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Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 Mar 1965, p. 29

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rey . 28 THEOSH AWA TIMES, Wednesdey, March 31, 1909 "Selling Problems -- Get The "Circulation" They Deserve Right Here' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 USINESS SERV CE iKECT ORY | SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK Accountants ONARD JAMES proses Suite 205W, ping Centre, 725-9953 9953. WILSON | and BURROW: countants, 114 i Ronald F. Burrows, CA, 7: ex 70-7854. MONTEIT Chartered "accu opp entre, one; Whitby 666-4131. 67 jo walt, | PERKIN AN ee pooggen wy mg hg Moi Oshawa Cc: Hall, a 'i sana a écoun' ing ervice. wo cLANcys service, 184 Bond Poi Res. 1%. 7605. Street West, 725-0397. YALE: Accountants, Fagg 64 King Street East, yan ie 4 GUTMANN, 'Chartered Accoun icensed Trustee, Past Telephone 723-4833. (INS, BEADLE "AND CO., Char- een $ Financial Trade Build ing, 197 fy Street East, Oshawa, e tario, 725-3 $. T Hopkins, CA; H- Beadle, car "e Lukow, CA. T HOSMAR, Chartered Accoun oy A) Prince Street, Suite 4, Oshawa. 0 _Telephone 723-1221 'orristers D KELLY, Barristers, Solici- nat 4 King Street East, Ola) 3. Resider.ce Phones: J. M. Greer, be 36 Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL 728-$832; Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB, 648-3895. JMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, and HILL- mane Barristers, Solicitors, 36/2 King Street East Oshawa; R. D. Humphreys QC; G. $. Boychyn, QC; W. A. Hillman, B: J, 0. Humphreys, BA, LLB, Office: rita Resirrt : 725. 4604; 68-2761; 728 b, Sher first mortgage "funds avaliable ON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, and CREIGHT: oes Simcoe} VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Bank of Commerce Building, 5 Street North, Oshawa, 723-3446; T. Creighton, QC: or residences: G. K nan, QC; 728-6554; G. L. Murdoch, 723-4768; J. C. Victor, K Dry and arranged JAMES MACDONALD, BA, rister and Solicitor and Notary Public.) The Commercia! Building, 286 King West, | Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking avail able, 725-4716 or 725-4717. QC, Solicitor. i4¥a King Street JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Money to loan East Office 728-8232. aut BASTEDO, 4 Solicitors. Clients' funds available, mortgage, 37 King Street East, (third fioor), 728-7336, Charlies C. McGibbon, QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, Qc. Building Trades PAINTING and decorating, for best esti mates and rates. Call Claire 723-5428, Also 24 hour service office 'cleaning ROOFING, painting, lathing, insulating Specializing in re-roofing, floors and ceiling tile and all kinds of repairs. J. C Dingler, 723-6603. Classitied totes Oshawa Barristers, WORD ADs Cash--! insertion of 24 words $1.08 additional words 4¥ec' each; 3 con- secutive insertions of 24 words $2.88 additional words 12c each, 6 consecu- tive insertions of 24 words $4.32, addi- tional words 18¢ each Charoe 1 per cent additional charge if not poid within & days Method ot counting -- Less than 24 words counts as 24 words, each word, inifial, figure er abbreviation counts as one word; phone number counts two words BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- SOCIAL NOTICES $2.00 per insertion with 25 cents ad- "@tional charge if not paid with-in 7 days IN MEMORIAMS $2.00 for the first 35 words and Sc each thereafter, pius 12c per line of verse 25 additional charge i not paid within 7 days. CARDS OF THANKS $2.00 for the first 35 words and -5c each thereafter, with 25c¢ additional charge if not paid within 7 days COMING EVENTS $2.10 per inch (Display) $1.50 for the first 20 words and 5c each thereafter (Word Ads) AUCTION SALES $2.10 per Inch per Insertion DEADLINES WORD ADS 5 p.m. day previous LOST AND FOUND 9 a.m. day of publication BIRTHS AND DEATHS 9 a.m. day of publication CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 1 column = 4 p.m. day previous 2 column or larger -- 10 a.m. day previous CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 9 a.m. day of publication BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- S0c While every endeavor will be made fo forward replies to box numbers to the advertisers as soon as possible we accep' no liability in respect of loss or damage alieged to arise through either failure or delay in for warding such replies, however