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Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Mar 1965, p. 16

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aes 9-3 he aman "peering 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, March 29, 1965 "Selling Problems -- Get The "Circulation" They Deserve Right Here" Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 11--Pets and Livestock 15--Employment Wanted |17--Female Help Wanted SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J. SCOTT |cozvs-ranci Kennels, norses,,goets.| LADY wil Mind one or two children in eeeeseran socampanion for elderly x t in Shepherds, pu; south area. Tele- B S | N ESS E RV E ® | R E Gs, RY oN selina pes: sod services, Doerding. d getecsgh Ml Whitby 668-4861 anytime. toy 668-5031, ( ( u ey 655-4662, evenings EXPERIENCED iady wants fo do irom-icLeRK AND\SHORT ORDER cook for CHARLES Bo ; ature, registered,|ing in her home. We also [ J : Ss clam wees al, males ana femal 975. igus books "Telephone after Tom hea ee ve / \ or wy a Saco tua 22 WAS : : GOOD WOME tree Yo purebred Sermon! 17 Female Help Wanted |!8--Mole Help Wanted STRIDE. seven with papers. Adults only, AE FIRSf RANK 7 f fo children Yelephone effer 4 10. 7259190. Building Trades Instruction Rug-Upholstery Service OF ELECTRICAL. yf) f on UE, GC, Lue Tee iy oa ton : sc ig eters ee| Sak | Seba t= LEARN A TRADE re 205W, Oshawa Shop- SPRING SPECIAL "TUTORING ral Workmanship gueranteed five Years. yours, wee catnen , e POODLES -- 'canta ons toy puppies GRADUATE os chases ae. 10% DISCOUNT Classes now in session at [fetumn. Purniture refinished. "Oshewal Writ WHICH INVENTORS WAL ae. { fing' Road North, Oshawe, Phone 723-6216 WHILE BEING SPSGN oni BURROWS, Chartered AG RROWS, jered ; countants, 11 Street East, Oshawa; Academic Tutoring College. Upholstering Company, 287 Dean Avenve,| xix YARcoM!, EDISON | pes alines lls nhnDednaanesin, Dlg Ronald ee aes CA; G. Edmond ON ALL ORDERS All ages, grades, subjects, | 725-031) AD DE FOREST DEVELOPED PRACTICAL ' ri 508 TRAINING 'classes, Oshawa Obed!- i cH RFIELDS re-uphoistered and re-| AC~INES AND DEVICES. t ; \ March 31. Ten-week course. Inquiries in- PAID Burrows, CA, 728- : Reading, Math English, MONTEITH. Rit wen WATERS and Co. Placed before April 15th scence, etc. From srodant's aly ricoetie. Deen "Uphoihene: Tt J | ees ser cites and club membership. TO ASSIST LABORATORY STAFF IN coe oe rgtto 286, Alex 8 Remodelling, carpentry, tiling, own textbooks, private or |Cheries street 7237212, : : ; SEAUTIUL baby Budgie --Feney tor Ove? Whitoy" 6-41) re, gee electri- group. CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs, re f \ E ltrelning, taking strein. "Apply Mrs. T. Wace 'PERKIN MB 2 te) Soe ee nee ACADEMIC Hodern Upholsterers, 2 Simcoe 'Sie | Se iain East PROCURING BLOOD . thr ough 5 Street, ca, Soo ne work of all kinds. Aluminum | TUTORING COLLEGE |S™th_call_728-6451. Free estimates. , 8 12--Articles Wanted Scécimena for Bio Cherhicale oh il, B.Comm., doors and windows, siding. Sales and Service ¢ } OLD RIFLE, shot gun, or pistol. Also} and other determinations on a! 5 ' CALL 723-6701 ae How MAXY q 1 fF, [old cartridges. Ti 7as 83. a part-time basis. Previous CANADIAN Commplene weokate Ain 184 Bond satan oa sedi YOUNG USUALLY PRINTING PRESS required. Any type i ln 4 Street West, 7250397, Res. 723-7605. NELLIS' HOME WHITBY ENGINE TUNE-UP ARE ALTER, rs chraliered.: Teaphans Peet pe agyarta et - --_ YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO. IMPROVEMENTS MINOR OR MAJOR ep | oF AE COMMON WANTED TO BUY -- one aa meat i ge ing xl , ARMED F R F charisces Secor ne, "atest Sacks 0, Oshawa--728-2061 DRIVING SCHOOL : : ee SKUNK °7 Ai KALMUCK WOMAN oF A BUDDHME [saws Telephon?" 35570 iy elgg in Senkrupicy. 