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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Mar 1965, p. 14

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In various forms, the great desire and expectation grew that the dead would return, that the white "claymen" soon would bestow on, or at least share with, the islanders the fabulous Bry 'oes" of goods for a life GRACE LUTHERAN PARK ROAD & HIGHWAY 401 Rev, Philip Fiess, Minister 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, March 20, 1968 The Paradox In Selma: Both Sides Claim God inightly, reported there has been scanty communication between Selma's white and Negro Chris- tians.. In 1954, Rev. C. Brown of a Negro Presbyterian church, got half a dozen ministers of the two races to meet together, but within two years, all the whites involved had left town. They "had been harassed with such things as twice-a-day arrests for speeding," the re- port says. Briefly in 1957, it added, white and Negro Baptists had a biracial committee directing a Negro community centre, but it 'Battleground Minister' Hints At His Retiring By DON HARVEY across his forehead. Faintly, he replied: TORONTO (CP) -- It was @! «1 can still preach a better week before Christmas, 1944, sermon than you." near a river just north of Ra- yenna, 50 miles east of Bologna SURVIVED THE WAR in Northern Italy. The wounded padre was Capt. Fragments from Germani(later Lt. Col.) The Rev, James mortar shells whistled through|Allan (Pops) Munro, one of rae Cae ins, Joann Two 5th (Canadian) Ar- n. Maj. Johns' i was the division's senior protes- moured Division medics scur- that chaplain, Padre Munro survived the war, and so did Padre Johnston, The battlefield incident was recalled here Wednesday night by Mr. Johnston, now pastor of Central Presbyterian Church at Brantford, Ont., as 150 clergy- men and their wives from across: Cacada attended a testi- monial banquet for Mr. Munro. Religion For Security Nothing But Idolatry with the return to life of the war years with tne Christianity- lead, supported dri Ghosts were white; va gage! rk i By GEORGE W. CORNELL AP RELIGION WRITER Sometimes, religion is recom- mended as the means of getting|white was associated -- confidence, inner|deatn, in Melanesia, widows security, and even rewards ofjpainted their faces clay-white career advancement and greater|for mourning. And now these earnings. white humans--Claymen--came But when religion is based on with their marvellous cargoes. motives of this kind, theologians} Gradually assorted = "proph- point out, it becomes idolatry-- ets" arose proclaiming the cult. a worship of success and self-/During the Second World War interest, rather than of God and it became associated with «°- pis purposes, taclysmic events, and in post- Oddly enough, although such distortions of faith occur subtly in a modern, educated society, a more simple, dramatic coun- terpart has flared lately on is- lands of the southwest Pacific. Generally, it is called the Selma, long before the recent; influx of Christian leaders from religious elsewhere, but with a different in Selma, Ala.,japproach to race relationships. Selma has far more than average for the and keen es-|United States; its church mem- bership - to - population ratio is one hand, devout/high. But like many congrega- Negroes, from many/|tions elsewhere, particularly in creeds, re|the old South, they are ra lly Pi em Boor ova separated. Selma has 36 white churches, of them Bap- UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 6 King Street East, Oshowo (upstairs) 723-6325 SUNDAY 10:00 A.M.--Sunday School 11:00 A\M.--Morning Worship 7:30 P.M.