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Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 Mar 1965, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Merch 31, 1968 HERE-THERE Daring the first five days its appeal, the Rotary are eXx- Patricia William- Vista ave- Jebrating her shawa_ District race hs an- = Scout Cere- held May 8 in Collegi- 'ocational Insti- 'The election and installa- tion of officers of Camp No, 227, Canadian Wood- men of the World in King- sion was attended by sev- eral Woodmen from the Osh- awa camp. The Oshawa Woodmen assisted in confer- ring degrees on candidates. Head consul commander, J. S. Clouston, outlined some of the organization's activi- ties and aims. Oshawa Fire Department dealt with three calls yes- terday only one of which was of a serious nature. Yesterday afternoon the de- partment's emergency truck attended on the two truck collision on Bloor street east to pry a. driver out of one of the vehicles. There was one false alarm and a call to extinguish a kitchen fire. Oshawa ambulance an- swered two routine house calls. A panel discussion of the government's proposed LONDON (AP)--Prime Min- ister Wilson faced mounting de- mands today from some mem- bers of his ruling Labor party to modify his unqualified sup- port for U.S. policy in Vie Nam, The demands were made at a meeting of the party's foreign affairs group. Though private, it was clear from leaks that disquiet over American retalia- tion policies has apread beyond the party's extreme left wing. Political sources said the ex- treme view was put by Konni illiacus, who demanded that Britain pull out of the Western Alliance urless American bomb- ing of North Viet Nam is stopped. A more moderate viewpiont expressed by Michael Foot ap- parently found majority sup- port. He urged that while ex- pressing general support for American aims in Viet Nam, } i New Viet Position Demanded Of PM He demanded also that the government should dissociate it- self from the use of gas and napalm, and urgently appeal to the United States not to con- sider the bombing on its em- bassy in Saigon as justification for more ruthless action. Another speech apparently re- flecting a majority view came from William Molloy, represent- ative of London's Ealing dis- trict. He suggested that a UN force be prepared to go into Viet Nam, with a British con- tingent if necessary. Britain so far has limited its involvement in Viet Nam to a small force of jungle warfare experts who are advisers to the South Vietnamese forces. his left, can policies and methods. Wilson should make clear this jassert a right to consultation. Rabbi Raps TORONTO (CP) -- Rabbi a conference of the Rabbinical Council of Canada Tuesday that a Grade 3 textbook, show- ing a Jewish baker throwing his son into a furnace for entering a Roman Catholic church, has ldebate in Commons Thursday. Quebec Text Including Anti-Jew Tale | But the tale, entitled Le Noel Morris Halpern of Montreal told|d'un Petit Juif, will not, under Quebec government instruc- tions, appear in a revised edi- tion of. the book due this year,|---- Armand Byarelle, head of the publishing company. Wilson, despite the unrest on has been careful to avoid any criticism of Ameri- Viet Nam is certain to be the support has limits and should|Mmain issue in a foreign affairs Although the textbook is not 'WORST' AWARD CAMBRIDC=, Mass. (AP) The Harvard Lampoon has announced its annual . Holly- wood 'Roscoe' awards and selected Carroll Baker as the 'worst actress of the year "'for all the films she made" in 1964. The Harvard 'student cita- tions, intended as parodies of Hollywood's Oscar awards, included one of James Fran- ciscus as "worst actor for his performance in Youngblood Hawke." Films sharing top honors for "worst movie of the year": The Greatest Story Ever Told, The Carpetbaggers, Syl- via, Ceyenne Autumn, and Station Six Sahara. "The entire population of Western Europe" was singled out for a special award "for its performance in The Fall of The Roman Empire." CARROLL COPS | WEATHER FORECAST Freezing TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts, issued by the weather office at 5:30 a.m.: ; Synopsis: Bright sunshine should ameliorate the cold to- day. A disturbance is expected to bring increasing cloudiness to most regions tonight so that temperatures are not likely to drop as low as they did last night. The