64 King p Peterborough----745-2184, New duel controlled cars Have your engine electroni- MACEDONIAN : MONGOL TRIBE WORE 4WO BRAIDS 13: cActiclna ter Réwt ascd sh Ail oF English, ice. cally analysed. ' OF HEAVY HORSEHAIR HUNG OVER THE : Personal courteous service. y GREEK RACE. CROWN OF HER HEAD DURING THE. Please apply to: Navy, Army, Air Force JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Accoun- d s tent Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street HARLEIGH Fully licenced and --" SEE YOUR SERVICE FIVE. Se Re Taek CAS, RENTALS HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO. Char- MFG. CO. Dial 668-41 SPECIALIST AT wn or AE BRAIDS MADE G000 PILLOWS. DIRECTOR OF tered Accountants, Financial Trade Build-| 4). remodelling. Kitchen J. A. OSTERHOUT, Owner GENERAL TIRE Pee be et OF ALL KINDS PERSONNEL IF YOU ARE ing, 187 King Street East, Oshawa, On- tario, 725-3509; S. ia Hopkins, CA; H. E.| and bathroom planning. Wall LEARN TO DRIVE Beadle, CA) E. LuKow, CA. __| tiling. Modernfold doors, etc. ' REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- ALBERT HOSMAR, Chartered Accour-| Free Estimates. Call anytime at the OF OSHAWA 7--Swap and Barter 8--Articles for Sale massaging sae rowing ' na- OSHAWA tant, ot " ar f : A Ontario. 'Telephone 723-1221, 723-7589 Oshawa Driving School 534 Ritson Rd, South TOILETS, basins, shower cabinets, tubs,|SCRAP HARDWOOD, one - foot lenge. | chines, bike exercises -- all ; reasonable rates, standard \double sinks with fittings, $18; lawn-| Excellent for fireplace, $7.75 single cord.| $6 per month, GENERAL Barristers eee The and automatic cars (2 blocks North of 401) mowers, Roto-tiller plow. cars, trailers, Dial 723-2281 after 4 p.m. | PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- pipe eve ride 8 a Nasa GREER AND "ing Siac Eas soi R. H. CABINET CO. Professional instructors 728-6221 South and Hillside. toh care Bila Me = beg ge cleaning rods, pipe vise tri- HOSPITAL i i i Pebe's. Residence Phones: J. M. Greer, 182 THICKSON RD. N 728-0091 oe i "Articles foe Sale Furniture, aaa Simcoe Soutty 123427 | pod, pipe wrenches, pipe cut- Physically fit and single . CANVAS awnings, curtains, canopies 8-- icles for oa TYPEWRITERS, adding machines ters, pipe threading dies, a Canadian citizen or QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, 'Ba, BCL, eid Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB, 728-0232 OSHAWA and WHITBY Complete service. Free time clocks, new and rebuilt. One year! toilet auger. British subject Selinek 726-1993 anytime. i tstandi J HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, and HILL-| Kitchen cabinets. Vanities. A GUARANTEED repairs to all wringer Kins 'Business 'Mechines, Sales 'ond ser-| PAINTERS EQUIPMENT -- HUMPHRE MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36% King) Custom built cabinets. washers and ranges. Free estimates. Call vice 728-7783. Open evénings. stepladders, aluminum exten- |' Street ae Oshawa; R. D. Humphreys, DRIVING SCHOOL 728-1742. Broadloom your stairs. Com- |17-INCH television floor model, $25. Also| sion ladders, ladder jacks, TESSES WE OFFER , QC} W. A. Hillman, ' ; ; i 5 Wimpiteys: BA LLB. Office:| KARL KUSIAK & SONS rily "Neemed ong, Wsured. | ceahie Service pletely installed $39. Choice |72.%ej, with new picture tube, $6.) steel scaffolding compressors, @ $180.00 a month while of 12 colors. Also up to 315 | ay-yaqeRs SPECIAL aol tower) SPTOY guns, wallpaper steam- and training in electronics 17-24-yeors - Navy 16-23 years - Army 17-29 years - Air Force Residences: 725-4604; Whitby General Contracting Courteous professional in- oc a Ng ad gO lag i j SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompt! service mortgage funds available. All types, stone work, patios. struction, on calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street} square feet of broadloom structure all-channel antenna installed,| €fs, tarpaulins, blow torches, mechanicol, communica: st : ' other first mortgage funds _availabl