ATON'S a ? aa ) | V5 OFF! fit nl Stainless Steel Cutlery Luxury fin'sh stainless steel flatware gives you beauty without bother! Needs no polishing to keep its bright gleam. "SKYLINE" PHONE 725-7373 is a modern pattern that po apna fine china and erystal too! 52-pce. set contains 8 le yrs : dinner oe egied. forks, forks, soup spoons, teaspoons a ssert s is; | each of sugar spoon and butter knife and 2 tablespoons. Set comes in a lovely gift box, 13.30 WAX APPLIER Soft washable lambswool applier wooden frame end handle. available, SPECIAL, eech ., q &o e "BLINDCRAFT" 5-STRING Sturdy com brooms with wooden handles made by the Conadion Ne- tional Institute for the blind. SPECIAL, 2 for 2.99 REG. 19.95! SPECIAL, S2-pee. O00. is sissts'e:-« - COAT POLE SPECIAL, each 3.99 For the hall or den! Bronze-tone baked enamel finish tension pole extends approx, 7'6" to 8'4". Has 2 sets of 3 hooks, Rubber tips to protect clothes. Den rer ia orig wock : M RONING BOARD sak sane WHEN SHOPPING SPECIAL, each R.99 WATCH FOR MANY Fully -- besa eae ae ceo -- OTHER SPECIAL n | finish. ium-plat le: r fe oe a ot li VALUES NOT PAD AND COVER set of Tefion-treated cotton cover with SHOWN HERE! foamed cushion pod, Fits standard boards, 2.11 SPECIAL, each e KING SIZE FABRICS 'N' FIBRE GLASS T.V, TABLES WITH BED TRAY BONUS JOHNNY Attaractive "Hill and Dale' scenic pattern cotton is embedded in 2 layérs of stain and alcohol resistant fibre glass. Walnut grain metal frames. Bonus of 2a LE ry a in matching pattern. Trays . approx. CIAL, | 18,99 SPECIAL, 4-pce, set and bonus ...... ba) SPECIAL, each 17.99 White plastic cabinet opprox, 23 x 8", sliding doors, 2 shelves approx, 28 x 8', towel bars on both ends, Shelves and cabinet adjust. Chromium-plated tension poles adjust opprox. 7'6" to 84", tr 10-GAL. POLY GARBAGE PAIL Large roomy garbage pail. has convenient metal carrying handle. ond matching lock- lid, Turquoise , . . approx. 10-gal. capacity. Reg. 5.95! SPECIAL, each ~~ Ae ene emte) \ gunareagenteet 'ven A GALVANIZED -- 16% GAL. GARBAGE CANS With 3 shelves, no cobinet ... _ Reg. 4.49... . Buy @ Pair and Save! srrciA 13.99 | i SPECIAL 2, for 6.66 Sturdy and bright steel" garbage can holds epprox. 16% gallons, Lock-lid steys firmly closed. . WICKER LAUNDRY BASKET , WITH PLASTIC LINER Oval laundry basket of stu low has handy carrying ha' tic liner to keep clothes clean prox. 25 x 18 x 11" ; SPECIAL, each .....cescecees light wil- Bagg tin fresh. Ap- EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 254 EATON'S Headquarters For All Your GARDEN SUPPLIES EATON'S "GARDEN GROVE" 9-5-3 LAWN FOOD WITH 2,4D WEED KILLER "SO GREEN" LAWN FERTILIZER FERTILIZERS 10 - 6 - 4 LAWN FOOD -- High in nitrogen, pro- vides controlled release feeding. Granulated for easy spreading. Approx. 100' coverage from 1-lb. ie... 240 .. .. 8:08... 7149 10-6-4 LAWN FOOD PLUS DACTAL CRABGRASS PREVENTER -- Kills crabgrass before it germinates. Clean, finely granulated. 20-Ibs. covers opprox. 2000 sq. ft. 20-Ib. bag 10-6-4 LAWN FOOD PLUS DEILDRIN -- Soil insect killer to kill grubs. Covers approx. 4000 sq. ft. Can be applied without watering in. 40-\b. bag, each 4-12-8 GARDEN FOOD -- For roses, flowering plonts ond vegetables. 25-lb. bag will cover approx. 825 sq. ft. coh, 19S et 3.50 "VIGORO"' FERTILIZERS "GOLDEN VIGORO" LAWN FOOD = Makes your lawn greener when moisture is plenti- ful, One feeding should last oll Summer. Contains ingredients formula (12-5-7) to grow thick, springy turf and should not burn. 14-lbs. covers about 2000 sq. ft.; 35-lbs. cover about 5000 sq. ft. 14-Ib. 35-Ib. B 2. "GOLDEN VIGORO" with "END-o-PEST" For gat Raggi of white grubs ond other soll insects. -Ibs. covers about 35-LB. 3300 sq. ft. BAG .. 5.95 ALL PURPOSE "VIGORO" et formula (6-10-4) to develop large flowers, early vegetables and healthy green foliage. Oust-free, odorless granules. Clean, easy to use. 2.00 i: 3.25 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 280 Helps prevent growth of dandelion, plantain, thistle and ragweed while feeding and "green: ing' like 10-6-4 regular, 40-Ib. bag covers ap- prox, 4000 sq. ft. oo 5.98 each .. ee e eee eeneees "So Green" 7-7-7 Fertilizer Helps to get grass Into @ healthy, vigorous condition for Summer grow An ime portant ingredient to ensure ¢ lown all Summer, Must be wotered into soil, fr. 30-Ib. covers 1000 sq. ft. ze 1.95 st. 2.95 4.95 "So Green" with "Aldrin" Same as 7-7-7 above, but with "Aldrin" added to kill June beetles, grubs and other "MILORGANITE" ORGANIC FERTILIZER A long-lasting, all around gronular fertilizer, 80-Ib. easy-to-apply and non-burning. Encourages bag. healthy root systems, helps produce large flow- ers and vegetables. lawn insects. Must be watered In et the 50-Ib. 2 bags 7 45 bag . 3.95 for .. a SPHAGHNUM PEAT moss rate of 30-lbs. per 1000 sq. ft. 20-Ib. y] G 40-Ib. 3 95 ng og ign AL A bag .. A bag .. VU 80-Ib. b 95 BGG cccscrcveccvccces we vegetable to absorb food and water in the most "Garden Grove" 22-in. ' desired forms when needed. A very popular LAWN SPREADER product with gardeners, Features constant flow agitator to give con trolled dispensing of seeds, fertilizer, ete Dual metering adjustments. Boked-on metel- lic finish is corr i With tubul steel handel, holds obout 65 Ibs. Roth oi. sass 17.95 PHONE 725-7373 ee Chick Organic Fertilizer A -living organic fertilizer (dehydrated poultry manure) containing more soil-building charocteristics than ony other. Harmless to use, will not "burn". God for bulbs, flowers and trees, especially during transplanting. 40-Ib. bag ........ 2.75 STORE HOURS: 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday Through Saturday, Open Thursday and Friday Nights Until 9 |