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Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 Mar 1965, p. 7

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1 ever won by a member of the company was presented to Linda Hopkins. Caught by the camera at the presenta- The 20th Girl Guide Com- pany at Kedron made his- tory last Thursday night when the first Gold Cord Gold Cord Presented At Kedron KEDRON (TC)--On Thursday evening the first Gold Cord ever won by a member of the 20th Guide Company was presented to Linda Hopkins at a special ceremony. Invited guests were the Brownies of of the 20th Pack with their leaders, Mrs. Ronald Lambert and Mrs. Stan Ogle, and Mrs. William Milne and Miss Willow Milne, Tawnie Owl and Packie of the 20th Pack when Linda was a Brownie. With the Guides in a horse- shoe formation, the Cord was presented by Mrs. J. L. Bird, Commissioner of the Rossland District, and placed on Linda's uniform by her mother, Mrs. Cliff Hopkins. The congratula- tions of the company were ex- pressed by the captain, Mrs. Bob Patte, and the lieutenant, Mrs. W. F. Mercer. With the room dimly lit, Linda passed around the horseshoe} with a lighted candle. Each Guide in turn. lighted a candle from, Linda's, and briefly told the requirements of one of the 22 badges which Linda earned to win her high honor. After this impressive cere- Mrs. Cliff Hopkins, mothe of the honored Guide; Linda <ion, from left, are Mrs. J. L. Bird, commissioner of the Rossland District; Mrs. W. F. Mercer, lieutenant; Hopkins and Mrs, Robert Patte, captain of the com- pany. BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Istaw 'ts the content.' LaPresse Editor |was started by breaking a win-| Since 'bl Fired mony, the Guides and. Brownies enjoyed a sing-song. Lunch was served by a group of Guides earning Hostess Badges. Linda was invited to cut the first piece The inspector said the fire} Il Charges Admitted By Toronto WHITBY (Staff) -- A 20-year- old Toronto youth, John Wayne Burns of Cowan avenue, plead- ed guilty Tuesday to 11 Youth reduced to careless driving. The youth was fined $100 and costs and his licence was sus- pended for one year. |dow and setting the curtains} jablaze. He said the house, own-| MONTREAL (CP) -- Gerard jed by Roy Malcolm, was aniPpelletier, 44, editor-in-chief of jeight-room, two-storey structure/Montreal la Presse and a jthat was filled with antqiues!prominent figure in, Quebec jand jewellery. |journalism, announced Tuesday |. Inspector Simmons said the|that he has been dismissed. He \loss was covered by insurance.|had occupied his post since | Magistrate Jermyn ordered)1961. both youths to report to a pro) mr, Pelletier said he re- [bation officer once a month and/osived the dismissal notice placed a 10 p.m. of a cake which was specially decorated for the occasion. By DAVE McINTOSH OTTAWA (CP)=Some of thé six older warships tied up on the East Coast because of lack of trained sailors to man them are expected to be sent to the junkyard next month, it is learned here. The six comprise the destroy- ers Crescent and Athabaskan and the frigates Victoriaville, Inch Arran, Outremont and La Hulloise. Some of them will be turned over to Crown Assets Disposal Corporation for sale. Eighteen Canadian warships have been junked in the last year, reducing the fleet's nu- Proud Canadian Warships Have Date With Junkman THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, March 31,1965 7 pleted until July, 1971, The cost is estimated at $261,000,000, da's naval contribution to the Northern Aflantic Alliance. Beginning in July this year, the navy will undertake a pro- gram to overhaul the seven Restigouche class destroyers, refit the aircraft carrier Bona- venture and build four new de- stroyers and two support ships. This program won't be com- How firm a naval commit- 'ment Canada made to NATO has never been clear. But De- fence Minister Hellyer acknowl- edged that there is such a thing when he told the Commons in 1963: 'We have the ships to COSENS & MARTIN meet the commitment we now Insurance ' pag _ | 