ped ° H CREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, and po pone = fireplaces (guar. Phone 723-2696 West, Whitby 668-2563, completely installed. $50, Oshawa TV Supoly Limited, 361] propane torches. KITCHEN HELP peng Birk Bonk of Commerce Bulding, 5 simess] Garages and additions. All or_725-1501 Surveyors ONLY $119 BUY AND SELL -- Good used turniture| BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- many other fields. Street North, wa, 723-3446; T. K. ig ted 30 = batvanlilard abd OED Mave ne aE OIE | : and appliances. Goulds' Furniture, 215, cement mixers, finishing tro- f ical and di f Creighton, QC; or residences: G. K. chs oe veers ys. Janitor Service H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land Free Estimates Dundas East, Whitby, 668-5481. wels, wheel barrows, electric ree medica se local nan, QC; "Eco, Eris) Moneages experience. yt M13 Elgin, Street East. Phone FLOOR COVERING BARGAINS! Discon-| virbrator, air compressor, jack WANTED ae Sale bought and sold, 723-5348 ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fast, eco- SCHULTZ tinued patterns. Clearance from 27¢ per! hammers, hand trowels, water oe Agreements of nomical ceiling, wall cleaning. Work) DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario foot. Wilsen's Furniture, 20 Church Street. : Be! arranged. FOR FREE ESTIMATES done by modern machine. Free estimates.|i and surveyor Commercial blue prints, CUSTOM CARPET CASH REGISTERS Electric Temizer| PUMPS, portable heaters, steel % . 728-7736. i i i im MACDONALD, BA, LLB, bee re) lity C A Work guaranteed. 728-7736 Tl Ontario Street, 725-5632. Call Collect electric portable typewriter, standera,| scaffolding, electric generator, FULL @ very generous pension rister Buliding, 266 King West, uality arpentry M To Loa ° ° $30; portable, $30; adding machines, $25;| ramset, power rollers, electric plon The Commercial Buliding, it joney fo in TV--Radio Repairs 223-3384 four total cash registers, also one total, i Oshawa, Ontario, Client perking avait! -- and General Repairs ore aa $40, 723-4434 : ! ecg masonry saw, build- opportunity for wide travel able, 725-47 725-4717. in you up to $5,000 a rea- = ee eS = ing jacks, mortar mixers, Soilcitor.| Alterations, rec. rooms, cup- sonable rate of interest to consolidate y THREE ROOMS of furniture, $298.50. No sd ' ih U i ' Jose PH Tn Morice ais King Street] boards, floor, ceiling and | your bills or for any other worthwhile Shop rebuilt. Like new dryers [down payment, $15 monthly, at Honest} mortar boxer, chain hoist, -- annual holiday with wall tiles, arborite etc. Satis- | Purpose Upside eed eh I gt Bite $60 up. Some coin metered, {Cal's 424 King West. 728-9191, miter saw, electric plane, tar- pay MeGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barrisers,/ faction guaranteed. F363}. ' : ECONOMY AND Wringer washers $29 up. |LLOYD baby carriage, converts ty stroll, ote haga blaster, power 'Accly in P Solicitors. Clients' funds available, Automatic washers, some Sig ge peenetal cioser,, Post hole auger, oscillating Pply in Person : mortgage, 37 King Street East, (third H. McKOY 725-8576 PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? If you have DELUXE sud-savers $75. up, 3. months $8, Telephone. 725-7226 metal closet, sanders, disc sanders, belt WHY not visit us to discuss 728-7338, Charles C: good credit 1'll lend you up to $5,000 to : cy eager F. Bastedo, QC. Cut payments in halt or less for consoli-| Priced to suit your budget guarantee on all parts and - , dual wheel iéft,| sanders, floor sanders, acety- your possible future os a PLASTERING dation of any worthwhile purposes. Tele- TERMS ARRANGED service. Delivered. If you act |Would consider car in deal. Telephone| lene welding outfits, 200 A&W technician in the Armed For- Building Trodes sso cndNanvs phone Toronto 481-5289. how, installation inelided: on a aie wees amp, electric welders pea dig je i. this bog ond A wrniture~ an lend if in tor more informa- po hg ae A A ee Mortgages | OSHAWA TV | itiometion cat chener Age [omen erm atime! = ST ANI S a experienced cabinet maker. Call 723-1260. 