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Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Apr 1965, p. 28

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T GREASED . em 28 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Kua--® , " 2 WELL, AS LONG AS YOU PUT YouR ARE YOU JUST TALKING TO MAKE Thursday, April 1, 1965 "WITH IT PS : WERE | NECK IN A NOOSE, WHY DIDN'T You PLAY FOR HIGHER STAKES? Geramnemac" | Rena te noe BRIDGE RE ingenar yg teerd bane : ae \ By 8. JAY BECKER Boer eas ig Ve . oh 2 '| |({Tep record-hoider in Masters' : j - , individu! Chompionsbip Play) South dealer, Both sides vulnerable. JULIET JONES Q 095 TOMORROW, TLL TELL YOU SOMETHING. / Pe INT BRINGS HENRY WENTWORTH MONK TO ZN RUSKIN, MONK WINS ANOTHER CONVERT THE GREAT ENIANCIPATOR, ENGLAND TO MEET ART CRITIC AND PHILOSOPHER| [RUSKIN FINANCES MONK'S VONAGE TO | [ENB IN A CHIL WAR REPLIES} YOUN RUSKIN. AND MONK MAKES A SECOND AMERICA, TO PLEAD WITH ABRAHAM h : rec TTT PROPHECY + » + LINCOLN... gf E lil} | 7 4AA| iy JG NEVER LIKE THIS AT SARAH LAWRENCE COLLEGE 7" The bidding: South West Pass ENS THE GIANTS S285 SMOKY wesS9}9) O;U0I0) y Clas | Opening lead -- queen of , I SEE A DAY WHEN THERE WILL BE A URGENTLY NEED a hy clubs, WORLD GOVERNMENT. A UNITED NATIONS FREE THE JEWS By ill } oo DEDICATED TO KEEP WORLD PEACE. EUROPE FROM SLAVERY. This deal comes from a team of four match. At both tables a sia final contract was six notrump, : per ily Hye fn ale Bg ' 5 Tieee- I" Z V TiERGNS ANE LAV anew) - but the sin was made at one - FRAIP--T-T - . > ER --- iM MOUNTA/ i GEE, MR, FLING-- 77 TIME HOPE WE can MAKE. / \>\ C7 jl] REALLY | i WHILE ELIJAHS RELOADIN'| | THAT YOU SODBUSTERS MAN TONTO MEET! wma hue FIGHT PICK. table and detested as the seis. | WE DIDN'T HAVE A SOME PLANS-- i i+ THAT MAN FLING MS OLD RIFLE ~» CUT SCATTER BULLETS SAME AS - | JONTO, BEFORE SOME- At the first table declarer | CHANCE TO TALK AT P40 - TOGETHER -- WILL GET ANNIE 200se/ YOU SCATTER SE&Ds / , q OME /8 HURT / won the club with the king and | ALL= AN' NOW te --_ + eg iY 7 : 0 cashed five heart tricks. East YOU'RE LEAVIN' F: = cs ce RS discarding three spades, De- a NY , Y clarer then took three rounds of diamonds, hopeing for a 3-3 di- vision, but it turned out that the diamonds were divided 4-2. Undaunted by this develop: ment, South still made the con- tract. Spurning the possible spade finesse, he cashed the ace of clubs and then exited with a diamond. East won with the jack, but was forced to lead a =| TUM BURNS ME UP! Pieeee Z WA we sili ee ka ie oe a agp BR \ EVEN HAS A TELEV/S/ON TBM Rs at slam for a score of 1,440 point SET/ HE NEVER 276 mil, 1 J ; Wr*roticac ¥ ee slam for a score of 1,440 points, LONESOME ! Ty b i THAT BIT OF Ze Raye At the second table the play WEATHER'S THAT CARPENTER |: Ti ING 4 started the same way. South pa arate TWh ~ FIRGT, ROZ / : { " took the club lead and cashed = | : aS PY five rounds of hearts, just as at lee i) AS =) fi ; f , the first table. But East, an- é , : ticipating a possible endplay, discarded a spade and a club on the fourth and fifth hearts. Declarer than cashed three top diamonds and the ace of clubs, arriving at the same posi- tion, with three tricks to go, as his opposite number at the first table. South could now have made the slam