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Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Apr 1965, p. 14

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MR. AND MRS. NORMAN DOWN 47th Anniversary Oshawa members of the Byelorussian Mutual Aid Society celebrated the 47th anniversary of the Byelorussian Democratic Republic with a special pro- gram in St. Mary's Church Hall, Bloor street east, on Sunday afternoon, Guests included. representa- tives of the church, government and press. Mr. Albert Walker MLA, Alderman Alex Shestow- sky, brought provincial and civic greetings, Mr. David Hahn represented the Minister of Citi- zenship and Immigration and Mrs. J. A. Aldwinckle spoke on behalf of the press and Oshawa of Ukrainian groups expressed good wishes. .Mr. Joseph Pitushka acted as chairman. Mr, K, Akula gave the history of independence in English and Mr. G. Bierazovski in Byelorussian, Folk dances, songs and in- strumental solos and duets were pre ted by Mr. Boleslay Lis- chonak, Those taking part were T. Myshkovski and I, Charevich, J, 'Pitushka, A. Sladkovski, E. Pashkievich, A. Puntus, R. and V. Ragula, J. Tchechat, L. Shaparov, B, Lisconak, M. Ganko, K. Stiepanovich, K. Tie- lesh, J. Charevich, R. Tielesh, A. Tarasevich. Accompaniment Byelorussians Hold| |}was provided by accordionist G. Wide Circle Of Friends To Honor iii. Well-Known Darlington Couple social NOTICES RECEPTION | Mr. and Mrs. Roy Terwille- By JO ALDWINCKLE gard and affection they are held, Mr. and Mrs. Council at the present time. Mrs. Down has never sought| Norman Down will be the hon- ored guests of their friends of|the public life but rather has the Darlington Township area|been a home body and a real) at a reception in the Education-| mother, al Centre of Ebenezer United | Plowmen Associations As an expression of the re-|many other offices. Mr. Down) in whichlis a member of Oshawa City/&ar will be pleased to welcome friends neighbors at Harmony United| With her gentle man-} and| jtheir relatives, |Church Hall on Satu 110, 1965, at 7.00 p. janniversary. occasion of their 45th wedding} and| rday, April their wedding, according to an announcement made to- day by Miss Lees' parents, Mr, and Mrs. George D. (nen 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 1, 1965 ANNOUNCE WEDDING DATE Mr. Wright, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Wright, is attending Eastern Pente- costal Bible College, Peter- Lees. The bride-to-be is a borough, class of '66. Constant Vigilance Prevents Poisoning By ELEANOR ROSS The recent observance of Na- tional Poison Prevention Week pointed up graphically the vital importance of constant vigil- ance in the home. It isn't a pleasant subject, but the consequences of being pois- oned are infinitely worse. 5 There's one vulnerable group that comes to mind when this subject comes up--and that {s| 7 the small fry from the toddling| / age to five whose curiosity prompts them to pop every- thing into their mouths for sampling. Put the two together and you come up with possible| 7 trouble. |: There were no less than 1,727) reported cases of accidental) poisoning among children in this) taste-everything group in one year alone. Since there's little you can a to dull a youngster's curiosity or help him to develop a more} discriminating palate, your only recourse is to keep the two danger spots in your home--the medicine chest and the cleaning supply closet--under protective custody. WARNINGS HEEDED | Thanks to constant warnings, -- parents have transferred medi-' ,, ' cal supplies in most homes to EARLY HARRIS REVEALED PLAN MAY WEDDING Mrs. C. J, Power and Mr, Belfry is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Belfry, all of Oshawa, First Baptist Church will be the setting for the wed- ding on Saturday, May 8, of Miss Mary Angela Power to Mr. Brian Leslie Belfry,' ac- cording to an announcement made today. Miss Power is the daughter of Mr. and EASY TO MATCH COLORS Buy firm, heavy turnips that § ' raduate : Gen- i : Ph poyetoe og Bsn Or Rell toe er unreachable quarters as soon as|_/Aawren Harris' private collec-/ Color-matching will be easierjare waxed, point out specialists Elizabeth Lees and Mr. Nursing, class of '64 and is |® Small fry is able to crawl, (tion of drawings and paintings|in future. After 20 years of