4 information call Chester Ap- anywhere. We carry Restonic and Bever- pliances 986-4926. (For peo- lv mattress furniture lines. Your author- - WA 4 6659 ROOFING. painting, lathing, insulating.) © DD. & ae MORTGAGE SUPPLY LIMITED ple who cannot go to Caesar- ttt GE. desler" Contac vines! Ca's si] Sharpening & Rentals Ltd, ceiling tile and all kinds of repairs. J. C. . 361 GIBBONS ST. e0; some units con be seen in | Socio atem retrigeraton with large| 223 King St. W., Oshawa 1327 Simcoe St. North no obligation Dingler, Oshawa). fi tg "e Sabena, ater ee oa LOANS 728-8180 --|felevision, vert' good 'shops' Telephone! ~=©PHONE 723-3224 sins send to Classified Rates saare and, conerete repairs. Whitby . SORES WS eee Aes FoRNTORE - thr i Be Tapi Weddings recorded, 2774, : = : i rded, : WORD AD> -- aE RSNaEaNTE - fe you planning, a pre ity furniture, oni sh Tncudes = tana. cocbrdare PRRUTE BIG Ye eee syae ce Canadian Armed Forces . yan . g ki i j ; eavestroughing, carpentry work, painting| Central Ontario HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED jome, going to re-model? piste 'bedroom, living room. Kitchen @f:| 95. projectors, M.C. work, EXPERIENCED Recruiting Centre, 25 St. | sembies, P. only $3. kly. Unbeat- and general repairs. All work guaranteed. | | TV TOWERS Call 668-3524 able value! 'Barovs' Home Furnishingss| P.A. systems, Mobile P.A. Clair Ave. E. Toronto 7 | 4 424 Simcoe South, broadcasting back; d NEW. PLASTERING ona feceira, stucco. Trust ARE THE BEST ! SAWDONS USED TV'S, $28. up, 17- and aicinch. Wik, caret Hi-Fi 'Equip- hl ig ns mm 2 P WHITBY Working good. Honest Cal's Ltd., 424 Ki ; pon a Oar we eat WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! LIMITED West, clase sea 'nd)" ment. Free delivery, North section of Oshawa. 728-4717, FURNITURE -- Seven complete rooms GUDGEON ASSOCIATES Must be interested, well man- NAME n | ' initial, figure abbreviation counts icHIMNEY construction and repairs our! & Savings Corporatio I R |. 0. | 224 Brock S. Whitby [including French Provincial living room|SOUND EQUIPMENT--723-5121} nered and willing to work. eee a hlad sada. od as one words phone number counts | specialty, Work guaranteed, Terms ar-| - |NSTITUTIONAL FIRSTS | | FREE 24 Hr. Burner Service |@nd bedroom, wainut bedroom suite, ma- nay : Good working conditions two words ranged. Goulding Bros. Construction, | TELEVISION Fuel and bldg. supplies. hogany dining suite; kitchen, den and) Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- 4 Phi 4 BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- 725-2682. and PRIME SECONDS : Pp recreation room furnishings. See by aP-| ec Cut} Gh Coff Write in ° strict confidence ADDRESS Nor' : Corner Bond & Division | pointment. Phone Oshawa 73-7473. Ping Spare Bowie a dal stating age and experience to: ee 728-5143 LOOKING FOR YOUR CHESTERFIELD and chair, green, 900d! Wear Men's Formals, White BOX 26 q condition, $55. Telephone. 723-7657. G " F U L L E R gee ae four hai beds,| Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. OSHAWA TIMES T.V. CHECK-UP TIME He can be contacted anytime |307 ELECTRIC range, ~rangelte (100 AVON EDUCATION ....... free uniforms free sports facilities | SOCIAL NOTICES $2.00 per insertion with 25 cents ad- [QUALITY carpentry: of all kinds. Work MORTGAGES and | ditional charge Hf not paid with-in By the feat or by the. job. Arnold Thorn- AGREEMENTS Purchased | | | | | CITY. 5 25+5% AGE ROOFING, a floors, flat roofing, LOANS ON MORTGAGES our $7 al jew worl and repairs. + 7 Immediate Service. L. and H. Rofl and Comiruchon, ee 3, 725-6957, by From Our Head Office Cartage 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa JOHN'S