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Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Apr 1965, p. 29

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Haguey Hits Of His Medicare Report HAMILTON (CP)--Dr. J, G. Hagey, president of the Univer- sity of Waterloo, defended to- day the much-criticized report of the Ontario medical services insurance committee of which) he was chairman. Dr. Hagey told the Hamilton and district branch of the Ca- nadian Manufacturers Associa- tion that most of the criticism came from persons who would) prefer a socialized health insur- ance plan. | The Hagey committee was appointed by the Ontario gov-jernment - operated program|tion of the subdivision, ernment to make recommenda- tions on establishing a medical) Dr. Hagey said his commit-| The statement of claim alleges insurance scheme in the hl ince using existing private agencies. Its report, calling for West Rouge Residents | Ask Damages At Critics Feb pe sae ee aint ta McIntosh Investments Limit- Dr. Ha: said: "I frankly,¢4, Structural Supervisors and] admit ye very large per-|Design Limited and the Town- centage of our committee be- lieves in a competitive system lof free enterprise--that we are not convinced that a govern- ment-operated program could be provided for less money than when provided by inde- pendence carriers." "We are very much con- vinced," he said that the pres- ent method of providing health insurance is efficient and a gov- " "might be less efficient. . . ship of Pickering have been named as defendants in an ac- tion being brought by 15 resi- jdents of the Rougedale Acres |subdivision, located east of the |Port Union road and south of |Highway 401 in Pickering Town- ship. James A. Macdonald, of Osh- awa, who is acting for the plain- |tiffs, said the action, which in- volves the building and promo- will be |heard in the Supreme Court. when Mcintosh Invest- tee's plan would not "at some that future date' prevent a greater/ments, and Structural Super- participation of government in| visors and Design developed the NEW YORK (CP)--Canadian industry minister C. M. Drury said Tuesday the recommended merger of the New York Cen- tral and Pennsylvania Railroads makes 'good sense." Drury made the comment be- fore addressing the Traffic Club of New York at its Junch- eon, attended by 400 persons. The merger was endorsed Monday by two U.S. Interstate Commerce Commission exam- iners, The full commission is expected to act within a year, "It is perhaps long overdue 000 or, as an alternative, an in- junction forcing the township to rectify present conditions in the Drury Applauds Merger OfPennsy. N.Y.Central len Hand Ceremony last week|WS held recently in the chris- recognition of the fact the rail-| ways no longer have a monop- oly on transportation," said) Drury when asked by the press about toward rail merger. Central tracks between Buf- falo and Detroit cross southern Ontario and the same systems send equipment over Canadian rails to Montreal from New York State. In his address, Drury said that in discussions now under way between Canada and the United States on air travel agreements, '"'indications are that the principle of continental the steps Ib interdependence will be recog- subdivision. nized by both sides." were guests of the Bowman- ville Brownies Tuesday night at la skating party at the Bow- Badges Given To Brownies MAPLE GROVE (TC) ---The|, The second meeting of the Brownie Company held a Gold-|4-H Club 'Meat in the Menu" other tian education centre. The \group will be known as "The The following members re-|Maple Grove Beefeaters." Fif- ceived the badges: Marilyn) ten girls ener ges rion ype egg COMO a "yaker, irk: Grams Lee, aro ross, awn Stevens, ? ' ee ' Pam, Soarrom, Pamela Che re ta amber 'oficiency badges went to: ' ? Margaret Comber, 3; Caro] Secretary; Josephine Preece, Crone, 2; Tessie . Brown, Ae reporter. ; Pam Sparrow, 1. e next meeting The mothers' auxiliary of the, Women's Institute will be held Brownies and Girl Guides held|at 2 p.m., April 12. a euchre party in the christian) education hall last Saturday.| The proceeds went to assist! the movement in its work. The) winners were: Mrs. Cecil Barr, Laurie Preece, R. Gordanier, Mrs. Douglas Chute and Mrs.