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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Mar 1965, p. 11

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nc RENE RE Hh le RAMI THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Merch 30, 1965 W CHILD GUIDANCE Considering Feelings ANN LANDERS Which Is Worse DISTAFF DIARY Summary of reports of meetings and activities of Oshawa women's organiaztions as compiled from reports submitted by their secretaries. MARGARET. HAMILTON GROUP The Margaret Hamilton Group of St. Paul's Presbyter- jan Church held its monthly meting at the church. Mrs, Walter Jackson, minister's wife, was introduced and welcomed. Arrangements were made for banquets and a rummage sale. Mrs. Donald MacDonald, the president, pre- sided. : Delicious refreshments were served by Mrs. Alex Mac- Donald. SUNBEAM CHAPTER, OES The regular meeting of Sun- beam Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, was held in the Masonic Temple recently. Wor- thy Matron Thelma Beerthuzin presided assisted by William Henderson. Gladys _ Elliott Edna Anderson, Past Matron, and escorted her East where she was welcomed by the Worthy Matron. A number of the Past Ma- trons and chartered members were introduced and given a gift from the Worthy Matron. It being the 45th birthday the Chartered and Past were specially welcomed Sybil and Florence Langmaid, charter members, presented the chapter with a new Canadian flag, in memory of their sister, Vida, who was a chartered member. The meeting closed in order with Jean Gow giving the fare- well. Entertainment was put on by the pupils of Burns School and was much enjoyed. Refreshments were served. by the introduced | Grand} Matrons|Weeks and Mrs. Dancing Mr. David Savage, manager of the Odeon Plaza Theatre for the past ten years, was intro- duced by Mrs. George A. Leavitt. Mr. Savage spoke en- tertainingly and 'informatively on "The Cinema and Your Children," covering such points as the rating of films as suit- able for children, behavior of jchildren in cinemas and recom- 'mended films which will be coming to the various theatres in Oshawa. Mrs. George Glasford thanked Mr. Savage. It was announced that the lannual meeting would be held on April 26 because of the Easter vacation, and Miss Mar- garet Pellow would speak on "Guidance." The refreshments were served by Mrs. Howard Morse jand Mrs. Norman Eddy, and mothers of Miss Shaw's class. CENTRE STREET UCW The regular meeting of Centre Street United Church Women was held recently in the chapel with Mrs. Percy Fletcher presiding. The theme of the devotional period was "Books," and was |presented by Mrs. Aubrey Owen Smith. 'Mrs, Cyril Clark spoke on liter- jature available in the church. Members were reminded to lbring in nylons, cottons and good used clothing for the over-| lseas bale. | It was announced that on {April 26, at 8.00 p.m., the lyounger women of the congre- jgation would meet at the jehurch to discuss the forming of another Unit in the UCW. | Several social activities were jplanned and committees named ito be responsible. Sparkling white linen, lined with emerald poplin are the basics for this beach bag and stole. Em- broider the motifs with co- balt blue and jade for the "BEACH BAG AND STOLE Problem Needs Solving Dear Ann Landers: It's old news now, but an unresolved question still keeps me awake nights. I hope you will not con- sider my letter too "stale" to print but I'm sure many other readers (along with me) would like to know your views on the Air Force Academy scandal. Our nephew was one of the 105 cadets who resigned as a result of honor code violations. His parents are crushed, The boy is holding up stoically. The only information he will give us is that he was not directly in- volved in the buying or selling of the exams, He did know of the cheating, but he refused to turn in his buddies, which ac- cording to the code of the Air Force Academy, makes him equally guilty. This fine young man has been taught since childhood not to tattle. And now this virtue has been twisted around to appear dishonorable, It has brought him and dozens of other young men and their families, disgrace and | anguish, If we are too close to the situ- - jation to see it clearly, please tell us. What is your opinion? --Grieved Aunt gests you do not have all the facts straight. First reports from the academy indicated that jamong the 105 cadets who re- jsigned there were a number |who were not. directly involved in the cheating. They knew who ithe cheaters were, however, ac- cording to these accounts, and refused to turn them in, Under jstrict application of the honor send a_ self-addressed, stamped enveloped and 10c. for handling in care Of The Needlework Department of this newspaper, asking for Leaflet No. E 8755. most stunning accessories you can imagine! What