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Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 Mar 1965, p. 9

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cessthtanceiraine SE inninanntltantn HELD OVER ... Don't miss this... TWO SUSPENSE HITS Sean Connery es Agent 007 in lan Flemming's "Goldfinger"™ cou me oe = ALSO = me me Back by Popular Demand is "TOPKAPIT" coun MELINA MERCOURI -- PETER USTINOV Recommended @s Adult Entertainment THE "BEACH PARTY" GANG GOES DRAGSTRIP! "BIKINI BEACH" in COLOR with FRANKIE AVALON ANNETTE FUNICELLO MARTHA HYER HARVEY LEMBECK KEENAN WYNN YOU ARE ASSURED A WARM WELCOME > SATURDAY AT THE ODEON DRIVE-INS & SUNDAY Hag es Each Evening from 7:30 (Including Sunday) Tony Curtis beat Lauren Bacall Ferrer cold: blooded killer 5 "NIGHTMAREIN THE SUN" GRSULA ANDRESS » JOHN DEREK MYDROGEM PEROXIDE ite 2 me Sf iT. 2 we 76¢ Mi31 SOLUTION 16 os. -- Reg. 960 2 we 997 ties ttn seaiae : THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Merch 31,1965 QI ed an lenomina- HE ; C d Will I P. NDP P hl | <peproduction on Page 9 of the|been abused by use of the Bilingual Cabinet Demand)'*t.ss% ». 1, wie «| vanaea MI ore Pro amphlet =ersteain roe pop tefoen seat om 8 Algoma, chairman of the social Stud Atomic / i sard. the verbatim report of -* authorization. oe me ae s . service department, said he per- y s Commons proceedings. e' <i concerned Goes To B-B Commission jis, Scant ™ aves |Advisor Tells Committee [i-'ieSc smite ml, Snr Rit "lei commento uj SHOCK-W. | : tsid ue The commission heard a oa cH im will OTTAWA (CP)--Dr. Maurice John Munro (Hamilton East), |that Commons privileges had|activities. TORONTO (CP) -- The royal minority groups outside Qu lenge to the historical validity) OTTAWA ( )--Cani "a Ollivier, the Commons' legal|The committee scheduled an- commission on bilingualism andjis a toss-up. of its terms of reference Tues-|participate this year in the poe adviser, suggested Tuesday thelother meeting Thursday. comiiralism will be told today] Fred Caloren of Toronto, as-iday from the United Empire cording of shock waves set OC \Commons privileges committee| The pamphlet is a four-page that Canada's prime minister|sociate secretary for students) oyalists, descendants of pei- by can American un gh forget about complaints that aldocument published by the and all his cabinet should speaklof the Student Christian Move-|sons loyak to the Crown who test in the Lg pee -| propaganda pamphlet gives the|Hamilton - area council of the both French and English. ment of Canada, said that inlfied to Canada during the Am-|lands, officials said Mon ae Public' the impression some|United Steelworkers Union in $o should all federal em-|some parts of the country meM-lerjcan revolution. Objective of the ~~ MPs work harder than others.|support of the New Democratic ployees and at least the higher/bers of such groups decide they James P. Lovekin, immediate|for the fall, is to obtain more ranks in the armed services, have to go to Quebec to oa past president of the Toronto or 'Gere weeks oe says the Byelorussian Canadianjserve their language and o' branch, said the origins of Can- ki arguing inconclusively about|that the committee need worry ance in a brief to be dis-jheritages. i ise ada are not bicultural but natural earthquakes. have althe complaints by Liberal MP! only about part of the pamphlet cussed by the commission. Mr. Caloren said the "'aliena- multicultural. If any races were The experiment may heed The ailiance's brief is the|tion" of French - Canadians--\1, jaye special privileges, then|bearing on East-West me "_ ~ ms most extreme s0 far met by the|which a brief {rom (e OTE40" line same privileges belonged {0/008 On ests to cover under|¢ US" TIMES "PEYTON PLACE" (Color) ; -|zation * ry pb Pree al English element--should not be several others, _ {ground explosions and also may TONIGHT "RETURN TO PEYTON PLACE" (Color) ; in schools from thejallowed to continue. DON'T WANT LAWS indicate the sensitivity of Cana- 4 é wee a elementary level on. Canon Maurice Wilkinson of| The Imperial Order Daugh-jdian equipment to ~ pod In: another brief to be dis-lforonto, general secretary of|ters of the Empire pleaded with|clear -- in China a need enna serrate cussed today, two