|buy six American Douglas DC-9 W. R. Preece. \jetliners in preference to the when proficiency and adges were presented. TO BUY AMERICAN MELBOURNE (Reuters) -- The state-run Trans-Australia Airlines announced today it will |manville Arena. | of _the| The Maple Grove Brownies|British BAC-1-11 (one eleven). THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 1,1965 29 Fair Judging Plan Federal jens scwer ton ius. soe TORONTO (CP) -- The gen-|Will go along with the pro- eral manager of the Royal|posals, which have met with Agricultural Winter Fair gavejsharp criticism from some his approval Wednesday to alfarm groups. RUG and UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Call us for prompt, dependable cleaning of your upholstery and rugs. We'll do the job expertly at low cost . ... in your home or our plent. | PHONE 725-9961 l oO DIVISION OF OSHAWA new federal plan for Sudging livestock. = | SHAWA cit oa | vmermer LILANERS | el ORR EAE E OTST Ithe provision of health service. | subdivision they represented to <5: REESE 3 ----ithe owners that it would be a 'high class subdivision; that they were operating with Pickering Township and that the township voluntary medical insurance, had entered into an agreement Last Victorian Scarf' Ps jand that a $200,000 bond had Owned By Banff Family "#.$iititics or wn ship did not fully take out a) BANFF, Alta. (CP)--The last|about it as anything more than performance bond. They also) i sc $,| " jsay McIntosh has gone out of} | Bad SS coun Views So keepsake. business and left the subdivision) i i | The scarf that is to be pre- half completed. As a result the fe yong "he sented in Ottawa _May 24 be-|streets are unpaved and the} Seer War, has turned up in this|0"@# fo Samuel F. Thompson, subdivision access is bad: | Rocky Mountain resort 76 miles a confectionery manufacturer in Mr, MacDonald said the rate-| cu Calgary Ireland. payers of the subdivision have "The scarves, crocheted of, This scarf belonged to Mr./been pressuring the township khaki berlin wool by Queen Vic-|Thompson's uncle, Richard) council to alléviate the situa- toria herself, were presented to Rowland Thompson, an_Irish-|tion. men who had been recom-|™man who at the age of 22 joined| The plaintiffs are suing for mended for the Victoria Cross the Canadian Army, serving as|alleged damages, represented and later earned citations for)* private in South Africa with|by the depreciation of their the yal Canadian Regiment. properties. totalling about $75,- 4, EATON'S in OSHAWA _ ath PO tas A TON EK IN E CANADA MANUFACTURERS'S SPECIAL OFFER ! bravery. iii Breet the scarves are ia 1965 'CLAIRTONE' STEREO HI-FI FM/AM, FM MULTIPLEX British museums; a third is held by the son of an Austra-| be The backs are completely finished in solid wood. All models feature solid state all-transistor 'Clairtone' systems. 5-year j warranty on solid state parts. FM/AM and FM stereo radio, 'Garrard' changer with 'A.D.C.' or 'Euphonics' cartridge. lian trooper. A fourth, which} will end up in Canada's War Museum in Ottawa, is expected to be presented to Governor- General Vanier at a ceremony in the capital May 24, Queen Victoria's bithday and a na- tional holiday. The fifth scarf is in the pos-| session of George F.. Colclough, | a 60 - year - old Banff public) works employee, who inherited| the rare prize from his father, the late William T. Colclough. | Sgt. William Colclough, serv- ing with the British Army Dev-) onshire Battalion in South Af-| rica, received his scarf in Sep-) tember, 1900, on the vote-recom-| mendation of officers and men of the battalion. Sgt. Colclough, born in Bir- mingham, Eng., came to Can-| ada in 1903 and settled in Win- nipeg. He served in the Cana- dian Army during the First) World War and returned to Winnipeg after the war. He retired from the service, as commanding officer of the Winnipeg Light Infantry and) came to Calgary in 1933. He died in 1955. - | His son, George, assumed re-| sponsibility for the scarf and carefully laid it away in a vault. He later heard the Ca- nadian Army was looking for) the scarf and sent a letter to Ottawa but received no reply. | The story might have ended) there but for an article on the scarves which appeared in the| Winnipeg Free Press March 20. George Colclough's daughter, a resident of Winnipeg, tipped the/ newspaper that her father had a similar scarf in his posses-/ sion. Mr. Colclough says he hasn't) made up his mind what to do, with his father's scarf. "I may keep it in the family. I don't] know--I've never really thought! Rebel Officers Ordered Shot VIENTIANE (AP) -- Prince Souvanna Phouma's govern- ment ordered today that three) colonels who led the military revolt in the Laotian town of Thakhek be shot in front of their men if captured. "This measure will be applied to any officer who, in the fu- ture, attempts to foment an up-| rising,' a statement from the neutralist premier's office! warned. B. SIGNET--MODEL 521 Slim contemporary styling, 6 speakers, oiled walnut. Approx. 