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Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Apr 1965, p. 17

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MINT CHURCHILL COIN THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, April 1,1965 17 spoon of liquor. Tell your par- --? they won't let us.--Un-| ents you are not well and that/lov | LONDON (AP)--A crown, the you want to see a doctor. Con-| Dear Unloved: Here's your|.iagm-seen five - shilling coin| When washing hooded items, balloon to hold it open while it Fge a ane doctor and he wl ae. apathy and so. does} (worth 75 cents) will be minted|stutf the hood with a blow.upidries to shape. Alcoholism is a symptom of|your mother. She probably got/to commemorate Sir Winston a deeper problem. You must|that way because of her mother./Churchill, Chancellor of the Ex- ANN LANDERS It The Truth DISTAFF DIARY Summary of reports of meetings and activities of Oshawa women's organiaztions as compiled from reports submitted by their secretaries. SILVER CROSS WOMEN |land avenue and that the next The March meeting of the|meeting would be held at Mrs. Oshawa and District Chapter|Michael J. Whittington's home, of the Silver Cross Women was|349 Marland avenue, Apartment held at the home of Mrs. Jack|112, April 19. Refreshments Hogan, Jarvis street. The pres-| Were served by the hostess, ident opened the meeting with|assisted by Mrs. Ernest Gallo- the motto and prayer. way. Mrs. Edward Holland was! prignDLY DOUBLES CLUB Was Known... Dear Ann Landers: Last Fri- toothbrush, pajamas and good town for an all-male get-to- Spunse, day my husband packed his|ceryeq. Dear Ann Landers: I have a suit. Joe was off to his home|Problem and I need help from {someone who doesn't know me. Laughter is what he de- learn through therapy why you are so unhappy that you must get bombed out of your mind} every weekend. Dear Ann Landers: for Cornflower Blue, the woman who cautioned ' children to be.kind and atten- tive to their mothers there is still time." > RELIABLE Bh ccnelah ann INTERIORS chequer James Callaghan an- OLD BOOKS SHOWN _inounced. Crowns' have recently The Art Gallery of Toronto is been minted only for coronations reparing a display of Victorian book illustrations as part of its|or occasions such as the Festi- new spring exhibition. val of Britain. COMPLETE This. is 'ungrate ful" "while © CUSTOM DRAPERIES: reported ill at home. Tag-day was discussed. It was in members It was announced that the next meeting would be at 2.30 p.m., April 29, at the home of Mrs. 331 Kingsdale Refreshments were Jessie Tooley, avenue. served by the hostess. CHRISTIAN WOMEN'S FELLOWSHIP The regular meeting of the Christian Women's Fellowship) met at the home of Mrs. George Twine Madison avenue. The speaker for the evening Bassing- thwaight, Executive Director of Health Association, who explained the work of the White Cross Centre Simcoe street south, which was| with enlightening. | Mr. was Miss_ Beryl the Canadian Mental interesting and an- nounced that the National Con- vention would be held in May this year at Hamilton. Flowers were sent to the sick and shut- For their March commentary by Mr. and Mrs. affairs Mr. and Mrs. Thomas were able to present an excel- and South worship service conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Parks and/t The presidents, Mr. and Mrs. business meeting. The treas- urer's report showed that the) p, day afternoon, lent comparison of Canadians|oyer, but aglow with stories of African institutions|the great time he'd had, Of and ways of life. course he brought With "Easter" as the theme|from his parents and others he the meeting was opened with a/had seen. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Leslie. lthought Joe looked. Well, hadn't seen him since Christ- Borden Slack presided for the|mas. meeitng|gether planned by some boy- Albert Street United Churchjhood pals. It' was going to be Friendly Doubles Club took aja blast--seeing the fellows he tour of cities and countryside|grew up with. Joe's home town of South Africa via slides andjis a five hour drive from here and he said, he'd be sleeping at T. D. Thomas. With their back-|his folk's house if I should need ground in civic and provincial|him. He rolled in about 4:30 Satur- slightly hung- messages That same evening his mother elephoned. I asked her how ae she t been home. So where was annual turkey supper had peen lugs He looked me straight in successful financially. The evening was refreshments and Mrs. the eye and said, 'I was parked concludedjacross the street served by|watching the house. William Milne,|you were running around and I til 2:00 a.m. duzing the week. My parents know I take a drink but they|for me. My two brothers pay very) I do. Have you ever heard of allittle attention to mother but! guy 16 drinking like this? I try|she has never felt the need to to make a rule that I won't|punish them. I have borne her drink more than four at thelhostility since childhood. Every story has two sides jand I hope you'll print mine for |those who wish we could love our mothers, but we can't be- How fo relieve. Use Dodd's Kidney | Pills for prompt | relief from the systemic condi- i |coholic re Joe that I knew he had'would hate to be the me, your family before, but there's I thought/one now. You. My dad is an important man in town and I don't want to dis-|but I can't go to see her more than once a week because she I'm a boy 16. Every weekend|makes me sick. My mother was I drink a lot, whether I am with|always domineering and ruth- other guys, with a date or byjless. Her caustic tongue has myself. Sometimes I don't evenjcaused me considerable an- remember how I got home or|guish. We speak on the phone what happened. I never drinkjalmost every day and every conversation has a needle in it] grace anybody. don't know how much drinking most, but I can't follow the rule because I don't know when I lose count. ' There has never been an a" in our family and I have a 73-year-old mother, Please help me.--Sinking Fast Dear Sinking: Maybe there has never been an alcoholic in She told of the social activities)\Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mount- \didn't want to lose you.' Trying to stop at four drinks} is not the answer. An | carried on at the' centre and| joy, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bent) | am furious that he believes|should not have even a ot tion causing' the | backache, Soon | you feel better -- | rest better. De- pend on Dodd's. WASEA, " Ween an? -- OPEN EVERY EVENING -- 3 Miles East Of Oshawa on Highway. No. 2 Phone 623-5757 9 m a @ FINE FURNITURE @ BROADLOOM There's modern beauty in landscaping and deSign. DON'T FORGET... . NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR LAWN FERTILIZED. For beautiful lawns and gardens, call an expert. VAN BELLE GARDENS "Your Friendly Garden Centre" Personal Home Decorating Service OPEN THURS. & FRI. TILL 9 P.M. NINETY-SIX KING ST. EAST the need for more voluntary|and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cooper.