Coomera tee ices in tne forestry and inaus-ja close. fhe increases for some try departments. departments have been made Also planning major in- possible by cut-backs in others. creases in this area are the) The finance department-- finance department itself and|which has a regular staff bud- the Civil Service Commission.|get of $29,000,000 for the new Other agencies earmarked for|year--is increasings its special increased spending on expert|services budget to $347,800 from help are the National Energy|$208,500. An official said a large |Board and the Atlantic Devel-|part of the increase will go for opment Board. consultants needed by the But overall, the government's|treasury board. ¢ 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Merch 24, 1963 Oath Change Doctors Warned Ottawa Planning oe New Deal For Landowners : More Specialists Of Drug Danger o783.2.umere ecessary new federal government de- e Fo - 3 ] partments are planning to in- n Ex TO riation ctions OTTAWA (CP) -- The federal The associate director was\crease their' employment of food and drug directorate toldjcommenting on an article ap-| specialists 'from outside the : or els S manufacturers and distributors aes ak the current issue of| public service. , ' : ' drugs last sum-|the British Medical Journal in|} The spending estimates TORONTO (CP) -- The On-| He predicted doctors. will bejthe request to the legislature's) - of tetracycline é : ' sp g ) tario legislature passed a law stead 40 make heuse calls if|standing committee on high-| OTTAWA (CP)--Hubert Ba-|mer they must warn ie were Ps athe doctors are'tabled in the Commons Monday iw 'Sadhek elon uecinetaase Tuesday providing for tribunals|coroners' inves tigations con-|ways and tourism. danai, parliamentary secretary|the drugs might be harmful to pine not to give tetracycline|hy Finance Minister Gordon for or ie rot sineeae over ine on. Peniani to. negotiate settlements be-|tinue to second - guess doctors'| The government has indicated|to Citizenship Minister Nichol- pregnant women and their un-/drugs to pregnant women be-|the new fiscal year starting|° Pret ny es apant ¢ . ange hice nares ' tween expropriating authorities|decisions made in emergency|amendments to Ontario liquor|son, told the Commons Monday born children, and to patients|cause they might kill the|April 1, showed major in-|$104,972, Be ge or Pro-| The first oil well in North: and landowners. situations. legislation will be introduced|night the government will have|with kidney disorders. : or cause deformedicreases in expected charges for|fessional and special services iN) america was opened for bust Opposition members accused| He spoke for a government|during the current session and/to consider changes in the Citi-| Dr. L. 1. Pugsley, pesngess 4 ipa. professional and special serv-'the fiscal year now drawing to!ness in 1857 at Oil Springs. ' int. the Conservative government of|bill to establish a complaints|there have been reports Sun-|zenship Act relating to atheists. open of the baad ganna Dogs acting illegally and then pass-|committee within the College of|day sale of alcoholic beverages} He said in an adjournment Fay ay an or mien last Saty 21 ing retroactive laws later. Pre-|Physicians and Surgeons. The|may be permitted with meals. (debate the act may have to be|the drug aan othe rege: Male mier Robarts had announced a/bill was approved in principle.| Alcohol cropped up in other|amended in light of the Berg-|directing ant ' cris Bich commission to set value of land| Mr. Trotter said in mostilegislature business. Healt hjsma case, in which a Dutch-born ings in a % eir Er torare in Oxford County expropriated|cases involving allegations of|Minister Matthew Dymond saidjcouple was refused Canadian|serts and De anit cae the for a dam and admitted there|medical malpractice, the med-|the province has about 100,000\citizenship by the Cayuga| The ichakrgyil 8 ahi] was no legal authority for thelical profession itself shouldjalcoholics of whom 16,000 are|County court near Hamilton be- drugs shou Pat 4 | action. \judge the accused. women. cause they refused to take the|tered to any patients, y Kid | NDP Leader Donald MacDon-| The bill also allows the col-| During discussion of an actjoath of allegiance as a matter larly pregnant women, 1 on i ald said. the bill that passed|lege to take disciplinary action|to extend the rights of the On-jof principle. z _ |ney disorders are Lay the | Tuesday "'legalizes what was injagainst doctors criticized as in- tario Alcoholism and Drug Ad-| William Howe (NDP--Hamil-|tion should be exercise in ' e effect an illegal procedure."