publishers'|the Christian social service de-lthe commission not to recom- well as Russia. * Ms, ¥ou'cus of Tus organizations turn thumbs dowMlnartment of the Anglicanjmend that bilingualism and bi-| The main --_-- ed -- FUTURE BEFORE on the idea of a uniform Cana-|Church of Canada, told thejculturalism be imposed on Can-\jogy station--se! 8 ny s md IT HAPPENS! dian history book for all Can-|¢opmmission that in travelsjada by legislation. study of -- ~ an e i ada. through Canada recently he has} "I don't see how you can tremors--is loca' # -- Mord "The There have been several SUZ-|noted a warm response to the|jegislate them into being," Mrs. lowknife " -- Noi fey be gestions for smoothing out thelobjectives of the commission.|p, W. MeGibbon of Toronto,|Tritories. here fe Pe - Tl ME often '- divergent regional ver-|He was surprised at the ideajnational president, said. "This|main Canadian on ons tre of sions of this country's history-jof French - Canadians beinglis something that grows, deinen 3h NS, ATOR, Om T ellers"' alienated. growing now and will continue small ones. ray: ISN'T PRACTICABLE = --| 'The Anglican brief prepared|to grow. It must come from the|TO PROVIDE RECORDS Praline teh The Canadian Book Publish-lny the committee of the social|will of the people, as it is com-| Officials said Canada will pro- ers' Council says its affiliated|seryice department said other|ing from our younger genera-jvide the U.S, with copies of PRESTON FOSTER Canadian Textbook Publishers'|nrovinces in Canada should givejtion." seismological records showing PHILIP CAREY Institute feels a single versionlthejr French-specking minori-| Mrs. G. E, Tait of Toronto,|ing the effects of the nuclear MBEAY Anbeas is neither "practicable nor de-lties the same rights the Eng-|education secretary, said that a)blast scheduled for Amchitka Is- president sirable." _ llish minority receives in Que-|federal - provincial council ofjland for the western end of the The council says regional in-/hec, though Canon Wilkinson ad-|ministers proposed by, the IODE|Aleutian chain. terests and emphasis and!mitieg in questioning that helcould be useful in unifying Can-| The Nuclear Test Ban Treaty reopens cape scholarly interpretations VaY|could not say the church wasjada. It could help iron out bi-|of 1963, signed by Canada and|? poors in FMA R too much. And the University of! speaking with one voice on the|lingual education problems at/more than 100 other countries, OPEN » iL ny c Toronto Press says: point. the provincial level, without prohibits explosions in the at- 6:30. P.M. SNE Tar tats "The notion that French- over-all legislation. mosphere, under water and in ! speaking and English-speaking AGeS VIEW She also agreed with Father|SP8ce-. Aacttntntnc v Canadians should arrive at} Co-chairman A. D. Dunton|cormier's suggestion that it some general and mutually|wondered how the church would might have a function in help- agreeable average ven of > hook = bilingual pyro > ing protect the cultures of min- acts of history . . . is as UN-ithe other provinces -- whether ; such as Secgesable as to suppose thatithrough public schools or con- nei Merete et yg Liberals and Cons er vativesifessional schools. Canon Wilkin-)\ommission by ethnic organiza- Beam should have identical politicallson was unable to say, since|tigns, views... ." : mene each "reson hie hg ve Canadian National Insti-|sponsible for educational mat- Hg'. the Blind will ask thelters in its area. ACTOR DIES é commission today to recom-| Rev. Clement Cormier, com-| ROME (AP)--Amadeo Chian- mend government funds for it/mission member who is a Ro-|toni, 94, one of Italy's most fa- : to carry out its program injman Catholic priest, asked|mous actors in the early part French and English. Recordings|whether Anglicans would beljof the century, died Monday in and braille books would belprepared to have the question'hospital. e equally available in both lan- U G STORE cee | pee a-- = SALE tion how far the rest of Can- a nse! ede should gp f2 making Que Ese sat boy ete sam Spill aay : APRIL 1st TO APRIL 10th DEMANDS ACCETTED ; fs VITAMINS BUY ONE AND GET ONE FOR 1 professor at Me of ea ee a ; rently Quebec's demands fo EZ TEE : ottcaltarel dualistic conception Neva VINCENT PRICE