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Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 Mar 1965, p. 26

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5 . w é ' + 9 ROS = eet » tha \ apenas executive council|suited to the diverse needs of uy t & BB In Business Usage Won't Up Costs: C of C The Sarnia Junior Chamber -- Canadian TORONTO pod pot worrylof Commerce, declaring an ef- yse of bilin-/fective working partnership be- it eonlareing ne | their costs,jtween the English and French Canadian r of Com-|cultures is essential to erce told the roya! commis-|strengthen Canadian unity, ad- po on bilingualism and bicul-jvocated a thorough review of turalism Tuesday: the British North America Act brief submitte¢ by thejto create a constitution better in domestic trade|the Canadian people. there was no reason fOr CON-| "However," it added, "we state' arket ages probablyiment of 'associated vould far outweigh costs status for the province while giving endorsation to a) hoc," in the international|expjicitly reject the "Ttate| of Que- » of bilingualism for Canada, the council came There should be increased use| of national symbols which are) out against over-emphasis on) ai ctinctively Canadian, specitic-| gor ally the flag and O Canada as wwe find it difficult to envi-\the national anthem, But the| sage the practicability or the/chamber stressed the impor-| desirability of endeavouring toltance of the Crown in Canada's the lives of Canadians) pojitical institutions and as a to two cultures," the brief said.) unifying link for the Common- "we believe that, in a free) wealth such as Canada, 0 jn education, French lan- element of culture of whatever guage instruction in Ontario origin should be restrained elementary schools should be Dealing with bilingualism, the) speeded. A teacher exchange chamber said more of it would/ program with Quebec should be probably contribute. more than/initiated. The federal govern- . any other single factor towards improving understanding tween the French and English segments. For a country to have two of ficial languages did not neces ment should sponsor high school exchange visits between French- and English-Canadian communities Hugh Addonizzio welcomes Astronauts John Young and leans Mayor Unconcerned boy against podium as 'OKAY, SO THEY'RE ASTRONAUTS Virgil Grissom to City. They received keys to City. At left OTTAWA (CP) -- Commons Speaker Alan Macnaughton turned aside Tuesday a com- plaint about questions aimed at harassing MPs but suggested a committee study the whole ma- chinery of Commons questions. On March 4 Douglas Fisher (NDP -- Port Arthur) com- plained some questions asked by Liberal MPs showed de- partmental files were being searched "for the purpose of planting these questions with government back-benchers in order to embarrass other mem- bers of Parliament." Speaker Macnaughton said it is neither feasible nor desirable for the Speaker to take each question and study it to deter- mine whether it was designed to embarrass or harass a mem- ber. The responsibility of the Speaker was limited to ensur- ing questions met H les, Cirl, ll, Faces Commission MPs Complain Harassment, 'Macnaughton Poses Cure He also said he does not think there is anything wrong for a member to elicit informa- tion from a government depart- ment before framing a question. There had been bs evidence that there had been collusion attacking the rights of mem- bers, he added. Speaker Macnaughton said he would be willing to a a specific charge which names if Mr. Fisher wanted to place one. Otherwise, he felt there was no point of privilege. But the matter did focus at- tention on the whole business of Commons questions and By JIM BASTABLE | TORONTO (CP)--The pretty/ | wisp of a girl sat before some! of the keenest minds in Canada land described how much she enjoys being bilingual at the lage of 11, | She was an unqualified suc- cess -- in both French and | English. | Helen Findlay, a native of |Montreal, appeared before the royal commission on bilingual- lism and biculturalism Tuesday 2 to help present her parents' of Mayor is Gov. Richard |pid to make both French and B. Hughes of N.J ; English more readily available --AP Wirephoto in Canadian schools. : | Her father, Bruce. Findlay, To Seek Bilingual Schools ):"i'-'iseost "iu; procedures for asking questions. her brother and sister speak French, she said: "My brother does, but we don't talk to each other in The machinery had remained unaltered for almost a century although the number of ques- tions had multiplied many French. I talk in French with my daddy. And mother under-| stands us." The Findlays' brief called for| a system of federal bursaries, scholarships or grants-in-aid to assist Canadians in the cost of| educating