Minor Hockey Night Held At Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE -- Six cham-| pionships were decided at the Minor Hockey Night Wednesday night at the arena. The title games were sponsored by the Bowmanville Recreation Depart- ment, In championship the girls' " game the Corvettes defeated the Stingrays by 5 to 1. The top scorer for the Corvettes was Nancy Goodwin with three goals and one assist. The others went to Ginny Slemen with one goal, and Bonnie Simpson with one. Bea Ormiston had two assists while Wendy Closs had one as- sist. The Corvettes were handed one penalty in the game. The Stingrays' goals were scored by Marg Goyn, assisted by Karen Davis. The Stingrays picked up a total of two penalties. ATOM GAM 'E In the atom game the Royals defeated the Bombers in a real thriller, by 2 to 0. The Royals' goals were scored by Pearce Wilcox and Robbie Simpson John Vance, the' other by John|by Miss Jeanette Marsden, pres- Hamilton. The assists went tojident of the Teen Town to the Bruce Simpson one, John Ham-|Royals, The Royals were pre- ilton two, and Dave Shackelton|sented with championship crests one. There were a total of nine|by Mrs, Junkin of the Hockey penalties, five to the Flyers and|Mothers. Finalists crests were four to the Pirates, including a|presented to the Bombers by ten-minute misconduct to Dan-|Jim Coyle of the recreation nie Nowlan. jcommittee. Roy Meads, man- MIDGET FINAL ager of the Bowmanville Arena. In the midget final, the Comets|presented league winner crests defeated the BTS after four min-|to the Royals. utes of overtime by.the score of} Mrs. Barnes presented the 3 to 2. The Comets' goals were|"'Danny Barnes: Memorial Tro- scored by Paul Meadows assist-|phy" to the Rangers, winners of ed by Don Fenn and Tom Car-|the Pee Wee Series. His Wor- ter. Tom Carter picked up one|ship Mayor Ivan Hobbs of Bow- goal and Don Fenn scored the|manville presented the cham- winning goal. The BTS goals|pionship crests to the Rangers, were scored by Tuevo Pek-|while Don Gilhooly, chairman homen and Dennis Mandamin,|of the recreation committee, assisted by Garry Short. There|presented crests to the Leafs. were a total of 12 penalties|Jim Coyle, of the recreation handed out with BTS picking up|committee, presented league nine including a 10-minute mis-\leader crests to the Rangers. conduct to Fred Martin. The|/BANTAM TROPHY Comets' penalties all went to) The Bantam Series Trophy, minute misconduct and a game/presented to the Flyers by Five cases were 'heard before a judge's court of appeal yester- day with three appeals being dismissed. An appeal by Domand Hold- ngs Ltd., represented by the Guaranty Trust Company Ltd., of Oshawa, against assessment on the 'Metropolitan store was upheld. Judge Alex C. Hall reduced| the assessment of the building ay $16,000. The appeal asked the assessment be reduced by $32,- 900. Kenneth Inche of Central Park Blvd. south, had his as- sessment reduced by $285 on his house. after his appeal was up- held. . Mrs. Inche, representing her husband, told Judge Hall that since the Simcoe Hall Boys' Club had been built on across the road from her house, a parking lot had been establish- Wray Randell including a 10-\donated by Jack 'Miller, was) ed for parking cars. This park- Two Appeals Upheld, 3 Dismissed By Judge Hall ing lot was also across the street from her house. Mrs. Inche also said cars usec her. driveway to turn, slamme: their doors and honked thei horns at all hours of the night. An appeal by Tony Peleshoi of Farewell avenue, was dis missed when Judge Hall de cided that lowering of Pele shok's driveway as a result 0 a sidewalk being built in fron of his house was more of ¢ nuisance than an assessment problem. Judge Hall also dismissed an appeal by the city against a Court of Revision decision that said the Canadian Tire Store in the City did not deal in more than five branches of retail business. wood IS RARE Most of Canada's 12,000 Es- kimos, living on the mainland north of the tree-line. coasts or the Arctic islands, are Mr. Justice Roach Plans To Retire TORONTO (CP)--Mr, Justice Wilfrid Roach, best known for his inquiey into organized crime in 1962, is retiring after 7 years in the Ontario Su- areme and Appeal courts. He and his wife, Gertrude, 'eft teday for a vacation in Tlorida after attending a fare- vell party at Osgoode Hall Thursday. Mandatory age for retirement of Ontario Supreme Court jus- 'ices is 75. Mr. Justice Roach 's 73, "I chose to retire," he said in an interview. "I want some time to absorb the sun."