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Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 Mar 1965, p. 5

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'aa Blowing up a storm at @ band concert Tuesday night, two members of the WHITBY JUNIOR BRASS Whitby Junior Brass band joined forces with the Band- master Stanley -Redferm. The young musicians are: D David Hart, on the left, playing baritone and Chris Doole, on the right, with the bass trombone. The con- BAND PRESENTS CONCERT cert was held at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall, Whitby. --Oshawa Times Photo 2,57 Were Admitted By Hospital At Ajax AJAX -- Completion of the fourth floor this spring will give the Ajax and Pickering Gen- eral Hospital an additional 17 beds, and a total of 127, accord- ing to Robert D. Thompson, chairman of the hospital board. Mr. Thompson said at the hospital's annual meeting Tues- day night that the board had received approval for comple- tion of the floor from the On- tario Services Commission. He said the former hospital building to the south and the adjacent frame-type nureses' residence have been tendered for disposal and will be re- moved from the site early this year. DONATIONS NEEDED Mr. Thompson reported that total funds pledged to the hos- pital, Dec. 31, 1964, amounted to $405,024, with cash received against pledges of $296,274, and subscriptions cancelled at $35,- 759. Subscriptions receivable at that date were $72,991 "Even though the hospital has been built," he said, "we still re- quire donations to meet our large capital debt." He said the hospital faces a heavy capital debt for the next few years, and has made appli- cation to the OHSC for a Joan of more thn $300,000. The loan would be made under new On- tario government provisions for hospital construction. The board chairman also told the annual meeting that the hos- pital would seek "accreditation"' during 1965. To qualify, a hos- pital must maintain eight es- sential divisions physical plant, administration, medical staff organization, medical re-| cord department, nursing ser-| vice, clinical laboratory, X-ray department and dietary de- partment. OCCUPANCY HIGH | Kenneth J. MacInnis, the hos- pital administrator, said in his report that occupancy of the new Ajax and Pickering Gen- eral Hospital was at a high level for the first three months, and will continue: to be high after the fourth floor beds are made available. During 1964 the hospital ad- mitted 2,657 patients, compar- ed with 2,625 for the previous year. There were 6,823 X-ray examinations, compared with 5,805 for 1963. The number of operations rose slightly, from 1,155 to 1,159, and 1 out- rose significantly, from 5,609 to 7112. There were 452 births at the hospital compared with Junior Band Gets Awards WHITBY (Staff) -- The Whit- by Junior Brass Band staged a concert at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall, Tuesday night be- fore a near capacity crowd. The occasion was an official | WHITBY |quette, Carol Keoghan, Wendy .jand Anne Wyst. PERSONALS On Friday, Frances Parise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Parise, Kent street, celebrated her 11th birthday. For the occa- sion a party was held, Guests present were: Peggy Powers, Debbie Peebles, Peggy Polson, Cathy Polson, Marie Rousseau, Annie Kortekaas, A¢a Korte- kaas, Nancy Hickey, Francine Valiquette, Anne Marie Vali- Keoghan, Lesia Jawny, Sophie Jawny, Josephine Pilepic, Mel- ita Borg, Frances Cousin, Jackie Kalar. Assisting Mrs. Parise were: Mrs. John Kalar, Fran- ces' aunt, her sisters, Donna and Beth Ann, Rosemarie Polito Mr. and Mrs. Reg Foster, held a family gathering at their resi- dence Saturday. The occasion was the birthdays of Eugene Bull, West Hill and his brother, Jack, of Oshawa, Bowling was enjoyed at Red Wing Recrea- tion Hall. Afterwards refresh- ments were served. | A weekend guest at the home jof Mr. and Mrs, Reg Foster was Mrs. Mabel Hand of Mount Denis. Friends of Mrs. Sadie Packer, {RR 1, Whitby, are sorry to} learn that she is in 'Ajax Hos- pital. Belated birthday wishes are extended to Mrs. William Del- low, 1010 Dundas street east,| who celebrated her birthday yesterday. | Ross