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Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Mar 1965, p. 1

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he Oshawa Times Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department Ottawa pling for payment of Postage in Cash. Weather Report e Hometown Newspaper Ms : ahs Sunny today. Clear and very cold tonight. Of Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Bowmanville, Pickering and neighboring centres. Overcast forming Sunday. Low tonight-- 15. High 'Sunday--35. Ie Single Cony TWENTY-TWO PAGES S0¢ Per Week Home Delivered OSHAWA,. ONTARIO, SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1965 VOL. 94--No. 73 FBI Charges 4 Klansmen. Under Civil Rights Law MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP)-- , Alabama may seek first-degree murder indictments against four white men -- called Ku Klux Klansmen by President John- son--who are charged with con- . - spiracy in the ambush-slaying aa ae oh a vee bods of & rely Detroit civil rights 95403, Toots, Sherbrooke; j worker. Steeplechase at Aintree, Eng-|Hamilton; XKJ 78408, Mickey,|87414, Elizabeth, Trail, B.C.; ' 4 : j 6 tho evidins wares, land, won by Jay Trump. Seven/Toronto; ZRE 41487, Fast/ZXP 57678, Hard Rock, Wel- ' ? 't'm going to insist that we get Canadians won $60,000 each,|Money, Selkirk; XLL 68531,/land; ZSL 46458, L. Gwilliam, a first degree murder. indict- with tickets on second-place|Kelly, Hamilton; XMH 94387,| Yellowknife, N.W.T.; XLP 46004 ment," State Attorney-General Freddie, and eight Canadians |This Time, La Salle; and ZXL/Ed Molvu, Kaministikwia, Ont.; Richmond Flowers said Friday won $30,000 each with tickets on/62689, Pop West, Hamilton. XKQ 60604, Linda, Toronto; night, . Mr. Jones, who placed third. (No provincial designations|XLS 58295, Sibaulette, Alberta The 39-year-old Mrs, Viola The top-money winners were|were given by sweepstakes of-|(no hometown given); XML 67- Grecg Liss, white, mother of identified as follows, with ticket/ficials for the La Salle and Sel-|275, Record, Rinbey. : Dae, was. ihot $0. dail ane number, nom-de - plume and/kirk tickets. The Canadian al-| No provincial designation was Lavideicevo, Als @hile "Ge hometown: IMQ 52429, Coq/manac lists Selkirks in Mani-|given for the last holder, and Aisting dn & civ viata dilve: Cecile, Trois-Rivieres; ZXP 64-\toba, Prince Edward Island,|the Canadian Almanac does not Rowse sald, "Fro. whl 893, Scottie, Welland, ZSJ 92694,/Ontario and the Yukon Terri- list goon rege there Tye beard this ter, it ieee ee eee tg Nace like premeditated murder." [Reckly newspaper, THe Record) Conviction for first - degree American-Born Horse horny le murder in Alabama carries 7 either a death sentence or life | Total prize money won by| , 4 a imprisonment at the discretion s a 3 y ; N t onal' [Canadians exceeded the $1,700,- Three Ku Klux Klansmen rights worker from Detroit. they were to appear before Se jury. : Ins Tan aul raagd oy Plper jet ot aad bagel a 94 ovgne eee i ck: ; U.S. Commissioner Louise ANNOUNCES ARRESTS : : lto holders of tickets on the top| Charged with conspiracy in Mich., are escorted into the Carlton, 'Tha. duspects are The president announced the|tody by "FBI agents in the LONDON (CP) -- American-| The winner was beautifully three horses and more than] the rifle slaying of Mrs. federal building at Birming- (let "te right) Eugene arrests in Washington 16%4|Birmingham area, A U.S. come owned Jay, Trump won thejridden by amateur joc k e y/$440,000 to holders of tickets on} Viola Gregg Liuzzo, civil ham by FBI agents -- where hours after Mrs. Liuzzo, who|missioner set bail at $50,000 124th running of the Grand Na-|Crompton (Tommy) Smith of |non-starters or horses running tional Steeplechase today. |Middleburg, Va. jout of the money. These latter 19 Canadians Win Sweepstakes Cash and gai and La Salles in Ontario, Quebec and Manitoba.) Holders of $30,000 tickets on By THE CANADIAN PRESS |Spud Charlottetown; Four Canadians won prizes.o!