by playing a spdae to the ace and spearing the king, but he was not wearing his X-ray : EI EVISION I OG spectacles and proved unequal eile 4 \to the task. Channel 2--Buftalo 6--Night Metro 2:00 P.M. | -- | | - ' . Channel 3--Barrie 11:30 PLM. | 9--Abracadabra im HESSD SRY waar J | In effect, he did what declar: Channel 4--Buffalo 1--Wrestling | 4--Password FIRE DEPARTMENT! er had done at the first table. en ee 9--Pierre Berton a---Moment of Truth COME QUICK! THE Ace) ¢¢ | He threw East into the lead with el 7--Bu' * iG Al S poe wae H ' : Channel Rochester | --Unsmoke '<keoc oa tie BOWUNG ALES 7 \i | a diamond, hoping for a forced Channel 9--Torento Agent he AM. | 8-2- The Doctors ----~3%, ° | | | |spade feturn, but East pro- -- eee | fe 7--Day In Court la' | | |duced a club after winning the ereemarncnmintmerien rene | 6Lorefta You Ke i j ' THURSDAY EVE, FRIDAY 'House Party, oo s a and South went down $:00 P.M. 8:00 A.M. 3:00 P.M. Cr we ' s A--Femily Shestre . 1--Schnitzal House | 9--People In Conflict = Ng {U ac "(hee It is hard to blame the de- --Five O'clocl atines | 4--Captain Kangaroo 8-2--Another Worl , te, fv '--Superman en AM. yoGenerel Hoapitel , = clarer at the second table for 6--Magilia The Gorilla | 9 News: Miss Helen | 63--Moment of Truth failing to make the contract. He $-Yoo! Bear i iu | 4-To fell The Trutn had a tough problem to solve, a ' OG ata tera $--Romper Room || 3:98 PM. problem which East at the sec: : LIES, LIES! 1 ony work 'att | ean fe OO et vour meee ond table was smart enough to " t--Lea 0 Beaver " WAVE IT ALL FIGURED RORITA HERE! BUT MY BOSS, BUZ é--Music Hop 4-Mike's Carnival $2- You Don' $Y is 4 'i create for him, 2--Mi --The 'oung arr '5 'ceciatitiansnestininednaeeteiatirtargiciuioasiciimienssmiitiioienatiaaly rE | Date a neg ars ABOUT "THE GUY, PLENTY! 7-News Central N--a Allen show «| #7Ed0e a Now NAMES PRINCE ' Hy 100 P. , : DAMASCUS, Syria (AP)-- King Faisal of Saudi Arabia é--Donna Reed 9--Meta named his younger brother, 4--News, Sports with 6~Musical Interlude litLloyd Thaxton Chuck Healy 4 You and Your Family, 9--Mickey Mouse Club Prince Khaled Bin Abdulaziz, as crown prince of the oil - rich 2--Today, 1965 2--Ann Southern Show 8--The Match Game kingdom, Radio Mecca an- 7--Rocketship 7 on? 10:00. A.M. 63---As The World Turns N--Family Theatre 1}--Super Bingo 4--Secret Storm Movie No. 2 9--Playtime With Bobby | 2_Rocky And His Friends 11-9-4-5---News; 6-2---Make Room For and ports Daddy 4:30 PLM, : @-2--Huntley-Brinkley $-3---School Telecasts 9--Sea Hunt nounced Monday. Khaled, 56, is the fourth son of the late King' Papeete nF ther K any Bost 14 deol. nis Tbn Saud, founder of the vast ather flows es! as 2 hi t ine 7:00 P.M, $-2--What's This Song? FRIDAY EVENING Z kingdom in which U.S. oil in %--The Munsters 7--Trailmaster 5:00 PLM, ' : 7 ~ ' vestments now total an esti- 6--Littlest. Hobo 6-3--Across Canada 11--Family Theatre ae ee = : aN mated -$1,000,000,000. é--News, Weather | 4--t Love Lucy. 9--Five O'clock Movie 3--Movl "a % . 