caused whether by negligence or otherwise The Times wil! not be responsible for replies uncalled for in 20 days REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times wil) not be re sponsible for errors, in a ments submitted otherwise writing. not for more th tion of any advertiseme: the price charge for a ni tion of the advertisement error occu The Oshawa Times to classify advertising according to ts proper classification In the case of display advertisements The Times wil! not be heid r sibie for more space than thar which the actual error publishers vor advertising matter co: sume no y of adv any inace es in any forr tained therin Any advertisement car publication will be charged on insertion g.e inser in which s the rignt bi are con beture day's 1f'S EASY TO PLACE TIMES ACTION WANT Cali Classified Direct 723-3492 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS ymin A AD Celumn Equipment Mar ¢ is} Mort et ond Wonted s and Storage ouses for Rent %6--Aporiments for Rent W--Rooms for Rent 28--Room and Board 29----Wonted to Rent 30--Automobiies for Sale ¥--Compact Cars for sole 30--Trucks for Sale ¥3--Automobiles Wanted --Automobile Repoir 35----Lost and Found 36-----Legal 37--Auctions --Coming Events FRIEDLANDER AND CO.,| Licensed Trvsiees 7%- 17 Bond Street Whitby 44 and Qc} 985-7115. Mortgages| and Agreements of Sale bought and sold, LLB, Bar-| | 00KS, Chartered} Shop-| is, C artered "Ac roo East, Oshawa; z CA; G. Edmond HL, WATERS and Co, tants, 728-7527; Oshawa Suite 215E, Ajax, 942- | ~ Chartered| Osh-/ 1 CA,/ King Street, Tews 987-4240; William! Bu Iding Trades : SPRING SPECIAL. 10% DISCOUNT ON ALL ORDERS Placed before April 15th Remodelling, carpentry, tiling, painting, plumbing, electri- cal work, roofing, eaves- troughing, plastering, cement work of all kinds, Aluminum doors and windows, siding. | 20 skilled men ready to serve you. KITCHEN CUPBOARDS built modelled, Al! kinds of cabinet work by experienced cabinet maker, ALL TYPES building modelling, sidewalk and concrete 668- 277 4 HOME eavestroughing, and genera! repairs. All work guaranteed, |P. Nellis, 336 Bruce Street, 728-2061. |NEW PLASTERING and repairs, stucco, appointment, GENERAL repairs and alterations up Oshawa DRESSMAKING -- be DRESSMAKING - gowns, also NELLIS' HOME IMPROVEMENTS Oshawo--7 28-2061 Peterborough--745-2184, MFG. CO. House remodelling. Kitchen and bathroom planning. Wall tiling. Modernfold doors, etc. Free Estimates, Call anytime 723-7589 Sisley Carpentry and General Repairs Alterations, rec. rooms, cup- boards, floor, ceiling and wall tiles, arborite etc. Satis- faction guaranteed H. McKOY 725-8576 WELDING t lene @ Arc @ Helearc also @ Torch Cutting 283 DEAN AVE, 723-6601 The R. H. CABINET CO. 182: THICKSON RD. N, 728-0232 Kitchen cabinets. Vanities. Custom built cabinets. KARL KUSIAK & SONS General Contracting All types, stone work, patios, Specialty -- fireplaces (guar- anteed no: smoke) Garages and additions. All work guaranteed -- 30 yrs, experience 723-5348 FOR FREE ESTIMATES PLASTERING New and Repairs. Ceramic tiles. D. & R. ROBINSON 725-0330 and re- Call 723-1260. repairs and re new and repaired, repairs. Whitby chimneys, Gord May IMPROVEMENTS, roofing, and carpentry work, painting sidewalks, re-modeiling, rec-rooms. Free estimates. A Woods, 728-3420 or 728-4717, CHIMNEY construction and repairs our specialty. Work guaranteed. Terms ar- ranged Goulding Bros. Construction, 725-2682 ROOFING, concrete fioors, flat roofing, our specialty. New work and repairs. RR 3, 725-6937, Cartage JOHN'S MOVING, Reasonable rates. night FURNITURE MOVING, Basement Clean- ing, for cor Storage and Cartage fully insured. Day or Cali 728-3661 any Trucking responsibilities. Open contracts. Call 725-9843 or 725-6880. Dentistry BIALEK, OR C. B., Dental Surgeon, Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. For 728-5842 or Res. 728-8441, Dressmaking LADIES, mending and style changing. Reasonable rates 728-182 DRESSMAKING wear Dr THINK THRIFTY! Alterations, For appointement, telephone ladies' Agnes kinds of work. Call Whitby -- All High quality smaking, 668-8463, apick Mrs. 655-4448 Suits, coats, dresses, slip covers, drapes. Fitting a Toms, Whitby, 668-2372 Specialty bridal dresses, allera Call Whitby and delivery Linkie, Brooklin rations, € y suits, coats Reasonable rates. 