67 King St. E., Oshawa A straight ship-for-ship Te-/} yy tine of 728-751 5 placement in the Atlantic Fleet Inguranee son er 725-7413 would increase greatly Cana-'L, Dr. Scholl's Zino-; relieve pressure on sensitive spot, soothe and cushion it. ! D' Scholls Zino-pads : oom naeg BARGAINS GALORE merical strength to 39 bat ships. Four ships were retired in January. Former associate defence minister Lucien Cardin said in January, 1964, that Canada's commitment to NATO's Atlan- tic Command was being main- \tained at 30 warships. There has been no official an- nouncement since then but the Atlantic Fleet now comprises 26 combat ships and next month's east-coast retirements will re- duce the number still further. There now are 13 combat ships in the Pacific Fleet. HOUSEHOLD HINT Use cake cooling racks as bases for stacks of stored linen. This lets air circulate, prevents mildew, musty odors, Predicted 197 $11.5 Million In Machinery 0 Investment charges of break, enter and) Crown Attorney Affleck said] theft. He- appeared before Mag-|Corporal William Fitzsimmons, istrate Harry Jermyn. lof the OPP Whitby detachment, Burns admitted breaking into|followed the accused at speeds the Fickering Village works de-jup to 110 miles an hour on a partment, Ajax Lumber, On-|snow-covered Brock road in Ux- tario County Rentals, Pickering th curfew ON!Tyesday morning and that it em. took effect immediately. He OTTAWA (CP) -- A reportreach $9,400,000,000 in 1966, dealt with in juvenile court. prepared for the Economic Council of Canada projects a 1970 business investment of $11,479,000,000 in machin ery and equipment and non - resi- A juvenile accomplice WaS)said he was advised that: the jreason was publication by la |Presse last Friday. of two h,jerroneous headings which re- A 19-year-old Oshawa yout the ! News, Pickering Village muni- cipal office, Pickering commu- nity hall, Pickering district high school, William Lawson law office, a cement company office and used car lot office. He was caught red-handed with $70 in a metal pot he was carrying and was wearing tight leather gloves. Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck said all the offences occurred during the night of Mar. 27. Mar, 28. Defence Counsel Terence V. Kelly said St. John and a friend had taken two girls out and they thought they were being chased by a jealous suitor, '"'but much to their dismay they dis- jcovered it- was a police cruiser." A car radio that had been stolen from the General Motors assembly plant in Oshawa cost two district bridge Township about 4.20 4.™./ Ronald A, Janes, of Elgin street iflected on a minister in |pleaded guilty to being drunk inj/©S@8e Sovernment. ja public place and assaulting a} A representative of the news- |\Whitby police officer. }paper, Canada's largest French | Magistrate Jermyn placed the|ianguage daily, declined com- youth on suspended sentence for ment. six months and ordered him to; Mr. Pelletier issued a state- report to a probation officer)ment saying he suspects "other jonce a month. motives for my dismissal" than Crown Attorney Affleck said|the two erroneous headings. Constable Fred Baker of the| At a meeting of editorial Whitby police found Janes stand-|staff, four members of the ed- ing in the middle of Athol streetjitorial board announced they at 10.15 p.m. Mar. 26. He saidjwill resign as members of the "as a gesture of solidar- dential construction compare with $5,790,000,000 in 1963. The report was prepared for the council by economist Derek A. White who made the pro- jections on the basis of Canada achieving the economic poten- White "conditional upon the estimated growth rate of total output from 1963 actual to 1970 potential." says the report, and this sharp increase over the 196-/figure will result in a "pronounced rise' in the proportion of in- vestment to GNP in this period. The estimates made by Mr. are not forecasts but projections based tials as chartered by the coun- cil in its annual report. This A. E. JOHNSON, 0.D. calls for a real gain in the OPTOMETRIST gross national product of 5.5 & per cent per year to 1970. 