/64959, Stella, Toronto. $150,000 each today in the Irish) The $60,000 winners were: Sweepstakes based on the run |ZZC 84126, Flyer, Willowdale, ning of the Grand National|Ont.; ZZB 86936, Mama's Boy, ATTORNEY-GENERAL Ala., William Orville Eaton, FLOWERS 41, of Bessemeo and Cullie Leroy Wilkins Jr., 21, of Fairfield, Ala. (AP Wirephoto) Thomas, 43, of Bessemeo, f grew up in the south, slumped/each, Thomas, Eaton and Rowe Scotland's Freddie was sec-| He brought Jay Trump over |prizes are based on the total over in the driver's seat of her|were released several hours car, a bullet in the temple. later when their lawyer posted ond and England's Mr. Jones|here last summer with the sole|amount of the pool but are ex- me yer po third, jobjective of winning the Grand|pected to be about $1,100 each. Freddie and Jay Trump|National. The combination had| A total of 439 Canadian-held fought out a grim battle through|twice won the Maryland Hunt |tickets were drawn earlier this the stretch, but Jay Trump held/cup, America's toughest/week in the international lot- on to a slim margin past the! steeplechase. itery held in a of hospitals | finish line. Jay Trump became the first|the Irish Republic. Freddie and Jay Trump were neliean r born, American- Called In Dismays' First top winner to be identi- V t P b | ite ' aa still fighting it out for the lead American = born, | American) sy vag Elizabeth Mackenzie] WOLG™E LODE | Montcomery, Ala. (AP) with three fences left. The field 47 Satie | That was still the order as ue af papi la 23-year-old nurse at a Char |The slaying of a white civi Lad tome: dtficlally ated ay lottetown Hospital, who held) VANCOUVER (CP)--A Van-|Tights worker in this deep south they jumped the third fence} from home, with Peacetown tir-|® _ ' rd e ._|state was called a tragic thing ote tae o poland whil ace "op pfhcial who Is by Governor George Wallace. ETS CLEAR RUN used-the 'noitde-plume Scottie alleged to have admitted knowl-| He said he was dismayed and "T was never more than 15/--named for his dog--said after a. of a fraudulent voters wi a ; " hearing of his win; 'I'm, just|list conspiracy is to be called) Robert M. Shelton Jr., an oe ie odes. said oing to pay a few bills." Mar- before the Nemetz commission|Imperial Wizard of the Klan, c Aras weeks F r on election list practices. _ Jealled the president a "damned At 'the second to last fence fence ahead. --~ Jay Trump won by thre Jay Trump and Freddie jumped jjeng quarters of a Jength. Mr. Tones| with three fences to go and he nearly killed me, He kept hang- ye wk lengths back, hing on and if he had taken the 4 Jay Trump, which was' 100 to last two fences as well as we en er 6 in the betting for the four (a he jrould have 'beaten Jay mile, -- struggle over 30) an ae a Sat F tough fences, won a purse of| 80 nce « $63,014 for owner Mre. Mary| Trump had to skip over a fallen e rom Stephenson of Cineinnati. |horse, Freddie, the red-hot favorite) "Jay Trump and I were get- at 7 to 2, picked up $7,022 for|ting awfully tired when we} ssem y second place and Mr. Jones, 50/reached that finish line." | to 1, $3,571 for third. Mrs, Stephenson fought her Rainbow Battle at 50 to 1, fin-|way through the crowd and ished fourth. ' jgave Tommy a big kiss. Union Man Murder 'Angers, Wallace The Selma - to - Montgomery march to dramatize alleged voter discrimination and police brutality in Alabama ended in a huge rally "before the state Capitol only a few hours before Mrs. Liuzzo was shot to death in a car about 25 miles west of Montgomery, HE'S ANGRY "I'm as angry as I can be," the governor said. "I felt so good when I went to bed. There had been no violenee and the crowd had dispersed in. an or- derly manner. I thought it was all over. Then this thing hap- pened." Wallace said that, "one of the main reasons I didn't want to allow the march at all was because of the possibility of something like this. It could happen any place in the coun- try. That's no excuse for it, of course, but it is the sort of fool- ish thing it is difficult to pro- tect against." House Committee Intends '2:,:7'i2: 3.2," om Federal Probe Of Klan It was understood some of the committee's large staff of in- vestigators were, or had been, in the South looking into activi- ties of the various Klan organ- izations. The president suggested con- gressional investigations and called for legislation to contrel the Klan in a statement an- nouncing that the FBI had ar- rested four Klansmen in the slaying of Mrs. Viola Gregg Liuzzo of Detroit in Alabama Si ee As ie . a JAY TRUMP' WINS GRAND steeplechase at Aintree, England. At left is Freddie, second by.three-fourths of a length. Jay Trump, owned by Mary C. Stephenson, of jenough to allow him the neces- |sary 10 days out of the coun-! Jay Trump, an American horse, crosses the finish line today to win the 124th run- ning of thi Grand National , ried 'but' with no children, he ; # clear 'run all the way.