MOVING, Storage and Cartage. Phone 723-5221 PLAY-OFF TIME | BRUSH DEALER 00d 'condition. Telephone 725877." | SARGEANT'S RENTALS by calling volts), Frigidaire refrigerator, 9 cu. ft., 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 | 728: 4922 two dressers (three-drawer); %%4-bed. All | jood dition. Apply 433 Fairl: CHAIRS, card and banque: tables, church ab R | O. --_---- MWe. ee meas Ave laisle runners. Cleve Need money for Fox Rentals, 412 Simcoe Street North, al! 723-2414, Easter expenses? ! request information for: NTS Reasonable rates, fully insured. Day or "= TELEVISION For Evergr WE BUY sell and exchange used furni-| mice Street" cx acohst $2.10 per Inch (Display): $1.50 tor the |night. Call 728-3661. 728. 5143 | reads Howann 9 pre ~~ ture or anything you have, The City|ENTERTAINING -- Fifly to one hundred NAVY ARMY first 20 words and S¢ each thereafter |FURNITURE MOVING, Basement Clean- | | ees, Mowering shrubs, fer- trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street|people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban-| Start earning substantial in- | oO Ads) 'Open M RT! AG --| -tilizer, ete. Visit your local |South, 723-1671 quets, parties, weddings, anniversaries.| come immediately. Avon Cos- ~ any Trucking responsibilities. | South AUCTION SALES contracts. Call 725-9843 or 725-6880. | GEORGE' . TV garden centre. TELEVISIONS ad cawing siachines, We isonoble raters 7232000" PArEING, "ROP! istics hag Véencles fer pee AIR FORCE Ct} $2.10 per Inch per Insertion | DEADLINES Dentistry LOANS | Tower and Radio Supply |: A. Janssen and Sons Ltd.|%""kino Wes mann mest © WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, waikers,| ble women, F ee a ' J C7 TT genre agye aera oe red chines, sick Hi Onn dey Mas simcoe Sires! Norm "omhawe sar) Quoredyfo" frst mortgages | Complete installation if de- | "GARDEN CENTRE & [shemale Nomina Sadnseel atau Ace Rentals 18 Beste, Fests | Call 725-9696 | EXPERIENCED | 5 p.m. day previous 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. For LOST AND FOUND F / Oper, Mortgages : sppolntmerts 726-5862 or Res. 720-8441. | 1 Ret | sired. 12 years experience. |. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS" |2Stionsi lous squiomant, SAAS. rn 14--Business Opportunities| -- Interest at 7% 9 a.m, 7 qies'| No charge for valuations | | SMILE drapes for apartment or cottage, old A ' CAFES Pytig day previous eer Nien cusltty oaks bol pried Morigaaes and Agreements re _Oshawa 723-9525 You're:in Valley Crésk Furni Peal ghar' et rte i nee Mest ele barr 2 column or larger -- 10 a.m. d8Y [Dressmaking, 668-8463, Whitby. a purchased ure in Valley Creek Furni- orth, Apartment No. 7, lame} CANCELLATIONS AND GENERAL repairs and alterations. Pick-| Moneys for second mortgages FULL OR PART TIME Apply in person FOX'S LADIES WEAR | (MAN WANTED TV SERVICE ture where they pay the most, | Your_own_ price. KALADAR MOTEL $55,000 BiRttis AND. DEATHS D ; Dttoniat torts. Bes of publication ressmaking No Bonus New location: 378 King W., LEAVING Oshawa, all furniture and SALESLADY ae DELICATESSEN | | CORRECT aad up and. delivery. Mrs. Linkie, RR I! Fast service, DAY OR EVENING sell the cheapest. When sell- |9__ Market Basket | 9 a.m. la C1 publication | Oshawa rooklin 5 eatin sel diieceeianseapdilnieiaemenompeetaesimainisins --| | BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- S0c |DRESSMAKING = Suits, coats, dresses, i and appliances phone 728- fice, separate 6 room bunga- -| 7 Simcoe St. South While every endeavor will be made aiterations, slip covers, 'drapes. rifting ® M. F. SWARTZ 728-5286 4401 or come to the store SPECIAL SAVINGS low. All buildings aly a or Oshawa Shopping Centre | | | | ' lies to bo: bers tt ' | the eave jastien, es peb | seca. re, Toms. Wnioy Mehr | 26Y2 King St. East | OSHAWA | 16% Bond W. a. years old, Long highway EXPERIENCED Must be able to operate | } | | | ing or buying used furniture 10 units, laundry room, of- oon we accept no filabili' DRESSMAKING _ Specialty bridal @ | " is é i loss or damage alleged gowns, also suits, coats, dresses, altera- Oshawa, Ontario ELECTRONICS | Year Supply Of Food and a To Your Freezer ig Athan lpi CLERICAL HELP a Delicatessen counter. 