'Shrimp Boats Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, April 1, 1965 15 Are A' Comin' | Hobbies Have Been Known em boats sage ship- . shape containers for seafood zy Sa M Lif salads. For one of the coolest, 0 ve any a € prettiest salads you ever made. . try a cucumber boat filled with By ROBERTA ROESCH [hobby was something I could curly, pink shrimp. Set aside} Even the simplest hobby canjteach myself with a little pa- cargo-laden craft adrift on ajbe your opportunity to get ajtience, paper, paste, paint and | ee agg plate made|new lease on life. egg eng I od --- colorful the addition of a i e. Soon was har by This thought comes to mind work at a card table in my few overlapping slices of toma-); ji to and uaracorked egg. a ages aaa ang porn apa on iy first rages SHRIMP BOAT SALAD joi, but who desperately need|* bird made of crumpled news- 2 cups cooked or canned i papers, modelling paste, and a pel deveined pitied araibits fast-drying paint." % 3 Such a woman came to me up vinegar to discuss her problem this Later, as she got more and 1 tablespoon sugar week. more involved in creating things \ i 7 feaspoon alt "I feel as dead as winter,"|instead of feeling sorry for her- c lad oil Ee , Aes sloaicas stued cucumbers |this woman said, "And I don't|self, she began making all kinds EASTER BUNNY SANDWICHES Mayonnaise jthink I'll ever come alive if Tlof interesting figures, dishes, --Canadian Dairy. Foods Service Bureau |! 'ablespoon finely chopped don't get a new lease on Iife."ltrays and centrepieces. Still THAT SP ELL VALUE parsley COMMON COMPLAINT later, she decided to see if she Lettuce Frankly, I know how this|Could come up with a way to do Little Cooks In The Kitchen posing ie a woman felt, because at this)Something commercial with her arge tomatoes, sliced --_|time of year many of us need| hobby. TO BE SEEN if -- shrimp, 7 Set a new lease on life, whether it] She packed up some samples 6 ; ks stand fv vi igre | let) comes in the form of a flowery|of her work, called on the highly TOW nto 0. ain +e minutes; drain. ee" hat, a decision to take a jobjimaginative owner of a unique HERE oi, Mix cell re ner vag F pes or the simple beginning of alflower' shop in her town and eee Give everyday food a little|sides of the sandwiches for the|in mixture forone hour, Parelne™, O2PY: : ged ius ont rales: holiday touch and it takes onjears. Use carrots, olive and/cucumbers or not as desired.| And for some of us, starting rl ange dn dag naetige ig THERE rer new flavor and added interest|celery slices for the eyes, nose i j a hobby can be a constructive x ra ee oe oe first step as one woman I know|for a share of her selling price. for the young members of the|and mouth. Serve immediately.) scoop cut the seeds. Cut a thin| : family. And if the youngsters} Snack time is almost anytime] sjice from the bottom of each|@scovered last year when she; "No one was more surprised EVERYWHERE can help with the preparation|whether school is in session Or|cycumber -half so that it will|began creating papier mache/than I when he said "Yes, --eve if it's only pressing a rai-|not . . . and for a nourishing|palance evenly on a_ plate.|items, which she now displays|she said. "But that's what I got 'sin into a cookie face -- wellland popular snack it's hard to/prain marinated shrimp and|@Nd sells in a local flower shop./for asking. then the dish is beyond com-|beat milk and cookies. WAL-|prush cucumber boats with the!. At the time she began this BY CONTINUES We sketch but four from our lovely array of all the most pare! NUT ROLLED COOKIES are| marinade. Pile shrimp into|Mobby she was terribly de-|/HOB It's not always easy to have|SPicy butter cookies; make/poats and dot generousiy with pressed and feeling sorry for| "And now, a year after 2 youngsters underfoot in the kit-|them with your fancy cookie cut-! mayonnaise. Sprinkle with fine- herself, because she was house- started, my oc in preg fuitow and precius | used he Cole laa Coal chen or to find simple things|ters now, but be sure to keep/iy chopped parsley. Place boats bound most of the time caring) give me the aa lease on life they can help with. However, |the recipe for your year round] 9n individual salad plates which! for a relative. : I needed so badly. Fabrics: 100% Orlon Cable Knit today's recipes from the Cana-|Snack file. have been lined with lettuce.| But she took the plunge into| Papier mache may not be for Vaae Valk deh Ms dian Dairy Foods Service) warNuT ROLLED COOKIES |@@"nish each plate with slices|a hobby because her doctor sug-|you. But somewhere there is a ' Pp pn " : Pp "Bureau are especially designed) (Makes 3% dozen cookies) of tomato and hard-cooked egg./gested -- almost demanded, in|hobby that's especially for you. Curl - The Crochet Loo »to please the small fry. While 2% cups sifted all-purpose flour Makes six servings. |fact--that she involve herself| It may be your opportunity 'the youngsters are out of school % teaspoon baking powder re rn -|in some kind of pastime or new|to get a new lease on life. es this week why not try one or) i, teaspoon "salt Y% cup peanut butter jinterest to keep her spirits up. Pinks - Blues - Mint Julep - Yel- 'two... who knows, you may| 3/ teaspoon cinnamon |3%4 cups sifted icing sugar | ayTENTION ATTRACTED PAN SIZE MATTERS lows - and the ever-popular Navy. :be fostering an interest in cook-\4°" yp soft butter |1 (3%-ounce) package