14% King St. East This business investment in 723-2721 GET TWICE AS MUCH FOR A PENNY MORE! 10 BI G a) AYS STARTS THURSDAY -- April 1 STARTING TO-MORROW THRU SATURDAY --, April 10 PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS ChyY WIDE FREE "DELIVERY Burns was remanded to i suspended sentence each and) --_ 13 for a pre-sentence re-one of them his job. "Why don't you sentence me| windeor avenue, Ajax and Ray- now?" Burns demanded of the| ond Earl Young, 24, of Aud-lis mamstrate. ley road, pleaded guilty to ak thepaeee ta not to,"| charges of possessing the stolen) agistrate Jermyn. radio. | McNeil told police he had an} A Leng Island, New York, man who has been living in Willowdale, a subyrb of Toronto, for the last nine months, was convicted of impaired driving and fined $100 and costs or 15 days. His licence was suspend- ed for three months. On a further charge of driv- ing a motor vehicle without in- surance, John James Finnerty was fined $50 and costs or an additional 10 days. He was "hot" car radios. Young said he had bought the radio from someone else. He said he had worked at GM but had lost his job over the incident. Crown Attorney Affleck said his predecessor (Judge Alex C. Hall) had a strong feeling that) goods from General Motors should be given at three-month jail term. given 30 days to pay the fines.) "1, too, view theft from GM ne followed the accused ma Finnerty was apprehended onjdifferently than other theft," tier Freeway) after a com-|later that he views theft from) plaint had been filed to provin-|the assembly plant more ser- cial police of a man driving iously. down the centre of the white) mr. Affleck said he was not nue interchange at Ajax police. Kelly, was successful in having|said there was no evidence that a drunk driving charge against|Young stole the radio and that 44-year-old Clarence V. Camp-|both accused. men should be bell, of RR 1, Brooklin, re-|dealt with similarly. men a one-year|the youth scuffled with the of-|board ficer and kicked him in the shins, Hugh James McNeil, 23, of|that the accused was from "'an/chelle, assistant to the editor-| extremely good home", said: "'It|in-chief, Vincent Prince, chief drink -- but not if you become news editor, and abusive with it." arrangement with Young to sell) inp against Henry, cent, journed accused told Magistrate myn he is leaving for his na-|visiting France oo for good in three will find moderately priced, all- weeks, anyone convicted of stealing) aon want you to leave, this)ance ministry finds sufficient country with a bad taste in your! SUPport among restaurateurs. least aly, yy Bibs | is 9 r 7" : . "ver Shceway 441 (Macdonslé-Cor-said Mr. Affleck He explainedine se ute oe jthe OPP Whitby detachment, ) pric. jee. A a *|price menus in at least 40 per myer took a breathalizer test) cont of the 50,000 French Seat: i" | an hour line of the highway. He was|attempting to break precedent, | ; . r *jaccused had 1.8 t +| - stopped near the Harwood ave-|put suggested suspended sen-|sand alcohol in bls blood sivents by/tence in this case because Mc-| F , e : and 15 minutes later, Neil suffers from a serious bone| ner thousand. He said jdisease and "'a jail term in his|considered "the yardstick of Oshawa lawyer, Terence V.|case would be unjust". He als0)intoxication", testified he found four pints of beer in Henry's car. pe ements ity." : ' a noting| The four are Thomas Laro-|{ixed capital is expected to Magistrate Jermyn, Jean David, Gilles Mar- jcotte, literary editor. | a person's right to take ajeditorial writer, | A charge of impaired driv-| Tab For Meals Charles Lawson) 49, of Elizabeth cres-| gy» rY te RR '3, Oshawa, was ad-| Fixed 'Voluntarily "sine die' when the Jer-|. PARIS (Reuters) -- Tourists this summer inclusive meals if a_ project The magistrate said: 'WeWorked out by the French fi- Agreement in principle has al- ready been reached between the government and the National Union of Restaurants involving the unfreezing of menu prices, é controlled since last November, Corporal Michael Mallon, of in return for "voluntary" fixed- outh Constable Lynn Middleton said later and found the) rants \f 2.0 parts 15 2 Continental STEAM BATH and. MASSAGE 728-2460 725-2109 16A Ontario St. Constable Ernest ' Stoneman duced to impaired. driving. Campbell, the father of six, 4 Hallowe'en prank in Ux- was fined $100 and costs or 15\pridge -- setting fire to a house| days and his licence was SuS-ithat had been vacant for more pended for six months. He wasithan 25 years -- landed to high| given 30 days to pay the fine.