|red ¢ This was disclosed Friday by|liar" for his rematks about the store, ae sel, as an inquiry under Mr,!also criticized Johnson. : Justice Nathan Nemetz contin-| James Orange, a leader in ued into allegations of voting|the Negro voting-rights cam- bia during the 1963 federal elec-jambush slaying of Mrs. Viola tion. Gregg Liuzzo of Detroit would Mr. Locke also said the|>ring more street demonstra- tions of irregularities. He said) | We oat roma 4 -- the first phase of the inquiry|'ons about this, he said. will be halted temporary | Wallace said in an interview "certain i ation." way to say how sorry I am QUEBEC (CP) -- Premier} yee dntormation, lic 'ony about that fine woman being |Lesage said Friday Opposition esults of the police work shot down like that. Life simply my |brought before the Quebec eg-|formation for the inquiry." jislative assembly for , alleged) QUESTIONS COLUMNIST | ng m n WwW begets of that body's priv-| Ormond Turner, columnist Mr. Lesage had charged|m orning daily newspaper| /Thursday night that Mr. Dief-| whose stories promoted the in- jenbaker was "guilty of a flag-| quiry, was taken sentence - by- SAIGON (AP) -- A massive|captured Friday during a heli-jsembly privileges" in telling He was questioned at length ye vis is explosion believed set off by|copter assault in Quant Tri|the Commons that ideniget he Be. orgie oe : onlin WASHINGTON (AP) -- With Viet Cong frogmen today blew] province, 400 miles north at oe present an address to) published Feb. 22. The first|@ nudge from President John- ic i ship|Saigon. Two Vietnamese sol- eat ny pete : be de ; Soy decked st f canmeicielltiers were killed and three| are 1 foot ggg seniors "AL local union official has|un-American activities is ex- ' finaly btate reporters,| 45. ; mail ad ; : 2 | | 2 : privately admitted that at least/pected to vote..next week to pier at Da Nang. wounded. ladding that he wondereed|:i. WC atone Wave conspired! faunch » thateaveniiertion of A : : ges' ,{0 get NDP- candidates elected| the Ky Klux Klan. pounds of high explosives i-\ylanes are expected to be| covered by | his Parliamentary fraudulently by entering fic-| The committee.already had a jured one crew member slightly! brought to South Viet Nam to|immunity" in making his jtitines names on the voters'|*preliminary. inquiry" into the ; | lists."" age, and ripped a half dozen} roroes already here | The premier made his Fri-) yy. fe rid i i in di r Q ' | ' | Mr. Turner said he had not/dent suggested.Friday on na Py he ag aaa oe ee GIVE SUPPORT |day statement in answer bd {9 btained this information|tional radio.and television that An official spokesman in Sai-| er |question in the legislature from) qi-actiy from the union official] there be congressional investiga- gon said the LST was heavily|assigned to furnishing tactical) haniel Johnson. | 3 damaged, but did not sink. support to the combat infantry) | ars a : times|SPOKE IN COMMONS " despite an overnight city curfew! when most or all warplanes are) "Mr. Diefenbaker made _ his and rigid security precautions| gone from the field. Prdgum- statementyon the subject of the| throughout the area--site of the/ably, the marines want to havéjaddress after rising on a ques-) | now guarded by 4,000 U.S. Mar-| case of Communist attack. mons Thursday. ines and batteries of Hawk) 4 spokesman said the dam- He said he wanted to object) anti-aircraft missiles, aged LST's cargo has been un-|that an act before the Quebec) | Twelve U.S. Air Force B-57|. The big, steel landing ships|making the constitution a jet bombers raided suspectedjare being used routinely injable gyre ie ony 0 bo Viet Cong targets 50 milesjcarrying supplies to central British Parliament takes J one ia nena te © 8 sitated! d that no province is U.S. military spokesman saidjtransport was neces sitated/ Queen an hed se Wana, there were ne strikes againstisome months ago after theentitled to exercise this "sov North Viet Nam. Viet Cong cut the one road andjereign right. were killed and 12 wounded and! from the capital. P Pl 'Fearson Fians | ; s | NEWS HIGHLIGHTS Trip To Cyprus s CAMPBELLFORD, Ont. (CP)| Chelsea Reaches FA Cup Final Friday night he hopes to visit Canadians serving with United! to reach the final of the English Football Association Cup. n , s The other semi-final between Manchester United and Leeds ithe a _ during Parlia- resulted in a goalless tie. They will replay at Nottingham jment's Easter recess, Mr. Pearson made the State-| on May 1. tary club annual dinner. ! | He told reporters later that he| Lovers Lane Couple Shot To Death may also visit Canadian NATO TORONTO (CP) -- A policeman checking a lover's lane Soest, Germany. | Mr. Pearson emphasized, Edith M. Rankine, 41, both of Toronto, in a parked car. |however, that the trip is tenta- Police said the couple had been shot through the head. A: | : .22-calibre revolver was found in the car. Homicide detec- | Whether the recess will be long apparently shot Mrs. Rankine and then himself. They called try the incident a murder-suicide. The detectives said the couple The length of the recess will had been living together for nine years 4 |depend on how quickly the busi- i , rks at a Welland statione nav'ks "T caught up with Freddie|"® " C.