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Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Apr 1965, p. 16

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, April 1, 1965 THE STARS SAY | KEEP IN TRIM By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW » There will be some planetary restrictions on Friday -- espec- jally where personal relation- ships are concerned. Avoid Flat-Chested Girls-Tune In For fun, exercise and relaxa- tion, Joi suggests that you aim to be good at some one sport. Tennis is her game, but she loves to swim, too. She is a very health conscious young woman, land has a deep respect for proper nutrition, At breakfast Retailers To Thrifty Cenadians Weight Tr alning Can Help she has milk fortified with nu- |trient boosters, and her meals By IDEA JEAN KAIN Action: Breathe in as you are well-balanced. | to routine, and shun extremes | All flat-chested girls with a|taise dumbbells to arms' length! An accomplished singer, this of any kind. |will - to - win, tune in, Change|above chest, touching dumb- lovely star has a way with a FOR THE BIRTHDAY |wistful wishing to purposeful -- Separate dumbbells and).ong Her upcoming movie as- If tomorrow is your birthday, action and you can turn a minus ower: (0 original: positon, ex*| signment is with Frank Sinatra our stars will be highly fluc-|into a plus, It's done through|?aling. Rest for a minute, then/, : ; lusting in their influences. dur-|Weight training. : jrepeat two or three times . . ./!n the comedy Marriage on the ing the next year. In some re-| For beautiful proof, I want to re Se ee he -- ; spects, you'll seem to be "'riding|tell you' about Joi Lansing.|> aos: slowly eae beck Gut vd Back to weight training and high" one day, week or month,|When Joi was singing at the shoulder javel 4 good nutrition. Thin girls, keep "down in the dumps," the next.|Shoreham Hotel in Washington," position: Lying on back onjin mind that Joi's curves are la natural because of her health strife and bickering; also a ten- dency to force your opinions on others. In most matters,, stick OPEN 930 o.m. to 6 p.m. DAILY OPEN TO 9 P.M. THURS. & FRI. But take all in stride, for the | took my tape measure and ; A S overall picture will be a pleas-| went down to interview her, bee den Ai Susie, Ora ullding program, ant one to gaze upon by this/Here are her _pulchritudinous in each hand le eh teland PREM bite lard time next year. measurements: bust 39, waist iuion: # ie Po Gino You should do especially well 28, hips 35. dumbhalls a havond Gig in financial matters for the next) Joi works out with weights seachinn door. RWing ere hack! 12 months, with some most un-jevery other day. She started bylanwn i. sides. " 8 expected opportunities for add-jusing a five-pound weight in| gays ing to your assets during the/each hand. Later . she pro-|DON'T OVERDO first three weeks in May, the\gressed by using 744 pounds, Do not overdo... . undertrain mid-August - mid - Septemberjand still later 10 pounds. Re-|jrather than overstrain. period, late October and--if you|sult: She added three inches to|--------------------________ are careful to avoid both ex-|the chest measurement. Since} travagance and speculation be-|she weighs a streamlined 115, fore then--in November, De-|pounds for her five feet six cember and next February. inches of height, this is cer- It's in the employment field tainly proof of the value of where you--and all other Ariens|weight training in curve build- --will have to watch your step/ing, for the next nine months. This, How long did it take to ac-| is no year to take chances with|complish this change? 