* The white-haired and some- times sharp -. tongued justive headed Ontario's royal com- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Merch 27,1965 2] "The - ier and ---- did_when he first ascended the i work bench, he said. 2 ce cade more mission into crime in 1962. In 1951, he headed an inves- tigation into the dismissal of Det. J. Allen Rush from the London, Ont., police depart- ment, NOW HEAVIER Judges now have a much more arduous task than they i E.M.O. and INDUSTRY RESCUE TRAINING Tues., 7.:30 p.m.-- Oshewa Airport information 668-8881 Ext. 217 deys 725-2112 Nights FOR THE FINEST Custom Made DRAPES in the Latest Shades and Fabrics M & Ceo: GOODS & DRAPERIES 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 TRACKS EXPERTLY INSTALLED | | | | | i! with Kerry Noble picking up| misconduct. Mayor Ivan Hobbs of Bowman-| OPEN TONIGHT the assist. The Bombers gave it} In the juvenile final, the) ville, Paul Chant of the recrea-| , a real all-out effort but just| Canucks upset the Mount Royals|tion committee presented the! could not put the puck past the|by 3 to 2. The goal scorers for winning crests. to the Leafs; | Royals' goaltender. The Bomb-|the Canucks were Gug Parks,|while Mayor Ivan Hobbs pre-| ers and the Royals each had one|John Connors and Bruce) sented crests to the Pirates. Mr. penalty. Meadows with assists going to|Chant presented league winner | In the pee wee final, the Ran-|Larry Simpson, John' Walters|crests to the Pee Wee All-Stars. gers edged the Leafs by 1 to 0/and Bruce Meadows. The Can-| Ralph Kelly, of Bowmanville | on a goal by Robert Harness at|ycks had three penalties. The|Lions Club, presented the Lions | the 11.15 mark of the first|Mount Royals' goals were|Club Trophy to the Comets,| period. Once again the Leafs|scored 'by Terry Devitt and)champions of the Midget Se- had plenty of good scoring|Larry Hellam; while Bill Sum-jries. Comets received cham-| chances but failed to put the|mersford had one assist. The/pionship crests from Ed Rundle | puck in the net. There were five| Mount Royals had a total of six|and the finalists, Ontario Train-| penalties in the game with the) penalties. ling School of Bowmanville, re-| Leafs picking up three. TROPHIES PRESENTED ceived crests from Paul Chant. In the bantam final, the Fly-| Mrs. V. E. Junkin, president/Mr. Chant also _presented/ ers scored two late 'second|of the Hockey Mothers' Associ-jcrests to the Bantam All-Stars, | period goals to earn a 4 to 2lation, presented the Hockey|league leaders of the Midget win over the Pirates. The|Mothers' Trophy to Wendy/|Series, Pirates opened the scoring on a/Closs, captain of the Corvettes} Mrs. M. Jeffrey, president of goal by David Robinson but/and coached by Mrs. Dorijthe Memorial Park Association Bruce Welsh got that one back|simpson. Mrs, Betty Forsey|presented the Bill Mutton Tro- at the 4.30 mark. Bruce Welsh|.presented the championship|phy to the Canuck , winners of got his second goal at the 8.30|crests to the Corvettes and Mrs.|the Juvenile Final. Don Gil-| mark, to put the Flyers in front.|Junkin to the finalists, Stin-/hooly, of the Recreation Com Then at the 12.30 mark Paullgrays, coached by Mrs. Joanjmittee, presented the Canucks Parry scored on a_ long shot/Simpson. Bud Perfect, c hiefiwith championship crests; from just inside the blue line to| supervisor, presented the league while Ted Fairey, vice-chair- score the tieing goal. In the sec-|winner crests to the Corvettes. |man of the Recreation Com- ond period the Flyers scored| The Teen Town Trophy, for|mittee, presented the Mount) two unanswered goals, one by the Atom Series, was presented!Royals with crests, FUNERAL OF | JAMES ORR |Sabljic, M. Sabljic, M. Funeral service for James|and John Plavetic. | | * Even Elephants Can't Remember All The Changes in the If pochyderms have problems, how about people? The easy COMPLETE onswer--toke your return RETURNS fo BLOCK. Our system of checking every return means UP GUARANTEE = We g prep of every tox return, If {| we moke ony errors thet cost you ony penalty or interest, j we will poy the p or interest. IN MEMORIAM -- oe MATTHEWS -- In loving memory of & H-R 3Lexealreco. ar mother and grandmother, Beatrice i FEET " NORTH AMERICA'S LARGEST TAX SERVICE i : . \d lovic, Joseph Domitrovic, John Matthews, who passed away March 27, Prsklo| 1964 WEEKDAYS 9 A.M. - 9 P.M.