668-5149 DRESSMAKING H gh quality Dresses, suits, coats work guaranteed, 20 years' (elephune 23-5700. Gardening and Supplies "SPRING THOUGHTS"* ting Soi Rooting Compound No-Damp Gladiola Dust Vermiculite Peat Moss Garden Seeds ower Seeds pping Shears L. 10-6-4: COOPER-SMITH LS oF 16 CELINA ST, 723-1139 EST. 1909 TIME TO PRUNE FRUIT TREES & SHRUBS for QUALIFIED PERSONNEL cal OSHAWA GARDEN CENTRE 1259 Simcoe North 723-116 723-1162 TREE TO TRIM? OF cul them down? timates. Ca Slirr 25-5118 or 728-0610 J 'IVE IT UP! Buy 4 home of your own |Gardening ond Supplies _| Mortgages SPRING CLEAN-UP Pruning, Fertilizing, Rolling. Complete landscape service. Mortgages and agreemen' of sale purchased. Creighton, Drynan, Murdoch and Victor, (See "Barrist ? FIRST AND SECOND mortgages. Sale agreements purchased and sold. Hennick Barristers, mortgages. HARDSAND ch ia. a0 King Sree vat «lean SC ROEL c B" SM RAG Sae ae Instruction "Painting and Decorating x TUTORING | FAN NS Academic Tulsieg Cale. | DECORATING All ages, grades, subjects, INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Reading, Math English, FREE ESTIMATES Science, etc. From student's 2 own textbooks, private or DODD & SOUTER group. 668- 5862 ben ey HANGING and | painting, Free! timates, J sensen, 75-7213. ACADEMIC | TUTORING COLLEGE CALL 723-6701 Plumbing and Heating new and used materials. Reasonable WHITB rates. Estimates free. 723-1191, J. Foley.| H ng PLL PLUMBING ano heating supplies DRIVING SCHOOL Telepnom '25-:52!, Haro H. Stark Ltd., | lumbing. Heeting and Engineering, 225 New dual controlled cars Simcoe Street South Personal courteous service aes Fully licenced and insured. Dial 668-4176 J. A. OSTERHOUT, Owner LEARN TO DRIVE at the Oshawa Driving School reasonable rates, standard | and automatic cars | Professional instructors 728-0091 OSHAWA and WHITBY | VAUGHAN | DRIVING SCHOOL Rug-Upholstery Service : OSHAWA CLEANERS nd Upholstery Clean- our plant or in your Rug ing home CALL 725-9961 94 BRUCE STREET Re: UPHOLSTERING by experts. Estab- years Complete range of mate- Workmanship guaranteed five years. ee estimates. Credit terms. Mattresses built. Furniture. re-finished. Oshawa ering Company, 287 Dean Avenue tESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and re ree estimate. See our material Fully licensed and insured te-covering. Dalton Upholstering, 75 Courteous professional _ in- harles Street. /23-7212 ainiction, CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs, re- oveord like new. Get the. best for less at! Phone 723-2696 Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe Street South. Call 728-6451 Free estimates. or 725-1501 TUITION IN LATIN to Grade 13. Frency Sales and Service and Mathematics to Grade 12. Jus! a few Jossons may set Vou rien S280 her leseen CANVAS ~ awnings, _ curtains, "canopies for Grades 12 and 13. $1.00 per esson feb er ane 'ine estimates. Mil for Grades 10 and 11, First lesson free. " Abid Telephone 668-3866 for appointment GUARANTEED repairs to ali wringer and ranges. Free estimates, Call \Janitor Service ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fast, eco eptic Service nomical ceiling, wall cleaning done by Aah GROPAITO.. Evrae: Bkitinaten: Work SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompt service guaranteed. 728- 7736. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street W thy 668-2563. |Money To Loan Surveyors e @ H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land Surveyors, 113 Elgin Street East. Phone ne" lit DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario d Surveyor Commercial blue prints, | | | | 795-6881 | | Ontario. Street, 725-5632 Ki Pp SS. TV--Radio Repairs = TV TOWERS sor. Oe TO SCOTIA PLAN! Priced t your budget | THE LOW-COST, LIFE-INSURED TERMS ARRANGED 7 | OSA TY Kilt an SUPPLY LIMITED LOAN 361 GIBBONS ST, as vane ou pov, cia 728-8180 HOT DIPPED Large and smali jobs. L. and H. Roofing e@ and Construction, TWILL loan you up to $5,000 at a rea GALVANIZED sonable rate of interest to consolidate your bills or for any other worthwhile TV TOWERS purpose providing you are steadily em ployed 'and have good. credit. Telephone ARE THE BEST ! 