4 Should have on extensive phe ph valde or delay bsBheody bres Reasonable rates. Call Whitby Be " we warding such r » however ed | 668-5149. 723-4697 reezer your choice only trades accepted. This is a ; TV. TOWERS SIDES of PORK real good buy. idow. says Full-time day work or knowledeg of all types of whether by negligence or otherwise. | CRESsMAKING -- Dresses, suits, coats.| AERIALS @ ROTORS © REPAIRS $11.95 PER WEEK Ib. 37¢ sell at this ridiculous price. | ¢¥enings. Please apply in | merchandise handled, in the ible ft ts : Fepies "uncalled Yor" in 20 days" Gena ete ae Mortgage Money ee Hurry, call 728-S187 for | Gicivece ADMINISTRATOR | otal ene pork and fish, REGULATIONS LADIES THINK THRIFTY! Alterations, Available CALL The Oshawa Times wil) not be re ees Fr BPPoin' ment, woepnene RON S AGN; HINDS of BEEF more information. are wae and style treats: subreitted otherwise then. in {728-1823 Low Interest | 12 years experience. All Whitby 668- 5827 Ib. 49c 728-5157 117 King Street East writing, not for more thar one inser- . < 5 work guaranteed. (Free tower |MATTRESSES, smooth" "Yop construction, tion of any advertisement, nor beyond Gardening and Supplies Member Ontario : survey) |hundreds of coils. Tremendous savings, SIDES of BEEF A INTERVIEWERS the price charge for a sing.e inser- | ------ Mortgage Brokers Association $26.88, Bunk beds, $57. Wilson's Furniture, tion of the advertisement in which RON BRIGHTLING |20 Church Street ' Ib. 43c¢ and The Oshawa Times raserves:the ne | "SPRING | SUMMERLAND i 723-7521 hi AVY STAINLESS STERL sink, with RED OR BLUE BRAND BEEF e : by mghbesiess NATIONAL a ixer luce: excellen o SECURITIES | BROtDES FY Towers coral sonics tnt ese omen 'Ail Best Gov't, Inspected REALTY LIMITED surveys, Write giving duce. | EMPLOYMENT Special Lease Program APPLY to classify advertising according to | | its proper classification Me THOUGHTS" | whith ety 100% d 48 Si S North In the case spla' vertisements | H |Whitby 6 imcoe dtri or' ' ; PORT The times will not be held respon | Le sinieon Bt ern |CITY TV TOWERS, anten a |ABOING, machines. pew, cers seocciovng Mamba ODR E.B tion, interviewing or super- sible for more space than than in | Potting Soil | Oshawa, Ontario - 725-3568 eed. S11 Dean|chalrs. We buy, sell, rent, service andl Cut. Wi d Delivered eta pera.) MINN OOxperiehos, t6- Umauall which the actual error occupies. The | R C d -------- | Bales, nm Poche BUBTA NOOSA DOR ee With BuOee MEA Mw and sed uf, Wrapped and Delivere SERVICE' STATION Research Ltd., 2045 Bish publishers endeavor to reproduce al ooting Compoun: PRIVATE and Corporate monies for eli| ewe eee mem. how, low prices, Bn Hamilton, Ragian.|_- Free of charge 20 mile area. | _ St., Montrea' 25. advertising matter correctly, but as- No-Dam mortgages. Mortgages and agreements) sone ow . : ' . sume. no Tiability of advertisment. i Glsdicle Dust of sale purchased. Creighton, Drynan,| Well Drilling--Digging NEW AND USED TV's and appliances,| REE BUTTER with first 50 orders. | Major oil co. will have avail- | aousEKEEPER wanted for7 =matheriess| 3'4 Simcoe St. South ' any inaccuracies in any form are con Murdoch and Victor, (See "Barristers.") ~--|General Electric and Phillips. Wayne's, ; an tained. therin Vermiculite FIRST AND SECOND woriguces Sate | Meee cre otNe BY machine specializing|76 Simcoe North. Telephone 723-1411. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW| able a local high volume ser- |' Five seit dave Uioe nance OSHAWA, ONTARIO ibhicgiion Wave 'chateed ore evs | Peat Moss agreements purchased and sold. Hennick| Street West, Whitby. 