cloudiness will be followed by a mixture of snow and freezing rain Thursday in southwestern Ontario and snow in central and Northern On- tario. Precipitation is not ex- pected to be very heavy. Lake Erie, Windsor: Increas- ing cloudiness tonight followed by light freezing rain late to- Greek Quake Kills Woman man to die of heart failure, it was reported. | 'ati | village of Khaikali, near Patras in the. Peloponnes where many |persons were slightly hurt and old houses damaged, Houses were reported dam-| jaged in the suburbs of Piraeus, ens in the Corinth Gulf, | Plane Survives ATHENS (Reuters)--A strong earthquake shoo« Greece today, killing one woman when her house collapsed and causing a The woman was killed in the the port of Athens, and damage was also reported at Kaiton and Argos. Epicentre of the quake was 62 miles northwest of Ath- |night changing to occasional rain or drizzle Thursday. A little milder. Winds becoming least 15 to 20 tonight. | Lake Erie, Lake Huron,| Niagara, Western Lake Ontario,| London, Toronto, Hamilton: In- creasing cloudiness tonight fol- lowed by some light snow or freezing rain on Thursday. Winds light becoming east 15 to 25 Thursday. Eastern Lake Ontario, Hali- burton, Killaloe: Clear and cold this evening becoming cloudy toward morning. Thursday) 'eloudy with some snow in the/ Forecast Temperatures Timagami, Cold, Overcast, Rain afternoon and evening. Winds light becoming east 15 to 25 Thursday. Georgian Bay, North Bay, Sudbury: ing cloudiness tonight. day cloudy with light snow. 25 late tonight. clearing Thursday afternoon. shifting to north Thursday. Increas- Thurs- Winds light becoming east 15 to Algoma, White River: Cloudy tonight with light snow late to- night and Thursday: morning, Milder tonight, Winds east 15 'Schulman Fires Coroner, TORONTO (CP)--Dr. Morton Shulman, Metropolitan Tor- onto's chief coroner, says in his annual report he had to suspend a coroner last year who went on an investigation while too drunk to sign a death certifi- cate, Dr. Shulman says he was forced to take the unprece- man. The report, day, does not name the coroner. dented step after Dr. H. B. Cot- nam, Ontario's supervising cor- oner, failed to discipline the released Tues- "A request was made to the supervising coroner to take ac- Charges 'Drunk On Job' tion but nothing was done," it says, "and one month later an- other serious incident occurred in which a body could not be released because the coroner was too. drunk to complete the death certificate." After Dr. Shulman suspended the man, Attorney-General Ar- thur Wishart last month re- ment. The report is critical of both the attorney - general's ment, which the coroner system, and of Dr. Dr. Cotnam. voked the coroner's appoint- Car-Train Crash Kills Two Men GATINEAU, Que. (OP)~Two men were killed today when their car hit a CPR freight train at a level crossing in this Ottawa area town. They are Willie Poulin, 39, of Ottawa and Gaston Bouliane, 26, of Hull. Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH Shulman's immediate superior, | (2opzectd) drug coun' Low tonight, high Thursday: Windsor St. Thomas London Kitchener Mount Forest..... Wingham ...- Hamilton St. Catharines... Start your savings with a bonus. Have you visited National Trust's newest office in Oshawa? You should. The new surroundings are beautiful, the people are friendly, the services are many...and the interest on savings is a big 4%! Besides 4% interest, you're 'allowed free chequing privileges on any reasonable number _of cheques. For a limited time, National Trust's new Oshawa office at 32 Simcoe Street South makes this generous bonus | savings offer: been distributed in Quebec schools. Rabbi Halpern said the story, titled The Christmas of a Lit- tle Jew, is included in a book called Mon Troisieme Livre de used by the Roman Catholic school board in Montreal, it has been used in Quebec City schools, Rabbi Halpern said the story, first published in 1958, gave "all Lightning Bolt SYDNEY, Australia (AP) -- |Four members of the crew of a Qantas Electra airliner were in- jured Tuesday night when. the medicare scheme will be held tonight in Centre Street United Church. Taking part on the panel are: Rev. Ray Hord, secretary of the Board of Evangelism and Toronto Peterborough ...