|school students on probation for| The accused was involved in| one year. | an accident about 7.30 p.m.,! Alan Roy Long, 16 and Scott Feb. 12 on Highway 12 near the/cjifford Allan Graves, 17, both| junction of Highway 7. Total/of Uxbridge, pleaded guilty to damage was estimated at $300./ mischief charges. | | Inspector Raymond Simmons) A dangerous driving chargejof the Ontario Fire Marshal's) against a 19-year-old Uxbridge|department, testified the fire youth, John Brian St. John, was|caused an estimated $3,000 tol CITY OF OSHAWA NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS DOGS NOT PERMITTED | TO RUN AT LARGE - | APRIL Ist to SEPTEMBER 30th All Dogs In The City Must Be Licensed Notice is hereby given to all dog owners that City by-laws provide that dogs shall be prohibited from running at large in the City of Oshawo, unless restrained by a leash, from April Ist, to September 30th, 1965. By-law 2365, os amended, requires that the 1965 licences must be purchased by February Ist. Dogs not carrying 1965 licences are being considered as stray dogs and impounded. Impounded dogs not claimed within 48 hours are being destroyed Avoid having your dog picked up and possibly destroyed by purchasing your licence without delay if you hove not already done so. Comploints of dogs running 'at large and the number of un- licensed dogs seen require rigid enforcement of the provisions of the by-laws and the Dog Control Officer has been given Instructions accordingly. Dated ot Oshawa this 24th day of March, 1965 A. HAYWARD MURDOCH, ALDERMAN, Chairman, Parks Property and Recreation Committee. Presents [8 KING ST. €. | PHONE 723-2245) OSHAWA | 530 SIMCOE ST. S. | PHONE 725-3546 [ROSSLYN PLAZA - 728-4668 ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA Shoes of CORFAM BURNS invites you to step into tomorrow with CORFAM the unusual shoe material from DuPont. It's a completely new experience in shoe comfort and convenience. CORFAM .... Is Soft, Supple, Flexible--You enjoy foot comfort right from the very first step. CORFAM . 4. Is LIGHT--It resists cracking and does not stiffen after getting wet. CORFAM ..4.« Is Wipe 'N' Wear--lit resists stain, scuffs, end water. CORFAM .,.. "Breaths" . end healthy. +» Result... your feet stay dry If you've changed not file a return won't receive an in mail. It isn't that w that we don't know a extra forms at all | DELUXE CORFAM MOCCASIN VAMP if it's handier, yo Fine Grain Corfam uppers, three eyelet tie, with leather sole, rubber heel. 23 95 ; i" Poir . Come in and see tomorrow's footwear today! BURNS sic "Shoes for the whole Family" 1 King Street West ized income tax fo DEPARTMENT OF NA 725-4611 The Hon, E, J. Be -- So we've made sure that there are lots of Office), They aren't. the new Personal- that to look forward to next year, Are you unhappy because you didn't receive your income tax form? Are you unhappy because you lost it? You can get one at the your address, or did f." last year, you likely -- ~ come tax form in the § e forgot you. It's just | where you are--yet, | ocal Post Offices (or ur District Taxation rms. But you'll have TIONAL REVENUE nson, Minister Cheer up. Post Office. °°" Maybe you did receive an Income Tax . Form in the mail and now you can't find | it. Seems a pity to lose it. That was your- Personalized form and ithad your, own identification codenumberonit. Why don't you have one last look before you go to get another plain old everyday tax form ». from the Post Office. MAILED TO YOU. COMPLETED BY YOU, , RETURNED BY YOU,

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