured Lib- era] support, it is opposed by the eight - man New Demo- cratic Party group. Attorney - General A. A. Wishart, who took the unusual step of moving the resolution in both French and English, said the formula shows that the provinces and the 'federal gov- ernment can sit down and talk agreeably. Elmer Sopha (L -- Sudbury), speaking in French and Eng- lish, complimented Mr. Wishart on his conduct at the federal- vrovincial meeting last fall and said his party would not vote against it. However, James. Renwick (NDP -- Riverdale) said the agreement and the way in which it was presented had made a mockery of democracy and moved that the legislature set up a select study the formula. Fred Young (NDP -- York- view) pleaded with the house not to adopt the motion be- cause it guaranteed entrenched inflexibility He said a full dis- cussion was necessary to ham- mer out a constitution and amending formula that would suit the country. "The constitution of Canada is more than a game for law- committee to} yers," said Mr. Renwick, "It should have the elasticity to provide for the proper develop- ment of the Canadian society." Mr. Wishart told the house the conference of attorney- generals last October had been a profound and moving exper- ience. "There was in the conference making and I am certain that it was shared by everyone there." Mr. Wishart said it was only fitting he move adoption in Canada's two official languages --even though the legislature recognizes only English. He said the Ontario govern- ment supports the plan without qualification. There is no truth in criticism that the amending procedure is too rigid and will place Confederation in a strait jacket "The formula in this respect simply acknowledges the facts of our Canadian federalism. It merely states what is a polit- ical reality." The formula stipulates that, in matters affecting both the provinces and the federal gov- ernment, the approval of at least two - thirds of the prov- inces with at least one - half the population is needed for amendment. The approval of all the prov- inces, however, is necessary for any changes affecting the "entrenched" rights of the provinces. Such rights include education and the use of Eng- lish or French, This is not restrictive, the attorney - general said. In the past Ottawa has always sought the consent of all the provinces British North America Act. before seeking to amend the} room a sense of history in the] gw Orphaned children of South Viet Nam irregular mountain troops await for evacuation from Kannak to orphanages, Their plight can be added to the price of the victory in which some 800 Viet Cong recruits were smashed by the mountain- eers directed by nine U.S. special forces advisors. Though approximately 100 -.. AND TO THE VICTIMS, SORROW AND LOSS Tax Could Fall Despite Big Deficit OTTAWA (CP)--Predictions of a bigger deficit in the next fiscal year have not dampened speculation that Finance Min- ister Gordon will do some tax- > gt in his forthcoming bud- get. The predictions of the author- itative Canadian Tax Founda- tién -- that expenditures will grow faster than revenuex next year without any tax changes-- came amid widespread spec- ulation that taxes will be trimmed in a "sunshine bud- get'"' expected in late March or early April. The $455,000,000 deficit pre- docted a year ago by Mr. Gor- don for the year ending March 31 has been shrinking steadily to an estimated $150,000,000. But the foundation says there will be an upturn in the deficit again next year under the ex- isting tax structure, and pre- dicted it would be between $250,000,000 and $400,000,000. If tax cuts or increased ex- penditures are to be introduced, it adds, "even larger deficits may be in store... ." Despite Mr. Gordon's tradi- tional view in favor of balanced budgets, all things being equal, informed observers here say there are weighty arguments for lower taxes. of the Viet Cong died in the fight, 33 of the mountaineers died. These are their chil- dren. i --AP Wirephoto | LAD'S LONGISH LOCKS LOPPED PEMBROKE, N.Y. "The girls were wild over my long