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Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Mar 1965, p. 14

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'i SE ONE SE LOL OEE be 94 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Merch 26, 1965 | Bowmanville Hospital Boosts Residence Rate vides for a general increase of; The board was told the archi- seven cents per hour effective|tects will study the maternity Mar. 1, 1965; an increase of six/floor and other sections of the} cents per hour effective Jan. 1,/hospital which will require re-, 1966 and six cents per hour ef-jnovation or expansion as the) fective Jan. 1, 1967. A $40 0s aig load increases. | It was agreed that capitaljsettlement to cover the perio ; ' { funds be ee available as fol-from November to February,,PLAN PARKING LOT lows: quip t 2 ittee,|1965, was also ratified. Spring work at the hospital) $9,000; property committee, $10, Other provisions of the con-,will include the creation of a) 000; grounds committee, $3,000|tract include: employees to have|parking lot on adjacent prop- and that a member of the diet-|one 15-minute rest period ratherjerty, landscaping east of the ary department be permitted to than one 10-minute rest period;|maternity wing to remove take a six month food super-|PSI Blue Plan to be madejwater, the construction of a visor course in September of|available with the hospital con- sidewalk around the new wing. this year. Approval was also|tributing 50 per cent of the sin- investigation of the resurfacing given to BOWMANVILLE -- The Me- morial Hospital Board, at its March meeting, gave approval to an increase of 10 per cent in residence rates. The in- crease will be 'effective April 1. the investment of(gle rate; Ontario Hospital Lifejof the north parking lot and pro- $5,000 in bonds. [Insurance be made available|vision for for 'with the hospital contributing/parking lots hos- CONTRACT RATIFIED 50 per cent of the premium.|pital. On the motion of Rex Walters) The contract will remain in Dr. Rundle, reporting for the and Dr, H. B. Rundle, the man-iforce until May 31, 1967. Im-jmedical committee and the joint agement committee's accept-/provements in fringe benefits conference, cited the desirabil- ance of union negotiations was will be made available to full- ity of moving a dictaphone ratified. The new contract pro-'time, non-union staff closer to the operating room.,| ---- sont --- ---- ithe possibility of nursing person- Church Pamphlet Queries lighting the some around {nel training in TV work and the endorsement of policy. whereby pre admission information| e 1 ' would be made available to pros-) Point, When Death 'Allowed' -- v:iv:,irpsven: ston: wins ' questionnaire covering the in- By TOD CURRIE \226, Cyril Garratt 222, Florence de Sebi required at time of LONDON (CP) -- At. what/Moore 221, Verna Sandford 218, 4 cig - esi 5 ee see | a Zalz s 2 2 ill t was agreed the public re- pont may. @ doctor, treating an rn en Bev. Childs ba lations chairman will continue pop ha bo ae 84 up the| 208 "Don 'Grant 216. Des. Den: to make periodic inspections of en | 'a att0-w oar 215. Harold Moore 214 203 the residence. that the local a Biorags 4 t|Helen Munns 214, Paul Frank|Bigh schools be advised of the! The nueean 4 posed. "a niet (214 Warne "Holter 211, Hazel hospital's willingness to provide! De a del gh og nd De th| Moore 211, Archie Bruce 206,\career_ information, that Hos: published today by the Church|Mary White 205, Jim White 202,|pital Day be held May 12 and Pr England assembly's board|Jenny Hewis 202, Judy Brooks|(ha! consideration be given 1 for social responsibilities |202, Millie Peggs 201 | by Traffic Death, First In Village MOOSONEE, Ont. This northern community about 800 persons, Cree Indians, Thursday re- | corded its first traffic fatality since motor vehicles began arriving here shortly completion of the Ontario Northland Railway in 1932 William Small, 32, a cook of at the Moose Factory Indian | hospital, seven miles east of here, was struck and_ killed a small passenger bus driven by Donald Blackurn of Moosonee. Small was -walking on the road after his motorized toboggan had broken down. There are