re- with the Foods Department at Thomas John Wright, for now on the hospital staff. Cleaning supplies, which are|is soon 'to be made available|search, a British chemical com- . Institute, Guelph. Waxing and storing at cool tem- in constant daily use, however,|for an illustrated lecture in|pany says it. has perfected a | ' : ratures (35 to 40 degrees F are not so frequently relocated. |rorontg by his biographer, Wil-|computerized color - matching nies to retain the einen Cc a Also many cleansers, such as} ,. detergents, are not often sus-\/iam S. Hart. isystem for dyes. Ontario turnips. pect, though they should be. If| as much as an ounce is swal- m. on the} ner, kind facé and pleasing Church tomorrow evening to|smile she has been the heart of] celebrate their golden wedding|the home surrounded by her} anniversary. The community reception has been arranged by Mr. Kenneth Tink, Mr. Harold Muir, Mr. Wilfred Brown and Mrs, Carl Down. Mr. and Mrs. Down, the for- mer Edna Gertrude Allin, were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Allin, Manvers road, Wednesday, April 7, 1915. The earlier Down generation came from Purple Hill and set- tled on a farm in East Whitby. This old homestead was moved with the laying of the/come Macdonald - Cartier Freeway (Highway 401). Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Down had four sons and four daughters: Heber, Norman, Wilbur and Russell, all of whom are farmers, and Marion (Mrs. Harold Hayes), Mabel (Mrs. Frank Prouse), Olive (Mrs. Fred Robbins), Beatrice (Mrs. Orville Osborne). | ROOTS RUN DEEP | After their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Down lived for five years near the old home-|broken in by Mr. Down were|Mary street north, on Palm Sun- § stead then moved to the pres-/Doll and Archie. In 1936 they|day evening, April 11 at 7 p.m. The choir, augmented by mem- ent large farm on the eastern) outskirts of Oshawa. Recently|Another special they built a new home adjoin-| prizes at every showi jc P sb Acai /Ronald Scott, Bowmanville. ~~ | e bride's parents, Mr. and) Mrs. Thomas Allin, lived in Darlington where they reared four children: Edna Gertrude (Mrs. Norman Down), Etta (Mrs. Sydney Venton), Howard Allin and the late Mr.| Irwin Allin who died last year. | From Darlington, the Allin family moved to Whitby, then later to the Newcastle area where their son still resides. Mr. Down took a seat on the Oshawa City Council after an- nexation of East Whitby and|8°@t that led the cows to pas-|< has been in public life many|ture but mysteriously disappear-| Deputy| ed one day in a truck going to Reeve and Reeve of the Town-|)oronto. A Jersey calf was also years as councillor, ship. | ELECTED MAYOR Mr. Down became the first farmer in Oshawa's history to become mayor in 1954. At that time Mrs. Down was to become one of "First Ladies" that interests and positions in the South Ontario Agricultural So- ciety, the Milk Producers and re-|children the finestjaround and all five sisters and Oshawa|mother have a birthday party. ever had. Mr. Down holds many} (Mrs, Stanley Lovell), of this district. There are 36 grandchildren and two great- grandchildren. |SINGING FAMILY ji have naturally. Mrs. ing" family and some 35 years Minister's Birthday,' starring many local women, Mrs. Down) sang a solo; one of her frequent appearances in pub-! Some years ago before the days of automation and modern} farming, Mr. Down was a lover of good horses and had| many colts. Two that were|@ won first prize at Orono Fair.| one claimed|> One picture in a collection of snapshots shows the team,| sleigh, ready for a trip to the woods. Most families in those days had) ja favorite horse father and five sons/S This one was Another unique pet was a \8 trained to take the family for rides, Almost anytime can be a get together for a closely knit fam- ily. One special "'Girls' Get- together' takes place as each daughter's birthday comes c c is | Christmas calls for everyone gathering together for a gay} jtime, exchange of gifts, plete with Santa. prensa Lobster Amandine is a classic lenten guest dish with a differ- ence. The substitution of beer for sherry cuts down on the sweetness of the sauce and leaves a wonderfully aromatic, full bodied lobster flavor throughout the meal. LOBSTER AMANDINE (Serves 6) 4 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons flour 1 cup of light cream ¥% cup of milk ¥% cup of light ale salt Y, teaspoon pepper 2 egg yolks 2 cups cooked, diced lobster (or three tins of lobster) 14 cup blanched, sliced al- monds Lobster Amandine, Gourmet Dish | With a Tantalizing Difference 11 children. Mr, and Mrs. Down|Wish to announce the forthcom-| have six sons: Wesley, Elmer,|ing marriage of their daugh-| Carl, Allan, Lloyd and Bruce|ter, Doris Elizabeth, to Thomas| and five daughters: Ella (Mrs.