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Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Mar 1965, p. 14

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| MPs Display - Partianship fund. The Conservatives chal- lenged the Deputy Speaker's 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, March 29, 1965 OTTAWA (CP)--George Mc- raith, Privy Council president and government House leader injruling but were voted down 84 the Commons, was praising 4 to 37. spirit of co-operation in the!. The government already had House at one point Friday. (absorbed one recent setback on Today or early this week hejthe plan. That came when Cred- may have to use the stick of itiste members won wide Oppo- extended sitting hours to see|sition support for their conten- whether he can get a littlejtion that there should be no more of it. further action on the bill until Answering tributes for thejhearings held by a_ Senate- 25th anniversary of his election|Commons committee had been to the Commons Friday, Mr. translated into French. The gov- Mcliraith said it was '"refresh-jernment bowed to this and ing to see the capacity of the translators worked around the House to come together," onjclock through the weekend to something. jhave the translation ready for But with the issue that mo-|last Monday. mentarily broke down party; They made it and committee barriers out of the way, 'he --, cob vod bill continued start- Commons resumed its usual|ing Tuesday partisan identity on study of|BROUGHT REACTION the Canada Pension Plan bili) Slow progress of the bill ap- at the final stage of third read-|parently was responsible for aj ing. government reaction -- scrving} Opposition Leader Diefen- notice of consideration that sit-| baker promptly proposed an|ting hours could be extended. CHURCH SCORNS SHROUDISTS 'Fainting Theory Called Nonsense "J would rather accept the word of eyewitnesses than spec- ulation 2,000 years later," he said. Rey. Frank Stone, director of the Catholic Information Centre said the foundation's theory is "shot down by the fact that it jdoesn't explain why the Chris- 7 tian community should have fenian" Church int Canada, the|Such ® solid belief in the resur- Anglican Church of Canada,|Fection. ae and the Roman Catholic Church) Rev. Allan Farris, professor all said Christ literally died and|of theology at Knox Presbyter- later rose from the dead ian College, said: Early this week, Dr. J. G,| "We have to take evidence Bourne, a senior anaesthesist|from the only documents avail- at a London hospital, saidjable--the gospels." Christ merely fainted on the} ~~ pg later recovered from) Rod and Gun Club Meets TORONTO (CP)--A claim by the Internationa! Foundation for the Holy Shroud, with head- quarters in London, that Christ merely fainted and didn't die on the Cross was called non- sense here Friday, Spokesmen for the United Reporter Tries 'Viet Gas', 208 THOMAS IN HOLLYWOOD | Sunset Boulevard Quote Might Have Been Maes And Prefers It To Bullets, SALT LAKE CITY (AP)--Iriot, CS, M7A2." He tossed it a; got a heavy dose Friday of the/few feet from me and it popped) tear-nausea gas that is causing/like a firecracker. i a world-wide furor because the! Grey smoke spewed from the, United States has supplied the|grenade. 1 moved into the} stuff for use against Commu-/smoke and breathed. It was like) nists in Viet Nam. linhaling pepper and_ fire. the gas has been used to com-|stomach with ballbat impact.) bat the Viet Cong is situations|My cheeks stung and my eyeS|in. faded film star Norma |Desmond baroque classic, Sunset Boule- \vard. The role was played by where innocent people might beached. hurt if guns were used 1 was in the gas cloud for After my experience with the|possibly 10 seconds, coughing gas, I can report that I preferjand retching. | it to being shot or shelled. | The single thought that struck I can also report that I)me after getting one sniff of the haven't been so sick since I ate|stuff was to get out of there. some stew I cooked as a boy!But where to go? scout My burning eyes would not The Pentagon told The Desertjopen. I ran, took a breath and have been used in Viet Nam. /tain air. But that didn't end my| They are "CS," a choking!discomfort. tear gas which also has nausea effects, "CM," or common tear|smarting eyeballs remained for gas and "DM," a pepper-like ir-/another 15 to 30 minutes. ritant gas I'd had no breakfast, so the) A Utah national guard officer|experience wasn't as awful as it] reported that two cannisters of}could have been "CS" gas were available. We 1 He based his opinion on in- vestigations of patients who fainted under general anaes- thesia while in dentists' chairs PHOTOGRAPH SHROUD PORT PERRY (TC) -- Rea-) The foundation has severalsons for the use of waiver) photographs taken of a shroud|forms for all junior members| kept in the Roman Catholic| were explained by Joe Draper| amendment that would have| Last Thursday the Commons sent the whole bill back into|Sat until 11 p.m., an nour later the committee stage for an-|than usual. Three adjournment} other two weeks. It had just/debates ran the clock to 11:25 finished some three weeks there|P-m. before the sitting ended.