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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Mar 1965, p. 11

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. |some of them had seen each ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landers: Last week my oldest brother passed away. Several members of the family came to the funeral from other cities. It was the first time other in 15 years. After the funeral the family gathered at my home. They got drunk, told jokes, sang college songs and played cards. Some of the younger ones had the radio on in the back of the house and were doing the twist. About 8:39 seven of them left to go to the movies. I fold my sister I thought it was disgraceful and she said, "You're wrong. I admire them because they aren't hypocrites. Gerald didn't mean anything to them. They hadn't seen him in years' Why pretend?" It seems to me that some-| Respect For Bereaved Rules Out Frivolity |Shoestring Successes Rare, child by a former marriage. On the wedding picture she looks like about 40. I have had four letters from his wife and have not answered any of them, They want to visit me in June but I don't want Ler in the same town with me, much less the same house, You) are a mother, Ann, do you think that when a child breaks a mother's heart she should be friendly and act like nothing has happened?--Hurt Dear Hurt: Sc what do you accomplish by being unfriendly? You will simply cut yourself off from your son and his family. You can't decide, without evel meeting the woman, that che is bad news, Give her a chance. Dear Ann Landers: I am a girl who is 15 but I look older If Thinking Of Business Bid By ROBERTA ROESCH don't work out ied everyone, : ; know. Your chance of suc- "I'd like to start doing some-|¥U thing, and in thinking over what|°°Ss bre ---- ie a appeals to me most, I think Ee Sead ae di re os would like to run a small spec- y y' ialty shop for unusual gifts in start a shopping area near my . home," writes's Florida reader.|"1SCAL FACTS Basically, this means you'll "Several of my friends haveiinow in black and white--and told me there's a g00d OPPT-lthrough solid business and fi- tunity for this kind of shop iMinancial. advice--how much you this area, But somehow I'm|oan afford (and how much you afraid to try for fear I won'tiyii probably have to pay) for succeed in this kind of Pro-|..ch things as rent, light, tele- ject. phone, advertising, stock, sup- "Perhaps you could tell me(plies and equipment. the qualifications needed for an end--if you worked else for fixed hours and steady income? behind you every inch of the way? A man has to be assured of this. A woman needs it even for someone| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Merch 20, 1965 1} CALCULATED QUESTIONS These questions are caiculat- ing probes that can turn a fancy to fact. And they're not always easy to answer, of course, But they're the questions must answer to find out if eo Fourth, will your family be more, Fifth, will enough people pen sg yo = the =a you have in mind to make profitable for you? One of the|have the qualifications to start best ways to get a line on this|® business of your own. is to go to the location you're| If you have them, go ahead thinking about and observe thejand try, - WE NEVER SLEEP The busiest railway station in the world is London's Clapham Junction, with 2,500 trains every 24 hours. SINUSITIS Nervous Stomach Ronald W. Bilsky,o.c. CHIROPRACT 100 King St. E., 728-5156 people who go by. Do youl Your try might spell success, think these people will need what you're offering? Will they ibe able to afford it. Is there adequate parking space nearby so your shop will be readily ac- cessible? Sixth, can you compete with similar businesses already es- tablished? 14 Third, do you have the en- enterprise like this. thusiasm to keep going in 8 project that may take all your HAPPY TO COMPLY jtime? Can you stand the We're glad to try, though one|worry, strain and uncertainty; column can't cover it all be-|that's the prelude to every suc- cause there's too much to con-|cess? Will it pay you to get in- sider. |volved? Or would you be better; Here are the really top points, off--and more successful in the though, presented in question) 4 SUID BE IRRITATED BLADDE FEEL FIT ACAIN! C KIDNEY & BLADDER PILLS 74 CELINA STREET form, and you need to consider all of them before you begin! BROADLOOM a i Ae es ' YOUTHFUL designing dis- pleated skirt that stays that tinguishes this charming way even after washing. two-piece dress done in a Its overblouse top features harlequin pattern of white a round neckline and short with black, brown or navy. sleeves. The dress is of Tycora yarn zs i and has a_ permanently- --By TRACY. ADRIAN lV.LX jargument. Something is fright- |thing to them or not is beside/ang they have been very unfair |the point. Gerald meant some-|tg him When he got into trouble -\card playing and the twist arejyurdered me to stay away from thing is frightfully Wrong with)ang have iived a lot. The boy I her argument. What is it? --\am in love with is 19. He was : lin a little trouble with the police Dear V.I.X.; Never mind her|pyt has turned straight and |promised me he would never get loused up again. fully wrong with your relatives.