--Evongelistic Service strange Pha elements yielding} In fact results--both churches" ried, heads down, towards an ambulance parked out of range. Between them flapped a stret- cher, and on it lay the blood- soaked body of a Protestant chaplain who a short time earl- jer had gone to the front to cheer up the troops. : The medics lowered their bur- den ai the ambulance and Ma- SUNDAY SERVICES 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. DIVINE WORSHIP LENTEN WORSHIP WED, 7:30 P.M, Ee BF ¥ 8 ry i Churches, also mostly Baptist, 8:00 P.M, Wed. Bible Study in vails. It was dramatically demon- strated last Sunday when Prot- ro clergymen, both white were prevented from attending worship services in white Protestant churches there. White Methodist was turned Negro, away by white Methodist Brother in brother, even of the same color PRAY TOGETHER Yet, at eth gether. It presented trast. . The institutions of fty have functioned strongly in servative evange lical fort- faith rejected the same time, Bap- = Methodists, Roman Cath- cs and Ta- , .Espiscopalians therans, Negro and white, yed and sang hymns to- a curious con- Christian- Methodist and Presbyterian. The city's population is more 28,000. Selma's Mayor Joseph Smith- erman is an, active Baptist lay- man, Public Safety Director Wilson Baker is a former Lu- a town of much feljgion, sep- arated by color. But with the incursion of fel- low Christians, the dividing lines become blurred, and the religious implications put to the test. JOIN THE CAUSE Hundreds of white ministers, priests and rabbis have come into the city from elsewhere, even Canada, proclaiming that their religious faith demands that they join hands with Ne- groes in the cause of equal rights.. © Yet the same faith, as prac- tised by Selma whites, takes a difference stance. What is their method on the matter and their experience? After a study there, the mag- azine Christianity Today, @ con- Alabama RC Nuns, Priests With King 'MOBILE, Ala. (AP) -- The leader of the Mobile-Birming- Ham Catholic diocese has criti- ized Roman Catholic nuns and Oriests who have come to Selma to participate in civil rights ions. i "T do not believe priests are equipped to lead groups in dis- Obedience to the laws of this ;Toolen told a St. Patrick's Day banquet he has sought to promote fF ng vypoiry ol treatment for a 8 etlorts -!about conditions in the South? id| beavers who feel there is a holy Bishop Slaps But he said '"'many who con- demn us do not realize the real obstacles we are facing in our state." He said the nuns and priests theran ministerial student, It is! closed after the woman whose home it operated was re- ported to be a member of the National Association for the Ad- vancement of Colored People. |REACTION WAS SHARP A year and a half ago, the First Presbyterian Church de- cided to open its doors to Ne- groes, but after four Negro girls were seated in the church bal- cony, reaction was so sharp that the policy was reversed--over the objections of the pastor, Rev. John Newton. The Roman Catholic Edmund Fathers and the Sisters of St. Joseph, who operate a Catholic school and hospital in Selma, have worked extensively with Negroes. But the mission's three priests and eleven nuns, the report said, are considered "outsiders" by Selmans be- cause they came originally from the North. Now, however, other white clergymen have made the city a rallying point, under the ban- ner of Christianity, inking arms with Negro Christians of Selma, jor The Rev, G. Deane Johns- ton dropped beside the motion- less form: "Jim, how are you feeling? Are you hurt bad?" A trace of a_ smile flitted across the face of the wounded chaplain. Blood streamed from a deep cut where a mortar shell fragment had sliced board of Church in Canada. | Minister Says China Amazing SARNIA (CP)--Rev. Herbert Arrowsmith, general secretary of the Australian Bible Society, Wednesday night described sci- entific and cultural develop- ments in China and Russia as "quite amazing." Addressing the Sarnia branch of the Canadian Bible Society, Canon Arrowsmith said his main criticism was that Com- munist governments are afraid to have the Bible distributed eral assembly, The meets here in June. enter full-time church work, TRAVELLED WIDELY putation of being church. He has visited seas and