-C. Locke, commission coun-|group. A Georgia Klan leader irregularities in British Colum-|paign at Selma, Ala., said the RCMP are investigating allega- tions. |while the RCMP investigate| Friday night that "there's no |Leader Diefenbaker cannot be|CoUld provide significant in-| Hoya not be that cheap." ileges. for The Province, Vancouver's) Hole In American Craft jrant violation of legislative as-| sentence through his articles. gaping holes in the hull of an the Queen. |paragraph read: |son, the House committee on The blast by an estimated 500/ Two squadrons of marine war|whether Mr. Diefenbaker "was| caused extensive interior dam- support the marine ground|ment on the address question. Klan under way when the presi- in the hull. The marine warplanes will be|provincial Opposition Leader] nut trom a third party. \tions. of the Klan. The blast was touched offiforce. There now are strategic Da Nang air base,|their own planes available in|tion of privilege in the Com-| } RAID VIET CONG loaded. legislature in connection with northwest of Saigon today. A|Viet Nam from Saigon. Ocean|form of an address to the! U.S. sources said 15 Viet Congjrailroad leading up the coast)~~------ |Prime Minister Pearson said| LONDON (Reuters) --. Liverpool beat Chelsea 2-0: today Nations forces on Cyprus and/ Forest. Wednesday. The final will be played at Wembley |nient during a specch to a Ro- bases at Marville, France, and! § early today found the bodies of Joseph Mykoluk, 49, and jtive because he is uncertain tives William Crawford and Irvine Crawford said Mykoluk ", 'ness of the Commons proceeds.| ¢ Thursday night. , ae NATIONAL Cincinnati, and ridden by Tommy Smith, of Middle- burg, Va., won $61,714 for the owner. (AP Wirephoto) | |Minneapolis, Prof. Sibley said: PM Bennett Faces Suit 'For Slander VICTORIA (CP)--The British Columbia legislature gave third and final reading Friday to a government bill removing George E. P. Jones from the government's purchasing com- mission, The move came only a few hours. after a writ for slander was issued in the B.C. Supreme Court in Vancouver against Premier W. A. C. Bennett on behalf of Mr, Jones. Mr. Jones told reporters in Victoria the writ involves state- ments allegedly made by the premier at a March 5 gather- ing in Victoria of Social Credit party members, The bill was passed 29 to 18 stormy debate in which Opposi- tion Leader Robert Strachan declared: 'We gave the Nazis jat Nuremburg better treatment after nearly two hours of/hood when officers A 19-year-old Selma Negro, Le: roy Moton, was beside her in the car when another auto pulled alongside and two shots were fired. They were return- ing to Montgomeny after ferry- ing a group of civil rights work- ers to Selma. She was en route back to pick up another group. The four men arrested were Eugene Thomas, 42, and Wil- liam Orville Eaton, 41, both of Bessemer; Gary Tommy Rowe Jr,, 34, of Birmingham; and Collie Leroy Wilkins Jr., 21, of Fairfield, Ala. bail. Wilkins remained in jail. He was convicted in federal court last November on a: charge of possessing an unregistered shot- gun, given a one-year and-a-day suspended sentence and placed on probation for two. years. R, Macey Taylor, an assistant US. district attorney, said the four were charged, with violat+ ing a 90-year-old federal statute for. conspiring .to_ deprive: an other person of his constitu- tional rights. Maximum. penalty The four were taken into cus- is 10 years jin prison, a $5,000 fine or both, ee Seven Policemen Beaten Up In Brick-Throwing Battle There were these other de- velopments on the racial scene: 1. Seven policemen were treated at a hospital in Water- bury, Conn., after a street fight broke out in a Negro neighbor- tried to make an arrest. Police said they were called "'segregation- ists" and other names by a crowd of from 150 to 200. Bottles than this." and bricks were thrown at the The premier said the -action |his suspension as commission jchairman last Oct. 2. The jcharges of unlawfully accepting benefits in two car purchases were thrown out by the courts. Mr. Jones is declared re- moved as a commissioner on last Oct. 8 but the bill offers him $15,675 and a pension in lieu of salary. The cash pay- ment works out months' salary, 'A NAKE DDISPLAY' Opposition Leader Strachan opened the debate by terming the bill.a "naked display of ar- rogant