| undergoing clause - by - clause! study. RULED IT OUT Deputy Speaker Lucien Lam-|sitting week by some 15 oreux ruled the proposal was; Unless there is faster action out of order, saying it wouldjon the pension bill, entail expenditure of money.}government wants to clear up} Only cabinet ministers can pro-|along with the formula to allow! pose such spending. jprovinces to stay out of some Mr. Diefenbaker claimed the/federal - provincial programs,| expense could be met out of the|the House could wind up with contributions that are destined/the full extension going into ef- for the Canada Pension Planjfect this week. Threat To Forest Tackled, Danger To Birds Reduced OTTAWA (CP)--This could be|many times more than using the year of decision in the for--DDT. But money has never est-spraying program in New/been an issue among federal, Brunswick. provincial and paper company There is confidence amonglofficials who share equally the Canadian Wildlife Service offi-|costs of the programs. _ cials here that the 1965 spraying) Refinements in the 1965 spray- will accomplish its work ofjing include.. cutting down the checking the threat posed by/amount of phosphamidon used, budworms to the' province's|the times at which the spraying main industry and at the samejis done, and the addition of time have no ill effects on young| another chemical agent. In ad- fish and birds. jdition small areas have been set! When the program began injaside to test another six or 1951, DDT was the only chemi-|seven chemicals cal used. It had a devastating, Last year the phosphamidon immediate effect on young sal-\usage was one-half pound for mon and fears were expressed|every three-quarters of a gallon! about its dangers to wildlifejof water. This has been cut to| generally. : }one-quarter of a pound because] In a major experiment in 1964\of strong indications that this| some 160,000 acres of the 2,000,-| dosage was effective against) 000'sprayed were sprayed with|budworms in a small-scale ex-| phosphamidon, an _ insecticide| periment a year. ago derived from a wartime nerve; A chemical named invadine| gas. : | will be added to the phosphami-| Findings indicate that phas-idon in some areas. It permits| don is just as effective as/trees to soak up the spray faster] DT against budworms and that/and thus cut down the time it has no harmful effects on fish.|pirds are exposed to it. But it does kill some birds. |= Spraying also will start in This year more experiments|May this year, one month ear-| will be conducted with phos-'lier than in previous years jas a small sample for MPs The complete adoption of the ex- tended hours would stretch ¢ This may have becn planned) i cathedral at Turin, Italy, which Sy , | many Christians believe cov- at "a recent meeting of the} ered Christ's body after it was/Port Perry Rod and Gun Club. taken from the Cross at .Cal vary. tion of the junior members The: foundation claims |shroud acted as a photographic|jgng to the local club, as other} je/negative to show blood. stains|cjybs in this area' do not take! hours.|from Christ's wounds. But if he/and teach safety habits and the| there would|fine points of gun handling to| whicn the/have been no blood stains be-/jynior members. Ranger Offi-| VATICAN CITY (AP) -- Ro-/given only under the form of a had been dead corpse has no blood|cers Charles Lown and Cecil! \King are in charge of the} instruction. | {INTERESTING TALK Mrs. Cecil Mills, of the |Maple Grove Women's _ Insti-| tute, gave a talk on retarded children and told of the work being done a tthe Glenholme ISio cause a pressure Rev. Ear! Lautenschlager principal of the United Church's Emmanuel! theological college, said the. foundation's theory "has been mentioned by people of every generation since the First Century AD." "All we know is what written in the Scriptures. the only evidence." WONDERS AT DOUBT Rt. Rev. G. B. Snell can coadjutor bishop onto, wondered why should doubt the authenticity ofjwere handed out by Mrs. Ray) Christ's death and resurrec-;\Cook and Mrs. Frank Whit-| tion field. The program was in jcharge of Mrs. Gordon Shunk |Mrs. Fred Raines gave a talk on the motto and Mrs. Paul! 