themselves or their) children in either of the coun-| times. Cape Breton Island, has stud- ied French but can't speak it, Mr. Findlay, a Protestant, said French - Canadian text- books in both Quebec and On- tario are "seeded with relig- try's main languages. ious themes. "We want to encourage gov-, When the Findlays moved to ernmental and group support|Toronto three years ago they for individual effort in Frenchjtried to enrol their children in and English for English- and|separate schools teaching in» French - speaking Canadians,""|French but found they could not because only Roman Cath- | \ rise combines with heavy rain-/port all river channels clear VIVA TARZAN linsult Mexico culturally by ap-|had submitted the family brief|the couple said. fall to accelerate melting of|with no danger of flooding MEXICO CITY (AP) --The|pearing with a Jion at the an-\and made some introductory) It was the first time the 10-/olics can contribute to the alwayS\government has solemnly de-| cient pyramids of Teotihuacan remarks when Rev, Clement|member commission had heard schools' support. Eventually, a high degree of bilingualism} ' ° e mountain snows or river ice.) However, "there is among political; civil service,| Called Unlikely A survey of water authorities|the potential danger of flood-|cided, in response to a writer's| for a movie scene. It was\Cormier, a commission mem-|a brief from an_ individual/they sent their children to Eng- business and academic leaders jacross the country by Thejing,"' said Tom Moyer, weather t agreed that local. censors lber and president of the|Canadian family. \lish schools and now provide The Chamber's other recom-| By THE CANADIAN PRESS Canadian Press shows that fewloffice climatologist. "We will ae lest anything deemed ava rid French » language University of} Mr. Findlay, 39, a public re-/them with private lessons in mendations included the teach-- There appears little likeli-|areas expect serious floods un-|jreceive slight flooding: if the Be "pa f eee Moncton, questioned her injlations man, was born in Tor-|French. Helen completed kin- ing 2f English and French injhood of extensive flooding injless unusual weather conditions|80-degree temperatures of Jast/Sn0w banks have trapped water| When Tarzan 66, starring Mike} French and received French re-lonto and speaks French flu-|dergarten through Grade 3 in @ all schools, starting no later/Canada this spring unless an/develop April 17 hit us now in Toronto."|on roads, causing considerable| Henry, Hollywood's 14th Tarzan, | plies ently, His wife, 40, the former|French-language school in Que- than the third grade unusually sudden temperature! Ontario weather officials re In Ontario's Lambton County!damage. lis shown in. Mexico, | Asked by Father Cormier if|Joyce McLean of New Haven,'bec sitate every citizen being bilin gual. There should be, however Flooding Danger f ssy Me see a Se Se 70 SECURE ENVELOPES LOBLAWS. ee / ¢ ee / / ' ' ------ WINNING "MAKE MONEY" BILLS WILL BE REDEEMED IN OUR STORE UNTIL SATURDAY, APRIL 17th, : ---- al SPECIAL! ALL 13c VARIETIES --GERBERS BABY FOODS SPECIAL! WHITE, YELLOW or PINK--WHITE SWAN TOILET TISSUE - PRICES EFFECTIVE MAR. 31, APRIL 1, 2, 3 83: SPECIAL! MAZOLA OIL... «: ee eee Oc e reer ee er 32-FL. ROLL PKG, SPECIAL! CUDNEY FANCY omeeerereeoenes OZ. TINS recs te PECIAL! "KITCHEN PRIDE" -- LOBL , oo AVAILABLE IN MOST MARKETS SPECIAL! FANCY WHOLE KERNEL AWS CUDNEY FANCY. SLICED 14-FL, OZ C CHERRY PIE... @Y¢ STRAWBERRIES Z sx. / 3° cence MEH SPECIAL! BETTY CROCKER DELUXE pet ald 5 gi eg i ey ta ARIETIE ' ROAST BEEF PRESTIGE TOOTHPASTE VARIETIES oc... ccescescense esas Gs PKGS. 3) COUPOR ExXPrETs Apen 7 32 COUPON EXPIRES APan, 7 pak 34 COUPON EXPinES APRN 7 WITe Couron & PYRCHASE OF sae th am WITH COUPOW & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPOM & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPOM & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF HEAD & SHOULDERS iitary cata, wise edon 8 es ee aebtoclign tad eam te be Ma we yr - i iid FRANCO AMERICAN A JOHN BRADSHAW SHAMPOO OROCOLATE creams fmPMOMAm © MeDOnMIOK'S poy JET BON AM! =i SURF Peteeag POTATO CHIPS (MMMM canvewine nook [ipwmmam CLARK'S STEW SPAGHETTI 33 = COUPON ExPinES aren 7 $13 COUPON EXPIRES APRR 7 \11M)\ Dnlllaatsethesattedestatadhd S01 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 7! 512° COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 7 2) EXTRA STAMPS COUPON FXPIRES ApaiL 7 COUPON FUPIRES APRN. 7 3 | COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 7 TTT TT IaE 200 COUPON Expres Apart 7 2) EXTRA STAMPS STAMPS mk EXTRA STAMPS STAMPS fag 2) EXTRA STAMPS STAMPS Bad STAMPS 2) STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 32 FL. 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