723-4631 'A 1 ce feat z WHY SETILE FOR LESS! PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? If you have good credit i'll lend you up to $5,000 to Cut payments in hal' or less for consol dation of any worthwhile purposes. Tele . . . . phone Toronto 481-5289 i ee ' TELEVISION Mortgages r Corner Bond & Division | 728-5143 PLAY-OFF TIME MORTGAGE LOANS TV. Selage Sed TIME iO, | Central Ontario TaLewsion | eB hogany dining suite; kitchen, den and} pod, pipe wrenches,-pipe. cut- For modern beauty salon in Trust GEORGE'S TV OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN recreation room furnishings. See by @P-| ters, pipe Heidel dies, North section of Oshawa, Harbour Road ° cainoaia thaLe sk sah TRB. toilet auger. Must be interested, well man- f | - 1 + four chairs, beds Z 5 illi Be Geuinne Comnncntick Tower and Radio Supply |___---- 723-190 drustéck Sha tahe Gee ae runners, a PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT nerfed and willing to work, 9g P' Caeaslde: Gnniaunt 4 7.Swao and Barter good condition. Telephone 725-3879. stepladders, aluminum exten- Good working conditions. INSTITUTIONAL. FIRSTS fer ye dish beichbe SL tei oit "iit P 30" ELECTRIC range, aniaha (100) sion ladders, ladder jacks, Write in strict confidence U S sired years experience. TOILETS, basins, shower cabinets, tubs, volts), Frigidaire refrigerator, 9 cu. ff sd stating age and experience to: ond PRIME SECONDS por double sinks with fittings, $18; lawn-two dressers (three-drawer); 4abed, aij) Stee! scaffolding compressors, Hage New location: 378 King W., mowers, Roto-tiller plow, cars, trailers, good condition. Apply 433 Fairlawn Avell Spray guns, wallpaper steam- BOX 26 MORTGAGES ond Oshawa 723-9525 motors. H Chinn, corner Park nue ers, tarpaulins, blow torches, | c na 2 ae po 4 " " ' AGREEMENTS Purchased : ane Silkigs ---- WE BUY 'sell and exchange used furni-| propane torches, 4 _ OSHAWA TIMES i ure or anything you have, The Cit |---- erent LOANS. ON MORTGAGES TV SERVICE 8--Articles for Sale Trading Post "Store, 446" Simcoe street} BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT --~ Immediate Service DAY OR EVENING ; . eourte Ma ES cement mixers, finishing tro- AVON ' | hop rebuilt. Like new dryers TELEVISIONS and sewing machines. We| el hee! ° I | From Our Head Office 728-5286 | $60 is Sa pe i taht rent at reasonable rates. Honest Cal's, bi Hi cs nee) Parrots, olerir |e | f 19: Simcoe St. N., Oshawa rw 5 vs aM $29 ered. |42_ King Wes: 728-9191 } Proretor, oir compressor, jack 77 Need money for ' ° 5! 7 | id r Is ' OSHAWA | ' wer washers UP. WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni-| OMmers, hand trowels, water | Easter expenses? Phone 723-5221 | Automatic -- washers, some [ture or anything you. have. 'The city| Pumps, portable heaters, steel EI ECTRONICS | -sud-savers $75 up, 3 months | irsaing. pe Store, 446 Simcoe Street scaffolding, electric generator, Start earning substantial in- ng guarantee on all parts and meh | ramset, power rollers, electric come immediately, Avon Cos- MORTGAGE T.V. TOWERS | setvice ehh ae If " act WALNUT' BED, 'springs, "mattress, "€20;| hammers, masonry saw, build- 2 ge has vacancies for cop- | whee) |. now, installation included on {robe suitcase, $15. Between 4 - 6 p.m. ing jacks, mortar mixers able women | AERIALS © ROTORS @ REPAIRS | ail washers MN 723-49 : : ' S | ' and dryers, For {call 723-4985. mortar boxer, chain hoist LOANS CALL information call Chester Ap- re "ipa oan etal are miter saw, electric plane, tar- Call 725-9696 isa le Moneys for first mortgages | RON'S T.V. pate 986-4926. Len PeO- ings! $3 weekly, Wilson's Furniture, ao] . Paulins, "i blaster, power | _ CeCeR = Oper, Mortgages | 2 'years experience" All ple who cannot go to Caesar- Church Street, a | post hole auger, oscillating | interest ok 26 Wark adaraniehd: (Fike towar -- units can be seen in GUNS -- "Bought, Sold, traded, repaired; sanders, disc sanders, belt Experienced Salesladies No Bonus survey Leghanh did 128 ont, pon oe vee sanders, floor sanders, acety- Full or Part Time No tharos for voludtions RON BRIGHTLIN | . lene welding outfits, 200 | Mortgages and. Agreements : 723 7521 , | SPRING WILL COME AGAIN! eileen Gall bpeealy A a amp; electric welders ae hased a | Are you planning, a new | 263-269 : 6 « FOX'S LADIES WEAR purchase, GOOLD's TV + d I service, | : ' | : ; ' Moneys for second mortgages Free. estimates "als Duedes Strest Bat home, going to re-model? cen BED for baby, in new. condition. Ss TK N Ss 7 Simcoe St. South a White cag? | fi ; Paid $13, will f i . Fast service W eB bad di | Call 668-3524 pho mT ee Sharpening & Rentals Ltd o Dione Sheer ida Sante cit V. TOWERS, ant oat te ee y hfe' i sth te _ ss chads M. F. SWAR pales: All work: guérenieee. "Nt bean SAWDONS' [TELEVISION TOWER SPECIALI WA.