about 60 motor vehicles in the area, which includes an RCAF base and five miles of roads Moose Factory was the sec- ond trading post built by the Hudson's Bay Company in 1672-73. Moosonee is about 10 miles south of the mouth of the Moose River on the southwest coast of James Bay and about 700 miles north of Toronto. Anglican Bishop James Watton of Timmins, who has lived in the north for many year's, said that the first mo- tor vehicle reached Moosonee "just after the railroad opened up and it was for con- struction purposes the possibility of a suitable pro- annual gram, that pre-admission forms! District Woodlot Project In Huron District HESPELER, Ont meeting of Woodlots (CP)--The the Association he authors, a group of em-) id by its code either to cure z ane ae ! bound. Oy as cotp be prepared and made avail-\has called for a pilot project to inent theologians, medical ex-or alleviate and certainly not perts and professors headed by;make things worse, but in such Dr. Robert Mortimer, 62, bishop!cases "the code does not of Exeter, discuss rather than|clearly prescribe the specific seek to answer the questionsjaction which is appropriate * they themselves present As for the law, the report t anc they They do suggest, however,jsuggests that if a doctor HT lig front entrance if they that the resources, apparatuS|came liable in an action for and skill of modern medicinejnegligence if he did not use a PURCHASES APPROVED c have made out of date presentirespiratory machine whenever The equipment committee was civil and church law on thelit was available, then "hos- authorized to spend up to $9,000! subject of prolonging life pitals might soon be ovet-t9 purchase S ehore: Wave Take The type of case the groupicharged with patients being chine for the physiotherapy de- had in mind was that of anjartificially kept alive whom nO partment, a spotlight and frretrievably unconscious pa- ' F4 tient who may spend months or years in a coma from which he can never recover The medical profession permission be given to local legal consequences, to lease Te crating room wheelchairs, | islis that it is up to the doctoritan: for the wards; patient tray (ie too take the responsibility. department; a set of cnitbeet | - bs aaa remain atin presses for the laundry jable for them to society, and, 1° was announced that the religions man would add, 10 »i)) pe taken in the near 'God." Whitby District Bowling Scores WHITBY LADIES' CANDY BOWLING LEAGUE Points for the day: Allsorts €, Gumdrops 2, Humbugs 1, steps the bylaws Thomas Lyle had conducted an| f : =e | For Brave investigation and that certain) gely Beans 1, Life Savers 3 "ied deficiencies had been pointed) Lollipops 2, Maple Buds 3 and) TORONTO (CP)--Two New out 1 mia tite © | Peppermints 0 York State park policemen and|i}i aaiit ig avedling phar fori --dfriples over 500: Isabel Moth- four Ontario residents will be tire drilis. fire prevention and| ersiii 437, Jean King 635, Margjawarded bronze medals and|fire fighting Bonsidaraiion willl Farquhar 634, Doreen Kehoelcitations for bravery, the On-\he given to a formal procedure 618, Sandra Lavanovich 584,\tario Humane Society an-tg be followed hrounhoat the Rose Peleshok 578, Soph - Dill-'nounced Thursday hospital in the event yf a fire} ling 577, Betty Pascoe 570, Alice' sgt James Rogers and pa-jor the need to evacuate the pa-| Anderson 556, Florence Moore trolman Joseph Boyd of the Ni-|tients | 556, Dorothy Brandt 537, Shit-jagara Frontier State Park po-; Harry Cryderman was named| ley Hicks 517, Marie Lintner|jice risked their lives in rescu-jchairman of the disaster com-| 516,. Sarah Vanstavern 513./ing a dog from a 300-foot deep|mitee. Other members of the| Sheila Villeneuve 509, Katie\gorge on the lower Niagara\committee are Dr. V. H Storey | _* 505 and Hazel Moore Rive: ~ \and Administrator B. Holden. ! able through doctor's offices for study prospective in-patients and that\province's woodlots pee Pee tane tin _ a di- miles east of Kitchener phone line in the area mended Wednesday night its and provincial -onservation association a membership of woodlot own ers in 10 counties from Brucejeral Hospital to Halton fu- the cost be borne by funds