| competent. diction Foundation, Dr; Dymond ton South) said atheists and all|drugs' use during pp tinier Eighteen Liberals and seven _|said 8,194 Ontario alcoholics re-|others who do not belong to the| The tetracycline drugs, sold) New Democrats voted against|BRINGS IN BILL ceived treatment last year, |Christian and Jewish faiths|under a variety of trade names, the bill but there were 71 votes) Health Minister Matthew) Agriculture Minister William should not be required to take are antibiotics used to treat in-| for it. Dymond introduced a bill to|Stewart said farmers will be/an oath of allegiance ending fections such as boiis, pneu-| Attorney - General Arthurjrequire hospitals which take/given an extra 1% months to|with the words "so help me|monia and gonorrhea. They are Wishart, who moved the bill,|disciplinary action against doc-|apply for subsidies under the | God. i available, through doctors' pre- said the new procedure will pro-|tors to notify the College of|province's hay assistance policy| He called for a change in the| scriptions only, at drug stores vide a simple, informal way of|Physicians and Surgeons. of the) initiated last fall to help|Citizenship Act to permit these throughout Canada-and the determining land prices without! reasons for their action. drought - stricken farmers pay |Persons to. affirm their loyalty | United States. landowners having to hire law-| A second amendment to the) for transportation of hay to their|to Canada in a simple declara- yers. |Public Hospitals Act is de-|farms to feed livestock. |tion. He also asked the govern- . The cabinet will appoint the|signed to prevent unqualified) Farmers now will have unti};ment to pay for the Bergsma Life Sentence tribunals of two or more per-|persons from being employed|May 15 to make claims. |couple's legal costs if they ap-| sons. lin hospitals as internes, The bill| 'The department of agriculture|peal the Cayuga decision to the} wm | will require that internes be reg-|pays up to 75 per cent of the| Supreme Court of Canada. On Murder 2 SEES WITCH-HUNTS listered under the Medical Act.|transportation costs, or $10 a| Mr. Badanai, MP for Fort In other business, Liberal) The Legislature was asked to|ton of hay, whichever is less.|William, said the citizenship de-| BARRIE (CP)--Robert Stan- health critic James Trotter|permit sale of alcoholic bever-|The federal government pays an)partment is required by law tojley Ray, 17, of Barrie was sen- said some inquests involving ages on Sunday's and to elimin-|equal share. |support decisions of citizenship|tenced Tuesday to life impris- doctors during the last 1%,ate "dry" Ontario areas. The| Mr. Stewart said to date $365,-\courts. The department could|onment after he pleaded, guilty | years' have been little better |joint board of the Ontario/852 has been paid out on 3,670/hardly pay for an appeal of alto a reduced charge of non-| than witch-hunts. Travel Associations submittediclaims for assistance. jruling made on its behalf. capital murder. | ea aa 8 : a " Mr. Howe said the Bill of} Ray originally pleaded not SWEET TOOTH Rights guarantees freedom of|guilty to a charge of capital at SPROULE'S Super Save . SPECIALLY SELECTED -- TENDER BONELESS -- FOR ROASTING NO BONE tries every day. ligious affiliation. 