hair,"' said 15-year-old Jeffrey Wetmore, who sports a brush-cut today. Gone is the Beatle - like hairdo it took him about a year to grow. Jeff, a high school sopho- ; more, lost the long-hair look --'it was below my 'shoul- | ders'--when he was shorn by DeGaulle's Intervention Annoys, Frustrates U.S. WASHINGTON (AP)--The at- titude of Washington officials to- ward the actions of French President de Gaulie ranges from annoyance to acute frus- tration. At the moment acute frustration is on the increase. President Johnson decided long ago against open quarrel- ing with de Gaulle because he wants to minimize damage to the Atlantic alliance and to long-term French-American re- lations. Frustration has swelled be- hind the scenes, however, be- cause many officials are con- vinced de Gaulle's present ac- tive diplomacy has the effect of undermining U.S. war policy in Viet Nam. The problem is not that France wants a peaceful settle- ment, they say. The problem, as they see it, is that France is pressing hard for immediate negotiations to end the war at a time when the United States is increasing military pressure on the Communists in an effort to create more favorable con- ditions for negotiation. Press reports obviously eman- ating from official sources in Paris earlier this week repre- sented the view of the de Gaulle government as being that. (1) neutralization of South Viet Nam offers the only possible solution; (2) continuation of the conflict by the United States risk a major war with China; (3) if the United States gets into a war with China, France will have no part of it. ARGUMENTS NOT NEW These arguments are not new. The de Gaulle' government pre- sented them through French Foreign Minister Maurice Couve de Murville to Johnson and State Secretary Dean Rusk here last month. | HERE an New speed limit signs will be erected in built up areas on Highway 2, be- tween Oshawa and Bow- manville, in the near fu- ture. The signs will change the limit from 50 mph to either. 30 or 40 mph. Two first year students from Durham County at- tending Guelph University, distinguished themselves at the College Royal Don Rickard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Rickard, was chosen champion beef showman and _ presented with a tray. Ted Watson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Watson, was declared champion in the fruit sec- tion for displays of Durham County apples. The Bowmanville Fire De- partment was called Wed- nesday afternoon to the home of Mr. and Mrs, G. B. Fortune, East Beach, By the time the firefighters ar- rived Mr. Fortune had quel- led a blaze on the roof. Members of the Women's Hospital Auxiliary, at their March meeting, laid plans for the Hospital Birthday Party to be held Mar. 24 Mrs. Earl Thompson is the General convener, assisted by Mrs. S. G. McMurter, immediate past president. Thirteen students regis- tered for the 10-week course in retail merchandising sponsored by the Bowman- ville' Chamber of Com- merce. Jack Bentley of To- ronto is the instructor. A smartly dressed, well built young woman has vic- timized Bowmanville stores. In at least three stores she has obtained cash refunds on merchandising she ,shop- lifted. Don Morris has been Need Mortgage Money? Real Estate McG L Broker Dey or Night - 728-4285 other students at Pembroke | Central High School in this western New York commu- nity. While Jeff said he was unhappy about what hap- pened, his father, Melvin Wet- more, was more so. The father asked a justice of the peace, Ralph Kelsey, to issue warrants charging third- degree assault against the shearers. Kelsey ruled Thurs- day night that, while there was evidence the hair was cut, there was not sufficient evidence to prove who cut it. Jeff, now with a quarter- inch growth of hair on his head, suffered a half-inch cut on his chin during the hair- cutting scuffle, his father said. Jeff said he had let his hair grow because he played an.electric guitar in a musi- cal group. "It feels drafty now, I have to wear a hat," he noted. (AP)--:| WEATHER FORECAST STRONG ARGUMENT | One of the heaviest came in |the first report of the Economic Council of Canada, which said TORONTO (CP) -- Fore- |casts issued by the weather of- fice at 5:30 a.m.: Synopsis: Sunny but coal weather will continue today in most of Ontario. On Saturday two storms will be approaching the Great Lakes one from the Dakotas and another from Texas. This combination will produce increasing cloud over |most. of southern. Ontario with snow reaching the Lake Huron- St. Clair and Erie regions by afternoon. Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Windsor: Clearing. this noon. Clear and cold ,tonight. Saturday increasing cloudiness with snow beginning in the afternoon. Winds light. Southern Lake Huron, Nia- gara, London, Hamilton: Mainly sunny with not .much change in temperature. Clear and cold to- night. Saturday increasing in the afternoon or evening.| | Winds light. | Northern Lake Huron, Lake} Ontario, Killaloe, Haliburton, | |southern Georgian Bay, Tor-| Scots Notes Worthless d THERE elected president of the Rotary Club of Bowman- ville for the 1965-66 Rotany Year. He. will assume his duty July 1. Parkwood Lodge, AF and AM, celebrated its seventh anniversary last night in the Masonic Temple. To mark the occasion the Past Mas- ters of the Lodge perform- ed the work of the eve- ning. A. birthday. cake was cut and distributed at the banquet hour. A review of the activities and progress of the seven-year period was given by H. 0. Flintoff, Charter Master. The Uxbridge Cottage Hospital Board has ap- proved plans for an addi- tion which will provide ac- commodation for 21 beds and 12 bassinettes along with other facilities. It is anticipated work will start this summer and will take a year to complete. Congratulations are ex- tended to Mark Shackelton of 89 High street, Bowman- ville, who. celebrates his birthday today. Three district contestants were among the winners Wednesday at the 19th an- nual Peterborough Kiwanis Music Festival. Cindy Lou Ayre. of South Darlington, won first place in her vocal solo class with.a mark of 85. Karen McKnight, of South Darlington, who had 78 marks, was third in her vocal solo class. Beverley Henderson, of Oshawa, was second in her solo class with 80 marks 'Everywhere LONDON (CP)--Prime Min jister Harold Wilson is due to re \ceive a celtic rocket in the mail| following a government minis-| jter's statement that Scottish) banknotes aren't really legal) \tender anywhere. | Gordon Wilson, Scottish Na- |tionalist Party secretary who is jno clansman of the prime min- ister, 'aunched the protest mis-} sive Wednesday from Glasgow to 110 Downing Street. Humiliated Scots could hardly} jbélieve their ears when Niall |McDermot, financial secretary ito the treasury, "sought to un- |dermine faith in the note issue| jof the Scottish banks," said) |Gordon Wilson in his letter to| \the prime minister. | Harold Wilson was asked to} obtain an apology for the "of-| fensive reference to the Scottish} character' made by MacDer-| jmot, who despite his Scottish-| lonto: Mostly sunny with not) }much change in temperature \today. Clear and cold tonight. Saturday increasing cloudiness lin the afternoon with snow llikely late in the day. Winds/| light. | | Algoma, northern Georg- jian Bay, White River, Tima- |gami, Cochrane, North Bay, Sudbury: Mainly sunny with not much change in temperature to- "l\day and Saturday. Winds light. Sunny And Cold, Cloudy Saturday Low tonight, High Saturday Windsor St. London Kitchener . Mount Forest..... Wingham Hamilton St. Toronto Peterborough . Trenton .... Kingston .... Killaloe ... North Bay. after-|¢ cloudiness with snow beginning) \that if the rapid growth in the |- a ne ge age ng a a a country's labor force is to be absorbed by 1970 there must be an annual actual increase of increase will have to be about) eral weeks ago that without 7.5 per cent. "some stimulation" in the bud- ; The outlook for this calentlar|get the prescribed GNP goal 5.5 per cent in the gross na-|year is an increase of six per|probably would not be reached. tional product, value of alljcent in terms of current dol-| Another argument