| 993 Ww EXPERIENCED . : Avenue. Telephone 725-0500 WHITBY structure including -all-channel antenna, ing St , Oshawa yy : panes : cil nstalled guaranteed, by experts, 10 | C ELP 26% 'King St. East. daa pane pe ne Ca etter sa, hie Paeewen| PHONE 723-3224 | CLERICAL H Oshawa, Ontario id aeine " Cal 28313 , Full-time day work or , WEL DIGGING by machine specializing 224 Brock § Whitby GE WRINGER washer and Philco dryer To Ww ut ; , ; pin edding corded, bcteashhe Stree! Wesh, Whithy. sebab6o ar cmainut! FREE 24 Hr. Burner Service | b0ih like new $150 complete. Dial 655-496 ae Be age cara ti heals Please apply in ree! West, Whitby. 668-2563 U v ce " fdy- | person : Fiiel-and bid lies BUILDING , 20 x 60 feel, to tear down. ae ' C 6 Mortgage Money | !--Women's Column i aa = | Bi fae ; B agtent (TNR. Rest ater: Totenbene| BO tema,' Mobile "PLAY | BUSINESS "ADMINISTRATOR ear Supply Of Food and a _ 725-015 oy " se | Oshawa Clinic A LLOYD 'Stroliér, Harris crib and youth) Droadcasting background i Available OSHAWA FUR AND Freezer of your choice onl bed, high chair, etc. Shows the Le of; music, dances, Hi-Fi Equip- 117 King Street East COLD STORAGE | y are. In excellent condition, 725-3462 ' i WU'P- PART OR FULL-TIME 'openings with! car fendition, iv Low Interest | $11.95 PER WEEK : ment. Free delivery, Carillon Towers, Good personality and] » FURNITURE 3 roor.s, new ~ quality ¢ Member Ont e@ REPAIR CLEANING | ' furniture. only $299, includes complete GUDGEON ASSOCIATES pid ah ld clin an sel spas Mein cha oe ae 3 S fal I Pp bedroom. livingroom, <itchen ensembles.|SOUND EQUIPMENT---723-512]|EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER with! Mortgage Brokers Association @ SHINERIZING e STORAGE Pecial Lease Frogram Pay only $3 weekly. Unbeatable value! ENTERTAINING -- Fifty to one hundred cllentele. Apply in. person. The Vogue SUMMERLAND REFRIGERA j Whitby 668-58 Barone Homé Furnishings, 424 Simcoe! seooie? Oshawa Tennis Club tor Beauty Salon, 10 Simcoe Street _North.| REFRIGERATED VAULTS itby 668-5827 ous quels, parties. weddings, anniversaries.| WAITRESS experienced tull-lime days. a pa BER' Pas rear HAIR DRYERS (two) Turbinal ood | Facilities, oar 'kitchen, parking 2ea For interview call before noon 725-0748 SECURITIES DIAL 723-3012 SPORTSMEN - have the watch made untition® Re sonable, Telephone 728-4204.| sonable yates, 123-2140 ical *'lSouthend Restaurant ra just for you Easy Credit terms. Lowest N " | Th hi wie ~ ne & = a 112 Simcoe St. North PERMANENTS on. special Page Hair-\prices. We have the largest selection NO'Phone calls Thursday please CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church HOUSEKEEPER WANTED for rg aie we hy sing, 396 Pine Avenue. Telephone of special purpose watches in )Oshawa WEDDING dress Condition,|aisle runners. Cleve. Fox ntals, 412 gentlernan. Live in, prefer drive car, agelin Ajax, Ful: Oshawa, Ontorio - 725-3568 | 725-5363, Watch World, 24 Prince Street, 723-6922. half price, Telephone 125- 4 | Simcoe Street North, Call 723-2414, 45 to 50, Telephone 728-0502 after 6, |PRIVATE and corporale monies for ali! iis AiR oF AX AXZAC SOLDIER ALSO P| SUGGESTS THE PROFILE oF oP UOUN SILVER OF TREASURE 6 LAND' FAM "TURN SIDEWAYS pawl: To RIGHT. Wild WAS Tie SAAMDARD FOR AX Att 6444 ICH MEA IN THE Abdi 14TH CED > AWREE. RARLEYCORNS FOSSILS On EARTH, feat +H 4 ROUND AND DRy FROM THE MIDDLE. OF 4H. EAR EE Dd By RJ. SCOTT ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling, 2--Personol 10 PRINCE ST. UNLOAD UN- NEEDABLES \ with Times Action Wani Ads Telephone 723-3492 RIDE WANTED, Whitby to Oshawa, riving Whitby $68- 5393; 6--Morine Equipment hair Removel TOF superfluous Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, April 12, 13 and 14 Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment. ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 LEN PULLAN CUSTOM: TAILORING Suit and Dress: Alterations Invisible Mending 728- 531] Like to sell something? WOULD ANYONE witnessing accident on Friday, South Simcoe bridge Falcon March 26, about 5 p.m. on involving chestnut car please call 728-1720. ar- in Oshawa 8.30 a.m Telephond J. SMILE |8--Articles for Sale You're in Vailey Creek Furni- ture where they pay the most, sell the cheapest. When sell- ing or buying used furniture and appliances phone 728- 440] 16% Bo nd W, or come to the store LOOKING FOR YOUR FULLER BRUSH DEALER 8--Articles for Sale 13--Articles for Rent ey 17--Female Help Wanted 78 Simcoe North. _Telephone 723-1411, VACUUM repal repairs, ail makes, hoses, brushes etc, Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213. Pickering. duplicators, files, chairs. rare with budget. terms, New and used, Low, low prices. Bill Hamilton, Ragian. j00 LADIES' DRESSES. Valves to $24.95. 