butter-| «7 had no idea what to do,"|. The size of the pan is as im- Sizes: 5-15, 6-20, 1444 - 22% ing that will grow over thei "cup lightly-packed brown scotch instant pudding mix) she told me. "But one day my|portant as the mixture in it. In tered is years. . sugar ° roe cup evaporated |attention was attracted by Aliop large a pan a cake will be} eggs | i i > ; | Easter Bunny Sandwiches are Fan hinds cup finely-chopp-| % cup finely-chopped almonds| oro seers chine hae pale and shrunken, and in too} : small a pan it will overflow| i ee stn & ed walnuts is ounces semi-eweot chocolate}in school. ; i 1 tablespoon milk | easpoons butter "After I learned that thisjand turn out coarse. are o eae an teaspoon vanilla | a eacvited coconut abead Sift together the flour, bak-|, "ream the one- | cup but- 7 tre count' attr Easter Sun-|ine powder, salt and cinnamon.|ter; gradually blend in peanut REED'S FLORISTS 'day -- combined with process-|Cream butter, gradually beat in en Add icing ier ane ANNUAL oid cheese and celery soup.|Susar. Add eggs, one at a hee otha ik Bir J bi i far gibeating in well after each ad- a. - ° Toot ae te ie -- => dition. Stir in nuts, milk and|monds, ae ail sane a Spring Hower Show oa Je from each side of the|vanilla. Add sifted dry ingred- Crenmy, pompe:. imo sme s peop hee? ients to creamed mixture, part| 885" using about 1 table- And Easter Review samantcn for the bunny s Np at a time, combining well der spoon for each egg. Chill until Arrange them on a plate and\es f 'saaition, Wrap dough in|™m- Meanwhile meit chocolate] PALM SUNDAY - APRIL 1 (th faces using celery and carrot|Waxed paper and chill several og Sau ce ogee pene REED'S GREENHOUSES sticks, and circles of olives. Fun|Hours. Preheat oven to 400 deg.//0 0p 0 Soul? Dt Ut. a te to eat and high in food value,|F. Roll chilled dough out to c ' © 'ink a S ie es ie All Day... Free Admission the: h i tanchann (doch thickness on: Totty ee ee eee eee tin y make a rea floured board or canvas and drain. Roll bottom and sides SEE "SPRING" IN ALL IT'S BEAUTY treat. leat eiih' aster cookie cutters ond Fobulous Flower Arrangements. desirable silhouettes, including the English Look... Colors: Pale Antique White - in coconut and chill 'until choco- Easter Lilies -- Hydrangeo -- Deffodils -- Tulips -- Cernations -- EASTER BUNNY i i late is firm. |Bake on cookie sheets in pre- he ---- aun < «aus |heated oven 8 to 10 minutes.) 3 Hard-cooked. eggs, chopped] ©°OK on cake racks. v] | For the Easter egg hunt, or S 1 es Thyra ---- PIO" or the candy dish, Chocolate BLACK { 4 Po : . Easter Eggs are easy to make 1% cups diced cooked him pea 2nd add to the fun of the occa- LADIES' WEAR ) f! sweet pickle " |sion. The centres are made with é peanut butter, pudding mix and ' 4 ier so a isan evaporated milk, then coated in *% slices bread, toasted hocolate. The children can help Preheat oven to 400 deg. F. pe sh the 7. ----" eta) iperhaps you'll want to coa' : Coane be nett Ser. a em with chocolate yourself to pan heat soup to boiling point. prevent any accidents, Dusting "Add egg mixture and stir until|°e side of the eggs in coco- ' blended. Spread filling generous-|"Ut makes them easier to han- 'ly on bread slices. Bake on|We when eating. ' cookie sheet in preheated oven|CHOCOLATE EASTER EGGS| +5 to 8 minutes. To make bunny|(Makes 3 Dozen Easter Eggs)| 'faces, cut triangles from the one-third cup soft butter - igs Kitchen Showniece Supreme 1 || | No ordinary kitchen range, this. Flairby Frigidaire! | You'll find there's nothing in the world just like h d d | k your new Flair... for automatic convenience... | t € ma 1 ma n OOK .. . for rich and contemporary beauty ... for most | everything you ve ta dreamed about. Another ... it's the smash-hit fashion. of the young and carefree great' by General Motors, achieved for you... | world of casual fashions . . . the Madras Look! Color to own with pride... to cook with Flair. : stroked on, checked and double checked, in plummy plaids! Made of rugged cotton that washes, washes and Out with that drab old >. In with the ! wae ee Sab Ot range, In with the now yet keeps those rich Madras colors. Sizes from 9 to 15 Because you spend so much time in your kitchen, and who doesn't, you owe yourself the luxury of The tailored blazer jacket of Bonded Madras plaid Each 16.95 the new Flair. And, once you own one, this master- Bonded Madras plaid Jamaica shorts .......+++s++0+++, Each 6.95 piece of perfection will turn you into a real show-off! Roll-sleeved shirt with McMullen collar .... i .. pach 3.98 Come see. Compare the many new 1965 Bonded Madras plaid sheath skirt Each 8.95 Frigidaire Golden 50 Anniversary Roll-sleeved "Beet Shirt' in red or navy with button-down Ranges--at your dealer's today. Ghai eolldr 3 Each 5.95 EF FRIG I DAI RE Madras-look squall jacket with hood Each 12.95 | The low-slung, belted jumper has sand top, Madras plaid | GOUDENGO PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS| pleated skirt Each 16.95 : - i] Plain sheath skirts in sand, with beet- Madras plaid belt ..... : ooh BGG: aire Two-faced sand Fog Breaker Coats--reverses to madras 29.95 HOME APPLIANCES | i py This Ww rld of Glad Plaid Co-Ordinates at (OSHAWA) LTD. --_--i| B | A C K'S LADIES! 90 Simcoe St. South L7o. 725-5332 | 72 Simcoe North GSH AWA SHOPPING CENTRE STORE Ne Bere ton 2:00 a ty 8 80 Daily Trade and Save Now on Frigidaire ot Open 'til 9 p.m, Friday