1 FOR HIM AT THE EDGE OF TOWN, 2--Bachelor Father Pia pkey lg Sliced Thexten ' BEIRUT, Lebanon (Reuters) HE'LL HAVE TO SHOOT HIS WAY 10 PAA 63--Friendly Giant o:90 Pm. Prisoners smashed doors and are ME IF HE AIMS To THROW, »--My Three Sons 4--Andy of Mayberry | g--Leave it fo Beaver ' = windows and started fires in a ANY MORE LEAD IN MY BROTHERS $-2--Daniel_ Boone | 1:15 AM, 6--Music Hop prison mutiny here Tuesday in DIRECTION / 7--Perspective on 9--Does Mother Know 4:00 P.M. hid yixoriet 'Seie willed ' Greatness Best biMedt The Prom CROSSWORD which one prisoner was ; 6--Candid Camera 6-3--Chez Helene | and 18 persons injured. Prison \ See eee a THE LONE RANGER LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY SECRET AGENT X9 i Racereed: & ives Ward Rig! dicate. BUZ. SAWYER | Tintrfhated by King Featares Sr: 7--Maverick 63--Razzie Dazzie I RECKON /LL JUST BE WAITIN' cour. Novak Albert J Steed News 4--News | 7--Early Show Sports | 11:00 A.M. Superman i he T 4 ~ 4--Bai Masterson é--The Kings Outlaw iS ag -- CONVICTS RIOT 7--News Central one -munees | 11:30 AM. ee Eee lik ' guards opened fire to rescue The Bin bons Show Farhi ane Chuck Healy colleagues after police failed to - ¥ 0" }-2---- Jeopardy ii i ' "4 Andy Williams 7--Price Is Right Seay: ACROSS © 38.Falsehood. 18. Ever: |subdue the rioters, who attacked -Gomer Pyle 6-3--Butternut Square +70 P.M. 1. Depend ' ithem with iron bars, Eleven po- -Perry Mason 4--The McCoys |1--Family Theatre No. 2 » Depe: 4. Affirma- poet. llice w he injured Hazel 'aah aah 9-4-3--News; Weather; (on) tive reply . Mixes, lice were among the injured. 2 |. Sports : R ay a PM traves| #2--Say When £:3_Huntley Brinkley 5. Alms box 5. Dismay: as Als [DIAIRI] MAL! a Li Nieate: ravell 7_ponna Reed | News ¢ 9. Iroquoian var. cards M Q SALLY'S SALLIES J-My 'Three. Soie | 6--Elwood- Glover | 7--Cheyenne 10. Fuel 6. Harvest . Auce JAIPITEIR) 6 3--The Serial | age le Weather gaa eel gg | 11, Pens for 7. Vestments tion ' | | 7:00 P.M, i i 9:00 P.M, | Popeye and Pals | ¢oYhe Filntetenes | pigs of the - Sweet }i--The 'Reporter 12:15 P.M, | 8--Honeymooners 12, Honorary clergy po- =a : ro Pevion Fiaee | 4--Speaker of the House| 7.6--News, Weather, title: Turk, 8, Olympian tato Dieatet by Kieg Ptr Syatina | [ Re 7 é3_The Delonders 12:30 P.M, | iad aia Bunny 14, Fastener goddess Tablets WE DID IT ON : Ae iN) N/ 4-Peseword 9--| Love Lucy | 3--Wagon [rain 15. Slipped 11. Railroad Salt Yesterday's Answer PURPOSE! : 9:30 P.M #2--Truth or | 2--Dobie Gillis 16. Biblical side track 31. Merchants : st 9-4--Balleys of Balboa Consequences | 7:30 PM at city 13. City: SW @-2--Hazel 7--Father Knows Best +_Aniy Grilth isha js CLs | guild 7--Peyton Place 4--Search fo: fomorrow | 37) SntGesational howe 17, Fasten, as Arabia i 34, Treasure 10:00 P.M 3--Noonday Report |e sime } with glue 15. Youth 27. 35. Potato Unctieye: Bien 00H 12:45 P.M. 7--The Flintstones 19, Single unit 47, Printer's 28, Proverbs 387. Peck satan theatre {eee ae | & Wendy and Me 20, Paused "direction 29. Fog 38, High priest 7-Ditk Powell | 1:00 P.M. 4--Rawhide 22. Scrutinize 5 : |11--Dennis The Menace 4:00 P.M. re on | ¢--December Bride \--Combat 23, Pronoun i 7 (8 8--Matinee 9--Double Your Money 24. Wild ox: 11:00 P.M, | 7--Afternoon Show 7--Farmer's Daughter Tibet 11-9-8-/-6-4-3-2-- Newsy |6-3--Movie Matinee 6-3---Country Hoedown | 4--Meet the Millers 0:8 PM 25, Be sullen ' SEP os 2--Mike Douglas Show | 9 wcHale's Navy 27. Balm of y Metro Fl | 1:30 P.M. 8-2--Bob Hope Gilead &Viewpoint Vocwid Bay. Matinee v-vhe" Adama: Ramil $0. Ste, Landon "Yes, I