has frequently crossed After the war, in 1948, Mr. Munro left his job as superin- tendent of the church's western missions headquarters at Sask- atoon and came to Toronto as secretary of the home missions the Presbyterian Now, at 65, he is "retiring." But already about half of the church's 49 presbyteries have nominated him to succeed Rev. Hugh MacMillan of Toronto as the next moderator of the gen- assembly Mr. Muuro began his minis- try at Rosetown, 70 miles south- west of Saskatoon, in the 1930s, Previously he had taught pub- lic school there. When the de- pression struck he decided to As secretary of the home mis- sions board, he earned the re- the most widely-travelled officer in the the church's missionary fields over- Cargo Cult, Containing traces both of pa- ganism and twisted Christianity, it is @ highly materialistic be- lief, which stresses the acquisi- tion of earthly goods as the means of power, prestige and paradise, Christian teachers serving in the area have increased efforts to curb its upsurge--in New Guinea, The Solomons, New Caledonia, Fiji and New He- brides. Recently the Evangelical Lu-| theran Church of New Guinea, at its biennial synod meeting, appealed to its 525 congregations to adopt a special "declaration of faith" repudiating the cult. Curiously, it was the coming of white Europeans to the Pa- cific islands that planted the germ of the idea for the Cargo Cult among the natives. As they observed the incom- ing cargoes of modern merchan- dise -- instruments, machines and devices which they had never seen before or even imag- ined--they developed the notion) ('me Today's World In the language of our time To the people of our time Concerning problems of our time To Unitarians, all doctrine and belief must stand the test of ZION CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Temporory Place of Worship: DR. S. J. PHILLIPS SCHOOL (Corner Rossland and Simcoe Sts,) PASTOR: REV. D, N. HABERMEHL, B.A., M.Th. 10:00 A.M. -- MORNING WORSHIP Nursery care provided during morning worship 7:00 P.M, -- EVENING SERVICE Tune in to CKLB ot 11 A.M. on alternating Sundays (Services of Chr, Ref. Churches in the Oshowo-oreo) ond at 9:15 reason. While not discarding the tested truths of tradition, it keeps abreast of modem knowledge. Pushing aside the veils of creed and dogma, Unitarians enlist the support of education and science that man may better understand and cooperate with his fellow man, 11 A.M.--MARCH 21 ial Chapel, a Ne declaring their faith binds them in common cause. jand assessed among their peo- " i »| ple "in the same way that the Glory, glory, hallelujah,")\----.-mn governments . , . have they sang, black and white,| Protestant, Catholic and Jew.| Sarl Marx read and assessed ish, in Selma's Brown Memo-|here." : gro Methodist! During a visit to China in 1959, His truth is|he said, he found 'a very fair \freedom for christian worship s of amny|but restrictions on propagation" kinds, marched together. And/of the faith. Christians, of Selma's whites) He saw '"'the same evidence mostly stayed apart. It was ajof liberty of worship but not of religious manifestation of unity propagation" during a visit to and division--in one holy name.| Russia 10 months ago. 4" church. marching on." And Christian Canada meeting with elders and sessions in all presbyteries from British Columbia to New- foundland. "There is hardly a member of our church who hasn't known or heard of Jim Munro," said Mr. Johnsion, "'and there isn't a premier of any province who doesn't know him well. He is loved and respected by numer- ous people both in our commun: fon and in other denominations as well." Speaker: MR. MURRAY SPARKES Theme: "The John Howard Society" UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP O.R.C. Building 100 Gibb St. (For Information call 723-2028) that cheir own. Miracle Ships would come in someday. | The products "were so sur-| prisingly different from any-| thing the natives had ever seen! that chey