--SATURDAYS 9 A.M.-5 P.M. We lost a mother with a heart of gold, Who was more to us. than wealth untold. PHONE 725-6322 NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY Without farewell she fell asleep, CALL US.. Orr, 143 Gibbons street, who} sips viona SARAH COX | witn'only memories for us to keep. for Prompt died Wednesday at Oshawa Gen-| |--Lovingly remembered by son Terry, you will receive every legit- imate deduction. Come in today, eral Hospital, was held Friday) The death occurred yesterday |5. Ps a ect pe A eye at the Mcintosh - Anderson|at Oshawa General Hospital Of|ters. Teresa, Joanne Le A Arua |Mrs. Viola Sarah Cox, 887 Mas- Per ee. tote of Calvary|S0n street. She was in her 62nd the| year. --_-- nell gecemgety Pat The former Miss Viola Arm- awa Union Cemetery. strong, she was the daughter of Pallbearers were William|the late Mr. and Mrs. William Armstrong, She was born in i ita brag ram July, 1903, at Peterborough. She Leonard Goldsmith and Sidney|@d lived in the Oshawa vicin- Bradley. . lity for the last 20 years. Her husband, Roy Allen Cox, | CHARLES G. CHURCHILL ' wed - 1955. ' ones BOWMANVILLE -- The deat She leaves a daughter, Mrs.|o0¥ loving Saviour. ss occurred Friday, March 26, fol-|Richard Mason (Loraine) of| strong'in the Lord' end wate" lowing a lengthy sickness, at the Allison, Ontario; a son, Alvin sehne | Bowmanville Memorial' Hospi-|Cox, of Bowmanville; four sis-|dear wite and nana: Mick tin anol tal, of Charles George Church-jters, Mrs. Garbet Fleetwood!passed away March 27, 1951, | ill' RR 3, Bowmanville, Mr.|(Getaldine), Mrs. William Mac-| §2n6,"om us but leaving memories Churchill was in his 81st year. |Donald (Gladys), Mrs. Gordon| Memories that will pl 'A son of the late Mr. and Mrs.|Repath (Honey) and Mrs. Sybil) While upon this earth we stay Robert Churchill, he was born at } D Richardson. or, Poedeal husband, Mark, Doug Brighton, England. Coming to Canada in 1906, he worked for a She was pre-deceased by one) brother Alvin Armstrong. There} time at the Beardmore Tannery in Acton, Ont. He later farmed are seven grandchildren. | SHOULD A MEMORIAL Funeral will be from the| 1° lost for centuries be requir- in the Pontypool area before|Armstrong Funeral Home on| ¢4: The best choice is our moving to Bowmanville where|March 29 with the Rev. H. A.| MATTHEWS BRONZE he worked for the Goodyear Tire ante po sofia United courteous advice always and Rubber Co. |Church officiating. The body Mr. Churchill enlisted in the) will be cremated. MOUNT LAWN Canadian Expeditionary Force; eGR gas: ildaatignviadtabn amare Te OMe MEMORIAL PARK in 1914 and served overseas| NEWS IN BRIEF 723-2633 until the-end of the First World) War. | FIND EYE DISEASE He was a member of the) TORONTO (CP)--A check of CARD OF THANKS Church of England and of the|3,000 industrial workers in sub-| Independent Order of Odd Fel-)urban Etobicoke has uncovered] BOWEN -- | would like to exp ess my lows Lodge at Bowmanville. (25 cases of glaucoma, an eye\yi"y Sincere appracivion of the many Predeceased by his wife, the|disease that causes blindness, Fate Ohare Gl Wate Tk" ane former Emily Sarah Moses, Mr.