|John Wright, son of Mr, and Bruce Gormley, Ottawa), Jean|Mrs. Edward J. Wright, all of (Mrs. Murray Osborne), Wilma/Oshawa, Muriel|take place on Saturday, May 1,|nistory to become a millionaire| (Mrs, Alvin' Metcalfe), Mar-|1965, at 12 o'clock noon in Byng/ny investing in the memory ol| jorie (Mrs. Harry Worden), all|Avenue Pentecostal Church. F wish to announce the forthcom- | ; ,|Mary Angela, Lore costo ae >. Down Belfry, only son of Mr. and Mrs. "he Down | Garnet Belfry, all of Oshawa oo" )The wedding is to take place herself 'has come trom & "'sing- Saturday, May 8, 1965, at 2.00/Broadway Funny Girl, the mus-|"! Baptist] ical based on Miss Brice's ca-) _ 'reer. Starring Barbra Streisand, |bi ented Christ Church Choir e To Present Cantata Palm Sunday ago when the Ebenezer Church read i" presented an operetta, "The|~ Augm iSit John Stainer will be present- jsung by Mrs. lImembers of the choir includ- ling Mrs. Harold Ramshaw, Mrs. MP. known as "Bess" and remain-|Stanley Lawrence, Miss Dawn ed a worker as well as a friend| {and upon retiring from work in |the fields still worked at being a jcompanion to the children and/ they either rode or were pulled! on the toboggan. P " ' : Victoria for his service as or- Wilson, Mr. James Howard, Mr. Robert Henstock, Mr. John Mof- \fat and Mr. R. Scott. 1887, the year before the com- \the standard of music in Eng- \land as chief inspector of music |\to the National Board of Edu-) {Royal College of Music, as Pro-| "\fessor of Music at Oxford and| \through his compositions for the|were written The choir invites everyone to The words of the cantata were|share with them this compelling by the/portrayal of the crucifixion. | Reverend J. ---- MA and deal with, events lead- jden of Gethsamane to Christ's FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. George D. Lees The ceremony will FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Power ng marriage of their daughter, to Brian Leslie} the . . First rch. The cantata, 'Crucifixion' by in Christ Memorial Church, ers of the Ajax Community hoir, will be directed by Mr. The organist is Mrs. Barbara cott ATCM. Solo parts will be Fred Fox and The cantata was written in oser was knighted by Queen anist of St. Paul's Cathedral. tainer contributed greatly to ation, as principal of the} hurch service. elected and written Sparrow-Simpson ng from the scene in the Gar- Srucifixion. The congregation is a vital ~~ |part in the work as it joins in Melt the butter over a low jheat and gradually stir in the flour to make a paste, Immed- iately, but gradually, add the cream, milk and ale, stirring constantly to the boiling point, but do not allow to boil: Con- tinue to simmer over a low heat for five -minutes. Lightly beat the two egg yolks | with % teaspoon salt and the 4 | teaspoon pepper. Slowly add the | sauce to the egg yolks, stirring | Steadily to prevent curdling. Re- |turn the mixture to the saucepan jand add the diced lobster and |the almonds. Heat, but do not) List Your | HOME | with BILL HORNER Re-Sale Home Expert "PAST PERFORMANCE" ff. PROVEN 728-5157 ACTIVE |allow to boil. Taste for season-| jing. This dish is even better if| 48 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa left in the refrigerator for a} night and reheated. _ MARY ell new ideas styles! 27 King St. E. BACK WITH JUTTA Recently returned frorn Europe with Mary will be working on Fridays and Saturdays only --so make your appointment early! JUTTA Beauty Salon 1965 Catalina Swim Suits are now in! Exclusive downtown dealer Realty Ltd. SANSENG on Continental Haire 725-4321 NEW YORK (AP)--Ray jmay his mother-in-law. |Brice, w ithe bonanza of his lifetime. A year ago he launched on|* BARBARA SCOTT, ATCM the now familiar hymns which} Ot By HAL BOYLE become the first man in} film. Bs But Memory Of Mother-In-Law, : Fanny Brice, Good Investment it cost more than $650,000--the Stark|/argest amount up to that time|the reach of busy little hands. jever spent on a Broadway show.