ascribed the creation! of them to a spiritual world,"| writes Italian scholar Vittorio) Lanternarj in a new book, The Religions of the Oppressed. | The fact that white men had charge of the cargoes combined with other impressions to link an outpouring of material riches have not asked permission to participate in the demonstra- ti jons. "Tt is customary to ask per- mission in such cases," he added, "What do they know I am afraid they are only eager cause." The archbishop said he has instructed Selma priests and nuns not to participate in the demonstrations. He also con- tended that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is "hurting the cause of the Negro rather than help- ing it." HOLLYWOOD thade special to help 'BOB THOMAS IN 'UNCLE 'Wins The Viewer ) By BOB THOMAS } HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Some television series sell themselves dthers have to be sold. Place The Man From U.N.C.L.E, in the latter category. The international spy thriller- oof had a rocky beginning, ving more for thrills than fing. It failed to generate much excitement in its early weeks, and the wise money was chalking the series up as & loser. 'But then the production minds gan finding their way through tortuous plot pathways, meanwhile injecting more of the bottled-in-Bond humor. NBC switched the show from Tues- day to Monday nights and rat- ings improved, Next season it is scheduled for Friday--in color. 'The young crowd began to embrace U.N.C.L.E, and, to stimulate this interest, MGM sent the stars, Robert Vaughn and David McCallum, to key cities. 'Industry sources credit these tours with playing a large part in achieving a renewal of U.N.C.L.E. for next season. 'McCallum, a Scottish actor with a distinguished acting background, seems at first tush an unlikely subject for ) sinew | teen-agers. Yet he draws them on the tours. What's more, he likes it. ARRANGES PROTECTION 'He says: 'It's rather exciting, really, as long as you are not in any particular danger. And I always assure myself that I have pro- per protection from the local po- ifee."" 'Still, his appearances can be Hazardous. For instance, in Dal- las he made the mistake of al- jg one girl to kiss his eek. The rest of the crowd wanted to follow suit. McCal- was pinned to a fence. and I tae jacket shredded before help} arrived. +McCallum, who had scored] impressively in European-made films such as Billy Budd, Freud and The Great Escape, was brought here by George Stevens te appear as Judas in the movie The Greatest Story Ever Told. Since he and his wife had a son| of schooling age (there are two) younger boys, too), he decided t@ settle down in Hollywood and try hia luck. Finally His luck was' good, his U.N.C.L.E. role as the Russian- born agent Illya giving him box- office value. He'll spend his va- cation from the series in Florida making an MGM movie, Around the World Under the Sea. Not the least part of McCal- lum's appeal to teen-agers may be his shaggy haircut, He bris- tles slightly when it is com- pared with that of "the Bea- tles." "T've had mine this way since 1957," he explains. BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Building Trades Accountants ciel Building Trace' __ NN, Chartered Accour | jorert eed Trustee 17 Bond Street] tants "Telephone 720-483). al East, Ten ea ROOK ARD JAMES BROOKS, Charter peocervest Suite 205W. Oshawa Shop- ping Centre. N and BUR plana 114 King 'awa; Ronald F. D. mond Burrows ,CA: 182 THICKSON RD. N. 728-0232 Kitchen cabinets. Furniture repairing. WS, Chartered Ac: ROWS ot East, O8tr| wilson, CA: &. Et 720-7554. | } | J a TEHL, WATERS and Co, OM ed Accountants, 728-7527) Oshanis Shopping Centre Suite 215E, AleX 0690; Whitby 668-4131. sare iS, BEADLE AND COW coer Accountants, Financial Trade hag od 187 King Street Bast, Oshawa, ina Ws-asoy) 8. 