Byres, Brechin, nephew} presentation of individual awards to bandsmen in recog- of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lin-| BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Withdrawal Of Charges Irks Magistrate Jermyn WHITBY (Staff) Magis-; Mrs. Horner, later testified trate Harry Jermyn Tuesday|that she wouldn't let her hus- ened he, oe agery Pence band have her children that day after he had listened to evi-|because "they bin hgh dence for three hours and then|his company an Hpi op the complainants decided to|that other woman (He withdraw the charges. | Schmidt). Crown Attorney Bruce Af-\porice CALLED fleck, who took no part in the put Horner said he went back tga' Doe io i to his office, called police, then yee hess s ing that the) vont back to the house. A po- Te | be withdrawn, "a th lice officer arrived and talked je magistrate allow the Mrs. Horner into letting her hus- withdrawl but said: "It's too|, ; dnt fi |band have the children -- how- bad they didn't find this Out | ever, only two were there. three hours Mp0. of Oshawa,| A fracas erupted when Hor- William Horner, } testified he was knocked to the|"¢r_ brought the children home snow by Alan Maguire, whol at 5 eine : lives across the street from Hor-| Beside the Horner-Maguire ner's estranged wife and three|counter assault charges, the | Schmidt woman and Mrs. Hor- ner faced counter assault counts children on Edward street on the outskirts of Oshawa, | GLASSES BROKEN |was involved in a counter as- He a "see hoorgpe and 7 sault count with Maguire. swear to e struck me (1) eg : i Charles Rankine, a fellow em- 25 times on the back of my head ployee of Horner, was alleged } ines On } ete with his fists and feet," said)t, "have struck Maguire over Horner. A 3 ie tic aA the head with a brief case. Horner said his wife, Audrey, Neighbors came to court to = me RN prog om omy Maguire, who had laid a coun- °° ° Ne : iehctuarac of assault agains t| most as confused as to what Horner, said Horner accuse him of having intercourse with his wife. "He told me to get into my little tin wagon and go peddle my oil," said Maguire, who is a driver for a fuel company,}| "and then he said I was a} cockroach and that cock- INCOME TAX RETURNS Whitby 668-8252 land a brother, Lloyd Horner: d had transpired as the court. | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Merch 31,1965 § Howe Rink Wins Spiel WHITBY (Staff) -- Narrowly| escaping defeat at the 'brooms' of a strong contender, a curling rink skipped by Roy Howe won the annual Business and Profes- sional Men's Trophy at the Whitby Curling Rink recently. The winning rink was the strongest group in the 9 a.m. draw, sliding past all competi- tion with a score of 46 points. The winners were only half a point ahead of Bill LeGros' rink which came in second after win- ning the 11 a.m. draw. | There were 24 rinks partici- |pating in the event which' wound Rotary Sponsors Folk Singers WHITBY (Staff) -- The world famous 'Travellers', Canada's leading folk singing group, will be in Whitby on April 23. The group will be making a guest appearance on a special even- ing of entertainment being spon- sored by the Whitby Rotary Club. "Tickets are going fast, this should be a very successful ven- ture," a spokesman for the Ro- tarians Slated recently. "We are hoping to have a sell-out crowd in attendance at the Henry Street High School for this. event," he said. Further details of the entire program are to be released within a few days it was sug- gested. Club activities for another year. jup the Whitby Men's Curling The final winners were pre- sented with. the mammoth tro- phy by Art Conrad, manager of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Whitby Branch. Re- sonsible for the trophy each year is the sponsoring Canadian Banker's Association. A pair of New Zealand har- ness racing invaders, the pacers Cardigan Bay and Great Credit, won $213,909 in purse a" on American tracks in} 1964. NOW OPEN MORTGAGE FINANCING Avoid High Costs and Hurried Planning ARRANGE YOUR MORTGAGE WITH Lumber and Supply Ltd. YOUR C.P-1. DEALER 701 BROCK ST. N. 668-4451 The Best Place to arrange a Mortgage 308 Dundas St. W., Whitby roaches sometimes get. squash-| = Frigidaire Rapid Drycleaning Mon. to Fri. 