'About your job, despite sporadic per-|eight months, working out with iods when you may experience|weights every other day," was Laie discontent. her reply. | Actually, despite possible set- cee ; 'hacks or disappointments--not- 1g vd NORMALLY silt i 4 ed +. tanto, For those interested, here are |ably during this month, in late 'hw weaeeta stake vith ir jand in December -- you wil : a s Lmake progress if you stick with three pounds each. Rules: } . ae sane | Breathe norm ally throughout |it and don't, with the Arien's| eal ; Baers nt a oe _|the exercises. Breathe in on occasional high-handedness, ex-| . . | 2 e s exertion and breathe out on the |press your displeasure to super-| on hace of th ' iors and jeopardize your|elesse phase of the movement. ' chances of attaining the recog- Postion: Lying on back, have @ BEDSPREADS e@SLIPCOVERS j | Cnances 4 'hichirms at shoulder level, elbows F QUALIFIED DECORATING SERVICE Inition of your efforts which), dumbbells 3 } J | |stars promise beginning next ent, dumbbells in, each hand. 31 ' 725-4151 Ei A cos WARD'S "3: Your personal life is happily uary. Home and family matters South ji di | aspected, with emphasis on ool proms prove unusually serene ; timental interests, especially for the entire year. Se : Oe cn era ji | urine July and August; on A child born on this day will . travel in September and De-jbe unusually versatile; could CROCHETED DOLLS aoe A FUN PROJECT lcember: and wo stimulating so-| especially succeed as business ter sports enthusiast. But, structions self-. (cial experiences in July, Sep- executive, writer, architect or) whether the wind blows hot addressed stamped envelope tember, December and Jan-, surgeon. . th and 10c, in coin to cover cost Kis ree) or cold, we guarantee the of handling to the Needle- | pigtailed miss of the family work Department of this..| will love these crocheted newspaper, asking for Leaf- | "cuties." If you wish in- let No. PC 1197-98. | ELECTRICAL Alterations Repoir. Heating Systems Rents! Tanks EASY MONTHLY TERMS | ARMSTRONG ELECTRIC CONT. 723-9363 OR 723-1863 52 Fernhill Blvd. RECORD PLAYER REPAIRS FREE Pick-up ond Delivery e ALL MAKES e Call 723-3867 Now In Full Swing! See the Zeller's value packed circular . . . full of bargains for Spring and Easter. Doors open at 9:30» ++. 80 be an early bird and save! READY-MADE DRAPES @ DRAPERY HARDWARE e Custom Made Drapes Forget your worries and send a concentrate instead, on a real "fun" project -- two adorable crocheted dolls. The young man's a garden- er; the young lady's a win- CHILD GUIDANCE Child's Sleeping Habit Starts At Early Age By GARRY C. MYERS, Ph.D. | lonely at bedtime, or cherishing) finality it chagphedla dam he cries.| The infant after a few weeks|a lot of attention, will call his|-! 1" Goud! consult your phy: may adapt to a reasonable|mother to the bedside for all/°'@". schedule. During his first few|sorts of ministries; and this| If your youngster often months, if his food is suited to}may last for an hour or more awakens and cries in the night, his nutritional needs, he willjeach evening over the years. .|check with your pediatrician eal eer eek of Mel Ageing this oe develop-/and follow his advice. If youl x ing in your tot, an TOWINZ | cuspec gua 4 ' Practiced at a _teasonably| worse, you should, as e rule, ela i bi ote Be regular schedule during his first] after tucking him tenderly into|physician this youngster's eat- How can you tell if a shoe dealer really cares? jing and calling awakens the| other child, you might consider |having him in another room |nearer you until he falls asleep, If you don't want your tot to demand sleeping with you don't| let it happen once. After such} a nuisance has continued over} many nights, resolve to forbid) it and let the youngster face} If he sells Packard shoes for children, There are high arches and low arches. he has a better than average concern for. There are wide heels and narrow heels. the fit of your child's shoe. There are high insteps and low insteps. am i } And every set of toes need space to spread, and room to grow. One more thing: Packard shoes for children cost a little more to buy because they cost more to make. But in the long run, you can't find a better buy. CHARGE few years in a family atmos-\ped, proceed with the usual phere of love and serenity, he | ritual of ministering to these may enjoy being put to bed. But| wishes. Then ask him if there| ~ 7 cow geal of tislis anything more he wishes be-| amily and. his erg Ings TOW! fore you leave. Don't tell hm vg agregar vet ag to call you but resolve not to go off to bed by day or night.