1» Hopkins, CAI mare, CA; E. Lukow, CA. | 7 LANDER AND CO.) f PRigi Cannes kewmege, semrenans| H. MecKO 7 ssepriede oi |ace TYPRS boli | repairs cr a ere Accoun-|model'ingy ch imneys, HORM. Ny a Osha sidewalk and concrete repairs. Ontarlo, Telephone 712-172. a 0. HALL, PERK'S 'and C countants, 34¥s King, fd 725-6537, David 6. Perkin ste, 987-4340, wi and General Alterations, rec. boards, floor, woll tiles, tion quoronteed. rooms, ¢! aT rant, @ P = rt hartered AC| Fi ee anit! 7 King a! \ jun t. Hall| P. 304 Bruce Street, arge 4 700 ie |and construction, RR au pentry ¥'§ Accounting i Keeping service, 725-0397, . Res: Compt Street West, Antiques WiDDEN CORWER, ane Senall Fur Siorg Ashburn. Onfarie. ___--- | Specializing in painting, files, rooms. Bree estimates. Sati anteed. Cal! 77-045. re-' The | a4. CABINET CO. | Vanities. Quality Carpentry epairs ceiling and arborite etc. Sotis- MeKOY 725-8576. end re 2774, Gord May. ___ rane rer NTS, roofing, and SME IMPROVEME 8 oe ec inting 1 Work gua! 78-26). fiat roofing 75-699), ERA'. repairs a modelling, caf ERA'. repsite and Tat cyt a istaction guer- 60S, ROOFING, pain jathing, Wevieting. ROOFING, pointing 1, Fieers and 'all kinds of repelrs. J. C- 3 \Mortgeges , MORTGAG LOANS Moneys for first mortgos® Interest at 7% Open Mortgages No Bonus No charge for yaluotions Mortgages and Agreements purche: Moneys Fost service. up- 26V2 King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 aired, Initby Available Low Interest Member Ontario ranteed. i repairs. . Roofing | rec. SECURITIES | de sed for second mortgages M. F. SWARTZ Mortgage Money Mortgage Brokers Association SUMMERLAND 112 Simeoe St. North | TV---Radio Repoirs city TV TOWERS, antennas, aise re All work : t UJ guaranteed, 511 Dean verve. Telephone 725-0500. Well Drilling--Diggin | 'ell Drilling--~-Digg a. machine spec! } e Ward, 204 Chestnut WELL DIGG! lin 30-inch file, W. Street West, Whitby, 668-298 nm 1--Women's Column | SSSMANENTS on special. Page Halr- PERMARENTS "Evenia, Tein - | 728-8363 2--Personal --g 2 ttt ft Te BS You Satisfied With Your Pai Coffee Truck Service? | if NOT CALL... | GORD' | FOOD SERVICE Owned & Operated by Envoy | Restaurant. Phone 728-7321 cializing in Fresh Hot Cof- eg 'Fish & Chips, Chicken, Hot Plates. A RE EE ---- Removal of supertiuous heir Marie Murduff . will be in op P2288 ee ee | | | Oshawa, Ontario - 725-3568 | sae Ex-Nazi Asks No Leniency ESSEN, West Germany (Reuters)--A former SS Nazi Elite Guard captain accused of 3,000 murders in wartime Rus- sia told a court Thursday that Nazi crimes were so terrible he did not want to ask for leniency. Albert Rapp, 56, former head of a special execution squad, admitted that he supervised the execution of mentally sick People and Jews. He said after the war and during his four years of pre-trial arrest, he had thought endlessly about his crimes. "One cannot be together with hundreds of massacred people for four years between the jag nine walls of a cell with- out being most deeply stirred," he said. -- He said he had to face up to the fact that he had contrib- uted toward the fact that Ger- many today stood under a ter- rible curse which would plague | generations to come. | The court was expected to reach its verdict on March 26. |The prosecutor has asked for a life sentence for Rapp. BRITISH ROAD TOLL LONDON (AP)--Road §acci- dents killed 7,820 people in Brit- ain last year, 898 more than in 1963. Injuries totalled 377,679 The total of 385,499 casualties was eight per cent higher than| last year, while motor. traffic increased 11 per cent in | oelling tile ane Barristers ae oe 728-660 G KELLY a. ae ELLY, Barris See. le Masi? 