is that the oods and services produced. |lars. U.S. government has reduced In terms of current dollars this! The tax foundation said sev-|income taxes. . | ~ herney's FURNITURE WORLD BLECTROHOME Forecast Temperatures Thomas. VISIT ibraemor | gardens (Stevenson Rd. N. and Annapolis Ave.) Catharines.... Community For Young Moderns and So-0-0-o Convenient j Why Feel Weak, Run-down, Tired, Nervous or Old? | Many oider folks, when deficient in tron, may regain their old-time energy and younger feeling with Ostrex Tonic If weak, tired, nervous, low in energy, try Ostrex today. Helps regain your younger, energetic feeling, 8-day "get-acquainted" size costs little, At all drug stores. BUEHL Tender EAT'N TRUE-TRIM BEEF 12 KING E.--723-3633 * Friday Night & Saturday Specials GRADE 'A' SMALL ~ TRY this friendly wine JORDAN BRANVIN Sherry CHILL IF DESIRED EGGS 3»: IN CARTONS 95. SHORT RIB and BLADE ROAST 49 FREEZER SPECIAL HINDQUARTERS or BEEF 5] CUT AND WRAPPED C Ib CLEARANCE This is « factory authorized clearance of two fine furniture models -- both beautiful and acoustically correct --- matched to the components they encase. CED ARE ARR AMAA LIRR eels BUY NOW ve AM-FM RADIO STEREO ® Garrard Type "A" Changer © 40.4 Watt Music Power q ® Six Speaker Sound 50-70,000 C.P.S. Frequency Response ® 16 Push-Button Control a De asian TUSCANNY 40 Classic Empire styling richly detailed by Deilcraft craftsmen, for those who appreciate both music and fine furniture. 36 tube function chassis with handcrafted circuits, Transformer powered amplifier. Superb Garrard turntable. 12 month warranty. Large record storage. Tape facilities. Ex- clusive 3-step contour -- lets you hear parts of the music you miss at low volume. Distinctive Deilcraft cabinet protected by mar-resistant Duradeil. ORIGINAL VALUE 729.50 NOW %579 b. The 'Madison 40' shown below holds the promise of fulfilment for those who appreciate both music and fine furniture. Components are similar to the set above, with a distinctive cabinet design for a contemporary setting. We invite you to come in and make the most critical comparisons between jsounding name is an Englisht| educated lawyer representing a) Sassenach constituency. | MacDermot, replying to a) suggestion for encouragement of} |wider acceptance of Scottish| jbanknotes. in England and) {Wales made his surprise state-| |ment Tuesday in the House of] Commons. | The Scottish bills, which vary| in size and come in blue, green and purple, add a dash of color jto transactions in Scotland but jare rarely seen elsewhere. MacDermot, in his Commons} statement, said it would be dif- ficult to make the notes legal tender as there are 20 different kinds, issued by various banks. EXPORTS UP LONDON (CP)--British coal exports have soared 66 per cent jover the 1963 figures, reaching a total of. 3,000,000 tons in the last 15 months. Coke exports; also rose, the Coal Board an- |nounced. | } | | } | | AND OTHER INSURANCE NEEDS JOHN McPHERSON 110 Cabot 'St. CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE May | Co-operate in plenning your insurance protection AUTOMOBILE © URBAN FIRE FAMILY LIABILITY e LIFE ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS Phone 728-7207 and CO-OPERATORS LIFE REAL ESTATE APPOINTMENT Mr. Joseph Bosco of Joseph Bosco Realty wishes to an- nounce a recent gppointment to his staff Mr. Robert (Bob) Young. Robert (Bob) Young Mr. Young, a well known resi- dent. of Oshawa for many years, is now qualified and eager to help you meet your reol estate Please:coll . . . JOSEPH BOSCO Realtor 833 SIMCOE ST. §. - 728-7377 requirements | | ONTARIO MOTOR SALES 1964 CHEV IMPALA 4-DOOR HARDTOP . V-8 automatic, power brokes, power steering, rodio, fin- ished in beautful Madiera maroon, original 13,000 miles. Balance of new car warranty. Lic. No. H46961. FOR PRICE ON THE ABOVE See RON GAMBELL at 140 Bond St. West 725-6501 both sets and other brands, MADISON 40 AM/FM RADIO STEREO Deilcraft Contemporary Cabinet With Carpathian Elm. ORIGINAL VALUE 699.50 NOW *549°° FURNITUORE WORLD

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