668-2563 or S68.a809 | VACUUM repairs, all__makes, hoses,| NOW 7 DAYS ONLY! vice station for lease. | Telephone 728-1737. ' insertion Garden Seeds and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street brushes etc, Pick-up, delivery, oanony '| Additional Sovings on All Fresh Apply Box 919 EXPERIENCED felephone soliciiors for Fl ; East, 723-7232. 1--Women' |Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street,| natural ga: Hi Thi rhs BASY.TO PLACE.A Hee gm : 1--Women's Column |Pickering | Smoked or Cured Meat Products Osh T done at your-Oun hows tees hanes Beg OSHAWA PUBLIC TIMES ACTION WANT AD Prine sear | Optometrist Page Hair-/WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni-| BRIDGELAND shawa times day, Monday to Thursday. Required in bil Giaeithed 'bueet | C.I.L. 10-6-4 le RICHARD BLA SLACKS Obs 1s since prot 396 Pine Avenue. Telephone|ture or anything you have, The City areas of youey? Ajax, sey Ridges, Pick- UTILITIES 723-3492 Mitorganite Saat Mor, Sate 6 Othews, ""Fae| aan, Pest, tore, at Simeon sre PACKERS NORTH-WEST RELIABLE and SIDSTROEST GFL a Horgan | fs ex; let else = ene" - 2--Personal FURNITURE -- 3 rooras, new quality Oshawa 723-1359 VARIETY eral office work. Must be sccorate tye, COMMISSION P - |Painting and Decorating Removal of superfluous hair potas dig Fd it Pag hold dvag One of the best locations in ta Ruston Aeaneee Nene oy at i Loy ky PAINTING Marie Murd ft I be Pay only $3 wesky, sect gel mort ge Oshawa. St id llent ' renulics @ CLASSIFICATIONS Cc : ore ura! wi 'N |Barons. Home murnishines, nan Mish co Mat hitded ga bhet ch sine PART OR FULL-TIME openings with jicwaaeda Colunn O. and Oshawa, April: 12, 13 and 14. South JANSSEN'S COUNTRY _ Holy 2 gs Sagres ct er re een and LICENSED 5 Benaron | ] | Phone Genosha Hotel on these iT BED, springs, mai ; g EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER with Sportsman's Column 6 CELINA ST. DECORATING dates for appointment tre lacy MCAPNG etn hte Wane oy ee Off street parking for 8 cars. (Tirta agen In' ume the Veen resi pat otal Sinema | 72361 139 INTERIOR and EXTERIOR robe suitcase, $15. Between 4 - 6 p.m., fruit' and vegetables IIIness forces sale. Will accept paling Selene 10" sincas strest Nort. MECHANIC p BB irs ad" arta FREE ESTIMATES ELECTROLYSIS A en Oran ae __| daily. Apples sold by the 2 bedroom house on trade. |WaItRESS experienced fulltime da EST. 1909 | 723-4641 HAIR DRYERS (two) Turbinator, in good| bushel. Host of imported pro- Asking only $17,900.00. |For interview reall before ne is Must be qualified to perform 8--Articles for Sale | | Condition, Reasonable. Telephone 728-4204. Market Basket DODD & SOUTER rove cane Thuradey Caae: ducts. Hurry, call 728-5157 for {Southend Restaurant. work on General Motors diesel 10--F. "s Column | ease eet a Cae on ee + toate ond Livestock TIME TO PRUNE | 668-5862 CHESTERFIELD and chair, in excellent| 843 KING W. 728-9429 more details. Sree mutter fae uci eens: and gasoline coaches and 12--Articles Wanted FRUIT TREE PAPER HANGING i dition. I % 1a atics ter heme S & SHRUBS Aree IANGING and painting. : Free LEN PULLAN Sie tite, can Seeeeee, oem oF Cte: ae, Leen cine, tak, ae 728-5157 ferred, to live in, § + 7 days. Telephone trucks, 14--Business Opportunities for (English Tailor) 15--£: ent Wanted UALIFIED PER KIDDIE TRAIN (holds twenty); fence, PIN-UP MODELS -- Parttime basis.| Steady employment, excellent elena is Q IED PERSONNEL Plumbing and Heating CUSTOM TAILORING _ | ticket booth, etc.s Sweden soft ice cream|neD --BOTATOES tor sale Good cook Must be attractive and photosavicmac| benefits. i a freezer, good conditi $s " 17--Female Help Wanted ce ry werer, 900d rondition. 