|] would buy such a story. ral workers, Earlier in the week cen dea your comment. -- Green- It was announced that there|were guests of the Westmin-|ville. would be a used clothing drive|ster United Church Couples'| Dear Greenville: Joe wens during April for the Yonge|Club who entertained with aja terribly esate gg iar Street Mission, Toronto. Cloth-|hootenany and community sing-/have come up with that one. ing was to be left at 79 High-ling and 'refreshments. Your anger was a flattering re- mon SMART WOMEN SHOP" Q| WHERE c $19.98 In the Spirit of Spring... Dark Crepe with Touches of White A. Spring's Chelsea-Look suit in rayon acetate crepe. A large collar frames a white lace dickie. Jacket is laminated, has a double row of buttons. Fashionable three-quarter sleeves. 10-18, $14.98 B. A pannelled coat in laminated rayon acetate crepe is lined to match the slim surah sheath. An Easter and special oc- easions ensemble with great fashion impact. 7-15. $16.98 C. Here's the ruffled look on a 2 piece rayon acetate crepe suit with fitted jacket and slim sheath skirt that's seat lined to re- This is a partial list only. See your Rexall Pharmacist for a 1¢ sale handbill or shopping list. REXALL MEDICINE CHEST P 3t00 CREAM. 1% cotter ¢ 16 Peet Pik! ounces. ope, rue, <A O CORN SOLVENT. 4 dram. feewer nFoot POWDER. 4 cunces._ Negus o KID IN 400% R ..2 for 5 E eAstsa gi deh OIL. af ounces. Regular 50¢... 0 GLYCERIN SUPPOS' Adults. 12's Regular 65: Infants. 12's Ree. $1 = lor. Ss TAB iL 18. Meri roe Regula ASMA-KET: ° "S. Regu jar O88 or 994 COUGHS AND COLDS BRONCHIAL SYRUP. 6 ounces. i meaular $1.59... e for $1. P35 Ick ACTING COLD LETS. 24's. net ular 89¢ Le 90¢ JOSE % THROAT RELIEF WITH EPHED- RINE (Aqueous) 1 ounce ne ular 1 REXILLANA COUGH SYRUP. a ounces. + eter gag It BERT B ces, Regular 4 Infants. 4 ounces, eg. 987,22 for 99¢ BABY NEEDS A-SA-REX TABLETS. Tin Tot. 1 ed RIP Waren. ae parma 3 ie eB ni -2 for bs unce. Reg. R. scedter .2 for $1.96 DIGESTIVE AIDS REXALL ANTACID STOMACH POWDER. ae we i 50, F mam TABiers, e; ee XAL L 'wink ular rst is ors. it sas Gti TABLETS: 30 2 Regular $1.35... sscnonec es r $1.3) 100's, Regular $2.2 Str $2. 26 LINIMENTS AND RUBS o ae ieee pe ye Bot ong 2 (or comM- Reg es for $1.7 oz. Regular 2 for 99; o a ounces, Repulay S18 98¢ FIRST AID. SUPPLIES C0 TINCTURE OF IODINE. 24% with 1 elses rod. 2 ounces, Regular 45¢......2 for 46¢ SB with applicator. 1 ounce. Regular 3 or 36¢ o Quik: TEL THERMOMETER, Regular Regular 45¢..... 3" x 10 yards. "Regular 75¢.. 0 HYDROGEN PEROXIDE, 10 Vol. 4 ounces. Regular 306.2 for 31¢ 16 ounces, Regular 75¢.00n.2 for 76¢ REXALL PRO-CAP ADHESIVE <)> ey TAPE 2 for 66¢ (Waterproof) %"x 10 yds. Reg. 65¢... 2 tor 66¢ 1"x 5 yds, Reg. 65¢.... REXALL VITAMINS & TONICS 0 9p, F abdsiad OIL. Plain. 8 oz. Regular $1. 2 for $1.20 16 SanieRe, ,Reguiar $1.89 .-2 for $1.90 0 COD LIVER OIL. Fortified 10A and ot 4 ounces. Regular $1.00 .... 2 for $1 0 MULTIPLE VITAMIN aide f) S. bos Be ular $3.98 pas $3. 4 's Regular 1 $7 o VITAMIN NS AND 'MINERALS 7 TABLETS, 50° ee 49 i OPS. 30 c.c. Ayes Oy ar 2.99 50 INS. .00 dein LCA ApsutES. 1 Raauiar Eos 00 ssctorereertsson SACCHARIN PRODUCTS 0 EFFERVESCENT TABLETS, " yin. 2 iy $1. sof Ra Agu 56, 's Regular $1.25 .muood f 1.2 1000's Regular $1.89... Se tor 1.90 1D LIQUID DROPS. ' oz. Reg. 89¢...2/90¢ OUNSTANT TABLE SWEET, (Liquid Sweetener) 4 oz, Reg. 99¢....2 for $1.00 16 ounces. Regular }2.50..2 for 2.51 ALWAYS ASK REXALL DENTAL NEEDS o HASTI-NOTES. | aeeeiine designs with o pte TOOTH PASTE. 2% ounces, 0 Mi-31 TOOTH pee Toot POW- DER. Regular 69¢ .........:.. ne for 7 0 KLENZO DENTAL ATE BRUSH. Choice of.2 styles, Regular60¢ 2 for 61¢ HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS CO' REXALL AEROSOL MOTH PROOFER. 11 ounces, Regular $1.39...2 for $1.40 (D REXALL MOTH FUME CRYaTALS 3 oz. Regular 39¢. for 40¢ 0 REXALL AIR FRESHENER. 612 ounies. Aerosol, 3 raRTS Hes, itd ula $1.2! me 1. 26 Oo OPEKO. VANILLA, "FLAVOURING. Artifi- cial. 34 ounces. Regular 45¢...2 for 46¢ 8 ounces. Regular /9¢ 2 for BO¢ CO FOUR S$ WARE LIGHTER eae y Ke oz. Regular 33¢. lor 34¢ REXALL BEAUTY AIDS 0 CARA NOME BUBBLE BATH OIL. 4 oz. Regular $1.50. 