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m.-5 p.m, Located for your convenience et the BLAIR PARK PLAZA Whitby East FRIGIDAIRE COIN LAUNDRY Open 24 Hours e Day enews ae 475 for 1963. nition of recent achievements at i Ada Hg OOP raHAR: Bie) \ ; Other annual reports werejthe Canadian National Exhibi- y se Horner said he had a to Family Monuments presented by Mrs. Y vonneltion. : _|his wife's residence Feb. 27 to! Bosch, president of the Wom-| Commemorating the ag oe gy re pick Gp Sis children: torauee 8 ROrR\ DRYCLEANING en's Auxiliary; Dr. J. W. Bosch,|success at the CNE, Councillor George Kemp brother-in-law of/has access to them on Satur- oF H eecceecs president of the medical staff;/Vernon McCarl presented|yrg Fallow. Interment was in\@4YS, but on this occasion his Created To and M. J. Gerrow, RN, assist-|awards to members of the band.|pocegale Cemetery Lindsay. |Wife wouldn't let him have Individual ant administrator and head of/Mayor Warran Mowat was aio ae a aE Requirements the nursing staff. on hand with an official appre-| rs. T, R. Farndale. 305 Ceti] ttaaancanennannynnian H OFFICERS ELECTED ciative greeting on behalf of the|tre street north, celebrated her| GIDAIRE STAFFORD BROS. ! : ea town. |birthday on Tuesday. Her| FRI Four out of six directors were|. During the evening, the band|triends wish her a belated happy| Rapid Dry Cleaning LTD. elected to continue their tenure|was directed by its able band-|hirthday ; 00 MONUMENTS | of office for a further two years. master, Stanley Redfern. i 8 lbs. of dry cleaning $2. | Chairman R. D. Thompson,| A wide selection of tunes were, Sorry to learn that Percy Blair Park Plaza 318 DUNDAS EAST G. A. Robinson, E. Smyth and|Played, clearly indicating the|Nichols, 114 Ash street, is in the |] Mom..te Fri. -- 9 be 9 p.m. 668-3552 Dr. D. I. Gove were re-elected|band's versatility. Oshawa General Hospital. hie tirdeehicl tae to two-year terms along with Robert Talmey and B. C. Fal- bey. R. A. Kerton was elected to serve on the board for one year replacing Rev. M. J. Dar- by who resigned this month be- cause of the heavy work load at his Holy Cross Parish in Osh- awa, At a special meeting of the new board of directors in the board room, R. D. Thompson was returned as chairman, G. D. Hepditch, vice-chairman, G. A. Robi as treasurer. Ken- patient and emergency visits WHITBY BOWLING SCORES LEGION SUNDAY NITERS BOWLING LEAGUE Results for Mar. 28: Aces 5 (18), Snatchers 2 (15); Demons 5 (29), Stinkers 2 (16); Kingpins 5 (23), Tigers 2 (26); Headpins (29), Dogpatchers 0 (12). Ladies High Singles -G Jimmo 228, S. Hicks 209, H. Courtney 213, 208; H. Hayes 214, J. King 211, C. Mirowski 224. Ladies High Triples H. Courtney 583, M. Short 504, Y. Jimmo 568, H. Hayes 548, C. Rowden 554, J. King 526, A. Mayall 509, C. Mirowski 541. Men's high singles -- D. Row-| den 387, 243, 232, R. Mustard) 255, 228, A. Short 205, R. Cars-| well 222, E. Brush 246, 227, D. Henderson 226, J. Jimmo 250, J. Mclvor 215, S. Johnson 213, K. King 251, 0. Moore 280, 228, D. Hart 250, T. Coulthard 257, T. Mirowski 294, 229, 224, Men's high triples -- D. Row-| den 862, R. Mustard 636, E.| Brush 659, 0. Moore 707, T.| Coulthard 631, T. Mirowski 747.| Lemon Leaguers -- A. Mitch-} ell 95, F. Courtney 99, A. John-| son 82, M. Hart 85, H. Vallant) 81, 85, E. Perry 74. |by Steven Duff, music instruc-| School Choir Will Sing WHITBY (Staff) -- "Musique 65", a special musical concert, will be presented at the Ander- son Street High School, this Thursday at 8.15 p.m. The Anderson Stteet school choir, consisting of 50 to 60 members, will present numerous vocal selections during the even- ing as their part of the pro- gram. Demonstrating the extra- curricular duties of the teach- ing staff, Keith Norton, English and Guidance instructor, will di- rect the choir. Musical accom- paniment will be provided by the school band. | Another highlight of the even- ing's entertainment is the "'Hoot-| jenany" which will wind up the concert. Musical accompani- ment will be provided by the school's Accordion Club directed tor. All proceeds from the "gala" event will be used for purchas- ing school blazers for the choir and band. yer 