government power."' Gordon GQIBSON (L -- North |Vancouver) said it should be named the John Doe Act since it could affect the rights of all individuals in the province. Liberal Leader Ray Perrault said that if Mr. Jones is guilty of charges 'mentioned in the corridors of the legislature, he should not get a cent. "But if he is guiltless as he says he is, he should be Canada Lets Professor In WINNIPEG (CP)--The Voice of Women has welcomed news that Prof. Mulford Q. Sibley will be allowed to enter Can- ada without an immigration "This is what I expect from Canada--this is our tradition," Mrs. Beatrice Brigden, national vice-president, said Friday. Immigration Minister John Nicholson told-the Commons in Ottawa he had decided to use his ministerial allow entry to the University of strongly in and his men for their swift ac- tion after the slaying of Mrs. Liuzzo,"' Johnson said. close watch on who made the five-day, 50-mile discretion andjpilgrimage from Selma to officers. 2. A boycott at Negro Jack- son High School in Jonesboro, La., ended its third week with no solution in sight. The pupils are protesting what they call sub - standard facilities and courses. 3. Nineteen Syracuse Univer- sity students asked federal At- torney-General Nicholas Katz- enbach for federal: protection while in Jonesboro, La., help- ing reconstruct two Ne- to about 18/gro churches destroyed by fire Jan. 19. They plan to spend their spring vacation in the deep - south community. And Governor John McKeithen of Louisiana says he will go to Jonesboro to try personal. dip. lomacy with Negro students boycotting a school. April 15 was set as the ar raignment date for the four men arrested, MAKE THREATS Wilkins, who was dressed 'in a dark-brown shirt and black trousers, and Rowe, who was neatly garbed in a dark grey suit and white shirt, 'objected to photographers taking their pictures. Rowe lunged three times at photographers, once forcing an FBI agent to push him into a hastily opened door for a mo- ment, Another time when Rowe was ducking a cameraman he ap- peared to make a threatening gesture and said, "I'm fixing to bust one of them in the mouth." An FBI agent said, "Take it easy." Teamsters Union Airplane Took Murdered Woman Home Some hours after completion of the bail hearings in Birming- ham, a Teamsters union plane arrived body of Mrs. Liuzzo, wife of a Teamsters official. in Detroit with the The plane was sent to Mont- gomery on orders of Team- given|Sters President James R. Hoffa. a hearing." |SPEAKS ON TV The president announced the arrests of the four men on na- tional television and radio with FBI Director J, Edgar Hoover at his side. "I cannot express myself too praising Hoover Scores of FBI agents took part in the investigation that hearing. led to the arrests, The agents were in the Selma-Montgomery area because of racial troubles stemming from .a Negro voter- registration drive. also were keeping a the marchers They Montgomery, Federalized Ala- bama National Guardsmen and army troops called out by the president also were on duty. The White House said about one-half the National Guard units are expected to be re- turned to state control by mid- night tonight. Regular army units will be released "'as soon as practicable," Presidential Press Secretary George Reedy said. CALLS KLAN 'BIGOTS' In addition to announcing the arrests, Johnson described the Klan as '"'a hooded society of bigots," disloyal to the U.S. "Mrs, Liuzzo went to Ala- bama to serve the struggle for justice," he said, 'She was murdered by the enemies of justice, who for decades have used the rope and the gun, the tar and the feathers to terrorize their neighbors."" Robert M. Shelton Jr. -of Tuscaloosa, Ala.,' an imperial wizard of thé Klan, called the president a 'damned liar" for his remarks about the hooded organization. Minnesota professor, barred at Winnipeg airport last week |when he sought to fulfil a |speaking engagement. A _hear- ing had been scheduled for here Saturday. In a telephone interview from | "I was hoping happen. I'm minister should do this." He doubted he would be able jto come to Winnipeg for the scheduled speeches before the jond of June because of pressure jai work, that might THE TIMES today... Reports--21 Editorial--4 Financial--18 Parents Organize Protest March--Page 9 Red Cross Aims For $5,000 Target--Page 5 Bower - Crozier Battle It Oult--Page 6 Ann Landers--11 very pleased the|City News--9 Classified--16, 17 Comics--20 District Obits--i18 Sports--6, 7, 8 Television--20 Theatre--19 Whitby News--5 Women's--10, 11 Weather--2 PEE Sa eee TN aT

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