'Diamond gave a reading Mrs. Frank Whitfield was chosen to attend the Officers' |Conference May 4 at Guelph |The conveners of the commit-| tee are to meet at the home of} \Mrs. Shunk to prepare their jreports. The April meeting will be a pot luck luncheon begin- ining at 1 p.m | |IODE MEETING | Mrs. M. B. Dymond, the re cently installed regent, conduct- jed the meeting of the Scugog |Chapter, Imperial Order of the |Daughters of the' Empire, in jthe municipa! building | Plans for two tag days were jmade. Mrs Campbell McMaster and Miss Marjorie Jarrett wil] be in jcharge of the tag day for the blind in April. Mrs meeting of the Honeydale Williams conducted the meet- ing Tickets for a draw to be held) Angli of Tor TAX BOOK |Lake City. It was brought to the atten-| jin ot minor memes' Both Bread, Wine Allowed anyone for a hooked rug and cushion|- drove with it to a secluded areajhour after the experience, the in Emigration Canyon near Saltinausea is still there. | would guess my complexion matches) Sgt. Dee Butterfield, who the color of Sgt. Butterfield's wears the green beret of the/beret special forces, pulled out a can-| And my ister marked "grenade, hand,|two octaves voice has plunged 1 RCs On "Major Occasions' man Catholic bishops have been/thin unleavened wafer of bread empowered to allow their peo he decree listed the follow-| ple communion in both bread and wine for the major religious|iM& occasions when persons may events of their lives receive communion under both A decree of the Vatican Con-|Kinds, if their gregation of Rites, dated March thorizes it: 7 and published in the Vatican local bishop au- ano Friday, outlined the condi-| allow communion "in twojcommunication has just been |Women's Institute. Mrs. Nelson! species." Bishops can start this|lifted and converts to Romanjsays Shearing, "but it crops up 15, or Catholicism during the massleyery now and then." Holy Thursday thereafter At present Resignation Over War Crimes Could Split Erhard's Forces BONN (CP)--President Hein-|mert over this move, rich Luebke today approved the|Weber is a member of "| appointment of Karl Weber as hard's own Christian Democrat) April at which they make their pro-! communion is|fession of faith I ji bP een " ' A till big. It's the pictures that Officials in Washington say|coughed, and the nausea hit my [eer ean P iG \ha personality of Mae Murray, who \died: last week at 75. jand star of The Merry Widow News that three kinds of ges|what I inhaled was sweet moun-|5° the 1920s, died at the Motion {Picture Country Hospital. The nausea, coughing and|ierained her ancient limousine and her cobwebbed mansion on 'Sunset Boulevard, Miss Murray her last years. Lemmon Seeks roneous Ne that has plagued me for years. mon, biography, brought up the that rae operation | Couples at their own wedding/pyt that he refuses to do it in Inewspaper L'Osservatore Rom-|masses, adults in the mass fol-|the belief that a blind pianist is 4 lowing their own baptism OFr|more commercial than one who It's| School in Oshawa at the March|tions under which bishops might| confirmation, persons whose eX-|can see of 25 years, "that the greatest ~| specialists George was born with no back By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD. (AP) -- "I'm Those words were spoken by in Brackett-Wilder's loria Swanson, but it could ve been patterned after the Miss Murray, a Ziegfeld girl nd other movie extravaganzas Unlike Norma Desmond, who ived on film-industry charity in But she considered herself "4 "Once you are a star, you are) And she acted like one, right to the end. Miss Murray, with her live- for-today spirit on the screen and off, epitomized the 1920s, and her film career died with that nervous decade. My first encounter with her was when she ended a long pe- riod of inactivity to appear in a dancing act at the Mocambo on the sunset strip. In the intervening years I often saw her, making a grand entrance at a night club open- ing, hurrying down Hollywood Boulevard with short steps of her still-lovely legs. Although the Motion Picture Relief Fund was paying her bills, she declined residence at the Woodland Hills home. Recovered from a_ stroke which nearly killed her, she in- sisted on living amid the excite- But as 1 write this about an less a star than in her heyday.