could be more perfect for that walk in the park on Sunday afternoon? If you wish the instructions, please PORK CHOP AND APPLE CASSEROLE Spring is .the season for Cheating Or Tattling Dear Aunt: Your letter sug- Hi Keeler, information officer of] the academy, announced that four more 'cadets met with the honor committee and accepted the committee's recommenda- tion that they resign. These four were not directly involved but they refused to turn in those who were. I must assume that the acad- emy has evidence to support these statements. Surely the administration of the air acad- emy could not--and would not lie. In point. of fact, the honor code of the academy does not distinguish between the directly guilty and the man who refuses to fink on a friend. And I be- lieve the code should be re-| written, | I am opposed to a Gestapo philosophy in a free society. If our military elite countenances (and encourages) informers, something is wrong either with the values we teach our chil- dren, or the values of the mili- tary. Dear Ann Landers: I am dy- jing of embarrassment and need |some advice. I have been go- jing with a terribly sweet guy. e works in.a shop down the jstreet from my father's theatre |where I am a cashier, | Nick is from a town about 70 miles from here. He goes home jevery other Sunday and takes |his Jaundry because he says his mother really enjoys doing it | This morning I received a note from his mother. | It read: 'Dear Miss Smith: |The lipstick you are using is Jindelible. You are ruining my By GARRY C. MYERS, Ph.D. Here is something your chil- dren may want to read or have you read to them, Suppose all the boys and girls in your class wore better clothes to school than you did. Suppose you heard some of these other children make fun of your clothes. How would you feel? But suppose only a few chil- dren of your class wore very nice clothes and nearly all of the rest of your class didn't wear clothes as fine as. theirs. You would feel far more com- fortable then, than if you were the only one with not-so-good clothes. DIFFERENT BELIEFS Suppose you were the only Protestant or Catholic or Jew- ish child among your group of playmates or classmates at school, and all the rest were of a different religion, Suppose you heard one of these children say something unkind about your religion, even make fun of it. How would you feel then? Suppose you were in a play- mate's home with several other children, all of a different re- ligion from yours. Suppose some of these children or their parents began to talk about go- ing to their church or syna- gogue, Would you feel free and comfortable to drop a remark about going to your church? There might be scores of other things that children, belonging to a certain faith different from yours, might say in a natural way. Would you speak as nat- urally and freely about your re-| ligious practices then? BEING GRACIOUS Of Others Is An Asset tunity to prove how unselfish, thoughtful, and gracious we can be toward the one or the few persons present who are differ- ent from our group in any way. SPEAK KINDLY _ We can succeed in this diree- tion when, in our imagination, we put ourselves in the place of the person or persons different from the rest of us. Then we can get some of the feelings he might get. Caring about how he feels, we just won't let an un- kind word leave our lips or an unkind thought dwell in our hearts about him because he happens' to be different from us. You and I may suppose it's always easy to be in a major- ity (larger) group and always hard to be in a _ minority (smaller) group. But when we really try to do what we know is right, we may have to strug- gle harder in the majority group. May we always try to speak and act so that nobody in our presence will feel ashamed to speak of anything really pre- cious to him. ALL-WEATHER ART MONTREAL (CP)--Baroness Guy Daufresne de le Chevalerie, wife of the Belgian ambassador to Canada, practices the Euro- pean technique of painting on a meta! base. She uses aluminum --to achieve 'a luminosity that shines through."' There are prac- tical reasons as well--her work will never deteriorate in any weather. Gwen Hanna. West Unit served refresh- pork. During March and. April, CORONATION H-S lavents; Get To Work On It most cuts of pork will be plenti- The recent meoetine 5 | con = | : alge Hien abirg a Pork chops) Later, officials of the acad-|stick that will was ha ation Home wid by ae oy COLLECTS CLOTHES By ROBERTA ROESCH which speaks for itself as ap fiat ae 0 get and|emy announced that every man| you--Mvs = wash out. Thank tion 'was presicen: over *-| The Goodwill Industries of! If you have an interest you'd) plied to jobs. ie cic can Pe penile ' |who resigned was guilty of sell-|" ¢ n 0 . pork. Stuff »-bread| : ee Shoul 2 Fe Ee tail sagarding 2800". Ont., has a king-size col-|like to develop--or a problem The fourth was to have the Resting, garnished with broiled |i" weyiig oF ane Oe exams| Remember "this, carn might children and air rifles, was|/ecting box in a shopping plazajyou need to solve--get to work) atience to improve things--|peach-halves, or braised in left-|<gr other words, they were di-\nrobably be my mother-in-law 3, Mr,|for_ the deposit of used clothesion it. Who knows? You might/ . , jrectly involved). The officials} : M 4 read by Mrs. Roy Rhodes. Mr.) caging end up with your own corpora-|Which Edward J. Breck, who pO AA ARTE A P H joined his father after graduat- over fruit juice and served with} jone day.