24 THE OSHAWA Times, Wednesday, March 24, 1965 Pre AED rp co cag a Sian GSU, Sees HEADS CURLERS Frank Sargent, 62, a Port Arthur, Ont., businessman, has been elected 1965 presi- dent of the Dominion Curl- ing Association. is : --CP Photo f WD Z sia tiem i e . : UPL CESS EXTRA HEAVY ALUMINUM Scouts Given i, é "WATERLESS" COOKWARE ; ; Se ; * Fe paration of delicious meals, Camp Stove K Re Sr <a te te emma a, | : ' : : * Saves fuel and food --pays for itself. ORONO (TC) -- The Orone : h Ee i ld : ef y " ' if * i ys Bea 4 VERED ful Pris cook odds beauty fo Kitchen firefighters recently presented a Z ij e ' goss bax Kol ca er sigh wins compliments yeni cooking. prea three-burner camp stove to the Foods ore cooked the healthful woy -- in their ewn natural jvices over Orono Boy Scouts and Wolf "ag ' ee ae ey : ge , ; - Jaw hows ali plane supertly avead ts Goeemng Siemens 9h ied Cubs. The stove will be used y Sa ts é ' i pee es 2 4 j of cookware -- made te bring you @ lifetime of cooking pleasure. for camping outings during the summer. The Scouts and Cubs are well equipped having re- cently purchased a number of new tents. AUDLEY (TC) -- Keith Puckrin led the worship serv- ice at the meeting of the Hi-C Group. He was assisted by Roy Puckrin and Diane Carter. The theme of the program was "Choosing the High Road," which featured a discussion on : 4 eight questions relating to Chris- / q PHILIPS WESTI NGHOUSE tian life. | Rev. Keith Hawkes wil' be in i AY charge of the Sunday service. 4 ! $F 4 Rey. and Mrs. M. Buttars are ' fad? ST DRY spending a week visiting in Winnipeg. " / \ The sacrament of the Lord's| 74 Aa / Supper will be observed at 2.30) # if ' | RON p.m., April 4, Six young people| at? , j will become members of the # . . church. ne | Ivan Lulik, Toronto, and} : j James Kerr, West Hill, prac-| j Postel perfection In a light- "Royal Lady" Iron with big exrea Weave tised teaching at Audley School! % weight full. fectured port» 8 oz. capacity--uses plain ar, hao een ee last week under the direction of| Kk : : we big gga ag i Mrs. G. K. Pratt. J oble mixer, Superbly con- top water. Single easy-to- bes ih Tow Tite, EXTRA' § toured plastic with detach- read diol for wider range KEDRON (TC)--At the close | A able cord, thumb touch 3 mnrwmeninN of the morning service at Ked-| speed operation, extra 4 ee % Sherine ort vealed in 7 ? SPECIAL! ron United Church, Robert] lorge beaters, special hee! ke settings .ond 17 steam | : a sol alates ie , Dale was elected by the con- rest ond cutomotic beatér vents plus Wash 'n Wear gregation to serve as an elder] ¢ : : COOKS THE EASY -for six years. An induction] @ge elector. se diag : "LOW HEAT" WAY service will be held next Sun-| Mie oy veer] Ceads gut oe day. | a Ped ~ eliminetes The United Church Women| q ry ° iene 4 emote WLP RECORDS -White mer tr) | Spring" at 2 p.m., Mar, 27 in| & ° W hile they last am EM MARTIN Hi] i ee socio iis the church. The speaker will) i ap dah i : ; ee Laaialy wae 4 duces boss thesugh shrink- be D. Whitmore, a Toronto in-| terior decorator. / pf EXTRA SPECIAL- ae se eee Heads Named | Scenes " Al Hirt, The Return of Roger Miller, Petula Clark' and Jim Reeves. ORONO (TC)--Bob Hazelden| was elected chairman and Jack Moffat secretary at a meeting of the Clarke Township Centre| r, Long Play Records Committee at a recent meeting! at the Orono Rink. 7% Top Artists including Lawrence Welk, It was decided to set up two} : i Theresa Brewer, Kitty Kallen, Guy smaller: committees within the! ; Lombardo, Frankie Carle, Eydie f committee. Arnold Wade, of i Gorme, Russ Morgon, Mills Brothers or or Newtonville, was appointed) ; and many more. | SPONGES || iyi ore of the rare com- 8 to pack size of sponges 6 x 4x 2" 5 3° Assorted colours of ond6x4x 1", yellow, pink and 7 ] ¢ 7 , , OVAL DESIGN PIECRUST ENVELOPES 'LINING PAPER |. h a AR MIRROR MIRROR Ross Brown and Harold Rans- Size 12" x 60' and 18" x 40'. sotepks, Qe 2 for 57° ud iN Size 20 x 30" Size 16 x 22" to be appointed from the Dur- Attractive designed Here is another love- OIL PAINTINGS Coffee MUGS s ee mirror that - would : ly designed mirror anal TUMBLERS oe fit in beautifully in but only in a smaller ios ivi | i fe ham Central Agricultural Soci Insulated to keep drinks hot or cold. your Lyi Room, seats ety. The building committee is A large selec- tion to choose ll] 99 ¢ fom. ° or 67 to investigate the type and size| of building desirable. Roy Foster, of Kendal, was! appointed chairman of a| finance, committee. Other mem-| bers of the committee are: Rod| Carveth, Ray Dickson, Glenn| : Tennant, 0. W. Rolph, Mrs.| | Layerne Boyd and Mrs. M.| Snelders. The committee will) investigate the possible \means| of finance and also to ascertain| i possible grants for such a pro-| § ject. | Roy Foster, Arnold Wade, Doug. Allen and Bob Hazelden} were appointed to meet with) the Durham Agricultural Soci-| ety at its next meeting which| will be held in the very near] fut It wah pointed out that most} of the members of the commit- tee had}viewed the Cannington| Rink, finding it most -- : tory The next meeting of the major| committee will be called after the sub committees have se- cured iniormation sufficient enough to call si meeting: : ARNAAARARR AARRARARAARA NYLON HEAD LADIES' Lady Vanit LINEN TEA TOWELS PEARL NECKLACE AND SQUARES HALF APRONS PERCALE SHEETS . Btor87c EARRING SETS Size 27 x 27'. In oll colours 22 x32" Cotton Aprons in Fitted 2 Various s! 00s 57 4 for 97* vorious "tern 43° Sheels pity 2. 7 ioscan. ta vere tyles to choose c a INCOME TAX RETURNS Whitby 668-8252 : -- and colours, : TEA i apap Fitted --pouste 47 TOWELS 3 for 87 PEARL NECKLACES « Styles with 1} to' 6 rows 57 FLANNEL BACK WAFFLED FELT a tS crooks ak c Sheets SIZE TABLECLOTH Marvel CARPET PILLOW CASES BATH TOWELS PEARL EARRINGS Jacquard Towels and All Over Rose Pattern Bath Towels Match up with the Necklace which will moke an : attractive set. B) haz "29.07 |] == 97e| [BEE = 87e 23c__27c uy aovoven | COMPLETE CUSTOMER SATISFACTIO|