| My folks don't like this boy Whether Gerald meant any- thing to you, and they were in) I heard was "I told you he your home. Jokes, drunkenness,|was no good.' They have not DISTAFF DIARY > Summary of reports of Oshawa women's organiaztions as compiled from reports submitted by their secretarie KING STREET UCW 9 The Loyal Workers' Unit 9 of| King Street United Church} Women held its March meeting Wednesday with 20 members present, It was reported that 25 home calls and 29 hospital calls had been made. Members were reminded of the plastic demonstration party and the Sunday School supper. Mrs. Harold Bell talked about ideas for the merry-go-round bazaar. Mrs. Harold Tiers led the de- votional period using the theme "Prayer". Those taking part were: Mrs. Herbert McLaugh- lin, Mrs. Edward Sills, Miss Effa Wright, Mrs. Charles Skuce and Mrs. Ernest Brown. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Tiers and members of her group during the social period. WESTMOUNT UCW | A Lenten service, '"'Darkness| and Light" depicted by varying) degrees of light by the use of candles was the theme used by Mrs. Gordon Holbrook at the regular meeting of the West- meetings and activities of out of place in a house of mourning. They may not be hypocrites, but they sound like him but they give him such a chill whenever he comes to the house it makes me feel awful. a bunch of cheap second-raters| Wis mother says I am a good to me. influence on her son and she Dear Ann Landers: My only|tejls me if my folks put me out Ss. (Mrs. Vipond and Mrs, Samuel Snowden thanked her. Mrs. D, I. Macleod presided for the business. Mrs, E. G. Storie reported that plans were complete for the "Suddenly It's Spring! Buffet", Saturday, April 10 with ticket sales ; 'ng well. Mrs. W. F. Manuel asked for a shower of small new articles for the bale at the next UCW meet- ing on April 20, when the speak- er will be Mr. David Hatton, on the work of the CNIB. The evening began with a half hour of fellowship as Unit 3, con- vened by Mrs. J, C. Bentley, served desserts and coffee. Unit 8, represented by Mrs. W. H. Gamble and Mrs. J. L, Pegg, closed with a worship service on the cleansing of the Temple through which Lent challenges Christians to a fearless witness against evil. SOUTH SIMCOE H and § South Simcoe Home and} School Association held _ its} meeting recently, with the pres- ident, Mrs. Gary Taylor, pre- siding. mount UCW on Tuesday eve- ning. | Mr. Allen Anderson showed a} colorful travelogue, 'This Won-| derful World" for the members to enjoy. Mrs, Percy Neal, president, reminded the members of the two catering projects on March 26, for the Girl Guides and on April 10, for the Boy Scouts, and It was open house for Kinder-| garten and Rooms 1, 2, 3. i Mrs. Taylor will attend the| convention to be held this year at Niagara Falls April 13, 14, 15.| It was announced that the May meeting would be in the| form of a pot luck supper at) 6.30 p.m. and elections would follow. Mrs. David Drain introduced son (I will call him Sam) leftiof the house I can live with home two years ago when he|them This sounds like a great was 19. He went to work for alarrangement but when I think] dairy and has been promoted| about packing my clothes and| three times in the last tw0/movying I lose my nerve. vears. : Life at home is very un-| Sam promised to send me &j|pleasant. I need your advice.-- plane ticket for Christmas 'so I) Burdette could go out to visit him. In- Dear Burdette; Stay at home stead he sent me a telegram).i4 forget about moving into Meta id A agar married! our boy friend's house. A 15- and needed all his spare money. : : ? pe | When I received that wire I = year-old girl should not: fry. % your own business. Check your-) self carefully on each one be- fore you move ahead. First, do you have the. basic background, experience and know-how to run the business| you have in mind? If you don't have it now, do you know how} you can get it before you plunge) into a business of your own? Second, do you have enough) money to start a business of; your own? Shoestring successes | ELECTRICAL © Alterations @ Repairs @ Heating Systems @ Rental Tanks EASY MONTHLY TERMS ARMSTRONG ELECTRIC CONT. 723-9363 OR 723-1863 52 Fernhill Blvd. take ov ' arole icer| pat hak a> Geatt attack. 1 ake over as a farole office would not have cared so much] oan tell ; 4 ; that livi in a if he had married a nice YOUNZ| tome is UP cgarreapghte ys, Ber a lot different from to begin with. Furthermore, I). Wate on ROOM Size 'on an BROADLOOM * 129,00 Including installation and under- pad of your choice. 