- Trenton Killaloe ... Muskoka .. / Social Service of the United Church of Canada; Fred Young, member of provin- cial parliament for York- view; Dr. M. W. Butts, of the Whitby Clinic and Dr. A. G. Stocks of the Brook- Lecture, --- My Third Reading Book--written by Abbe Amable Lemoine. In Montreal, Granger Freres Limitee, publishers of the text- book, confirmed that the story did appear in the book edited by the children who read it... a prototype of a Jew." He said the story ends with the father opening the oven after baking bread to find the boy safely cradled in the arms plane was struck by lightning from New Zealand. The 67 passengers were not injured but were severely sha- ken as the plane was _ tossed about "like a feather" for two over the Tasman Sea on a flight/S Sault Ste. } Kapuskasing Moosonee ..- Timmins .... When you open a savings account of $10.00 or 'more, they will immediately add a bonus of one dollar-- ta "cline. Rev. J.P. [Forest _Ouimet, of the Virgin Mary. minutes. Kingston | plus ten cents for each $10.00 of your initial deposit, up Romeril will be the panel | -- : vt bs 'to a maximum bonus of $6.00! The oly. bunt of Toast- 12 KING E. 723-3633 masters International hold OPEN DAILY 'TIL 6 P.M. their 1965 Speech Contest at the Kinsmen Hall on Satur- FRIDAY TO 9 P.M. day. Entertainment starts rat 7.15 with buffet and danc- Enjoy bonus savings. Longer "open hours". Inquire too, about National Trust's complete range of trust services. Look into National, Oshawa, today! There's direct access to National's office from the civic parking lot at the rear. . Look into National, Oshawa! BLADE or SHORT RIB ROAST Boneless POT ROAST FRIDAY ONLY . FRESH CAUGHT WHITE ist SQ | 2... 99° LEAN MEATY SPARERIBS tions are ex- tended to David Gendron of 1527 Lakefield street, who -- his birthday to- y. It is the Ontario Regiment Association who will be holding a Spring Dance at the Bond street Knights of Columbus Hall on April 24 not the Ontario Regional Association'as reported yes- A9 SKINLESS WIENERS FREEZER Apprentices in the motor SPECIAL @ local hotel. Some 65 ap- prentices will attend the banquet sponsored by the Garage Operators Associa- tion, Outstanding students award will be made dur- ing the evening. J. A. That- cher, of Volkswagen Can- ada Ltd. will be the guest @peaker. Decoration Hints Given KEDRON (TC) -- With the| parking lot partially blocked by snowdrifts, the Kedron UCW Saturday afternoon optimistical- | Mai ygeg "A Prelude to pring". was springlike in the lower hall, a eae ments of daffodils on the tables, and the platform attractively de- corated with spring flowers ar- ranged by Mrs. Ross Lee. The special speaker, D. Whit- tore, an interior decorator, | was introduced by Mrs. Doug-; las Love. | "Interior decoration is the art} of making a house into a home," Mr. Whitmore said as a preface fo his talk. He went on to give Hindquarters of BEEF 51 Cut and Wrapped FREE 5-LB, BOX 1.89 PEAMEAL BACON End Cuts by the Piece 79 SALMON STEAKS VEAL CHOPS SHOULDER VEAL CHOPS 69 stew Bins C4 SIRLOIN, T-BONE and WING STEAK GRADE "A" LARGE BONELESS © tio Eggs | Rump 12 KING E. 723-3633 the president, Mrs. Bob Dale. - After tea was served, er Round Steak Doz. C "Rev, | oe tT Rev. Winnifred Bridges is/ IN CARTONS eas ducting supplementary discus- gion sessions on every other OPEN DAILY. 'TIL 6 P.M. FRIDAY TO 9 P.M. were drawn for two pots of yel- presenting an illuminating series) y @anday evening for a group which ra : pce NEW SEASON Vedi MILK-FED-- LEG, RUMP basic principles of modern home OR SI RLOI N ROAST decorating, discussing the treat- ment of walls, floor coverings, furniture, draperies, pictures and color accents | C "There are definite rules for} achieving a desired effect, but] Ib all rules are made to be broken! if you feel strongly enough about) them," he said in conclusion. | "The most important thing is to express yourself in the decora- tion of your home." Mr. Whitmore demonstrated some samples of rugs and fab- rics which he had brought out from the Eaton's College street store, to show the newest National Trust SINC 31 branches across Canada ds in color combination. | The speaker was thanked by) low mums, which were won by Mrs. Cliff Brown and Miss Ann of sermons on the Apostles' reed during Lent. She is con- is preparing for church membership, and other inter- ested persons. On request, she fs making available mimeo-| fi copies of this series of}

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