|ment of Hollywood She. arrived late for the inter- forever a star," she declared.' yiew--our last encounter a year To Film Story Of Trials Of Blind Pianist HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Jack| "I'm all for it," says Shear- ng, "if only to correct an er- story about me--one Shearing says that even Lem- in discussing the film 'story."" The false Shearing to story, in brief, is could have an restore his sight "TI know it sounds ridiculous," "The truth is,' adds his wife in the world have ooked at George's eyes. There s nothing that can be done. o his eyes .It's very rare "Unlike most blind people, since|his eyes are clear. He doesn't Er-|look blind." } Shearing says the story party while Bucher belongs to} justice minister to succeed|ihe Free Democrats, junio? Ewald . Bucher resigned party in the coalition Thursday rather than sign a Bucher' is a former Nazi who) law prolonging the hunt for had said he could not sign a Nazi war criminals draft law passed by the Bun-| Political observers here|destag (lower house) Thursday} feared a split in Chancellor Lud-jto extend the hunt for Nazi| who IZZA telephone 728-0192 EPI'S wig Erhard's coalition govern-|criminals until the end of 1969./ started with a drunken heckler Lemmon wants to film the lifejat a night club story of George Shearing, the famous blind pianist. "Only," says Shearing, "this heckler was an eye specialist. I knew he was drunk so | brushed him off. He kept telling */me he could fix my eyes--and I! Backeche, and muscular pains. walked away." | BLAD Mi The brave are never different, only different looking! NONE BUT ago--pulling up before the aging apartment building in a taxi, She explained breathlessly that she had been in a conference over the filming of her autobio- . graphy. "Oh, I simply have too many business details to attend to," she said, sitting daintily on a couch in the lobby. Television producers were after her to ap- pear on panel shows, she added, and she was trying to decide which one to actept, - The photographer' took some pictures, and she posed with an almost girlish anxiety. "Make them pretty," she called to the photographer as he left. A pathetic figure, perhaps. Yet she also possessed an inner majesty that made me and others stare in admiration as she glided across the lobby to the elevator. She may have been right: Once a star, forever a star. * ORE OFTEN THAN MEN After 21 twice as many women as men are made miserable by common urinary irritation caused by a germ, Escherichia Coli. To quickly combat the secondary aches. muscular pains and disturbed sleep caused by Kidney and Bladder irritatio try taking 2 little CYSTEX tablets with a glass of water 3 times daily for a few | days. CYSTEX is a cleaning urinary anti- septic, also an analgesic pain reliever for Rheumatism, Sciatica Pains, Headache, CYSTEX from druggist, Feel better fame FRANK SINATRA CLINT TOMMY WALKER: TECHNICOLOR®. PANAVISION®: FROM WARNER BROS. Feature TODAY et: 2:25, 4:40, 6:55, 9:10 Continuous from 2 p.m. Regent il BOTH --IN-- COLOR! Storey Beare, Mrs. | Harry Car-} THE TOWN... THE PEOPLE... EVERYONE'S TALKING ABOUT! "Peyton Place" in COLOR with LANA TURNER phamidon sparked by informa- tion gleaned from last year's jnegie, Mrs. John C. Whitby and} /Miss Jarrett will plan the Rose Day to be held in June HOPE LANGE and Big Cast ADULT ENTERTAINMENT | Officials here say that many| Gord Wo RA |species of birds don't arrive in} ache on), RIA, of Oshawa, is CA, the IT BEGINS WHERE "PEYTON PLACE" LEFT OFF Return To Peyton Place"' in COLOR with CAROL LYNLEY JEFF CHANDLER ADULT ENTERTAINMENT eprayings. New 'Brunswick forests until If all goes well, the war|jJune. Thus many areas will against budworms can continue|have been treated before the without howls from fisheries and|/main bird population takes up wildlife officials as well as hunt-|its summer home. ers and naturalist groups More spraying also will be done in the early evening when) CUT DOSAGE P birds aren't feeding as vigor- If phosphamidon is the ans-| Bie : wer, future sprayings will cost|°USly. as in other hours. Much of : satis : : . jthe spray will have been ab- |sorbed by the trees by the next Hockey Team learnest Pee feeding begins 2 Gets Jackets | Banks' Aids PORT PERRY (Tc) -- Mem-| Move Rapped bers of the Port Perry Branch) ;oronTO (CP) -- The Cana-| Pe the -- Canadian Legion|dian and Allied Merchant Sea-| poh ps