| } In the: 12 months since thea) it has turned the profit corner and grossed in the neighborhood) ¢ of $5,000,000, not including the|are kept. "T can't think of anyone else/sale of recordings. | who made money that way,"| Even more sugar plums are| lsaid Stark, grateful son-in-law|in sight from the musical which lof the late comedienne, Fanny|is expected to run for at least ho has turned out to be/two more years. Two road com- panies and a London production are planned and, of course, aj} "The movie, sale will be the ggest ever made except for) |My Fair Lady--which was $5,- j " 4 | {500,000 plus," said Stark, lsource of trouble, but it cer- |SUPERVISES MOVIES | hoa' of i it " executive vice-president of} But the good old baking soda/ |Seven Arts Productions, the 49-115 a food product, which cer- jyear-old, sandy-haired producer|tainly makes it a safe cleanser. | |will supervise the shooting of 16) films here and abroad this year | Funny prize project. | The idea of building a story around his mother-in-law, Miss| | | | \Brice, the famed Baby Snooks, came to him more than 10 years ago. He is married to the come- dienne's daughter, Frances. They have two children, "I adored Fanny," he said. "She was such a strong dame. We all still miss her terribly. "She was a wonderful fun girl Z\all the way----a great friend to have, not just a mother-in-law." The romance and marriage of the strong-willed Miss Brice and her equally band, gambler Nicky Arnstein,| which became a tabloid saga, is} the basis of Funny girl. | lowed by a child, he can be- come quite ill. If you have a baby reaching) the toddling stage, then, move; all cleaning supplies to a shelf) high enough so that even if the| child clambers up on a chair or) a stool, they will still be beyond| 9 LOCK CABINET | Or, have a lock put on the binet in which your supplies SPORTSWEAR Lid. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE APRIL SHOWERS bring "RAINWEAR OF EVERY KIND" You'll love our fabulous collection .. . just the kind of coat you'll wear for any and If you're building a new house| or renovating your kitchen, pro- vide for a special lockable cabi-| net. Of course, you'll have to} \remember to keep it locked! |. Make use, too, of such reliable} | and safe cleaning aids as a mild| | soap and baking soda, especially | lthe latter, and especially while) |baby is at the taste-everything | stage. ' Not that soap isn't a possible tainly is less so than some de- ergents. It can go into solutions for all hose swab - down jobs, dish |washing and even laundry, and wa can also be used dry, for all | your household scouring. Girl remains at Burns Jewellers every occasion, All water-proofed and in all the strong-willed hus- new Spring colours, styles and fabrics. ile for the cantata.| SINUSITIS Nervous Stomach Ronald W. Bilsky,p.c. CHIROPRACTOR 100 King St. E., 728-5156 HUNDREDS TO CHOOSE FROM Sizes 7 to 40 Priced From WESTINGHOUSE Custom 30" RANGE In Antique Copper and White, OPEN FRI, TO 9 P.M, TELE With all the Westinghouse features to make good cooking a pleasure, FURNITURE & APPLIANCE 491 RITSON RD. S. -- 723-3343 6.98 OUR PRICES ARE AS LOW IF NOT LOWER THAN ELSEWHERE Diamonds | Latest | Fashions | Never have we had such a large stock of Spring and Summer Sportswear to choose from . . Spring is truly "busting out all over'... For Spring A. $15.00 DOWN @ Skirts @ Coats @ Dresses @ Co-ordi- $4.00 Weak nates @ Sweaters @ Slims @ Blouses B. $25.00 DOWN @ Shirts... $6.00 WEEK < eis sown @ Real Suede Coats and Jackets $6.50 WEEK YOU'LL LOVE THEM ALL! Here are diamond's latest matchmates .. . with the diamonds held high above the mounting : in a swirl of delicate ' gold. Outstanding 'in value and craftsman- ship, these are rings to be treasured for a life- time. Remember ,.. .:We carry by far the largest. stock of Sportswear in Oshawa. Do come in and browse around « » » No Obligation. A DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY PURCHASE Open All Day Wednesday -- Thursday and Friday to 9 P.M. OBURNS ¢ Oshawa Open Fri. Till 9 p.m. ; Centre 20 North Simeoe } ' i i :

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