16 colors to choose from, Featuriny ii many brand names such as Herd- \] ing's, Brinton's, Canadian Celanese and others. Wide choice of imports. Also rem- nants in odd sizes. Credit terms easily arranged. CALL COLLECT 531-1177 Toronto MONDAY & TRACKS EXPERTLY INSTALLED TUESDAY ONLY CAMPBELIS TOMATO SOUP save Se g FOR THE FINEST in the Latest Shades and Fabrics PHONE 723-7827 AYLMER TOMATO SAVE CATSUP - 7: 1 ¢ girl, but his wife is nine years older than he is and she has a visiting there. You say you are 15 but you) NOW "|have "lived a lot." I suggest! BILINGUAL TOTS KITCHENER, Ont. (CP) Mrs. Robert Camp opened an all-French nursery school here early this year. Mrs. Camp's mother was French and her father Greek, and she spoke four languages at the age of} eight; "The time to learn} French is when you are young,"'| she said. "The children's minds are so flexible that they haven't! any difficulty picking up a sec- ond language."' BELLS PROTEST BAN STAFFELSTEIN, Germany) (AP)--Bells rang out in_ this Protestant pastors protested the) lifting of a ban on public danc-) ing during Lent. Village coun- cillors say no nearby communi- ties have such a ban, local/ innkeepers would suffer, and) the young people would only go __|serious trouble. you live less before you get into Do You Want To RE-OPENING THURSDAY, MARCH 25th unper NEW MANAGEMENT You. Can Make Your me ne YOUR PROPERTY SO DO WE! CALL 728-5157 ACTIVE REALTY LTD. 48 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Member of Oshawa & District Real Estate Board Appointments NOW PH. 728-4286 304 Stevenson Rd. N. Beside Lane's Pharmacy : POWER fayéc GRAIN-FED BEEF - MADE FROM SV-/on/ip o RAVE, 86in- asked that there would bejthe guest speaker, Mrs, Helen a good number of hands present|(Mackie, head of Special Educa- when the quilting bee was ar-|tion of this area, who spoke on elsewhere to dance. ranged. | An invitation was accepted| from the Centre Street UCW to attend its meeting on April 28. Mrs. 'Gordon Holbrook an-/ nounced the speaker for the April meeting would be Mr. Melville Smith who will speak about his work with the boys. LEGION AUXILIARY The Ladies' Auxiliary, Royal Canadian Legion Branch 43,) held its weekly meeting with the president, Mrs. Alyn Elliot, presiding. Members wre reminded of the) sports night to be held next Tuesday, March 23, at 7.30 p.m.) Euchre, cribbage, darts and bingo will be played for good) prizes. This is for auxiliary) members only and a good at- tendance is requested. Refresh- ments will be served by Mrs. Charles Gibbs and committee. Dates to remember are April 20, when four other auxiliaries) will be guests; May 5, night of! cards; 75c. including refreshments; | May 11, Zone Rally at Whitby) with dinner being served at 6.30) p.m. Names for members wish:| ing to go to the Rally must be in by April 27. It was announced that Mrs.) Alfred Lavender was a patient) in Oshawa General Hospital. ST. ANDREW'S UCW Three children of Dr. and Mrs. Claude Vipond modelled) clothes worn in Malaya while! their mother described them' and were a colorful introduction to pictures and commentary by} Mrs. Vipond for St. Andrew's United Church Women's March meeting. Mrs, J. L. Pegg introduced) tickets now on sale ating *.-Jageeo) sk opportunity classes, and . ex-| plained how and what the chil- dren were taught. It was inter-| esting to see the films and to) have everything explained so well. Parents were reminded to send in their $1.00 per family| to help with expenses, as soon! as possible, as the response had| been very slow. For All Your (Tinted Free) CHOOSE DANCEY'S DOWNTOWN OSHAWA | 10% DISCOUNT IF YOU BRING THIS AD "Bridal Shoes" | Gam LUCIT CAN SOON AVA PATTE' WALL PAINT ILABLE AT PAINT AND WALLPAPER 85 Simcoe St. N. -- 725-3529 IS "NERVE DEAFNESS" CUTTING YOU OFF FROM LIFE? « or phone WRITE TODAY Can ft Be Helped?" COUSTICOR OF OSHAWA PAUL BELLINGER 1119 Northridge St. DY-MA DRAPES @ DRA?P Custom @ BEDSPREADS QUALIFIED 31 Simcoe W South ERY HARDWARE @ Made Drapes @SLIPCOVERS DECORATING SERVICE ARD'S **---" Phone 20 27 Celina Street Best Selection In Town WILSON'S GWYN ROBERTS Celebrating 5th Anniversary % », THE Mayfar Salon. CARRIAGES STROLLERS @ HI-CHAIRS PLAYPENS FURNITURE CHURCH ST. 723-3211 OFF ALL COLD WAVES ring Month of March 728-0662 | A BETTER, FAST Also Available COLD STORAGE FACILITIES CALL 725-0643 FOR FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY OSHAWA'S Maple Cleaners, 504 time. this modem unit guarantee you safe, efficient, odorless cleaning . . PUT SPRING BACK INTO YOUR CLOTHES -- ER, DRY CLEANING SERVICE Available at CLEANER LIMITED TIME ONLY ALL TYPES OF DRAPES 20% WHEN CLEANED NEWEST DRY CLEANING UNIT THE Pictured above is the big new dry cleoning unit just recently installed at Simcoe St. South. The precision automatic features of + every CALL MAPLE CLEANERS TODAY ! MAPLE CLEANERS 504 SIMCOE ST. S. PROFESSIONAL WAY FOR FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY PH. 725-0643

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