ture to consider the revising of|der the Agricultural Rehabilita- yinister ways of improving the about 10 recom that federal and The has The meeting here sent to ministers authorities formed in 1962 request be Their resolution calls for one might dare, for fear Of/tretcher with sides for the op-\Work force under the supervi sion of a professional forester,| a bomuie? stretcher with sides, steam|to conduct the pilot project. in The report's main conclusion/;etties croupette and oxygen\North "tray|about ----------=lalone to make the decisions--|qejivery carts for the dietary|Kitchener, which was said typ-| Township of! Dumfries 15 miles southeast lical of the forest land in south-| ern Ontario recommended un- The resolution tion and Development Act or by oive the suggestion 'vers g ge very 4. Thompson, of the Fire ' se ; 8 Medals Awarded Committee, said _ Fire Chiat ne, Minenbauthducnees autHorkties NO SAFETY DANCE THIS WEEK Next Dance April 10th, 1965 Singles over 200: Doreen Kehoe 271, Marg. Farquhar 257, 227; Sandra Labanovich 242, | 203; Soph Dilling 239, 22 Grace Sandford 237, Sheila Vil- Jeneuve 232, Dorothy Brandt 230, Isabel Mothersill 226, 223; Alice Anderson 221, Jean King 216, 214, 205; Florence Moore 210, Rose Peleshok 209 and Greta. McDonough 205 WHITBY MONDAY MIXED BOWLING March 22, 1965 Team standings: Rockets 26, Poker Chips 25, The Crackpots 24, Headpins 24, Woodpeckers 23, G-B Jays 22, Neighbors 18, Echoes 17, Whitby Cleaners 16, | Lucky Thirteens 16, Ringers 16, | County Bowl 15, Bassin's 14, Ko Ko Nuts 9, Union City 4 Triples over 600: Charlie Gill $46. (286, 225, 335); Isobel Moth- ersill 814 (287, 287, 240); Doug Rowden 789 (306, 217, 266); V. Jordan 764 (211, 278, 275); Jim Mifflin 736 (228, 275, 233); Ward Bick 705 (216, 207,- 282); Alice Hewis 704 (216, 240, 248); Earl Smith 700 (304, 22 John How- Jand 694 (271 Mery Bemis 694 (244, 2 Clarence Moore 684 (256 Richard Sandford 669 (: 4); Pete Ruttan 660 (204 Adair 655 (230, 253); Betty Pas- coe 646 (204, 220, 222); Mickey | McMaster 644 (212, 241); Marty Jordan 637 (226, 216); Bette Holter 625 (258), Keith Laun dry 620 (226, 220); Ron Childs 618 (229, 211); Bill Hewis 609 (256, 208); Clare Holter 608 (224, 230); Irma Vaughan 602 263 Games over 200 Vern Brooks 231, Beth Buote 229, Allin Hewis 228, Connie Denyer | SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE To Toronto's Carl Murphy and his "SABRES" featuring LARRY THOMPSON from Black's Harbor, New Brunswick RED BARN Huron, ,. a national eth) WHITBY PERSONALS Mrs. William Goverde and; Mr. and Mrs. John (Jack) After Chase co-| Clarke, Mrs. James Cronin were of Toronto, former) conveners for the 5th Whitby|Whitby residents and parents of] iliary card party mostly |John the Evangelist parish hall of Tuesday evening. The winners were: Mrs. Greg. Thursday. Best wishes are ex-| after Carter, Mrs, Shirley Robinson, tended to the celebrants. 'Mrs. Don Butts, Mrs. L. A. Wat- ters, Mrs, Hancock, Mrs. Betty | Forbes, Mrs.. Barton, Mrs. Betty \Steffler. Door prizes went to: Mrs. Wyatt, Mrs. Don Butts, Mrs. Bernice Heintzman, Mrs Ruth Spratt, Mrs. C. Wilson, Mrs. George Huntley, Mrs. Helen Greenfield, Mrs. Sylvia Goldrick, Mrs, Susan Laurence, Mrs. Rose Jones, Mrs. Ste Hamers, Mrs. Mrs. Pat {Maureen Wahrer, Mrs. Joyce Carr, and Mrs. Peggy Forres- ter. Winner of the draw waf Mrs. Hope Love Co-conveners wish to thank all) merchants: who donated prizes, all who assisted and attended. Miss Jacqueleen Linton, 904) Byron street north, celebrated her birthday Mar. 25 The twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Avard Wagner, Donna- Marie and Rhonda-Marie, cele-| \brated their second birthdays Mar Mrs. Andre Tremblay brated her birthday Monday. To 'celebrate. the occasion they dined at the Toronto Town and Country Wednesday and attend- ed the Maple Leaf hockey game 25. cele son of Mr. and Mrs Cassady, celebrated his Mar. 25 Harry Ww. M 13th birthday | eele Mat Margaret Town fifth birthday Little tbrated her 29 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Timms and their son, John Wayne, spent the weekend in Huntsville visiting her father OFFICER R. H patho Queen's Kingston Gen has been elected president of Inter Academy of Pathology learned Wednesday IS ACADEMY KINGSTON (CP)--Dr More, head of the joint ogy laboratories of University and vice the it was SUGGESTS TALKS OTTAWA (CP) Milton Klein, Liberal MP for Montreal (CP)-- |Cubs and Scouts Mother's Aux-| Mrs Ted Jeffreys, Mrs. George held at St.