1. clear at $5.00 each, Mercantile Dept. nity | Pla pas PRAM, green, "Pedigree," excel- chequewriters, lent condition, including mattress, $35. Tek 725-5196. one WELDING -- acetylene, arc, helearc; 283 Dean Avenue. Iso torch cutting. 723-6601. nd dryer, Beatty, automat In good Conditition, Telephone Whitby. (668-5940. installed, 12 colors, $39. Telephone collect Toronto 223-3384 bo continental carriage, high et car bed. Dial 668-412 crib, 'baby Bassinette, bed, Cheap! AM-FM ee radio. and record player, Used one year, Cost $400. Will sell | half price. Dial 668-5152, |KROEHLER chesterfield, four-seater and jeneir. Dark brown, in good condition, lonly six months old. Originally cost $359. | Selling for $200 725-2742, jCRIB with mattress, buggy and "Ginette | | suite, also ironing boatd, all in good con- dition. Telephone 728-5840. KROEHLER chesterfieid green, frieze; two kitchen tables,. one jack-knife leaf); camp cot, can be con verted to singles, all good Reasonable. 723-9737. GOOD USED upright piano, 'Blondel,' completely re-conditioned, new felts, $150.) After i telephone 723-4776. CASH REGISTER, four burner Silex, up- right pop cooler, three head milk shake and chair, _|maker, Refrigerator pie case, salad table. {Telephone after 6 p.m., 728-9504. | DOUBLE bed,springs, two mattresses, |$25; dresser, $10; Lioyd baby car riage, $10; child's winter coat, size 5, $7 Call 728-0495 MOFFAT 30-inch gas stove, in very good condition, $60. Telephone 728-9649. MATTRESSES, smooth top construction, | hundreds of coils. Tremendous savings, $26.88, Bunk beds, $57. Wilson's Furniture, -|20 Church Street He can be contacted anytime by calling 728-4922 For Evergreens, Shade Trees, flowering shrubs, fer- tilizer, etc. Visit your local garden centre A. Janssen and Sons Ltd. 843 KING ST, W. 728-9429 "GARDEN CENTRE & LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS" | SCRAP HARDWOOD, Excellent for | Dial 723-2281 after 4 p.m PRING 12 ft. Crestliner aluminum Commander with 6 H.P Evin- foot and appliances atterns one - foot Tengths. fireplace, $7.75 single cord. ' \CASH REGISTERS -- EI rude ; #3 $489 electric portable ftypewri with 914 H.P, Evinrude $599 $30; portable, $30; ectric ter, adding machines, four total Sash registers, BUY AND SELL -- Good "used furniture) gg; One location only. Pretty Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. TYPEWRITERS, adding machines one time clocks, new and: rebuilt. One yea Quarantee. Outstanding good buys. late Birsiness Machines. Sales and ser- vice 728-7783, Open evenings. 17-INCH television floor model, $25. Also l-inch with mew picture tube, $69 FISHING BOATS a TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower| structure all-channel antenna. installed, $50. Oshawa TV. Suppl ited, 12 ft. Crestliner oluminum |Gibpons sree, 268186," piled Sportsman with 5 H.P, Evin- | puy AND SELL -- Good used turnture! rude $399 |and applian Ids' Furniture with 6 H.P. Evinrude $449 |Oundas Eas Wrioy, 668-5481 FLOOR COVERING BARGAINSI Discon-|cozyaR ed p Clearance from 7c per Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street. itemizer Standard, $25; | also one total, 147 Athabasca Street or 728-5245, |11--Pets and Livestock | 9--Market Basket | JANSSEN'S COUNTRY DRIVE-IN FRUIT MARKET | Fresh fruit and vegetables | daily. Apples sold by the | bushel. Host of imported pro- ducts, 843 KING W. P.E.1. POTATOES aivest. Call or 9429 ~75-ib," evenings, 50 arootn "Ss. CAPONE 6 ibs. and up, fresh killed, ven ready, Delivered, $2.50 each. Tele phone 725-8304 10--Farmer's Column DEAD and crippled farm stock picked up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone Telephone Collect Hampton, Licence BABY and Seong budgies for | Telephone 728-4517 BOSTON TERRIERS--Registered males 50. to $7§., black miniature poodles, . nale, All needles, Phone 728-9122 CH Kennels, horses, acne Kids, registered German Shepherds, pup- pies. Stud services, boarding. Ashburn, 655-4662, evenings POODLES, black miniature, eight weeks old, males and 'females, sale. $75. 