unanimously 0/men's Association blamed the ate sufficient money to the|board of maritime trustees Sat- pee wee all-star hockey teamjyrday for not removing Hal to purchase a dress jacket for/panks' "henchmen" from the every member of the club |Seafarers' International Union Representing the Port Perry|o¢ Canada (Ind.) Minor Hockey Club at the meet-| 'The association, which claims ing were Ross Sweetman, presi-\4 membership of more than| dent and Joe Fowler, manager./1 999 merchant seamen veter- ie In accepting the gift, Mr./ans of the Second World Ma * Sweetman said the team is caid in a post - meeting: state- playing under Legion colors and|ment that the trustees had | € have not lost a game during!«velyet - gloved approach to . the present season. Having/yal Banks from the very out-| eliminated Woodstock, the team.» " 3 is in the semi finals The association asked all its| § One of the Legion mem ers) members to join fe Cana-| stressed that one importantiqian sailors in in function of the organization is to'the anti - leadership movement encourage the youth of the com- within the SIL munity to participate in sports Among resolutions passed by and other activities" It was!delegates was one calling for agreed the players deserved alefforts to persuade Canadian reward over and above the an- cailors to push for a federation nual donation to permit them'of aji unions in the maritime! # Scammer B. Gabarich (ey Unter Canadien con igs ee) ALWAYS THERE WITH READY CASH __ obeyed FOR ANY GOOD REASON to pay overdue bills <> for car repairs © for unexpected expenses <> home repairs and refurnishings <> travel, etc. "90% to '2,500 OR MORE The bridge party, following the Winter' Marathon, will be 'held' Mar. 31. Mrs. George }Rennie and Mrs. John C, Whit- by: are the conveners. Mrs \MacFarlane and Mrs. Arthur |W. Brock compose the lunch- feon cohmittee Mrs. MacFarlane read an jinteresting commentary on the jlife of Sir Winston Churchill. {The chapter will name a dele- jgate to the provincial confer-} jence in Hamilton. author of a new. book, "Incorporation and Income Tax in Canada (4th. edition --1965). CCH Canadian Ltd (publishers of topical law reports) are the publishers. . Mr Riehl, a _ chartered accountant, is a former president of the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce, He was a director for several years of the Oshawa Indus-* trial Commission erm trol Kamo Clamps | Free Press JAKARTA (AP) ment Members of the all-star team are: James Burnett, coach: Joe Fowler, manager; Rick Short goal; David Brown, Ronniejpress law issued today stipu-| Short, Dale Hallett, Kenneth/lates that all the Indonesiar Irvine, captain: Ronald Phin-'dailies and magazines should mey, Robert Young, Garrvyibe owned by Indonesians -Lee, Jody Williams, David') Each publication must be sup Bourgeois, Glen Sweetman,|ported by at least three politi-| Laurie Williams, William David-|cal or mass organizations reg-| son, Gordon Mahaffy, Dannylistered at the semi-official Na-| McCartney and Brian Lee, stick|tional Front Organization. a de-| a Por, P gree said @ ort, Perry team will; The new press law sti te meet Kincardine in the fire t|that newspapers and sedate game of the "'C"' series at God-|may be dissolved if their re erich at 9.45 a.m., April 16./spective supporters--the politi Should the team win it will meet/cal or mass organizations--are| the winner of the Harriston-'dissolved or ublications | -Point Edward. game at 6.30,are "'yseq in contradiction to 4m. the same day. The semi-|the teaching of the great ader Boal and final games will be|of the' revolution Bung Kanes (286 played April 24 \(President Sukarno)."" A new GUARANTEED PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE eine NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED KING ST. W. 723-3487 ° i DOORS orem BILTMORE PHONE 725-5833 SAT. 8 3 SUNDAY 1:30 P.M. ¥ FIENDISH SADISTIC * BLOODCURDLING COMEDIES Haz TIME! THIS MOTION PICTURE IS PRESENTED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE | ENTERTAINMENT AN ODEON THEATRE--PHONE 723-2843 Times; 2:15-4:40-7:00-9:20---Last complete show 9 p.m. SPRUCE VILLA HOTEL WHITBY, ONTARIO Proudly Presents . . . Starting Mon., Mar. 29th, 1965 The Exciting TOMMY DANTON and the ECHOS Starring KITTY MASON, Vocalist Variety and Popular Music @ Dine and Dance Nightly @ Our cuisine is superb e B Men's I hi ® Sundey Dinners 4 to 8 P.M, Catering to Weddings, Banquets, Porties For Reservation Phone 668-3386

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