2 for $1.51 S. Regular 2 for $1.26 1 ADRIENNE FLOWING CREAM DEODOR- ANT. 1 oz. Regular. $1.00.2 for $1.01 BACMEN NE ALL PURPOSE CREAM. 3% ounces. Regular $1.50..2 for $1.51 C0 ADRIENNE HAND LOTION. 4 ounces. Regular $1.00... rresresnseere for $1.01 8 ounces. Regular '$i. 50... 2 for $1.51 © CARA NOME COLD CREAM. 4 ounces. Regular $1.75... 2 for $1.76 0 CARA NOME NIGHT CREAM. 2 ounces. Regular $1.50. ' 2 tor $1.51 CD ADRIENNE FACE 'POWDER. 3 shades. Small. Regular 79¢ basssccionielae TON AOE Large. Regular $1.25.............2 for $1.26 (1) CARA NOME POWDER COMPACT. 4 shades. Regular $1.50......2 for $1.51 O NAIL FILE. 314". Reg, 50¢........2 for 51¢ CO TWEEZERS, 3 styles. Reg. 50¢....2/51¢ CO NAIL BRUSHES, Various styles from 29¢ to 75¢.......... wo for 30¢ to 76¢ 0 CARA NOME GOLDEN FLARE LIPSTICK. 6 shades. Regular $1.50.....2 for $1.51 1 CARA NOME NAIL POLISH. 8 shades. Regular 59¢........... ssseerriee for 6O¢ o BEXACL SPRAY 'MIST COLOGNES. 4 popular Fragrances Regular $2. siesioonce 2 for $2.26 7 ounces, Regular $1.7: 'or $1.76 14 ounces, Regular $2.50... 2 io $2.51 STATIONERY NEEDS 0 BOXED STATIONERY. Wide assortment of boxed stationery. Plain white vellum for formal, delicate pastels or Gay print- ed design for personal use. All with matching envelopes. ,ldeal gift item. Regularly priced from $1.00 to $1. 75. 2 for $1.01 to $1.76 Regularly priced from 35¢ to TBF ne ee oF 36¢ to 76¢ 0 CARDS. Wide selection of cards for all occasions. All with matching envelopes. Up to 18 cards per box. Regularly priced from $1.00 to $1.50....2/$1.01 to $1.51 (1 WRITING PADS. Variety of quality writ- ing pads in velium, linen or ripple finish. Some light weight air mail type, Available in note or letter size.Regularly priced from-15¢ to 35¢..2 for 16¢ to 36¢ OBER BALL POINT PEN. Regular $1. 2 for $1.01 o Rex 'FOUNTAIN PEN. Regular $1. .2 for $1.01 a lesan Assorted, business or personal use. Regularly priced from 15¢ to 25¢ per package. 2 pkgs. for 16¢ to 26¢ 0 GIFT WRAP ASSORTMENT. Ribbons, bows, paper for every occasion. In- dividual items and matched gift wrap kits. Regularly priced from 10¢ to $1.00 2 for 11¢ to $1.01 C0 BOBBY PINS. Helen Cornell. Black or Brown. 60's Regular oe ws for 2 375's Regular $1.25... DD POWDER PUFFS, Adrienne, Apsolied: Regular 29¢..... San for 30¢ 0 RUBBER GLOVES. rm Small, Medium, Large. Regular 79¢....2 for B0¢ CU COMBS. Assorted. Savings on combs for every member of the family. Bobby combs, Pocket, Curl or Dressing combs. Some in poly case. Regularly priced from 10¢. Now 2 for the price of one... plus a penny, CHAIR BRUSHES, Large selection of brushes for men, women and children. Assorted wooden and plastic backs, Nylon or natural bristles, Also brush and comb sets in attractive gift boxes. Regularly priced from 98¢ to $3.00 Now 2 for the price of one...plusa penny. C0 KLENZO SPONGES. Handy Hosenols (2-in) Pack. Regular 53¢....1..2 for 54¢ 0 SUNGLASSES, Wide range "of quality sunglasses. Optical lenses, hinged frames. Some French and Italian im- faces Wraparound styles for men and ae Leesuledy priced from $1.29 to. wm prs. for $1.30 to $3.99° o part ofan Men's or Ladies'. Various. -- ns, Regular $2.50 styles 2 for 1, $5.00 styles now.......2 for $5.01 o souren" OR "FRENCH"? PURSES, Zipper cam ents. Regular $4. 2 for $4.01 0 CLIP-ON RLERS. alae lay Large, Jumbo, Bouffant. In poly bag. Regular $1. svn f0F $1.01 UPPORT STOCKINGS. "Full-fashioned" with seams. Rose beige. All sizes. Regular $4.95 pair 2 prs. for $4.96 REXALL MINERAL OIL. Heavy American. 16 07. Reg. 89¢........ 2 for 9O¢ REXADENT TOOTH PASTE OR POWDER, fez.60¢... 2 tor 70¢ REXALL RO-BALL DEODORANT. 