14 ft. Crestliner aluminum $40, 723-4 oF MAL i the St Super Seaman with 9% H.P.. THREE ROOMS of furniture, $298.50. No rg me Fh vo . $10, down payment, $15 monthly, at Honest Evinrude $699 Cal's, 424 King West. 728-9191, ede i cpa. FOR SALE TAG-A; LONG float, dual wheel I6fi-leiont weeks old R. Sader," RR Kl BOATS _ consider car in deal. Telephone Nestleton, Telephone 986-4489 : GOOD HOME free to purebred German HONEST. CAL'S Furniture and Appli- ances. Name brands at biggest discounts saligelyae 909, eae aderiboagtaradle ead 13% ft. Crestliner Mustag anywhere. We carry Restonic and Bever-| 2° children. Telephone after 4 to 725-9130 with 4p st 1 ly mattress furniture lines. Your author-- BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for : Be : Evini ude elec ized GE dealer. Contact Honest Cal's at training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. T. tric 00 lb. Tee-Nee trailer, 424 King Street West, 728-9191 Broad, 114 Elgin East, controls, battery and FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, with box $1,479 freezer capacity. Just like new; also 217/330. Toronto 266-46 Hampton 263-2361 peievisiony very good shape. Telephone eee Doran Suter with 40 .H.P. Evinrude -- 728-1742 12---Articles Wanted electric $1,679 FURNITURE = ee rooms, new qual-|WANTED: Good quality used set of left ity | furniture, only $299, includes com-|hand golf clubs and bag. Telephone Whit plete bedroom, living room, kitchen en- by 668- 3808. semblies ray, onl $3. weekly, Unbeat OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN fu able Ba 424 Simcoe south L's quoise, Excellent short skirt con formal, dition. size 7, white lace bodice and overjacket, shoestring straps or strapless, 728-3188 after 6, Home Furnishings, lignt tur- OLD RIFLE, old cartridges, shot gun, or pistol. Telephone 725-8 WANTED TO BUY -- one sr meat saw, Telephon? 3-5370. WANTED -- Piano-repair needy. Best price paid. Call Sebastian Hohmann, 1964 FLEETWOOD 21-inch television, Ex-| 725-7001. HARBOUR ROAD (off South) Simcoe cellent condition. Telephone 723. 3567. SKLAR chairs clearance, $47.77 up. Re- cliners, swivel, rockers, good selection. Honest Cal, 424 King West, 728-9191. TELEPHONE REFRIGERATOR, "Viking" 12 cu. fhe with full cross top freezer, '63 model, $125. Heavy duty four-burner stove, A-1 723. ] 901 condition, $45, Whitby, 668-3409, LLOYD pink baby carriage, in Faas con- < dition, $10. Dial Whitby 668-316: We Carry . USED TV'S, $28. up, 17- and _2i-inch.| ing good. Honest Cal's Ltd., 424 King @ Owens @ Crestliner West, 7289 & e Grew e Evinrude ee -- Seven complete rooms See them at including French Provincial and bedroom, living room walnut bedroom suite, ma- | 3--Articles. for Rent RENTALS OF ALL KINDS | REDUCING EQUIPMENT =-- | massaging belts, rowing ma- chines, bike exercises $6 per month, PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise all tri- NEW AND USED TV's and appliances, General Electric and Phillips. Wayne's, Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, ADDING machines, typewriters, gy $, We buy, sell, rent, service and condition. | Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Wear, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles, SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd, S. 725-3338 reducing machines, sick Ace Rentals, 105 Beatrice, "Ts as. (EL CHAIR ital 'betes walkers, WHEEL C' $, hospita oe CAR HOSTESSES WANTED FULL AND 14--Business Opportunities LAND O' LAKES OPEN ALL YEAR KALADAR MOTEL $55,000 10 units, laundry room,. of- | fice, separate 6 room bunga- 21 WESTINGHOUSE TV, $65, bookcase Ne bed and mattress, $20; Thistle pram,| low. All buildings only o few navy and white, $35; bathinette, $10.1 yeais old. Long highway BY acs ot frontage for expansion. Show- BROADLOOM your stairs, completely ing excellent net return. Trodes accepted. This is a real good buy. Widow says sell at this ridiculous price. Hurry, call 728-5157 for more information. 728-5157 ACTIVE REALTY. LIMITED | 48 Simcoe Street North Li eemnel Re | NORTH-WEST VARIETY | One of the best locations in Oshawa, Store and excellent living quarters. Modern build- ing, almost new equipment. Off street parking for 8 cars. IIIness forces sale. Will accept 2 bedroom house on trade. Asking only $17,900.00. Hurry, call 728-5157 for more details. 