1. Sharp, Gooder: ke, ointment. call Clark Studio, daytime, ipaMale Hel "wanted . OSHAWA GARDEN -CENTRE |hew ond nace reece and remodeling! Suit ond Dress Alterations -- ham. Telephone 619-62, Dao ee ee 12-0432; 'evenings and weekends aes) All replies held confidential. ee ae a oe 1259 Simcoe North jrates. Estimates free. 723-1191, J. Foley. Invisible Mending coat cate Oe eae '\| CAPONS, 6 Ibs. and up, fresh killed, REALTY LIMITED INTERESTING -- Part-time opportunity Apply by 'letter only, giving " jALL PLUMBING ana heating supplies.| 10 PRINCE ST. 728-531] _|oven ready. Delivered, $2.50 each. Tele for woman with car. Home demonstra| pertinent information to - 20a~--Summer Properties 723-1161 -- 723-1162 t ik Q RSnenEY 'elepnom /25-452', H. | H. Stark, Ltd., _.|$288 FOR THREE f 1965 fur hone 725-8304 «|tions regarding a much desired appli- 22 ich or ee, | ' [plumbing Heating and. Engineering, 225| UNLOAD. UN-NEEDABLES with Times|ture. Here's quality a sen eon AB Sieg Se Sth a ! Culligan, Whitby 668-2200, MR. L. J. ALGAR we SPRING. CLEAN-UP _|Simcoe_Street_south. Acton Want, Ads. Like Yo sell something? |ingsi $I weekly. Wilson's Furniture, 20] 1Q--Farmer's Column Member O.D.R.E.B. sie "HOURLY for experienced women, oe c A ~ etd TT ERE ge PSL Ng LUNCH COUNTER and variely si-|7 to 3 shift, small Magi yg ail excellent Pruning, Fertilizing, Rolling. Rug-Upholstery Service Marine Equi t GUNS -- Bought, sold, traded, repaired Sadi. Shstawit or Feet _picked ness for sale. Good going concern. Call|conditions, no nights, no Sundays. Car- 100 Simcoe Street South, Complete landscape. service. aR le Equipmen at Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West,|Teieohone Collect Hampton, "263-2721 725-8%3_for_further information Michael's Barbecue. (Park Rd. af Hill Oshawa, Ontario W : Licence 369-C-65. TV AND Lena business % aa Stock HARDSAND OSHA' A We Carry See BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap- = and LOCAL INSTITUTION requires a young|MALE CLERK for retail hardware store : CLEANERS ; pliances. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 or| WELL ROTTED manure for sale. Tele- wd so lea es aly RED lady for clerical duties. Apply in writing|!" Alex. Ful: time employment. Apply LANDSCAPING i | @ Owens @ Crestliner [Boozer 2695, phone 728-2410 SESTAURANT. Dinas and otey: SqUlP Ito PC to PO Box 248, Oshawa, Ontario. to Ajak Hardware, Ajax Shopping Centre, ; ped 725-1721 Rug and Upholstery Cleon. | .@ Grew @ Evinrude |VEr eVIsiIOn Tow! PECIAL! 4-/11--Pets and Livestock tenant must purchase these plus stock|HOUSEKEEPER for elderly genfleman.|PART-TIME service siation attendant, 33--Automobiles Wonted wet ROTTED | structure inciuding 'all-channe! antenna, !from present tenant. Cail Whitby 668-2056/ S'e=; eferences requir Good ee 20, with Frieda of minor re "34--Automobile Repair arg hoee nh manure. « Draw fae OF our plant of in your See them at installed, guaranteed, vy experts, 10 BOSTON TERRIERS--Registered i males everings wag:s. Phone 725-1575, Bi eexene Vite 35--Lost and Found toca tict ass paves, efter five OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN | years experience. $50. Trio Television | $50. to $75., black miniature poodles, GARAGE and Service Station In Bow-| RELIABLE WOMAN' to care for two pre- ox. 615, Oshawa Times. 36--Legal TREE TO TRIM? OF cul "them down? | CALL 725-9961 Mailséui Read Call_ 728-5143. 2 e male, $75. All_needies. Phone 728- siz2, manville for lease. Steady year-round |school age children, light housekeeping] MAN -- with experience in aircraft sheel- 37--Auctions Free estimates. Call "Slim," 725-5)\g | arbour Koa 2-INCH Ge ision, ¢ GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, pure need, business. Privately owned, Licensed me-|duties, live in, Telephone Port Perry,|metal repair required immediately, After 38--faming fvents 728-0610, 94 BRUCE STREET 723-1901 picture tube, $45. Teleahone 725-7488. $30, Toronto 266-4696 or Hampton. 263-2341.!chani¢ available, Telephone 623-3591, 985-7205, P.M» call 728-7677, y ' N

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