|¢° he BAEK ExCeDE WEEN. YH ' suspect an emergency. You will) A SCHEDULE HELPS need to steel yourself against The clever mother, holding his long and hard crying. But herself reasonably well to a\ You should remain within easy schedule, may lure him off then hearing distance with very little resistance. How- This problem may grow more ever, there may arise times|puzzling if you suspect the child when she will wisely decide to|has fears of being alone. You pick him up and carry him to|might prevent or reduce these bed despite his resistance, and'fears by leaving the door ajar then aim to break down his re- with a light on outside, or even sistance on the way. a dim light on in his room. Also Among her allurements may You might, occasionally, go by be candy or other sweets at bed- his door as if on an errand, time. Her dentist tells her that)making some sounds to re- if her baby or older child goes, @ssure him of your nearness to sleep with food particles in| Even if you decided to stay in his mouth, especially of contain- his room with him till he goes ing sugar, his teeth will be|to sleep, he will have to learn harmed. Some wise 1 never begin this bedtime prac--Whms of getting and tice, for once begun it usually needless things for him. lasts for years and years. Many a youngster at Miss Ella Modella. Hairstylist are pleased to announce the return of Miss Ella to their staff on April 8th and will be available for appointments. Modella Hairstylist 71 Celina St. Telephone 725-5431 mothers|that you will quit satisfying his doing If a younger or older child is} two,|in his room with him he hardly five or much older, feeling' will have fears. In case his cry- ing by day. Children who have proper and ample nourishment during the day are rarely dis-| turbed with hunger by night. PARENTS' QUESTIONS Q. Our daughter says she wants to be a writer when she) grows up. A, Help her see that the most important thing she can do is to read many good books. En- courage her to write very brief stories for fun, to date and file them, to see how she has im-| proved over several years. LISTEN HERE: | | Bob Hesketh | .. eer INFORMED..." | ASORT OF NEWS SHISKABOB! You'll find most of the news and some of the offbeat in Hesketh's twice daily news- | casts on CFRB, Monday through Friday at 1:00 and 5:00 p.m.; on Saturdays 11:50 and 5:50 p.m. His philosophy about news is that it shouldn't always give people peptic ulcers and, like a shiskabob, should have meat of many different ONTARIO'S FAMILY STATION eee th For asta to stock as But it's worth the trouble because children's feet also cc sizes. rt, Packard shoes aren't as easy most brands because they come oe in a greater variety of shapes and sizes. € | SHOES FOR CHILDREN | me ina variety of shapes and Kaufman Footwear Limited Montreal Kitchener | eaomaeaw ) Scooter Infant's Pebbles PACKARD SHOES FOR CHILDREN ARE AT THESE FINE STORES RE-EASTER SPECIALS 119 Brock St. South For The Perfect Fit In Children's Shoes COLLINS SHOES Open Every Evening 'til 9 p.m. 668-3476 Whitby WHITBY PLAZA WE SPECIALIZE IN CHILDREN'S SHOES HOUSTON SHOES 305 BROCK ST. E. WHITBY 668-4901 31 Simcoe St. North Doctor's Prescriptions For Children's Shoes Filled Accurately AVIDSON SHOE STORE (Oshawa) Ltd. 725-3312 First Quality -- Golden Girl NYLONS Latest Spring shades. Sizes 8/2 to 11. poir To Match Your Spring Outfit HANDBAGS A fabulous selection of new spring styles ond colours, Reg. 5.00 value, RECLINING STROLLER Fully. adjustable. Reg, 19.99 value. G, E. Table RADIO THRIFT PRICED 1 King Street West BURNS SHOES OSHAWA "SPECIALISTS IN CHILDREN'S FOOTWEAR" Phone 725-4611 ZELLE SHOPPING CENTRE of 9.88 ------=_ 4 97 Graceful 2 Piece CHESTERFIELD SUITES R'S DOWNTOWN Simcoe St. South * ee eR Se ee ee ee eee oe ee er eBETEW. b9 3 7*

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