--A Shirt-Wrecker R. H. McLeod, principal, spoke} en a Mee Pax Goctaess all over 1081 spiced crab apples, |went on to say that those men| pear Shirt-Wrecker: Get rid briefly. ' : |world if you start o|ing from Massachusetts College | code this lapse made them son's shirts. I would appreciate > guilty : As a tule, when we are the equally sully if you would change to a lip- only one, or one of a small group, very different in our re- ligion or other ways from the group, we may not speak as comfortably as if we belonged to the larger group. Of course, if we always could é ; feel proud of our religion and can be the star of any meal. bse er Fron Magick ey a : the religion of our inne and This simple casserole from|still at the academy and that|and switch to one that will wash|proud of anything else precious the Foods Department at Mac-|their cases were still unresolved has' j to us, we could overcome any : ; | D ' i lick'« i ; donald Institute, Guelph, com-| Still later, Major John W. Drop. Nick's mother a note|fear or shyness and speak with bines pork chops, Ontario! - » Mair voln _™:|thanking her for letting youjease and with courage. , apples and turnip. | know and inform her of the} When we are part of a larger premises aes change. group, we have a rare oppor- Eggs are a valuable ome = = -- = PORK AND APPLE _ | source of protein, say home FOR THE FINEST CASSEROLE jeconomists at Macdonald Insti- Custom Made DRAPES medium cooking apples A jtute, Guelph. And right now, egg) in the Latest Shades and Fabrics cups sliced turnip : jprices have never been more} SEE (about \-inch slice on wee) favorable to the housewife 74 CELINA STREET pork chops} ' . of your present brand of lipstick Mrs. Chmara announced that ee agate of Pharmacy, constantly main- basis in your home. tains, along with the other three) ; . premises. According to a recent inter- view with Edward J. Breck, DEVELOP ADS president of the John H. Breck Together these Company, Inc., of Springfield, changed the Breck project from Mass., this is how his father,/a small part-time interest that lJohn H. Breck, Sr., founded the began at home to a corporation) _/firm that produces hair prepa-'that now sells its preparation: |9 5 y lrations. in the United States, Bermuda, W FE PRESERVER Canada, South America and ? _|Europe. Its advertisements, de- "Back in 1895, my father veloped from pastels of beauti- Always roll flank steak, and|began experimenting with hair|+.) women. have become clas-| scalp care in the evenings|.i.g in the field 14 his i. ge el And one of 'the company's ecause, as a | improving) the Association was presenting a tape recorder to the school which should prove of some assistance in helping children to improve their reading. Resolutions for the annual convention were discussed and) it was decided that Mrs. Rich- ard A, Donald should be allow- ed to exercise her own judg- ment in the voting on amend- ments to byelaws when she at- tends the Convention. | Mrs. Donald read some ex-| i | cerpts from the proposed|other such meats, lengthwise sojand : ; gas fig Human Rights for Indians Bill.!you can slice it across the grail.|iola me, man, he was concerned ove prospect of baldness and coul get no real help from specia ists. EGG ECONOMICS Milk with Everything We'll wager that scarcely a meal goes by inmost Canadian households where milk doesn't find its way to the table in some form .. . either as a tall glass of milk or as part of a delicious dish. Wise mothers use milk whenever possible in cooking, not only for the wonderful flavor and smooth texture it gives to 80 1-3 cup brown sugar ¥% teaspoon salt | Y% teaspoon cinnamon |with second layer of apples and} Y% teaspoon nutmeg }turnip. | medium-thick pork chops | Sprinkle with brown sugar, Fry pork chops in a little hot nutes, cinnamon and sal t.Top| ' fat until browned evenly on both| with browned pork chops. Bake, q,woman's crowning glory is an!sides, luncovered, at 350 degrees F for }-|educational research centre for! Slice and core apples. They|1 hour and 40 minutes. About 15 consumer studies to be staffed"may be peeled or unpeeled as|minutes before end of baking, |BEGAN. EXPERIMENT DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES PHONE 723-7827 r the latest projects for FOR THE DAINTY Delightfully dainty MISS Your Clothes @ Will Look Like New @ Will Feel Like New When Cleaned By lace- eran printed top. features scal- loped hem, with bows, and white contrasting lace trimmed collar and sleeves. Scout-Tex mates it with bonded slims, in Andante blue or Alegro pink. Sizes 2-3C retails at $6.00; 4 to 6X "As a result, he worked in his paper business during the day and in the evening he developed) his other interest by studying dermatology and working out hair and scalp treatments. As he produced various prepara- tions, he began to give treat-| ments to his friends." The treatments were effec- tive, too, so much so, that by 1907, Breck put his full-time paper business behind him and opened an office to make his hair care his full-time career UNDER FOUR PREMISES From the first, Breck and his company developed under four premises that all of us could well adopt for our own jobs or business. The first was to give his work importance--which, applied to jobs, points the way to develop- ing your own opportunities by making your' product or your work as important as possible to as many people as possible.| The second was to give his) work instant identity -- which underlines the need to make) yourself and your work stand out amid your competition. The third was to give his work quality and character--| by specialists desired. Place a layer of apples|spread pork chops with orange In your own life, perhaps: an/in bottom of buttered casserole.|marmalade, Makes four serv-| interest you work on at home|nutmeg, cinnamon and salt. Top'ings may not grow into a big buSi-| gums 5 ; ness. But you will derive the! satisfaction of achievement and| accomplishment, and, if you get} used to that sort of feeling, there's no: telling where you} might go on from there. THE BEST PLACE "SELL" YOUR PROPERTY IS where MOST PROPERTY SOLD call 728-5157 ACTIVE} REALTY LTD. 48 Simcoe St. South Member Oshawa and District Real Estate Board 3 ROOMS OF Complete from FURNITURE CENTRE 88 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-9332 Oshawa's First Furniture Discount Store FURNITURE 5329.00 UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY TRACKS EXPERTLY INSTALLED SURE My Mummy Dries With GAS! Doesn't Yours! SEE THE FABULOUS "THOR" GAS RYER many dishes but also for the good nutrition it supplies in the form of protein, calcium, riboflavin and Vitamin A. Breakfast Brief Milk's a natural atop those crisp ready-to-eat cereals that grace most breakfast tables... but a little variety never goes amiss. Some moming soon try a creamy Banana Nog Topping. Whip together a slightly beaten egg, ea mashed banana, a tablespoon honey and a cup of milk... snap to mix in the blender but easy too with an electric mixer or rotary beater. Soup's On Soup for lunch? Don't be eshamed of using one of the until smooth and piping hot, then stir in % cup Parmesan Cheese and season to taste with salt and pepper. Sour Milk Substitute R ber those mar cakes that Grandma used to make with sour milk? Now- adays use buttermilk instead or pour 1 tablespoon of lemon juice into a measuring cup and fill with fresh milk, Let stand a few minutes. Tenderloin's a at $7.00, at leading chil- dren's wear stores. FURNITURE CENTRE ag simcoe st. N. Only gas dries with "Sunshine Freshness" and yet is so eco- nomical to operate -- only 2 pennies a load. Investigate the possibility of owning a "Thor"' Gas. Dryer now -- you'll be glad you.did! "The Best In Town" Phone 725-1191 Treat... baked in a celery sauce. Com- bine a can of celery soup, % cup milk, a small bay leaf and % teaspoon pepper. Pour over 1% pounds of "frenched" pork tenderloin in a shallow baking dish. Bake in a 325°F, oven, about 2 hours, basting occasionally to keep the meat moist. GIRL FARMER WINS SURREY, B.C. (CP) ---Karen Baehr, 16, won the junior judg- ing competition held recently by| the Holstein - Friesian Associa-| tion. She has already won two] 4 prizes at the Pacific National] oy " é \ Exinbition. READY-MADE DRAPES @ DRAPERY HARDWARE e Custom Made Drapes @ BEDSPREADS eSLIPCOVERS QUALIFIED DECORATING SERVICE << WARD'S i 8 Cannon Bath Towels or Wool Blankets with every purchase Pay Only $1.07 per week on your ges bill For All Your "Bridal Shoes" (Tinted Free) CHOOSE DANCEY'S DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 10% DISCOUNT IF YOU BRING THIS AD A HEARING AID MUST DO MORE THAN MAKE SOUNDS LOUDER! WRITE TODAY OR PHONE (CM iswenas OF OSHAWA PAUL BELLINGER 1119 Northridge St. 723-5401 OF iets Service 4 Boreas 725-4151 Phone Prepared by the thome Eeonomistsof THE CANADIAN DAIRY FOODS SERVICE BUREAU 447 Davenport Rd. Toronte & Ont. Save Now at... (Gonsumers' ('jas 29 Celina - Oshawa - 728-7363 Simcoe South

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