1 0z Reg. $1.00....... 2 for $1.01 | BABY PANTS. Rexall Tiny Tot. Pink, white or blue, Swirl design, improved binding. Med., Lge., X-Lge. Reg. 50¢ pr.. REXALL KLENZO TOOTHBRUSHES, '7/°!ystes Choice 2 pr. for 5i¢ 2 tor 51¢ LIGHT. BULBS. Rex-Rey. Double-life. 25-40-60-100 watts. Regular 49¢ 2 for 50¢ REX ALL-PURPOSE FILM. Nsteei noni oY 2 tor GIF TERRY FACE CLOTH. hssored our Ropisrisp.s se, 2 for 36 REXALL LEAD PENCILS. Reg. 7¢.............ecccossoee 2 for SF BLUE LINED ENVELOPES, Rexat. 21's. Reg. 15¢pke...... 2 pkgs. 16¢ REXALL ANTISEPTIC COUGH DROPS WITH A.S.A. chery, Licorice or Menthol. 20's. Reg, 25¢...++cceses+5 2 for 26¢ REXALL Mi 31 SOLUTION Antiseptic mouth wash and gargle. 8 oz. Reg. 69¢......2 for 70¢ 160z. Reg.98¢ 2 for 99¢ REXALL A-SA-REX TABLETS Quickly relieve headache g pain, cold symptoms 5 gr. 100's. Reg. 894... . 2 for 90¢ . 200's. BEGiler $165. ssene2 for $1.66 . 300's, n Regular $1.98...0+00.2 for $1.99 10 gr. 100's. Regular $1.65. Children's. 2% Regular 49¢. Non-sticky deodor- ant cream gives os 4 freshness, 4S 754 2 tor 76¢ 2 oz, Reg. $1.00 2 for $1.01 REXALL HALIBUT LIVER OIL Reg: $1. 19..2 for $1.20 Keg. $1.89. .2 tor $1.90 Reg. $3.79..2 for $3.80 150's. (with B-12), Reg. $2.98..2for$2.99 REXALL POLYMULSION Orange-i Tavonted pane sion containing vitamins for infants ani and young children. oz. Reg. $2.00 2 tor $2.01 oz. Reg. $3.50 2 tor $3.51 oz. Reg. $6.50 2 for $6.51 ADRIENNE SPRAY aAm NET Lanol! yA perfect in perf 5 Res. $1.50., 2for an Reg. $2.00..2 for $2.01 BONUS BUYS! (Not 1¢ Sale Items, But Special Values During This Sale) REXALL QUIK-BANDS. Flesh colour. Plain or mercurochrome. 45's, Regular 90¢, .Bonus Buy 61¢ SILQUE LOTION DETERGENT, Gentle, for dishes or fine lingerie. 32 ozs. Reg.99¢.,. Bonus Buy 79¢ REXALL LYCRA "SPANDEX" ELAS- TIC SUPPORT STOCKI Stretch seamless support stock- ings. Attractive shade in Small, Medium, jarge or a Vel Large. Ar 4 $5.95 pair jonus Buy Pr. FOUR SQUARE PASTE WAX. Clear white--will not yellow floors. 16 oz. tin. 73% Value Bonus Buy 47¢ INGS. Sheer: REXALL TOOTHPASTE, Trio-Pak. Fruaridated. 3 tubes. si, 89 Valu@....scceee --Bonus Buy $1.09 REXALL GELATIN CAPSULES. Un- -Sweetened capsule may be taken as is or added REXAL _ MOTH FUME CRYSTALS, 16 oz, Regular 75¢. Bonus Buy 54¢ REX 127 CAMERA SET. Set contains 127 camera with Lil ane 2 lectrex Batteries, 2 flash bulbs, one pack ae Im, Reg. 6.95 Vaiue, pee Buy $4.99 REXALL SUPER PLENAMINS » Up To 39% bonus supply MEN'S GROOMING AIDS C BACHELOR SHAVING CREAM. EAD 4% ounces. Regular a for Sik COLANGLOIS LAVENDER A AV! LOTION, 4 oz. Regular Fy dea ee 0 LANGLOIS LAVENDER MENTHOLA' SHAVING CREAM. 2% 0z.Reg. Mota /Ter C BACHELOR DEODORANT CREAM. 1 oz. Regular 75¢.... ..@ for 71 2 uneek. Regu for $10 © SHAVING BRUSH. Rubb , Sayine ul erst, Re lar FOR A REXALL PRODUCT IN A REXALL "SALE NOW ON AT THESE REXALL DRUG STORES" 72's a8 o tablets, (you save ' Special $4.98 44's with 36 extra tabl $2.89) ets. (you save anes Special $7.98 288's extra tablets, (you save 8 Specta $13,98 iquid'and Tablets, "U"lor AT YOUR exall DRUG STORE Sale prices effective through Apri! 10th. Rich recarved toi quantities and Lees ice. Errors and omi fomsby ee DRUG STORE OSHAWA BOWMANVILLE Jury & Lovell Ltd. PORT PERRY A. M. Lawrence Drugs tain its shape. A true Reitman's fashion value! 7-15. $12.98 Jury & Lovell Lid. 8 King St. E. Jury & Lovell Lid, 530 Simcoe St. S. Jury & Lovell Lid. Rosslynn Ploze Tamblyn Drug Store 6 King St. E 29 Simcoe Street South 4 Oshawa Shopping Centre Open Friday until 9:00 P.M. REITMAN $ Open Thurs. ond Fri. until 9:00 p.m. 725-6211 725-4361 Tamblyn Drug Store King St. W. & Stevenson Rd.

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