did get your free books 11:0 PLM. | §--Aillionaire | 63-The Fugitive ones let, And that's why I'm not. 7--4--Late Show | 4--As The World Turns | 4--Great Adventure $1. Living interested now." - quarters 82. Greek letter ------ GOSH,I WISH T HADA SHE ALWAYS HANDS OUT TWICE AS MANY " ' 33. Provide for See erie ta COULD ise COOKIES AS USUAL... YOUR HEALTH a % -- Y Cl th TAK 1s! ri . , Famil GRANDMA'S HOUSE : : ily our GLioines 36. Drawing @ Will Look Like New Depression Can aie © Will Feel Like New Be Very Serious ; | 39. Ionian city When Cleaned By JANE ARDEN MICKEY MOUSE Tp nara igh Tet Ma 40. Astringent 42. orters RINKERS By JOSEPH MOLNER, MD [necks ache. The most useful DOWN "The Best In Town'? * : S ee ee |Possible advice to. M. M. is to 1. Withdraw 4 ont : 5 Z , Some examples from real life, | 59 back to the doctor, admit 2, Snakeless Phone 725-1191 cant. ¢-1 A , : ' Soa jas drawn from recent letters)that 'mind over matter" can be land i aD jfrom readers, may be helpful in), powerful influence, and ask providing a better junderstand-|pim to help identify--and ease! ' | : rE app ing of emotional illness --the tensions that are creating] | alia Ae Uy PO YOU SEE THEM Dear Dr. Molner: I have se-|the problem. troubling him but I'll suggest|muscle. All I can do is yell in COLBORNE GLASSES MUST : i ~4 |vere headaches and pains in' From another letter, about al|what it could be, since it has|a grotesque way until someone| R CETERIA HAVE SLIPPEP ef % < the back of my neck. I have|husband who used to drink only/all the hallmarks: Depression.|speaks to me and snaps me out/ G ° geen all sorts of tests, including/occasionally and could "handle|At the very least, your husband/of it. What causes such things Colborne St. at Church St. brain-wave. My doctor says liit," but now can't. The key may/should be examined from that/and is there any help?--T. R. B. am having nervous tension|be in this paragraph: standpoint. If we. suppress emotional ten- 728-6341 headaches, that he cannot cure| "In the last year he has} Depression can be of utmost|sions, they burst loose-when welf re and I must do it for my-|seemed to feel inferior, and helseriousness.. But also the newjrelax. Such tensions should %y OPEN self. Could it be from soime/thinks nothing will go right for/psychic energizer drugs are/looked: for in this type of prob- 'TIL other cause?--M. M. him. We have had an unusual Creview remarkably effective,|lem. They may not he ordinary! DAILY 10 P.M. Looking for some other:cause'number of troubles lately, butlalong with other: therapies worry, but rather some buried| s the best way no' 'o cure/nothing, really, that we couldn't! Now a quite different ques-\(and perhaps tnwarranted) ; " tension headaches. To sia'thandle. 1 can't understand how|tion : sense mt auitt." iainataoe, an- | & Groceries © Fresh Fruits conquering emotional problems,/he could change so much in| Dear Doctor: | am beset, alljger, desire or fear. This is anjj ® Vegetables. -@ Meats first admit that they exist, and/such a short time... ." too frequently, by nightmares.|example of the power of hidden| FREE DELIVERY that they can make heads and| 1 won't try to say what is}In that state 1 can't move ajemotions. / Seven Days « Week MUGGS -AND SKEETER

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