58 x 16 x 26" SPECIAL, each ....... Ss A. PRINCESS--MODEL 541 Contemporary style, opens with single central lid. 6 speakers. Oiled walnut. Approx. 58 x 19 x 28" SPECIAL, each 585.00 449.00 D. REGENT THEATRE--MODEL 581 Black and white threatre with console TV behind fold back centre doors, 6 speakers end with the use of extension speakers, all these sections may be used simultaneously, Approx. 63 x 19 x 29", SPECIAL, each C. REGENT--MODEL 531 Stowaway series, contemporary styling with sliding doors. 6 speakers, opens with two lids, one aot either end. Oiled Walnut. Approx. 63 x 19 x 27/2" 549. 00 SPECIAL, eech a | EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 260 PHONE 725-7373 Save 22.00! Vz OH! Reg. 66.50! Skil 612" Circular Saw A medium-duty power tool for home or shop. Compact, powerful, well-balanced 9-amp. motor is capable of 7000 r.p.m. Blade adjusts for angle and depth: cuts 214' at 90 degrees. Lightweight aluminum body for easier handling. Skil eng- ineering know-how ensures top-quality perform- EATON'S Haddon Hall Wallpapers For 1965: Ready-Pasted and Non-pasted If your rooms look dull and drab after the dreary Winter, you can easily give them a "'lift' (and your own spirits, too) by redecorating with moderately-priced, high- fashion Haddon Hall wallpapers. You'll find fresh, new patterns in light-hearted colours -- plains, textured ef- ance, The statement named Army Cols. Kamsy Sayarath and Sip- raseuth Saycocie and Police Lt.- Col. Pheun Chayasan as leaders of the three-day rebellion. Thakhek, a town of 5,000 on the Mekong River, 160 miles southeast of Vientiane, was re- captured Tuesday without a| fight by 100 government para- troopers. Informed sources said they understood Pheun had crossed into Thailand while the other two colonels had taken to the jungle with remnants of their troops. Party Celebrates 80th Birthday : AHSBURN (TC) -- Mrs. Mar- garet Sparks was surprised Saturday when her many friends in Ashburn, Brooklin, | Myrtle and Stouffville met at tier home to extend congratu- lations and best wishes on her 80th birthday. Mrs. Sparks was presented with a decorated cake, and a purse by her friends in Ash- burn. Many gifts and cards Were received through the mail. The evening was spent singing | familiar hymns. Pictures were | shown by Mrs. E. Heron and Mrs. Routley. A delicious lunch| Was served. The variety supper held re-| cently in Burns Presbyterian Church was well attended. readings by Mrs. Routley,! They Don't Want Your Sympathy But They Do Need Your Help! GIVE GENEROUSLY Return Your Pink Envelope Today Ge POSTAGE WILL BE T BusINESS REPLY ENVELOPE MR. JAMES MeCANSH, Easter Seal C SPECIAL, each Save 8.00! V4 Off! Reg. 24.50! fects, scenics, florals, medallions, cheery kitchen themes, novelties -- to mention a few. All have washable, plastic- sealed surfaces, are fade-resistant and precision trim- Ready-pasted: oe to 1.15 AQ to 75 44.50 eeeeeeens Non-pasted: single roll, EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 274 PHONE 725-7373 PAID BY OSHAWA, Retery Club of Oshawe or "Ontario Society (or Crippled Children Bonk of Montreal, 38 Simcoe Street South ONTARIO yyy, ° ---- SPONSORED BY -- OSHAWA ROTARY CLUB ntario Society for Crippled Children ; EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 253 Skil %4" Electric Drill Versatile, ruggedly constructed; 2.5 amps. motor gives no-load speed of 2400 r.p.m,, provides ample power for drilling in wood, masonry, metal, etc. Heat-resistant resin on motor wind- ings helps prevent "burn-out", Strong, light- weight aluminum housing can take rough treat- ment. With geared chuck, key and 3-wire cord. SPECIAL, each Clearance Of Women's Pyjamas "Seconds" Of Much Higher Priced Lines! PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY Choose from attractive Capri and Baby Doll styles in cool cottons. Dainty floral pattern in blue or apricot on white backgrounds. Trimmed with cotton lace. Sizes 32 to 36 in the group. 16.50 PHONE 725-7373 SPECIAL, see eeeee EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 209 EATON'S Telephone Order Service Open Daily 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., Thurs, & Fri. until 9

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