293, 274, Ed Brash 268, Mclvor 261, Triples 700 and over -- Ed Tom |Brash 704, Tom Mclvor 704, Des |Denyer 721, Bill Gordon 763, |Joe Izatt 705, Merle Reeson 708, WHITBY AND DISTRICT MEN'S BOWLING LEAGUE Thursday-Nite Section Games won -- Goold Furni- ture 2, Lucky Strikes 1; Citi-) zens' Finance 2, Red Wings 1;/ Tom Perron 757, Doug Rowden 827, Bill Bragg 774, F. Bas- tarche 726, Bill Jordan 755, County Bowl 3, Firemen 0;) Ottenbrites 2, Legion No. 2 1;) Knights of Columbus 3, Whitby) Tile Centre 0; Jets 3, Legion} Old Sweats 0; Legionnaires 3,| Abner's Ramblers 0; Mel-Ron 3, Post Office 0. Games 250 and over -- Tom) Beer 256, Warren Watson 275,/ Bill Jordan 266, 254, Don Dun-| can 277, 255, Doug Hart 280,/ 298, G. Peters 279, Bill Bragg! 348, Bob Wright 298, F. Bas- tarache 251, 269, Ruby Koster 259, Merle Reeson 298, Doug Rowden 359, 250, Tom Perrow 251, 260, Jim Kirk 251, Ron Andrew 259, Al Pelow 303, L. Batherson 251, Joe Izatt 250, Dick Adams 280, Dick Dafoe! One-Stop DECORATING | SHOP Wallpaper and Murals Custom Draperies C.1.L. Paints and Varnishes Flo-Glaze Colorizer Paints DODD & SOUTER | DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. S., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 261, Bill Gordon 284, Des Den-| BROCK WHITBY One By coke A COMEDY | AT LOOKS Nat AT THE Bright. | Ly sss ere ee _/= NORMAN -- \S Starts 7:30 Mondo Cane 9:15 Evening Starting at 7:30 Complete Show Each TWICE AS SHOCKING... TWICE AS DARING! TECHNICOLORe ' ADULT ENTERTAINMENT neth MacInnis was re-appoint- ed the Corporation's secretary. It was the first annual Board meeting held in the new hos- pital which was opened last Dec. 1, In his address Mr. Thompson said that since the four months the hospital had been open it had already filled up and any delays in admit- tance in ths hospital were pri-| marily because the hospital had) not yet acquired some key per- sonnel. The hospital operating rooms, Mrs. Thompson said, were not yet being used to their fullest extent. \ Mr. Thompson said he ac-| cepted the resignation of Rev. M. J. Darby with regret be- cause he had been a valuable board member during the past four years. a price for pedwin. Also_ available in Boy's Sizes slightly lower priced Pedwins Cam Collection Here's smart, sleek styling that fits any campus ward- robe. Wear em for dress or wear 'em to class... they're lightweight and handsome. Pedwin brings you the kind of shoe design that keeps on growing in popularity. Drop by and see all our Pedwin stvles. "Fine Shoes Since 1872" COLLINS Heres a real Easter choice! A style tor every taste, a size for every shape, every wallet ANDERSON H Presents "Musique -- '65" @ BAND @ CHOIR @ SOLOISTS @ THURSDAY, 8:15 P.M. ADMISSION 50¢ IGH SCHOOL APRIL Ist ZON Anderson H PL USE YOUR CREDIT ®@ 2LOCATIONS @ COAT WITH THE PURCHASE OF ANY SUIT Ontario School Trustees and Ratepayers Association Public Speaking Finals WHITBY Friday, April 2nd - 7:30 p.m. © The Public Is Cordially Invited @ E4 igh School Why settle for less than Dunn's BIG selection of Easter suits? There's exactly the right suit here for every man . ... two and three button models BECK The el ti Jug Milk Store WEEKEND BECKER'S SLICED WHITE or BROWN Reg. 22¢ 24-ox. tect, 17 Wed. Mar. 31st--Thurs. April 1st--Fri. April 2--Sat. Reg. 25¢ ER'S PECIALS BECKER'S 16-0Z. Cottage Cheese BECKER'S BRICKS ICE CREAM Reg. 25c¢ and a% 19° 48-oz. Reg. 45¢ plus deposit BECKER'S PURE 1-QT. ORANGE JUICE The BECKER BLAIR PARK PLAZA--WHITBY Open 9 A.M. - 11 P.M. Daily--7 Days « Week Milk Store +.. in superb new '65 fabrics and colours . .. ina full range of pro- portioned silhouettes, Best of all, there's a Dunn's suit at exactly the Price you want to pay! 9.50 US... A FREE TOPCOAT OR SPORT PRICED FROM FROM $49.50 SHOES '119 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY Open Fridey 'til 9 p.m. 668-3476 Oshawa Shopping Centre Open to 9 p.m. Thurs, & Fri. Downtown 37 King St. East Open to 9 p.m. Friday 104 LUPIN DRIVE FILL YOUR FR 6 MONTHS TO PAY 250 Ibs. SIDE OF BEEF CUT AND WRAPPED FOR ONLY 4.85 = HINDS OF BEEF Ib. 5 5< ALL RED AND BLUE BRAND TROUGHTON MEATS USE YOUR CREDIT PHONE 668-4633 BLAIR PARK PLAZA

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