43, here last July 17. ED THAT WONDERFUL BLUE BONNET FLAVOR: Léa Z M4 An H | Moscow's factories turn out/religion, This basic freedom in-|murder in the fatal knifing of} rissom oung ave 864 tons of candy and sweet pas-|cluded the right to have no re-jhis mother, Doris Mabel Ray, | Soothed American Ego By ARCH MacKENZIE |Russia just five days earlier Canadian Press Staff Writer |had dramatically upstaged the Astronauts Virgil (Gus) Gris-| whole show by sending an as- som and John Young have ap-|tronaut out in space on a tether. plied some balm to an Ameri-| This first of 10 manned Gem- can ego bruised by events atlini shots, a series costing home and abroad in recent! $3,500,000,000 and dogged by 18 days. |months of delays, still remained "Thank you, John. Goodby|a major feat in U.S. space Gus,"' President Johnson said| achievement. on national television after a| It was billed as historic be- four-minute telephone conversa-|cause the spacecraft Molly tion to extend to the first Amer-/Brown was manoeuvred in fean space twins the United/flight. If the Russians have States' "admiration and grati-|achieved the same thing, they tude." haven't said so. U.S. space offi- 3 Ib. ae. BREAKFAST BACON RED BRAND -- CHEF STYLE - FIRST 5 RIBS 'RED BRAND---TENDER-----WELL TRIMMEL SPECIALLY BLENDED FOR MEAT LOAVES lb. 79: LEG OF VEAL =. Sproule's Beef is Red Brand Beef--Canada's finest grade to assure Quality, Flavor, and GOLD VALLEY -- RINDLESS : RED BRAND--FRESH MINCED catgghianeaaes GROUND CHUCK ICE Or, as the pretty sales girl|cials say the Russians rarely said in tearing herself away|pass up any such opportunity. from her tiny TV set: 'This is one day I wouldn't mind miss- ing my pay." For more than the actual four hours and 54 minutes of astro- naut flight Tuesday, it was a time to forget about South Viet Nam or Alabama--or the fact Psychologically, Grissom and Young provided an overdue booster shot. Not since May 15, 1963, had an American astro- naut been in orbit, Since that time, seven Russians have or- bited, including three in one capsule. Critique Of Faith-Healing Criticized By Its Writer SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont. (CP)--A member of a 12-man |type being confused with those jactively engaged in the committee of the United|church's ministry of healing," Church of Canada which pre-jhe said in an interview. pared a study paper criticizing) 'The church is showing in- TURKEY LEGS th. 49. FRESH TASTY 5 3-LB. BAG 1.00 Wednesday Night, Thursday, Friday and-Saturday Nights till 10 o'clock @ AMPLE FREE OFF STREET PARKING @ OPEN TONIGHT TOMATO SOUP COMPARE at 23¢ -- CHOICE QUALITY CRUSHED OR TIDBITS PINEAPPLE DOLE FANCY 10-0Z, TIN 20-02. TINS 48.02. TIN PINEAPPLE JUICE 3% faith healing has himself crit-\creasing concern for the spirit- icized the report. ual, physical and mental well-| ; Rey, Alex Holmes, pastor of|being of the individual and the] | All - People's United Church) United Church's report in its here, said the paper was in-|present form gives general complete and not ready forjlines of guidance to ministers publishing. It also equatediand congregations," he quoted healers of the "itinerant evan-|the report. gelist type" with pastors in-| The report, written by Rev. volved in the church's ministry|Mervyn Dickinson of Toronto, of healing. criticises professional faith- There is danger of "so-called|healers and advocates active faith-healers of the sensational' discouragement of their efforts. Fill In This Free Coupon BABY BONUS DRAW Baby Bonus Cheque Is$.. Here's How To Double The Value Of Your Baby Bonus! Cash your Baby Bonus Cheque here. On March 27th, a draw will be held in our store. If your Name. 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FREE PACKS OF FLOWER SEEDS WITH MAPLE LEAF Cheese Slices 'icr 59c MAPLE LEAF CHED-R-SPRED"'§xy" 59¢ SAVE ON OSHAWA DAIRY 2% MILK FRESH DAILY 3-07. Age JUG PLUS DEPOSIT Florida Juicy . . . Size 96 GRAPEFRUIT) CARROTS 0 55:| = 10° FRUIT BASKETS ATTRACTIVELY MADE UP FOR ALL OCCASIONS j 2 a a y ie "[ miss you, too, Grandma." || | MARGARINE | | (But there's always Long Distance, One pound package of quarters for New! Foll-wrapped package contains -handy the next best thing to being there.) cane eas wa ik as a alae ae Pp gq SUPER SAVE | one of KING «1 RITSON ROAD, OSHAWA 20-0Z. BAG