'ing siren! Bast. - Dial 8. eeleerence iw, BA, BCL+|JOHN'S Moving ea a bi V. Kelly, BA, 8° fesanane vem, Sir ifs ccna ad ae |S_ Ca y i Ban, Me rers, salictors. ine FURNITORS oe nawa) Re Og. Hillman, |for contracts. Call 725: hreys, BA, LLB. umpirnce:, 723-4326; | Caterers 1761, NHA funds avaliable. Pe 7 LLB, BAP can ac ate 150. Also jotary PUBIC | reais, 728-127/ or 723-5521. , 706, King Wests : sit 'iota ove" | Dentistry Steen eee "a 0 ee TEDO, Barristers, | BIALEK, be. C. By cO1B BON Hes Peas available ha Simcoe, Sree North, Sclicimorigaat 37 King Street 1, (Grd | app 02 cater for i East, ( fae 728-7330, Charlies ©: mcGibb' Qc) Bagar F. Bestedo, I > MANGAN @6., Solicitor. | press --akine = Proms joan. Office 14 King srel| Serato wast wa 728-8232. igs CREIGHTON, DRYNAN, Rm, Barristers, Solic Were. Commer North, MURDOCH, & nd THRIFTY! ' ES, THINK tors, Baye veevel and style changing. ce Bui ates. For appotatmen wa, wear, Hi eta "SPRING THOUGHTS" Classified Rates WORD ADS aah). I additional worn. secutive | Potting Solt " ee No-Damp 2c Glodiola Dust Vermiculite Garden Seeds Flower Seeds Lopping Sheors Face Sievert Brerne Rabbit Repel HS -- DEATHS ~ SOCIAL, NOTICES mm Plont Boxes $2.00 per insertion with 3 corte Sitonsl charge fet paid 7 days MORIAMS theo tor the first 26 words es each thereafter, pics Vic per ig verse 25 additional charge | paid within 7 coy. | r= and Se | ke ot CARDS OF TH first 35 Bech tor totter, with 2c sdditionsl charge if CONG EVE $2.10 per inch first 20 words (Word Ads' AUCTION SALES weh per NTS (Dispiay) $1 and s& each cnet 50 'tor the thereafter |down. Free és insertiee \Instruction Cartoge nn Storage and : ) Beserert rangers Open 43. other FONTIAE IHW, under" new, management PONTIAC INN, under new rasiegty acute Dental Surg |Dressmoking ding, Simet Se dente ioth, QC.| DRESSMARING All Kinds » of a quality WN ay and Supplies 16 CELINA ST. 723-113 7. days an see EST. 1909 iaaannes "5 | im? Call "Slim." OF eut them | TREE to writtrimates, 72-5118 OF | ¢ Dey $ MR. MERCHANT Oechawe r. 22, 23 and 24. Musiey etc, rooms and eon For|F. ' Street Ni 72 A R 7 ations, | 'tevoneble Rooting Compound Ove COOPER-SMITH co 9 2. per DO YOU KNOW THE MOST ECONOMICAL METHOD OF PUTTING YOUR SALES MESSAGE BEFORE GOOD PROSPECTS? 04: PER DAY Times Classified Ads CALL 723-3492 FOR DETAILS FOR LESS THAN P.M, (Back to God Hour, each Sunday) Branch of The Mother Church, Tho First Chrch of Christ Sclontat jassachusetts, FIRST CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNE 57 in Boston, SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11:00 A.M, SUNDAY SERVICE 11:00 A.M. "MATTER" Wed. Service (includes testimonies) 8 P.M. READING ROOM---CORNER ONTARIO AND BOND STS. Monday to Thursday--11:00 @.m, - 5:30 p.m, Friday 11:00 a.m. « 9:00 p.m. i M, Every Sundey |. 11:00 A.M.--FAMILY WORSHIP HOUR THURSDAY 6:30 P.M--C.Y.C, Ages 6-14 SS _ FREE METHODIST CHURCH 10:00 A.M..--SUNDAY SCHOOL 7:00 P.M.--FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR Wed, 6:30 P.M.--C.Y.G. 8:00 P.M.--Prayer Meeting end Official Board Fri, 8:00 P.M--F.M.Y. A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU Roisay" FREE METHODIST CHURCH 1042 Rossland Rd, W., Bast of Garrard PASTOR--MR, ROBERT BUCHANAN 10.00 A.M.SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.--MORNING SERVICE "BUT DELIVER US FROM EVIL" 7:00 P.M.--EVENING SERVICE an ; Sonar here SWEIRENGA issionor' f<] re y adion qndiane Fa Rind Sixth Nations Reserve new SUNDAY 6:30 P.M. -- F.M.Y. WEDNESDAY 8:00 P.M, -- Prayer and Bible Study , FAITH --- LUTHERAN CHURCH (Eastern Canada Synod) Pastor: THE REV. HENRY FISCHER 725-2755 SUNDAY, MARCH 21 at 9:45 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.--THE SERVICE MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING 91 Centre St. at Metcalf St. You Are Invited to Worship With Us REV. RICHARD J, BARKER, Minister 9:45: A.M.----Sunday School 11 A.M, and 7 P.M. HOME MISSION SUNDAY Speaker: REV. R. MONTGOMERY 6:30 P.M. -- PRAYER FELLOWSHIP 8:00 p.m.--Wed., Prayer Service YOUR MESSAGE WILL BE WELCOMED IN r 22,000 Homes DAILY FOR ONE YEAR IN THE ACTION MEDIUM THE SALVATION ARMY. Major & Mrs, Fred Lewis Corps Officers 133 Simtoe South TO SERVE GOD: SUNDAY, MARCH 21st 11:00 A.M.-HOLINESS MEETING 2:00 P.M.-SUNDAY SCHOOL 7:00 P.M.-SALVATION MEETING Tues. 2:30 P.M--Home League Wed, 8:00 P.M.--Bible Study "A Welcome Awaits You at the Army"

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