|the township's medical officer|and the Physiotherapy personnel, curing Churchill is survived by three|of health said Wednesday. ee ee ee rere, sisters, Mrs, Sidney E. Barnes) HOPES FOR SPEED ' (Mabel) of Oshawa, Mrs. Reg-| OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Min- inald Hall (Ada) of St. Cath-jister Pearson said Thursday he arines and Mrs. Carl Sheppard/hopes a study of price incre (Rose) of Toronto and thre€\phy the Economic Council brothers, Robert Churchill Canada will be completed with|Wonderful. The' gifts and floral t ibutes | of Bowmanville, Frederick/the jeast possible delay." New|trom trlends and te-atives nnd to at! wno| Churchill 'of Oshawa and Ernest/pemocratic Leader Douglas|visited. Special thanks to Rev Borker of| Churchill of St. Catharines. had asked in the Commons|'® "hristien Missionary Alliance Church The funeral service will be\whether Mr. Pearson has C0ti| ee | bel iy de hea Ags sidered giving the council more/by Council Chairman Jobn| 5 » al ' jstaff with which to make the|Deutsch that it would take sev- March 29. Interment will be in study in view of remarks'eral months Bowmanville Cemetery. Sil ERE od : isis FRANCIS MARK BARNARD The death of Francis Mark Barnard occurred suddenly to- day at the family residence, 226! Toronto avenue. He was in his 66th year. He was born in Brantford, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barnard. Mr. Barnard had been a resi- dent of Oshawa for 17 years and had been employed in the Oshawa General storeroom for six years. He is survived by his wife, the former Betty Schilter, and a brother, Giles, of Ottawa. The remains are at the Armstrong Funeral Home for the funeral service which will be held in the chapel Monday. | Rev. H. Dyck, of Albert Street | United Church, will conduct the/ service and interment will be in} Union Cemetery, Oshawa. Friends are asked not to call| at the funeral home before Sun- | day afternoon. JOSEPH NESTIC The funeral took place yester- day of Joseph Nestic, 148 Tre-| sane street, who died at the) Oshawa General Hospital on, March 23, He was in his 44th! year. Funeral was from the Arm-| strong Funeral Home with High| Requiem Mass at Holy Cross Church. Burial was at Resur- rection Cemetery. Pallbearers were: Joseph Ab-| ) PEDWELL -- In loving memory of a dear wife, mother, gr and great-grandmother, Eva M. Pedwell, who passed away March 27, 1962 Only God knows the loss we have! suffered, | Jesus' own words, | think most com-| torting, | "| go to prepare @ place for you, and| Where | am, there you may be also'. | We are-tonging for this-wonderful | meeting | | Where there will be fo more Parting or sorrow, | We have this assurance from . Jesus| Christ | | | | ~gri | Specially Low Priced! Elaine Dresses Of Sanforized, Mercerized Woven Combed Colton. Misses' and Half Sizes A--Shirt-waister buttoning to below waist, Colour-of-gold, blue or red with black-and-white stripes. Wide stripe as illustrated in sizes 12 to 18, narrower stripe in 14% to 20%. 723-2245 "COMPOUNDING YOUR PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTION IS OUR PROFESSION" Qury & Lovell "PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS" OSHAWA WHITBY BOWMANVILLE "WE SEND MEDICINE TO EUROPE" B--Pleated panels, mock bodice pockets, back kick pleat. Zipper-closing to below waist at back. Red, blue or maize checks with white. Sizes 14 to 20. 4.99 PHONE 725-7373 --Aima' Bowen, Orono C--Striped sheath, scooped neck, diagonal bodice stripes. Zipper closing to below waist at back. Narrow blue, brown or ruby stripes with white con- trast. Sizes 1614 to 22/0, SPECIAL, QOOR cecsicccchiesassscvreevens RUSSELL -- |! would like to take the opportunity to thank Doctors King and scan |Handisides for their kind care while in ASCS|hospital these past few weeks, also the Of|nurses and staff of 3B, who were simply EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 209 --Stella Russell; | Special Offer! Maternity Briefs Reg. 1.191 "It's The Talk of the Whole City" Don't Miss The Oshawa Kiwanis Club ONSTER RADIO 2 EATON'S Says... Look Your Best for Easter ! See the Wide Array of Exciting New Millinery, Suits, Coats and Dresses Arriving Daily in EATON'S Fashion Depts. Fine quality rayon tricot with $-t-r-e-t-e-h 'Helanca' panel. Styled for comfort with elasticized waistband, and banded leg edges. White in sizes small, medium or large. 71 Dan "Helanca' & Nylon front WN Jo SPECIAL, each Over Radio Station C.K.L.B. on Wednesday, April 7th See the list of attractive articles in the Oshawa Times, Tuesday April 6th. +e SBS ves & EATON'S UPPER LEVEL,, DEPT. 209 PHONE 725-7373 Open Thursday and Friday Nights Until 9