|Richardson and John Clarke all Whitby and Mrs. Gordon Davis, Hampton, celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary Friends of Fred Gale, John street, are sorry to learn that he is in the Oshawa General Hospital. Best wishes are extended to Mrs. Kathleen Sleeman, 211 Bowman avenue, who cele- brated her birthday Thursday. =. iam Holes PREF ANTI RABIES CLINIC PLANNED BOWMANVILLE Due to the increased incidence of rabies infection in Bow- manville and the immediate area surrounding the town, the Canada Department of Agriculture (Health of Ani mals Branch) in conjunction with the Town of Bowman- ville, will hold a free anti- rabies clinic in the near fu- ture. The date will be an- nounced next week Owners of all dogs and cats are urged to bring their animals to -this clinic for vaccination .Owners of pets outside of Bowmanville are also urged to take advan- tage of this opportunity. break-ins recently in the Gueen- plainly visible in the snow and|wood community and police are he was soon tracked down. checking to see if there is a, con- There have been a number ofinection. between the, incideeits. Prowler Nabbed | The man's footprints were | GREENWOOD -- Several resi- dents of the village joined forces Monday night to nab a youthful prowler following a cross-coun- try chase. | The intruder was first spotted| \by Mr. Frank Finlay and, armed with a heavy fireplace ipoker, took out after the culprit. |He was joined by neighbors and \later Ontario Provincial Police lfrom the Whitby Detachment. | au re 1 tale G : THIS WEEK -- The brave are never different -- only different looking. | THE BEST JOBS me... IZZA telephone 728-0192 EPI'S TO-NIGHT BOBBY KRIS And the Sensational IMPERIALS Dancing 9 p.m. 'til 1. Admission 1.75 - + ee TODAY AND GONE TOMORROW CLINT WALKER TOMMY SANDS - TECHNICOLOR® PANAVISION® FROM WARNER BINS, TOMORROW -- TODAY ONLY+ "HUSH, HUSIH SWEET CHARLCITTE" Adult Enterteinmem.t 2. ofl, SHOW ING! Check the Help Wanted Columns In Today's... OSHAWA TIMES FIRST OSHAWA SHOWING ! CD Cartier, suggested in the Com- mons Wednesday that Canada open talks with the United States on measures to stop the entry of hate propaganda fron U.S. racist External Affan Martin said he wil syn pathetic consideration PATROL SATURDAY, CLUB CAMELOT COUNTRY STYLE DANCING Dancing to NEIL MATTHEWS and his Ontario County Boys Featuring: @ June Eikhard -- fiddle @Gord Matthews--steel guitar @ Fred Townsend -- caller Admission ---- $2.50 per couple Tables -- Refreshments -- Free Parking ELECTRIFYUNG TERROR}! Be There Wihen "THE, EARTH DIES" SCREAMING" --with- WILLARD PA VIRGINIA F BILTMORE i$ PHONE 725-5833 EXPLOSIVE CONFLICT! WHITE MAN AGAINST RED MAN! Audie Murphy "APACHE RIFLES" in COLOR with MICHAEL DANTE LINDA LAWSON MARCH 27th King' St. E., Oshawa tKER ELD SAT. & SUNDA 1:30 P.M. DOORS OPEN 6:30 P.M. why the Cascade 40 electric water heating appliance can guarantee you all the hot water you'll ever need The Cascade 40 has two heating elements. The 1000 watt bottom element keeps 40 gallons of piping hot water on tap. The 3000 SADISTIC BLOODCURDLING COMEDIES Fine! ERTAINMEN AN ODEON THEATRE - PHONE 723.2843 Times: 2.15 - 4.40 - 7.00 - 9.20 - Last compliste show 9 p.m. Wii UO ing "ea The Giant Adventure Of The Great Southwest! watt top element surges into action to replace any hot water used---and to replace it FAST. For more information ask your hydro LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY -- InCo-operation With -- WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION AJAX HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION ...... . . . TELEPHONE 942-0500 PICKERING PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION .. . . ° ° * e ° ° . TELEPHONE TELEPHONE OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, PHONE 723-4624 668-5878 942-2930

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