728-5157 ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 48 Simcoe Street South Member O.D.R.E.B, | SERVICE STATION -- | Major oil co, will have avail- able a local high volume ser- vice station for lease, Apply Box 919 Oshawa Times TV AND RADIO business for 'ale | - Stock and equipment _Telephon: 723. SNACK BAR for rent. Telephone 723-1671, 1671, 263-2721; STORE AND FOOD business. Real good six-room| Stock and fixtures in- cluded; in good location, This building ¥ type of business, bbens, turnover with a apartment above, marvellous could be used for an' For all particulars, | 723- 9750, call Jim Gil PART TIME A&W DRIVE-IN 1327 Simcoe St. North Oshawa Capable Person to take care of all Office Duties For smoll business; including Dictation, Invoicing, Book- keeping, etc. Modern equipment. Average work-week probably two to four days. All weekends off, To make appointment call 723-7688 ond port-time kitchen help No nights. No Weekends, Apply in person to: -- SILVER GRILL 1628 Brock St. S,, Whitby INTERVIEWERS and SUPERVISORS Part time, for market research surveys, Write giving educa- tion, interviewing or super- vising experience to Edsall Research Ltd., 2045 Bishop WANTED IMMEDIATELY - _ . housekeep- er for motherless home, middle-aged pre ferred, to live in, 5 - 7 days. Telephone 728-1737. PIN-UP MODELS Part-time basis, Must be attractive and photogenic, For appointment. cali Clark Studio, daytime, 728-0432; evenings and weekends, 668-4497 INTERESTING -- Part-time "opportunity for woman with car. Home demonstra egarding a much desired ee 1 Culligan, Whitby 668- 2200, ae HOURLY for experienced woman, 7 to 3 shift, small restaurant, excellent |conditions, no nights, no Sundays. Car- pn al Barbecue, (Park Rd. at Hill- side LOCAL INSTITUTION | requires @ young lady for clerical duties. Apply In wring 1 5--Employment "Wanted |HOUSEKEEPER, fo live in. + 728-7885. to PO Box 248, Oshawa, Ontario. ER, to | . One child GIRL, 20, requires light housekeeping vel fii sitting. Live in. Telephone 72 T EXPERIENCED waitress shift, Town and Country, 15 Bond street |East, Oshaw wanted, Telephone 723-1821 PRACTICAL NURSE eerie housekesner! LICENSED HAIRDRESSER required im- registered, desires position. Live in. Good references. boning Telephone 'before 8 p.m., 723-2316, LADY would look affer one or two chil- dren in own home, daily or arrangement. Wilson Telephone 723-1232. luday, Very relia! LADY will mind one or two children in| own home. Whitby - south area. | phone Whitby 668-4861 anyti HEALTHY HIGH SCHOOL student. "ae | est, Telephone 72 728-4095, ht | --$$$--$$>__--_---- sires position with household duties, tage for summer. children and igi Willing to go to ol | Hampton 263-2708. large GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, pure bred, PRACTICAL NURSE desires full or part- time private duty, Versatile. Has certifi- cate. Telephone T2615. 17--Female | Help | Wanted | = WAITRESSES | REQUIRED DAY AND EVENING SHIFT Experience not necessary Also Short Order Cook For evening shift. Apply Mr. Campbell Genosha Hotel EXPERIENCED -- HAIRDRESSER eet MATURE Experience not necessary, pply Rena's Beauty Salon, 1350 Dundas 1. Chi Street East, Whitby, 668-432 'weekly | HOUSEKEEPER for motherless home, and Olive area. sh iba haa five school-age children, Dial Two male toy ferriers.|DUTCH LADY desires housework by the aaa "sara Fequired, Monday to Fri- Telephone 728-4420, |enilaren 'while rr area, for two school-age while mother becky References required. jady | "Aanee dis: fo care for baby two weeks each 18--Mole Help | ip. Wantec JUNIOR DRAFTSMAN REQUIRED Applicant must have com- pleted Grade 12 or higher. Experience not essential but knowledge of basic drafting is needed. This is on excel- lent opportunity for @ young man wishing to acquire exper- ience in a new and growing industry. Apply in writing to:-- TECHNICAL DIRECTOR CANADIAN WESTINGHOUSE COMPANY LTD. ATOMIC FUEL DEPT. PORT HOPE, ONT, SALESMEN 4 Ambitious Men to assist manager in the field. Must be neat and willing to apply themselves. Good start- ing salary and bonuses. No experience necessary. Apply in person, 333' SIMCOE ST. S. Phone 728-1651 CAR SALESMAN Due to increased business we have an opening for an ex- perienced car salesman, Good working conditions. For further particulars contact: -- | BILL WHITTICK MOTORS 250 Dundas E. Whitby, Ont. "Sales oriented young man, 21 to 23, for head office sales department, with ability ond personality suitable for eventual role of salesman ROBSON-LANG LEATHERS LIMITED Please telephone: Mr 5-4725 Schell ot one| MALE CLERK for retail hardware "store time employment. Apply to Ajax Hardware, Ajax Shopping Centre.

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