CoLeRSCOPE REXALL COD LIVER = Multiple Vitamin 2 Ee ' a ) of Canadian federalism have hy izabeth Shephetd POLYMULSION OIL TABLETS ae dy been largely accepted. ORANGE ta eee Meerpene pol ig no viable fed- mavours> | poc119 272 1.20 | a2, 2 roe 3.99 MILK OF MAGHESIA wp a9 2 OR 1.90 | ayzse 2 we 7.99 ANTACID AND LAXATIVE without French-Canadian sup- Tomes ant port, so Quebec's constitutional pia HALIBUT LIVER Vitamin Mineral es 2 woe 90¢ spokesman should rely on poli- Infonts OIL CAPSULES 'TABLETS FLAY tical consensus rather than on ond pig saih MINT FLAVOURED TABLETS mutual recriminations. Children wee 2 Foe 1.90 | ny ae 2 OR 4.50 Pysinge A Bey ft) R. G. Andrews, marketing Sen, Res. 2.00 290s 250s 1.20 manager for a Toronto - ares 2 ve 2.01 oetre 22 3.80 | apace 20e 8.99 ae gales firm and a student of bi- , eulturalism, said Quebec should Voom, Toy. 3.50 VITAMIN C | Coed Liver Of nA SAREX remember that it does not make 7 : 2 we 3.51 100 MG TABLETS. FORTIFIED wm, 2 we up in size or population half of Ff ' 1 3 2g 2 ror 2.01 0A end D 90¥ Canada, "Therefore, does it ENDS SADISTIC ' Sen Rep. 650 -- » sen. 1.00 an 2 we 1.66 have the prerogative to seek . 4 2 we 6.51 natse 2 Pe 3.51 2 ve 1.01 Nea pacers BLOODCURDLING TCR The Andrews and McWhinney OFOUR en fap Oe COMEDIES Fine! EVERYDAY NEEDS 2m 90/ eral government can be formed briefs are to be discussed to- day. The third individual brief is that of Jean Howarth, editor- ial writer for The Globe and Mail. She sent her brief Tues- day and it is to be discussed later. She says Quebec's suddenly- heightened involvement in na- tional affairs has had the "alarming" effect of emascu- lating Parliament. "'If the price of Quebec's remaining in Con- federation is the destruction of responsible government," she says, "'then the price is too high." SURVIVAL TOSS-UP An English speaking student leader told the commission Tuesday that survival of French-Canadian culture among JACKLEMMON VIRNA LISI "HOW TO U RDE TECHNICOLOR® YOUR WIFE® sei ADULT ENTERTAINMENT AN ODEON THEATRE--PHONE 723-2843 Times; 2:15-4:40-7:00-9:20--Last complete show 9 p.m. 3,000,000 satisfied customers 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM "THAN NATIONAL BRANDS BROKEN FRAMES REPAIRED OR REPLACED WHILE YOU WAIT. WE FILL ALL PSI, OCULISTS AND OPTOMETRISTS PRE- SCRIPTIONS AT THE SAME LOW PRICES. UALITY AND SERVICE WEED NOT BE EXPENSIVE SEe KING AND SAVE <4 ; 17 BONDST. E. 2nd floor OSHAWA PHONE 728-1261 HOURS: MON, TO SAT. 9 A.M. -- 5 P.M. CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAY AEROSOL AiR FRESHENER Floral REXALL 11 en, REG. 1.49 2 re 1,50 REXALL 14 OZ, REG. 1.98 ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL CO, iS 2 me 90¢ a2 To 2 we 1.70 PERMEDGE RAZOR BLADES ter tse 2 WR 26¢ nytt 2 e 7O¢ TERRY FACE CLOTHS FOOT POWDER 4oz, Reg. 89 2 wm 90/ LENZ RUBBER GLOVES Reg. 1.50 2 we 151 MONEY SAVING BONUS BUYS NOT Tc SALE += BUT EXCEPTIONAL VALUES 4 SQUARE SPRAY STARCH NO Fuss NO BOTHER STARCH WHILE YOU IRON 16 ox, Reg. 696 49¢ SILQUE torn HAIR DRYER beim MAIR SwirTLY GUARANTEED | YUAR 9.79 For Quick, cosy pointing 99/ GLYCERIN. KLENZO SUPPOSITORIES AOULT or FANT T's -- Reg. 650 2 we 667 BRONCHIAL SYRUP 6 on. ~~ Reg. 95 2 we 997 SACCHARIN TABLETS Ys GRABE 100's REG, 49¢ ..-ceccce. 2 for 50e 500's REG. 1.10 .cecccce 2 for 1.11 1000'g-REG, 1.39 ....200. 2 for 1.40 % ane 300's REG. 55c ....cee0. 2 for 560 500's REG, 1.25 ..reccee 2.for 1.26 3000's REG. 1.89 ...., 2 for 1.90 DENTAL NEEDS P TOOTH PASTE | TOOTH BRUSHES te «02 ee SY SMOKERS DENTAL FLOSS TOOTH PASTE NYLON Ros. 75¢ 2 we 76¢ STATIONERY WRITING PADS BER, AAAI, INEM oe BLUE NED 5" POLY CASE SS 2wel6¢ St 2 we 36¢ SS 2we 26¢ SO 2 e AOS ENVELOPE NVLOM 5" POCKET COMB 25 Sea SS 2 26f 2 me 26¢ ». DELRAY HASTI-NOTES TWEEZERS 236. Rog tte 2 tee GIP FOR FREE DELIVERY CALL YOUR NEAREST TAMBLYN DRUG STORE DOWNTOWN OSHAWA -- 6 KING ST. EAST -- 723-3143 @ OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE -- 728-5101 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT and oiegle GHD cose From WARNER BROS, Co-Starring FRAN JEFFRIES * LESLIE PARRISH and EDWARD EVERETT HORTON sso COUNT BASIE and HIS ORCHESTRA TODAY ONLY! "None But The Brave" in Technicoler

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